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Human exposure to millimeter wave (MMW) radiation is expected to increase in the next several years. In this work, we present a thermal model of the human eye under MMW illumination. The model takes into account the fluid dynamics of the aqueous humor and predicts a frequency‐dependent reversal of its flow that also depends on the incident power density. The calculated maximum fluid velocity in the anterior chamber and the temperature rise at the corneal apex are reported for frequencies from 40 to 100 GHz and different values of incident power density. Bioelectromagnetics 34:291–299, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, effects of a brain tumor located in a dispersive human head model on specific absorption rate (SAR) and temperature rise distributions due to different types of RF sources at 4G and 5G cellular frequencies are investigated with the use of a multiphysics model. This multiphysics model analyzes the dispersive human head with the brain tumor and provides the SAR and temperature rise distributions in the head due to the RF source operated at 4G and 5G cellular frequencies in a single finite-difference time-domain simulation. An adjacent antenna operated at 4G and 5G cellular frequencies to the human head is considered as the RF source for near-field exposure, while a plane wave field radiated by base stations operated at 4G and 5G cellular frequencies is considered as the RF source for far-field exposure. Numerical results show that the brain tumor in the head slightly affects the SAR and temperature rise distributions due to different RF sources at 4G and 5G cellular frequencies.  相似文献   

Yu D  Zhang R  Liu Q 《Bioelectromagnetics》2012,33(6):508-517
To investigate the influence of dentures on electromagnetic energy absorption during the daily use of a mobile phone, a high-resolution head phantom based on the Visible Chinese Human dataset was reconstructed. Simulations on phantoms with various dentures were performed by using the finite-difference time-domain method with a 0.47 wavelength dipole antenna and a mobile phone model as radiation sources at 900 and 1800 MHz. The Specific energy Absorption Rate (SAR) values including 1 and 10 g average SAR values were assessed. When the metallic dental crowns with resonance lengths of approximately one-third to one-half wavelength in the tissue nearby are parallel to the radiation source, up to 121.6% relative enhancement for 1 g average SAR and 17.1% relative enhancement for 10 g average SAR are observed due to the resonance effect in energy absorption. When the radiation sources operate in the normal configuration, the 10 g average SAR values are still in compliance with the basic restrictions established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), indicating that the safety limits will not be challenged by the usage of dentures.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of antenna element loading on the localized specific absorption rate (SAR) has been analyzed for base station antennas. The analysis was conducted in order to determine whether localized SAR measurements of large multi-element base station antennas can be conducted using standardized procedures and commercially available equipment. More specifically, it was investigated if the antenna shifting measurement procedure, specified in the European base station exposure assessment standard EN 50383, will produce accurate localized SAR results for base station antennas larger than the specified measurement phantom. The obtained results show that SAR accuracy is affected by the presence of lossy material within distances of one wavelength from the tested antennas as a consequence of coupling and redistribution of transmitted power among the antenna elements. It was also found that the existing standardized phantom is not optimal for SAR measurements of large base station antennas. A new methodology is instead proposed based on a larger, box-shaped, whole-body phantom.  相似文献   

