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Spectrophotometric studies on the behaviour of coproferrihaem in aqueous solution showed that, in the pH range 6.66–8.04, a dimerization process occurs according to the equation 2 monomer
The value of K, the pH-independent dimerization contant, was found to be 2.10 · 10?3, signifying that coproferrihaem shows the least tendency to dimerize of any ferrihaem so far investigated. Forward and reverse rate constants for the dimerization process have been determined by the temperature-jump method.The results suggest that the cation-briding between carboxyl residues, postulated for the dimers of the dicarboxylic ferrihaems, cannot occur between the additional carboxyl residues of coproferrihaem and that the increased negative charge may cause destabilization of the coproferrihaem dimer by repulsion effects.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric data have been determined for mesoferrihaem at several pH values and over a range of concentration covering four orders of magnitude. The data reveal a dimerization process according to the equation 2 monomer ? dimer + H+, analogous to earlier findings for deuteroferrihaem and protoferrihaem. The value of K (defined as K = [dimer][H+][monomer])2) was found to be 6.92 · 10?2. This is close to the value for deuteroferrihaem but much less than that for protoferrihaem. This is interpreted in terms of possible additional bonding between the delocalized electron systems in protoferrihaem dimers relative to those of mesoferrihaem and deuteroferrihaem.Rate constants for dimerization were determined by temperature-jump spectrophotometry. The pH dependence of the rate constants is explained in terms of two distinct pathways for the dimerization process. These involve either direct reaction between two undissociated monomer molecules or alternatively an initial acid dissociation of a monomer molecule followed by reaction between an undissociated and a dissociated molecule.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric data have been determined for mesoferrihaem at several pH values and over a range of concentration covering four orders of magnitude. The data reveal a dimerization process according to the equation 2 monomer in equilibrium dimer + H+, analogous to earlier findings for deuteroferrihaem and protoferrihaem. The value of K (defined as K = [dimer] [H+]/[monomer]2) was found to be 6.92.10(-2). This is close to the value for deuteroferrihaem but much less than that for protoferrihaem. This is interpreted in terms of possible additional bonding between the delocalized electron systems in protoferrihaem dimers relative to those of mesoferrihaem and deuteroferrihaem. Rate constants for dimerization were determined by temperature-jump spectrophotometry. The pH dependence of the rate constants is explained in terms of two distinct pathways for the dimerization process. These involve either direct reaction between two undissociated monomer molecules or alternatively an initial acid dissociation of a monomer molecule followed by reaction between an undissociated and dissociated molecule.  相似文献   

The dimerization of dueteroferrihaem in aqueous solution has been investigated using a parameter, named the dimerization index (Robs). This is defined as the ratio of extinction coefficients at wavelengths corresponding to Soret band maxima for the monomeric and dimeric species, respectively. For solutions containing mainly monomeric species, Robs greater than 2, whereas for solutions containing mainly dimeric species Robs less than 1. A computer programme has been applied to determine values of the dimerization constant, K, defined as: K = [dimer] [H+]/[monomer]2. Phosphate buffer anions and Tris . HCl buffer enhanced dimerization. Monovalent and divalent cations also increased dimerization, but in a specific manner. The magnitudes of their effects increased in the order K+ less than Na+ less than Li+ less than Sr2+ less than Mg2+ approximately or equal to Ca2+. Values of K were determined for several concentrations of Na+ and Sr2+. These data are interpreted in terms of a stabilization of the ferrihaem dimer by the formation of ion triplets with the added cation 'sandwiched' between carboxyl residues of the adjacent ferrihaem monomeric units. General guidelines are recommended for the choice of conditions which minimize dimerization.  相似文献   

The dimerization of deuteroferrihaem in aqueous solution has been investigated using a parameter, named the dimerization index (Robs). This is defined as the ratio of extinction coefficients at wavelengths corresponding to Soret band maxima for the monomeric and dimeric species, respectively. For solutions containing mainly monomeric species, Robs > 2, whereas for solutions containing mainly dimeric species Robs < 1.A computer programme has been applied to determine values of the dimerization constant, K, defined as: K = [dimer][H+][monomer]2.Phosphate buffer anions and Tris · HCl buffer enhanced dimerization. Monovalent and divalent cations also increased dimerization, but in a specific manner. The magnitudes of their effects increased in the order K+ < Na+ < Li+ < Sr2+ < Mg2+ ? Ca2+. Values of K were determined for several concentrations of Na+ and Sr2+. These data are interpreted in terms of a stabilization of the ferrihaem dimer by the formation of ion triplets with the added cation ‘sandwiched’ between carboxyl residues of the adjacent ferrihaem monomeric units. General guidelines are recommended for the choice of conditions which minimize dimerization.  相似文献   

