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Light Adaptation of Discrete Waves in the Limulus Photoreceptor   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Light adaptation affects discrete waves in two ways. It reduces their average size and decreases the probability that a photon incident at the cornea causes a discrete wave. There is no effect of light adaptation on the latency of discrete waves, or on their time-course.  相似文献   

Stochastic Properties of Discrete Waves of the Limulus Photoreceptor   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
In the dark-adapted photoreceptor of the horseshoe crab, Limulus, transient discrete depolarizations of the cell membrane, discrete waves, occur in total darkness and their rate of occurrence is increased by illumination. The individual latencies of the discrete waves evoked by a light stimulus often cannot be resolved because the discrete waves overlap in time. The latency of the first discrete wave that follows a stimulus can be determined with reasonable accuracy. We propose a model which allows us to make an estimate of the distribution of the latencies of the individual light-evoked discrete waves, and to predict the latency distribution of the first discrete wave that follows a stimulus of arbitrary intensity-time course from the latency distribution of the first discrete wave that follows a brief flash of light. For low intensity stimuli, the predictions agree well with the observations. We define a response as the occurrence of one or more discrete waves following a stimulus. The distribution of the peak amplitudes of responses suggests that the peak amplitude of individual discrete waves sometimes has a bimodal distribution. The latencies of the two types of discrete waves, however, follow similar distributions. The area under the voltage-time curve of responses that follow equal energy long (1.25 sec) and short (10 msec) light stimuli follows similar distributions, and this suggests that discrete waves summate linearly.  相似文献   

Discrete waves, recorded from the ventral nerve photoreceptor, occur in the light and in the dark. Spontaneous waves, on the average, are smaller than light-evoked waves. This suggests that not all spontaneous waves can arise from spontaneous changes in the visual pigment molecule identical to changes induced by photon absorption. Spontaneous and light-evoked waves are statistically independent of each other. This is shown by determination of frequency of response as a function of pulse energy for short pulses and determination of the distribution of intervals between waves evoked by steady lights. The available data can be explained by two models. In the first each photon produces a time-dependent excitation that goes to zero the instant the wave occurs so that the number of effective absorptions from a short light pulse equals the number of waves produced by the light pulse. In the second the excitation produced by photon absorption is unaffected by the occurrence of the waves so that the number of waves produced from a short light pulse may be different from the number of effective absorptions. Present results do not allow a choice between the two models.  相似文献   

The discrete, subthreshold, slow potential fluctuations (SPF's) which can be recorded intracellularly in Limulus ommatidia are sensitive to temperature and light wavelength. SPF frequency increases with increasing temperature (Q10 about 3.5) and light intensity. The effects are additive. SPF rise and decay time decrease with increasing temperature (Q10 between 2 and 3). There is a peak, near 520 nm, in the spectral sensitivity of SPF frequency. This peak may correspond to the wavelength of maximum absorption by rhodopsin in the ommatidia. Hydroxylamine produces a rapid, irreversible reduction of SPF frequency and amplitude perhaps owing to its action on the photopigment. The cornea and crystalline cones fluoresce (peak about 445 nm) when excited by near-ultraviolet energy (380 nm peak) and this fluorescence may influence SPF spectral sensitivity measurements. These findings suggest that the SPF's are the results of photolytic and thermolytic reactions occurring in the ommatidial visual pigments and that they have a role in the mechanisms which transduce light to electrical activity in the visual receptors.  相似文献   

Inhibitory Fields in the Limulus Lateral Eye   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0  
The inhibition that is exerted mutually among receptor units (ommatidia) of the lateral eye of Limulus does not diminish uniformly with increasing distance between units. Instead the response of a receptor unit is most effectively inhibited by other units separated from it by approximately 1 mm (three to five receptor diameters); the effectiveness diminishes with distances both greater and less than this value. The ommatidial inhibitory field as measured by the spatial function of the inhibitory coefficients contains a uniform depression in the central region, a uniformly high annulus at some distance from the center, and a gradual tapering off toward the periphery. The field is large—covering over 30 % of the retina—and is somewhat elliptical in shape with its major axis in the anteroposterior direction on the lateral eye. A number of experiments reveal similar configurations in a sizable part of the eye. Control experiments show that the diminution of the inhibitory effects near the center of the field is not an artifact of the measuring technique and cannot be explained readily by local neural excitatory processes.  相似文献   

