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Extraction of light and dark grown cells of Neurospora crassa with chloroform-methanol gave a free lipid extract in which the relative amounts and compositions of sterols, fatty acid and carotenoid fractions were determined. Further extraction of the cells with methanolic potassium hydroxide solution liberated a bound lipid fraction from the cells. The levels of the bound lipid fraction were much lower than those of the free lipids but analysis showed that the composition was similar to that of the free lipids.  相似文献   

A cell-free system prepared from Neurospora crassa mycelia was capable of incorporating radioactivity from [14C]-mevalonic acid into phytoene and to a much lesser extent into more unsaturated carotenoids. Whereas carotenogenic activities were only minimal in extracts from dark-grown cultures, they were several-fold increased following a short in vivo illumination; this photo-induced increase was inhibited by cycloheximide. Subcellular localization of carotenogenic enzyme activities was investigated using incubations of particular isolated fractions, together with [14C]-mevalonic acid and a geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate-synthesizing system provided by the endosperm of maturing pumpkin seeds. Maximum carotenogenic activity (ca 80%) was localized in two membrane fractions previously shown to contain plasma membranes and, in particular, membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. The lipid layer, containing the bulk of carotenoid pigments, possesses only trace amounts of enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa membrane preparations incorporated mannose from GDP-mannose-[14C] in the presence of Mg2+ into a polyprenol lipid and side chains of protein acceptor(s), which are labile on hydrolysis in weak base. The addition of Mn2+ to the reaction mixtures does not affect mannosyl lipid synthesis but it stimulates the transfer of mannose to larger oligosaccharide chains resistant to β-elimination and the transfer of a second mannosyl unit to form an O-glycosidically linked mannobiosyl side chain. Incubation of particulate preparations with polyprenol-mannose-[14C] in the presence of Mg2+ and Mn2+ also results in the transfer of a single mannose to the protein. When non-radioactive GDP-mannose is added to this reaction mixture, however, β-elimination yields mannobiose. The mannobiose is labeled in the reducing sugar only. These results indicate that the first mannose of this mannobiosyl side chain is transferred via a lipid intermediate, but the second mannose is transferred directly from GDP-mannose. In the presence of Mg2+ and Mn2+, mannose apparently is also transferred from polyprenol-mannose-[14C] to side chains which are resistant to hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from a cell-wall-less mutant of Neurospora crassa grown at 37 and 15°C display large differences in lipid compositions. A free sterol-to-phospholipid ratio of 0.8 was found in 37°C membranes, while 15°C plasma membranes exhibited a ratio of nearly 2.0. Membranes formed under both growth conditions were found to contain glycosphingolipids. Cultures grown at the low temperature, however, were found to contain 6-fold higher levels of glycosphingolipids and a corresponding 2-fold reduction of phospholipid levels. The high glycosphingolipid content at 15°C compensates for the reduced levels of phospholipids in such a way that sterol/polar lipid ratios are almost the same in plasma membranes under the two growth conditions. Temperature-dependent changes in plasma-membrane phospholipid and glycosphingolipid species were also observed. Phosphatidylethanolamine levels were sharply reduced at 15°C, in addition to a moderate increase in levels of unsaturated phospholipid fatty acids. Glycosphingolipids contained high levels of long-chain hydroxy fatty acids, which constituted 75% of the total fraction at 37°C, but only 50% at 15°C. Compositional changes were also observed in the long-chain base component of glycosphingolipids with respect to growth temperature. Fluorescence polarization studies indicate that the observed lipid modifications in 15°C plasma membranes act to modulate bulk fluidity of the plasma-membrane lipids with respect to growth temperature. These studies suggest that coordinate modulation of glycosphingolipid, phospholipid and sterol content may be involved in regulation of plasma-membrane fluid properties during temperature acclimation.  相似文献   