The dimerization of haematoferrihaem was studied in phosphate buffer in the pH range 7.02--8.14. The absorbance of dilute solutions decreased over a period of several hours due to adsorption of haematoferrihaem to glass vessels. This problem was overcome by using dilute solutions within 10 min of preparation. Spectrophotometric data were consistent with a dimerization process according to the equation 2 monomer in equilibrium dimer + H+ as found earlier for other ferrihaems studied. The value of K, defined as K = [dimer] [H+]/[monomer]2, was found to be 1.00 . 10(-2). Rate constants for the forward and reverse steps in dimerization were determined at pH values of 6.63, 7.01 and 7.44, using the temperature-jump technique. The reaction pathway for dimerization was found to be similar to those of deuteroferrihaem and mesoferrihaem, but different from that of coproferrihaem. A general appraisal of the factors influencing dimerization is attempted in the light of accumulated data on various ferrihaems. With the exception of protoferrihaem, it is suggested that dimerzation increases with the hydrophobicity of the 2,4 substituents. The additional stability of the protoferrihaem dimer is explained in terms of increased interaction due to conjugation of the vinyl groups with the porphyrin macrocycle.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of iron(III) complexes with acetohydroxamate (AX) and histidinehydroxamate (HX) in the UV-visible region revealed that many species may exist in pH range 1.0–7.5. The solution spectra were unstable in pH range ~2.7–4.0. Different species were obtained from fresh solutions and overnight solutions. The difference was rationalized due to hydrolysis and/or polymerization of complexes in solution, especially in pH range 2.7–4.0. The kinetics of the reactions of Fe(III) with AX and HX were accomplished, and mechanisms were suggested for both systems. In both cases, Fe3+ and FeOH2+ species were found to be the active species in the complex formation of 1:1 complex.  相似文献   

1. The specific stoicheiometric catalatic activity of deuteroferrihaem is 10-100-fold greater than that for protoferrihaem, depending on pH. It is suggested that the difference in activity may be related to quantitative differences in the extent of dimerization in aqueous solutions of proto- and deutero-ferrihaem (Brown, Dean & Jones, 1970b). 2. A quantitative comparison of the kinetic and equilibrium data implies that the catalytic activities of ferrihaems are determined by the proportion of monomer present. The specific activity of ferrihaem monomer calculated varies inversely with H(+) ion concentration and attains a value equal to the maximal activity of catalase at pH>pK(a)(H(2)O(2)). 3. A comparison of catalatic behaviour in the series of iron(III)-centred catalysts aqua-iron(III) ion, ferrihaem monomer and catalase suggests that the unique feature of catalase action resides in the pH-independence of the reaction.  相似文献   

Porcine heart cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (s-MDH) is a dimeric protein (2 x 35 kDa). We have studied equilibrium unfolding and refolding of s-MDH using activity assay, fluorescence, far-UV and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, hydrophobic probe-1-anilino-8-napthalene sulfonic acid binding, dynamic light scattering, and chromatographic (HPLC) techniques. The unfolding and refolding transitions are reversible and show the presence of two equilibrium intermediate states. The first one is a compact monomer (MC) formed immediately after subunit dissociation and the second one is an expanded monomer (ME), which is little less compact than the native monomer and has most of the characteristic features of a 'molten globule' state. The equilibrium transition is fitted in the model: 2U <--> 2M(E) <--> 2M(C) <--> D. The time course of kinetics of self- refolding of s-MDH revealed two parallel folding pathways [Rudolph, R., Fuchs, I. & Jaenicke, R. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 1662-1669]. The major pathway (70%) is 2U-->2M*-->2M-->D, the rate limiting step being the isomerization of the monomers (K1 = 1.7 x 10(-3) s(-1)). The minor pathway (30%) involves an association step leading to the incorrectly folding dimers, prior to the very slow D*-->D folding step. In this study, we have characterized the folding-assembly pathway of dimeric s-MDH. Our kinetic and equilibrium experiments indicate that the folding of s-MDH involves the formation of two folding intermediates. However, whether the equilibrium intermediates are equivalent to the kinetic ones is beyond the scope of this study.  相似文献   

