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By screening variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci, multiple paternity within clutches has been found in wild populations of southern European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). For Atlantic salmon, we determined the relative contribution of alternative male phenotypes to the next generation. Individual males that are morphologically juvenile yet sexually mature fertilized a large proportion of eggs, and they thereby contributed to an increase of genetic variability in wild populations via (1) balancing the sex ratio, (2) increasing outbreeding, and (3) enlarging the effective population size, in part a consequence of (1) and (2). In addition, these precocious males ensured that interspecific spawns involving Atlantic salmon females and brown trout males (a fairly common occurrence in southern Europe where the two species are sympatric) resulted mostly in Atlantic salmon progeny. For brown trout, preliminary genetic results indicated that multiple paternity, when present, was not due to alternative mating strategies by males, but rather to successive fertilizations by adult suitors.  相似文献   

Individual space use strategies of wild juvenile Atlantic salmon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Movements of 60 stream-dwelling wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (97–118 mm), each tagged with a passive integrated transponder, were monitored during four trials in an enclosed section (24 m long, 45·1 m2 total area) of a stream at a range of densities (four, eight, 16 and 32 fish per enclosure). Patterns of space use differed markedly between individuals, with 80% of fish establishing home ranges within 8 days of introduction to the enclosure (settlers) and the remainder continuing to move throughout the length of the enclosure (non-settlers). Although aggressive interactions were quite frequent and dominant fish were observed chasing subordinates, there was considerable overlap of home ranges of settlers at all densities; this was the case even at lower densities at which only a fraction of the enclosure was used by the fish. Thus, rather than adopting fixed territories, the salmon showed a high level of space sharing. Individual fish used the same local area in different ways, ranging from highly localized feeding on drifting food items to a wider-ranging strategy of specialising on benthic food. Among the fish that settled absolute growth rates were inversely related to body size, and at high densities fish lost weight. These results suggest that space use in wild juvenile salmon is more complex than a mosaic of territories, that salmon demonstrate significant variability in individual space use patterns, and that large fish may suffer disproportionately when populations are at the carrying capacity of their environment.  相似文献   

Dietary analyses of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolt stomachs collected from 2001 to 2005 in Penobscot Bay, Maine, U.S.A., have yielded insights into the feeding ecology of early marine phase post-smolts from different rearing origins. Most stomachs contained only one or two prey types, suggesting active prey selection. Post-smolts that lived in the river longer (i.e. from naturally reared and parr-stocked origins) were smaller and consumed more fishes than invertebrates compared to larger post-smolts that emigrated immediately post-stocking (i.e. from smolt-stocked origins). Naturally reared S. salar consumed c. 84% fishes and 16% crustaceans and parr-stocked S. salar consumed 64% fishes and 34% crustaceans. Stocked smolts consumed 48% fishes and 40% crustaceans. Differences in the type and quantity of consumed prey may be indicative of behavioural differences among rearing origins that influence post-smolt survival.  相似文献   

Hox cluster organization represents a valuable marker to study the effects of recent genome duplication in salmonid fish (25-100 Mya). Using polymerase chain reaction amplification of cDNAs, BAC library screening, and genome walking, we reconstructed 13 Hox clusters in the Atlantic salmon containing 118 Hox genes including 8 pseudogenes. Hox paralogs resulting from the genome duplication preceding the radiation of ray-finned fish have been much better preserved in salmon than in other model teleosts. The last genome duplication in the salmon lineage has been followed by the loss of 1 of the 4 HoxA clusters. Four rounds of genome duplication after the vertebrate ancestor salmon Hox clusters display the main organizational features of vertebrate Hox clusters, with Hox genes exclusively that are densely packed in the same orientation. Recently, duplicated Hox clusters have engaged a process of divergence, with several cases of pseudogenization or asymmetrical evolution of Hox gene duplicates, and a marked erosion of identity in noncoding sequences. Strikingly, the level of divergence attained strongly depends on the Hox cluster pairs rather than on the Hox genes within each cluster. It is particularly high between both HoxBb clusters and both HoxDa clusters, whereas both HoxBa clusters remained virtually identical. Positive selection on the Hox protein-coding sequences could not be detected.  相似文献   

