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Allozyme analysis of Erebia medusa over large regions of Europe revealed a significant population differentiation (FST: 0.149 ± 0.016). A UPGMA-analysis showed a division into four major lineages with mean inter-group genetic distances ranging from 0.051 (±0.010) to 0.117 (±0.024). An AMOVA revealed that rather more than two-thirds of the variance between samples was being between these lineages and less than one-third within lineages. An eastern group included the samples from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and north-eastern Hungary. This genetic lineage expressed significantly higher genetic diversity than the other three. A second lineage was formed by the samples from France and Germany. The two samples from western Hungary represent a third delimited lineage and the sample from northern Italy a fourth. We suppose that this genetic differentiation took place during the last ice-age in four disjunct refugia. The genetically more diverse eastern genetic lineage might have evolved in a relatively large refugium in south-eastern Europe. We assume that the other three lineages developed in relatively small relict areas around the Alps. It is likely for the western lineage that its ice-age distribution showed at least one disjunction in late Würm with the consequence of further genetic differentiation. Most probably, the eastern lineage colonized postglacial Central Europe using two alternative routes: one north and one south of the Carpathians. Up to now, neither similar glacial refugia, nor comparable secondary disjunctions in late Würm, are reported for any other animal or plant species.  相似文献   

Over several decades, the distribution patterns and evolution of alpine disjunct species has become an increasingly discussed subject. Large scale genetic analysis has allowed the resolution of the past range changes and intraspecific evolution of many species, in Europe especially of Mediterranean origin. However, the phylogeographic structures of species with arctic-alpine disjunct distribution patterns are relatively poorly studied. The existing phylogeographic analysis (mostly of alpine plant species) supports disjunct distributions during glacial as well as post-glacial periods for a number of species. However, several questions still remain unresolved and we therefore analysed the Mountain Ringlet Erebia epiphron as a model for such alpine disjunct species. We found strong differentiation into five different lineages supporting five differentiation centres: (i) the eastern Pyrenees, (ii) the mountain ranges between the central Pyrenees and south-western Alps, (iii, iv) two areas along the southern Alps margin and (v) the northern Alps margin. We propose that these patterns evolved due to the humidity requirements of this species, which did not allow survival in the dry glacial steppes, but along the margins of the wetter glaciated high mountain ranges.  相似文献   

The distribution of the mountain coniferous forest biome in Europe throughout time is not sufficiently understood. One character species of this habitat type is the large ringlet, Erebia euryale well reflecting the extension of this biome today, and the genetic differentiation of this species among and within mountain systems may unravel the late Pleistocene history of this habitat type. We therefore analysed the allozyme pattern of 381 E. euryale individuals from 11 populations in four different European mountain systems (Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Rila). All loci analysed were polymorphic. The mean F(ST) over all samples was high (20%). Furthermore, the mean genetic distance among samples was quite high (0.049). We found four different groups well supported by cluster analyses, bootstraps and hierarchical variance analyses: Pyrenees, western Alps, eastern Alps and southeastern Europe (Carpathians and Rila). The genetic diversity of the populations was highest in the southeastern European group and stepwise decreased westwards. Interestingly, the populations from Bulgaria and Romania were almost identical; therefore, we assume that they were not separated by the Danube Valley, at least during the last ice age. On the contrary, the differentiation among the three western Alps populations was considerable. For all these reasons, we assume that (i) the most important refugial area for the coniferous mountain forest biome in Europe has been located in southeastern Europe including at least parts of the Carpathians and the Bulgarian mountains; (ii) important refugial areas for this biome existed at the southeastern edge of the Alps; (iii) fragments of this habitat types survived along the southwestern Alps, but in a more scattered distribution; and (iv) relatively small relicts have persisted somewhere at the foothills of the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Recent decreases in biodiversity in Europe are commonly thought to be due to land use and climate change. However, the genetic diversity of populations is also seen as one essential factor for their fitness. Genetic diversity in species across the continent of Europe has been recognized as being in part a consequence of ice age isolation in southern refugia and postglacial colonization northwards, and these phylogeographical patterns may themselves affect the adaptability of populations. Recent work on butterfly species with different refugia, colonization paths and genetic structures allows this idea to be examined. The 'chalk-hill blue' pattern is one of decreasing genetic diversity from south to north, whereas the 'woodland ringlet' pattern shows greater genetic diversity in eastern than in western lineages. Comparison of population demographic trends in species with these biogeographical patterns reveals higher rates of decrease with lower genetic diversity. This indicates reduced adaptability due to genetic impoverishment as a result of glacial and postglacial range changes. Analysis of phylogeographical pattern may be a useful guide to interpreting demographic trends and in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climatic oscillations strongly influenced the genetic composition of many species which are often divided into several genetic lineages. In this context, we studied the allozymes of a common and widely distributed butterfly, the common blue Polyommatus icarus, over a large part of Europe. The species had a rather high genetic diversity within populations with a strikingly high mean number of alleles per locus (2.98). In contrast, differentiation between populations was very low ( F ST: 0.0187). Only a marginal trend of decline in genetic diversity from the south to the north was observed. Isolation-by-distance existed on a European scale ( r =  0.826), but not at a regional level. Regional differentiation between populations in western Germany was extremely low ( F ST: 0.0041). It is probable that P. icarus was widely distributed in the Mediterranean region during the last ice age and expanded into central Europe in the postglacial period without major genetic erosion. Moderate present and past gene flow in an intact metapopulation structure may have occurred on local, regional and perhaps even continental scales.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 529–538.  相似文献   

