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A strain of Pseudomonas putida (TMB) was found to resemble P. putida mt-2 (PaW1) in its ability to degrade 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, toluene, m-xylene, and p-xylene via oxidation of a methyl substituent and reaction of the meta fission pathway, but a different regulatory model is suggested. The ability of P. putida TMB to degrade these substrates was encoded by plasmid pGB (85 kilobase pairs), which showed considerable differences in size, restriction patterns, and DNA sequence from those of plasmid pWWO of strain PaW1.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid pWW0 is able to mediate chromosomal mobilization in the canonical unidirectional way, i.e., from donor to recipient cells, and bidirectionally, i.e., donor-->recipient-->donor (retrotransfer). Transconjugants are recipient cells that have received DNA from donor cells, whereas retrotransconjugants are donor bacteria that have received DNA from a recipient. The TOL plasmid pWW0 is able to directly mobilize and retromobilize a kanamycin resistance marker integrated into the chromosome of other P. putida strains, a process that appears to involve a single conjugational event. The rate of retrotransfer (as well as of direct transfer) of the chromosomal marker is influenced by the location of the kanamycin marker on the chromosome and ranges from 10(-3) to less than 10(-8) retrotransconjugants per donor (transconjugants per recipient). The mobilized DNA is incorporated into the chromosome of the retrotransconjugants (transconjugants) in a process that seems to occur through recombination of highly homologous flanking regions. No interspecific mobilization of the chromosomal marker in matings involving P. putida and the closely related Pseudomonas fluorescens, which belongs to rRNA group I, was observed.  相似文献   

A restriction endonuclease map was derived for the aromatic amine and m-toluate catabolic plasmid pTDN1 present in Pseudomonas putida UCC22, a derivative of P. putida mt-2. The plasmid is 79 +/- 1 kbp in size and can be divided into a restriction-site-deficient region of 51 +/- 1 kbp and a restriction-site-profuse region of 28 kbp which begins and ends with directly repeating sequences of at least 2 kbp in length. A mutant plasmid isolated after growth of the host on benzoate had lost the restriction-profuse region by a straightforward recombinational loss retaining one copy of the direct repeat. Analysis of clones, deletion and Tn5 insertion mutants strongly suggested that the meta-cleavage pathway of pTDN1 was situated in the region readily deleted. The catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) gene of pTDN1 showed no hybridization or restriction homology to previously described C23O genes of TOL plasmids pWW0 and pWW15. In addition, there was little homology between intact pTDN1, pWW0 and pWW15, suggesting the presence of a unique meta-cleavage pathway. We also demonstrated that pTDN1 did not originate from P. putida mt-2 chromosome.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical characteristics of plasmid DNAs isoalted from Pseudomonas putida G7 were studied as well as the behavior of these DNAs in th eourse of chromatography on columns with Sepharose 4B and kieselguhr with methylated albumin (MAC). This strain was found to contain several plasmid DNAs having molecular weights of 33-36X10(6), 15-18X10(6), and 3-5X10(6) dalton. The plasmid DNAs of biodegradation are supposed to be located in the vicinity of chromosomes, and only a small part of them is characterized by extrachromosomal localization.  相似文献   

Abstract The 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase and the acetoin-cleaving system were simultaneously induced in Pseudomonas putida PpG2 during growth on 2,3-butanediol and on acetoin. Hybridization with a DNA probe covering the genes for the E1 subunits of the Alcaligenes eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and nucleotide sequence analysis identified acoA (975 bp), acoB (1020 bp), acoC (1110 bp), acoX (1053 bp) and adh (1086 bp) in a 6.3-kb genomic region. The amino acid sequences deduced from acoA , acoB , and acoC for E1α ( M r 34639), E1β ( M r 37268), and E2 ( M r 39613) of the P. putida acetoin cleaving system exhibited striking similarities to those of the corresponding components of the A. eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and of the acetoin dehydrogenase enzyme system of Pelobacter carbinolicus and other bacteria. Strong sequence similarities of the adh translational product (2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase, M r 38361) were obtained to various alcohol dehydrogenases belonging to the zinc- and NAD(P)-dependent long-chain (group I) alcohol dehydrogenases. Expression of the P. putida ADH in Escherichia coli was demonstrated. The aco genes and adh constitute presumably one single operon which encodes all enzymes required for the conversion of 2,3-butanediol to central metabolites.  相似文献   

