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Microbial degradation of organic material in methanogenic ecosystems is a multistep process in which subsequent groups use the products of the first groups of organisms in the chain as substrates. The acetogenic bacteria in these systems produce both H2 and acetate. In the present minireview a thermodynamic approach is taken to evaluate the logic behind this duality. The evaluation shows that at the H2 partial pressures that usually occur in methanogenic ecosystems the acetogenic oxidation of known acetogenic substrates such as propionate, butyrate, and benzoate yields more energy than their complete oxidation to H2/CO2. Also, H2 partial pressures needed to achieve complete hydrogenogenic oxidation of these acetogenic substrates would have to be so low that H2 would be virtually unavailable to the hydrogenotrophic bacteria, in casu the methanogens.  相似文献   

Anaerobic Microbial Reductive Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Ethenes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The current knowledge on microbial reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes (CEs) and its application are discussed. Physiological studies on CEs dechlorinating microorganisms indicate that a distinction can be made between cometabolic dechlorination and halorespiration. Whereas cometabolic dechlorination is a coincidental and nonspecific side reaction, catalyzed by several methanogenic and acetogenic bacteria, halorespiration is a specific enzymatic reaction from which metabolic energy can be gained. In contrast to the well-studied biological dechlorination of PCE to cis-DCE, little is known about the biology of the further dechlorination from cis-DCE to ethene. Bacteria performing the latter reaction have not yet been isolated. Microbial reductive dechlorination can be applied to the in situ bioremediation of CEs contaminated sites. From laboratory and field studies, it has become clear that the dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to cis-clichloroethene (cis-DCE) occurs rapidly and can be stimulated relatively easily. However, complete reduction to ethene appears to be a slower process that is more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

Our experiments with selected organic substrates reveal that the rate-limiting process governing microbial degradation rates changes with substrate concentration, S, in such a manner that substrate removal is enhanced at lower values of S. This enhancement is the result of the dominance of very efficient systems for substrate removal at low substrate concentrations. The variability of dominant kinetic parameters over a range of S causes the kinetics of complex assemblages to be profoundly dissimilar to those of systems possessing a single set of kinetic parameters; these findings necessitate taking a new approach to predicting substrate removal rates over wide ranges of S.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Anaerobic digestion of municipal and other organic waste is a microbial process for conversion of complex organic substances to biogas (a renewable energy source) comprising a...  相似文献   

A number of chlorinated aromatic and aliphatic compounds were dehalogenated when incubated with sewage. Preincubating the sewage with nonchlorinated organic substrates enhanced the subsequent dehalogenation of the chlorinated chemicals. Dehalogenation of 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (CDBA) in lake water occurred as a result of microbial growth both in the light in the absence of added nutrients and in the dark in the presence of acetate. No organism able to use CDBA as a carbon source was isolated. Axenic bacterial cultures and a nonaxenic Chlamydomonas culture released chloride from CDBA. The metabolism of CDBA by the latter culture, a process that was inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, yielded a product that was identified as α-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. This product of an apparent cometabolic transformation was mineralized by a strain of Streptomyces, thus suggesting that certain cometabolic products may not accumulate because they are carbon sources for other species.  相似文献   

A phenol-degrading methanogenic enrichment was successfully immobilized in agar as shown by the stoichiometric conversion of phenol to CH4 and CO2. The enrichment contained members of three physiological groups necessary for the syntrophic mineralization of phenol: a phenol-oxidizing bacterium, a Methanothrix-like bacterium, and an H2-utilizing methanogen. The immobilization technique resulted in the cells being embedded in a long, thin agar strand (1 mm in diameter by 2 to 50 cm in length) that resembled spaghetti. Immobilization had three effects as shown by a comparative kinetic analysis of phenol degradation by free versus immobilized cells. (i) The maximum rate of degradation was reduced from 14.8 to 10.0 μg of phenol per h; (ii) the apparent Km for the overall reaction was reduced from 90 to 46 μg of phenol per ml, probably because of the retention of acetate, H2 and CO2 in the proximity of immobilized methanogens; and (iii) the cells were protected from substrate inhibition caused by high concentrations of phenol, which increased the apparent Ki value from 900 to 1,725 μg of phenol per ml. Estimates for the kinetic parameters Km, Ki, and Vmax were used in a modified substrate inhibition model that simulated rates of phenol degradation for given phenol concentrations. The simulated rates were in close agreement with experimentally derived rates for both stimulatory and inhibitory concentrations of phenol.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were conducted with benzoate, propionate, oleate, tetrabutyl orthosilicate (TBOS), and biomass as substrates for dehalogenation of cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE). All five substrates supported dehalogenation. Sufficient calcium was required to precipitate oleate and thus reduce its toxicity to the dehalogenating microorganisms. More cDCE was dehalogenated with TBOS than with benzoate, although TBOS initially had an inhibitory effect. The most efficient dehalogenation was associated with biomass, 20% of which was used for dehalogenation, even higher than the 17% obtained with propionate. The advantages and disadvantages of these organic substances for introduction into an aquifer as electron donors for in situ dehalogenation were examined in terms of efficiency of electron use for reductive dehalogenation, and method and ease of introduction into the aquifer. Benzoate and propionate are useful for recirculation systems, while TBOS, oleate, and biomass are appropriate for more passive approaches.  相似文献   

