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Herpes-simplex-virus (HSV) specific, H-2k-restricted, immune cytotoxic T lymphocytes also lyse noninfected H-2d target cells. Genetic mapping studies revealed that HSV-specific Dk-restricted CTL cross-react with allogeneic targets expressing Dd alloantigens. Cold target inhibition experiments indicate that only a minority of HSV-specific CTL mediate cross-reactive cytolysis. The data give an example of where the phenomenon of H-2-restricted versus nonrestricted responsiveness is not due to distinct subsets of T cells but solely depends on the antigenic determinants recognized.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of trinitrophenyl- (TNP) modified H-2Kk (TNP-Kk) antigens on the generation of anti-TNP-Dk restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. C3H.OH mice were primed to TNP-self by skin-painting with trinitrochlorobenzene, and spleen cells from these primed mice were subsequently stimulated in vitro with TNP-self. The effector cells generated exhibited appreciable lysis of TNP-modified C3H.OH blast target cells. Cold target inhibition studies demonstrated the generation of two effector cell populations: one that recognizes TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants, and one that recognizes TNP in association with self determinants shared between TNP-Kk and TNP-Dk. This was in contrast to primed C3H/He spleen cells, which did not generate CTL that recognized TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants. When spleen cells from (C3H/He x C3H.OH)F1 mice primed to TNP were stimulated in vitro with TNP-C3H.OH cells, unique Dk self determinants were recognized in association with TNP. However, in vitro stimulation of the same F1 responding cells with TNP-C3H/He or TNP-F1 cells failed to elicit CTL that utilized these Dk-unique self determinants. The findings of this study demonstrate that unique or shared H-2Dk determinants can be differentially utilized by CTL populations, depending on the H-2 alleles expressed by the stimulator cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the course of an HSV-infection of CBA (H-2 k ) mice not only lyse syngeneic, virus-infected target cells but also cross-react with noninfected target cells expressing the Dd alloantigen. On the effector cell level, this alloreactivity is mediated by virus-specific CTL's that are restricted to H-2Dk determinants. On the prekiller cell level, the anti-HSV-reactive T cells exhibiting cross-reactivity for Dd alloantigen could be positively selected on H-2d spleen-cell monolayers. After differentiation into cytolytic effector cells, target cells expressing Dd alloantigens and syngeneic HSV-infected target were lysed with equal efficiency. The results imply that the phenomenon of H-2-restricted versus nonrestricted T-cell reactivity is not due to distinct T-cell subsets, but rather is dependent on the antigeneic determinants recognized.  相似文献   

H-2k mice are unable to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This apparent unresponsiveness is found for both major serotypes of VSV, VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey. CTL unresponsiveness occurs despite the ability of H-2k mice to generate a humoral immune response against VSV that is comparable to that found in responder (H-2b and H-2a) strains. All H-2k mice regardless of background genes, including various Ig allotypes, were found to be nonresponders. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness mapped to both H-2Kk and H-2Dk and occurred despite the presence of responder alleles in (responder x nonresponder)F1 mice. The unresponsiveness cannot be attributed to an inability of VSV-infected H-2k target cells to express viral surface antigens of H-2 molecules. Further, unresponsiveness cannot be overcome by using secondary stimulation in vivo or in vitro. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness does not appear to be due to suppression, and no complementation has been found in various (nonresponder x nonresponder)F1 mice. Thus unresponsiveness to VSV in association with H-2Kk or H-2Dk appears to represent an extensive defect of immune responsiveness that probably occurs because VSV is not a natural mouse pathogen.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the course of an HSV-infection of CBA (H-2k) mice not only lyse syngeneic, virus-infected target cells but also cross-react with noninfected taraget cells expressing the Dd alloantigen. On the effector cell level, this alloreactivity is mediated by virus-specific CTL's that are restricted to H-2Dk determinants. On the prekiller cell level, the anti-HSV-reactive T cells exhibiting cross-reactivity for Dd alloantigen could be positively selected on H-2d spleen-cell monolayers. After differentiation into cytolytic effector cells, target cells expressing Dd alloantigens and syngeneic HSV-infected target were lysed with equal efficiency. The results imply that the phenomenon of H-2-restricted versus nonrestricted T-cell reactivity is not due to distinct T-cell subsets, but rather is dependent on the antigeneic determinants recognized.  相似文献   

