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Ion channels are believed to play an important role in the maintenance of lens transparency. In order to ascribe junctional and nonjunctional permeability properties to specific lens cell types, embryonic chick lenses were enzymatically dissociated into cell clusters, cell pairs and single cells, and both cell-to-cell and single-membrane permeability properties were characterized with the patch-clamp technique. Double patch-clamp experiments and single patch-clamp experiments with Lucifer yellow in the pipette demonstrated that the cells in the dissociated preparation were well coupled, the average conductance between pairs being 42 +/- 27 nS. Double patch-clamp experiments also revealed single cell-to-cell channel events with a predominant unitary conductance of 286 +/- 38 pS. Whole-cell measurements of surface membrane conductance indicate heterogeneity within the population of dissociated embryonic chick lens cells: 63% of the cells have a voltage-independent leak current, 14% of the cells have a potassium-selective inward-rectifier current, and 23% of the cells have a current which turns off with positive voltage on a time scale on the order of seconds. The time constant for this turnoff is voltage dependent.  相似文献   

Summary We used the double whole-cell voltage-clamp technique on ventricle cell pairs isolated from 7-day chick heart to measure the conductance of their gap junctions (G j) and junctional channels ( j) with a steady-state voltage difference (V j) applied across the junction. Currents were recorded from single gap junction channels (i j) as symmetrical rectangular signals of equal size and opposite sign in the two cells, and j was measured from i j/V j. We observed channel openings at six reproducible conductance levels with means of 42.6, 80.7, 119.6, 157.7, 200.4 and 240.3 pS. More than half of all openings were to the 80-and 160-pS conductance levels. The probability that a high conductance event (e.g., 160 or 240 pS) results from the random simultaneous opening of several 40-pS channels is small, based on their frequency of occurrence and on the prevalence of shifts between small and large conductance states with no intervening 40-pS steps. Our results are consistent with three models of embryonic cardiac gap junction channel configuration: a homogeneous population of 40-pS channels that can open cooperatively in groups of up to six; a single population of large channels with a maximal conductance near 240 pS and five smaller substates; or several different channel types, each with its own conductance. G j was determined from the junctional current (I j) elicited by rectangular pulses of applied transjunctional voltage as I j/V j. It was highest near 0 V j and was progressively reduced by application of V j between 20 and 80 mV or –20 and –80 mV. In response to increases in V j, G j decayed in a voltage-and timedependent fashion. After a 6-sec holding period at 0 V j, the initial conductance (G init) measured immediately after the onset of an 80-mV step in V j was nearly the same as that measured by a 10-mV prepulse. However, during 6-sec pulses of V j>±20 mV, G j declined over several seconds from G init to a steady-state value (G ss). At potentials greater than ±20 mV the current decay could be fit with biexponential curves with the slow decay time constant ( 2) 5–20 times longer than 1. For the response to a step to 80 mV V j, for example, 1=127 msec and 2=2.6 sec. The rate of current decay in response to smaller positive or negative steps in V j was slower, the magnitude of the decline was smaller, and the ratio 2/ 1 decreased. The relationship between G init and V j was approximately linear between 0 and 80 mV or –80 mV. whereas the relationship between G ss and V j was nonlinear beyond ±20 mV. Upon returning to 0 V j, G j recovered with a biexponential time course, reaching its maximal value after several seconds; recovery time constants after a step in V j from 80 to 0 mV were 225 msec and 1.9 sec. In the resting state, at low junctional voltage, high conductance channel activity (160–240 pS) is favored. Voltage-dependent decline of G j results in part from a shift from high to lower conductance states.We thank Ms. B.J. Duke for technical assistance and for preparation of the cell cultures and Drs. L.J. DeFelice and D. Eaton for stimulating and helpful discussions of the results.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear envelope functions as a selective barrier between nucleus and cytoplasm. During cycles of cell division the nuclear envelope repeatedly disassembles and re-associates. Presumably, each cycle re-establishes the functional and structural integrity of the nuclear envelope. After repeated rounds of cell division, as occurs during differentiation, the selectivity and configuration of the envelope may change. We compare the ionic conductance and the nuclear pore density in four types of murine nuclei: germinal vesicles in oocytes, pronuclei in zygotes, nuclei from two-cell blastomeres, and somatic cell nuclei from the liver. A large-conductance ion channel is present in all nuclear envelopes. Liver cell nuclei have a greater number of these channels than those from earlier developmental stages, and they also have a higher density of nuclear pores. In this article we hypothesize an association between the ion channels and the nuclear pores.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes are the uniquely resident cells found in all types of cartilage and key to their function is the ability to respond to mechanical loads with changes of metabolic activity. This mechanotransduction property is, in part, mediated through the activity of a range of expressed transmembrane channels; ion channels, gap junction proteins, and porins. Appropriate expression of ion channels has been shown essential for production of extracellular matrix and differential expression of transmembrane channels is correlated to musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis and Albers-Schönberg. In this study we analyzed the consistency of gene expression between channelomes of chondrocytes from human articular and costal (teenage and fetal origin) cartilages. Notably, we found 14 ion channel genes commonly expressed between articular and both types of costal cartilage chondrocytes. There were several other ion channel genes expressed only in articular (6 genes) or costal chondrocytes (5 genes). Significant differences in expression of BEST1 and KCNJ2 (Kir2.1) were observed between fetal and teenage costal cartilage. Interestingly, the large Ca2+ activated potassium channel (BKα, or KCNMA1) was very highly expressed in all chondrocytes examined. Expression of the gap junction genes for Panx1, GJA1 (Cx43) and GJC1 (Cx45) was also observed in chondrocytes from all cartilage samples. Together, this data highlights similarities between chondrocyte membrane channel gene expressions in cells derived from different anatomical sites, and may imply that common electrophysiological signaling pathways underlie cellular control. The high expression of a range of mechanically and metabolically sensitive membrane channels suggest that chondrocyte mechanotransduction may be more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