This synthesis focuses on the estuarine and ocean ecology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across their southern ranges in North America. General life history and ecology share many common traits including iteroparity, duration of freshwater (0–3 years) and marine (2–5 years) rearing, ocean emigration at relatively large sizes and strong surface orientation compared to other salmonids. Despite parallels in life history and anthropogenic pressures, several differences emerged for these species. First, steelhead have greater life history diversity and a broader geographic distribution. Generally, estuary habitats serve as short-term migration corridors for both species. However, some steelhead populations used lagoon habitat in south-coast watersheds. While both species are epipelagic, Atlantic salmon exhibit more vertical migration. Atlantic salmon tend to follow migratory highways—relatively narrow bands along the coastal shelf, then crossing the Atlantic to feed inshore and in fjords of West Greenland. Conversely, steelhead exit the coastal shelf quickly, dispersing across the Pacific, and rarely use coastal environments. Despite inhabiting rivers in warm dry Mediterranean climates, the extended range and stability of southern steelhead distribution is likely buffered by cool upwelled waters of the California Current. Whereas Atlantic salmon populations are restricted by warmer Northwest Atlantic circulation patterns lacking cool upwelling with greater susceptibility to warming associated with climate change. Determining the rate of marine habitat changes in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans is important to the conservation of these species, including subtleties of temporal and spatial habitat use, and adaptability to ocean ecosystems under climate change.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon have a variable life cycle. In good growing conditions, underyearling fish may metamorphose into the migratory smolt phase during their second spring, or delay at least a further year. The strategy adopted by particular fish appears to become fixed during their first summer. This paper examines whether either feeding efficiency or dominance in mid-summer correlates with the life-history strategy adopted. Eighty fish were individually marked and their feeding efficiency (= mean handling time for food items) and dominance rank measured under laboratory conditions in mid-July. Growth rates of the fish were then monitored over the next three months, until developmental strategies became apparent. Discriminant and logistic regression analyses revealed that both dominance rank and size attained by July were independent, significant predictors of future developmental pattern (the age at metamorphosis being correctly predicted on the basis of rank and size in 84% of cases) whereas feeding efficiency had no effect. Thus fish that were dominant or larger two months after first feeding or both had a greater probability of migrating after only one year in freshwater than those more subordinate or smaller or both.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the Atlantic salmon is extremely variable. In good growing conditions, juvenile salmon either metamorphose into the migratory phase by their second spring, or delay this for at least another year. The strategy appears to be decided in their first summer. This study compared competitive responses of fish adopting the two strategies. Laboratory experiments showed that the two types of fish had similar foraging efficiencies in isolation. However, although a simulated competitor had little effect on the feeding behaviour of fast-developing fish, it caused an 18-fold increase in the incidence of failed feeding attempts by fish delaying development. The probability of an attack failing was dependent on how close the competitor came.  相似文献   

Backcalculated lengths at the end of the first growth season in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar differed significantly between parr smolting at age 1, 2 and 3 years over a period of 11 years (i.e. 1983–1993). Mean body lengths of the respective age groups at the end of the first growth period were 11·1, 6·2 and 4·7 cm, respectively. The mean percentage distribution of fish smolting at age 1, 2 and 3 was 14, 78 and 7%, and the mean smolt age was 1·95 years. Mean lengths at smolting of age groups 1, 2 and 3 were 13·6, 15·8 and 17·5 cm, respectively. Females outnumbered males among the downstream migrating smolts with a mean sex ratio (females/ males) estimated at 1·61, with a significant female surplus in 7 of the 11 years sampled. Of the smolts sampled, 14% exhibited enlarged gonads indicative of parr maturation, and all were males (37% of the parr males sampled). Mean annual smolt density from 1975 to 1996 was 13·4 individuals 100 m−2 ranging between 0·3–31 smolts 100 m−2. Mean densities (100 m−2) of the smolts aged 1, 2 and 3 years were 1·5, 9·3 and 0·9 fish, respectively. Mean annual biomass for the 22-year period (1975–1996) was estimated at 437 g 100 m−2, with a range of variation from 136 to 683 g 100 m−2. Smolt age 2 made up 81% of the mean annual biomass (355 g 100 m−2) and smolt age 1 and 3, 8% (35 g 100 m−2) and 11% (47 g 100 m−2), respectively.  相似文献   