Different H-2 antigen-containing subcellular fractions were tested for their ability to elicit specific anti-H-2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Intact cells and membrane vesicles were capable of eliciting strong anti-H-2 primary and secondary CTL responses. However, detergent-solubilized H-2 antigens partially purified with lentil lectin were greatly reduced in their capacity to elicit secondary anti-H-2 (CTLs) and at all amounts tested did not elicit a primary CTL response. Lentil lectin-purified H-2 antigens incorporated into egg lecithin plus cholesterol (30% w/w) vesicles elicited a strong secondary anti-H-2 CTL response and a low but significant primary anti-H-2 CTL response. The results also indicate that T-cell-defined specificities are closely associated with serologically defined private and public specificities.  相似文献   

Primary CML was generated in strain combinations 4R anti-2R, R107 anti-3R, 7R anti-9R, and GD anti-R101 — combinations differing only in the chromosomal interval between the I-A subregion and the Ss locus. No CML could be obtained in any of the reciprocal combinations of these strains. This unidirectionality of the CML reaction correlates with the expression or nonexpression of the E molecules encoded by this interval: the reaction occurred in combinations in which the responder strain lacked and the stimulator strain expressed the E molecules in the cell membrane. The CML reaction was positive when tested on LPS-stimulated blast cells but weak on Con A-stimulated blasts and negative on la-negative tumor cells. The reaction could partially be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to the Ia.m7 determinant presumably carried by the E chain; it was not inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific for Ia determinants carried by the A molecule. Cytotoxic lymphocytes specific for a particular combination of E and E chains reacted with all cells expressing the particular E chain, no matter what the origin of the E chain associated with the E chain was. Attempts to generate cytotoxic lymphocytes specifically reactive with allotypic determinants on E chains failed. In F1 hybrids expressing one type of E chain and two types of E chain, the single E chain was found to associate with both chains, producing two types of E molecule. We conclude from these experiments that the CML determinants detected in the strain combinations used are encoded by the same loci as those coding for the serologically detectable la determinants. The CML determinants are carried by the E chains; the E chain does not contribute in any way to the specificity of determinant recognition by the cytotoxic lymphocytes. No evidence for allotypic variation of the E chain as detected by the CML assay could be found in this study.  相似文献   

The effect of IFN-gamma on the rate of shedding and biosynthesis of H-2Dd was determined by culture of cell surface-radioiodinated BALB/c spleen cells with rIFN-gamma or spleen cells metabolically labeled with 35S-methionine in the presence of IFN-gamma. Radioiodinated or 35S-labeled H-2Dd was quantitated by immunoprecipitation of H-2Dd from detergent lysates of radiolabeled cells taken at different culture intervals. The loss of 125I-labeled H-2Dd was retarded 75 to 90% by IFN-gamma whereas the biosynthetic rate was unaffected during the first 10-h culture. The net result was a ninefold increase in newly synthesized cell-associated H-2Dd. The results were consistent with determination of the kinetics of increased expression of H-2Dd determined by immunofluorescence and suggest that an early effect of IFN-gamma on the expression of class I Ag is a retardation of catabolism leading to an increase of newly synthesized class I Ag.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are proposed to be critical for protection from intracellular pathogens such as Ebola virus. However, there have been no demonstrations that protection against Ebola virus is mediated by Ebola virus-specific CTLs. Here, we report that C57BL/6 mice vaccinated with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicons encoding the Ebola virus nucleoprotein (NP) survived lethal challenge with Ebola virus. Vaccination induced both antibodies to the NP and a major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CTL response to an 11-amino-acid sequence in the amino-terminal portion of the Ebola virus NP. Passive transfer of polyclonal NP-specific antiserum did not protect recipient mice. In contrast, adoptive transfer of CTLs specific for the Ebola virus NP protected unvaccinated mice from lethal Ebola virus challenge. The protective CTLs were CD8(+), restricted to the D(b) class I molecule, and recognized an epitope within amino acids 43 to 53 (VYQVNNLEEIC) in the Ebola virus NP. The demonstration that CTLs can prevent lethal Ebola virus infection affects vaccine development in that protective cellular immune responses may be required for optimal protection from Ebola virus.  相似文献   