Growth of a choline requiring auxotroph of Neurospora crassa on medium lacking exogenous choline produces large changes in the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. Whole cell fatty acid distributions were found to vary widely between different phospholipid species of normally growing, choline-supplemented cultures with phosphatidylcholine showing the highest levels of unsaturation and anionic phospholipids and cardiolipin having the lowest. In these lipids, choline deprivation produced little change in fatty acid profiles of phosphatidylethanolamine, whereas changes in fatty acids of phosphatidylcholine and acidic phospholipids resulted in increased levels of unsaturation at both growth temperatures. Microsomal phospholipids also showed fatty acid variability with sharp decreases in phosphatidylcholine unsaturates and increases in acidic phospholipid unsaturated fatty acids at low growth temperatures. Fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenylhexatriene in vesicles formed from total cellular and microsomal lipids showed that choline deprivation produces changes in thermotropic properties in the lipids in deprived cultures at either growth temperature. The effective differences in fluorescence polarization between choline-deprived and supplemented cultures grown at a given temperature were found to be comparable to those produced by temperature acclimation in normally growing cultures over a temperature range of 22 K.  相似文献   

A new cis isomer in the violaxanthin series has been isolated from the blossoms of Viola tricolor and identified by MS, IR and UV as the central-monocis form. It was converted to all-trans-violaxanthin by stereomutation. The CD correlation between 15-cis-violaxanthin and natural violaxanthin (5,6,5′,6′-diepoxy-5,6,5′,6′-tetrahydro- β,β-caroten-3,3′-diol) provided the basis for assignment of the absolute configurations 3S, 5R, 6S, 3′S, 5′R, 6′S. Trans—cis isomerization of all-trans-violaxanthin also resulted in 15- cis-violaxanthin. In addition a quantitative determination of the carotenoids was conducted.  相似文献   

Monoalgal cultured Eutreptielia gymnastica contained chlorophyll a and b. The acetylenic carotenoids diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin were among the main xanthophylls while their non-acetylenic analogues zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin were absent. The structurally most complex carotenoid was identical with neoxanthin. Three of the xanthophylls isolated could not be positively correlated with carotenoids previously reported from the Euglenophyceae. The ketocarotenoids astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and echinenone were absent.  相似文献   

The distribution of the triterpene mono- and dihydroxy alcohols was investigated in the subcellular fractions of the flowers of Calendula officinalis. The triterpene monols were found mainly in the chromoplast fraction (68% of total) with smaller amounts in the cell debris, microsomal and supernatant fractions, the mitochondrial fraction was almost devoid of these compounds. Triterpene diols were present exclusively in the chromoplast fraction, 98% in the form of the 3-monoesters and 2% in the form of diesters. It is suggested that the hydroxylation of the triterpene monols to the corresponding diols proceeds in the chromoplasts and the esterified form of the monols is probably the substrate for this reaction.  相似文献   

Gerhard Sandmann 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(17):2886-2890
The Neurospora crassa mutant YLO exhibits a yellow phenotype instead of the red-orange pigmentation of the wild type. Recently, it was shown that the mutant YLO is defective in a specific aldehyde dehydrogenase which catalyses the last step of carotenogenesis to the formation of neurosporaxanthin [Estrada, A.F., Youssar, L., Scherzinger, D., Al-Babili, S., Avalos, J., 2008. The ylo-1 gene encodes an aldehyde dehydrogenase responsible for the last reaction in the Neurospora carotenoid pathway. Mol. Microbiol. 69, 1207-1220]. Since different carotenoid compositions between wild type and YLO have been reported in earlier publications, the carotenoids of YLO were analyzed and unknown carotenoids identified. Fractionation of carotenoid extracts from YLO revealed in the less polar fraction two major carotenoids of low polarity which were found only in trace amounts in the wild type. Both carotenoids could be hydrolyzed with KOH to more polar products indicating the presence of fatty acid esters. The fatty acid moiety was identified as myristic acid by gas chromatography. Optical and mass spectra as well as co-chromatography with a synthesized authentic standard identified the free alcohols as 4′-apolycopene-4′-ol and 4′-apo-γ-carotene-4′-ol which assigns the dominating carotenoids in the YLO mutant as 4′-apolycopene-4′-myristate and 4′-apo-γ-carotene-4′-myristate. We can attribute the accumulation of these two carotenoids in YLO to the substantial mutation of the neurosporaxanthin-forming aldehyde dehydrogenase. However, the aldehyde intermediates 4′-apo-γ-carotene-4′-al and 4′-apo-lycopene-4′-al do not accumulate substantially but are reduced instead to the corresponding alcohols, 4′-apolycopene-4′-ol and 4′-apo-γ-carotene-4′-ol, and both further esterified with mainly myristic acid yielding 4′-apolycopene-4′-myristate and 4′-apo-γ-carotene-4′-myristate.  相似文献   

