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Gene copy number variation (CNV) has been associated with phenotypic variability in animals and plants, but a genomewide understanding of their impacts on phenotypes is largely restricted to human and agricultural systems. As such, CNVs have rarely been considered in investigations of the genomic architecture of adaptation in wild species. Here, we report on the genetic mapping of gene CNVs in white spruce, which lacks a contiguous assembly of its large genome (~20 Gb), and their relationships with adaptive phenotypic variation. We detected 3,911 gene CNVs including de novo structural variations using comparative genome hybridization on arrays (aCGH) in a large progeny set. We inferred the heterozygosity at CNV loci within parents by comparing haploid and diploid tissues and genetically mapped 82 gene CNVs. Our analysis showed that CNVs were distributed over 10 linkage groups and identified four CNV hotspots that we predict to occur in other species of the Pinaceae. Significant relationships were found between 29 of the gene CNVs and adaptive traits based on regression analyses with timings of bud set and bud flush, and height growth, suggesting a role for CNVs in climate adaptation. The importance of CNVs in adaptive evolution of white spruce was also indicated by functional gene annotations and the clustering of 31% of the mapped adaptive gene CNVs in CNV hotspots. Taken together, these results illustrate the feasibility of studying CNVs in undomesticated species and represent a major step towards a better understanding of the roles of CNVs in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Cultured human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) are being tested in several clinical trials and encouraging outcomes have been observed. To determine whether in vitro expansion influences the genomic stability of hUC-MSCs, we maintained nine hUC-MSC clones in long-term culture and comparatively analyzed them at early and late passages. All of the clones senesced in culture, exhibiting decreased telomerase activity and shortened telomeres. Two clones showed no DNA copy number variations (CNVs) at passage 30 (P30). Seven clones had ≥1 CNVs at P30 compared with P3, and one of these clones appeared trisomic chromosome 10 at the late passage. No tumor developed in immunodeficient mice injected with hUC-MSCs, regardless of whether the cells had CNVs at the late passage. mRNA-Seq analysis indicated that pathways of cell cycle control and DNA damage response were downregulated during in vitro culture in hUC-MSC clones that showed genomic instability, but the same pathways were upregulated in the clones with good genomic stability. These results demonstrated that hUC-MSCs can be cultured for many passages and attain a large number of cells, but most of the cultured hUC-MSCs develop genomic alterations. Although hUC-MSCs with genomic alterations do not undergo malignant transformation, periodic genomic monitoring and donor management focusing on genomic stability are recommended before these cells are used for clinical applications.  相似文献   

Adaptation to changing environmental conditions represents a challenge to parthenogenetic organisms, and until now, how phenotypic variants are generated in clones in response to the selection pressure of their environment remains poorly known. The obligatory parthenogenetic root‐knot nematode species Meloidogyne incognita has a worldwide distribution and is the most devastating plant‐parasitic nematode. Despite its asexual reproduction, this species exhibits an unexpected capacity of adaptation to environmental constraints, for example, resistant hosts. Here, we used a genomewide comparative hybridization strategy to evaluate variations in gene copy numbers between genotypes of M. incognita resulting from two parallel experimental evolution assays on a susceptible vs. resistant host plant. We detected gene copy number variations (CNVs) associated with the ability of the nematodes to overcome resistance of the host plant, and this genetic variation may reflect an adaptive response to host resistance in this parthenogenetic species. The CNV distribution throughout the nematode genome is not random and suggests the occurrence of genomic regions more prone to undergo duplications and losses in response to the selection pressure of the host resistance. Furthermore, our analysis revealed an outstanding level of gene loss events in nematode genotypes that have overcome the resistance. Overall, our results support the view that gene loss could be a common class of adaptive genetic mechanism in response to a challenging new biotic environment in clonal animals.  相似文献   

