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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether indices of cardiorespiratory fitness are related to quality of life (QOL) in women survivors of breast cancer. Using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-30 questionnaire, we assessed the QOL of 16 participants (age, 50 +/- 9 years; body mass, 66.6 +/- 9.6 kg). All participants performed incremental cycle ergometer exercise to determine several indices of cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., peak oxygen uptake [.V(O2)peak, in L.min(-1), ml.kg(-1).min(-1)]), peak power output (PPO, in W), PPO/ body mass (W.kg(-1), peak heart rate (HRpeak, b.min(-1), peak ventilation (VEpeak), and .V(O2) and heart rate (HR) at the ventilatory (VT) and respiratory compensation (RCT) thresholds. Relationships between QOL and variables were assessed using Spearman rank-difference correlation tests. A significant inverse relationship (p < 0.05) was found for QOL scores and values for age (years) and body mass (kg) ( = -0.53), %HRpeak@VT ( = -0.59) and %VEpeak@VT ( = -0.61). A significant positive relationship (p < 0.05) was found for QOL and PPO/body mass ( = 0.59) and HRpeak ( = 0.78), .V(O2)@RCT (ml.kg(-1.min(-1) ( = 0.51), power output (PO, expressed as either W or W.kg(-1) at RCT, and HR at RCT ( = 0.54). No other significant relationship was found between QOL and variables obtained from the tests. In conclusion, these findings highlight possible relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness and well-being in survivors of breast cancer. From a practical point of view, our data emphasize the need for this population to engage in programmed cardiorespiratory exercise training, mainly designed to improve VT and RCT. The improvement of both submaximal indices can have a beneficial effect on QOL.  相似文献   

The decline of one farmland bird, the migratory European starling, has been attributed to both agricultural intensification and farmland abandonment and to factors operating both during the winter and during the breeding season. We analysed population data from thirty‐three Swedish nestbox colonies over more than two decades to determine if the national decline was caused by a common factor affecting all colonies or by local changes in the breeding grounds affecting starling colonies. We found that numbers of breeding starling had declined significantly, but at different rates in different colonies. The local population sizes were affected by previous years’ productivity at both national and local scales, suggesting that changes in habitat quality at both scales could affect local population trends. There were no long‐term trends in reproductive output, but fledgling production was lowest at intermediate years. The local population changes were positively related to local changes in reproductive output, but only when including complete nest‐failures. A relationship between population declines and low mean local productivity was the result of the association between population sizes and reproductive success over time, since decline rates of starlings were not related to the average success during the first part of the study, but to the average success during the later part of the study. The relationship between population change and changes in reproductive output was evident, but fledgling production showed negative density‐dependence. In conclusion this study suggests that the decline of the starling population in Sweden has been affected by processes at small spatial scales during the breeding season affecting reproductive success, but does not exclude an additional role for processes at large spatial scales or outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Different pollination treatments of capitula were used to examine the breeding system of individuals of the tetraploid endemic species Scalesia affinis from the Galápagos Islands. All types of crossings resulted in approximately 35 achenes per capitulum, but in actively and passively self-pollinated capitula these were mostly without embryos. Among self-pollinated individuals a large variation was found in the production of embryos. Some individuals failed completely to set filled achenes while others produced few or many. Additionally, we found a clear difference in female phenology of florets in self-pollinated capitula compared with florets in cross-pollinated capitula. Female florets in self-pollinated capitula remained receptive for longer time. These results suggest that Scalesia affinis is partly self-incompatible. Outcrossing is assured by the endemic carpenter bee, Xylocopa darwini , which proved to be an important pollinator of Scalesia affinis . Nevertheless, geitonogamy seemed to be considerable in the focal population, for which reason open pollinated capitula produced fewer achenes than controlled outcrossed capitula.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 93–101.  相似文献   

The S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR has been identified as a genetic vulnerability factor, being associated with an increased risk for affective disorders and/or maladaptive traits (e.g. neuroticism), especially after exposition to negative life-events (LEs). Alternatively, it has been hypothesized that this genetic risk factor might constitute a genetic plasticity factor. That is, S-allele carriers are not only vulnerable to the negative effects of a preponderance of stressful LEs but also disproportionally benefit from a preponderance of positive environmental influences. We tested this hypothesis in 357 subjects who were genotyped for the 5-HTTLPR and provided self-reports of neuroticism, life-satisfaction and LEs. Results showed a relatively increased number of positive LEss to be associated with reduced neuroticism (men: β = -0.501, P < 0.05, women: β = -0.369, P < 0.005) and increased life satisfaction (β = 0.494, P < 0.001) within SS-homozygotes. Within SL-heterozygotes, similar tendencies were found. No associations were detected in LL-homozygotes. Extreme Group comparisons revealed a genotype × LE interaction (F(2,198) = 5.593, P < 0.005), with SS-homozygotes having experienced predominantly positive LEs exhibiting reduced neuroticism (women: F(1,34) = 4.764, P < 0.05; men: F(1,17) = 2.092, P = 0.17), and increased life satisfaction (F(1,53) = 4.057, P < 0.05), as compared to LL-homozygotes having experienced predominantly positive LEs. Our data support the idea that the S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR is associated with an overall increased reactivity to environmental influences, be they positive or negative in nature. These findings constitute a promising add-on to earlier data and support the plasticity hypothesis.  相似文献   