The possibility of the accidental or deliberate release of genetically engineered microorganisms into the environment has accentuated the need to study their survival in, and effect on, natural habitats. In this study, Pseudomonas putida UWC1 harboring a non-self-transmissible plasmid, pD10, encoding the breakdown of 3-chlorobenzoate was shown to survive in a fully functioning laboratory-scale activated-sludge unit (ASU) for more than 8 weeks. The ASU maintained a healthy, diverse protozoal population throughout the experiment, and the introduced strain did not adversely affect the functioning of the unit. Although plasmid pD10 was stably maintained in the host bacterium, the introduced strain did not enhance the degradation of 3-chlorobenzoate in the ASU. When reisolated from the ASU, derivatives of strain UWC1 (pD10) were identified which were able to transfer plasmid pD10 to a recipient strain, P. putida PaW340, indicating the in situ transfer of mobilizing plasmids from the indigenous population to the introduced strain. Results from plate filter matings showed that bacteria present in the activated-sludge population could act as recipients for plasmid pD10 and actively expressed genes carried on the plasmid. Some of these activated-sludge transconjugants gave higher rates of 3-chlorobenzoate breakdown than did strain UWC1(pD10) in batch culture.  相似文献   

IncP-1 plasmids are known to be promiscuous, but it is not understood if they are equally well adapted to various species within their host range. Moreover, little is known about their fate in bacterial communities. We determined if the IncP-1beta plasmid pB10 was unstable in some Proteobacteria, and whether plasmid stability was enhanced after long-term carriage in a single host and when regularly switched between isogenic hosts. Plasmid pB10 was found to be very unstable in Pseudomonas putida H2, and conferred a high cost (c. 20% decrease in fitness relative to the plasmid-free host). H2(pB10) was then evolved under conditions that selected for plasmid maintenance, with or without regular plasmid transfer (host-switching). When tested in the ancestral host, the evolved plasmids were more stable and their cost was significantly reduced (9% and 16% for plasmids from host-switched and nonswitched lineages, respectively). Our findings suggest that IncP-1 plasmids can rapidly adapt to an unfavorable host by improving their overall stability, and that regular conjugative transfer accelerates this process.  相似文献   

The streptococcal plasmid pAM beta 1 (erythromycin resistance) was transferred via conjugation from Streptococcus faecalis to Lactobacillus plantarum and was transferred among L. plantarum strains. Streptococcus sanguis Challis was transformed with pAM beta 1 isolated from these transconjugants, and transformants harboring intact pAM beta 1 could conjugate the plasmid back to L. plantarum.  相似文献   

In this work, we explore the potential use of the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strain for bioremediation of naphthalene-polluted soils. Pseudomonas putida strain KT2440 thrives in naphthalene-saturated medium, establishing a complex response that activates genes coding for extrusion pumps and cellular damage repair enzymes, as well as genes involved in the oxidative stress response. The transfer of the NAH7 plasmid enables naphthalene degradation by P. putida KT2440 while alleviating the cellular stress brought about by this toxic compound, without affecting key functions necessary for survival and colonization of the rhizosphere. Pseudomonas putida KT2440(NAH7) efficiently expresses the Nah catabolic pathway in vitro and in situ, leading to the complete mineralization of [(14)C]naphthalene, measured as the evolution of (14)CO(2), while the rate of mineralization was at least 2-fold higher in the rhizosphere than in bulk soil.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the conjugal transfer of a TOL plasmid were investigated by using Pseudomonas putida PAW1 as the donor strain and P. aeruginosa PAO 1162 as the recipient strain. Short-term batch mating experiments were performed in a nonselective medium, while the evolution of the different cell types was determined by selective plating techniques. The experimental data were analyzed by using a mass action model that describes plasmid transfer kinetics. This method allowed analysis of the mating experiments by a single intrinsic kinetic parameter for conjugal plasmid transfer. Further results indicated that the specific growth rate of the donor strain antecedent to the mating experiment had a strong impact on the measured intrinsic plasmid transfer rate coefficient, which ranged from 1 x 10(-14) to 5 x 10(-13) ml per cell per min. Preliminary analysis suggested that the transfer rates of the TOL plasmid are large enough to maintain the TOL plasmid in a dense microbial community without selective pressures.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida F1 utilizes p-cymene (p-isopropyltoluene) by an 11-step pathway through p-cumate (p-isopropylbenzoate) to isobutyrate, pyruvate, and acetyl coenzyme A. The cym operon, encoding the conversion of p-cymene to p-cumate, is located just upstream of the cmt operon, which encodes the further catabolism of p-cumate and is located, in turn, upstream of the tod (toluene catabolism) operon in P. putida F1. The sequences of an 11,236-bp DNA segment carrying the cym operon and a 915-bp DNA segment completing the sequence of the 2,673-bp DNA segment separating the cmt and tod operons have been determined and are discussed here. The cym operon contains six genes in the order cymBCAaAbDE. The gene products have been identified both by functional assays and by comparing deduced amino acid sequences to published sequences. Thus, cymAa and cymAb encode the two components of p-cymene monooxygenase, a hydroxylase and a reductase, respectively; cymB encodes p-cumic alcohol dehydrogenase; cymC encodes p-cumic aldehyde dehydrogenase; cymD encodes a putative outer membrane protein related to gene products of other aromatic hydrocarbon catabolic operons, but having an unknown function in p-cymene catabolism; and cymE encodes an acetyl coenzyme A synthetase whose role in this pathway is also unknown. Upstream of the cym operon is a regulatory gene, cymR. By using recombinant bacteria carrying either the operator-promoter region of the cym operon or the cmt operon upstream of genes encoding readily assayed enzymes, in the presence or absence of cymR, it was demonstrated that cymR encodes a repressor which controls expression of both the cym and cmt operons and is inducible by p-cumate but not p-cymene. Short (less than 350 bp) homologous DNA segments that are located upstream of cymR and between the cmt and tod operons may have been involved in recombination events that led to the current arrangement of cym, cmt, and tod genes in P. putida F1.  相似文献   