Copy number variation refers to regions along chromosomes that harbor a type of structural variation, such as duplications or deletions. Copy number variants (CNVs) play a role in many important traits as well as in genetic diversity. Previous analyses of chickens using array comparative genomic hybridizations or single‐nucleotide polymorphism chip assays have been performed on various breeds and genetic lines to discover CNVs. In this study, we assessed individuals from two highly inbred (inbreeding coefficiency > 99.99%) lines, Leghorn G‐B2 and Fayoumi M15.2, to discover novel CNVs in chickens. These lines have been previously studied for disease resistance, and to our knowledge, this represents the first global assessment of CNVs in the Fayoumi breed. Genomic DNA from individuals was examined using the Agilent chicken 244 K comparative genomic hybridization array and quantitative PCR. We identified a total of 273 CNVs overall, with 112 CNVs being novel and not previously reported. Quantitative PCR using the standard curve method validated a subset of our array data. Through enrichment analysis of genes within CNV regions, we observed multiple chromosomes, terms and pathways that were significantly enriched, largely dealing with the major histocompatibility complex and immune responsiveness. Using an additional round of computational and statistical analysis with a different bioinformatic pipeline, we identified 43 CNVs among these as high‐confidence regions, 14 of which were found to be novel. We further compared and contrasted individuals of the two inbred lines to discover regions that have a significant difference in copy number between lines. A total of 40 regions had significant deletions or duplications between the lines. Gene Ontology analysis of genomic regions containing CNVs between lines also was performed. This between‐line candidate CNV list will be useful in studies with these two unique genetic lines, which may harbor variations that underlie quantitative trait loci for disease resistance and other important traits. Through the global discovery of novel CNVs in chicken, these data also provide resources for further genetic and functional genomics studies.  相似文献   


H. Zhou  D. Li  W. Liu  N. Yang 《Animal genetics》2013,44(3):276-284
Copy number variation (CNV) is considered an important genetic variation, contributing to many economically important traits in the chicken. Although CNVs can be detected using a comparative genomic hybridization array, the high‐density SNP array has provided an alternative way to identify CNVs in the chicken. In the current study, a chicken 60K SNP BeadChip was used to identify CNVs in two distinct chicken genetic lines (White Leghorn and dwarf) using the penncnv program. A total of 209 CNV regions were identified, distributing on chromosomes 1–22 and 24–28 and encompassing 13.55 Mb (1.42%) of chicken autosomal genome area. Three of seven selected CNVs (73.2% individuals) were completely validated by quantitative PCR. To our knowledge, this is the first report in the chicken identifying CNVs using a SNP array. Identification of 190 new identified CNVs illustrates the feasibility of the chicken 60K SNP BeadChip to detect CNVs in the chicken, which lays a solid foundation for future analyses of associations of CNVs with economically important phenotypes in chickens.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Gu X  Feng C  Song C  Hu X  Li N 《Animal genetics》2012,43(3):282-289
The discovery of copy number variation (CNV) in the genome has provided new insight into genomic polymorphism. Studies with chickens have identified a number of large CNV segments using a 385k comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) chip (mean length >140 kb). We present a detailed CNV map for local Chinese chicken breeds and commercial chicken lines using an Agilent 400k array CGH platform with custom-designed probes. We identified a total of 130 copy number variation regions (CNVRs; mean length = 25.70 kb). Of these, 104 (80.0%) were novel segments reported for the first time in chickens. Among the 104 novel CNVRs, 56 (53.8%) of the segments were non-coding sequences, 65 (62.5%) showed the gain of DNA and 40 (38.5%) showed the loss of DNA (one locus showed both loss and gain). Overlapping with the formal selective sweep data and the quantitative trait loci data, we identified four loci that might be considered to be high-confidence selective segments that arose during the domestication of chickens. Compared with the CNVRs reported previously, genes for the positive regulation of phospholipase A2 activity were discovered to be significantly over-represented in the novel CNVRs reported here by gene ontology analysis. Availability of our results should facilitate further research in the study of the genetic variability in chicken breeds.  相似文献   