This study reports the composition of a chemically defined medium (DDM1) that supports the survival and differentiation of neurons in dissociated cell cultures prepared from midgastrula stage Drosophila embryos. Cells with neuronal morphology that stain with a neural-specific marker are clearly differentiated by 1 day in vitro and can be maintained in culture for up to 2 weeks. Although the whole cell capacitance measurements from neurons grown in DDM1 were 5- to 10-fold larger than those of neurons grown in a conventional serum-supplemented medium, the potassium current densities were similar in the two growth conditions. A small but significant increase in the sodium current density was observed in the neurons grown in DDM1 compared with those in serum-supplemented medium. The majority of neurons grown in DDM1 fired either single or trains of action potentials in response to injection of depolarizing current. Contributing to the observed heterogeneity in the firing properties between individual neurons grown in DDM1 was heterogeneity in the levels of expression and gating properties of voltage-dependent sodium, calcium, and pottassium currents. The ability of embryonic Drosophila neurons to differentiate in a chemically defined medium and the fact that they are amenable to both voltage-clamp and current-clamp analysis makes this system well suited to studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms regulating expression of ion channels involved in electrical excitability. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

桥粒为细胞与细胞之间的一种连接结构,参与细胞间机械应力传导. 在心肌组织中,桥粒与粘着连接及缝隙连接共同构成闰盘,对于维护心肌闰盘结构和功能的完整性具有重要作用. 近年来,越来越多的研究表明,桥粒蛋白基因突变、表达的缺失或功能异常,可引起心肌细胞钠、钾离子通道、缝隙连接蛋白等心肌电活动相关结构的重塑,增加心肌电学异质性,进而促发心律失常. 本文将就桥粒蛋白与离子转运相关通道关系的最新研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Dynamic epigenetic regulation is critical for proper oogenesis and early embryo development. During oogenesis, fully grown germinal vesicle oocytes develop to mature Metaphase II oocytes which are ready for fertilization. Fertilized oocyte proliferates mitotically until blastocyst formation and the process is called early embryo development. Throughout oogenesis and early embryo development, spatio-temporal gene expression takes place, and this dynamic gene expression is controlled with the aid of epigenetics. Epigenetic means that gene expression can be altered without changing DNA itself. Epigenome is regulated through DNA methylation and histone modifications. While DNA methylation generally ends up with repression of gene expression, histone modifications can result in expression or repression depending on type of modification, type of histone protein and its specific residue. One of the modifications is histone acetylation which generally ends up with gene expression. Histone acetylation occurs through the addition of acetyl group onto amino terminal of the core histone proteins by histone acetyltransferases (HATs). Contrarily, histone deacetylation is associated with repression of gene expression, and it is catalyzed by histone deacetylases (HDACs). This review article focuses on what is known about alterations in the expression of HATs and HDACs and emphasizes importance of HATs and HDACs during oogenesis and early embryo development.  相似文献   