We investigated the anaerobic biodegradation of 3-chlorobenzoate (3CBz) by microorganisms from an aquifer where chloroaromatic compounds were previously found to resist decay in the presence of sulfate. After a lengthy lag period, 3CBz was degraded in the presence of sulfate and concurrently with sulfate reduction. Chlorine removal from 2,5- or 3,5-dichlorobenzoates and the transient appearance of benzoate from 3CBz confirmed that reductive dehalogenation was the initial fate process for these substrates. Sulfate did not influence 3CBz degradation rates in acclimated enrichment cultures but accelerated the development of 3CBz degradation activity in fresh transfers. Benzoate degradation was more rapid in the presence of sulfate regardless of the enrichment history. Nitrate, sulfite, and a headspace of air inhibited 3CBz dehalogenation, while thiosulfate had no effect. Mass balance determinations revealed that 71 to 107% of the theoretically expected amount of methane was produced from 3CBz and benzoate oxidation in the absence of sulfate. In parallel cultures containing 15 mM sulfate, methanogenesis was reduced to 48 to 71% of that theoretically expected, while sulfate reduction accounted for 12 to 50% of the reducing equivalents. In either the presence or absence of sulfate, steady-state dissolved hydrogen concentrations were similar to those reported for sulfate-reducing or methanogenic environments, respectively. Molybdate inhibited sulfate reduction and 3CBz dehalogenation to a similar extent but did not affect benzoate biodegradation. Sulfate-dependent 3CBz biodegradation was not observed. We conclude that reductive dehalogenation and sulfate reduction occur concurrently in these enrichments and that the sulfate-dependent stimulation in fresh transfers was likely due to the acceleration of benzoate oxidation.  相似文献   

A methanogenic microbial consortium capable of reductively dechlorinating 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) was enriched from a mixture of polluted sediments. 1,2,4-TCB was dechlorinated via 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) to chlorobenzene (CB). Lactate, which was used as an electron donor during the enrichment, was converted via propionate and acetate to methane. Glucose, ethanol, methanol, propionate, acetate, and hydrogen were also suitable electron donors for dechlorination, whereas formate was not. The addition of 5% (wt/vol) sterile Rhine River sand was necessary to maintain the dechlorinating activity of the consortium. The addition of 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid (BrES) inhibited methanogenesis completely but had no effect on the dechlorination of 1,2,4-TCB. The consortium was also able to dechlorinate other chlorinated benzenes via various simultaneous pathways to 1,3,5-TCB, 1,2-DCB, 1,3-DCB, or CB as an end product. The addition of BrES inhibited several of the simultaneously occurring dechlorination pathways of 1,2,3,4- and 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene and of pentachlorobenzene, which resulted in the formation of CB as the only final product. Hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were dechlorinated after a lag phase of ca. 15 days, showing a dechlorination pattern that is different from those observed for lower chlorinated benzenes: only chlorines with two adjacent chlorines were removed. The results show that the consortium possesses at least three distinct dechlorination activities toward chlorinated benzenes and PCBs.  相似文献   

Popova  L. I.  Bahl  H.  Egorova  M. A.  Leont’eva  M. R.  Netrusov  A. I.  Tsavkelova  E. A. 《Microbiology》2021,90(2):158-165
Microbiology - The cultures assigned to the genus Thermoanaerobacterium according to the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene were isolated on CM3 and GS2 media at 55°С from two...  相似文献   