Clop A  Vidal O  Amills M 《Animal genetics》2012,43(5):503-517

Current understanding of the underlying molecular network and mechanism for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is lacking and incomplete. Previous studies suggest that genomic structural variations play an important role in the pathogenesis of ADHD. For effective modeling, deep learning approaches have become a method of choice, with ability to predict the impact of genetic variations involving complicated mechanisms. In this study, we examined copy number variation in whole genome sequencing from 116 African Americans ADHD children and 408 African American controls. We divided the human genome into 150 regions, and the variation intensity in each region was applied as feature vectors for deep learning modeling to classify ADHD patients. The accuracy of deep learning for predicting ADHD diagnosis is consistently around 78% in a two-fold shuffle test, compared with ∼50% by traditional k-mean clustering methods. Additional whole genome sequencing data from 351 European Americans children, including 89 ADHD cases and 262 controls, were applied as independent validation using feature vectors obtained from the African American ethnicity analysis. The accuracy of ADHD labeling was lower in this setting (∼70–75%) but still above the results from traditional methods. The regions with highest weight overlapped with the previously reported ADHD-associated copy number variation regions, including genes such as GRM1 and GRM8, key drivers of metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling. A notable discovery is that structural variations in non-coding genomic (intronic/intergenic) regions show prediction weights that can be as high as prediction weight from variations in coding regions, results that were unexpected.  相似文献   

Campos R  Storz JF  Ferrand N 《Heredity》2012,108(5):531-536
Comparative genomic studies have revealed that mammals typically possess two or more tandemly duplicated copies of the α-globin (HBA) gene. The domestic rabbit represents an exception to this general rule, as this species was found to possess a single HBA gene. Previous electrophoretic surveys of HBA polymorphism in natural populations of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) revealed extensive geographic variation in the frequencies of three main electromorphs. The variation in frequency of two electromorphs is mainly partitioned between two distinct subspecies of European rabbit, and a third is restricted to the hybrid zone between the two rabbit subspecies in Iberia. Here we report the results of a survey of nucleotide polymorphism, which revealed HBA copy number polymorphism in Iberian populations of the European rabbit. By characterizing patterns of HBA polymorphism in populations from the native range of the European rabbit, we were able to identify the specific amino-acid substitutions that distinguish the previously characterized electromorphs. Within the hybrid zone, we observed the existence of a second HBA gene duplicate, named HBA2, that mostly represents a novel sequence haplotype, which occurs in higher frequency within the hybrid zone, and thus appears to have arisen in hybrids of the two distinct subspecies. Although this novel gene is also present in other wild Iberian populations, it is almost absent from French populations, which suggest a recent ancestry, associated with the establishment of the post-Pleistocene contact zone between the two European rabbit subspecies.  相似文献   

A specific white spotting phenotype, termed finching or line‐backed spotting, is known for all Pinzgauer cattle and occurs occasionally in Tux‐Zillertaler cattle, two Austrian breeds. The so‐called Pinzgauer spotting is inherited as an autosomal incompletely dominant trait. A genome‐wide association study using 27 white spotted and 16 solid‐coloured Tux‐Zillertaler cattle, based on 777k SNP data, revealed a strong signal on chromosome 6 at the KIT locus. Haplotype analyses defined a critical interval of 122 kb downstream of the KIT coding region. Whole‐genome sequencing of a Pinzgauer cattle and comparison to 338 control genomes revealed a complex structural variant consisting of a 9.4‐kb deletion and an inversely inserted duplication of 1.5 kb fused to a 310‐kb duplicated segment from chromosome 4. A diagnostic PCR was developed for straightforward genotyping of carriers for this structural variant (KITPINZ) and confirmed that the variant allele was present in all Pinzgauer and most of the white spotted Tux‐Zillertaler cattle. In addition, we detected the variant in all Slovenian Cika, British Gloucester and Spanish Berrenda en negro cattle with similar spotting patterns. Interestingly, the KITPINZ variant occurs in some white spotted animals of the Swiss breeds Evolèner and Eringer. The introgression of the KITPINZ variant confirms admixture and the reported historical relationship of these short‐headed breeds with Austrian Tux‐Zillertaler and suggests a mutation event, occurring before breed formation.  相似文献   

