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Armadillidium pelagicum Arcangeli, 1955 is a terrestrial isopod endemic to the circum-Sicilian islands and the North of Tunisia. The life cycle and the population structure of this species were studied on a natural population at Aouina, in the surroundings of Tunis, over 16 months from, January 2000 to April 2001, by monthly or semi-monthly samplings. The ovigerous females were present from March/April to the end of August and absent from September to February/March. These observations indicate that A. pelagicum at Aouina has a seasonal reproduction, followed by a sexual rest. The recruitment period is spread from April/May to mid-September. The fecundity, estimated by the number of eggs in the marsupium of ovigerous females, exhibited a great variability, which is related to the weight of these females. The sex ratio underwent fluctuations throughout the sampling period. It was female-biased in most samplings. Mass frequency distribution was analysed and nine cohorts were identified during the sampling period. The field growth rates are high in the first life phase, decrease during winter and increase during spring. The characteristics of the life cycle of A. pelagicum at Aouina may be summarized as follows: (i) Semi-annual species, since females appear to produce up to five broods per year, (ii) iteroparous females, since females seem to reproduce twice or more in life; (iii) bivoltine life cycle, since the population produces two generations per year; (iv) variability of cohorts' life span.  相似文献   

Armadillidium pelagicum, the most abundant species of the genus in Tunisia is endemic to the North of Tunisia and the circumsicilian islands. In the laboratory and under the natural conditions of temperature and photoperiod, virgin females of A. pelagicum exhibit a spontaneous ovarian maturation, followed by a parturial moult. Nevertheless, the onset of reproduction is greatly accelerated by the presence of a male. In fact, mating shortened the lag time (from the beginning of experiment to the parturial moult) by reducing the number of normal moult preceding the first parturial moult and the duration of the preparturial intermoult. In this species, only one mating is enough to ensure the fertility for several egg layings. Otherwise, it has been shown that A. pelagicum has a reproductive period rather than a reproductive activity and that mating females have a longer reproductive period than virgins. Like several species of terrestrial Isopods, the duration of the gestation period is temperature-dependent.  相似文献   

The morphology of the respiratory structures located in the pleopod exopodites of terrestrial Isopoda is described for representative species of different genera. Special emphasis is set on the evolution of these lungs in the context of phylogenetic relationships as revealed by other morphological characters. In the most primitive species of the Oniscidea, and still of subordinate taxa of the Crinocheta, respiration takes place in the thin ventral integument of the exopodites. The evolution of dorsal respiratory fields with a weakly wrinkled surface occurred at least six times within the Crinocheta. In five of these cases, a further development can be observed. The evolution of a partly covered respiratory field with strongly wrinkled surface may have taken place six times. It is assumed that completely internalized lungs with spiracles surrounded by a water‐repellent surface microsculpture, evolved at least six times independently within the Oniscidea: in the Tylidae, Actaecia, Aphiloscia, the Eubelidae, the Armadillidae and in a taxon probably comprising Porcellionidae plus Armadillidiidae.  相似文献   

