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王颖  罗非 《生理科学进展》2002,33(2):105-105
视皮层的功能是将局部感受野获得的信息进行整合 ,从而获得对外部世界的整体认知。但是包括初级视皮层 (V1)在内及其之前的各阶段 ,由于神经元的感受野非常小 ,在获取运动信息时相当于通过一个个小孔来观察物体的实际运动 ,这样就出现了一个小孔问题 (apertureproblem) ,即对于一个运动的边缘来说 ,通过放在该边缘上的一个小孔能直接检测出来的唯一运动 ,就是垂直于该边缘朝向的运动。小孔问题使得对实际运动信息的获取存在偏差 ,这样V1区以外的视皮层就需要对运动信息进行整合 ,来校正这种偏差。中颞视区 (middlet…  相似文献   

视觉细胞反应中方向选择性和取向选择性成分的分离   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运动的光刺激常被用于研究视觉神经细胞的方向和取向选择性.但是,在细胞的反应中,两种因素同时存在且混杂在一起; 以往的各种分析方法均因未能有效地解决这一问题而不够准确,对此我们给出了理论和实例证明.本工作引入正余弦函数系对实验数据作最优回归分析.拟合程度好于以往的方法.并且从根本上分离了反应中的方向和取向选择性成分.使对这两种性质的准确定量成为可能.本文对此方法的内在含义作出了解释,并提出了对方向、取向选择性及最优方向、取向的理解.  相似文献   

用抑制性神经递质GABA阻断胼胝体输入、用微机控制的运动光棒作为视觉刺激,用金属电极胞外记录技术,研究猫皮层17/18区交界附近细胞方向选择性和取向选择性的变化.在被检测的48个细胞中,50%细胞的方向选择性强度,54.2%细胞的取向选择性强度发生了改变;约20%细胞的最优反应方向或.及最优取向发生了10-30°的偏移;共有56.2%细胞的方向选择性、58.3%细胞的取向选择性受到明确的影响.这些结果表明胼胝体对皮层细胞视觉反应的贡献是多方面的.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Meng JJ  Wang K  Liu RL  Xi MM  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):218-224
心理物理学研究提示,初级视区毁损后的视觉残留可能是通过外纹状皮层的神经网络重组介导的,但缺少支持这一假说的电生理实验证据。采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术,该研究分别检测了初级视区(主要包括17和18区)急性毁损猫和正常对照猫的高级视区(包括19、20和21区)神经元对不同视觉刺激的反应性。结果显示,与对照相比,急性毁损初级视区使99.3%的高级视区神经元丧失对运动光栅刺激的诱发反应,93%的神经元丧失对闪光刺激的反应。该结果表明,急性毁损成年猫的初级视皮层可能会导致其绝大部分视觉能力丧失。在幼年期实施初级视皮层毁损后,成年猫出现的残留视觉可能主要是由于手术后皮层下神经核团与外纹状皮层之间的通路重组引起的。  相似文献   

基于对上丘细胞对运动光棒刺激反应特性的定量分析,首次明确提出猫上丘视觉神经元具有一定的取向选择性,并从形态基础和生理功能的角度讨论了这种选择性存在的意义。另外还发现上丘的方向和取向选择性均弱于初级视皮层,且对向视野上、下方运动的光棒较为敏感。  相似文献   

虽然许多视皮层区内的方向选择性细胞以柱状方式排列组构, 但猴初级视皮层(V1)区方向选择性功能组构仍然不甚明了. 定量地比较研究了猴和猫初级视皮层方向选择性细胞的比例、选择性强度和功能组织, 结果表明, 猴的方向选择性细胞的比例比猫少, 选择性强度和方向功能组织的程度均显著地比猫弱, 提示这些种属差别可能源于其神经通路的不同.  相似文献   