The possibility of the accidental or deliberate release of genetically engineered microorganisms into the environment has accentuated the need to study their survival in, and effect on, natural habitats. In this study, Pseudomonas putida UWC1 harboring a non-self-transmissible plasmid, pD10, encoding the breakdown of 3-chlorobenzoate was shown to survive in a fully functioning laboratory-scale activated-sludge unit (ASU) for more than 8 weeks. The ASU maintained a healthy, diverse protozoal population throughout the experiment, and the introduced strain did not adversely affect the functioning of the unit. Although plasmid pD10 was stably maintained in the host bacterium, the introduced strain did not enhance the degradation of 3-chlorobenzoate in the ASU. When reisolated from the ASU, derivatives of strain UWC1 (pD10) were identified which were able to transfer plasmid pD10 to a recipient strain, P. putida PaW340, indicating the in situ transfer of mobilizing plasmids from the indigenous population to the introduced strain. Results from plate filter matings showed that bacteria present in the activated-sludge population could act as recipients for plasmid pD10 and actively expressed genes carried on the plasmid. Some of these activated-sludge transconjugants gave higher rates of 3-chlorobenzoate breakdown than did strain UWC1(pD10) in batch culture.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer system of the IncN plasmid pKM101.   总被引:28,自引:20,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The conjugal transfer system of the broad-host range IncN plasmid pKM101 was analyzed genetically. Its organization differed significantly from that of the F plasmid. The tra genes are located in three regions, each between 3 and 4 kilobases in length. All of the genes in the first two regions are required for sensitivity to "donor-specific" phage which bind to the plasmid-mediated sex pilus, and these genes therefore are involved in the synthesis, and possibly retraction, of the sex pilus. The plasmid's origin of transfer was localized to a 1.2-kilobase region at an extreme end of the transfer region. Using two different methods, we have identified 11 complementation groups required for transfer. One of these, traC, is of special interest in that mutations at this locus can be partially suppressed if, prior to mating, cells carrying a traC mutant plasmid are incubated with cells which elaborate sex pili but are unable to transfer their plasmids. One possible explanation for this is that pilus-elaborating cells can donate traC gene product to a traC mutant in a form that can be reused.  相似文献   

A 3,372-bp insertion sequence, ISPpu12, has been identified on the archetypal toluene-xylene TOL catabolic plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida mt-2. The insertion sequence element is located on the plasmid between bases 84397 and 87768 in a region which also contains the termini and transposase genes of the catabolic transposons Tn4651 and Tn4653 (A. Greated, L. Lambertson, P. A. Williams, and C. M. Thomas, Environ. Microbiol., in press). ISPpu12 has terminal inverted repeats of 24 bp with three mismatches and contains four open reading frames, a tnpA homologue and three open reading frames (lspA, orf1, and orf2) of undetermined function. After insertion in vitro of a Km(r) cassette into ISPpu12 either in the intergenic region between orf1 and orf2 or directly into the orf1 gene and ligation into a suicide vector, the modified ISPpu12-Km transposes at high frequency, often in multiple copies, into the chromosome of a P. putida recipient. Inactivation of lspA, orf1, and orf2 by introducing a 7-bp deletion into the 5' region of each gene had no major effect upon transposition, but a similar mutation of tnpA completely eliminated transposition. Analysis of the literature and of strains derived from the chlorobenzoate-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 suggests that the promiscuity of this element has played an important role in the history of plasmid pWW0. Database comparisons and the accompanying paper (A. J. Weightman, A. W. Topping, K. E. Hill, L. L. Lee, K. Sakai, J. H. Slater, and A. W. Thomas, J. Bacteriol. 184:6581-6591, 2002) show that ISPpu12 is a transposable element also found in other bacteria.  相似文献   

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