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Invasions occurring in natural environments provide the opportunity to study how vital rates change and life histories evolve in the presence of a competing species. In this work, we estimate differences in reproductive traits, individual growth trajectories, survival, life histories and population dynamics between a native species living in allopatry and in sympatry with an invasive species of the same taxonomic Family. We used as a model system marble trout Salmo marmoratus (native species) and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (non-native) living in the Idrijca River (Slovenia). An impassable waterfall separates the stream into two sectors only a few 100 meters apart: a downstream sector in which marble trout live in sympatry with rainbow trout and an upstream sector in which marble trout live in allopatry. We used an overarching modelling approach that uses tag-recapture and genetic data (>2,500 unique marble and rainbow trout were sampled and genotyped) to reconstruct pedigrees, test for synchrony of population dynamics and model survival and growth, while accounting for individual heterogeneity. The population dynamics of the two marble trout populations and of rainbow trout were synchronous. We found higher prevalence of younger parents, higher mortality and lower population density in marble trout living in sympatry with rainbow trout than in marble trout living in allopatry. There were no differences in the average individual growth trajectories between the two marble trout populations. Faster life histories of marble trout living in sympatry with rainbow trout are consistent with predictions of life history theory.  相似文献   

The influences of wildfire through population dynamics and life history for two species of small mammals in a south-east Queensland heathland on Bribie Island are presented. Trapping results provided information on breeding, immigration and movement of Melomys burtoni (Grassland melomys) and Rattus lutreolus (Swamp rat). We first investigated and optimized the design of trapping methodology for producing mark-recapture population estimates to compare two adjacent populations, one of which was subjected to an extensive wildfire during the two year study. We consider how well rodents survive wildfire and whether the immediate impacts of fire or altered habitat have the greatest impact on each species. We found the R. lutreolus population was far more influenced by the fire than the M. burtoni population both immediately after the fire and over 18 months of vegetation recovery.  相似文献   

Records of 232 moth species spanning 26 years (total catch of ca. 230,000 specimens), obtained by continuous light-trapping in Kevo, northernmost subarctic Finland, were used to examine the hypothesis that life-history traits and taxonomic position contribute to both relative abundance and temporal variability of Lepidoptera. Species with detritophagous or moss-feeding larvae, species hibernating in the larval stage, and species pupating during the first half of the growing season were over-represented among 42 species classified as abundant during the entire sampling period. The coefficients of variation in annual catches of species hibernating as eggs averaged 1.7 times higher than those of species hibernating as larvae or pupae. Time-series analysis demonstrated that periodicity in fluctuations of annual catches is generally independent of life-history traits and taxonomic affinities of the species. Moreover, closely related species with similar life-history traits often show different population dynamics, undermining the phylogenetic constraints hypothesis. Species with the shortest (1 year) time lag in the action of negative feedback processes on population growth exhibit the largest magnitude of fluctuations. Our analyses revealed that only a few consistent patterns in the population dynamics of herbivorous moths can be deduced from life-history characteristics of the species. Moreover, the diversity of population behaviour in one moth assemblage challenges any conventional wisdom suggesting predictable patterns. Our results raise several questions about perceptions and paradigms in insect population dynamics and stress the need for research on detritivorous insect population dynamics, as well as the need for more assemblage-wide studies using common trapping methods to provide comparative data on related and unrelated species with different life-history traits.  相似文献   

Summary A recent synthetic model of mammalian life history evolution predicts that M = 3(1–0.25), where M is the product of age at maturity and the average adult instantaneous mortality rate, and is the ratio of weight at independence to average adult female weight. Previous studies have tested this prediction by fitting a nonlinear regression to data collected for several species of mammals. However, this procedure suffers from non-independence of data points and may have led to incorrect estimates of regression parameters. We test the same life history prediction using phylogenetically independent contrasts with a phylogeny and data for 23 species of mammals. The results accord with the predicted relationship. Our study is one of the few examples where phylogenetic information has been used to improve the statistical power of a quantitative, model-based prediction of how life history variables should co-evolve.  相似文献   