Summary Major intrinsic polypeptide (MIP), a 28-kDa protein isolated from lens fiber cell membranes, forms large, nonselective channels when reconstituted into lipid bilayers. MIP channels are regulated by voltage, such that these channels close when the potential across the membrane is greater than 30 mV. We have investigated the modulation of the voltage-dependent closure of MIP channels by phosphorylation. In this report, we describe the isolation of two isomers of MIP from lens fiber cell membranes. These isomers differ by a single phosphate at a protein kinase A phosphorylation site. The phosphorylated isomer produces channels that close in response to applied voltages when reconstituted into bilayers. The nonphosphorylated isomer produces voltage-independent hannels. Direct phosphorylation with protein kinase A converts voltage-independent channels to voltage-dependent channels in situ. Analyses of macroscopic and single channel currents suggest that phosphorylation increases the voltage-dependent closure of MIP channels by increasing closed channel lifetimes and the rate of channel closure following the application of voltage.The authors gratefully acknowledge the gift of the monoclonal antibody to MIP from Drs. David Paul and Dan Goodenough. We thank Dr. Irwin Levitan for the kind gift of purified protein kinase A catalytic subunit. We also thank Ms. Mary Hawley for invaluable technical support and Mr. Paul Ross for help in generating Fig. 10. This work was supported, in part, by NIH grants EY04110 and EY05661 and a NEI postdoctoral fellowship to GRE.  相似文献   

西瓜胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀玲  高新起  任秋萍 《广西植物》2002,22(5):437-T006
应用显微技术对西瓜胚和胚乳的发育过程进行了观察并分析了西瓜胚珠败育的原因。西瓜胚发育属紫菀型。合子第一次分裂为不均等分裂 ,形成的基细胞体积明显较顶细胞大 ,两细胞均含有多个液泡。原胚发育过程中没有明显的胚柄。最外层的原胚细胞 ,与胚乳细胞相邻的壁上被胼胝质物质包围 ,且无外连丝存在 ;与胚囊壁相接的壁上无壁内突结构。胚的子叶体积增长的同时 ,子叶细胞内积累蛋白质和脂类物质 ,多糖物质的含量下降。胚乳发育属核型 ,在球形胚期开始自珠孔端向合点端细胞化 ,胚子叶分化出后开始自珠孔端向合点端退化。胚乳合点端在球形胚早期形成发达的胚乳吸器 ,开始呈游离核状态 ,后细胞化 ,在心型胚期之后退化。  相似文献   

人胎儿鼻咽上皮细胞的背景氯电流   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sun XR  Wang LW  Mao JW  Zhu LY  Nie SH  Zhong P  Chen LX 《生理学报》2005,57(3):349-354
采用膜片钳和图像分析技术,研究人胎儿鼻咽上皮细胞背景电流的特性及其与容积激活性氯电流的关系。在等张溶液中,可记录到一背景电流,该电流呈微弱的外向整流性,无明显时间依赖性失活,其翻转电位为(?0.73±1.7)mV(n=21),接近氯离子平衡电位(?0.9mV)。细胞外高张刺激(440mOsmol/L)明显抑制此电流(59.6±7.1)%,而低张刺激(160mOsmol/L)则诱发细胞产生容积激活性氯电流。氯通道阻断剂tamoxifen和5-硝基-2-(3-苯丙胺基)苯甲酸[5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoicacid,NPPB]显著地抑制背景电流并使细胞基础容积增大。上述结果表明,人胎儿鼻咽上皮细胞的背景Cl?电流是背景电流的重要成分,此Cl?电流与容积激活性氯电流及细胞基础容积调节有关。  相似文献   