It is shown that better results are obtained in calculating the surface albedo of a plant stand for near-infrared solar radiation using the modified two-stream approximation in favor of the Schwarzschild one. These evaluations of the plant stand surface albedo were obtained by assuming the values for scattering parameters of upward 0 and diffusive solar radiation in the plant stand, by applying the delta-Eddington approximation. However, more accurate evaluations of 0 and can be obtained by using Rayleigh's phase scattering functions for radiative scattering in a plant stand. Furthermore, much attention is devoted to testing the influence of the plant stand albedo for the visible part of solar radiation (for which the Schwarzchild approximation is valid) on ground surface temperature. The ground surface temperature was calculated by the force-restore method; the greatest ground surface temperature corrections were obtained in cases where the surface beneath the plant stand is covered with snow. The influence on ground surface temperature of high absorption and scattering in dense plant stands with horizontal foliage was also tested. Again significant corrections of ground surface temperature were obtained, taking into consideration the given characteristics of a plant stand compared to a standard albedo value.List of symbols A albedo of direct radiation in plant canopy - A D albedo of diffuse radiation in plant canopy - A p albedo of the ground surface - A Q total albedo in plant canopy - a proportion of gaps in plant canopy characteristic of surface evaporation - w constant - parameter of upward scattering diffuse radiation - 0 parameter of upward scattering direct radiation - C g soil volumetric heat capacity - C p air specific heat - C DH aerodynamic transfer coefficient for heat - C DE aerodynamic transfer coefficient for moisture - d depth of soil - sun's declination - azimuth of incident radiation - azimuth of diffuse radiation - characteristic of the radiative sources - G foliage orientation function - g parameter in delta-Eddington approximation - g z parameter for near-infrared radiation - L scattering phase function radiation - D diffuse solar radiation flux - G soil heat flux - H air sensible heat flux - L air latent heat flux - O solar constant - R net longwave radiation flux - S direct solar radiation flux - h o height of the sun - i intensity of diffuse radiation - k von Karman constant - L leaf area index - L v coefficient for latent heat of evaporation - g soil heat conductivity - n/N relative cloudiness - solid angle - frequency of temperature wave - Q a specific humidity of air - Q w specific humidity of saturated air - R L coefficient of plant reflectivity - r direction of diffuse radiation - direction of incident radiation - r o direction of solar radiation - r s resistance of the leaf stomata - p o air density - S intensity of direct solar radiation - Stefan-Boltzman constant - T a air temperature - T G ground surface temperature - T c cloud temperature - T 1 feaf temperature - T * air temperature scale - t time - t time step - zenith angle of diffuse radiation - zenith angle of incident radiation - 0 zenith angle of solar radiation - U * friction velocity scale - V near-surface wind velocity - W g soil water content - W L scattering coefficient in plant canopy - W sat saturated soil water content - z vertical direction  相似文献   

南京市高温热浪特征及其对人体健康的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用1951 -2009年(6—9月)气象资料、2005-2008年(6-9月)南京市逐日死亡人数、2005 -2007年(6-9月)中暑相关的逐时急诊人数,采用描述性研究、回归分析等流行病学统计方法,研究南京市高温热浪特征及其对人体健康的影响.结果表明:南京是各种级别高温和热浪频发的城市,近60年来,南京市每年平均高温日数14.5 d,危害高温日数1.1d,高温热浪1.9次,强高温热浪0.8次;高温热浪过程造成的人群超额死亡率在20%以上,其中女性超额死亡率稍大于男性,对冠心病和脑血管病患者的伤害较大,而且不存在滞后性;由于人体的适应性,发生在夏季早期的高温热浪比发生在季节中、末阶段的高温热浪危害大,但热浪持续的时间对超额死亡率的影响较小;另外,由于城市居民工作需要和出行时间的选择,导致夏季逐时高温对人体危害呈双峰型分布,2个峰值分别出现在9:00-11:00和19:00-21:00;高温热浪对人体的危害与年龄约呈三次函数关系,对0~5岁的婴幼儿和60~80岁的高龄人群危害较大.这些结果可为人体健康风险管理提供参考.  相似文献   

1. Modelling the effects of climate change on freshwater fishes requires robust field‐based estimates accounting for interactions among multiple factors. 2. We used data from an 8‐year individual‐based study of a wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) population to test the influence of water temperature on season‐specific growth in the context of variation in other environmental (i.e. season, stream flow) or biotic factors (local brook trout biomass density and fish age and size) in West Brook, a third‐order stream in western Massachusetts, U.S.A. 3. Changes in ambient temperature influenced individual growth rates. In general, higher temperatures were associated with higher growth rates in winter and spring and lower growth rates in summer and autumn. However, the effect of temperature on growth was strongly context‐dependent, differing in both magnitude and direction as a function of season, stream flow and fish biomass density. 4. We found that stream flow and temperature had strong and complex interactive effects on trout growth. At the coldest temperatures (in winter), high stream flows were associated with reduced trout growth rates. During spring and autumn and in typical summers (when water temperatures were close to growth optima), higher flows were associated with increased growth rates. In addition, the effect of flow at a given temperature (the flow‐temperature interaction) differed among seasons. 5. Trout density negatively affected growth rate and had strong interactions with temperature in two of four seasons (i.e. spring and summer) with greater negative effects at high temperatures. 6. Our study provided robust, integrative field‐based estimates of the effects of temperature on growth rates for a species which serves as a model organism for cold‐water adapted ectotherms facing the consequences of environmental change. Results of the study strongly suggest that failure to derive season‐specific estimates, or to explicitly consider interactions with flow regime and fish density, will seriously compromise our ability to predict the effects of climate change on stream fish growth rates. Further, the concordance we found between empirical observations and likely energetic mechanisms suggests that our general results should be relevant at broader spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