The inversion of configuration of L‐alanine can be carried out by combining its selective oxidation in the presence of NAD+ and L‐alanine dehydrogenase, electrochemical regeneration of the NAD+ at a carbon felt anode, and reductive amination of pyruvate, i.e., reduction of its imino derivative at a mercury cathode, the reaction mixture being buffered with concentrated ammonium/ammonia (1.28M / 1.28M). The dehydrogenase exhibits astonishing activity and stability under such extreme conditions of pH and ionic strength. The main drawback of the process is its slowness. At best, the complete inversion of a 10 mM solution of L‐alanine requires 140 h. A careful and detailed quantitative analysis of each of the key steps involved shows that the enzyme catalyzed oxidation is so thermodynamically uphill that it can be driven efficiently to completion only when both the coenzyme regeneration and the pyruvate reduction are very effective. The first condition is easily fulfilled. Under the best conditions, it is the rate of the chemical reaction producing the imine which controls the whole process kinetically. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 101–107, 1999.  相似文献   

Self‐compatibility in apomictic pseudogamic species is considered fundamental to assure reproduction by seeds in extreme situations, making apomictic species more advantageous than sexual ones in these scenarios. Anemopaegma acutifolium is a polyploidy, apomictic sporophytic species with no endosperm development in ovules of unpollinated pistils, which indicates obligate pseudogamy. Thus, the aim of the present work is to study the breeding system and post‐pollination events to test if there is similar pseudogamous development irrespective of pollination treatment. We analysed fruit and seed set obtained in controlled experimental pollinations, as well as embryo number per seed, and the progress of ovule penetration, fertilisation and early endosperm development between self‐ and cross‐pollinated pistils. We found that the species is self‐fertile and that spontaneous selfing fruit set is also possible, although emasculated flowers never form fruits. Selfed pistils were as efficient as crossed ones for all parameters analysed, except for a delay in endosperm development observed in the former that may be an effect of the late‐acting self‐incompatibility. Therefore, the avoidance of selfed pistil abortion seems to be promoted by the presence of adventitious embryos and a normal endosperm. We conclude that A. acutifolium shows apomixis‐related pseudo‐self‐compatibility, as in other self‐fertile apomictic species of Bignoniaceae, which confer reproductive assurance and increases fruit‐set and persistence ability in fast‐changing tropical habitats.  相似文献   

Avian literature on sibling recognition is rare compared to that developed by mammalian researchers. We compare avian and mammalian research on sibling recognition to identify why avian work is rare, how approaches differ and what avian and mammalian researchers can learn from each other. Three factors: (1) biological differences between birds and mammals, (2) conceptual biases and (3) practical constraints, appear to influence our current understanding. Avian research focuses on colonial species because sibling recognition is considered adaptive where 'mixing potential' of dependent young is high; research on a wider range of species, breeding systems and ecological conditions is now needed. Studies of acoustic recognition cues dominate avian literature; other types of cues (e.g. visual, olfactory) deserve further attention. The effect of gender on avian sibling recognition has yet to be investigated; mammalian work shows that gender can have important influences. Most importantly, many researchers assume that birds recognise siblings through 'direct familiarisation' (commonly known as associative learning or familiarity); future experiments should also incorporate tests for 'indirect familiarisation' (commonly known as phenotype matching). If direct familiarisation proves crucial, avian research should investigate how periods of separation influence sibling discrimination. Mammalian researchers typically interpret sibling recognition in broad functional terms (nepotism, optimal outbreeding); some avian researchers more successfully identify specific and testable adaptive explanations, with greater relevance to natural contexts. We end by reporting exciting discoveries from recent studies of avian sibling recognition that inspire further interest in this topic.  相似文献   

