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OBJECTIVE: Review of published studies of birth defects of the renal, liver, and gastrointestinal organ systems in subjects with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). METHOD: We searched PubMed ( http://www.pubmed.gov ) using the following terms: fetal alcohol syndrome and: gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver, and congenital abnormalities for all years and English only citations. RESULTS: We located 12 studies of FASD and defects of or functional impairments for the liver, 12 of renal abnormalities, and only two with gastrointestinal defects. We did not identify specific patterns of malformations or functional deficits for any of the three organ systems. The existing literature suggests a series of nonspecific outcomes in FASD. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder includes a diagnostic category of alcohol‐related birth defects which is clinically difficult to apply. This study adds to the existing literature on birth defects in FASD which is still very limited. The categorical diagnosis of alcohol‐related birth defects requires additional research to determine if a specific pattern of organ specific abnormalities or functional deficits emerges in subjects with FASD. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was a review of published studies utilizing measurement of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) in meconium as biomarkers for prenatal alcohol exposure. METHODS: We completed a literature search of PubMed using the terms meconium, fatty acid ethyl esters, biomarkers, and prenatal alcohol exposure. We included only peer reviewed studies utilizing analysis of meconium for the presence of FAEE in humans through the year 2007. RESULTS: We found 10 articles reporting on original research examining the relationship of FAEE from meconium and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). The 10 articles used six different PAE assessment strategies and four different analytical techniques for determining FAEE endpoints. The articles included 2,221 subjects (range 4 to 725) with 455 (20.5%) subjects identified as exposed using the methods stated in the articles. FAEE levels above the studies' respective cutoffs were reported for 502 (22.6%) subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The accurate identification of alcohol‐exposed pregnancies represents a significant challenge in the development of FAEE detection cutoffs to maximize the sensitivity and specificity of the test. We present several options for the improvement of exposure assessment in future studies of FAEE as biomarkers for PAE. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intrauterine exposure to alcohol may result in a distinct pattern of craniofacial abnormalities and central nervous system dysfunction, designated fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The spectrum of malformations of the brain associated with maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy is much broader than the relatively uniform clinical phenotype of FAS. Among these malformations the most striking abnormalities involve the impairment of neuronal cell migration. However, polymicrogyria (PMG) has so far been reported only once in a human autopsy study of a child with FAS. CASE: A 16‐year‐old girl with confirmed maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and full phenotype of FAS presented after two generalized epileptic seizures for neurologic assessment. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging revealed bilateral PMG in the superior frontal gyrus with asymmetric distribution. History, clinical features, and genetic investigations provided no evidence for any of the known genetic or acquired causes of PMG. Therefore, we propose that prenatal alcohol exposure is the cause of PMG in this patient rather than a mere coincidence. CONCLUSION: Our observation represents only the second patient of PMG in FAS and confirms the phenotypic variability of cerebral malformations associated with maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy. In patients with clinical features of FAS and neurologic deficits or seizures neuroimaging is recommended. Furthermore, FAS should be considered as a differential diagnosis for PMG. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Clinical reports on monozygotic and dizygotic twins provided the initial evidence for the involvement of genetic factors in risk vulnerability for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) including fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Research with selectively bred and inbred rodents, genetic crosses of these lines and strains, and embryo culture studies have further clarified the role of both maternal and fetal genetics in the development of FASD. Research to identify specific polymorphisms contributing to FASD is still at an early stage. To date, polymorphisms of only one of the genes for the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme family, the ADH1B, have been demonstrated to contribute to FASD vulnerability. In comparison with ADH1B*1, both maternal and fetal ADH1B*2 have been shown to reduce risk for FAS in a mixed ancestry South African population. ADH1B*3 appears to afford protection for FASD outcomes in African-American populations. Other candidate genes should be examined with respect to FASD risk, including those for the enzymes of serotonin metabolism, in particular the serotonin transporter. By its very nature, alcohol teratogenesis is the expression of the interaction of genes with environment. The study of genetic factors in FASD falls within the new field of ecogenetics. Understanding of the array of genetic factors in FASD will be enhanced by future genetic investigations, including case-control, family association, and linkage studies.  相似文献   

