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Modeling of optical properties of spherical core–shell gold–silver and silver–gold nanoparticles (NPs) was carried out based on extended Mie theory for radiation wavelengths in the range 300?≤?λ?≤?650 nm. Efficiency factors of absorption, scattering, and extinction of radiation by core–shell NPs in the range of the radii 5–100 nm and in the range of shell thicknesses 0–40 nm were calculated. Results show the nonlinear dependences of optical properties of core–shell gold–silver and silver–gold nanoparticles on radiation wavelengths, core radii, and shell thicknesses. These results can be applied for photonic technologies of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear (NL) optical properties of colloids containing metallic core–dielectric shell nanoellipsoids (NEs) were studied using the Maxwell-Garnett model. Influence of the NE geometry and the linear refraction index of the shell and the host on the linear optical properties and the enhancement factor due to the local field factor of metallic NEs in aqueous solution were analyzed. The expression for the third-order NL susceptibility for this composite material was obtained based on the NL response of aligned NEs. Results show that the plasmon resonance peak (PRP) and the enhancement factors can be tuned changing the NE geometry and the dielectric properties of the shell and the host.  相似文献   

A large majority of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors reported in the literature are designed to operate in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. However, the near-infrared, particularly at the telecommunications wavelength of 1550 nm, is also especially attractive for SPR sensing applications. In fact, SPR sensors operating in this region benefit from narrower resonance and deeper field penetration. In this paper, we report a theoretical and experimental study of an SPR sensor operating at a fixed wavelength of 1550 nm. The influence of the choice of metals and the interrogation methods on the sensitivity of the resulting SPR sensor is investigated. Two types of sensor chips (simple gold (Au) and bimetallic silver/Au structure) and three interrogation methods (monitoring of the position of the reflectivity minimum, the position of the centroid, and the intensity evolution of the reflectivity) are examined. We show that a refractive index resolution of 2.7?×?10?6 refractive index unit can be easily obtained, and with further optimization of the measurement system, the ultimate limit of detection is expected to be even lowered. Therefore, the approach discussed here already shows a promising potential for highly sensitive SPR sensors.  相似文献   

We have theoretically studied and optimized the field enhancement and temporal response of single and coupled bimetal Ag/Au core–shell nanoparticles (NPs) with a diameter of 160 nm and compared the results to pure Ag and Au NPs. Very high-field enhancements with an amplitude reaching 100 (with respect to the laser field centered at 800 nm) are found at the center of a 2-nm gap between Ag/Au core–shell dimers. We have explored the excitation of the bimetal core–shell particles by Fourier transform-limited few-cycle optical pulses and identified conditions for an ultrafast plasmonic decay on the order of the excitation pulse duration. The high-field enhancement and ultrafast decay makes bimetal core–shell particles interesting candidates for applications such as the generation of ultrashort extreme ultraviolet radiation pulses via nanoplasmonic field enhancement. Moreover, in first experimental studies, we synthesized small bimetal Ag/Au core–shell NPs and compared their optical response with pure Au and Ag NPs and numerical results.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles coated with Gd-chelate (Au@GdL), where L is a conjugate of DTPA and cysteine, is described. These particles are obtained by the replacement of citrate from the gold nanoparticle surfaces with gadolinium chelate (GdL). The average size of Au@GdL is 14 nm with a loading of GdL reaching up to 2.9 × 103 per particles, and they demonstrate very high R1 relaxivity (~105 mM?1 s?1) as well as X-ray attenuation. The R1 relaxivity per [Gd] is 17.9 mM?1 s?1. The present system also exhibits macrophage-specific property, as demonstrated by histological and TEM images as well as CT and MR, rendering itself as a new class of T1 multimodal CT/MR contrast agent.  相似文献   