Quaternary climatic oscillations profoundly impacted temperate biodiversity. For many diverse yet undersampled areas, however, the consequences of this impact are still poorly known. In Europe, particular uncertainty surrounds the role of Balkans, a major hotspot of European diversity, in postglacial recolonization of more northerly areas, and the Carpathians, a debatable candidate for a northern ‘cryptic’ glacial refugium. Using genome‐wide SNPs and microsatellites, we examined how the interplay of historical processes and niche shifts structured genetic diversity of diploid Arabidopsis arenosa, a little‐known member of the plant model genus that occupies a wide niche range from sea level to alpine peaks across eastern temperate Europe. While the northern Balkans hosted one isolated endemic lineage, most of the genetic diversity was concentrated further north in the Pannonian Basin and the Carpathians, where it likely survived the last glaciation in northern refugia. Finally, a distinct postglacial environment in northern Europe was colonized by populations of admixed origin from the two Carpathian lineages. Niche differentiation along altitude‐related bioclimatic gradients was the main trend in the phylogeny of A. arenosa. The most prominent niche shifts, however, characterized genetically only slightly divergent populations that expanded into narrowly defined alpine and northern coastal postglacial environments. Our study highlights the role of eastern central European mountains not only as refugia for unique temperate diversity but also sources for postglacial expansion into novel high‐altitude and high‐latitude niches. Knowledge of distinct genetic substructure of diploid A. arenosa also opens new opportunities for follow‐up studies of this emerging model of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Aim Aglaope infausta is a thermophilous Zygaenid of Atlanto-Mediterranean origin, distributed in Portugal, Spain, France and north-western Italy reaching its north-eastern distribution limit in western Germany. The local, regional and inter-regional genetic structure of this species is studied in this analysis. Location and methods The allozymes of 456 individuals from 12 populations (11 from western Germany and one from southern Portugal) were studied by electrophoresis. Results Six of the 19 loci analysed were monomorphic. Genetic differentiation between populations was high (FST: 0.404), while the mean genetic diversity was low (He: 3.4%). Most (96.5%) of the genetic variance between populations was between the Portuguese and the German samples, but also the differentiation within Germany was considerable (FSR: 0.101). In Germany, A. infausta occurs in two major regions (middle Rhine and Nahe) that are geographically separated, and 55.5% of the genetic variance was found between these two regions. The populations of both areas do not differ in their genetic diversity, but those of the middle Rhine have significantly higher genetic distances among them than the Nahe populations (0.020 and 0.015, respectively). FST was also higher in the middle Rhine region than in the Nahe region (0.089 and 0.045, respectively). Main conclusions Aglaope infausta shows a very low level of genetic heterogeneity for a lepidopteran species. However, this genetic poverty is not affecting the species’ viability. During the ice ages, differentiation into two genetic lineages occurred, most probably in a south-western and a south-eastern differentiation centre in Iberia. The gap in the distribution range in Germany is clearly reflected in the genetic structure. This differentiation must have developed relatively quickly because western Germany most probably was colonized during the climatic optimum 6000 years ago.  相似文献   

