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In this article, we describe an 8- to 10-day inquiry safari designed for middle/high school students to investigate hominid evolution using replica skulls of extant and extinct vertebrates. Students begin the unit using their own skulls and proceed to use the replica skulls of extant vertebrates to construct an understanding of how skulls can be used to interpret and infer diets, dentition, dental formulae, bipedal or quadrupedal locomotion, and the social structure of animals. They are then able to use this knowledge to construct similar inferences for extinct fossil hominids. Using radiometric dating data, the students develop possible phylogenetic pathways for hominid evolution. The lessons promote the use of inquiry skills including journaling, observing, drawing, puzzle-making, using taxonomic keys, and investigating into deep geological time.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the distal femoral fragments from Sterkfontein is reviewed, including its orthopaedic and biomechanical implications with respect to locomotion pattern. Comparisons are made with other hominids and a number of quadrupedal primates. Items which are considered are the obliquity and robustness of the shaft, the anterior intercondylar groove, the intercondylar notch, and the contour of the medial and lateral articular surfaces. The distinctive hominid status of these specimens is shown by their extensive adaptation to bipedal locomotion. No feature is found which is not fully commensurate with completely bipedal locomotion; rather, their distinctive hominid character points to a need for a reanalysis of the gait pattern in these early Pleistocene hominids.  相似文献   

Ornithischian dinosaurs were primitively bipedal with forelimbs modified for grasping, but quadrupedalism evolved in the clade on at least three occasions independently. Outside of Ornithischia, quadrupedality from bipedal ancestors has only evolved on two other occasions, making this one of the rarest locomotory transitions in tetrapod evolutionary history. The osteological and myological changes associated with these transitions have only recently been documented, and the biomechanical consequences of these changes remain to be examined. Here, we review previous approaches to understanding locomotion in extinct animals, which can be broadly split into form–function approaches using analogy based on extant animals, limb‐bone scaling, and computational approaches. We then carry out the first systematic attempt to quantify changes in locomotor muscle function in bipedal and quadrupedal ornithischian dinosaurs. Using three‐dimensional computational modelling of the major pelvic locomotor muscle moment arms, we examine similarities and differences among individual taxa, between quadrupedal and bipedal taxa, and among taxa representing the three major ornithischian lineages (Thyreophora, Ornithopoda, Marginocephalia). Our results suggest that the ceratopsid Chasmosaurus and the ornithopod Hypsilophodon have relatively low moment arms for most muscles and most functions, perhaps suggesting poor locomotor performance in these taxa. Quadrupeds have higher abductor moment arms than bipeds, which we suggest is due to the overall wider bodies of the quadrupeds modelled. A peak in extensor moment arms at more extended hip angles and lower medial rotator moment arms in quadrupeds than in bipeds may be due to a more columnar hindlimb and loss of medial rotation as a form of lateral limb support in quadrupeds. We are not able to identify trends in moment arm evolution across Ornithischia as a whole, suggesting that the bipedal ancestry of ornithischians did not constrain the development of quadrupedal locomotion via a limited number of functional pathways. Functional anatomy appears to have had a greater effect on moment arms than phylogeny, and the differences identified between individual taxa and individual clades may relate to differences in locomotor performance required for living in different environments or for clade‐specific behaviours.  相似文献   


Previous studies of the morphology of the humerus in kangaroos showed that the shape of the proximal humerus could distinguish between arboreal and terrestrial taxa among living mammals, and that the extinct “giant” kangaroos (members of the extinct subfamily Sthenurinae and the extinct macropodine genus Protemnodon) had divergent humeral anatomies from extant kangaroos. Here, we use 2D geometric morphometrics to capture the shape of the distal humerus in a range of extant and extinct marsupials and obtain similar results: sthenurines have humeral morphologies more similar to arboreal mammals, while large Protemnodon species (P. brehus and P. anak) have humeral morphologies more similar to terrestrial quadrupedal mammals. Our results provide further evidence for prior hypotheses: that sthenurines did not employ a locomotor mode that involved loading the forelimbs (likely employing bipedal striding as an alternative to quadrupedal or pentapedal locomotion at slow gaits), and that large Protemnodon species were more reliant on quadrupedal locomotion than their extant relatives. This greater diversity of locomotor modes among large Pleistocene kangaroos echoes studies that show a greater diversity in other aspects of ecology, such as diet and habitat occupancy.