目的 老龄化是日益严重的社会性问题。老年人的认知功能,如注意等,出现了明显的衰退。探究老化过程中视觉注意调控网络的改变有助于理解老年人认知功能衰退的神经机制,并为寻找潜在的干预方式提供理论基础。方法 本研究采用经典的双目标注意任务:被试仅需全程注视屏幕中心的黑十字。黑十字左右两侧13.5°视角度会呈现两个相同的视觉圆点,800~1 200 ms后其中随机一个目标会发生改变或者不变。通过采集该视觉注意任务期间的脑电活动信号,比较青年人与老年人在视觉目标改变和不变两种条件下的大脑活动。结果 实验发现在青年人中,额叶、顶叶和颞叶等脑区的电极记录到的神经电活动特征对视觉目标是否改变存在显著性差别,而老年人的脑活动对该视觉目标改变无显著性变化。此外,还发现该脑网络的变化在青年人和老年人中均存在性别差异。结论 注意任务下老年人脑网络难以对外界视觉信息输入做出及时响应,老化过程伴随视觉注意调控网络(额叶、顶叶和颞叶等)功能的衰退,该脑网络的变化存在性别差异。本研究为老化引起视觉注意调控网络损伤提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

目的:选用姜黄素与紫杉醇联合作用于前列腺癌PC3细胞株,从细胞水平观察姜黄素和紫杉醇合用对癌细胞增殖、侵袭和老化的影响,以进一步寻找综合治疗前列腺癌的有效措施。方法:低剂量姜黄素和紫杉醇作用于PC3细胞,用CCK-8、β-半乳糖苷染色、划痕侵袭实验等方法从细胞增殖、侵袭和老化等方面观察对PC3的影响。结果:姜黄素联合紫杉醇可协同降低PC3细胞增殖活性(P<0.01);划痕实验显示,姜黄素和紫杉醇合用可降低细胞的侵袭浸润能力;低浓度的姜黄素还可促使PC3细胞老化。结论:在细胞水平,紫杉醇联合姜黄素可协同降低PC3细胞增殖分化活性,减弱肿瘤细胞的侵袭浸润能力。  相似文献   

研究了-氨基丁酸(GABA)及其拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱和2-hydroxysaclofen对家鸽中脑扁豆核神经元视觉反应的影响. 结果指出, GABA能明显减小扁豆核神经元的自发活动和视觉反应, 其GABAA拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱则能增强视觉反应, 并可消除无效方向上的抑制性反应, 但GABAB拮抗剂2-hydroxysaclofen对视觉反应和抑制反应均无效. 由此可见, 家鸽中脑扁豆核方向敏感神经元无效方向上的抑制主要由GABA和GABAA受体介导. 这种抑制作用至少部分是视动震颤方向不对称性的基础.  相似文献   

细胞凋亡是早期胚胎清除由于自身或外界环境影响产生的不良细胞的主要途径之一。体外培养的早期胚胎易受一些环境及外源刺激,如氧化剂、机械刺激、重金属和生物类的毒素等产生一系列的刺激性反应,包括细胞转导路径,基因的表达和蛋白的合成,细胞的分裂增殖及凋亡,甚至是坏死;维生素E,维生素C,金属硫蛋白对细胞的凋亡起抑制作用。从凋亡的分子机制进行深入研究,利于从根本上改变胚胎质量,提高囊胚率和附植率。  相似文献   

This study reports on social modulation of exploratory behavior and response to novelty by members of a captive rhesus monkey colony. The group was trained to split in half, with one subgroup composed of dominant members only, the other of subordinates. The animals were then presented the same initially novel stimuli (i.e., sand-filled metal boxes containing hidden food items) in two social contexts differing in hierarchical composition. In a combined context, all group members (i.e., both subgroups together) were simultaneously presented the stimuli. In a split context, only members of the top or bottom half of the group (i.e., each subgroup in turn) was independently presented the stimuli. Subordinates responded similarly to dominant animals in the combined context but differently in the split context, where they were far more hesitant. Rank-related differences were evident in the way animals used their home compound and in their approach and responsiveness toward the stimuli. These findings show that social context influences how animals explore novel situations, possibly reflecting different social roles or status effects on the perception of social structure. Also, despite the complexity of primate social relationships, the separation technique produced no permanent or adverse effects on the social integrity of the group. This study shows that manipulating the social environment through separation training can be a powerful tool for assessing contextual influences on behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 44:205–214, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the directionally selective cells in many visual cortical areas are organized in columnar manner, the functional organization of direction selectivity of area VI in the monkey still remains unclear. We quantitatively studied the proportion of directionally selective cells, direction selectivity and the functional organization of the striate cortical cells in the monkey and compared those with the cat. The results show that the direction selectivity and directional organization of striate cortical cells in the monkey are significantly weaker than those in the cat, suggesting that the species difference between the two kinds of animal is related to their different anatomic pathways.  相似文献   