Heavy-ion beams are known to cause great damage to cellular components and are particularly renowned for their ability to generate DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). To gain insight into the mutagenic effect of carbon-ion beams and how such damage is repaired by the cell, Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in one of three components involved in the repair of DSBs, nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination repair (HR), and the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) complex, were irradiated with a carbon-ion beam and killing effect, mutation frequencies, and the type of mutation incurred by survivors were analysed. The sensitivity of the NHEJ-deficient strain (mus-52) was higher than that of the wild-type and the HR-deficient (mei-3) strains at low doses of radiation, but was little changed as the level increased. As a result both the wild-type and HR-deficient strains were more sensitive than the NHEJ-deficient strain at high radiation levels. In addition, the frequency of forward mutation at the adenine-3 (ad-3) loci of the NHEJ-deficient mutant was lower than that of the wild-type strain at all levels, while the mutation frequency of the HR-deficient strain was consistently ∼3-fold higher than the wild-type. From the comparison of mutation type of each strain, deletions were frequently observed in wild-type strain, whilst base substitution and deletion in the mus-52 and mei-3 strains. These mutations resulting from carbon-ion-beam irradiation depend on the mechanism invoked to cope with DSBs. Furthermore, in wild-type cells, these mechanisms likely compete to repair DSBs.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the intracellular distribution of the cardiac glycosides in leaves of Convallaria majalis, cell organelles were prepared by several methods. After mechanical disruption of the cells and differential centrifugation, the cardenolide content obtained was determined using the Baljet reaction. Most of the cardiac glycoside fraction was found in the soluble supernatant. However, a low but significant amount was also found in the 10 000g particles. Protoplasts and vacuoles were prepared by enzymic digestion of leaves. The cardenolide to protein ratio of vacuoles was far higher than that of protoplasts or the cytoplasmic fraction. The cardenolide content of isolated vacuoles relative to their number agreed well with the corresponding value obtained for protoplasts. This demonstrates clearly that cardiac glycosides are stored predominantly in the vacuoles of Convallaria majalis.  相似文献   

The identity of chrysanthemaxanthin as a major pigment in avocado pulp has been confirmed by MS and the identity of neoxanthin similarly established. A carbonyl pigment was identified as 3-hydroxy-sintaxanthin. Two new UV fluorescent apocarotenoids were isolated. On the basis of spectrum, behaviour in acid and MS, one of these is assigned the structure 5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro- 10′-apo-β-caroten-3, 10′-diol. The other has an acid labile pentaene chromophore, and structure (1) has been tentatively assigned on similar evidence. These are the first natural allyic apocarotenols whose structures have been established.  相似文献   