Abstract. Profiles of self-generated ion currents associated with the growing primary root tips of intact Hordeum vulgare L. and Trifolium repens L. (nonnodulated) seedlings were measured using a highly sensitive vibrating electrode in media containing NH+4 or NO-3, and compared to control roots growing in nitrogen free media. Under these three nutrient regimes, positive current entered the root at regions corresponding to the meristematic tissues and main elongation zones of root tips and left from the mature root tissues. Mapping the surface of the roots with a pH-sensitive microelectrode revealed regions of external alkalinity where positive electrical current entered the root, and external acidity where positive current exited. The correlation between pH-profile and the pattern of ion current generation in these experiments suggests that H+ ions were responsible for carrying the bulk of the root-generated current. Assimilation of NHJ results in net H+ extrusion while assimilation of NO-3, results in net OH-3 efflux. Growth on NH+4, as compared to growth on NO-3, stimulated the magnitude of the electrical current but did not affect significantly the growth rate of the roots. However, despite the differing stresses on internal pH regulation that arise due to growth on the two exogenous forms of combined nitrogen, the current profiles were qualitatively similar under the different conditions that were examined. The role of the circulating proton current is not yet known; however, the constancy of the current profile under different nutrient regimes sustains the hypothesis that the current may have a role in the regulation of root polarity.  相似文献   

Sodium-channel behavior has been modeled in order to determine the answer to the following question: How large must a population of “on-off” Sodium pores be before the inherently random behavior of the individual channels becomes smoothed to yield the expected gating current-conductance relationships which would be predicted from an infinite pore array? Results of this analysis show that for the “opening” situation, an excellent fit was obtained whenever more than about 10 pores were considered. Significant discrepanciesd were observed in the “Closeing” situation, however, for pore arrays of 50 or less. Marked hysteresis is apparent in the behavior of small pore populations.  相似文献   

Retinas of chick embryos contain insulin (1) and further, are capable of synthesizing it, as demonstrated by incubating retinas at different ages (7th–18th day) with [3H]leucine. The synthesized radioactive insulin was isolated and assayed by means of a HPLC procedure. The synthesis of insulin was found to be highest in the youngest retinas studied (day 7), afterwards it declined with age except for an increment found at 14–15 day. Explants of chick embryo retinas, cultured in vitro, rapidly degraded insulin. Nevertheless, the content of immunoreactive insulin in retinal explants diminished slowly with the age of culture, so that, after 8 days of incubation, it was about 60% of the content found in the retinas at the beginning of incubation. This was proof that cultured explants are capable of efficiently synthesizing insulin. The synthesized [3H]insulin was released from explants into the medium. This was evident also after 6–8 days in culture.  相似文献   

Previous studies mainly evaluated the effect of culture conditions on preimplantation embryo apoptosis. In order to inhibit apoptosis of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos, putative apoptosis inhibitors were used to treat donor cells. However, little is known about the effect of activation treatments on embryo apoptosis. We firstly investigated the effect of various parthenogenetic activation (PA) treatments on embryo development, blastocyst cell number, and apoptosis, and then one of these activation treatments proved to be most efficient was selected for activation rabbit NT embryos. The activation by electrical pulses and 30 min later, electroporation with 25 muM D-myoinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) in Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free PBS, then exposure to 2.0 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) for 3 hr effectively activated rabbit oocytes, and resulted in significantly a higher blastocyst development rate (72.7%) and total cell number (175 +/- 14.1), and markedly lower apoptosis level of blastocyst (4.3 +/- 0.5) than all the other groups. When the same activation protocol was applied in NT embryo activation, we found that exposure of the embryos to 6-DMAP for 3 hr could decrease the apoptosis level of blastocyst and increase blastocyst rate and cell number. The results demonstrate that oocyte activation affects not only embryo development and quality but also embryo apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos at various stages of development were used to test three types of media: TC199, CMRL-1066 and TALP. The effect of 20% human cord serum (HCS) and fetal calf serum (FCS) were also compared in TC199 and CMRL-1066 media. Embryos were recovered at the two, four and eight cell stages and assessed for at least one cleavage progression in 24 hours. There was no difference in embryo growth rates between the media for four and eight cell embryos, however TALP significantly increased the proportion of two cell embryos which underwent at least one cleavage division. HCS significantly promoted a greater number of cleavage divisions compared with FCS. This study indicates that the defined medium (TALP) can be employed for equal or increased growth rates of early mouse embryos cultured in vitro compared to two serum supplemented media (TC199 and CMRL-1066).  相似文献   