Summary Life history theory predicts that migratory fishes should delay reproduction, be larger at first reproduction, and have higher fecundities than nonmigrants. We tested this hypothesis by comparing life histories of anadromous (estuary) and resident freshwater (upstream) threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) from the Navarro River, California, USA. Using a split-brood, two-environment breeding design, families from cach population were divided and reared in both freshwater and seawater overwintering environments. In both treatments, the more migratory estuary sticklebacks were larger at first reproduction and had large initial clutch sizes; in the freshwater treatment, the estuary sticklebacks matured later than the upstream fish. Population means varied little across treatments, indicating that the average effects of the different overwintering conditions were slight. The responses of individual families to a given overwintering treatment were highly variable in both populations, as reflected in significant family x treatment effects for all traits. Phenotypic correlations among life history traits were significant and positive for most traits, and were similar in magnitude in both populations. Differences in the relative degree of specialization for migration may in part explain variation in life history between these populations.  相似文献   

Munguia P  Mackie C  Levitan DR 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):533-541
In metapopulations, the maintenance of local populations can depend on source–sink dynamics, where populations with positive growth rate seed populations with negative growth rate. The pattern and probability of successful dispersal among habitats can therefore be crucial in determining whether local populations will become rare or increase in abundance. We present here data on the dispersal strategy and population dynamics of three marine amphipods living in pen shells (Atrina rigida) in the Gulf of Mexico. The three amphipod species in this study disperse at different life stages. Neomegamphopus hiatus and Melita nitida disperse as adults, while Bemlos unicornis disperses as juveniles. The two species that disperse as adults have the highest initial population sizes when a new shell becomes available, likely caused by the arriving females releasing their brood into these recently occupied shells. This dispersal pattern results in initially higher population growth, but fewer occupied shells, as noted by their clumped distribution. In contrast, the species that disperses as juveniles accumulates more slowly and more evenly across habitats, eventually dominating the other two in terms of numerical abundance. The metapopulation dynamics of the three species seems to be highly dependent on the life history stage involved in dispersal. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Insects display much variation in life histories mediated by juvenile hormone. We focus on the contribution of JH to variations in migratory life histories. In many migrants such as the large milkweed bug and the monarch butterfly, JH directly influences migratory flight and the relation between flight and reproduction (oogenesis-flight syndrome). In the true armyworm, JH regulates interactions among female calling, pheromone production, ovarian development, and migration with varying blends of structurally related forms of JH and JH acid. A role for JH also occurs in wing polymorphisms. Aphids regulate wing production via JH-mediated maternal effects; and in crickets, JH esterase modulates the JH influence on wing form. In addition, JH is implicated in wing muscle histolysis. The comprehensive Fairbairn model for JH regulation of wing polymorphisms in flight behavior predicts that JH action will depend on the mode of genetic control, whether single locus or polygenic. Our own studies of the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma, reveal a four-morph wing polymorphism in a species rapidly evolving on a new host plant. There are long- and short-winged forms, and the long-winged form displays three degrees of flight muscle histolysis. The polymorphism is subject to both genetic and environmental variations that are mediated by JH. Application of methoprene increases the frequency of the short-winged forms, but there is both within- and between-population genetic variation and genotype by environment interaction (plasticity) in the response to JH. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:359–373, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Competition between species has long been modeled by population dynamics based on total numbers of each species. Recently, the evolution of strategy frequencies has been used successfully for competition models between individuals. In this paper, we illustrate that these two views of competition are compatible. It is shown that the rate of intra and interspecific competitions between individuals largely determines the population dynamics. Competition models over a single common resource and predator-prey models are developed from this individual competition approach. In particular, the equilibrium strategies in a co-evolving predator-prey system are shown to be more stable than the predicted strategy cycling of standard evolutionary game theory.  相似文献   

