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《Current biology : CB》2022,32(20):4428-4437.e3
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【背景】丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌具有广泛的寄主范围、环境适应性和优良的植物促生能力。然而,土壤的高磷水平严重抑制了AM真菌生长及AM形成。【目的】分离鉴定出耐较高有效磷含量的华南土著AM真菌菌株,为菌根学研究工作提供新颖材料。【方法】采用经典形态学和分子系统学方法鉴定高磷土壤中AM真菌。【结果】从有效磷含量为53-131 (平均值±标准差为88.2±17.6) mg/kg的根区土壤中鉴定出7属25种AM真菌,包括无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora) 12种、球囊霉属(Glomus) 7种、隔球囊霉属(Septoglomus) 2种、近明球囊霉属(Claroideoglomus) 1种、根孢囊霉属(Rhizophagus) 1种、硬囊霉属(Sclerocystis) 1种和类球囊霉属(Paraglomus) 1种,其中幼套近明球囊霉(Claroideoglomus etunicatum)和蜜色无梗囊霉(Acaulospora mellea)是优势种。在(87.7±8.0) mg/kg的高磷水平下,AM真菌仍能形成丛枝和泡囊。但当有效磷含量达到(99.7±1.2) mg/kg时,菌根侵染率和丛枝丰度显著下降,但仍能够形成泡囊。【结论】从广州市南沙区有效磷含量为(88.2±17.6) mg/kg的耕地植物根区土壤中,鉴定出具有耐高磷潜力的7属25种AM真菌,幼套近明球囊霉和蜜色无梗囊霉等分离株可作为后续高磷抑制机制解析及耐高磷AM真菌菌剂研发工作的试验菌株。  相似文献   

* Strigolactones are rhizosphere signalling compounds that mediate host location in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and parasitic plants. Here, the regulation of the biosynthesis of strigolactones is studied in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). * Strigolactone production under phosphate starvation, in the presence of the carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone and in the abscisic acid (ABA) mutant notabilis were assessed using a germination bioassay with seeds of Orobanche ramosa; a hyphal branching assay with Gigaspora spp; and by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. * The root exudates of tomato cv. MoneyMaker induced O. ramosa seed germination and hyphal branching in AM fungi. Phosphate starvation markedly increased, and fluridone strongly decreased, this activity. Exudates of notabilis induced approx. 40% less germination than the wild-type. The LC-MS/MS analysis confirmed that the biological activity and changes therein were due to the presence of several strigolactones; orobanchol, solanacol and two or three didehydro-orobanchol isomers. * These results show that the AM branching factors and parasitic plant germination stimulants in tomato root exudate are strigolactones and that they are biosynthetically derived from carotenoids. The dual activity of these signalling compounds in attracting beneficial AM fungi and detrimental parasitic plants is further strengthened by environmental conditions such as phosphate availability.  相似文献   

陶冬雪  高英志 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4390-4399
随着全球磷肥需求增加和磷矿资源储量短缺矛盾逐渐加重,土壤解磷微生物在促进磷循环方面的重要性日益突显,因此有必要对其种类和促进植物磷素吸收策略进行全面梳理总结。荟萃分析了土壤解磷微生物种类并构建了系统进化树,重点论述了土壤解磷微生物促进植物磷素吸收主要策略。土壤解磷微生物主要通过矿化和溶解作用直接活化难溶性磷,但其也能与植物根系互作间接活化磷素。其间接途径主要包括解磷微生物与根系分泌物和丛枝菌根真菌互作,它们通过碳磷交换间接活化磷素;其次包括一些解磷微生物可以通过固氮作用使植物生长受到磷的限制,从而调节植物磷酸盐转运系统间接活化土壤磷;解磷微生物也能通过分泌植物激素和生物防治剂促进植物根系生长间接促进植物磷素吸收。解磷微生物还能通过磷素固定减少磷流失,也可以通过加速自身磷素周转促进植物磷素吸收。对完善和发展解磷微生物主导的土壤磷循环和植物磷素吸收利用理论体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根腐病是一类危害严重的土传病害,常常导致作物产量和品质降低.丛枝菌根(AM)真菌是一类重要的土壤微生物,通过与植物根系建立共生体而发挥重要的生理生态功能.研究表明,AM真菌通过调节宿主植物一系列生理生化响应,诱导植物增强根腐病抗性.当前,利用AM真菌开展根腐病等土传病害的生物防治是植物与微生物互作领域的研究热点.本文全...  相似文献   