1. Growth rates of seven species of planktonic algae were determined in culture over a range of temperature from 2 to 35 °C. Additional observations on growth and viability were made for 13 species in the temperature range 20–35 °C. 2. There was a wide range of growth rates between species at their optimal temperatures, from 1.7 divisions day?1 (Asterionella formosa) to 0.3 divisions day?1 (Ceratium furcoides). 3. There were considerable differences between species for growth at low and high temperature. Certain algae, including the diatom A. formosa and the flagellates Cryptomonas marssonii, Dinobryon divergens and Eudorina unicocca var. unicocca, had growth rates of 0.4 divisions day?1 or more at 5 °C. The cyanophyte Tychonema (formerly Oscillatoria) bourrellyi, the xanthophyte Tribonema sp., the desmid Staurastrum cingulum and the large dinoflagellate C. furcoides grew poorly or not at all at this temperature. All 21 species tested could grow at 25 °C, but many – including most of the diatoms, some cyanophytes, and all the flagellates – failed to grow persistently at 30 °C. Only Aphanizomenon flosaquae survived with moderate increase at 35 °C, a lethal temperature for the other species. 4. The applicability was considered of proposed quantitative formulations of the rate‐temperature relationship. Simple exponential relationships applied only to very limited lower ranges of temperature. The relationship proposed by B?lehrádek was a better fit over a wider temperature range, but still excluded rate‐decline at high temperature. 5. The interspecific differences found are of potential significance for restrictions in natural distributions associated with season, altitude (especially above 500 m) and latitude.  相似文献   

Surface water temperatures in four lakes of the English Lake District (TL) are shown to be sensitive to climate change and a large‐scale atmospheric phenomenon known as tropospheric Rossby wave breaking (RWB). RWB occurs frequently near the English Lake District, bringing warm and moist air, or cool and dry air, from distant sources. RWB case examples and composites are used to show three dimensional circulations and anomalies of near‐surface temperature and humidity associated with the two types of RWB (anticyclonic and cyclonic). Statistical models of lake surface temperature are developed for each season using objectively identified variability patterns of anticyclonic and cyclonic RWB, along with an index of Northern Hemisphere annual mean surface temperature (TNH) to account for climate change. The statistical models, depending on season, account for 54–69% of TL variance. RWB alone contributes significantly during each season, accounting for 37–52% of TL variance after the effect of TNH is removed. RWB is a key physical mechanism underlying the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a regional‐scale weather‐pattern that is frequently related to coherent lake properties. RWB may therefore be a more fundamental driver than the NAO in controlling interannual variation in the properties of lakes such as ice duration, metabolic rates, phenology, species composition and, via effects on stratification, underwater light‐climate, nutrient‐cycling and oxygen‐depletion. Variation in other meteorological features that are linked to RWB, such as precipitation, may have additional effects. RWB is also likely to influence terrestrial and marine environments.  相似文献   

The effect of minimum, maximum and mean ambient air temperatures and the temperature-humidity index (THI) of the same and the previous day on morning (a.m.) and afternoon (p.m.) rectal temperatures (RT), respiration rates (RR) and pulse rates (PR) were studied in 17 Holstein-Friesian cows over the first 125 days in the 3rd and 4th lactations. Physiological responses showed a diurnal pattern, being lower in the mornings than the afternoons: 38.6 vs 39.0° C for RT, 52.2 vs 60.7 breaths/min for RR and 58.1 vs 64.1 beats/min for PR. Correlations between RT and RR (r = – 0.043 to –0.046) and RT and PR (r = –0.178 to –0.261) were low (P> 0.05). Correlations between RR and PR (r = 0.353 to 0.365) were moderate (P<0.05). Weather variables, especially ambient temperature of the previous day, were more important and influenced physiological responses to a greater extent than other thermal factors the same day. Generally, physiological responses were influenced to a greater extent by ambient temperature than THI. Weather variables explained variations in RT (5.1–59.6%), in RR (13.0–17.8%) and in PR (22.1–25.4%). Relationships between weather variables the previous day and physiological responses were contradictory, with minimum and maximum values showing a negative relationship in contrast with a positive relationship for mean values.  相似文献   

