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The AP-3 adaptor protein complex has been implicated in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment granules/melanosomes, and synaptic vesicles. Here we compare the relative importance of AP-3 in the biogenesis of these organelles in Drosophila melanogaster. We report that the Drosophila pigmentation mutants orange and ruby carry genetic lesions in the σ3 and β3-adaptin subunits of the AP-3 complex, respectively. Electron microscopy reveals dramatic reductions in the numbers of electron-dense pigment granules in the eyes of these AP-3 mutants. Mutant flies also display greatly reduced levels of pigments housed in these granules. In contrast, electron microscopy of retinula cells reveals numerous synaptic vesicles in both AP-3 mutant and wild-type flies, while behavioral assays show apparently normal locomotor ability of AP-3 mutant larvae. Together, these results demonstrate that Drosophila AP-3 is critical for the biogenesis of pigment granules, but is apparently not essential for formation of a major population of synaptic vesicles in vivo. Received: 1 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

Regulated secretion of hormones, digestive enzymes, and other biologically active molecules requires the formation of secretory granules. Clathrin and the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) are necessary for maturation of exocrine, endocrine, and neuroendocrine secretory granules. However, the initial steps of secretory granule biogenesis are only minimally understood. Powerful genetic approaches available in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster were used to investigate the molecular pathway for biogenesis of the mucin-containing "glue granules" that form within epithelial cells of the third-instar larval salivary gland. Clathrin and AP-1 colocalize at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and clathrin recruitment requires AP-1. Furthermore, clathrin and AP-1 colocalize with secretory cargo at the TGN and on immature granules. Finally, loss of clathrin or AP-1 leads to a profound block in secretory granule formation. These findings establish a novel role for AP-1- and clathrin-dependent trafficking in the biogenesis of mucin-containing secretory granules.  相似文献   

The lethal(3)discs overgrown (dco) locus of Drosophila melanogaster, located on the third chromosome at cytogenetic position 100A5,6-100B1,2, is necessary for normal development and growth control in the imaginal discs of the larva. Three recessive lethal alleles (dco2, dco3, and dco18) in heteroallelic combinations and one allele (dco3) when homozygous cause the imaginal discs to continue to grow beyond the normal disc-intrinsic limit during an extended larval period. Some degeneration also occurs in the overgrowing discs. The discs overgrow even when transplanted early in their development into wild-type hosts, whereas normal discs stop growth at about the normal final size under such conditions, indicating that the overgrowth is a disc-autonomous effect of the mutations. During overgrowth the imaginal discs retain their single-layered epithelial structure except near regions of degeneration, and they differentiate into disc-appropriate but abnormal adult structures when transplanted into wild-type larval hosts. When the mutant larvae are reared under certain conditions a small percentage develop to the pharate adult stage, and these animals show a characteristic syndrome of abnormalities including swollen leg segments with many extra bristles, small or missing eyes, duplicated antennae and palpi, and separated vesicles of cuticle. A fourth recessive lethal allele (dcole88), when homozygous or in heteroallelic combination with the overgrowth alleles, causes the imaginal discs to degenerate, producing a "discless" phenotype. Gap junction-mediated communication was assayed by observing the intercellular transfer of injected fluorescein complexon (dye coupling). Dye coupling in the imaginal discs of the dco genotypes that cause overgrowth was dramatically reduced at 4 days after egg laying (AEL) compared with wild-type controls. Coupling was more normal although still significantly reduced at 7-8 and 12-14 days AEL. In c43hs1, another disc overgrowth mutant, the imaginal disc cells also showed very reduced dye coupling at 4 days and incomplete coupling at 9 days. In contrast, discs from wild-type larvae, two other imaginal disc overgrowth mutants, and a cell death mutant showed extensive dye coupling at all stages tested. Electron microscopic morphometry revealed a reduction in gap-junction length per unit lateral plasma membrane length in dco3/dco18 and c43hs1 wing discs, although not in dco2/dco3, compared with wild-type wing discs. The results suggest that gap-junctional cell communication may be involved in the cell interactions that limit cell proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

