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Based on the sequence information of Arabidopsis PIN1, two cDNAs encoding PIN homologues from Brassica juncea, Bjpin2 and Bjpin3, were isolated through cDNA library screening. Bjpin2 and Bjpin3 encoded proteins containing 640 and 635 amino acid residues, respectively, which shared 97.5% identities with each other and were highly homologous to Arabidopsis PIN1, PIN2 and other putative PIN proteins. BJPIN2 and BjPIN3 had similar structures as AtPIN proteins. Northern blot analysis indicated that Bjpin2 was expressed in stem, leaf and floral tissues, while Bjpin3 was expressed predominantly in stem and hypocotyls. Two promoter fragments of pin genes, Bjpin-X and Bjpin-Z, were isolated by 'genome walking' technique using primers at 5'-end of pin cDNA. Promoter-gus fusion studies revealed the GUS activities driven by Bjpin-X were at internal side of xylem and petal; while those driven by Bjpin-Z were detected at leaf vein, epidermal cell and cortex of stem, vascular tissues and anther. Results of the pin gene  相似文献   

Based on the sequence information of Arabidopsis PIN1, two cDNAs encoding PIN homologues fromBrassica juncea, Bjpin2 and Bjpin3, were isolated through cDNA library screening. Bjpin2 and Bjpin3encoded proteins containing 640 and 635 amino acid residues, respectively, which shared 97.5% identities witheach other and were highly homologous to Arabidopsis PIN1, PIN2 and other putative PIN proteins. BjPIN2and BjPIN3 had similar structures as AtPIN proteins. Northern blot analysis indicated that Bjpin2 wasexpressed in stem, leaf and floral tissues, while Bjpin3 was expressed predominantly in stem and hypocotyls.Two promoter fragments of pin genes, Bjpin-X and Bjpin-Z, were isolated by ‘genome walking‘ techniqueusing primers at 5‘-end of pin cDNA. Promoter-gus fusion studies revealed the GUS activities driven byBjpin-X were at internal side of xylem and petal; while those driven by Bjpin-Z were detected at leaf vein,epidermal cell and cortex of stem, vascular tissues and anther. Results of the pin genes with differentexpression patterns in B. juncea suggested the presence of a gene family.  相似文献   

The role of auxin-binding protein 1 in the expansion of tobacco leaf cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Tobacco leaf was used to investigate the mechanism of action of auxin-binding protein 1 (ABP1). The distributions of free auxin, ABP1, percentage of leaf nuclei in G2 and the amount of auxin-inducible growth were each determined in control tobacco leaves and leaves over-expressing Arabidopsis ABP1. These parameters were compared with growth of tobacco leaves, measured both spatially and temporally throughout the entire expansion phase. Within a defined window of leaf development, juvenile leaf cells that inducibly expressed Arabidopsis ABP1 prematurely advanced nuclei to the G2 phase. The ABP1-induced increase in cell expansion occured before the advance to the G2 phase, indicating that the ABP1-induced G2 phase advance is an indirect effect of cell expansion. The level of ABP1 was highest at the position of maximum cell expansion, maximum auxin-inducible growth and where the free auxin level was the lowest. In contrast, the position of maximum cell division correlated with higher auxin levels and lower ABP1 levels. Consistent with the correlations observed in leaves, tobacco cells (BY-2) in culture displayed two dose-dependent responses to auxin. At a low auxin concentration, cells expanded, while at a relatively higher concentration, cells divided and incorporated [3H]-thymidine. Antisense suppression of ABP1 in these cells dramatically reduced cell expansion with negligible effect on cell division. Taken together, the data suggest that ABP1 acts at a relatively low level of auxin to mediate cell expansion, whereas high auxin levels stimulate cell division via an unidentified receptor.  相似文献   

Arginase [l-arginine amidinohydrolase] in Jerusalem artichoke tubers occurs in a particulate fraction from which it was released in active form by detergent treatment. The particulate enzyme was purified 450-fold with ca 3% yield. The enzyme has a MW of ca 140 000 and pI of 5.3. The enzyme required Mn2+ for activity and was unstable when Mn2+ was removed. In tissue extracts the Km for arginine was ca 1OmM, but when purified the Km (arginine) was 145 mM. The artichoke arginase was shown to be more substrate specific than other plant and animal arginases which have been described, and to be very sensitive to competitive inhibition by indospicine, ornithine and citrulline.  相似文献   

