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The extent to which catharrine primate males are able to discern the fertile phase during the female ovarian cycle under natural conditions is still debated. In a recent study, we showed that wild male long-tailed macaques are able to detect the fertile phase, but the cues males used to assess female reproductive status remained unclear. In the present study, we tested female sex skin swelling and specific female behaviors for their reliability in signaling the fertile phase, as determined by measurement of fecal estrogens (E) and progestogens (P) during nine ovulatory cycles in seven free-ranging females. We found that changes in sex skin swellings showed a significant positive correlation to the E/P ratio, but swelling size did not significantly differ between cycle phases. In contrast, the frequency of two of the tested female behaviors, namely initiation of sexual interactions and reaching back for the male during copulation, was not only correlated with female reproductive hormones, but was significantly elevated during the fertile phase compared to nonfertile phases of the cycle. We thus conclude that female sex skin swelling does not reliably indicate the timing of the fertile phase in long-tailed macaques, whereas certain female behaviors do. Since cycles differed considerably in the number of males with which females had sexual interactions as well as in the number of sexual interactions with dominant males, the signaling character of these specific female behaviors appears to be robust against inconsistencies in these social variables. Female behavior might therefore play an important role in the recognition of the fertile phase by male macaques under natural conditions.  相似文献   

I studied long- tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis)feeding behavior and ecology as part of a larger behavioral ecological study at the Natai Lengkuas Station, Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. I collected data on feeding behavior via scan sampling of all visible individuals in the focal group (approximately 800 observation hours). I established vegetational plots and monitored them monthly to determine food availability and abundance. I found long- tailed macaques to be primarily frugivorous;leaves, flowers, insects and bark provided the remainder of the diet. They used at least 33 plant species as food sources, but >60% of the diet was provided by only 5 species. Based on previous vegetational analyses, these tree species were among the highest in relative density. However, selection ratios for 19 food species indicate that 13 of them were selected more often than expected. Long- tailed macaques appear to be selective feeders but can exploit a variety of food sources during periods of food scarcity.  相似文献   

Although female catarrhine primates show cyclic changes in sexual behavior and sexual swellings, the value of these sexual signals in providing information to males about timing of the fertile phase is largely unclear. Recently, we have shown that in Barbary macaques, males receive information from females which enables them to discern the fertile phase and to focus their reproductive effort accordingly. Here, we investigate the nature of the cues being used by examining female sexual behavior and the size of sexual swelling as potential indicators of the fertile phase. We collected behavioral data and quantified swelling size using digital images of 11 females of the Gibraltar Barbary macaque population and related the data to the time of ovulation and the fertile phase as determined from fecal hormone analysis. We found that rates of female sexual behaviors were not correlated with female estrogen levels and did not significantly differ between the fertile and non-fertile phases of the cycle. In contrast, swelling size was significantly correlated with female estrogen levels and increased predictably towards ovulation with size being maximal during the fertile phase. Moreover, frequencies of male ejaculatory copulations showed a strong positive correlation with swelling size and highest rates were found during maximum swelling. Our data provide strong evidence that female Barbary macaques honestly signal the probability of fertility through sexual swelling and that males apparently use this information to time their mating activities. Honest advertising of the fertile phase might be part of a female strategy to manipulate male mating behavior for their own advantage, such as ensure fertilization with high quality sperm or influence paternity outcome.  相似文献   

Urine samples were collected from individuals in a wild population of Sumatran long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), and the levels of cortisol, immunoreactive prolactin, and (for males) testosterone were determined. The amount of foraging during the 2 hr preceding urine collection were found to affect the levels of urinary cortisol, but not those of the other hormones. Immigration into a new group and having one's infant kidnapped led to increased levels of cortisol. Levels of cortisol and testosterone were correlated both within and between individuals, whereas prolactin varied independently. The effects of age, reproductive status, and social rank on the mean values of individuals were also examined. Lactating females had higher prolactin levels than non-lactating ones; reproductive state interacted with the age effect on prolactin and possibly cortisol. No effects of social status were found in spite of a small, but consistent effect of rank on birth rate in this population. Among males, age and rank are strongly linked. The low ranking old males had increased levels of cortisol, even though the younger high-ranking males were involved in the fiercest conflicts.  相似文献   