A collection of small molecules called strigolactones (SLs) act as both endogenous hormones to control plant development and as ecological communication cues between organisms. SL signalling overlaps with that of a class of smoke-derived compounds, karrikins (KARs), which have distinct yet overlapping developmental effects on plants. Although the roles of SLs in shoot and root development, in the promotion of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal branching and in parasitic plant germination have been well characterized, recent data have illustrated broader roles for these compounds in the rhizosphere. Here, we review the known roles of SLs in development, growth of AM fungi and germination of parasitic plants to develop a framework for understanding the use of SLs as molecules of communication in the rhizosphere. It appears, for example, that there are many connections between SLs and phosphate utilization. Low phosphate levels regulate SL metabolism and, in turn, SLs sculpt root and shoot architecture to coordinate growth and optimize phosphate uptake from the environment. Plant-exuded SLs attract fungal symbionts to deliver inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the host. These and other examples suggest the boundary between exogenous and endogenous SL functions can be easily blurred and a more holistic view of these small molecules is likely to be required to fully understand SL biology. Related to this, we summarize and discuss evidence for a primitive role of SLs in moss as a quorum sensing-like molecule, providing a unifying concept of SLs as endogenous and exogenous signalling molecules.  相似文献   

Plant hormones play key roles in defence against pathogen attack. Recent work has begun to extend this role to encompass not just the traditional disease/stress hormones, such as ethylene, but also growth‐promoting hormones. Strigolactones (SLs) are the most recently defined group of plant hormones with important roles in plant–microbe interactions, as well as aspects of plant growth and development, although the knowledge of their role in plant–pathogen interactions is extremely limited. The oomycete Pythium irregulare is a poorly controlled pathogen of many crops. Previous work has indicated an important role for ethylene in defence against this oomycete. We examined the role of ethylene and SLs in response to this pathogen in pea (Pisum sativum L.) at the molecular and whole‐plant levels using a set of well‐characterized hormone mutants, including an ethylene‐insensitive ein2 mutant and SL‐deficient and insensitive mutants. We identified a key role for ethylene signalling in specific cell types that reduces pathogen invasion, extending the work carried out in other species. However, we found no evidence that SL biosynthesis or response influences the interaction of pea with P. irregulare or that synthetic SL influences the growth or hyphal branching of the oomycete in vitro. Future work should seek to extend our understanding of the role of SLs in other plant interactions, including with other fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens, nematodes and insect pests.  相似文献   