The AP-3 adaptor protein complex has been implicated in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment granules/melanosomes, and synaptic vesicles. Here we compare the relative importance of AP-3 in the biogenesis of these organelles in Drosophila melanogaster. We report that the Drosophila pigmentation mutants orange and ruby carry genetic lesions in the σ3 and β3-adaptin subunits of the AP-3 complex, respectively. Electron microscopy reveals dramatic reductions in the numbers of electron-dense pigment granules in the eyes of these AP-3 mutants. Mutant flies also display greatly reduced levels of pigments housed in these granules. In contrast, electron microscopy of retinula cells reveals numerous synaptic vesicles in both AP-3 mutant and wild-type flies, while behavioral assays show apparently normal locomotor ability of AP-3 mutant larvae. Together, these results demonstrate that Drosophila AP-3 is critical for the biogenesis of pigment granules, but is apparently not essential for formation of a major population of synaptic vesicles in vivo.  相似文献   

Three X-linked mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, gs(1)N26, gs(1)N441 and paralog, had a common maternal-effect phenotype. Mutant embryos show reduced egg contraction that normally occurs at an early cleavage stage in wild-type embryos. In addition, the mutants exhibited retarded nuclear migration while synchronous nuclear divisions were unaffected. The retarded migration causes nuclei to remain in the anterior part of the embryo retaining their spherical distribution even in a late cleavage stage. This consequently results in an extreme delay in nuclear arrival in the posterior periplasm. A mutant phenocopy was induced in wild-type embryos that were treated with cytochalasin B or D at a very early cleavage stage. Remarkable differences were noticed in the organization of cortical F-actin between the mutants and the wild type throughout the cleavage stage: obvious F-actin aggregates were dispersed in the cortex of mutant embryos, in contrast to the wild type where the cortical F-actin layer was smooth and underlying F-actin aggregates were smaller than those in the mutants; the transition of the distribution pattern of F-actin in the yolk mass, from the centralized to the fragmented type, occurred later in the mutants than in wild type. The results suggest that these mutations affect the mechanism underlying establishment and transition of F-actin organization required for normal egg contraction and nuclear migration in the cleavage embryos.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein (AP) complexes AP-1, AP-2, and AP-3 mediate coated vesicle formation and sorting of integral membrane proteins in the endocytic and late exocytic pathways in mammalian cells. A search of the Drosophila melanogaster expressed sequence tag (EST) database identified orthologs of family members mammalian medium (μ) chain families μ1, μ2, and μ3, of the corresponding AP complexes, and δ-COP, the analogous component of the coatomer (COPI) complex. The Drosophila orthologs exhibit a high degree of sequence identity to mammalian medium chain and δ-COP proteins. Northern analysis demonstrated that medium chain and δ-COP mRNAs are expressed uniformly throughout fly development. Medium chain and δ-COP genes were cytologically mapped and the μ3 gene was found to localize to a region containing the pigmentation locus carmine (cm). Analysis of genomic DNA of the cm 1 mutant allele indicated the presence of a large insertion in the coding region of the μ3 gene and Northern analysis revealed no detectable μ3 mRNA. Light microscopy of the cm 1 mutant showed a reduction in primary, secondary, and tertiary pigment granules in the adult eye. These findings provide evidence of a role for μ3 in the sorting processes required for pigment granule biogenesis in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein (AP) complexes AP-1, AP-2, and AP-3 mediate coated vesicle formation and sorting of integral membrane proteins in the endocytic and late exocytic pathways in mammalian cells. A search of the Drosophila melanogaster expressed sequence tag (EST) database identified orthologs of family members mammalian medium (μ) chain families μ1, μ2, and μ3, of the corresponding AP complexes, and δ-COP, the analogous component of the coatomer (COPI) complex. The Drosophila orthologs exhibit a high degree of sequence identity to mammalian medium chain and δ-COP proteins. Northern analysis demonstrated that medium chain and δ-COP mRNAs are expressed uniformly throughout fly development. Medium chain and δ-COP genes were cytologically mapped and the μ3 gene was found to localize to a region containing the pigmentation locus carmine (cm). Analysis of genomic DNA of the cm 1 mutant allele indicated the presence of a large insertion in the coding region of the μ3 gene and Northern analysis revealed no detectable μ3 mRNA. Light microscopy of the cm 1 mutant showed a reduction in primary, secondary, and tertiary pigment granules in the adult eye. These findings provide evidence of a role for μ3 in the sorting processes required for pigment granule biogenesis in Drosophila. Received: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 4 July 1999  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pax6 genes, eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy), are expressed in both eyes and the brain. Previous studies have demonstrated that ey plays important roles in axonal outgrowth and differentiation of mushroom bodies (MBs), which are centers for associative learning and memory in flies. However, the functional significance of toy in brain development is poorly understood. Here, we describe the expression patterns of TOY, and show that TOY expression partially overlaps with EY expression in the embryonic, larval and adult brains. Mutations of toy perturb brain neuromere formation in the embryonic stages, and result in severe deformation of the MB lobes in pharate adult brains. Moreover, we also analyzed toy functions by gain-of-function experiments, and show that overexpression of toy results in degeneration of MB lobes. Thus, our results demonstrate the importance of toy in embryonic brain patterning as well as in post-embryonic development of the major brain structures such as MBs.  相似文献   

Lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3, encoded by PLOD3) is a multifunctional enzyme capable of catalyzing hydroxylation of lysyl residues and O-glycosylation of hydroxylysyl residues producing either monosaccharide (Gal) or disaccharide (Glc-Gal) derivatives, reactions that form part of the many posttranslational modifications required during collagen biosynthesis. Animal studies have confirmed the importance of LH3, particularly in biosynthesis of the highly glycosylated type IV and VI collagens, but to date, the functional significance in vivo of this enzyme in man is predominantly unknown. We report here a human disorder of LH3 presenting as a compound heterozygote with recessive inheritance. One mutation dramatically reduced the sugar-transfer activity of LH3, whereas another abrogated lysyl hydroxylase activity; these changes were accompanied by reduced LH3 protein levels in cells. The disorder has a unique phenotype causing severe morbidity as a result of features that overlap with a number of known collagen disorders.  相似文献   

Coffin–Lowry syndrome (CLS) is caused by mutations in the RSK2 gene encoding a protein kinase of the Ras signalling pathway. We have studied two point mutations which cause aberrant splicing but do not concern the invariant GT or AG nucleotides of splice sites. The first, an A→G transition at position +3 of the 5′ splice site of exon 6, results in vivo and in vitro in exon skipping and premature translation termination. The natural 5′ splice site, although intrinsically weak, is not transactivated under normal conditions. Consequently, replacement of an A/U by a G/U base pairing with U1 snRNA reduces its strength below a critical threshold. The second mutation, an A→G transition 11 nt upstream of exon 5, creates a new AG near the natural 3′ splice site. In vitro this synthetic 3′ AG is used exclusively by the splicing machinery. In vivo this splicing event is also observed, but is underestimated because the resulting RSK2 mRNA contains premature stop codons which trigger the nonsense-mediated decay process. We show that a particular mechanism is involved in the aberrant splicing of exon 5, implying involvement of the natural 3′ AG during the first catalytic step and the new 3′ AG during the second step. Thus, our results explain how these mutations cause severe forms of CLS.  相似文献   

Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by muscle weakness and the presence of nemaline bodies (rods) in skeletal muscle. Disease-causing mutations have been reported in five genes, each encoding a protein component of the sarcomeric thin filament. Recently, we identified mutations in the muscle alpha-skeletal-actin gene (ACTA1) in a subset of patients with NM. In the present study, we evaluated a new series of 35 patients with NM. We identified five novel missense mutations in ACTA1, which suggested that mutations in muscle alpha-skeletal actin account for the disease in approximately 15% of patients with NM. The mutations appeared de novo and represent new dominant mutations. One proband subsequently had two affected children, a result consistent with autosomal dominant transmission. The seven patients exhibited marked clinical variability, ranging from severe congenital-onset weakness, with death from respiratory failure during the 1st year of life, to a mild childhood-onset myopathy, with survival into adulthood. There was marked variation in both age at onset and clinical severity in the three affected members of one family. Common pathological features included abnormal fiber type differentiation, glycogen accumulation, myofibrillar disruption, and "whorling" of actin thin filaments. The percentage of fibers with rods did not correlate with clinical severity; however, the severe, lethal phenotype was associated with both severe, generalized disorganization of sarcomeric structure and abnormal localization of sarcomeric actin. The marked variability, in clinical phenotype, among patients with different mutations in ACTA1 suggests that both the site of the mutation and the nature of the amino acid change have differential effects on thin-filament formation and protein-protein interactions. The intrafamilial variability suggests that alpha-actin genotype is not the sole determinant of phenotype.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations (dppdisk) in one region of the decapentaplegic (dpp) gene of Drosophila, which codes for a transforming growth factor-beta homolog, cause loss of distal parts from adult appendages. Different dppdisk alleles cause effects of different severity, the milder alleles removing distal parts and the more severe alleles removing progressively more proximal structures. In the wing disc derivatives, the most extreme dppdisk genotype removes the entire wing and leaves only a thorax fragment. We show that structures are lost in these mutants as a result of massive apoptotic cell death in the corresponding regions of the imaginal discs during the mid-third larval instar. The remaining disc fragments do not regenerate when cultured alone in the growth-permissive environment of the adult abdomen, but they can be made to regenerate by coculturing them with appropriate fragments of wild-type wing discs. This nonautonomous development is interpreted as showing that a product of dpp+, presumably the TGF-beta homolog, is secreted by the normal cells and can rescue the mutant cells in the mixed tissue.  相似文献   

2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (MHBD) deficiency is a novel inborn error of isoleucine degradation. In this article, we report the elucidation of the molecular basis of MHBD deficiency. To this end, we purified the enzyme from bovine liver. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the purified protein was identical to bovine 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type II. The human homolog of this bovine enzyme is a short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, also known as the "endoplasmic reticulum-associated amyloid-beta binding protein" (ERAB). This led to the identification of the X-chromosomal gene involved, which previously had been denoted "HADH2." Sequence analysis of the HADH2 gene from patients with MHBD deficiency revealed the presence of two missense mutations (R130C and L122V). Heterologous expression of the mutant cDNAs in Escherichia coli showed that both mutations almost completely abolish enzyme activity. This confirms that MHBD deficiency is caused by mutations in the HADH2 gene.  相似文献   

The Myosin heavy chain (Mhc) locus encodes the muscle-specific motor mediating contraction in Drosophila. In a screen for temperature-sensitive behavioral mutants, we have identified two dominant Mhc alleles that lead to a hypercontraction-induced myopathy. These mutants are caused by single point mutations in the ATP binding/hydrolysis domain of Mhc and lead to degeneration of the flight muscles. Electrophysiological analysis in the adult giant fiber flight circuit demonstrates temperature-dependent seizure activity that requires neuronal input, as genetic blockage of neuronal activity suppresses the electrophysiological seizure defects. Intracellular recordings at the third instar neuromuscular junction show spontaneous muscle movements in the absence of neuronal stimulation and extracellular Ca2+, suggesting a dysregulation of intracellular calcium homeostasis within the muscle or an alteration of the Ca2+ dependence of contraction. Characterization of these new Mhc alleles suggests that hypercontraction occurs via a mechanism, which is molecularly distinct from mutants identified previously in troponin I and troponin T.  相似文献   