An enzyme, which hydrolyzes 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to 3′-AMP and 5′-AMP, has been isolated from dormant tubers of Jerusalem artichoke and purified 850 × with a recovery of 15% of total activity. The partially purified enzyme differs greatly from both animal and bacterial phosphodiesterases in terms of pH optimum, substrate specificity, cation dependence and sensitivity to methylxanthines. The plant hormones are without effect, whereas ATP, 5′-AMP, 3′-AMP, inorganic phosphate and pyrophophosphate are inhibitors. The enzyme seems to be greatly inhibited in vivo by inorganic phosphate during dormancy.  相似文献   

The auxin-binding protein 1 is essential for the control of cell cycle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The phytohormone auxin has been known for >50 years to be required for entry into the cell cycle. Despite the critical effects exerted by auxin on the control of cell division, the molecular mechanism by which auxin controls this pathway is poorly understood, and how auxin is perceived upstream of any change in the cell cycle is unknown. Auxin Binding Protein 1 (ABP1) is considered to be a candidate auxin receptor, triggering early modification of ion fluxes across the plasma membrane in response to auxin. ABP1 has also been proposed to mediate auxin-dependent cell expansion, and is essential for early embryonic development. We investigated whether ABP1 has a role in the cell cycle. Functional inactivation of ABP1 in the model plant cell system BY2 was achieved through cellular immunization via the conditional expression of a single-chain fragment variable (scFv). This scFv was derived from a well characterized anti-ABP1 monoclonal antibody previously shown to block the activity of the protein. We demonstrate that functional inactivation of ABP1 results in cell-cycle arrest, and provide evidence that ABP1 plays a critical role in regulation of the cell cycle by acting at both the G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. We conclude that ABP1 is essential for the auxin control of cell division and is likely to constitute the first step of the auxin-signalling pathway mediating auxin effects on the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Polar auxin transport plays a divergent role in plant growth and developmental processes including root and embryo development, vascular pattern formation and cell elongation. Recently isolated Arabidopsis pin gene family was believed to encode a component of auxin efflux carrier (G(?)lweiler et al, 1998). Based on the Arabidopsis pin1 sequence we have isolated a Brassica juncea cDNA (designated Bjpin1), which encoded a 70-kDa putative auxin efflux carrier. Deduced BjPIN1 shared 65% identities at protein level with AtPINl and was highly homologous to other putative PIN proteins of Arabidopsis (with highest homology to AtPIN3). Hydrophobic analysis showed similar structures between BjPINl and AtPIN proteins. Presence of 6 exons (varying in size between 65 bp and 1229 bp) and 5 introns (sizes between 89 bp and 463 bp) in the genomic fragment was revealed by comparing the genomic and cDNA sequences. Northern blot analysis indicated that Bjpin1 was expressed in most of the tissues tested, with a relatively h  相似文献   

The localisation of maize (Zea mays L.) auxin-binding protein (ABP1) has been studied using a variety of techniques. At the whole-tissue level, tissue printing indicated that ABP1 is expressed to similar levels in all cells of the maize coleoptile and in the enclosed leaf roll. Within cells, the signals from immunofluorescence and immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections both indicated that ABP1 is confined to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), none being detected in either Golgi apparatus or cell wall. This distribution is consistent with targeting motifs in its sequence. These observations are discussed with reference to the various reports which place a population of ABP1 on the outer face of the plasma membrane, including those suggesting that it is necessary on the cell surface for rapid, auxin-mediated protoplast hyperpolarisation. We have tested one proposed model to account for release of ABP1 from the ER, namely that auxin binding induces a conformational change in ABP1 leading to concealment of the KDEL retention motif. Using double-label immunofluorescence the characteristic auxin-induced rise in Golgi-apparatus signal was found, yet no change in the distribution of the ABP1 signal was detected. Maize suspension cultures were used to assay for auxin-promoted secretion of ABP1 into the medium, but secretion was below the limit of detection. This can be ascribed at least partly to the very active acidification of the medium by these cells and the instability of ABP1 in solution below pH 5.0. In the insect-baculovirus expression system, in which cell cultures maintain pH 6.2, a small amount of ABP1 secretion, less than 1% of the total, was detected under all conditions. Insect cells were shown to take up auxin and no inactivation of added auxin was detected, but auxin did not affect the level of ABP1 in the medium. Consequently, no evidence was found to support the model for auxin promotion of ABP1 secretion. Finally, quantitative glycan analysis was used to determine what proportion of ABP1 might reach the plasma membrane in maize coleoptile tissue. The results suggest that less than 15% of ABP1 ever escapes from the ER as far as the cis-Golgi and less than 2% passes further through the secretory pathway. Such leakage rates probably do not require a specialised mechanism allowing ABP1 past the KDEL retrieval pathway, but we are not able to rule out the possibility that some ABP1 is carried through associated with other proteins. The data are consistent with the presence of ABP1 both on the plasma membrane and in the ER. The relative sizes of the two pools explain the results obtained with immunofluorescence and immunogold labelling and illustrate the high efficiency of ER retention in plants. Received: 31 October 1996 / Accepted: 16 December 1996  相似文献   