Kabir  Z.  O'Halloran  I.P.  Fyles  J.W.  Hamel  C. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):285-293
The influence of tillage practices on native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was studied in two, consecutive years in eastern Canada, in two 11 year-old long-term tillage-fertilizer experimental field soils, a sandy loam and a clay, growing corn in monoculture. The three tillage practices were: 1) conventional tillage (CT; fall plowing plus spring disking), reduced tillage (RT; spring disking) and no-till (NT). The corn crop received either inorganic (N and K) or organic (liquid dairy manure) fertilizers. Mycorrhizal hyphal density was estimated from soil samples obtained in early spring (before disking), at the 12–14 leaf stage, at silking, and at harvest. The percentage of corn root colonization by AMF at the 12–14 leaf stage, at silking and at harvest was also determined. The sandy loam was sampled over two consecutive seasons and the clay soil over one season.Densities of total and metabolically active soil hyphae, and mycorrhizal root colonization were significantly lower in CT soil than in RT and NT soil. Lowest soil hyphal densities were observed in early spring. The levels of intra- and extraradical fungal colonization always increased from spring to silking and decreased thereafter. Spring disking had only a small and transient negative effect on hyphal abundance in soil. Fertilization did not influence mycorrhizal colonization of corn or abundance of soil hyphae in the sandy loam soil, but in the clay soil metabolically active hyphae were more abundant with manure application than with mineral fertilization. In 1992, in both soils different tillage systems had same grain yield, however, in 1993, corn yield was higher in NT compared to CT system.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) and their derivatives were recently defined as novel phytohormones that orchestrate shoot and root growth. Levels of SLs, which are produced mainly by plant roots, increase under low nitrogen and phosphate levels to regulate plant responses. Here, we summarize recent work on SL biology by describing their role in the regulation of root development and hormonal crosstalk during root deve-lopment. SLs promote the elongation of seminal/primary roots and adventitious roots (ARs) and they repress lateral root formation. In addition, auxin signaling acts downstream of SLs. AR formation is positively or negatively regulated by SLs depending largely on the plant species and experimental conditions. The relationship between SLs and auxin during AR formation appears to be complex. Most notably, this hormonal response is a key adaption that radically alters rice root architecture in response to nitrogen- and phosphate-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对三叶草根系分泌的有机酸组分和含量的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
比较洗根法、层析纸法和琼脂膜法收集土培条件下生长的菌根化和非菌根化三叶草根分泌物的效果。试验采用三室根箱装置 ,将根系与菌丝生长空间分开 ,三叶草生长 5 6d后 ,打开三室根箱装置 ,由于尼龙网的阻挡作用使根系均匀垫积在尼龙网内侧并形成根垫。分别采用洗根法、层析纸法和琼脂膜法 3种方法收集三叶草根系分泌物 ,并通过高效液相色谱方法测定分泌物中草酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、乳酸、乙酸、顺丁烯二酸、反丁烯二酸、柠檬酸、丁二酸等有机酸的含量。结果表明 :3种收集方法收集的三叶草分泌的有机酸无论在种类上还是在数量上都存在相当大的差别。从检测到的有机酸种类来看 ,琼脂膜法收集检测到苹果酸、乙酸、顺丁烯二酸、柠檬酸、丁二酸和乳酸 6种有机酸 ;洗根法收集的分泌物检测到酒石酸、苹果酸、乙酸、顺丁烯二酸、柠檬酸、丁二酸和乳酸 7种有机酸 ;层析纸法收集的分泌物检测到酒石酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸和乳酸 4种有机酸。从收集到的有机酸数量来看 ,洗根法收集到的有机酸总量为 2 9.97~ 2 32 .7μg/( gfw· 2 h) ;琼脂膜法集到的有机酸总量为 1 .5~ 7.3μg/( cm2· 2 h) ;层析纸法收集的有机酸总量为0 .2 3~ 6.5 8μg/( cm2 · 2 h)。丛枝菌根真菌侵染对三叶草根系分泌的有机酸的组分和含量都有一  相似文献   

土壤养分分布具有高度空间异质性, 植物的根系觅养行为是其对土壤养分异质性的一种适应。不同植物为了适应养分异质性会产生不同的根系觅养行为, 通过调整自身的根系觅养范围、觅养精度和觅养速度来更好地吸收利用土壤中的养分。外来植物与本地植物的竞争是决定其成功入侵的重要因素, 土壤养分等环境因素会影响它们之间的竞争关系。近年来, 外来入侵植物的觅养行为逐渐受到人们的关注, 关于入侵植物根系觅养行为的研究成果陆续出现: (1)总体来看, 外来入侵植物具有较强的根系觅养能力, 但根系觅养范围与觅养精度之间的权衡关系还不确定; (2)营养异质性会影响入侵植物与本地植物之间的竞争, 反过来, 二者之间的竞争也会影响根系觅养行为对营养异质性的响应; (3)丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)能够提高入侵植物的根系觅养能力, 外来植物入侵能够改变入侵植物对AMF的偏好性, 形成AMF对入侵的正反馈作用, 而本地植物与AMF的相互作用也会影响入侵植物的竞争力。未来还应加强营养异质环境下种间竞争和AMF共生对入侵植物根系觅养行为的影响机制研究, 以及全球变化背景下入侵植物根系觅养行为的变化与机制方面的研究, 可以更深入地认识外来植物的觅养行为在其成功入侵中的作用, 并为利用营养调控来防控入侵植物提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Most work on root proliferation to a localized nutrient supply has ignored the possible role of mycorrhizal fungi, despite their key role in nutrient acquisition. Interactions between roots of Plantago lanceolata , an added arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) inoculum and nitrogen capture from an organic patch ( Lolium perenne shoot material) dual-labelled with 15N and 13C were investigated, to determine whether root proliferation and nitrogen (N) capture was affected by the presence of AM fungi. Decomposition of the organic patch in the presence and absence of roots peaked in all treatments at day 3, as shown by the amounts of 13CO2 detected in the soil atmosphere. Plant N concentrations were higher in the treatments with added inoculum 10 d after patch addition, but thereafter did not differ among treatments. Plant phosphorus concentrations at the end of the experiment were depressed by the addition of the organic residue in the absence of mycorrhizal inoculum. Although uninoculated plants were also colonized by mycorrhizal fungi, colonization was enhanced at all times by the added inoculum. Addition of the AM inoculum increased root production, observed in situ by the use of minirhizotron tubes, most pronouncedly within the organic patch zone. Patch N capture by the end of the experiment was c . 7.5% and was not significantly different as a result of adding an AM inoculum. Furthermore, no 13C enrichments were detected in the plant material in any of the treatments showing that intact organic compounds were not taken up. Thus, although the added AM fungal inoculum benefited P. lanceolata seedlings in terms of P concentrations of tissues it did not increase total N capture or affect the form in which N was captured by P. lanceolata roots.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) are a group of plant hormones involved in many aspects of plant development and stress adaptation. Here, we investigated the drought response of a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant carrying a missense mutation in the gene encoding the SL-specific receptor HvD14. Our results clearly showed that hvd14.d mutant is hyper-sensitive to drought stress. This was illustrated by a lower leaf relative water content (RWC), impaired photosynthesis, disorganization of chloroplast structure, altered stomatal density and slower closure of stomata in response to drought in the mutant compared to the wild type parent cultivar Sebastian. Although the content of abscisic acid (ABA) and its derivatives remained unchanged in the mutant, significant differences in expression of genes related to ABA biosynthesis were observed. Moreover, hvd14.d was insensitive to ABA during seed germination. Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant atd14-1 also demonstrated that mutation in the SL receptor resulted in increased sensitivity to drought. Our results indicate that the drought-sensitive phenotype of barley SL mutant might be caused by a disturbed ABA metabolism and/or signalling pathways. These results together uncovered a link between SL signalling and ABA-dependent drought stress response in barley.  相似文献   