The life histories of two species of Sialidae (Megaloptera) from Japan were investigated, focusing on their larval climbing and emergence conditions and then adult emergence behaviours. At the Rokuman pond, a fence trap and pitfall traps were constructed beside the pond to collect final-instar larvae of Sialis yamatoensis and Sialis japonica as they climbed for pupation in the night. In the two species, 48–49% of climbings occurred under wet ground conditions, due to rainfall during or before the climbing night. Approximately 50% of larval climbings occur under dry ground conditions, during continuous sunny or cloudy weather. This is thought to be due to pupation occurring close the edge of the pond. Male and female adult emergences were nearly simultaneous in both species. Pupal periods varied, later final-instar larvae climbings resulted in shorter pupal periods. Ground temperature is thought to have an effect on pupal periods.  相似文献   

On the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia two species of predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus and Oopterus soledadinus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), were accidentally introduced. The colonisation process offers unique opportunities for testing ecological hypotheses in the field. As a basis for such studies, the spatial dynamics of the two species in the coastal lowland around Stromness Bay and Cumberland Bay were monitored during the period 1988–1996. Data are presented on the expansion of the two species and on the thermal characteristics of the tussock-forming grass Parodiochloa flabellata, which dominates the coastal lowlands. The largest expansion was shown by T. antarcticus, occurring as two populations in the Stromness Bay area. The origin of one of the populations, discovered in 1982, is Husvik Harbour, from where the species has colonised the central part of Stromness Bay. The second population, discovered in 1988 at Harbour Point, is invading the northern part of the area around Stromness Bay. Up to the present, three populations of O. soledadinus have been discovered. One population was found in 1988 at Husvik Harbour, co-existing with T. antarcticus, from where it is slowly expanding its distribution into the coastal zone. A second, very small, population of O. soledadinus was found in 1996 at Jason Harbour (Cumberland West Bay). The largest population of O. soledadinus, first reported in 1963, inhabits the area around Grytviken and King Edward Point (Cumberland East Bay), where it is the sole carabid species. The tussock grass vegetation offers a highly stable thermal environment compared with the more variable surroundings. Together with an ample food supply in the form of small arthropods and beetle larvae, and a vacant niche for arthropod predators, the benign microclimate of the tussock vegetation may explain the success of these predator introductions. Results of field observations on population parameters of the carabids, and laboratory measurement of egg production indicate the potential for large-scale co-existence. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

Sexual and vegetative reproduction of clonal plants phenotypically differ in dispersal distance, in the phenology of offspring production and establishment, and in the success of establishment. We applied a combination of analytical and of spatially explicit individual-based simulation modelling to calculate long-term fitness. We predicted optimal clonal plant life histories in a parameter space spanned by stolon number, stolon internode length, and relative allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction. For a given allocation to sexual reproduction and number of stolons, fitness was optimised for rather short internode lengths under small disturbances, and for the longest possible internodes under larger disturbances. A trade-off between length and number of vegetative spacers drew parameters away from their unrestricted optima. Now, intermediate length and number of spacers led to maximum fitness under large disturbances. Simultaneous trade-offs between sexual and vegetative reproduction and between the length and number of spacers could also lead to fitness optima at intermediate parameter values, depending on the success of seedling establishment. We demonstrated that spatial habitat structure (1) selects for an efficient use of available space either by optimum internode length or by investment into seeds, which disperse farther than vegetative spacers, and (2) leads to an interaction between trade-offs. We conclude, that dispersal distance, i.e. a spatial life-history component, and trade-offs must be included in considerations on adaptive evolution of clonal life histories.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the interactions of an abiotic factor (pH) and a biotic factor (density) on the survival and growth of two species of anuran larvae (Hyla gratiosa and Hyla femoralis) in outdoor tanks. Three levels of pH (4.3, 4.6, or 6.0) and three levels of density (0, 30 or 60 embryos) were arranged in a blocked design and replicated three times for Hyla gratiosa. At the end of this experiment the effects of pH (4.3, 4.6, or 6.0), density of H. femoralis (30 or 60), and prior use by H. gratiosa (at 0, 30, or 60 larvae per tank) on the survival and growth of H. femoralis, were examined. Higher density increased larval period and decreased size at metamorphosis of H. gratiosa. Lower pH decreased survival rate and also decreased size at metamorphosis. Body sodium concentrations were lowest at the low pH values. Lower pH increased the susceptibility of H. gratiosa tadpoles to the adverse effects of higher densities. For H. femoralis higher density decreased survival, increased larval period and decreased size at metamorphosis. Hyla femoralis also had lower survivorship at low pH and exhibited decreased size at metamorphosis. However, unlike the results with Hyla gratiosa, there were no interactive effects between pH and density for any of the life-history traits studied. The effect of previous colonization by H. gratiosa on H. femoralis survival was facilitative. Body sodium concentrations of H. femoralis were lowest at the highest pH value. Metamorphs of the same size had much lower levels of sodium in H. femoralis than H. gratiosa. In general, H. femoralis was less affected by pH variation than H. gratiosa. These results demonstrate that abiotic factors can interact strongly with biotic effects such as density and they suggest that interspecific interactions can be strongly modulated by the background abiotic environment.  相似文献   