Protein and mitochondrial DNA variations (D-loop region PCR-RFLP) were analyzed for 7 serum and 40 clot samples collected from long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) living on Tabuan Island, Indonesia. Protein polymorphisms were examined electrophoretically for 5 and 12 kinds of protein in serum and erythrocytes, respectively. Each of the protein loci tested showed a monomorphic pattern. Polymorphisms were detected in the analysis of the D-loop-containing region of mtDNA (PCR-RFLP) using 32 restriction endonucleases. Two haplotypes, differing 1.03% in sequence divergence were observed, and both were previously undetected in other local populations. Based on genetic features and differences in pelage color as outlined inFooden's (1995) morphological analysis, the present results suggest that long-tailed macaques on Tabuan Island are a unique population. From the genetic analyses performed here, Tabuan monkeys are considered to be the same species group as those populations of Sumatra and Java (Fooden, 1995).  相似文献   

Summary The seeds in fruits consumed by primates may be chewed and digested, swallowed and defecated intact, or separated from the flesh and spat out. We show by a combination of close field observations and experiments with caged animals, that long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a remarkably low threshold of 3–4 mm for swallowing seeds and also that wild macaques rarely break them. The seeds of 69% of the ripe fruit species eaten are spat out intact or cleaned outside the mouth and dropped. Seed-spitting significantly reduces the swallowed food bulk and may lessen the risk of releasing seed toxins during mastication. However, it requires that even small fruits are processed in the mouth one or a few at a time. We suggest that fruit storage in the cheek pouches of cercopithecine monkeys allows them to spit seeds individually without excessively slowing fruit intake while feeding on patchily distributed fruit. In contrast, Apes and New World monkeys apparently swallow and defecate most ripe seeds in their diet and colobine monkeys break and digest them, detoxifying seed defenses by bacterial fermentation.  相似文献   

Demographic changes were recorded throughout a 12-year period for three social groups ofMacaca fascicularis in a natural population at Ketambe (Sumatra, Indonesia). We examined the prediction that females' lifetime reproductive success depended on dominance rank and group size. Average birth rate was 0.53 (184 infants born during 349 female years). For mature females (aged 8–20 yr) birth rate reflected physical condition, being higher in years with high food availability and lower in the year following the production of a surviving infant. High-ranking females were significantly more likely than low-ranking ones to give birth again when they did have a surviving offspring born the year before (0.50 vs 0.26), especially in years with relatively low food availability (0.37 vs 0.10). Controlled comparisons of groups at different sizes indicate a decline in birth rate with rroup size only once a group has exceeded a certain size. The dominance effect on birth rate tended to be strongest in large groups. Survival of infants was rank-dependent, but the survival of juveniles was not. There was a trend for offspring survival to be lower in large groups than in mid-sized or small groups. However, rank and group size interacted, in that rank effects on offspring survival were strongest in large groups. High-ranking females were less likely to die themselves during their top-reproductive years, and thus on average had longer reproductive careers. We estimated female lifetime reproductive success based on calculated age-specific birth rates and survival rates. The effects of rank and group size (contest and scramble) on birth rate, offspring survival, age of first reproduction for daughters, and length of reproductive career, while not each consistently statistically significant, added up to substantial effects on estimated lifetime reproductive success. The group size effects explain why large groups tend to split permanently. Since females are philopatric in this species, and daughters achieve dominance rank positions similar to their mother, a close correlation is suggested between the lifetime reproductive success of mothers and daughters. For sons, too, maternal dominance affected their reproductive success: high-born males were more likely to become top-dominant (in another group). These data support the idea that natural selection has favored the evolution of a nepotistic rank system in this species, even if the annual benefits of dominance are small.  相似文献   