Gut evacuation and its dependence on the temperature in bream Abramis brama , silver bream Blicca bjoerkna , roach Rutilus rutilus , gibel Carassius aurtaus gibelio and carp Cyprinus carpio , held in mesh cages in Lake Balaton, was best fitted by an exponential model in 18 of 36 trials, while in 14 and four trials, a linear and a square-root model, respectively, gave a better fit. Adjusted r 2 values, however, often did not differ markedly between the three models. The shape parameter, B , was 0.36 for carp and ranged from 0.81 to 1.24 for the other four cyprinids, according to the general evacuation model expanded with the temperature variable, and fitted to whole data sets. Relationships between the food evacuation rates obtained from the exponential models and the temperature were described by exponential functions for bream, silver bream, roach and gibel.  相似文献   

Inter‐ and intra‐specific physiological variations of intertidal macroalgae have been well investigated. However, studies on physiological responses of cryptic algal species have been poorly documented. Bostrychia intricata is a widespread marine red alga in the Southern Hemisphere, and has many cryptic species. We investigated the effect of different salinities and temperatures on the specific growth rate of three cryptic species (N2, N4 and N5) of B. intricata from New Zealand. Our data indicated that all cryptic species grew at the full range of salinities and temperatures tested, but exhibited a significant difference in their specific growth rates. Cryptic species N4 had a higher growth rate than the other two cryptic species under all experimental conditions, whereas cryptic species N2 occasionally showed a higher growth rate than cryptic species N5 at high salinities and lower temperatures. The distinct physiological properties of these cryptic species may explain their distribution pattern (a wider distribution of cryptic species N4 than N2 and N5) in New Zealand. The physiological divergence between the cryptic species could be related to their levels of evolutionary divergence, with more similar physiology between cryptic species, which share a more recent common ancestor (N2 and N5). Our findings underline that morphologically indistinguishable cryptic algal species are different in many other aspects and are truly independent entities.  相似文献   

Hackl EV  Blagoi YP 《Biopolymers》2005,77(6):315-324
The work examines the structural transitions of DNA under the action of Cu2+ and Ca2+ ions in aqueous solution at temperatures of 29 and 45 degrees C by ir spectroscopy. Upon binding to the divalent ions studied, DNA transits into the compact state both at 29 and 45 degrees C. In the compact state DNA remains in B-form limits. The compaction process is of high positive cooperativity. As temperature increases the divalent metal ion concentration required to induce DNA compaction decreases in the case of Cu(2+)-induced compaction and increases in the case of Ca(2+)-induced compaction. It is suggested that the mechanism of the temperature effect on DNA compaction in the presence of Cu2+ ions possessing higher affinity for DNA bases differs from that of the temperature influence on Ca(2+)-induced DNA compaction. In the case of copper ions the determining factor is the increase of binding constants of the Cu2+ ions interacting with the denatured parts formed on DNA while in the case of calcium ions it is the decreased screening action of counterions upon the increase of their hydration with temperature. The efficiency of divalent metal ions studied in inducing DNA compaction depends on hydration of counterions. DNA compaction occurs in a narrow interval of Cu2+ concentrations. As the Cu2+ ion concentration increases, DNA compaction is replaced with Cu(2+)-induced DNA aggregation. At elevated temperatures Cu(2+)-induced DNA compaction could acquire a phase transition character.  相似文献   

Temperature and photoperiod play major roles in insect ecology. Many insect species have fixed degree‐days for embryogenesis, with minimum and maximum temperature thresholds for egg and larval development and hatching. Often, photoperiodic changes trigger the transfer into the next life‐cycle stadium. However, it is not known whether this distinct pattern also exist in a species with a high level of phenotypic plasticity in life‐history traits. In the present study, eggs of the dragonfly Sympetrum striolatum Charpentier (Odonata: Libellulidae) are reared under different constant and fluctuating temperatures and photoperiodic conditions in several laboratory and field experiments. In general, and as expected, higher temperatures cause faster egg development. However, no general temperature or light‐days for eyespot development and hatching are found. The minimum temperature thresholds are distinguished for survival (2 °C), embryogenesis (6 °C) and larval hatching (above 6 °C). Low winter temperatures synchronize hatching. Above 36 °C, no eyespots are visible and no larvae hatch. In laboratory experiments, light is neither necessary for eyespot development, nor for hatching. By contrast to the laboratory experiments, the field experiment show that naturally changing temperature and photoperiod play a significant role in the seasonal regulation of embryonic development. The post‐eyespot development is more variable and influenced by temperature and photoperiod than the pre‐eyespot development. This developmental plasticity at the end of the embryogenesis might be a general pattern in the Libellulidae, helping them to cope with variation in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