The interaction between nocodazole and calf brain tubulin in 10(-2) M sodium phosphate, 10(-4) M GTP, and 12% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide at pH 7.0 was studied. The number of binding sites for nocodazole was shown to be one per tubulin monomer of 50,000 as a result of equilibrium binding studies by gel filtration and spectroscopic techniques. The presence of microtubule-associated proteins did not significantly affect the binding of nocodazole to tubulin. The apparent equilibrium constant measured at 25 degrees C was (4 +/- 1) X 10(5) M-1. Temperature does not significantly affect the apparent equilibrium constant; hence, the binding of nocodazole to tubulin is apparently entropy driven. Stopped flow spectroscopy was employed to monitor the rate of nocodazole binding under pseudo first order conditions. The effects of temperature and nocodazole concentration were studied. The apparent rate constants were dependent on the concentration of nocodazole in a nonlinear manner. In conjunction with results from structural and thermodynamic studies the kinetic results were interpreted to suggest a mechanism of T + N in equilibrium with TN in equilibrium with T* N, where T and N are tubulin and nocodazole, respectively. T and T* represent two conformational states of tubulin. Furthermore, the kinetic data are consistent with the thermodynamic data only if a model of two parallel similar reactions were considered, one rapid and the other slow. The initial binding step for both the rapid and slow phases was characterized by identical binding constants; however, there was a significant difference in the rates of isomerization. Hence, nocodazole is potentially a useful probe for amplifying differences in solution properties of tubulin subspecies.  相似文献   

Extensive investigations of the unfolding equilibria and kinetics of oxidized and reduced cytochromes c are reported. It is found that all cytochromes c have similar unfolding free energies (deltaGD = 7 +/- 1 kcal/mol). Differences among species do not correlate in any way with the metabolic differences among species. The stabilization of cytochrome c on reduction is estimated at 1.1 kcal/mol. Stability differences among species are mirrored in their denaturation kinetics. For cytochrome c (III), the unfolding exhibits multiple phases. The rate constants for the two observable phases both change by a factor of 3 between horse cytochrome c (III) and cow cytochrome c (III). On reduction, all unfolding appears to occur in a single step. The rate of this unfolding still varies between species, however, the results can be accommodated to a sequential model, with some assumptions. The observations are consistent with chain reversal occurring at an early stage in the reaction and suggest that previously observed rapid processes may be ligand exchange processes.  相似文献   

An investigation of the behavior of protoporphyrin IX, deuteroporphyrin IX, haematoporphyrin IX and coproporphyrin III in aqueous solution revealed extensive and complex aggregation processes. Protoporphyrin appears to be highly aggregated under all conditions studied. At concentrations below 4 muM, aggregation of deutero-, haemato- and coproporphyrin is probably restricted to dimerization. At approx. 4muM each of these three porphyrins exhibits sharp changes in spectra consistent with a "micellization" process to form large aggregates of unknown size. This critical concentration increases with increasing temperature and pH, but is not very sensitive to variation in ionic strength. Temperature-jump kinetic studies on deuteroporphyrin also imply an initial dimerization process, the rate constants for which are comparable with those for various synthetic porphyrins, followed by a further extensive aggragation. The ability of a particular porphyrin to dimerize appears to parallel that of the corresponding iron(III) complexes (ferrihaems), although it is thought that ferrihaems do not exhibit further aggregation under these conditions.  相似文献   

Thermal and chemical unfolding studies of the calcium-binding canine lysozyme (CL) by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy show that, upon unfolding in the absence of calcium ions, a very stable equilibrium intermediate state is formed. At room temperature and pH 7.5, for example, a stable molten globule state is attained in 3 M GdnHCl. The existence of such a pure and stable intermediate state allowed us to extend classical stopped-flow fluorescence measurements that describe the transition from the native to the unfolded form, with kinetic experiments that monitor separately the transition from the unfolded to the intermediate state and from the intermediate to the native state, respectively. The overall refolding kinetics of apo-canine lysozyme are characterized by a significant drop in the fluorescence intensity during the dead time, followed by a monoexponential increase of the fluorescence with k = 3.6 s(-1). Furthermore, the results show that, unlike its drastic effect on the stability, Ca(2+)-binding only marginally affects the refolding kinetics. During the refolding process of apo-CL non-native interactions, comparable to those observed in hen egg white lysozyme, are revealed by a substantial quenching of tryptophan fluorescence. The dissection of the refolding process in two distinct steps shows that these non-native interactions only occur in the final stage of the refolding process in which the two domains match to form the native conformation.  相似文献   