By being sessile, plants have evolved a remarkable capacity to perceive and respond to changes in environmental conditions throughout their life cycle. Light represents probably the most important environmental factor that impinge on plant development because, other than supplying the energy source for photosynthesis, it also provides seasonal and positional information that are essential for the plant survival and fitness. Changes in the light environment can dramatically alter plant morphogenesis, especially during the early phases of plant life, and a compelling amount of evidence indicates that light-mediated changes in auxin homeostasis are central in these processes. Auxin exerts its morphogenetic action through instructive hormone gradients that drive developmental programs of plants. Such gradients are formed and maintained via an accurate control on directional auxin transport. This review summarizes the recent advances in understanding the influence of the light environment on polar auxin transport.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous auxin in root initiation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper describes the process of the formation of adventitious roots. There appears to be good agreement that this consists of four stages, defifferentiation coupled with the formation of a meristematic locus, cell division to form a radially symmetrical cluster of cells, further divisions coupled with organisation into a bilaterally symmetrical meristem and finally growth of cells in the basal part of the meristem which causes its protursion through the epidermis. Evidence for the involvement of auxins in these various stages is reviewed and the extent to which rooting of easy- and hard-to-root species can be accounted for in terms of auxin content discussed. Peaks of IAA occur soon after excision of cuttings in some species and there is some evidence suggesting that this is correlated with changes in peroxidase activity. The possible involvement of cytokinins with auxins is briefly considered.  相似文献   

Several properties of a 43-kilodalton (kDa) auxin-binding protein (ABP) having 22-kDa subunits are shared by a class of auxin binding designated Site I. The spatial distribution of the ABP in the maize (Zea mays L.) mesocotyl corresponds with the distribution of growth induced by naphthalene-1-acetic acid and with the distribution of Site I binding as previously shown by J.D. Walton and P.M. Ray (1981, Plant Physiol. 68, 1334–1338). The greatest abundance of both ABP and Site I activity is at the apical region of the mesocotyl. The ABP and Site I activity co-migrate in isopycnic centrifugation with the endoplasmic-reticulum marker, cytochrome-c reductase. Red light, at low and high fluence, far-red and white light were used to alter the elongation rate of apical 1-cm sections of etiolated maize mesocotyls, the amount of auxin binding, and the abundance of the ABP. Relative changes in auxin binding and the ABP were correlated, but the growth rate was not always correlated with the abundance of the ABP.Abbreviations ABP auxin-binding protein - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FR far-red light - kDa kilodalton - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - PM plasma membrane - R red light - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Novel cDNA clones encoding putative auxin influx and efflux carriers have been isolated and characterized from etiolated lupin (Lupinus albus L) hypocotyls. The full length of LaAUX1 and LaPIN1 and the partial length of LaPIN3 were obtained and the deduced amino acid sequence revealed a high degree of identity with the corresponding auxin carrier proteins from several species. The expression of these genes depended on the tissue, the hypocotyl zone and seedling age. LaAUX1 and LaPIN3 were expressed in stele and outer tissues, while LaPIN1 was restricted to the stele. From the above-mentioned results and taking into account the role proposed for the efflux carrier PIN1, it is suggested that LaPIN1 could mediate the basipetal auxin transport already described in this organ. LaAUX1 might facilitate auxin influx in the transport cells. The expression of the three genes decreased down the hypocotyl. The basipetally decreasing gradient in the expression of LaPIN1 coincides with previous results showing a similar gradient in the intensity and polarity of auxin transport. The decisive role ascribed to PIN1 in polar auxin transport due to its localization in the basal end of transporting cells and the existence of such a gradient in the expression of LaPIN1 support the hypothesis of a barrier effect (generated by decreasing auxin transport) previously proposed by our research group as being responsible for the auxin gradient, which controls the growth pattern in etiolated lupin hypocotyls. José Sánchez-Bravo, Manuel Acosta and Carlos Nicolás contributed equally to the paper. Nucleotide sequence database accession numbers: LaAUX1: AM235387; LaPIN1: AM235388; LaPIN3: AM407405.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a pleiotropic Ser/Thr kinase, evolutionary conserved in eukaryotes. Studies performed in different organisms, from yeast to humans, have highlighted the importance of CK2 in cell growth and cell-cycle control. However, the signalling pathways in which CK2 is involved have not been fully identified. In plants, the phytohormone auxin is a major regulator of cell growth. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that differential distribution of within auxin plant tissues is essential for developmental processes, and that this distribution is dependent on polar auxin transport. We report here that a dominant-negative mutant of CK2 (CK2mut) in Arabidopsis thaliana shows phenotypic traits that are typically linked to alterations in auxin-dependent processes. However, CK2mut plants exhibit normal responses to exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) indicating that they are not affected in the perception of the hormone but upstream in the pathway. We demonstrate that mutant plants are not deficient in IAA but are impaired in its transport. Using genetic and pharmacological tools we show that CK2 activity depletion hinders correct formation of auxin gradients and leads to widespread changes in the expression of auxin-related genes. In particular, members of the auxin efflux carrier family (PINs), and the protein kinase PINOID, both key regulators of auxin fluxes, were misexpressed. PIN4 and PIN7 were also found mislocalized, with accumulation in endosomal bodies. We propose that CK2 functions in the regulation of auxin-signalling pathways, particularly in auxin transport.  相似文献   