There are measurable differences in behavior, physiology, social organization, and geographic distribution within and between various species of macaques. We collected information on the social behavior of captive Macaca fascicularis from Indochina and island populations after they had been transferred to a new environment and new social groups. While some changes in behavior occurred over time, we found no decrease in high levels of agonistic behaviors. We interpret this finding in light of previous research reporting that long-tailed macaques show low levels of habitatuation to novelty and are highly aroused in comparison to other macaque species. We found predictable differences in behavior for males, females, and infants, in which infants played more, females had higher levels of contact proximity to other individuals, and males exhibited more sexual and threat behavior. A comparison of social behavior in long-tailed macaques from different origins indicate that Indochinese macaques are generally less affiliative and Indochinese males are more aggressive than their insular counterparts. Differences among macaque species, and within the fascicularis-group, should be considered in management of captive colonies and when interpreting research data.  相似文献   

The role of sexual displays in mating strategies and their reliability in indicating the time of ovulation has given rise to multiple explanations in nonhuman primates. In order to discriminate among hypotheses, socio-sexual behaviors were recorded in a semifree ranging group of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana), together with sexual skin swelling volumes and measurements of urinary concentrations of estrone conjugates and pregnanediol glucuronide. A clear preovulatory peak of urinary estrogen levels occurred 2 days before a defined rise in pregnanediol glucuronide concentrations, indicating that both hormones pointed out the female's ovulatory period. The concept of estrus rightly could be applied to female Tonkean macaques since fluctuations in estrogen levels correlated with cyclic changes in genital swelling sizes and rates of female behavioral attractivity and proceptivity. Males proved to be capable of recognizing the optimal conception period as judged from the occurrence of maximal rates of following behavior, serial matings, and ejaculations during the peri-ovulatory phase. During this time, males succeeded in maintaining exclusive and enduring associations with females. However, consortships occurred precociously, with males starting to affiliate with females, follow, and mount them 1 week before the presumed time of ovulation. These long-lasting consortships appear to be a consequence of the female extended follicular phase. This presumably sexually selected character allowed females to extend conspicuous sexual displays: genital swelling and utterance of an estrous call, which might attract males' attention and arouse them. With regard to female mating tactics, the combination of reliably indicating the time of ovulation to the male and durable periods of competitor exclusion led to reject explanations assuming manipulation about paternity or long-lasting intermale competition incitement in Tonkean macaques. Competition for mates between females also turned out to be an irrelevant factor as it was very low in the species. We conclude that the main function of sexual displays is to herald the approach of ovulation toward available mates. Am. J. Primatol. 46:285–309, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, where males compete over access to females, the potential of males to monopolize reproductive females largely depends on the spatio-temporal distribution of reproductive females. We investigated mechanisms of male reproductive competition and its hormonal basis in a cercopithecine species with reduced contest potential owing to female reproductive synchrony and concealed ovulation. Over 16 months including two mating seasons we collected 1218 h of observational focal animal data and 1254 fecal samples of 11-12 adult and large subadult male Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) living in their natural habitat in Thailand. Androgen output along with aggressive behavior showed a seasonal pattern, with highest values being obtained by all males during the mating season and by those males experiencing acute social challenges, e.g. rank change and dispersal. Individual androgen levels and rates of attacks were linked across the study period, suggesting a promoting function of androgens for aggressive behavior. Dominance rank predicted neither mating success nor androgen levels consistently, indicating a reduced selective advantage of high social status for general mating access. However, high ranking males engaged in extended consortships with reproductive females. Distribution of consortships across males followed a priority of access distribution, with the two top ranking males accounting for 75% of consort activity, suggesting that high social status also carries fitness benefits in a species characterized by low contest potential.  相似文献   