The Wingless (Wg/Wnt) signaling pathway is essential for metazoan development, where it is central to tissue growth and cellular differentiation. Deregulated Wg pathway activation underlies severe developmental abnormalities, as well as carcinogenesis. Armadillo/β-Catenin plays a key role in the Wg transduction cascade; its cytoplasmic and nuclear levels directly determine the output activity of Wg signaling and are thus tightly controlled. In all current models, once Arm is targeted for degradation by the Arm/β-Catenin destruction complex, its fate is viewed as set. We identified a novel Wg/Wnt pathway component, Armless (Als), which is required for Wg target gene expression in a cell-autonomous manner. We found by genetic and biochemical analyses that Als functions downstream of the destruction complex, at the level of the SCF/Slimb/βTRCP E3 Ub ligase. In the absence of Als, Arm levels are severely reduced. We show by biochemical and in vivo studies that Als interacts directly with Ter94, an AAA ATPase known to associate with E3 ligases and to drive protein turnover. We suggest that Als antagonizes Ter94''s positive effect on E3 ligase function and propose that Als promotes Wg signaling by rescuing Arm from proteolytic degradation, spotlighting an unexpected step where the Wg pathway signal is modulated.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells commonly use protein kinases in signaling systems that relay information and control a wide range of processes. These enzymes have a fundamentally similar structure, but achieve functional diversity through variable regions that determine how the catalytic core is activated and recruited to phosphorylation targets. “Hippo” pathways are ancient protein kinase signaling systems that control cell proliferation and morphogenesis; the NDR/LATS family protein kinases, which associate with “Mob” coactivator proteins, are central but incompletely understood components of these pathways. Here we describe the crystal structure of budding yeast Cbk1–Mob2, to our knowledge the first of an NDR/LATS kinase–Mob complex. It shows a novel coactivator-organized activation region that may be unique to NDR/LATS kinases, in which a key regulatory motif apparently shifts from an inactive binding mode to an active one upon phosphorylation. We also provide a structural basis for a substrate docking mechanism previously unknown in AGC family kinases, and show that docking interaction provides robustness to Cbk1’s regulation of its two known in vivo substrates. Co-evolution of docking motifs and phosphorylation consensus sites strongly indicates that a protein is an in vivo regulatory target of this hippo pathway, and predicts a new group of high-confidence Cbk1 substrates that function at sites of cytokinesis and cell growth. Moreover, docking peptides arise in unstructured regions of proteins that are probably already kinase substrates, suggesting a broad sequential model for adaptive acquisition of kinase docking in rapidly evolving intrinsically disordered polypeptides.  相似文献   

Growing evidence has demonstrated a neuroprotective role of autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Thus, autophagy has been regarded as a potential therapeutic target, attracting increasing interest in pharmaceutical autophagy modulation by small molecules. We designed a two-cycle screening strategy on the basis of imaging high-throughout screening (HTS) and cellular toxicity assay, and have identified a novel autophagy inducer known as GTM-1. We further showed that GTM-1 exhibits dual activities, such as autophagy induction and antagonism against Aβ-oligomer toxicity. GTM-1 modulates autophagy in an Akt-independent and mTOR-independent manner. In addition, we demonstrated that GTM-1 enhances autophagy clearance and reverses the downregulation of autophagy flux by thapsigargin and asparagine. Furthermore, administration of GTM-1 attenuated Aβ pathology and ameliorated cognitive deficits in AD mice.  相似文献   

The ion current to a cylindrical probe is considered with allowance for volume ionization, ion–neutral collisions, and the ion orbital moment. A model based on the molecular dynamics method and applicable in a wide range of plasma parameters (rp/λD= 0.01–100, ri/λD= 0.002–200, νi/ω0i= 0.01–0.05, and Ti/Te = 0?0.01) is proposed A convenient representation of the dependence of the relative ion current density on the Langmuir coefficient β2 and a technique for determining the plasma density from simulation results are offered.  相似文献   

It is crucial to reveal the plasmon peak sensitivity responses of individual Cu nanoparticles, which provide another kind of plasmon sensors besides Au/Ag ones. In this paper, such responses to both the bulk and local refractive index (RI) of individual Cu nanosphere sensors are theoretically investigated by Mie theory. Both of them are revealed to be quadratic. The underlying mechanisms are elucidated well in terms of Rayleigh approximation. The corresponding sensitivity factors are demonstrated to increase with the RI of the nanospheres’ bulk and local surrounding mediums linearly. The plasmon peak sensitivities and sensitivity factors of experimentally encountered Cu@Cu2O core–shell nanoparticles are calculated as well, which reveals that appropriate dielectric encapsulations to Cu nanospheres are favored for their potential plasmonic sensing and detection applications.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPI) play a crucial role in many biological processes and modulation of PPI using small molecules to target hot spots has therapeutic value. As a model system we will use PPI of human epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs). Among the four EGFRs, EGFR–HER2 and HER2–HER3 are well known in cancer. We have designed a small molecule that is targeted to modulate HER2-mediated signaling. Our approach is novel because the small molecule designed disrupts dimerization not only of EGFR–HER2, but also of HER2–HER3. In the present study we have shown, using surface plasmon resonance analysis, that a peptidomimetic, compound 5, binds specifically to HER2 protein extracellular domain and disrupts the dimerization of EGFRs. To evaluate the effect of compound 5 on HER2 signaling in vitro, Western blot and PathHunter assays were used. Results indicated that compound 5 inhibits the phosphorylation of HER2 kinase domain and inhibits the heterodimerization in a dose-dependent manner. Molecular modeling methods were used to model the PPI of HER2–HER3 heterodimer.  相似文献   