Gene imprinting is a widely observed epigenetic phenomenon in maize endosperm; however, whether it also occurs in the maize embryo remains controversial. Here, we used high‐throughput RNA sequencing on laser capture microdissected and manually dissected maize embryos from reciprocal crosses between inbred lines B73 and Mo17 at six time points (3–13 days after pollination, DAP) to analyze allelic gene expression patterns. Co‐expression analysis revealed sequential gene activation during maize embryo development. Gene imprinting was observed in maize embryos, and a greater number of imprinted genes were identified at early embryo stages. Sixty‐four strongly imprinted genes were identified (at the threshold of 9:1) on manually dissected embryos 5–13 DAP (more imprinted genes at 5 DAP). Forty‐one strongly imprinted genes were identified from laser capture microdissected embryos at 3 and 5 DAP (more imprinted genes at 3 DAP). Furthermore, of the 56 genes that were completely imprinted (at the threshold of 99:1), 36 were not previously identified as imprinted genes in endosperm or embryos. In situ hybridization demonstrated that most of the imprinted genes were expressed abundantly in maize embryonic tissue. Our results shed lights on early maize embryo development and provide evidence to support that gene imprinting occurs in maize embryos.  相似文献   

YAP protein is a critical regulator of mammalian embryonic development. By generating a near-infrared fusion YAP reporter mouse line, we have achieved high-resolution live imaging of YAP localization during mouse embryonic development. We have validated the reporter by demonstrating its predicted responses to blocking LATS kinase activity or blocking cell polarity. By time lapse imaging preimplantation embryos, we revealed a mitotic reset behaviour of YAP nuclear localization. We also demonstrated deep tissue live imaging in post-implantation embryos and revealed an intriguing nuclear YAP pattern in migrating cells. The YAP fusion reporter mice and imaging methods will open new opportunities for understanding dynamic YAP signalling in vivo in many different situations.  相似文献   

哺乳动物早期胚胎端粒和端粒酶重编程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端粒位于真核染色体末端,是稳定染色体末端的重要元件。端粒酶(TER)是一种特殊的细胞核糖核蛋白(RNP)反转录酶(RT),其核心酶包括蛋白亚基和RNA元件。在DNA复制过程中的端粒丢失可以被有活性的端粒酶修复回来。哺乳动物端粒酶在发育中受调控,端粒的重编程可能是由于早期胚胎不同时期的端粒酶活性而造成的。因此,研究端粒和端粒酶重编程在早期胚胎发育中是非常重要的。该文综述了端粒和端粒酶的结构和功能,及其与哺乳动物早期胚胎发育的关系,并在此基础上展望了端粒和端粒酶在克隆动物胚胎发育的基础研究。  相似文献   

Yong P  Gu Z  Luo JP  Wang JR  Tso JK 《Cell research》2002,12(1):69-78
INTRODUCTIONUp to date, little is known about the func-tions of oviductins in promoting the developmentof mammalian early embryo. When the fertilizedeggs of mammals are cultured in composition definedmedium in vitro, they are often blocked at certaindevelopmental stage, called "early embryonic devel-opment block". The time of development block ofearly embryo is not consistent in different species.In mouse it happened at 2--cell stage, so called the2--cell block. In essence, the cause of t…  相似文献   

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