A study on population dynamics of wild Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Kenting, southern Taiwan, was conducted from March 1985 to August 1990. At first, only one monkey troop was studied. It fissioned in 1987 and both of the daughter troops have been observed since then. Total number of animals increased from 10 to 29 over the years, but the sizes of individual troops have never been more than 20. Seasonality in breeding has been detected: copulations were concentrated in the period from November to January and 75% of all the 28 births occurred between April and June. Time of birth by parous females without offspring from the preceding year was earlier than that of lactating females. Young females gave their first births at 4 or 5 years of age. Total birth rate over the study period was 0.8 infant per female per year. Hunting was the main cause of death while natural mortality rate was low for the animals. There was only one adult male in each troop for most of the time. Troop males in the two daughter troops have been replaced two or three times in the three years by some solitary males that moved around in the area. The reproductive parameters of Formosan macaques in Kenting were found to be more similar to that of rhesus monkeys than to Japanese macaques. And a case of higher reproductive success in a high-ranking matriline was reported.  相似文献   

The responses to a model snake in captive crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and captive tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) were investigated. In both species the amount of fear behavior was higher in the presence of the model than during baseline conditions. Unlike the macaques, in the capuchins the frequency of these behaviors decreased across trials. In the two species the amount of explorative and manipulative behaviors and the use of space were also different. Unlike macaques, all capuchins manipulated the objects available in the testing room, and three subjects contacted the apparatus by using objects. Macaques did not show significant preferences for any particular part of the testing room. In both conditions, capuchins used the floor more than macaques did. Further, capuchins increased the use of the floor across experimental trials. Latency to reach the floor was higher in macaques than in capuchins. When on the floor, capuchins spent most of the time close to the snake apparatus. It is proposed that the behavioral differences between capuchins and macaques in the responses to a potential predator indicate that capuchins have a greater propensity to explore and to contact the novel stimulus directly, or by means of objects, than macaques do. These tendencies may lead to the exploitation of novel features in the environment.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior and female reproductive cycles of a group of island-dwelling stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides)were monitored over a 6-month period, yielding 530 observation hr and 268 copulations. Compared to nondominant males, the dominant male copulated at a relatively high rate throughout the cycle, but largely with one high-ranking female. The non-dominant males copulated most frequently at midcycle. Female presenting was highest at midcycle, but only to the dominant male. Cross-study discrepancies may be due to different observation methods and restricted environmental conditions that mask female-initiated sexual behavior. The more naturalistic setting of this study allowed for a fuller expression of proceptivity. Contrary to some previous conclusions, present findings suggest that both hormonal and socioenvironmental factors influence the patterns of sexual behavior found in stumptail macaque colonies.  相似文献   

The female reproductive cycles and sexual behavior of moor macaques (Macaca maurus) were studied in their natural habitat. Female moor macaques showed repeated perineal swelling. The average cycle length was 36.2 days and the mean duration of swelling was 11.9 days. The estimated duration of gestation in two observed cases was 175 and 176 days, respectively. Females did not exhibit post-conception sexual swelling. Males appeared to ejaculate in multi-mounts. Serial mounting by the alpha male was concentrated on swelling females, while second- and third-ranking males sometimes mounted non-swelling females in series.  相似文献   