A robust and validated high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method has been developed for simultaneous determination of F351 (5-methyl-1-(4-hydroxylphenyl)-2-(1H)-pyridone) and three major metabolites in human urine sample. This assay method has also been validated in terms of selectivity, linearity, lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), accuracy, precision, stability, matrix effect and recovery. Chromatography was carried out on an XTerra RP 18 column and mass spectrometric analysis was performed using an API 4000 mass spectrometer coupled with electro-spray ionization (ESI) source in the positive ion mode. The MRM transitions of m/z 202 → 109, 232 → 93, 282 → 202 and 378 → 202 were used to quantify F351 and three metabolites, respectively. Retention times for F351 and three metabolites were 2.54, 1.38, 1.53 and 1.34 min, respectively. The assay was validated from 20 to 4000 ng/mL for F351 and M1, from 80 to16,000 ng/mL for M2 and M3. Intra- and inter-day precision for all analytes was <6.3%, method accuracy was between −11.2 and 0.3%. This assay was used to support a clinical study where multiple oral doses were administered to healthy subjects to investigate the pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of F351.  相似文献   



The enzyme l-serine–glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT) from Hyphomicrobium methylovorum is a PLP-containing enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of l-serine and glyoxylate to hydroxypyruvate and glycine. The cloned enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli is isolated as a mixture of the E:PLP and E:PMP forms. The PLP form of the enzyme has a maximum absorbance at 413 nm.


Uv–visible spectra of SGAT were obtained using an HP-8453 diode array spectrophotometer in the absence and presence of substrates and substrate analogs. Pre-steady state kinetic studies were carried out using an OLIS rapid scanning spectrophotometer in the rapid scanning mode.


Incubation of the enzyme with a saturating concentration D-serine leads to a shift in the 413 nm peak to 421 nm that is ascribed to the external aldimine. The reverse stereochemistry of D-serine does not allow for abstraction of the Cα proton by the ε-amine of the active site lysine residue leading to an abortive external aldimine intermediate. Pre-steady state studies pushing SGAT against d-serine leads to a rapid decrease in the 413 nm peak and an increase at ∼ 330 nm with an associated rate constant of 47 s− 1 at pH 7.6. This is followed by a slower decrease (0.26 s− 1) at 330 nm and an increase and shift of the 413 nm peak to 421 nm. The intermediate species that absorbs at ∼ 330 nm is attributed to the gem-diamine intermediate. The rate of the fast phase increases with pH and increase in rate is likely due to the deprotonation of an enzymatic group that accepts a proton from the α-amine of d-serine. In the presence of hydroxypyruvate and ammonia the enzyme spectra display an increase in absorbance at 521 nm that occurs on the order of minutes. The shape and position of the 521 nm species is consistent with a quinonoid intermediate.

General significance

The data suggest a non-enzymatic reaction between hydroxypyruvate and ammonia to form an imine which will be in equilibrium with the enamine. A mechanism is proposed by which the enamine reacts with the PLP form of SGAT to generate the stable highly conjugated quinonoid intermediate.  相似文献   