Ld/Q7d, a hybrid molecule consisting of alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains from H-2Ld and alpha-3 and carboxy-end components from Q7d, was expressed on the surface of CRL-3A rat liver cells. This molecule retained serologic H-2Ld epitopes. The Ag is attached to the cell membrane through a phosphatidyl-inositol linkage, characteristic of Qa-2 molecules. Both bulk cultured and cloned H-2Ld alloreactive CTL as well as H-2Ld restricted vesicular stomatitis virus-specific CTL lyse CRL-3A cells which express H-2Ld but show little or no lytic activity on cells which express the Ld/Q7d hybrid. These cells also fail to act as cold target competitors for alloreactive anti-H-2Ld CTL. However, cells expressing Ld/Q7d are not resistant to CTL mediated lysis because they can be killed in the presence of lectin. These data indicate that recognition of polymorphic class I CTL epitopes in the alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains are influenced by the structure of the carboxy-end of the molecule.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions containing different H-2 antigens were tested for their ability to inhibit specific T cell-target cell conjugate formation. H-2-containing membrane vesicles, lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens solubilized with detergent (referred to in the text as high-density fraction) or incorporated into lipid vesicles, inhibited T cell-target cell conjugate formation effectively and specifically. However, two- to threefold more protein was required to inhibit T cell-target cell conjugate formation when detergent-solubilized lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens were tested. This suggests that a lipid matrix is advantageous for interaction with anti-H-2 T-cell receptors. Experiments were also undertaken to demonstrate specific binding of liposomes containing 125I-labeled H-2 antigen to anti-H-2-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The binding of the 125I-labeled H-2-containing liposomes was saturable and was specifically inhibited by unlabeled H-2 antigens. Monospecific anti-H-2 sera specifically inhibited the binding of liposomes containing H-2 antigen to the CTLs. The results suggest that a specific interaction can occur between serologically defined H-2 antigens and the receptor of anti-H-2 CTLs.  相似文献   

The genetic requirements for helper activity mediated by a unique, Ig-bearing lymphocyte population were studied. This Lyt-1+, I-A+, Thy-1- population, called BH, preferentially helps expression of NPb idiotypic plaque-forming cells when added to T cell-depleted responder cultures. Furthermore, the BH population can directly bind NPb idiotypic determinants. Using H-2 congenic mice, we show that BH helper activity can be expressed only when BH cells share I-A subregion alleles with responder B cell populations. This H-2 restriction is not a result of thymic influences, because the activity of BH cells from athymic mice are also H-2 restricted. Macrophages present in the BH population do not contribute to the H-2 restriction. Results are presented that definitively rule out the possible role for T lymphocytes in BH activity and demonstrate that a single helper population expresses both Lyt-1 and I-A determinants. These results indicate that Ig-bearing cells serve a regulatory as well as an effector role in immune responses and that, like other regulatory lymphoid subsets, their activity is regulated in part by MHC-encoded determinants.  相似文献   

Immunization of DBA/2 (H-2d) mice with syngeneic P815 tumor cell transfectants that express HLA class I genes elicits CTL that recognize HLA in the context of H-2Kd molecules. Anti-HLA-CW3 CTL cross-react to a variable extent on the related alleles A3 and A24. Using a panel of target cells expressing native or recombinant HLA genes, we could map the epitope recognized by a CTL clone specific for CW3 to the second external (alpha 2) domain of CW3. Moreover, the epitope recognized by this clone could be mimicked by incubating P815 (HLA negative) target cells with a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminal 12 amino acids of the CW3 alpha 2 domain (residues 171 to 182). Other independent anti-CW3 CTL clones with different fine specificities recognized the same CW3 peptide. In contrast, CTL clones specific for HLA-A24 or HLA-A3 that did not lyse P815-CW3 transfectants did not recognize this peptide. The CW3 peptide could be recognized on other tumor cell targets that were also of H-2d origin, but not on those of H-2b or H-2k origin. The requirement for the expression of H-2Kd by the target cells was directly demonstrated using L cell Kd transfectants. Our results suggest that the CTL response of DBA/2 mice immunized with P815-CW3 transfectants is predominantly Kd restricted and focused on epitopes contained within the 12 C-terminal amino acids of the alpha 2 domain.  相似文献   