The present taxonomic revision recognizes 16 species of Exalloniscus. Seven species, namely E. maschwitzi, E, caudatvs, E. malaccensis, E. bicoloratus from West Malaysia, E. bomeanus from East Malaysia, E. beroni from northern Thailand and E. vietnamensis from Vietnam, are described as new. Lectotypes off. coecus (Dollfus, 1898) and E. albus (Dollfus, 1898) are designated. Diagnostic characters of all the species are illustrated. A map and comments on the distribution and biology of the 16 species are included.  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan species, Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1833), exhibited a geographical variation of its morphological features and its reproduction pattern. In fact, some Tunisian populations had a seasonal reproductive period and other ones showed a reproductive activity. A phenetic analysis has been performed to compare populations belonging to P. pruinosus from different geographical localities. For this, nineteen quantitative characters in 800 specimens of P. pruinosus issued from nine populations located in the North, the Centre, and the South of Tunisia, and one population from Athens (Greece) were studied. These populations were characterized by different reproductive behaviours. The populations of Tabarka, Korba, and Tamerza showed reproductive activity, whereas those of Garat Naam, Raccada, Sahline, Gafsa, Rdayef, Gabès, and Athens exhibited a seasonal reproductive period. The variability of the first three axes of the principal components analysis (PCA) and their significance showed an intraspecific variability structure. The graphical representation of the population's dispersion generated by the two first axes (63.55% of the total variability) revealed a great heterogeneity among females of the different populations of P. pruinosus. The Garat Naam population was set apart from the other ones by its cephalic width and length and also by its apophysis length. Furthermore, cephalic and uropod length separated the Garat Naam and Tabarka populations. The dendrogram, based on Euclidean coordinates, confirms an isolation of the populations of Tabarka and Garat Naam, exhibiting respectively reproductive activity and seasonal reproduction. However, the other populations do not show any relationship with the reproduction behaviour. They were clustered in two groups. The first one is represented by the populations of the Southeast and the West of Tunisia. The second pooled the populations of the Northeast and the Centre of Tunisia with the population of Athens (Greece). Phenetic analysis of Tunisian populations exhibits an important heterogeneity, which is worth noting. Thus, we need to complete and deepen this study by genetic analysis and crossbreeding tests in order to define the taxonomic status of these populations.  相似文献   

The morphology of the respiratory apparatus in the pleopodal lungs of the family Eubelidae was investigated. The family is a monophyletic group including more than 240 species in 53 genera (three of which are nomina dubia), mostly distributed in the Afrotropical Region (tropical Africa and Arabian Peninsula). In all the Eubelidae, except for the monospecific genus Parelumoides and two species of the genus Elumoides, the exopods of pleopods have lungs. All the pulmonary morphologies present in the entire suborder Oniscidea are found: 1) uncovered lungs, composed of a pleated respiratory surface, directly exposed to the air (Atracheodillo-type) or partially enclosed within the appendage (Synarmadilloides-type); 2) covered lungs with several spiracles and respiratory trees, housed within the appendages, with spiracles surrounded by a specialized, nonrespiratory, structure (perispiracular area) (Eubelum- and Somaloniscus-types); 3) covered lungs with only one spiracle, with or without perispiracular area, and one respiratory tree (Aethiopopactes- and Periscyphis-types), which in taxa with Periscyphis-type lung crosses the insertion of the appendage and penetrates into the pleon with bundles of respiratory tubules. The evolution of the various types of lungs is discussed. It is concluded that the two main evolutionary lines, i.e., uncovered lungs and covered lungs, originated independently from an ancestral respiratory structure-the semilunar area. A first mechanism of development of the semilunar area by folding of its surface produced the Atracheodillo-type (all folds coplanar with the surface of the exopod) and Synarmadilloides-type (folds partly coplanar and partly intraflexed inside the exopod) uncovered lungs. A second mechanism of development by tubular invagination of the cuticle of the semilunar area produced the polyspiracular Eubelum-type lungs (numerous arborescent invaginations) and the monospiracular Aethiopopactes-type lungs (only one arborescent invagination), probably passing through a common intermediate pattern. From the common pattern, both the poly- and monospiracular types would have inherited the characteristic concave cell arrangement of the perispiracular area. The Somaloniscus-type and Periscyphis-type lungs are forms specialized for arid environments, directly derived from the Eubelum-type and Aethiopopactes-type, respectively.  相似文献   