Although the directionally selective cells in many visual cortical areas are organized in columnar manner, the functional organization of direction selectivity of area Vl in the monkey still remains unclear. We quantitatively studied the proportion of directionally selective cells, direction selectivity and the functional organization of the striate cortical cells in the monkey and compared those with the cat. The results show that the direction selectivity and directional organization of striate cortical cells in the monkey are significantly weaker than those in the cat, suggesting that the species difference between the two kinds of animal is related to their different anatomic pathways.  相似文献   

It is well established that aging of the human skeleton includes the loss of bone mass or density, but little comparative information on age-related osteopenia in other primates is available. In order to determine whether bone loss occurs in normally locomoting nonhuman primates, radiographs of 139 rhesus monkey skeletons from the Cayo Santiago collection were examined, and measures of percent cortical bone (PCT) at the midshaft of second metacarpals, humeri, and femora were calculated. An age-related osteopenia was observed in the metacarpal of adult female macaques, although much individual variation was present. This variability could not be explained by reproductive history (number of offspring), matrilineal affiliation, or degree of osteoarthrosis. However, in a subsample of 15 animals, females who had given birth in the three months prior to death showed lower PCTs than those who had not conceived in the previous mating season. In adult males, PCT did not vary significantly with age, but males that weighed less and those with no/little osteoarthrosis showed lower PCTs than heavier or more arthritic animals, respectively. The multifactorial nature of the variation in PCT observed here suggests that similar processes of bone behavior are involved in the skeletal aging of both humans and rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the rate and onset of adult aging in rhesus monkeys, 55 adult animals from the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center and the University of Wisconsin Psychology Primate Laboratory were examined. Degenerative joint disease (DJD) at the hip and spine was scored, and loss of passive joint mobility at the hip was measured. Development of DJD at both the hip and spine was significantly and positively correlated with age. Spinal changes, especially at the thoraco/lumbar intervertebral symphyses, appeared to develop somewhat more rapidly than hip degeneration. In some individuals, DJD was observed soon after the completion of growth, but pronounced changes seldom occurred before the middle of the second decade of life. Similarly, age-dependent losses of passive joint mobility appeared to begin early in ontogeny and to become increasingly pronounced in the aging adult. Although interspecific comparisons are difficult due to intraspecies and intraindividual variation, the timing of musculoskeletal aging in the rhesus spine and hip differs from that observed in humans in a way that parallels previously documented species differences in patterns of musculoskeletal growth. These observations and data on age-related change in other systems, suggest that rates and durations of many ontogenetic processes in rhesus monkeys are approximately three times as fast and one-third as long as those of the corresponding human processes. Importantly, differences in the timing of reproduction do not appear to follow the same scaling factor observed in other systems. Although reproduction may, therefore, be under separate control, the consistent pattern observed in other aspects of somatic growth and aging supports the hypothesis (Cutler, 1976; Sacher, 1978) that evolutionary changes in ontogeny have resulted from selection acting upon a few genes with widespread regulatory effects.  相似文献   

In order to describe ontogenetic change in the musculoskeletal system of rhesus monkeys, 126 Macaca mulatta from Cayo Santiago, ranging in age from 7 months to 21 years, were examined under anesthesia. Passive joint excursions were measured at the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, and knee. Mean ranges of excursion at these joints differed significantly between age groups and by sex. The potential for most movements appeared to decrease approximately 25 degrees over the first two decades of the macaque life span, and males generally showed less potential for movement than females in all age groups. These results are similar to those obtained for humans and are consistent with patterns of positional behavior, trauma, and osteoarthritis observed in this rhesus monkey population. Thus, to fully describe the locomotor strategy of rhesus monkeys, age- and sex-related variation in locomotor anatomy and functional capacity must be considered.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) have shown the ability to monitor their own mental states, but fail the mirror self-recognition test. In humans, the sense of self-agency is closely related to self-awareness, and results from monitoring the relationship between intentional, sensorimotor and perceptual information. Humans and rhesus monkeys were trained to move a computer icon with a joystick while a distractor icon partially matched their movements. Both humans and monkeys were able to monitor and identify the icon they were controlling, suggesting they have some understanding of self-agency.  相似文献   

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