The multifunctional enzyme complex anthranilate synthase from Neurospora crassa has been purified to homogeneity by a new procedure which yields a stable preparation of the enzyme. Unlike earlier preparations of the enzyme, anthranilate synthase prepared by this technique is not degraded during incubation at 37 °C or during freeze-thaw treatment. Purified anthranilate synthase contains two subunits of Mr 84,000 (β-subunit) and 76,000 (α-subunit), which are shown, by partial proteolysis, to be unrelated in sequence. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that freshly prepared crude extracts of Neurospora contain anthranilate synthase subunits identical in size with those of the purified enzyme. The β-subunit is shown to be the product of the trp1 gene, and the a-subunit, of the trp2 gene.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Van 't Sant, P., Mak, J.F.C. and Kroon, A.M. (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 121, 21–26) we showed the existence of three elongated precursor proteins (45, 36 and 25 kDa) of mitochondrial translation products in Neurospora crassa. We presented some indications that the largest precursor could be related to subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase. Here we present conclusive evidence that the 45-kDa polypeptide is indeed this precursor by demonstrating that an immunodetectable 45-kDa polypeptide displays the same behaviour as the labeled 45-kDa precursor; both accumulate after long incubation with cycloheximide or by decreasing the temperature and both are not tightly membrane bound. Moreover the antibody against subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase also recognizes, in immunoadsorption experiments, besides subunit 1, the 45-kDa polypeptide accumulated by cycloheximide incubation. Furthermore, we developed a small scale purification of antibodies against subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase. By means of these purified antibodies it is demonstrated that the 45-kDa polypeptide and subunit 1 have corresponding antigenic determinants. Under the various conditions tested, all three precursors are less firmly membrane-bound than the mature subunits. Finally, it is observed that in short incubations in vivo, chloramphenicol inhibits the processing of the mitochondrially synthesized precursors, under conditions where mitochondrial translation is only partially inhibited.  相似文献   

镉在互花米草中积累、转运及亚细胞的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了在不同Cd浓度(0、5、100、200μg·g-1)处理下,互花米草花序、叶、茎、根茎、须根中Cd含量、积累量、转运特征,及Cd在互花米草体内的亚细胞分布。结果表明,Cd在互花米草不同器官中的积累能力存在较大差异。茎、根茎、须根中Cd含量及积累量随处理浓度的增加而升高,其中须根中Cd含量及积累量均高于其他器官。Cd处理浓度为100gμ·g-1时,花序和叶中Cd含量达到最大值,分别为8.65和7.82μg·g-1。在Cd处理浓度为200μg·g-1时,须根中Cd含量可高达390.00μg·g-1,积累量达3200μg·株-1。Cd在互花米草体内转运能力极低,绝大部分Cd积累在地下部位。Cd在互花米草亚细胞中的分布规律为细胞壁>胞液>细胞器。随着Cd处理浓度的增加,Cd在细胞壁中的分配比例增大,胞液中Cd分布比例则相应减小,细胞壁和胞液相互协调,增强互花米草对重金属Cd的耐性。  相似文献   

Transport of l-aspartic acid in Neurospora crassa conidia is shown to be mediated by neutral and general amino acid transport systems. The transport activity is dependent on pH and results in accumulation of l-aspartic acid against a gradient. Mutants deficient in transport of l-aspartic acid are described.  相似文献   

霞多丽苗木中镉的积累、亚细胞分布及化学存在形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以一年生盆栽葡萄品种霞多丽(Vitis vinifera L.cv.Chardonnay)自根苗及SO4砧嫁接苗为试材,采用CdCl2和CaCl2根部灌入的方法,研究了镉在霞多丽植株内的亚细胞分布和存在形态,以及外源添加氯化钙对植株镉吸收的影响.结果表明:大部分镉积累在霞多丽自根苗及嫁接苗的地下部器官;4 mmol·L-1浓度的CdCl2处理下,镉在自根苗根及根颈部分的积累量占77.1%,在叶片中的积累量占1.4%,而嫁接苗中镉在嫁接口以下部分的积累量高达93.9%,叶片中的积累量仅占0.1%;5 mmol·L-1外源钙缓解了植株对镉的吸收积累,而10mmol ·L-1外源钙则显著增加了植株对镉的吸收积累.镉在根系和叶片中的亚细胞分布规律为细胞壁>可溶性部分>细胞器,且在细胞壁中积累50%以上;镉在根系中主要以氯化钠提取态存在,其次为乙酸提取态,去离子水提取态含量最少.随着镉处理浓度的增加,各提取态含量有所变化.  相似文献   

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