An examination of isopod material deposited in the Museum of the University of Costa Rica, San Pedro, revealed a new genus and species of terrestrial isopods, Mirtana costaricensis gen. et sp. n. which is distinguished by its three‐articulate antennal flagellum, incurved coxal plates and prominent neopleurae, while noduli laterales and respiratory areas on any pleopod are apparently lacking. Despite this unique combination of characters, a closer relationship to the widely distributed neotropical genus Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928 can be postulated because of similar structure of male pereopods 1 to 2 and pleopod 1 endopodite.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies that we have published in the past have reported many aspects of the reproductive process in Armadillidium vulgare with particular emphasis on the reconstruction of female genitalia. Together this body of work provides an almost complete, albeit fragmented picture of these processes and include many data on sperm storage and sperm translocation. Females of A. vulgare have a pair of cuticular genitalia in the lumen of the oviduct. For insemination, these genitalia can receive the copulatory organs of males formed by the elongated tips of the first two pleon endopods. During transitions between reproductive (parturial) and non-reproductive (normal, non-parturial) moult cycles the genitalia undergo intriguing structural changes resulting in two types of genitalia. Throughout their reproductive lifetime, either type is reconstructed after each moult depending on the reproductive phase of the female. In this review, we integrate the events that occur during a reproductive cycle with particular emphasis on the genitalia reconstruction and sperm storage, and discuss functional aspects of the genitalia. Thereby, we provide a case model that can be useful for further studies on genitalia diversity and female reproductive strategies in terrestrial isopods.  相似文献   

Biological diversity analysis is among the most informative approaches to describe communities and regional species compositions. Soil ecosystems include large numbers of invertebrates, among which soil bugs (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) play significant ecological roles. The aim of this study was to provide advices to optimize the sampling effort, to efficiently monitor the diversity of this taxon, to analyze its seasonal patterns of species composition, and ultimately to understand better the coexistence of so many species over a relatively small area. Terrestrial isopods were collected at the Natural Reserve “Saline di Trapani e Paceco” (Italy), using pitfall traps monthly monitored over 2 years. We analyzed parameters of α‐ and β‐diversity and calculated a number of indexes and measures to disentangle diversity patterns. We also used various approaches to analyze changes in biodiversity over time, such as distributions of species abundances and accumulation and rarefaction curves. As concerns species richness and total abundance of individuals, spring resulted the best season to monitor Isopoda, to reduce sampling efforts, and to save resources without losing information, while in both years abundances were maximum between summer and autumn. This suggests that evaluations of β‐diversity are maximized if samples are first collected during the spring and then between summer and autumn. Sampling during these coupled seasons allows to collect a number of species close to the γ‐diversity (24 species) of the area. Finally, our results show that seasonal shifts in community composition (i.e., dynamic fluctuations in species abundances during the four seasons) may minimize competitive interactions, contribute to stabilize total abundances, and allow the coexistence of phylogenetically close species within the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The genus Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928 is reviewed. 26 species are considered valid. A key for their identification is given, as well as a map showing the geographic distribution. The known range of the genus covers a large area from the central Amazon region to the mountains of Guatemala. The species of Ischioscia have a typical “philosciid” habitus (“runner” type); they can be distinguished from other Neotropical species with similar habitus by the following apomorphies: (1) male pereiopod 1 carpus enlarged to a plate-like extension, (2) scale field on male pereiopod 1 covering entire frontal side of the carpus, (3) male pereiopod 7 ischium with a ventral scale field, (4) dactylus in both sexes with a long inner claw. The groundpattern of Ischioscia is reconstructed, and an analysis of the phylogenetic relations within the genus is made on the basis of morphological data. The species are very similar to each other, most differences are found in the male structures of sexually dimorphic features. Ischioscia sturmi (Vandel, 1972), I. amazonica Lemos de Castro, 1955 and I. bolivari Vandel, 1968 are redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

Growth rate, survival, mean size of reproductive females and fertility were assessed in the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus fed an artificial diet supplemented with potential sources of symbionts. The acquisition of symbionts was experimentally manipulated through feeding experiments to investigate the effect of the acquisition mechanism on isopod performances over 4 months. Five groups of isolated newborn were fed differently (basal diet or control; basal diet with leaf litter, faeces, gut; and basal diet mixed with antibiotic), weighed and counted at 0, 2 and 4 months. Growth rate differed significantly between diet groups at 2 and 4 months. No significant difference of survival was detected, but groups fed on a diet with supplements (leaf litter, faeces and gut) had a higher rate of survival. Size and fertility of reproductive females differed significantly across diet groups. Our findings showed the importance of the acquisition mode of symbionts on the life history of Oniscidea and the role of diet intake on the performance of P. pruinosus.  相似文献   