伴随着城市热岛问题的日益显现,关于不透水面与地表温度的关系研究成为热点。在遥感技术的支持下,以乌鲁木齐市主城区为研究对象,从不透水面出发,分别对不透水面类型、变化强度进行研究,探讨不透水面的时空变化特征。引入景观生态学理论,分析不透水面景观类型的空间格局及规律。以反演的地表温度为基础,分析了不透水面相关变量与地表温度的关系。结论如下:(1)研究区不透水面指数主要集中在0.3—0.7之间,占总面积的90%以上;(2) 2000年以来,15.89%的区域不透水面指数连年下降,分布在主城区,20.07%的区域不透水面指数连年上升,分布在城市的郊区,增长区域的幅度主要集中在10%以下;(3)不透水面的景观类型多样性减弱,以中、高覆盖区为主,其中高覆盖区的聚集指数最高,高达87.71,不透水面类型斑块形状由复杂向规则化推移;(4)研究区地表温度,增温明显,2000年地表温度均值25.94℃,2016年地表温度的平均值高达35.51℃;(5)不透水面对地表温度影响,存在阶段性、正负相关的交替性特征,整体表现为"M"形状;(6)不透水面类型面积百分比、不透水面类型景观指数对地表温度的影响相对复杂、差异明显,不能从单一的不透水面覆盖分析对地表温度的影响。  相似文献   

Plant architecture of apple trees in commercial orchards was rapidly changed from traditional tall trees to dwarf trees to optimize yield and fruit quality. Additionally, hail nets are widely used to prevent yield loss by hail. These changes are expected to considerably influence the orchard microclimate and thus the developmental rates of pest insects in apple. However, these relationships have not yet been fully elucidated. The present study was conducted over the seasonal cycle to investigate the influence of plant architecture and hail nets on the habitat temperatures of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae). Within the canopies, leaf area index (LAI) and global site factor (GSF) were quantified using hemispherical photography. Temperature was analysed for the main habitats of the different codling moth stages, i.e., air within the canopy, bark of tree stems, and apple fruit. In dwarf trees, LAI was lower, leading to a higher GSF than in tall trees. Hail nets did not influence LAI and GSF. Results for dwarf trees compare as follows with those for tall trees: Average air temperatures within the canopy were 0.7 °C higher during daytime, whereas 0.4 °C lower at night. Mean surface temperatures of bark were 0.9 °C higher on sunny and 0.4 °C on overcast days. Mean surface temperatures of apple fruits were 1.8–2.7 °C higher on sunny days, but 0.6 °C cooler on overcast days. The effect of hail nets was confined to a reduction of the air temperature within the canopy by approximately 0.2–0.8 °C. Bark and apple surface temperatures were not significantly affected. Based on the temperature differences in the habitats considered, the calculated development of the codling moth in dwarf trees was on average 3 days faster than in tall trees. The calculations imply a negligible effect of hail nets on codling moth development.  相似文献   

 蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)是东北地区天然次生林重要组成树种, 研究该树种对未来气候变暖的响应, 可为预测未来气候变暖情况下蒙古栎林的发展动态、制定合理的经营措施提供科学参考。该文旨在探讨不同的供氮水平下, CO2浓度和温度升高综合作用对蒙古栎幼苗生物量及其分配的影响。实验采用人工气候箱控制, 控制条件分别为温度升高4 ℃(ET)、CO2浓度倍增(700 μmol CO2 ·mol–1) × 温度升高4 ℃ (ECET)和对照(正常温度, CO2浓度为400 μmol CO2·mol–1) (CK), 每个控制条件幼苗的基质分别用3种氮素水平处理: N1 (15 mmol·L–1 N)、N2 (7.5 mmol·L–1 N)和N3 (不施氮)。研究结果显示, 1)在ET条件下, N1明显促进幼苗茎的高生长、径生长和生物量积累, 幼苗生物量的分配随氮素浓度的增加, 地下生物量所占的比例增大。2) ECET条件下N1明显促进幼苗的高生长, 但对径生长影响不显著, 对幼苗总生物量积累的影响不显著。但N1增加了地下生物量的比例。3) ET与ECET条件下幼苗叶片的碳氮比均随供氮水平降低而升高, 但ECET下碳氮比的升高是由于叶片碳含量较高引起的, 而ET条件下则是由于叶片氮含量的降低而引起的。ECET和ET条件较低的氮素供应水平综合作用对蒙古栎幼苗的生物量积累无促进作用。因此, 在未来气候变化情况下, 土壤中充足的氮供给可能将促进蒙古栎幼苗的生长, 增加其天然更新潜力, 并增加其碳库容。  相似文献   

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