In order to understand fully the generally high level of encephalization observed in living primates, we must determine why early primates exhibited moderately large relative brain sizes compared to their early Tertiary contemporaries. The relatively high degree of encephalization in early primates may be related at least in part to the fact that they were highly unusualamong mammals in combining a small body size with a strongly precocial reporductive strategy. Other small, precocial mammals also exhibit moderately high levels of encephalization; but primates appear to have been truly uniquein being the only such small-sized and highly precocial group to give rise to extensive radiations of larger descendants. This is a key element in understanding primate brain evolution, because the initial “head start” of the early primates was translated up to larger sizes in descendants. The possible relationships among encephalization, precociality, small size, and arboreality are discussed, particularly in light of recent debates concerning the validity of the superorder Archonta. This work emphasizes that we need to consider relative brain size as but one element in a complex synergistic network of morphological and life-history features.  相似文献   

The sounds of a wild female Atlantic salmon cutting a redd were associated with significant increases in the levels of plasma 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20βP) and of expressible milt in mature male parr, comparable with levels of the steroid and milt produced in parr exposed to the priming pheromone, prostaglandin F2a. Hence auditory cues may have a significant role in synchronising reproductive physiology in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Current knowledge suggests that patterns of energy storage and depletion in animals are governed by behavioural trade-offs between risks associated with feeding and future energy demands. However, the length of adverse periods varies over geographical or climatic gradients. To explore the potential for genotypic sources of variation in behavioural trade-offs, we compared the winter energy-depletion patterns among 13 wild populations of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) along a latitudinal gradient (58–70°N) and performed common-environment experiments of energy-state-dependent feeding. In the wild, winter lipid-depletion rates were lower for northern than for southern populations. The variation in spring lipid levels among the population was lower than autumn variation, with storage lipid levels clustered close to critical limits for survival. In semi-natural stream channels with natural food supply, hatchery-reared fish originating from northern populations showed a positive scaling of feeding activity with decreasing energy levels, whereas southern populations did not. In conclusion, juvenile Atlantic salmon from northern populations defend their energy levels more strongly than fish from southern populations. Adaptive variation in feeding activity appears important for this difference. Thus, the present study shows a link between geographical patterns in storage energy trajectories and adaptive differences in state-dependent feeding motivation.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon serum albumin is one of the most abundant proteins in salmon liver, representing 1.6% of all clones in a cDNA library made from salmon liver RNA. The DNA from a number of clones was sequenced to reveal an open reading frame of 1,827 bases encoding a 608-amino-acid protein. The sequenced 5' untranslated region is 69 bases long and the 3' untranslated region contains two putative polyadenylation signals and poly(A) tail. Sequence analysis of different clones indicates the presence of a second cDNA for salmon serum albumin. Multiple alignments of salmon serum albumin deduced amino acid sequence with Xenopus laevis, rat, bovine, and human serum albumins shows significant conservation of cysteine residues. The triple domain structure of serum albumin proteins is maintained. Unlike mammalian systems where serum albumin expression appears to be specific to liver only, salmon serum albumin is expressed in muscle also.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding an HNF-3 family member (as HNF-3) from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). The important functional domains of HNF-3 proteins that have been characterized previously are revealed by segments of high identity along the alignment of the asHNF-3 with winged helix/forkhead amino acid sequences isolated from other species. A comparison of asHNF-3 cDNA and genomic DNA indicated that there were no introns present in the asHNF-3 gene. Expression of asHNF-3 protein in adult salmon tissues was not exclusive to liver but was also present in the pancreas and intestine. An RT-PCR analysis performed on salmon development showed that asHNF3 expression is detectable before gastrulation at the mid blastula transition stage. Functional analysis of the asHNF-3 protein using a characterized HNF-3 consensus binding site demonstrated that the protein can recognize and bind to specific HNF-3 consensus sequences. We also report the identification of a novel HNF3 binding site in the promoter of the Atlantic salmon transferrin gene.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology entails relating the physiology and behavior of an organism to its environment and the community in which it lives. Terrestrial predatory Heteroptera (including Anthocoridae, Geocoridae, Miridae, Nabidae, Pentatomidae, Phymatidae, and Reduviidae) display a wide range of reproductive ecologies. But in spite of this variability, a review of the literature reveals certain underlying trends that are useful in understanding how generalist predators function within their environments. First, the reproductive ecology of predatory bugs is inherently coupled to the physiology of the female and her eggs. Second, three population parameters are directly tied to reproduction (maturation rates, realized fecundity, and reproductive diapause) have great bearing on the rate of population increase and reproductive success of a predatory bug, but these three parameters fluctuate widely within and among species. The variables that affect these processes include the physiological status of the mother (mating status, age and size, and nutritional status), the abiotic environment in which she and her eggs live (temperature, photoperiod, water availability), and natural enemies that attack eggs and reproductive females. A final trend observed in the literature involves the hierarchy of events that must occur before a female finds a suitable oviposition site. Females all must locate preferred habitats, plants/substrates, and microsites in which to insert or deposit an egg, but they use a variety of tactics and cues in order to accomplish this, depending on their life history traits. Examining the factors that constrain and promote the reproductive potential of predatory Heteroptera will make biological control programs that center on them more reliable and sustainable.  相似文献   