In lorisines (Loris, Nycticebus, Perodicticus, Arctocebus), the tip of the ulna is reduced to the dimensions of a styloid process, a new and more proximal ulnar head is developed, and the pisiform is displaced distally away from its primitive contact with the ulna. In some Nycticebus, intra-articular tissues separate the ulna from the triquetrum. These traits are not seen in other quadrupedal primates, but they are characteristic of extant hominoids. Among hominoids, these features have been interpreted as adaptations to arm-swinging locomotion. Since hominoid-like features of the wrist joint are found in lorisines, but not in New World monkeys that practice arm-swinging locomotion, these features may have been evolved in both lorisines and large hominoids to enhance wrist mobility for cautious arboreal locomotion involving little or no leaping. Most of the other morphological traits characteristic of modern hominoids can be explained as adaptations to cautious quadrupedalism as well as to brachiation, and may have developed for different reasons in different lineages descended from an unspecialized cautious quadruped resembling Alouatta.  相似文献   

African terrestrial vertebrate faunas change over the time range from 14 my to 4 my, the period during which hominids are presumed to have diverged from other hominoids. The most complete local sequence showing this is provided by the Tugen Hills, west of Lake Baringo in Kenya. A large component of the pattern of faunal changes seen there, and at other relevant sites, could be explained by local environmental alterations, or by sampling properties of fossil assemblages and collections. It is hard to justify global climatic change as the sole explanation of observed faunal shifts, although such external factors cannot be ruled out and on general grounds are likely to be involved. As yet there is no convincing demonstration of synchronicity in faunal turnover. Evidence of a simple shift from forest conditions to grasslands, an event that has been correlated with the origins of hominid bipedalism, is hard to detect. Existing data suggest a more patchy distribution of forest and grassland in both space and time.  相似文献   

Engelswies is an early Miocene vertebrate locality in southern Germany with a rich assemblage of terrestrial mammals, invertebrates and fossil plants. It is dated to 16.5-17.0 Ma based on magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, and includes among the faunal remains a hominoid upper molar fragment, the oldest hominoid so far identified from Europe. The evidence from Engelswies suggests that hominoids arrived in Eurasia about 17 Ma, roughly contemporaneously with pliopithecoids and Deinotherium, and before the last marine transgression to isolate Eurasia from Africa. Thick enamel and low dentine penetrance may have been key adaptations that contributed to the success of hominoids of dentally modern aspect in western Eurasia and ultimately to their ability to spread to eastern Eurasia and Africa in the middle and late Miocene.  相似文献   

Hemodynamics and orthodynamics were investigated in quadrupeds (dogs) and in bipeds (humans). The subjects were investigated at rest in supine or lateral posture, in quadrupedal and then in bipedal posture, and during locomotion. Quadrupedalism in humans was with subjects on their hands and knees. Bipedalism in dogs was on hindlimbs with the forelimbs held by a technician. Blood flow in the main arteries of the body (aorta, external and internal carotid, subclavian, and femoral) was measured by sonography. Positional variations between the main bones of the body were determined from X-rays. This study investigated the reallocation of blood supply to different regions of the body when it switches from quadrupedal to bipedal posture and locomotion. Compared with resting posture, the principal findings are 1) cardiac output shows a minimal increase for humans in bipedal stance and a noticeable increase for dogs as well as humans in quadrupedal stance; 2) quadrupedal stance in humans and dogs and bipedal stance in dogs require increased blood supply to the muscles of the neck, back, and limbs, while human bipedal stance requires none of these; 3) cerebral blood flow (internal carotid) in humans did not change as a result of bipedal posture or locomotion, but showed a noticeable drop in quadrupedal posture and an even further drop in quadrupedal locomotion. The conclusion is that erect posture and encephalization produced a noticeable readjustment and reallocation of blood flow among the different regions of the body: This consisted in shifting a large volume of blood supply from the musculature to the human brain.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is advanced that the habitual adoption of the bipedal stance and of bipedal locomotion in the hominids arose from the development of a defence mechanism, namely, the throwing of stones. It is argued that for stone-throwing to become an effective weapon, modifications to the whole post-cranial skeleton and musculature, as well as to the central nervous system are required; including the development of a low centre of gravity and a «launching platform» of relatively high mass. It is represented that hominids, from the earliest Australopithecines to modern man, exhibit modifications to the post-cranial structures that are more consonant with this hypothesis than with the interpretation that the modifications were directed initially and principally towards bipedalism. Such an interpretation is shown to create several anomalies which disappear when viewed in the context of the stated hypothesis. The importance of the hypothesis for the evolution of Homo and especially for his brain and higher thought processes is commented upon.  相似文献   