Brito PH 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3077-3094
The glacial refugia hypothesis indicates that during the height of the Pleistocene glaciations the temperate species that are today widespread in western Europe must have survived in small and climatically favourable areas located in the southern peninsulas of Iberia, Italy and Balkans. One such species is the tawny owl, a relatively sedentary, nonmigratory bird presently distributed throughout Europe. It is a tree-nesting species closely associated with deciduous and mixed coniferous woodlands. In this study I used control region mtDNA sequences from 187 individuals distributed among 14 populations to determine whether current genetic patterns in tawny owl populations were consistent with postglacial expansion from peninsular refugia. European, North African and Asian tawny owls were found to represent three distinct lineages, where North Africa is the sister clade to all European owls. Within Europe, I found three well-supported clades that correspond to each of the three allopatric refugia. Expansion patterns indicate that owls from the Balkan refugium repopulated most of northern Europe, while expansion out of Iberia and Italy had only regional effects leading to admixture in France. Estimates of population divergence times between refugia populations are roughly similar, but one order of magnitude smaller between Greece and northern Europe. Based on a wide range of mutation rates and generation times, divergence between refugia appears to date to the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the evolutionary outcome of and interplay between historic isolation and current selection pressures on traits more or less closely connected to fitness in the Pearly Heath butterfly (Coenonympha arcania) across its range in Europe. We hypothesized that a trait mean is more related to historic events if it has low connection to fitness, while a trait more closely connected with fitness is expected to have a mean that relates more to current selection pressures. In order to test this, we collected 322 butterflies from across the species range in Europe and measured five wing traits relating to size and color patterns. To infer a phylogeographic history for each individual, we sequenced a 594 bp fragment of the COI gene. The morphological data were then analyzed in relation to selected climatic variables and the history of individuals to disentangle which factors best correlated with morphological variation. The results supported our hypothesis in that wing sizes correlated with summer precipitation but not with its inferred location during the last glaciation. Eyespot position, on the other hand, correlated with the history of individuals but not with the analyzed climatic indicators. The sizes of the black spot and the white band, two traits that were expected to have intermediate selection pressure, were associated with both history and current conditions. Thus, this study illustrates the fascinating interplay between events and processes that lead to a specific evolutionary outcome.  相似文献   

The high mountain ranges of Western Europe had a profound effect on the biotic recolonization of Europe from glacial refugia. The Alps present a particularly interesting case because they form an absolute barrier to dispersal for most taxa, obstructing recolonization from multiple refugia in northern Italy. Here, we investigate the effect of the European Alps on the phylogeographic history of the European common frog Rana temporaria. Based on partial cytochrome b and COXI sequences from Switzerland, we find two mitochondrial lineages roughly north and south of the Alpine ridge, with contact zones between them in eastern and western Switzerland. The northern haplogroup falls within the previously identified Western European haplogroup, while the southern haplogroup is unique to Switzerland. We find that the lineages diverged ~110 kya, at approximately the onset of the last glacial glaciation; this indicates that they are from different glacial refugia. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that the northern and southern haplogroups colonized Switzerland via trans‐ and circum‐Alpine routes from at least two separate refugia in northern Italy. Our results illustrate how a complex recolonization history of the central European Alps can arise from the semi‐permeable barrier created by high mountains.  相似文献   

Evidence from numerous Pan‐African savannah mammals indicates that open‐habitat refugia existed in Africa during the Pleistocene, isolated by expanding tropical forests during warm and humid interglacial periods. However, comparative data from other taxonomic groups are currently lacking. We present a phylogeographic investigation of the African puff adder (Bitis arietans), a snake that occurs in open‐habitat formations throughout sub‐Saharan Africa. Multiple parapatric mitochondrial clades occur across the current distribution of B. arietans, including a widespread southern African clade that is subdivided into four separate clades. We investigated the historical processes responsible for generating these phylogeographic patterns in southern Africa using species distribution modelling and genetic approaches. Our results show that interior regions of South Africa became largely inhospitable for B. arietans during glacial maxima, whereas coastal and more northerly areas remained habitable. This corresponds well with the locations of refugia inferred from mitochondrial data using a continuous phylogeographic diffusion model. Analysis of data from five anonymous nuclear loci revealed broadly similar patterns to mtDNA. Secondary admixture was detected between previously isolated refugial populations. In some cases, this is limited to individuals occurring near mitochondrial clade contact zones, but in other cases, more extensive admixture is evident. Overall, our study reveals a complex history of refugial isolation and secondary expansion for puff adders and a mosaic of isolated refugia in southern Africa. We also identify key differences between the processes that drove isolation in B. arietans and those hypothesized for sympatric savannah mammals.  相似文献   