Larger-bodied species in a wide range of taxonomic groups including mammals, fishes and birds tend to decline more steeply and are at greater risk of extinction. Yet, the diversity in life histories is governed not only by body size, but also by time-related traits. A key question is whether this size-dependency of vulnerability also holds, not just locally, but globally across a wider range of environments. We test the relative importance of size- and time-related life-history traits and fishing mortality in determining population declines and current exploitation status in tunas and their relatives. We use high-quality datasets of half a century of population trajectories combined with population-level fishing mortalities and life-history traits. Time-related traits (e.g. growth rate), rather than size-related traits (e.g. maximum size), better explain the extent and rate of declines and current exploitation status across tuna assemblages, after controlling for fishing mortality. Consequently, there is strong geographical patterning in population declines, such that populations with slower life histories (found at higher cooler latitudes) have declined most and more steeply and have a higher probability of being overfished than populations with faster life histories (found at tropical latitudes). Hence, the strong, temperature-driven, latitudinal gradients in life-history traits may underlie the global patterning of population declines, fisheries collapses and local extinctions.  相似文献   

Temperate Lepidoptera typically have life cycles of a year or less. The time available to feed and attain a suitable state for reproduction might thus constrain potential life-history patterns, and species characteristics such as adult size, overwintering stage, first month of larval feeding and feeding specificity may only occur in particular combinations. Several studies have documented correlates of feeding ecology which suggest this is indeed the case. We use data for more than 900 British macrolepidoptera to establish relationships among several ecological and life-history variables to determine whether only particular combinations can occur. Few patterns of feeding characteristics predicted in the literature are observed. Distinct, consistent life-history syndromes cannot be defined; almost any combination of the life-history characteristics we looked at can occur. So long as it is possible to fit in with timing constraints at certain critical times of year, there seems to be a great deal of flexibility in how the rest of the time can be filled. However, several broad and potentially interesting patterns still emerge. Polyphagous species are larger than specialists; the month in which species start to feed inlinked to both their overwintering stage and the growth form of the plant they feed upon; and there are no species overwintering in the egg stage and having two broods per year.  相似文献   


The paper reports demographic studies of the endemic Cerastium nigrescens and the very rare Arenaria norvegica ssp. norvegica on the Keen of Hamar ultramafic outcrop on Unst, Shetland from June 1994 to November 1996. Plants of Cerastium nigrescens showed a Deevey type II curve and mature plants had a half-life of 3.8 years. Plants of Arenaria norvegica ssp. norvegica showed a Deevey type I curve with high mortality after flowering in the second year. There was some evidence of increased mortality during droughts but this had little impact on the total population. Seed production and seedling recruitment for both species was good throughout the study period. Seed bank measurements ranged from 12–13 m2 for Cerastium nigrescens and 24–43 m-2 for Arenaria norvegica ssp. norvegica. The study showed that there was no immediate threat to the populations of the two species but because of their isolated occurrence they are susceptible to extinction and should be carefully monitored.  相似文献   