We describe the activity patterns and time budget of a feral group of lion-tailed macaques that were confined to a disturbed forest fragment of 65 ha and compare the results with those obtained for groups in protected forests. The degraded nature of the study site was reflected in low tree densities, low specific diversity, gaps in the girth distribution of trees, and frequent disturbance by humans. The study group of 43 subjects was twice as large as lion-tailed macaque groups in protected habitats. They spent the most time ranging (34.0%), followed by foraging (23.7%), feeding (17.9%), resting (16.0%), and other activities such as social interactions (8.4%). Monthly variations are significant for all activity categories except ranging. Times spent resting and foraging are negatively correlated (r = −0.5) and show significant seasonal differences. Foraging time was highest from September to November, when key food sources such asCullenia andArtocarpus were absent or marginally available. The study group spent most time (40.4%) at canopy levels between 21 and 30 m. They spent more time each day ranging than resting or feeding and more time terrestrially compared with groups in protected forests. Large group size, poor habitat quality, and seasonal variation in food availability were the major variables affecting their time budget, and these variables accounted for differences from the time budgets of groups in protected forests.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior and female reproductive cycles of a captive group of stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides)were monitored during a 12-month period. The data, consisting of 303 ad libitummounts and copulations and 125 hr of focal-female testing, were analyzed by their frequency of occurrence during the three hormonal phases of the female menstrual cycle. Regularly cycling females exhibited statistically higher frequencies of all sexual behaviors compared to the amenorrheal controls. Contrary to previous reports which indicate no variation in sexual behavior throughout the reproductive cycle in this species, our data show marked increases in copulations during the periovulatory phase. Male dominance rank is associated with sexual behavior only at midcycle.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees and orang-utans had triplicatedα-globin gene haplotypes in the frequency of 0.80 and 0.20, respectively. Homozygous duplicated haplotypes could not be found in any of the 44 chimpanzees examined. Chimpanzees having homozygous triplicated haplotypes have greater numbers of red blood cells than those chimpanzees heterozygous for the duplicate and triplicate haplotype. Crab-eating macaques in Malayan peninsula of Thailand had triplicated haplotypes occurring in frequencies ranging from 0.13 to 0.50. On the other hand, triplicated haplotypes occurred in very low frequencies (0–0.07) in crab-eating macaques in the northern and eastern part of Thailand as well as in rhesus macaques from India and China, and in Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

Cycle and gestation lengths, menstruation patterns, female genital swelling characteristics, and male-female consortship durations are reported in a semifree-ranging group of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) studied over a 12 year period. In addition, profiles of urinary estrone conjugates (E1C) and immunoreactive pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) throughout four complete menstrual cycles in two females and three full-term pregnancies are presented. Based on intermenstrual intervals, a mean cycle length of 37–41 days (n = 55 cycles in 10 females) was found. Gestation length averaged 173 days (n = 27 pregnancies in eight females). Measurement of PdG immunoreactivity in urine revealed a cyclic pattern with a 5–15-fold increase between follicular and luteal phase concentrations, suggesting that PdG is a reliable indicator of ovarian cyclicity and luteal function. In contrast to PdG, E1C excretion showed no clear pattern throughout the cycle; however, highest values of E1C were usually found shortly before the onset of the luteal phase PdG rise at the presumed time of ovulation. Levels of both hormones were elevated during the first half of gestation and showed a marked increase throughout the second half, with maximum E1C concentrations being up to 100-fold higher than nonpregnant levels. Consortships by the male and occurrence of female genital swelling were long lasting (on average 5–10 days and 13 days, respectively) and were restricted to the follicular phase of the cycle. The day of maximal swelling and day of detumescence as well as the end of male consortship were closely associated with the periovulatory period. Swellings and consortships were longer following lactational ammenorhea than for subsequent cycles. The evolutionary significance of the cyclical changes undergone by females upon their relations with males is discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study describes substance P-like immunoreactivity in the ciliary ganglia of monkey (Macaca fascicularis) and cat. About 60% of neurons in the monkey ciliary ganglion and 40% in the cat ciliary ganglion were substance P-like immunoreactive, ranging from faint to moderate staining. Substance P-like immunoreactivity was located in cell bodies, dendritic profiles and axons. In the monkey, substance P-like immunoreactive pericellular arborisations were associated with about 0.5%–3% of the ganglion cells, which were either negatively, faintly or moderately stained. An electron-microscopic study demonstrated the presence of either substance P-like immunoreactive positive or negative axon terminals synapsing or closely associated with positive dendritic profiles in both the monkey and cat ciliary ganglia. The results suggest that substance P plays an important role in the ciliary ganglion, perhaps as a modulator or transmitter.  相似文献   

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