Intracellular electrodes were inserted into single photoreceptor units of the excised lateral eye of Limulus, and preparations were selected from which graded receptor potentials of relatively large amplitude could be recorded in response to light stimuli. The experimental data indicated that the graded receptor potential does not arise solely from a collapse of the resting membrane potential of the sensory cells of the eye, since a reversal of polarity of the photoreceptor unit could be demonstrated when the eye was stimulated by light. In the recovery period following stimulation, characteristic changes in the so-called resting potential were recorded. It is suggested that these changes in the so-called resting membrane potential are electrical signs of recovery processes occurring in the photoreceptor, because the potential changes were recorded when the eye was in darkness and because the magnitudes of the potential changes were a predictable function of the intensity and duration parameters of the preceding light stimulus.  相似文献   

Serotonin and Inhibition in Limulus Lateral Eye   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The response to light of one ommatidium is reduced or suppressed by simultaneous illumination of neighboring ommatidia. The mechanism of this lateral inhibition may be chemical synaptic transmission, based on the physiological findings of a number of investigators and on the following evidence. The fine structure of the neuropil of the lateral plexus exhibits numerous clear vesicles (ca. 400 A), dense-core vesicles (ca. 700–1400 A), Golgi regions, and other morphological features of neurochemical synapses. The indolealkylamine, serotonin (5-HT), even in nanomolar concentrations, has a potent inhibitory action. An initial, potent inhibitory dose of 5-HT produces a long lasting densensitization to subsequent doses. The desensitization affects lateral inhibition evoked by light stimulation of neighboring receptors, i.e. crossed-desensitization. Eye tissue extracts contain 5-HT and melatonin (MLT) at a level greater than 1 µg/g wet tissue and perhaps as high as 20–30 µg/g, as determined by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and o-phthaldialdehyde fluorescence assay techniques. Subcellular fractionation on sucrose gradient indicates a peak in 5-HT and MLT content associated with an intermediate density fraction. 5-HT may be an inhibitory transmitter for lateral inhibition. One pathway for metabolism of 5-HT in the lateral eye may be via N-acetylserotonin and melatonin.  相似文献   

Thermal Sensitivity of Lateral Inhibition in Limulus Eye   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The effectiveness of lateral inhibition, measured as spike response decrement in a test ommatidium, produced by activity in a group of neighboring ommatidia, decreases as temperature decreases (Q10 of 2.6). The corresponding sensory transducer-spike encoding processes have a weaker temperature dependence (Q10 of 1.6). Relative synaptic delay, the time difference between the latency of inhibition onset and the latency of test receptor excitation, has a strong temperature dependence (Q10 of 5), while receptor potential onset latency (Q10 of 1.4) and optic nerve spike conduction velocity (Q10 of 1.7), two factors inherent in relative synaptic delay, are less temperature sensitive. Oscillations of optic nerve spike response ("bursting") may be produced by thermal adjustment of temperature-sensitive parameters of the lateral inhibitory network in the retina. Burst interval has a strong temperature dependence (Q10 of 2.4) and broad interspike interval distribution compared to the thermal sensitivity (Q10 of 1.4) and narrow spike interval spectrum of the response of a single unit within the bursting group.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure within the Lateral Plexus of the Limulus Eye   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure of the lateral plexus in the compound eye of Limulus is investigated by serial section technique. "Cores" of tissue containing the axons, lateral plexus, and neuropile associated with one sensory ommatidium show the following features: (a) collateral branches from retinular cells do not contribute to the lateral plexus proper, but do form retinular neuropile by contacting collaterals of a self-contained cluster of retinular axons; (b) collateral branches from eccentric cell axons always branch repeatedly upon leaving the parent axon, and compose the bulk of the lateral plexus; (c) the most distal collateral branches from an eccentric cell axon appear to form neuropile and synaptic contacts with each other, whereas more proximal branches form synaptic contacts with collaterals from eccentric cell axons of neighboring ommatidia. We conclude that the ribbon synapses and associated transmitter substance in eccentric cell collaterals must be inhibitory, and that two pathways for self-inhibition may exist. We suggest, as a working hypothesis for the structure of the lateral plexus, a branching pattern with depth that mirrors the horizontal spread of lateral inhibition measured physiologically.  相似文献   