Strigolactones (SLs) – a group of plant hormones and their derivatives – have been found to play a role in the regulation of root development, in addition to their role in suppression of lateral shoot branching: they alter root architecture and affect root-hair elongation, and SL signalling is necessary for the root response to low phosphate (Pi) conditions. These effects of SLs have been shown to be associated with differential activation of the auxin and ethylene signalling pathways.


The present review highlights recent findings on the activity of SLs as regulators of root development, in particular in response to low Pi stress, and discusses the different hormonal networks putatively acting with SLs in the root''s Pi response.


SLs are suggested to be key regulators of the adaptive responses to low Pi in the root by modulating the balance between auxin and ethylene signalling. Consequently, they impact different developmental programmes responsible for the changes in root system architecture under differential Pi supply.  相似文献   

植物主要依赖自身根系从土壤中获取矿质养分; 具有不同根形态的植物对于养分的吸收能力存在差异。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)能与陆地植物根系形成共生关系, 帮助植物吸收矿质养分。但是, AMF对于植物根系养分吸收的促进效应是否会受根形态的影响还鲜有研究。该研究选取4种不同根形态基因型水稻(根毛缺陷突变体rhl1、侧根缺陷突变体iaa11、不定根缺失突变体arl1和野生型Kas)为研究对象, 设置2种施氮水平处理(低氮: 20 mg·kg-1氨氮; 高氮: 100 mg·kg-1氨氮), 利用稳定同位素15N示踪标记技术, 探究AMF和氮添加对不同根形态植物氮吸收的影响。研究结果发现, 相比低氮处理, 高氮处理下, rhl1、Kas、iaa11arl1的茎叶15N浓度分别提高了60%、72%、128%与118%, 说明氮添加显著促进了水稻氮吸收, 且iaa11arl1对氮添加的响应更强烈。在低氮水平下, AMF对rhl1、Kas、iaa11arl1氮吸收的平均效应值分别为17%、31%、42%、51%, 表明AMF对于植物氮吸收的促进效应受根形态影响, iaa11arl1对AMF的响应明显高于Kas与rhl1; 相较于低氮水平, 高氮水平下AMF对于不同根形态水稻氮吸收的促进效应都会显著降低, 表明氮添加削弱了AMF对植物氮吸收的促进效应。该研究阐明了4种不同根形态基因型水稻氮养分吸收存在显著差异, 其中氮吸收能力较弱的基因型水稻对AMF的响应更强, 该结果补充了植物与AMF在养分吸收上存在功能互补的控制实验证据。  相似文献   

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