Centenarians surpass the current human life expectancy with about 20–25 years. However, whether centenarians represent healthy aging still remains an open question. Previous studies have been hampered by a number of methodological shortcomings such as a cross-sectional design and lack of an appropriate control group. In a longitudinal population-based cohort, it was examined whether the centenarian phenotype may be a useful model for healthy aging. The study was based on a complete follow up of 39 945 individuals alive in the Danish 1905 birth cohort on January 1, 1977 identified through the Danish Civil Registration System (DCRS). Data from the Danish Demographic Database and The Danish National Patient Register (in existence since 1977) were used. The 1905 cohort was followed up from 1977 through 2004 with respect to hospitalizations and number of hospital days. Survival status was available until December 2006. Danish centenarians from the 1905 cohort were hospitalized substantially less than their shorter-lived contemporaries at the same point in time during the years 1977 through 2004. For example, at age 71–74, the proportion of nonhospitalized centenarians was 80.5% compared with 68.4% among individuals who died in their early 80s. This trend was evident in both sexes. As a result of their lower hospitalization rates and length of stay in hospital compared with their contemporaries, who died at younger ages, Danish centenarians represent healthy agers. Centenarians constitute a useful study population in the search for fixed traits associated with exceptional longevity, such as genotype.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of bacterial evolutionary relationships has proven to be a daunting task because variable mutation rates and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among species can cause grave incongruities between phylogenetic trees based on single genes. Recently, a highly robust phylogenetic tree was constructed for 13 gamma-proteobacteria using the combined alignments of 205 conserved orthologous proteins.1 Only two proteins had incongruent tree topologies, which were attributed to HGT between Pseudomonas species and Vibrio cholerae or enterics. While the evolutionary relationships among these species appears to be resolved, further analysis suggests that HGT events with other bacterial partners likely occurred; this alters the implicit assumption of gamma-proteobacteria monophyly. Thus, any thorough reconstruction of bacterial evolution must not only choose a suitable set of molecular markers but also strive to reduce potential bias in the selection of species.  相似文献   

The elongation of π‐conjugated bridges between the donor (D) and the acceptor (A) represents a feasible strategy towards enhancement of light‐harvesting in both breadth and depth of organic D‐π‐A dyes suitable for nanocrystalline TiO2‐based dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Here, a series of organic dyes with elongating conjugated bridges is synthesized and characterized. DSSC devices employing a cobalt (II/III) redox electrolyte are fabricated using these dyes as light‐harvesting sensitizers. Compared to a dye with the 3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) linker ( G188 ), the three counterparts with further extended π‐bridges present gradually red‐shifted electronic absorption spectra and a persistent decrease in oxidation potential. The photocurrent action spectra show that the extension of π‐conjugated bridges decreases the open‐circuit photovoltage. The best performance is shown in G268 with a short‐circuit photocurrent density (Jsc) of 16.27 mA cm2, an open‐circuit photovoltage (Voc) of 0.83 V, and a fill factor (FF) of 0.67, corresponding to an overall conversion efficiency of 9.24%. Unexpectedly, G270, which has with the longest π‐bridge , showed the lowest Jsc, Voc, and efficiency.  相似文献   

Quercetin and other flavonoids have been reported to exhibit both antioxidant and pro‐oxidant properties. Most studies about the pro‐oxidative ability were conducted in the presence of metal ions, and the essential functional moiety of quercetin responsible for the pro‐oxidative effect is still unclear. In this study, we evaluated the pro‐oxidative abilities in the absence of metal ions of two quercetin derivatives, i.e., quercetin‐3′‐O‐β‐D ‐glucoside ( 1 ) and quercetin‐3‐Oβ‐D ‐glucoside ( 2 ), by assessing DNA cleavage and HO.‐radical production. The binding mode between these compounds and DNA was studied by fluorescence and viscometric titrations. The results showed that 1 can efficiently induce oxidative damage to plasmid DNA, while 2 shows poor activity. Both 1 and 2 bind to DNA via groove‐binding. These results proved that the α‐hydroxy‐β‐oxo‐α,β‐enone moiety contributes to the pro‐oxidative activity of quercetin.  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(11):1260-1268
The fission/division and fusion of mitochondria are fundamental aspects of mitochondrial biology. The balance of fission and fusion sets the length of mitochondria in cells to serve their physiological requirements. The fission of mitochondria is markedly induced in many disease states and in response to cellular injury, resulting in the fragmentation of mitochondria into dysfunctional units. The mechanism that drives fission is dependent on the dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1) GTPase. mdivi‐1 is a quinazolinone originally described as a selective inhibitor of Drp1, over other dynamin family members, and reported to inhibit mitochondrial fission. A recent study has challenged the activity of mdivi‐1 as an inhibitor of Drp1. This study raises serious issues regarding the interpretation of data addressing the effects of mdivi‐1 as reflective of the inhibition of Drp1 and thus fission. This commentary considers the evidence for and against mdivi‐1 as an inhibitor of Drp1 and presents the following considerations; (1) the activity of mdivi‐1 toward Drp1 GTPase activity requires further biochemical investigation, (2) as there is a large body of literature using mdivi‐1 in vitro with effects as predicted for inhibition of Drp1 and mitochondrial fission, reviewed herein, the evidence is in favor of mdivi‐1's originally described bioactivity, and (3) until the issue is resolved, experimental interpretations for the effects of mdivi‐1 on inhibition of fission in cell and tissue experiments warrants stringent positive controls directly addressing the effects of mdivi‐1 on fission. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1260–1268, 2017  相似文献   

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