High-pressure, high-temperature investigations on thermophilic microorganisms that grow on hydrogen or other gaseous substrates require instrumentation which provides sufficient substrate for cell proliferation up to 2 × 108 to 3 × 108 cells per ml under isothermal and isobaric conditions. To minimize H2 leakage and to optimize reproducibility at high pressure and high temperature, 10-ml nickel tubes with a liquid/gas ratio of 1:2 were used in a set of autoclaves connected in series. By applying a hydraulic pump and a 2.5-kW heating device, fast changes in temperature (up to 400°C) and pressure (up to 400 MPa) can be accomplished within less than 10 min. To quantify bacterial growth, determinations of cell numbers per unit volume yielded optimum accuracy. Preliminary experiments with the thermophilic, methanogenic archaebacterium Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus showed that bacterial growth depends on both temperature and pressure. At the optimum temperature, increased hydrostatic pressure up to 50 MPa enhanced the growth yield; at a pressure of >75 MPa, cell lysis dominated. Changes in cell proliferation were accompanied by changes in morphology.  相似文献   

The methanogenic strain MM isolated from an anaerobic microbial community degrading p-toluene sulfonate showed optimal values of temperature and pH for growth equal to 37°C and 6.3–6.9, respectively. The doubling times of the isolate grown on methanol, acetate, and methylamines under the optimal conditions were 8.8, 19.1, and 10.3–28.1 h, respectively. The growth of strain MM was observed only when the cultivation medium contained casamino acids or p-toluene sulfonate. The G+C content of the DNA of the isolate was 40.3 mol %. This, together with DNA–DNA hybridization data, allowed the new isolate to be identified as a strain of the species Methanosarcina mazei. The new isolate differed from the known representatives of this species in that it was resistant to alkylbenzene sulfonates and able to demethylate p-toluene sulfonate when grown on acetate.  相似文献   

The upper Housatonic River and Woods Pond (Lenox, Mass.), a shallow impoundment on the river, are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the residue of partially dechlorinated Aroclor 1260. Certain PCB congeners have the ability to activate or “prime” anaerobic microorganisms in Woods Pond sediment to reductively dehalogenate the Aroclor 1260 residue. We proposed that brominated biphenyls might have the same effect and tested the priming activities of 14 mono-, di-, and tribrominated biphenyls (350 μM) in anaerobic microcosms of sediment from Woods Pond. All of the brominated biphenyls were completely dehalogenated to biphenyl, and 13 of them primed PCB dechlorination. Measured in terms of chlorine removal and decrease in the proportion of hexa- through nonachlorobiphenyls, the microbial PCB dechlorination primed by several brominated biphenyls was nearly twice as effective as that primed by chlorinated biphenyls. Congeners containing a meta bromine primed Dechlorination Process N (flanked meta dechlorination), and congeners containing an unflanked para bromine primed Dechlorination Process P (flanked para dechlorination). Two ortho-substituted congeners, 2-bromobiphenyl and 2,6-dibromobiphenyl (2-BB and 26-BB), also primed Process N dechlorination. The most effective primers were 26-BB, 245-BB, 25-3-BB, and 25-4-BB. The microbial dechlorination primed by 26-BB converted ~75% of the hexa- through nonachlorobiphenyls to tri- and tetrachlorobiphenyls in 100 days and removed ~75% of the PCBs that are most persistent in humans. These results represent a major step toward identifying an effective method for accelerating PCB dechlorination in situ. The challenge now is to identify naturally occurring compounds that are safe and effective primers.  相似文献   

Rapid microbial monitoring technologies are invaluable in assessing contamination of spacecraft and associated environments. Universal and widespread elements of microbial structure and chemistry are logical targets for assessing microbial burden. Several biomarkers such as ATP, LPS, and DNA (ribosomal or spore-specific), were targeted to quantify either total bioburden or specific types of microbial contamination. The findings of these assays were compared with conventional, culture-dependent methods. This review evaluates the applicability and efficacy of some of these methods in monitoring the microbial burden of spacecraft and associated environments. Samples were collected from the surfaces of spacecraft, from surfaces of assembly facilities, and from drinking water reservoirs aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Culture-dependent techniques found species of Bacillus to be dominant on these surfaces. In contrast, rapid, culture-independent techniques revealed the presence of many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, as well as actinomycetes and fungi. These included both cultivable and noncultivable microbes, findings further confirmed by DNA-based microbial detection techniques. Although the ISS drinking water was devoid of cultivable microbes, molecular-based techniques retrieved DNA sequences of numerous opportunistic pathogens. Each of the methods tested in this study has its advantages, and by coupling two or more of these techniques even more reliable information as to microbial burden is rapidly obtained.  相似文献   