Isolation of Mediterranean species in the southern European peninsulas during the cold glacial phases often resulted in differentiation of several genetic lineages confined to the respective peninsulas. However, whilst there is good genetic evidence for multiple refugia in Iberia, there are only limited data available for the Balkans. Therefore, we wish to examine the hypothesis of a strong genetic structuring within southeastern Europe for the existence of multiple Balkan differentiation centres and/or several leading edges. As a model we use the marbled white butterfly, Melanargia galathea. We studied 18 allozyme loci of 564 individuals from 16 populations distributed over a large part of southeastern Europe. The single populations showed moderately high genetic diversity and no northward decline of genetic diversity was detected. The overall genetic differentiation between populations was considerable (F(ST) 7.0%). Cluster analysis discriminated three genetic groups: (i) a western flank in the former Yugoslavia, parts of eastern Austria and Hungary; (ii) an eastern flank with populations from Bulgaria and Romania (south of the southern Carpathians and eastern Carpathians); and (iii) the eastern Carpathian Basin. Hierarchical variance analysis distributed 53% of the variance among populations between these three groups. One sample from the Greek-Bulgarian border clustered within the eastern flank, but showed some tendency towards the eastern Carpathian Basin populations. Two populations from Carinthia clustered together with the eastern Carpathian Basin ones and a population from Styria showed an intermediate genetic composition between the three groups. Most probably, the eastern and the western flank groups are due to postglacial range expansion from the northeastern and the northwestern edges of the glacial differentiation centre (so-called leading edges). The eastern Carpathian Basin group may have resulted from postglacial expansion from northern Greece through valley systems of the central Balkan peninsula, maybe even expanding westwards north of the Balkan mountains reaching some parts of eastern Austria (e.g. Carinthia). Therefore, the Balkanic refugium of M. galathea may or may not have been continuous along the coastal areas of the Mediterranean, but must have been strongly genetically structured.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical history of mid‐altitude woodland herbs that depend on moist and shaded forest habitats is poorly understood. Here, we analysed the genetic structure of Cyclamen purpurascens, a mountainous calcicolous perennial, to test hypotheses regarding its glacial survival in single or multiple refugia and postglacial colonization routes, and to explore how they are congruent with the histories inferred for temperate trees and other mountainous herbs. We gathered AFLP data and chloroplast DNA sequences (trnD‐trnT region) from 68 populations spanning the entire distribution range (the Jura Mountains, Alps, western Carpathians, Dinarides). Both genetic markers revealed two main phylogeographical groups (phylogroups) in C. purpurascens. Additionally, AFLP data detected a more detailed structure of five phylogroups: two widespread, showing east?west geographical separation, and three local ones, restricted to somewhat disjunct, marginal regions of the species range. We suggest that C. purpurascens survived the last glaciation in two main regions, the foothills of the Southern Limestone Alps and the Karst area of the north‐western Dinarides, and possibly also in microrefugia in the Western Carpathians. The glacial persistence and colonization routes of this woodland herb are highly concordant with those inferred for several temperate trees, especially the European beech. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 741–760.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that survival of arctic-alpine organisms in peripheral or interior glacial refugia are not mutually exclusive and may both be involved in shaping an organism's Pleistocene history, yet potentially at different time levels. Here, we test this hypothesis in a high-mountain plant (diploid lineage of Senecio carniolicus, Asteraceae) from the Eastern European Alps, in which patterns of morphological variation and current habitat requirements suggest survival in both types of refugia. To this end, we used AFLPs, nuclear and plastid DNA sequences and analysed them, among others, within a graph theoretic framework and using novel Bayesian methods of phylogeographic inference. On the basis of patterns of genetic diversity, occurrence of rare markers, distribution of distinct genetic lineages and patterns of range connectivity both interior refugia in the formerly strongly glaciated central Alps and peripheral refugia along the southern margin of the Alps were identified. The presence of refugia congruently inferred by markers resolving at different time levels suggests that these refugia acted as such throughout several glacial cycles. The high degree of range persistence together with gradual range expansion, which contrasts with the extent of range shifts implied for other Alpine species, is likely responsible for incipient lineage differentiation evident from the genetic data. Replacing a simplistic peripheral vs. interior refugia dualism by more complex models involving both types of refugia and considering different time levels will help identifying common phylogeographic patterns with respect to, for instance, location of refugia and colonization routes and elucidating their underlying genetic and/or ecological causes. DNA sequences have been deposited in GenBank under accession nos. FR796701–FR797793 and nos. HE614296–HE614583.  相似文献   