Survival of pelagic marine larvae is an important determinant of dispersal potential. Despite this, few estimates of larval survival are available. For scleractinian corals, few studies of larval survival are long enough to provide accurate estimates of longevity. Moreover, changes in mortality rates during larval life, expected on theoretical grounds, have implications for the degree of connectivity among reefs and have not been quantified for any coral species. This study quantified the survival of larvae from five broadcast-spawning scleractinian corals (Acropora latistella, Favia pallida, Pectinia paeonia, Goniastrea aspera, and Montastraea magnistellata) to estimate larval longevity, and to test for changes in mortality rates as larvae age. Maximum lifespans ranged from 195 to 244 d. These longevities substantially exceed those documented previously for coral larvae that lack zooxanthellae, and they exceed predictions based on metabolic rates prevailing early in larval life. In addition, larval mortality rates exhibited strong patterns of variation throughout the larval stage. Three periods were identified in four species: high initial rates of mortality; followed by a low, approximately constant rate of mortality; and finally, progressively increasing mortality after approximately 100 d. The lifetimes observed in this study suggest that the potential for long-distance dispersal may be substantially greater than previously thought. Indeed, detection of increasing mortality rates late in life suggests that energy reserves do not reach critically low levels until approximately 100 d after spawning. Conversely, increased mortality rates early in life decrease the likelihood that larvae transported away from their natal reef will survive to reach nearby reefs, and thus decrease connectivity at regional scales. These results show how variation in larval survivorship with age may help to explain the seeming paradox of high genetic structure at metapopulation scales, coupled with the maintenance of extensive geographic ranges observed in many coral species. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. van Woesik.  相似文献   

PCR-based techniques to investigate predator-prey trophic interactions are starting to be used more widely, but factors affecting DNA decay in predator guts are still poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effects of time since feeding, temperature and amplicon size on the detectability of prey DNA in the gut content of two closely related predator species. Cereal aphids, Sitobion avenae, were fed to the carabid beetles Pterostichus melanarius and Nebria brevicollis. Beetles were allowed to digest their meal at 12 degrees C, 16 degrees C and 20 degrees C, and batches of beetles were subsequently frozen at time periods from 0-72 h after feeding. Aphid DNA was detected within beetles' gut contents using primers amplifying fragments of 85, 231, 317 and 383 bp. Prey DNA detection rates were significantly higher in N. brevicollis than in P. melanarius, indicating fundamental dissimilarities in prey digestion capacities. High temperatures (20 degrees C) and large amplicons (383 bp) significantly decreased detection rates. The shortest amplicon gave the highest prey DNA detection success, whereas no differences were observed between the 231 bp and the 317 bp fragment. Our results indicate that factors such as ambient temperature, predator taxon and amplicon size should all be considered when interpreting data derived from PCR-based prey detection. Correction for such factors should make calculation of predation rates in the field more accurate and could help us to estimate when predation events occur in the field.  相似文献   

Large numbers of epiphytes are extracted from cloud forests for ornamental use and illegal trade in Latin America. We examined the potential effects of different harvesting regimes on the population dynamics of the epiphytic bromeliads Tillandsia multicaulis and Tillandsia punctulata. The population dynamics of these species were studied over a 2-year period in a tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Prospective and retrospective analyses were used to identify which demographic processes and life-cycle stages make the largest relative contribution to variation in population growth rate (λ). The effect of simulated harvesting levels on population growth rates was analysed for both species. λ of both populations was highly influenced by survival (stasis), to a lesser extent by growth, and only slightly by fecundity. Vegetative growth played a central role in the population dynamics of these organisms. The λ value of the studied populations did not differ significantly from unity: T. multicaulis λ (95% confidence interval) = 0.982 (0.897–1.060) and T. punctulata λ = 0.967 (0.815–1.051), suggesting population stability. However, numerical simulation of different levels of extraction showed that λ would drop substantially even under very low (2%) harvesting levels. Matrix analysis revealed that T. multicaulis and T. punctulata populations are likely to decline and therefore commercial harvesting would be unsustainable. Based on these findings, management recommendations are outlined.  相似文献   

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