Arrest of DNA replication in the terminus region of the Escherichia coli chromosome is mediated by protein-DNA complexes composed of the Tus protein and 23 base pair sequences generically called Ter sites. We have characterized the in vitro binding of purified Tus protein to a 37-base pair oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing the TerB sequence. The measured equilibrium binding constant (KD) for the chromosomal TerB site in KG buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl, 150 mM potassium glutamate, 25 degrees C, pH 7.5, 0.1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.1 mM EDTA, and 100 micrograms/ml bovine serum albumin) was 3.4 x 10(-13) M. Kinetic measurements in the same buffer revealed that the Tus-TerB complex was very stable, with a half-life of 550 min, a dissociation rate constant of 2.1 x 10(-5) s-1, and an association rate constant of 1.4 x 10(8) M-1 s-1. Similar measurements of Tus protein binding to the TerR2 site of the plasmid R6K showed an affinity 30-fold lower than the Tus-TerB interaction. This difference was due primarily to a more rapid dissociation of the Tus-TerR2 complex. Using standard chemical modification techniques, we also examined the DNA-protein contacts of the Tus-TerB interaction. Extensive contacts between the Tus protein and the TerB sequence were observed in the highly conserved 11 base-pair "core" sequence common to all identified Ter sites. In addition, protein-DNA contact sites were observed in the region of the Ter site where DNA replication is arrested. Projection of the footprinting data onto B-form DNA indicated that the majority of the alkylation interference and hydroxyl radical-protected sites were arranged on one face of the DNA helix. We also observed dimethyl sulfate protection of 2 guanine residues on the opposite side of the helix, suggesting that part of the Tus protein extends around the double helix. The distribution of contacts along the TerB sequence was consistent with the functional polarity of the Tus-Ter complex and suggested possible mechanisms for the impediment of protein translocation along DNA.  相似文献   

The interaction of Ca2+ and Mg2+ with three Tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline, chlorotetracycline, and oxytetracycline) has been investigated. Spectrophotometric measurements have been used to determine the apparent association constant for this interaction as a function of pH. It is shown that the results are consistent with a model in which the metal ion can form complexes with both the fully-deprotonated and mono-protonated forms of the Tetracycline. The temperature-jump relaxation method has been used to measure the kinetics of formation of the complexes of Mg2+ with the Tetracyclines. The results are compared with those of previous studies of Mg2+ complex formation reactions and it is shown that the data is consistent with the normal dissociative model. A possible role for metal ion chelation in the mechanism of antibacterial action of the Tetracyclines is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and temperature on the thermal denaturation of micrococcal nuclease wer4e investigated. The ranges employed were between pH3.30 and pH9.70 and between 10 degrees C and 85 degrees C, respectively. The reversible denaturation involved in the whole process was clearly discriminated from the irreversible one. The former took place with a large enthalpy change of 384 kJ mol(-1) at pH 9.70, where the enzyme exhibited it s maximum activity. The latter probably led to aggregation because the successive long incubation after complete deactivation caused precipitation. A reasonable scheme explaining the process involving both denaturations was proposed and the kinetic on the irreversible deactivation was performed. It was revealed that the irreversible deactivation involved two types of reactions whose activation energies were relatively small: 22.2 kJ mol(-1) and 18.8kJ mol(-1). The presence of sucrose suppressed the reversible denaturation without significant influence on enthalpy change, whereas it affected little the irreversible deactivation kinetically. The effects of pH change and addition of sucrose on the denaturation were discussed thermodynamically, especially in terms of the entropy change. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The interaction between TANDEM (a des-methyl analogue of triostin A) and poly(dA-dT) results in extension of the helix by 6.8 Å for each ligand molecule bound, exactly as predicted for a bis-intercalation reaction. Cooperativity is evident in Scatchard plots for the interaction at ionic strengths of 0.2 and 1.0, where the binding constant is diminished compared to that which pertains at low salt concentration. Binding to a natural DNA (calf thymus), already considerably weaker than binding to poly(dA-dT), is also sensitive to increased ionic strength. With a self-complementary octanucleotide d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) the binding curve indicates the presence of a single des-N-tetramethyltriostin A binding site per helical fragment with a non-cooperative association constant about 6·106 M?1. Detergent-induced dissociation of des-N-tetramethyltriostin A-poly(dA-dT) complexes results in a simple exponential decay at all levels of binding, but the time constant of decay is dependent upon the initial binding ratio. This behaviour cannot directly explain the cooperativity of equilibrium binding isotherms but suggests the occurrence of relatively long-lived perturbations of the helical structure by binding of the ligand. [Ala3, Ala7]des-N-tetramethyltriostin A, which has a more flexible octapeptide ring lacking the disulphide cross-bridge, dissociates from poly(dA-dT) much faster than des-N-tetramethyltriostin A. Dissociation of des-N-tetramethyltriostin A from calf thymus DNA is more rapid than dissociation of triostin A or other quinoxaline antibiotics, which may account for its low antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

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