Receptor units in the eye of the horseshoe crab are more sensitive to lateral inhibition at some levels of excitation than they are at others. As a result, the steady-state inhibition of the response of a given unit is not directly proportional to the response levels of neighboring units. This effect may be represented by the introduction of a nonlinearity in the Hartline-Ratliff system of equations. The nonlinear inhibitory effect appears to increase the operating range of the receptor units.  相似文献   

Spontaneous Slow Potential Fluctuations in the Limulus Photoreceptor   总被引:29,自引:27,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Spontaneous, subthreshold fluctuations of membrane potential are recorded in the eccentric cell body or dendrite of the dark-adapted Limulus ommatidium. These slow potential fluctuations (SPF's) are random in amplitude and in time of occurrence. The relation between average frequency of SPF's and light intensity is linear for low light intensities and becomes a non-linear saturation for higher intensities. The occurrences of SPF's have Poisson statistics in the dark but are non-Poisson with light stimuli. Light-adapting the ommatidium greatly decreases the SPF amplitude, and it increases the average frequency of SPF's in the dark and in response to light (facilitatory action). The shape (time course of response) of the SPF does not change at different light intensities and it is the result of a concurrent and conterminous change in membrane resistance. The functional properties of the SPF's are analyzed in terms of a stochastic model based on the summation of random events in time ("shot effect").  相似文献   

The early receptor potential (ERP), membrane potential, membrane resistance, and sensitivity were measured during light and/or dark adaptation in the ventral eye of Limulus. After a bright flash, the ERP amplitude recovered with a time constant of 100 ms, whereas the sensitivity recovered with an initial time constant of 20 s. When a strong adapting light was turned off, the recovery of membrane potential and of membrane resistance had time-courses similar to each other, and both recovered more rapidly than the sensitivity. The receptor depolarization was compared during dark adaptation after strong illumination and during light adaptation with weaker illumination; at equal sensitivities the cell was more depolarized during light adaptation than during dark adaptation. Finally, the waveforms of responses to flashes were compared during dark adaptation after strong illumination and during light adaptation with weaker illumination. At equal sensitivities (equal amplitude responses for identical flashes), the responses during light adaptation had faster time-courses than the responses during dark adaptation. Thus neither the photochemical cycle nor the membrane potential nor the membrane resistance is related to sensitivity changes during dark adaptation in the photoreceptors of the ventral eye. By elimination, these results imply that there are (unknown) intermediate process(es) responsible for adaptation interposed between the photochemical cycle and the electrical properties of the photoreceptor.  相似文献   

The dark-adapted current-voltage (I-V) curve of a ventral photoreceptor cell of Limulus, measured by a voltage-clamp technique, has a high slope-resistance region more negative than resting voltage, a lower slope-resistance region between resting voltage and zero, and a negative slope-resistance region more positive than 0 v. With illumination, we find no unique voltage at which there is no light-induced current. At the termination of illumination, the I-V curve changes quickly, then recovers very slowly to a dark-adapted configuration. The voltage-clamp currents during and after illumination can be interpreted to arise from two separate processes. One process (fast) changes quickly with change in illumination, has a reversal potential at +20 mv, and has an I-V curve with positive slope resistance at all voltages. These properties are consistent with a light-induced change in membrane conductance to sodium ions. The other process (slow) changes slowly with changes in illumination, generates light-activated current at +20 mv, and has an I-V curve with a large region of negative slope resistance. The mechanism of this process cannot as yet be identified.  相似文献   