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disorder characterized by defective lysosome-related organelles. Here, we report the identification of two HPS patients with mutations in the beta 3A subunit of the heterotetrameric AP-3 complex. The patients' fibroblasts exhibit drastically reduced levels of AP-3 due to enhanced degradation of mutant beta 3A. The AP-3 deficiency results in increased surface expression of the lysosomal membrane proteins CD63, lamp-1, and lamp-2, but not of nonlysosomal proteins. These differential effects are consistent with the preferential interaction of the AP-3 mu 3A subunit with tyrosine-based signals involved in lysosomal targeting. Our results suggest that AP-3 functions in protein sorting to lysosomes and provide an example of a human disease in which altered trafficking of integral membrane proteins is due to mutations in a component of the sorting machinery.  相似文献   

We have investigated the molecular bases of muscle abnormalities in four Drosophila melanogaster heldup mutants. We find that the heldup gene encodes troponin-I, one of the principal regulatory proteins associated with skeletal muscle thin filaments. heldup3, heldup4, and heldup5 mutants, all of which have grossly abnormal flight muscle myofibrils, lack mRNAs encoding one or more troponin-I isoforms. In contrast, heldup2, an especially interesting mutant wherein flight muscles are atrophic, synthesizes the complete mRNA complement. By sequencing mutant troponin-I cDNAs we demonstrate that the molecular basis for muscle degeneration in heldup2 is conversion of an invariant alanine residue to valine. We finally show that degeneration of heldup2 thin filament/Z-disc networks can be prevented by eliminating thick filaments from flight muscles using a null allele of the sarcomeric myosin heavy chain gene. This latter observation suggests that actomyosin interactions exacerbate the structural or functional defect resulting from the troponin-I mutation.  相似文献   

Androgen resistance caused by mutations in the androgen receptor gene.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Defects in the human androgen receptor cause a spectrum of defects in male phenotypic sexual development associated with abnormalities in the receptor protein assayed in cultured fibroblasts and in broken cell assays. In some patients these abnormalities are associated with absent ligand binding, in other qualitative or quantitative abnormalities of ligand binding are present, and in some no abnormality of ligand binding is detected. Analysis of the androgen gene structure in such patients has permitted identification of the causative mutation in many families. Although results of these studies often reinforce concepts established by in vitro mutagenesis studies of other steroid receptors, some mutations have provided unusual insight into the structural organization of the androgen receptor molecule.  相似文献   

The association of autosomal recessive phosphorylase kinase deficiency in liver of a 3 1/2-year-old female child with mutations in the gene encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase is reported. The proband had a severe deficiency of phosphorylase kinase in liver, while the phosphorylase kinase activity in erythrocytes was only slightly diminished. She had no symptoms of muscle involvement. The complete coding sequences of the liver gamma subunit and of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase of the proband were analyzed for the presence of mutations, by either reverse-transcribed PCR or SSCP analysis. Three deviations from the normal sequence were found in the region encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase-namely, a 1827G-->A (W609X) transition, a 2309A-->G (Y770C) transition, and a deletion of nucleotides 2896-2911-whereas no mutations were detected in the sequence encoding the liver gamma subunit of phosphorylase kinase. The 1827G-->A mutation and the deletion both result in the formation of early stop codons. Investigation of DNA showed that the deletion is caused by a splice-acceptor site mutation (IVS30(-1),g-->t). Family analysis revealed that the 1827G-->A and IVS30(-1),g-->t substitutions are located on different parental chromosomes and that compound heterozygosity for these mutations segregates with the disease. The 2309A-->G mutation was detected in 2%-3% of the normal population. Thus, it is concluded that the deficiency of phosphorylase kinase in this proband is caused by compound heterozygosity for the 1827G-->A and the IVS30(-1),g-->t mutations and that the 2309A-->G mutation is a polymorphism. This implies that a defect in the sequence encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase may present as liver phosphorylase kinase deficiency.  相似文献   

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