During 1 year from spring 2007 to winter 2008, we conducted four seasonal samplings along a transect in the supralittoral zone of Bizerte Lagoon at Menzel Jmil (Tunisia) to study the intra‐annual variation of Peracarida diversity, Talitridae and Oniscidea. For each season, one transect was studied and quadrates were placed successively from the shoreline to the road backing the shore. Talitridae and Oniscidea were the most abundant taxa in our samples reaching highest densities in summer, when fourteen species were found. The minimum and maximum values of species richness of Talitridae were observed in winter (four species) and summer (eight species), respectively, while for Oniscidea, species richness ranged from one species in winter and five species in spring. Both Talitridae and Oniscidea exhibited intra‐annual variation in their spatial distribution; in that, they moved away from the shoreline in winter and were found near the waterline in the other seasons. ANOVA test shows a high significant correlation between both Talitridae with Suaeda maritima and Oniscidea with the plants S. maritima,Salicornia arabica and Obione portulacoides.  相似文献   

In South Tunisia, the Bir Mastoura (BMT-1) borehole provides Carboniferous, Permian, and early Triassic foraminifers and carbonate algae which permit to establish a local biozonation which can be correlated with (1) the Capitanian (Late Middle Permian) outcrops of Jbel Tebaga; (2) other Tunisian boreholes; and (3) several stratotypes and/or well-studied Tethyan outcrops. Microfacies, microfaunas and microfloras of BTM-1 reveal subtropical, carbonate, inner platform deposits. As everywhere in the world, the Early Triassic is faunistically very poor. The Upper Permian and Upper Middle Permian microfaunas and microfloras are traditional in Tunisia, but a little poorer than the Tebaga assemblages. The fusulinids of the middle and lower Middle Permian strata are also less numerous than in other Tunisian boreholes. The late Pennsylvanian fusulinids known in some of these boreholes, were not observed in BMT-1; however, these fusulinids are re-discussed here due to their biostratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic importance; they are assigned to two substages, early Gzhelian with Darvasoschwagerina spp. and late Kasimovian with Schwageriniformis petchoricus. Neither early-middle Kasimovian nor late Moscovian microfossils were found, and their absence is probably regional in the whole North Africa. In contrast, the early Moscovian beds yield all the fusulinid biozones of the Urals (Russia) and display diversified microfauna with Profusulinella aff. simplex, Ovatella ex gr. ovata; Depratina timanica, Aljutovella (Tikhonovichella) rhombiformis, Hemifusulina spp., Eofusulina aff. tashlensis, Paraeofusulina trianguliformis, Moellerites cf. praecolaniae and Parabeedeina cf. pseudoelegans. The middle-late Bashkirian seems to be only partially represented, whereas the early Bashkirian is similarly relatively complete, with Varvariella ex gr. varvariensis, Plectostaffella cf. karsaklensis, P.? nauvalia, Semistaffella? sp. and common oolitic microfacies. The Serpukhovian and late Visean appear more developed than in other boreholes. They yield Praedonezella, Eosigmoilina and Endostaffella. As across the North Africa, no older Mississippian foraminifers are not known prior to the late Visean. The palaeogeography is discussed thanks to the regional new data; especially the concept of a Saharan province, or its replacement by multiple aborted rifts during the late Visean-Serpukhovian. From the Bashkirian to Early Permian, affinities with Croatia are frequent. Comparisons with other North African basins, northern Spain, Donets Basin, the Urals basins, Moscow Basin, Taurus and Alborz are also presented.  相似文献   