The requirement of direct covalent association of trinitrophenyl (Tnp) groups with cell surface components for functional interactions with anti-Tnp cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) was analyzed. The question was approached by comparing three different methods of modifying target cells with Tnp groups and analyzing the ability of three anti-Tnp effector populations with different H-2 haplotypes (H-2k, H-2d, and H-2b) to lyse the syngeneic Tnp-modified cells. All effector cell populations were able to lyse in an H-2 restricted manner the appropriate target cell modified with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. As previously shown, H-2k anti-Tnp CTLs exhibited true H-2 restriction while H-2d anti-Tnp and H-2b anti-Tnp CTLs lysed the haptenated syngeneic target cell preferentially but not exclusively. Cells modified by either trintrophenylated bovine serum albumin (Tnp35-BSA) or trinitrophenylated Sendai virus (Tnp-SV) were rendered susceptible to lysis depending upon the H-2 haplotypes of the target cells and the anti-Tnp effector cells. H-2k anti-Tnp CTLs were able to lyse H-2k target cells modified with either Tnp35-BSA or Tnp-SV; however, H-2d anti-Tnp or H-2b anti-Tnp CTLS did not significantly lyse the H-2d or H-2b target cells modified by either Tnp35-BSA or Tnp-SV. The results suggest that Tnp groups not covalently linked with cell surface specific components can be recognized by H-2k anti-Tnp CTLs, but not by H-2d or H-2b anti-Tnp CTLs.  相似文献   

Thy-1+, L3T4+, Ly-2- cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL) are generated in a primary anti-H-2d mixed lymphocyte reaction, by using responders depleted of Ly-2+ cells. In addition to expressing the L3T4 marker, as detected by anti-L3T4 antibody and complement-mediated elimination, the L3T4+ CTL are inhibited by L3T4 antibody. The observation of these L3T4+ CTL in cells recovered from primary mixed lymphocyte reactions confirms the previous reports. However it is demonstrated for the first time that a subpopulation of these are class I-specific by their specific inhibition with an antiserum to class I antigens. The class I specificity of the CTL was further shown by their ability to kill class II antigen negative P815 tumor cells. The lysis of this target cell by L3T4+ CTL was also specifically blocked by the class I antiserum. The data is consistent with the presence also of a class II-specific population of L3T4+ cytotoxic cells. The fact that a level of L3T4+ cell-mediated cytotoxic activity comparable to Ly-2+ cytolytic activity is generated in a primary mixed lymphocyte response, even though the precursor frequency of L3T4+ killer cells is 10 times lower than for Ly-2+ killers, is suggestive of their physiologic significance. It was also shown that the activation of these cells is not dependent on the presence of xenogeneic serum components or exogenous helper or mitogenic factors in the culture medium. The findings provide further evidence against both the phenotype-function and phenotype-major histocompatibility complex antigen specificity models of T cell diversity.  相似文献   

Limit dilution cultures were used to test for influenza immune T cell populations from bm1 and bm3 mutant mice that were not lytic for virus-infected targets expressing the Kb and Db major histocompatibility complex glycoproteins. Both Kbm3- and Kbm1-restricted cytotoxic T cells were detected. Such effectors showed minimal cross-recognition of influenza on other mutant targets, except for the case of bm1 and bm10 targets. This is dissimilar to previous findings concerning vaccinia presentation in which bm3+bm11, bm1+bm9, and bm3+bm9 pairs each showed high cross-reactivity. These differences illustrate the role of the H-2K glycoprotein in immune responsiveness. Not only are multiple determinants on each H-2K glycoprotein involved in antigen presentation, they appear to play differential roles in the presentation of different viral antigens.  相似文献   