The time interval between 3 Ma and 2 Ma marks several important transitions in human evolution, including the extinction of Australopithecus afarensis, the origin of the genus Homo, and the appearance of concentrated stone tool assemblages forming recognizable archaeological sites. The period also marks important changes in Earth’s climatic history, with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation starting sometime between 2.8 Ma and 2.5 Ma, and it remains an unresolved question in paleoanthropology whether or not the global climatic events influenced in whole or in part, local terrestrial paleoenvironments in Africa and, through this, the course of human evolution.Changes in the terrestrial mammalian faunas of East Africa during this time interval are an important source of data about terrestrial paleoenvironments, and it has been argued that during this time period the mammalian faunas of Africa experienced a sudden pulse in the extinction and origination of taxa. The data corroborating this Turnover Pulse Hypothesis derive from both large mammal and micromammal data, though the fossil record of the former is much more abundant in this interval. New micromammal fossils recovered from ca. 2.4 Ma deposits at locality A.L. 894, low in the Busidima Formation in the Hadar study area of the Afar region, Ethiopia, reveal a significant faunal turnover when compared with previously published material from older 3.2 Ma micromammal assemblages from the Hadar Formation deposits. The results support the hypothesis of a major faunal transition, but larger sample sizes and more extensive temporal sampling are needed to refine the time and rate of change within this interval at Hadar.  相似文献   

We describe segment angles (trunk, thigh, shank, and foot) and joint angles (hip, knee, and ankle) for the hind limbs of bonobos walking bipedally ("bent-hip bent-knee walking," 17 sequences) and quadrupedally (33 sequences). Data were based on video recordings (50 Hz) of nine subjects in a lateral view, walking at voluntary speed. The major differences between bipedal and quadrupedal walking are found in the trunk, thigh, and hip angles. During bipedal walking, the trunk is approximately 33-41 degrees more erect than during quadrupedal locomotion, although it is considerably more bent forward than in normal human locomotion. Moreover, during bipedal walking, the hip has a smaller range of motion (by 12 degrees ) and is more extended (by 20-35 degrees ) than during quadrupedal walking. In general, angle profiles in bonobos are much more variable than in humans. Intralimb phase relationships of subsequent joint angles show that hip-knee coordination is similar for bipedal and quadrupedal walking, and resembles the human pattern. The coordination between knee and ankle differs much more from the human pattern. Based on joint angles observed throughout stance phase and on the estimation of functional leg length, an efficient inverted pendulum mechanism is not expected in bonobos.  相似文献   

The postcranial axial skeleton exhibits considerable morphological and functional diversity among living primates. Particularly striking are the derived features in hominoids that distinguish them from most other primates and mammals. In contrast to the primitive catarrhine morphotype, which presumably possessed an external (protruding) tail and emphasized more pronograde trunk posture, all living hominoids are characterized by the absence of an external tail and adaptations to orthograde trunk posture. Moreover, modern humans evolved unique vertebral features that satisfy the demands of balancing an upright torso over the hind limbs during habitual terrestrial bipedalism. Our ability to identify the evolutionary timing and understand the functional and phylogenetic significance of these fundamental changes in postcranial axial skeletal anatomy in the hominoid fossil record is key to reconstructing ancestral hominoid patterns and retracing the evolutionary pathways that led to living apes and modern humans. Here, we provide an overview of what is known about evolution of the hominoid vertebral column, focusing on the currently available anatomical evidence of three major transitions: tail loss and adaptations to orthograde posture and bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   