The effects of alcohol on fetal development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prenatal exposure to alcohol has profound effects on many aspects of fetal development. Although alterations of somatic growth and specific minor malformations of facial structure are most characteristic, the effects of alcohol on brain development are most significant in that they lead to substantial problems with neurobehavioral development. Since the initial recognition of the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a number of important observations have been made from studies involving both humans and animals. Of particular importance, a number of maternal risk factors have been identified, which may well be of relevance relative to the development of strategies for prevention of the FAS as well as intervention for those who have been affected. These include maternal age >30 years, ethnic group, lower socioeconomic status, having had a previously affected child, maternal under-nutrition, and genetic background. The purpose of this review is to discuss these issues as well as to set forth a number of questions that have not adequately been addressed relative to alcohol's effect on fetal development. Of particular importance is the critical need to identify the full spectrum of structural defects associated with the prenatal effects of alcohol as well as to establish a neurobehavioral phenotype. Appreciation of both of these issues is necessary to understand the full impact of alcohol on fetal development.  相似文献   

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in a range of anomalies including brain and behavioral dysfunctions, collectively termed fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. PAE during the 1st and 2nd trimester is common, and research in animal models has documented significant neural developmental deficits associated with PAE during this period. However, little is known about the immediate effects of PAE on fetal brain vasculature. In this study, we used in utero speckle variance optical coherence tomography, a high spatial‐ and temporal‐resolution imaging modality, to evaluate dynamic changes in microvasculature of the 2nd trimester equivalent murine fetal brain, minutes after binge‐like maternal alcohol exposure. Acute binge‐like PAE resulted in a rapid (<1 hour) and significant decrease (P < .001) in vessel diameter as compared to the sham group. The data show that a single binge‐like maternal alcohol exposure resulted in swift vasoconstriction in fetal brain vessels during the critical period of neurogenesis.   相似文献   

Prenatal ethanol exposure (PEE) can lead to structural and functional abnormalities in fetal brain. Although neural developmental deficits due to PEE have been recognized, the immediate effects of PEE on fetal brain vasculature and hemodynamics remain poorly understood. One of the major obstacles that preclude the rapid advancement of studies on fetal vascular dynamics is the limitation of the imaging techniques. Thus, a technique for noninvasive in‐vivo imaging of fetal vasculature and hemodynamics is desirable. In this study, we explored the dynamic changes of the vessel dimeter, density and oxygen saturation in fetal brain after acute maternal ethanol exposure in the second‐trimester equivalent murine model using a real‐time photoacoustic tomography system we developed for imaging embryo of small animals. The results indicate a significant decrease in fetal brain vessel diameter, perfusion and oxygen saturation. This work demonstrated that PAT can provide high‐resolution noninvasive imaging ability to monitor fetal vascular dynamics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is well known that alcohol consumption during pregnancy can result in lower birth weight babies but many women stop consuming alcohol prior to conception as a part of pregnancy planning. The purpose of this study was to determine whether alcohol consumption prior to conception may also have an effect on fetal development. METHODS: Male and female C57BL/6J mice at 4, 6, or 8 weeks of age received either a single administration of alcohol (3.0 g/kg) via intragastric gavage (IG) each day for at least 60 days, or an isovolumetric IG administration of sterile water. After 60 treatment days, males and females within each age and treatment group were mated overnight. Females continued to receive daily alcohol treatments until conception. Males continued to receive treatments until all females were successfully mated. At conception, females were isolated and left undisturbed. On embryonic day 14, fetus number, size, and weight was determined. RESULTS: Maternal food consumption, body weight at conception, and delay to conception onset did not differ between the two treatment groups or among the three age groups. Fetal body weights did not differ among the three age groups. Fetuses from females treated with alcohol had lower body weights compared to those treated with water. Male treatments did not seem to affect fetal body weight. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal growth and development can be affected by alcohol consumption prior to the time of conception. Alcohol consumption prior to conception is a potential risk factor to fetal outcome and an important consideration for those females planning to have children.  相似文献   