Plant oncogenes aux1 and aux2 carried by the TR-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 encode two enzymes involved in the auxin biosynthesis pathway in transformed plant cells. The short divergent promoter region between the two aux-coding sequences contains the main regulatory elements. This region was fused to the uidA reporter gene and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum in order to investigate the regulation and the tissue specificity of these genes. Neither wound nor hormone induction could be detected on transgenic leaf discs. However, phytohormone concentration and auxin/cytokinin balance controlled the expression of the chimaeric genes in transgenic protoplasts. The expression was localised in apical meristems, root tip meristems, lateral root primordia, in cells derived from transgenic protoplasts and in transgenic calli. Histological analysis showed that the expression was located in cells reactivated by in vitro culture. Experiments using cell-cycle inhibitors such as hydroxyurea or aphidicolin on transgenic protoplast cultures highly decreased the -glucuronidase activity of the chimaeric genes. These results as well as the histological approach suggest a correlation between expression of the aux1 and aux2 genes and cell division.  相似文献   

Abstract. Velocities of transport of IAA through long-celled (dark-grown) and short-celled (light-grown) coleoptile segments have been measured by the intercept method. Transport is faster through short-celled segments, and the difference is highly significant. Calculations show that this finding is consistent with a model for polar auxin transport which postulates a pumping mechanism between cells and movement through the cell by diffusion.  相似文献   

武丽霞  韩丽  赵宜婷  周璇  杜云龙 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1219-1225
生长素输出载体在植物发育中起非常重要的作用.然而,生长素输出载体蛋白PIN1在农作物水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆的根和胚中的亚细胞定位尚不清楚.该研究首先分析了OsPIN1b和它的同源物的氨基酸序列特征,发现小麦(TaPIN1)、玉米(ZmPIN1b)和大豆(GmPIN1b)中的PIN1序列与水稻的OsPIN1b序列分别具有...  相似文献   

Telomerase is a specialized RNA-directed DNA polymerase that adds telomeric repeats onto the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. It was recently reported that the low, basal level of telomerase activity markedly increased at early S-phase of the cell cycle, and auxin further increased the S-phase-specific telomerase activity in tobacco BY-2 cells. In this study we show that abscisic acid (ABA), a phytohormone known to induce the cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, effectively abolished both the auxin- and S-phase-specific activation of telomerase in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion in synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells. These results suggest that there exists a hormonal cross-talk between auxin and ABA for the regulation of telomerase activity during the cell cycle of tobacco cells. Treatment of synchronized BY-2 cells with the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine or H-7 effectively prevented the S-phase-specific activation of telomerase activity. By contrast, when okadaic acid or cantharidin, potent inhibitors of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), was applied to the cells, the S-phase-specific high level of telomerase activity was continuously maintained in the cell cycle for at least 14 h after release from M-phase arrest. Incubation of tobacco cell extracts with exogenous PP2A rapidly abrogated in vitro telomerase activity, while okadaic acid and cantharidin blocked the action of PP2A, effectively restoring in vitro telomerase activity. Taken together, these findings are discussed in the light of the suggestion that antagonistic functions of auxin and ABA, and reciprocal phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of telomerase complex, are necessarily involved in the cell cycle-dependent modulation of telomerase activity in tobacco cells.  相似文献   

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