All anadromous fishes, including juvenile salmon, encounter estuarine habitats as they transition from riverine to marine environments. We compare the estuarine use between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Penobscot River estuary and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Columbia River estuary. Both estuaries have been degraded by anthropogenic activities. Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations in both basins rely heavily on hatchery inputs for persistence. Pacific salmon, as a group, represent a continuum of estuarine use, from species that move through rapidly to those that make extensive use of estuarine habitats. While Atlantic salmon estuarine use is predominantly similar to rapidly moving Pacific salmon, they can exhibit nearly the entire range of Pacific salmon estuarine use. Both slow and rapidly migrating Atlantic and Pacific salmon actively feed in estuarine environments, consuming insect and invertebrate prey. Interactions between juvenile salmon and estuarine fish communities are poorly understood in both estuaries, although they experience similar avian and marine mammal predators. Estuaries are clearly important for Atlantic and Pacific salmon, yet our understanding of this use is currently insufficient to make informed judgments about habitat quality or overall estuary health. This review of salmonid migration through and residency within estuaries identifies actions that could hasten restoration of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations.  相似文献   



Carotenoids are pigment molecules produced mainly in plants and heavily exploited by a wide range of organisms higher up in the food-chain. The fundamental processes regulating how carotenoids are absorbed and metabolized in vertebrates are still not fully understood. We try to further this understanding here by presenting a dynamic ODE (ordinary differential equation) model to describe and analyse the uptake, deposition, and utilization of a carotenoid at the whole-organism level. The model focuses on the pigment astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon because of the commercial importance of understanding carotenoid dynamics in this species, and because deposition of carotenoids in the flesh is likely to play an important life history role in anadromous salmonids.  相似文献   

Data support knowledge development and theory advances in ecology and evolution. We are increasingly reusing data within our teams and projects and through the global, openly archived datasets of others. Metadata can be challenging to write and interpret, but it is always crucial for reuse. The value metadata cannot be overstated—even as a relatively independent research object because it describes the work that has been done in a structured format. We advance a new perspective and classify methods for metadata curation and development with tables. Tables with templates can be effectively used to capture all components of an experiment or project in a single, easy‐to‐read file familiar to most scientists. If coupled with the R programming language, metadata from tables can then be rapidly and reproducibly converted to publication formats including extensible markup language files suitable for data repositories. Tables can also be used to summarize existing metadata and store metadata across many datasets. A case study is provided and the added benefits of tables for metadata, a priori, are developed to ensure a more streamlined publishing process for many data repositories used in ecology, evolution, and the environmental sciences. In ecology and evolution, researchers are often highly tabular thinkers from experimental data collection in the lab and/or field, and representations of metadata as a table will provide novel research and reuse insights.  相似文献   

Feeding intensity was measured before (baseline level) and after (disturbed level) brief exposure to a potential predator in groups of 0+ Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. parr destined to follow either a fast-growth, early-smolting life history (upper modal group or UMG fish) or a slow-growth, late-smolting life history (lower modal group or LMG fish). Feeding intensity decreased following exposure to the predator. While the absolute decrease in feeding intensity is constant regardless of baseline level, the proportionate decrease is negatively related to pre-presentation feeding intensity. Parr that are strongly motivated to feed thus maintain a higher food intake and incur greater risks when foraging in the presence of a predator. No differences in baseline or disturbed feeding intensity of UMG and LMG parr were found up to September of their first year. Previous work has shown that baseline feeding intensities decrease in LMG fish after September but increase in UMG fish. In the present study, these differences were reflected in greater disturbed feeding intensities in UMG fish, but fish destined to follow different life history patterns do not differ in risk-taking, once these differences in baseline feeding motivation have been taken into account.  相似文献   

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