为了明确广东省草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith)种群周年消长动态及发生特征,根据2020年和2021年广东省草地贪夜蛾性诱监测及田间调查数据,分析不同生态区草地贪夜蛾成虫及幼虫种群周年发生动态。结果表明:(1)草地贪夜蛾在广东省大部分冬种玉米区可以周年繁殖,仅在清远、韶关、河源等地未发现幼虫为害;不同地区之间草地贪夜蛾越冬虫源基数差异较大,粤西发生为害较重,珠三角及粤东地区发生相对较轻;(2)周年繁殖区草地贪夜蛾成虫和幼虫全年均可发生为害,而季节发生区一般于3-4月才零星始见草地贪夜蛾成虫和幼虫,且诱蛾量、幼虫种群数量及为害程度均相对较低;(3)广东省草地贪夜蛾种群消长动态呈多峰型,发生高峰期主要集中于5-10月,期间出现多个大小不等的高峰,但峰期、蛾量和虫量在不同地区之间差异较大。本研究明确了广东省不同生态区草地贪夜蛾种群的周年消长动态及发生特征,为广东省乃至全国草地贪夜蛾的早期预警和精准防控提供重要参考。  相似文献   

In the broader context of research on the Sicilian Porcellio imbutus-complex, the postmarsupial development of Porcellio siculoccidentalis Viglianisi, Lombardo & Caruso, 1992 was studied in detail. This research was conducted in the laboratory under controlled conditions, allowing us to follow the stages of development, from the formation of the marsupium in ovigerous females until the larval stages and development of the seventh pair of legs. The timing of developmental stages and the morphological modifications of appendages in the postmarsupial manca stages (M I-M III) are described. The manca stage M I had a duration of about one hour. Ovigerous females were collected and reared separately, and the number of parturial molts in the absence of males was counted. The results showed a maximum of four successive parturial molts. Fecundity and fertility were evaluated as the number of eggs and embryos, respectively, inside the marsupium of the ovigerous females. Both parameters were positively correlated with the size of the females. The maximum numbers of eggs and embryos in the marsupium were 113 and 141, respectively. Data describing the total number of postmarsupial mancas released per month indicated that the highest release occurred in April.  相似文献   

Porcellio albinus is a nocturnal species inhabiting xeric habitats in Tunisia. Size distribution, population dynamics, breeding activity, fecundity, fertility, reproductive allocation (RA), and life span were studied to establish the reproductive strategy of a population of this species in the sandy coastal area of Zarat. Monthly sampling was undertaken between July 2012 and November 2013. The overall sex-ratio of P. albinus was female biased. The relative abundance of adults, much more representative than that of juveniles, might be the consequence of the absence of specimens less than 8 mm in size in all samples collected outside the burrows at night. Reproduction is seasonal in P. albinus with two breeding seasons, the first one from March to June and the second in September. Five cohorts were recruited per year, four during the spring and one during the fall. The number of eggs per female ranged from 13 to 67 and was positively correlated with female body size. Fertility varied from 5 to 39 mancae. Compared to other xeric species, RA was low to produce a brood, but high to release a single manca. The results provide a better understanding of the reproductive behavior of this terrestrial isopod, living under severe environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aspects of the population and reproductive biologyof the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi were studiedin the western Mediterranean (Encanyissada coastallagoon, Ebre delta, Spain). Misids were sampling atmonthly intervals from August 1993 to June 1995. InDecember 1994 and February 1995 any individuals werefound. The relationship between carapace length (Lc)and total length (Lt) was isometric:logLt = 1.0612logLc + 0.9411 (n = 178,r = 0.9411). Thesize of mature males and females was at a maximum inthe winter, and a minimum in the summer. The longevityof individuals changed throughout the year; those withthe longest life expectancy were members of theoverwintering generation. Brooding females wererecorded throughout the year, except in December 1993and April 1994; they were most numerous in spring andautumn. The number of embryos or larvae (N) carried byfemales was related to the size of the females (range:1–22, mean value: 4.8): logN = 1.8705logLc–0.0985(n = 361, r = 0.4097, P < 0.01). Thesize of the eggs(maximum diameter, Le) was related to the size of thefemales (range: 0.35–0.6 mm in total length):logLe = 0.3404logLc–0.4820 (n = 277, r = 0.5420, P < 0.01).  相似文献   

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