Hallucal tarsometatarsal joint in Australopithecus afarensis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hallucal tarsometatarsal joints from African pongids, modern humans, and Australopithecus afarensis are compared to investigate the anatomical and mechanical changes that accompanied the transition to terrestrial bipedality. Features analyzed include the articular orientation of the medial cuneiform, curvature of the distal articular surface of the medial cuneiform, and the articular configuration of the hallucal metatarsal proximal joint surface. Morphological characteristics of the hallucal tarsometatarsal joint unequivocally segregate quadrupedal pongids and bipedal hominids.  相似文献   

The vertical-climbing account of the evolution of locomotor behavior and morphology in hominid ancestry is reexamined in light of recent behavioral, anatomical, and paleontological findings and a more firmly established phylogeny for the living apes. The behavioral record shows that African apes, when arboreal, are good vertical climbers, and that locomotion during traveling best separates the living apes into brachiators (gibbons), scrambling/climbing/brachiators (orangutans), and terrestrial quadrupeds (gorillas and chimpanzees). The paleontological record documents frequent climbing as an ancestral catarrhine ability, while a reassessment of the morphology of the torso and forelimb in living apes and Atelini suggests that their shared unique morphological pattern is best explained by brachiation and forelimb suspensory positional behavior. Further, evidence from the hand and foot points to a terrestrial quadrupedal phase in hominoid evolution prior to the adoption of bipedalism. The evolution of positional behavior from early hominoids to hominids appears to have begun with an arboreal quadrupedal-climbing phase and proceeded though an orthograde, brachiating, forelimb-suspensory phase, which was in turn followed by arboreal and terrestrial quadrupedal phases prior to the advent of hominid bipedality. The thesis that protohominids climbed down from the trees to become terrestrial bipeds needs to be reexamined in light of a potentially long history of terrestriality in the ancestral protohominid. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Metatarsophalangeal joints of Australopithecus afarensis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Metatarsophalangeal joints from African pongids, modern humans, and Australopithecus afarensis are compared to investigate the anatomical and mechanical changes that accompanied the transition to terrestrial bipedality. Features analyzed include the shape and orientation of the metatarsal heads, excursion of the metatarsophalangeal joints, and orientation of the basal articular surface of the proximal phalanges. These features unequivocally segregate quadrupedal pongids and bipedal hominids and demonstrate a clear adaptation to terrestrial bipedality in the Hadar pedal skeleton.  相似文献   

灵长类近节指趾骨的弯曲程度被认为是树栖性和悬垂位移行为的一个重要指标。几何形态测量学—多项式曲线拟合法(GM-PCF)提供了一种更加精准的指趾骨弯曲程度的定量化指标,以剔除指趾骨大小因素之后的标准化曲线高度(NPCH)作为其弯曲程度的指标,配合指趾骨的曲线长度,可以更加全面地定量分析灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度与位移行为的对应关系。尤其是涵盖灵长类大部分位移行为方式的15个类群、328个个体、5000余件指趾骨的参考样本,基本可以满足各种化石灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度分析和位移行为方式重建的需求。本文总结了发现有完整第II-V近节指趾骨化石材料的人猿超科成员的颅后骨骼形态适应及位移行为的重建,并运用GM-PCF对这些指趾骨化石的弯曲程度进行了对比分析,以通过指趾骨弯曲程度重建人猿超科成员的位移行为适应,并可为这些人猿超科成员位移行为的完整演化图景增加新的认识。  相似文献   