Limit-dilution cultures were used to select vaccinia-immune T-cell populations from bml and bm3 mutant mice that were not lytic for virus-infected targets expressing the Kb and Db MHC glycoprotein. Approximately 30% of virus-immune CTL were restricted in each case to Kbm1 and Kbm3, rather than to Db. Evidence of extensive cross-reactivity was found for these virus-immune CTL. Bm3 and bmll mice sharing one amino acid mutation from wild-type but differing by a second mutation seen only in bm3 are the most cross-reactive pair in their presentation of vaccinia. The bm1 and bm10 pair with dissimilar mutations from wild-type affecting the same CNBr fragment are also largely cross-reactive. However, 30% cross-reactivity is also found for bm1 and bm3, which differ in separate CNBr fragments. That mutants expressing amino acid substitutions in the same region of the peptide tend to show more evidence of cross-reactivity does not necessarily mean the T cells see linear arrays of amino acids on the MHC glycoprotein. For instance, Kbm1 and Kbm10 differ for three amino acids, but bm1 T cells are highly lytic for bm10 virus-infected targets. However, there is no cross-reactivity for Kbm1 and Kb, which differ at only two amino acids. The key to further understanding may rest with defining the nature of the conformational differences among the Kbm1, Kbm10, and Kb glycoproteins.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates the expression of strong MIs locus MIsd) recognition by a cloned line of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific CTL. This clone of F1 (H-2b/d; MIsb) origin was found to specifically proliferate in response to uninfected cells of CBA/J (H-2k, MIsd) origin but not to uninfected B10.BR or CBA/CaJ cells (H-2k, MIsb). In addition, proliferation by this cTL line was observed in response to histocompatible cells expressing cross-reactive MIsa determinants (DBA/2, NZB; H-2d, MIsa). This recognition was observed only at the level of CTL proliferation. The CTL line exhibited no cytotoxic activity for target cells of these MIs types. These observations are contrasted with the response of another cloned H-2-restricted influenza-specific CTL line that simultaneously exhibits alloreactivity for H-2k. The significance of these results for T lymphocyte recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined virally transformed murine fibroblast clones as targets for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-triggered lysis and genome digestion. Strikingly, while all clones were essentially equivalent in the ability to be lysed, one clone, SV3T3-B2.1, failed to exhibit genome digestion associated with CTL attack. Other aspects of the physiological cell death process, including loss of adhesion and nuclear envelope breakdown (lamin phosphorylation and solubilization), were not altered in this clone. The absence of genome digestion associated with CTL-induced cell death correlated with the absence of endodeoxyribonuclease activity in the nuclei of that clone. Characterization of the activity affected identifies a calcium-dependent, DNase I-like endonuclease of approximately 40 kDa, normally present constitutively in all cell nuclei, as the enzyme responsible for genome digestion associated with CTL-mediated cell death. These observations indicate that neither genome digestion per se nor its consequences [such as activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase] are essential for cell death resulting from the triggering of this cell suicide process.  相似文献   

Anti-wild-type (B6) H-2Kbm mutant (bm) CTL were induced in the regional lymph nodes by 2 injections (with 2 week interval) of bm mice into foot-pads with B6 irradiated splenocytes. CTL were tested 7 days after the boost, including 3 days precultivation in monoculture (required for high CTL activity in bm). Active bm4 CTL inducible in vivo but not in the mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC), while bm1, bm3 and their F1 hybrids with BALB/c were equally active in both models. In vivo induced bm3 CTL were cloned with B6 irradiated splenocytes stimulators in the presence of rat interleukine-2. Of 9 Thy1.2 positive narrow-specific CTL clones 2 displayed cross-reactivity to allogeneic target cells (TC): the 1st lysed H-2Kk [TC B10.A(2R)] and the 2nd H-2Kd [TC B10.D2(R101)]. The results witness for non-identity of the in vivo and in vitro induced CTL. The variable cross-reactivity of the narrow-specific CTL clones possibly occur because of receptors' affinity difference.  相似文献   

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