Annotated DNA samples that had been previously analyzed were tested using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assays containing probes targeting BRCA1, BRCA2, and MMR (MLH1/MSH2 genes) and the 9p21 chromosomal region. MLPA polymerase chain reaction products were separated on a capillary electrophoresis platform, and the data were analyzed using GeneMapper v4.0 software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). After signal normalization, loci regions that had undergone deletions or duplications were identified using the GeneMapper Report Manager and verified using the DyeScale functionality. The results highlight an easy-to-use, optimal sample preparation and analysis workflow that can be used for both small- and large-scale studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical feasibility of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to detect foetal copy number variations (CNVs). Next‐generation sequencing for detecting foetal copy number variations (CNVs) was performed on the collected samples from 161 pregnancies with ultrasound anomalies and negative NIPT results for aneuploidy. The performance of NIPT for detecting chromosome aberrations was calculated. The sensitivity and specificity of NIPT for detecting CNVs > 1 Mb were 83.33% and 99.34%; the PPV and negative predictive rate (NPV) were 90.91% and 98.68%. Non‐invasive prenatal testing can be performed to detect chromosomal aberrations in first trimester with high performance for CNVs, and occasional discordant cases are unavoidable.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a polygenic, systemic, autoimmune disease. Copy number variants (CNVS) have been discovered to be associated with a number of complex disorders. We undertook the current study to explore the potential associations between genomic CNVS and SLE in Chinese Han population. In the discovery stage, seven SLE patients were examined with the high-density comparative genomic hybridization microarrays in the screening test for SLE associated CNVS. Then, in the validation stage, 135 SLE patients and 219 matched healthy subjects were investigated for the CNVS of gene HLA-DRB5 by AccuCopyTM technol- ogy. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction was carried out to determine the copy number (CN) and mRNA level of HLA- DRB5 in SLE patients. Although the mRNA level of HLA- DRB5 between the CN deletion group and the CN normal group in SLE patients was not statistically positive (P = 0.46), our results still showed more CN of HLA-DRB5 in SLE patients than in healthy controls (P = 3.98×10^-6). Odds ratio for CN deletion was 0.38 (95% confidence interval (C1), 0.23-0.61, P = 7.79×10^-5) and for CN duplication was 1.89 (95% CI, 0.56-7.66, P = 0.37), respectively. These findings indicated that CNVS of HLA-DRB5 was associated with the risk of SLE, and CN deletion appeared to be protective for SLE.  相似文献   

Aims: Classic virological tests are time consuming and labour‐intensive; real‐time RT‐PCR has proven to be a fast method to detect and quantify enterovirus genomes in clinical and environmental samples. This method is unable to discriminate between infective and noninfective enterovirus particles; few clinical studies have compared real‐time RT‐PCR and viral culture. We wondered if the enterovirus genome quantification could be correlated to the infectivity. Methods and Results: We used the statistical approach to verify our hypotheses to correlate data, obtained by the standard method (most probable number of cytopathic units—MPNCU) and molecular test (real‐time RT‐PCR), on wastewater treatment plant samples. Chi‐squared test was used, considering several cut‐off values (‘50’‐‘100’‐‘200’ genome copy numbers), to determine statistical significance in comparison of the two methods. Chi‐square value was not significant when cut‐off of 50 (P = 0·103) and 100 (P = 0·178) was assumed but was significant with cut‐off of 200 (P = 0·044). Conclusion: This limit, 200 genome copy, could be used as cut‐off value to indicate enterovirus survival in environmental monitoring. Significant and Impact of the Study: To introduce a fast procedure that is able to compensate for disadvantages of cell culture method for viral environmental analyses.  相似文献   

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