Uplift of the roof of africa and its bearing on the evolution of mankind   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evidence concerning the geomorphological evolution of the Western Rift Valley, sedimentation within the valley and comparison of the fossil mammalian faunas of Western Uganda and East Africa indicate that the mountain ranges which now flank the Western Rift were uplifted in three or more stages beginning during the upper Miocene and that they reached climatically important altitudes during the upper Pliocene, at which time they began to modify regional climatic patterns in East Africa. Their main effect was the xerification of conditions over much of the region east of the mountains. The regional climatic effects due to the mountain ranges were themselves modified by global climatic changes related to the onset of the Glacial Period, the two phenomena combining to yield the Present day climatic regime of East Africa. As the climate changed, so did the flora and fauna. Faunal response was of three main kinds: a) dispersal into East Africa of pre-existing forms already adapted to more xeric conditions (many bovids, some cercopithecids), b) autochthonous evolution of forms adapted to mesic environments into forms adapted to more xeric conditions (suids, elephantids, some bovids, hominids), c) displacement of species ranges of those lineages unable to adapt to changing conditions (i.e. local extinctions) (Anancus, Brachypotherium). Autochthonous evolvers, including hominids, adopted two main strategies reflected in their hard anatomy: a) dietary shift (suids, proboscideans, bovids and later Pliocene hominids) and b) locomotor changes (early Pliocene hominids).  相似文献   

Spontaneously acquired bipedal locomotion of an untrained Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) is measured and compared with the elaborated bipedal locomotion of highly trained monkeys to assess the natural ability of a quadrupedal primate to walk bipedally. The subject acquired bipedalism by himself because of the loss of his forearms and hands due to congenital malformation. Two other subjects are performing monkeys that have been extensively trained for bipedal posture and locomotion. We videotaped their bipedal locomotion with two cameras in a lateral view and calculated joint angles (hip, knee, and ankle) and inertial angle of the trunk from the digitized joint positions. The results show that all joints are relatively more flexed in the untrained monkey. Moreover, it is noted that the ankle is less plantar flexed and the knee is more flexed in mid-to-late stance phase in the untrained monkey, suggesting that the trunk is not lifted up to store potential energy. In the trained monkeys, the joints are extended to bring the trunk as high as possible in the stance phase, and then stored potential energy is exchanged for kinetic energy to move forward. The efficient inverted pendulum mechanism seems to be absent in the untrained monkeys locomotion, implying that acquisition of such efficient bipedal locomotion is not a spontaneous ability for a Japanese monkey. Rather, it is probably a special skill that can only be acquired through artificial training for an inherently quadrupedal primate.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

Primate stride lengths during quadrupedal locomotion are very long when compared to those of nonprimate quadrupedal mammals at the speed of trot/gallop transition. These exceptional lengths are a consequence of the relatively long limbs of primates and the large angular excursions of their limbs during quadrupedalism. When quadrupedal primates employ bipedal gaits they exhibit much lower angular excursions. Consequently their bipedal stride lengths do not appear to be exceptional in length when compared to other mammals. Angular excursions of the lower limbs of modern humans are not exceptionally large. However, when running, humans exhibit relatively long periods of flight (i.e., they have low duty factors) when compared to other mammals including primates. Because of these long periods of flight and their relative long lower limbs, humans have running stride lengths that are at the lower end of the range of stride lengths of quadrupedal primates. The stride length of the Laetoli hominid trails are evaluated in this context.  相似文献   

The Ramapithecinae are an extinct, mainly Miocene group of hominoids, whose relationship to modern taxa is disputed. Some regard them as hominids, while others view them as ancestral toPongo,or even as the group ancestral to both hominids and extant apes. In this paper a systematic revision of Ramapithecinae is undertaken. Sivapithecus sivalensis andRamapithecus punjabicus are considered the same species, with the former name having priority. A new Indian species,Sivapithecus simonsi,is recognized. Ramapithecine anatomy is reviewed and compared with that of gracileAustralopithecus, early and middle MioceneProconsul andDryopithecus, and living pongidsPan, Gorilla, andPongo.Ramapithecines are shown to be much more primitive or “ape-like” than some have argued. Anatomical data are evaluated cladistically with several results. Parallel evolution in the jaws, teeth, and facial structure of hominoids appears to be the rule rather than the exception. Bearing this in mind, nevertheless, from the available evidence of anatomy, ramapithecines are cladistically hominids.  相似文献   

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