We employed DNA sequence variation at two mitochondrial (control region, COI) regions from 212 individuals of Galaxias platei (Pisces, Galaxiidae) collected throughout Patagonia (25 lakes/rivers) to examine how Andean orogeny and the climatic cycles throughout the Quaternary affected the genetic diversity and phylogeography of this species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed four deep genealogical lineages which likely represent the initial division of G. platei into eastern and western lineages by Andean uplift, followed by further subdivision of each lineage into separate glacial refugia by repeated Pleistocene glacial cycles. West of the Andes, refugia were likely restricted to the northern region of Patagonia with small relicts in the south, whereas eastern refugia appear to have been much larger and widespread, consisting of separate northern and southern regions that collectively spanned most of Argentinean Patagonia. The retreat of glacial ice following the last glacial maximum allowed re‐colonization of central Chile from nonlocal refugia from the north and east, representing a region of secondary contact between all four glacial lineages. Northwestern glacial relicts likely followed pro‐glacial lakes into central Chilean Patagonia, whereas catastrophic changes in drainage direction (Atlantic → Pacific) for several eastern palaeolakes were the likely avenues for invasions from the east. These mechanisms, combined with evidence for recent, rapid and widespread population growth could explain the extensive contemporary distribution of G. platei throughout Patagonia.  相似文献   

During the colder climates of the Pleistocene, the ranges of high-elevation species in unglaciated areas may have expanded, leading to increased gene flow among previously isolated populations. The phylogeography of the pygmy salamander, Desmognathus wrighti, an endemic species restricted to the highest mountain peaks of the southern Appalachians, was examined to test the hypothesis that the range of D. wrighti expanded along with other codistributed taxa during the Pleistocene. Analyses of genetic variation at 14 allozymic loci and of the 12S rRNA gene in the mtDNA genome was conducted on individuals sampled from 14 population isolates throughout the range of D. wrighti. In contrast to the genetic patterns of many other high-elevation animals and plants, genetic distances derived from both molecular markers showed significant isolation by distance and genetic structuring of populations, suggesting long-term isolation of populations. Phylogeographical analyses revealed four genetically distinct population clusters that probably remained fragmented during the Pleistocene, although there was also evidence supporting recent gene flow among some population groups. Support for isolation by distance is rare among high-elevation species in unglaciated areas of North and Middle America, although not uncommon among Plethodontid Salamanders, and this pattern suggests that populations of D. wrighti did not expand entirely into suitable habitat during the Pleistocene. We propose that intrinsic barriers to dispersal, such as species interactions with other southern Appalachian plethodontid salamanders, persisted during the Pleistocene to maintain the fragmented distribution of D. wrighti and allow for significant genetic divergence of populations by restricting gene flow.  相似文献   

Range-wide genetic variation of black spruce (Picea mariana) was studied using polymerase chain reaction-random fragment length polymorphism markers of the mitochondrial genome. Four polymorphic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci were surveyed and two or three alleles were detected at each locus, resulting in 10 multilocus mtDNA types or mitotypes. A significant subdivision of population genetic diversity was detected (GST = 0.671; NST = 0.726), suggesting low levels of gene flow among populations. The distribution of mitotypes was not random (NST > GST; P < 0.05) and revealed four partially overlapping zones, presumably representative of different glacial populations. Comparison of the genetic structure derived from mtDNA markers and the colonization paths previously deduced from the fossil and pollen records allow us to infer at least three southern and one northeastern glacial populations for black spruce. The patterns revealed in this study suggest that black spruce shares its biogeographical history with other forest-associated North American species.  相似文献   

Past glaciation events have played a major role in shaping the genetic diversity and distribution of wild sheep in North America. The advancement of glaciers can isolate populations in ice‐free refugia, where they can survive until the recession of ice sheets. The major Beringian refugium is thought to have held thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli) populations during times of glacial advance. While isolation in the major refugium can account for much of the genetic and morphological diversity seen in extant thinhorn sheep populations, mounting evidence suggests the persistence of populations in smaller minor refugia. We investigated the refugial origins of thinhorn sheep using ~10 000 SNPs obtained via a cross‐species application of the domestic sheep ovine HD BeadChip to genotype 52 thinhorn sheep and five bighorn sheep (O. canadensis) samples. Phylogenetic inference revealed a distinct lineage of thinhorn sheep inhabiting British Columbia, which is consistent with the survival of a group of thinhorn sheep in a minor refugium separate from the Beringian refugium. Isolation in separate glacial refugia probably mediated the evolution of the two thinhorn sheep subspecies, the white Dall's sheep (O. d. dalli), which persisted in Beringia, and the dark Stone's sheep (O. d. stonei), which utilized the minor refugium. We also found the first genetic evidence for admixture between sheep from different glacial refugia in south‐central Yukon as a consequence of post glacial expansion and recolonization. These results show that glaciation events can have a major role in the evolution of species inhabiting previously glaciated habitats and the need to look beyond established refugia when examining the evolutionary history of such species.  相似文献   

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