Methanogenic aggregates, harvested from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating potato starch wastewater, were acclimatized to either glucose or a mixture of sugars and organic nitrogen compounds (i.e., diluted molasses). Both types of granules exhibited internal pH and substrate concentration gradients in mineral medium (pH 7.0, 30°C) as was measured with microelectrodes. Glucose-acclimatized granules suspended in a mineral medium lacking glucose exhibited a distinct internal pH decrease of about 1 U within the granule, suggesting strong metabolism by the acidogenic bacteria. Molasses-acclimatized and aged granules suspended in mineral medium did not exhibit such a pH decrease, suggesting the importance of the metabolic state of these acidogens. The pH gradient did not occur in deactivated granules and was not observable in strongly buffered media (mineral medium containing 33 mM phosphate or reactor liquid). When glucose (0.5 to 5.0 mM) was added to the mineral medium, granules exhibited a convex pH profile. Glucose consumption was located exclusively in the outer 200 to 300 μm of the aggregates (mean diameter = 1.5 mm). The addition of 20 mM 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid to the mineral medium indicated that the higher pH levels in the centre of the granule appeared to be related to the activity of methanogens. It is suggested that acidogenic activity occurs predominantly in the outer 200 to 300 μm of the aggregate and methanogenic activity occurs predominantly in the center of the investigated granules.  相似文献   

Microbial adaptation to environmental stimuli is essential for survival. While several of these stimuli have been studied in detail, recent studies have demonstrated an important role for a novel environmental parameter in which microgravity and the low fluid shear dynamics associated with microgravity globally regulate microbial gene expression, physiology, and pathogenesis. In addition to analyzing fundamental questions about microbial responses to spaceflight, these studies have demonstrated important applications for microbial responses to a ground-based, low-shear stress environment similar to that encountered during spaceflight. Moreover, the low-shear growth environment sensed by microbes during microgravity of spaceflight and during ground-based microgravity analogue culture is relevant to those encountered during their natural life cycles on Earth. While no mechanism has been clearly defined to explain how the mechanical force of fluid shear transmits intracellular signals to microbial cells at the molecular level, the fact that cross talk exists between microbial signal transduction systems holds intriguing possibilities that future studies might reveal common mechanotransduction themes between these systems and those used to sense and respond to low-shear stress and changes in gravitation forces. The study of microbial mechanotransduction may identify common conserved mechanisms used by cells to perceive changes in mechanical and/or physical forces, and it has the potential to provide valuable insight for understanding mechanosensing mechanisms in higher organisms. This review summarizes recent and future research trends aimed at understanding the dynamic effects of changes in the mechanical forces that occur in microgravity and other low-shear environments on a wide variety of important microbial parameters.  相似文献   

Phase variation, or stochastic switching between alternative states of gene expression, is common among microbes, and may be important in coping with changing environments. We use a theoretical model to assess whether such switching is a good strategy for growth in environments with occasional catastrophic events. We find that switching can be advantageous, but only when the environment is responsive to the microbial population. In our model, microbes switch randomly between two phenotypic states, with different growth rates. The environment undergoes sudden catastrophes, the probability of which depends on the composition of the population. We derive a simple analytical result for the population growth rate. For a responsive environment, two alternative strategies emerge. In the no-switching strategy, the population maximizes its instantaneous growth rate, regardless of catastrophes. In the switching strategy, the microbial switching rate is tuned to minimize the environmental response. Which of these strategies is most favorable depends on the parameters of the model. Previous studies have shown that microbial switching can be favorable when the environment changes in an unresponsive fashion between several states. Here, we demonstrate an alternative role for phase variation in allowing microbes to maximize their growth in catastrophic responsive environments.  相似文献   

The long-term safety of final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in the deep geosphere is dependent on stability of biogeochemical conditions at the disposal site. Microbial processes, such as sulphate reduction and methanogenesis, may have profound effects on site biogeochemistry. In this study, sulphate-reducing bacteria and methane-producing archaea were investigated at depths ranging from 68 to 545 m in crystalline rock fractures at an intended spent nuclear fuel disposal site in Olkiluoto, Finland. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis detected diverse sulphate-reducing bacterial communities in all samples. Although the number of dsrB gene copies was below 103 copies ml?1 in all analyzed samples according to real-time quantitative PCR, their abundance was highest in samples that had the highest sulphate concentrations. Several distinct mcrA gene fragments were also recovered from most of the analyzed samples by cloning, although the number of methanogens was lower than that of sulphate-reducing bacteria when measured by mcrA-targeted quantitative PCR. The detected gene fragments were most closely related to sequences obtained from aquatic and deep subsurface environments. Results imply that sulphate reduction, methanogenesis, and anaerobic methane oxidation may all take place in the Olkiluoto deep geobiosphere.  相似文献   

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