Background: The objective was to investigate the frequency of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and ophthalmologic anomalies in orphanage children in Brazil. Methods: A prospective study was performed on 94 children living in an orphanage in Brazil. The children were examined by a multidisciplinary team consisting of specialists in pediatrics, neurology, psychology, neuropsychiatry, and ophthalmology. Results: The main reasons for living in the orphanage, in 61% of the children, were negligence, child abuse, and abandonment. Of all the children studied, 50% had mothers with known alcohol abuse and 47% had one or more diagnoses of neurodevelopmental/behavioral and/or cognitive deficits. General developmental delay was found in 18%, intellectual disability in 3%, cognitive impairment in 27%, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 14%, and autism in 3%. Altogether 17% had FASD, comprising three children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), six with partial FAS, and seven with alcohol‐related neurodevelopmental disorder. 16% had ophthalmological findings such as poor vision, strabismus, and dysmorphology of the optic nerves. Twenty‐eight children (30%) were adopted from the orphanage; of these, six had FASD (two FAS, three partial FAS, one alcohol‐related neurodevelopmental disorder), five had attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and eight had developmental delay. Conclusion: Nearly half of the children living in the orphanage had neurodevelopmental disorders and a considerable number showed signs of damage from prenatal alcohol exposure. A broader look at the problem of FASD in Brazil and other South American countries is desirable to document the burden of disease and provide data for targeting prevention efforts. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 103:178–185, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A common feature associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is the inability to concentrate on a specific task while ignoring distractions. Human continuous performance tasks (CPT), measure vigilance and cognitive control simultaneously while these processes are traditionally measured separately in rodents. We recently established a touchscreen 5-choice CPT (5C-CPT) that measures vigilance and cognitive control simultaneously by incorporating both target and nontargets and showed it was sensitive to amphetamine-induced improvement in humans and mice. Here, we examined the effects of moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in male and female mice on performance of the 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT), which contained only target trials, and the 5C-CPT which incorporated both target and nontarget trials. In addition, we assessed gait and fine motor coordination in behavioral naïve PAE and control animals. We found that on the 5-CSRTT mice were able to respond to target presentations with similar hit rates regardless of sex or treatment. However, on the 5C-CPT PAE mice made significantly more false alarm responses vs controls. Compared with control animals, PAE mice had a significantly lower sensitivity index, a measure of ability to discriminate appropriate responses to stimuli types. During 5C-CPT, female mice, regardless of treatment, also had increased mean latency to respond when correct and omitted more target trials. Gait assessment showed no significant differences in PAE and SAC mice on any measure. These findings suggest that moderate exposure to alcohol during development can have long lasting effects on cognitive control unaffected by gross motor alterations.  相似文献   

To determine if meconium fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) in rat pups is a good biomarker of prenatal exposure and effect to alcohol, three groups of pregnant rats were studied: one control (pair fed) and two treatment groups given 25% alcohol at 2.2 or 5.5 g−1 kg−1 d−1. The pups were delivered on day 20 and, for each dam, were separated into a male and female group. The body, brain, intestines, and placenta of the pups were obtained, weighed, and stored at −20°C. The pups’ intestines (as surrogate of meconium) from each group were pooled, and meconium was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy for FAEE. The meconium showed the following FAEE: ethyl palmitate, ethyl stearate, and ethyl linolenate and were only found in the alcohol-treated group and with high specificity but low sensitivity. Mean body weight of the pups was lower in the treatment groups compared to the control groups. Ethyl palmitate concentration correlated negatively to the pups’ mean body and brain weights. Therefore, ethyl palmitate, stearate, and linolenate, in meconium of rat pups prenatally exposed to alcohol, are useful biomarkers of prenatal alcohol exposure, with ethyl palmitate a good biomarker of adverse effect on the pups’ body and brain weight.  相似文献   

Prenatal substance use remains a significant issue in the United States. Initial reports regarding prenatal cocaine and methamphetamine exposure suggested profound adverse effects on child development. However, subsequent prospective, longitudinal investigations have found more subtle effects. What follows is a brief review of the health, growth, behavioral, and intellectual outcomes for children exposed to prenatal cocaine and prenatal methamphetamine. Factors that may mitigate or intensify subtle adverse effects manifested in exposed children will also be discussed. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:142–146, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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