Effects of inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae on the behavior of Hg in soil–plant system were investigated using an artificially contaminated soil at the concentrations of 0, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg Hg kg−1. Mercury accumulation was lower in mycorrhizal roots than in nonmycorrhizal roots when Hg was added at the rates of 2.0 and 4.0 mg kg−1, while no obvious difference in shoot Hg concentration was found between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal treatments. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly decreased the total and extractable Hg concentrations in soil as well as the ratio of extractable to total Hg in soil. Equilibration sorption of Hg by soil was investigated, and the results indicated that mycorrhizal treatment enhanced Hg sorption on soil. The uptake of Hg was lower by mycorrhizal roots than by nonmycorrhizal roots. These experiments provide further evidence for the role of mycorrhizal inoculation in increasing immobilization of Hg in soil and reducing the uptake of Hg by roots. Calculation on mass balance of Hg in soil suggests the presence of Hg loss from soil presumably through evaporation, and AM inoculation enhanced Hg evaporation. This was evidenced by a chamber study to detect the Hg evaporated from soil.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli chemosensory arrays, transmembrane receptors, a histidine autokinase CheA, and a scaffolding protein CheW interact to form an extended hexagonal lattice of signaling complexes. One interaction, previously assigned a crucial signaling role, occurs between chemoreceptors and the CheW-binding P5 domain of CheA. Structural studies showed a receptor helix fitting into a hydrophobic cleft at the boundary between P5 subdomains. Our work aimed to elucidate the in vivo roles of the receptor–P5 interface, employing as a model the interaction between E. coli CheA and Tsr, the serine chemoreceptor. Crosslinking assays confirmed P5 and Tsr contacts in vivo and their strict dependence on CheW. Moreover, the P5 domain only mediated CheA recruitment to polar receptor clusters if CheW was also present. Amino acid replacements at CheA.P5 cleft residues reduced CheA kinase activity, lowered serine response cooperativity, and partially impaired chemotaxis. Pseudoreversion studies identified suppressors of P5 cleft defects at other P5 groove residues or at surface-exposed residues in P5 subdomain 1, which interacts with CheW in signaling complexes. Our results indicate that a high-affinity P5–receptor binding interaction is not essential for core complex function. Rather, P5 groove residues are probably required for proper cleft structure and/or dynamic behavior, which likely impact conformational communication between P5 subdomains and the strong binding interaction with CheW that is necessary for kinase activation. We propose a model for signal transmission in chemotaxis signaling complexes in which the CheW–receptor interface plays the key role in conveying signaling-related conformational changes from receptors to the CheA kinase.  相似文献   

A new Ru(II)–Se complex, Ru(bpy)2L2Cl2 (bpy?=?2,2′-bipyridine, L?=?1,10-phenanthrolineselenazole) (Ru-Se) has been synthesized and characterized. The G-quadruplex DNA-binding properties of the complex and its selenium ligand (Phen-Se) were evaluated by thermal denaturation study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) stop assay, and telomerase repeat amplification protocol (TRAP). The results showed that the obtained complex could induce and stabilize G-quadruplex structure as well as exhibit potent inhibitory activity against telomerase. In vitro cytotoxicity studies showed that complex Ru-Se inhibited the cancer cell growth through apoptosis. However, the presence of the ligand Phen-Se did not appear to have a significant effect either on G-quadruplex binding or on biological activity. Furthermore, the cell migration assay and the tube formation assay also demonstrated that the complex Ru-Se significantly inhibited human umbilical vascular endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation, migration, and tube formation. These findings indicate that the Ru–Se complex may be a potential telomerase inhibitor and a viable drug candidate in antiangiogenesis for anticancer therapies.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and accurate liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the determination of mildronate in human plasma. Following a simple protein precipitation with methanol, the analyte was separated on a C18 column by isocratic elution with methanol and 10 mM ammonium acetate (55:45; v/v), and then analyzed by mass spectrometry in the positive ion MRM mode. Good linearity was achieved over a wide range of 0.01–20 μg/mL. The intra- and inter-batch precisions (as RSD, %) were less than 7.1%. The average extraction recovery was 87.5%. The method described above has been used, for the first time, to reveal the pharmacokinetics of mildronate injection in healthy subjects. After single intravenously administration of 250, 500 and 1000 mg mildronate, the elimination half-life (t1/2) were (5.56 ± 1.55), (6.46 ± 1.07) and (6.55 ± 1.17) h, respectively. The Student–Newman–Keuls test results showed that peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from time 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24) were both linearly related to dose. The pharmacokinetics of mildronate fitted the linear dynamic feature over the dose range studied. The essential pharmacokinetic parameters of multidoses administration intravenously (500 mg, b.i.d) were as follows: t1/2 was (15.34 ± 3.14) h; Cmax was (25.50 ± 3.63) μg/mL; AUC0–24 was (58.56 ± 5.57) mg h/L. The t1/2 and AUC of multidoses administration intravenously were different from those of single-dose administration significantly. These findings suggested that accumulation of mildronate in plasma occurred.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) and HPLC with electrospray ionization multistage tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–ESI-MSn) were used to identify and quantify steroid saponins in Paris and Trillium plants. The content of the known saponins such as Paris I, II, III, V, VI, VII, H, gracillin and protodioscin in Paris and Trillium plants was determined simultaneously using the developed HPLC-ELSD method. Furthermore, other 12 steroid saponins were identified by HPLC–ESI(+/−)-MSn detection. In the end, a developed analytical procedure was proved to be a reliable and rapid method for the quality control of Paris and Trillium plants. In addition, the alternative resources for Paris yunnanensis used as a traditional Chinese medicine were discovered according to the hierarchical clustering analysis of the saponin fraction of these plants.  相似文献   

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