The dynamics of spike discharge in eccentric cell axons from the in situ lateral eye of Limulus, under small sinusoidal modulation of light to which the eye is adapted, are described over two decades of light intensity and nearly three decades of frequency. Steady-state lateral inhibition coefficients, derived from the very low-frequency response, average 0.04 at three interommatidial spacings. The gain vs. frequency of a singly illuminated ommatidium is described closely from 0.004 to 0.4 cps by the linear transfer function s0.25; this function also accounts approximately for the measured phase leads, the small signal adaptation following small step inputs, and for Pinter's (1966) earlier low-frequency generator potential data. We suggest that such dynamics could arise from a summation in the generator potential of distributed intensity-dependent relaxation processes along the dendrite and rhabdome. Analysis of the dynamic responses of an eccentric cell with and without simultaneously modulated illumination of particular neighbors indicates an effect equivalent to self-inhibition acting via a first-order low-pass filter with time constant 0.42 sec, and steady-state gain near 4.0. The corresponding filters for lateral inhibition required time constants from 0.35 to 1 sec and effective finite delay of 50–90 msec.  相似文献   

Responses recorded from visual cells of Limulus (presumably eccentric cells) following abrupt and maintained illumination consist of depolarization with superimposed spikes. Both the depolarization and the frequency of firing are greater at the beginning of the response than later on. Frequency of firing decreases with time also during stimulation with constant currents, but the decay is then less than it is during constant illumination. Early and steady-state responses do not increase in the same proportion following illumination at different intensities. Membrane conductance is higher during the early peak of the response than in steady state. Early and late potential changes appear to tend to the same equilibrium value. The results support the assumptions that: (a) discharge of impulses is the consequence of depolarization of a specialized "pacemaker region" in the axon; (b) depolarization induced by light is the consequence of increase of membrane conductance. The major conductance changes occurring during constant illumination may be due to corresponding changes of the "stimulus" supplied by the photoreceptor or to changes of sensitivity of the eccentric cell's membrane to this stimulus. Some accessory phenomena may be the consequence of regenerative properties of the nerve cell itself.  相似文献   

Discrete waves in the voltage-clamped photoreceptor of Limulus are remarkably similar in all essential properties to those found in an unclamped cell. The latency distribution of discrete waves is not affected by considerable changes in the holding potential in a voltage-clamped cell. Both large and small waves occur in voltage-clamped and unclamped cells and in approximately the same proportion. Large and small waves also share the same latency distributions and spectral sensitivity. We suggest that small waves may result from the activation of damaged membrane areas. Large waves have an average amplitude of approximately 5 nA in voltage-clamped photoreceptors. It probably requires several square microns of cell membrane to support this much photo-current. Thus the amplification inherent in the discrete wave process may involve spatial spread of activation from unimolecular dimensions to several square microns of cell membrane surface. Neither local current flow, nor pre-packaging of any transmitter substance appears to be involved in the amplification process. The possible mechanisms of the amplification are evaluated with relationship to the properties of discrete waves.  相似文献   

In the horseshoe crab mating system, mated pairs are frequently accompanied by unattached satellite males as they spawn on intertidal beaches. Previous studies have shown that males locate females visually using their lateral (compound) eyes, and that attached (mated) males generally have less heavily worn or damaged carapaces than unattached males. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of lateral eye condition and clasper abnormalities on male mating tactics. Sexually mature males had two kinds of eye damage: deterioration caused by disease, and overgrowth by sessile invertebrates, such as bryozoans, mussels, and tube-building polychaetes. The lateral eyes of attached males had significantly less decay than unattached males. On the other hand, coverage of the lateral eyes by encrusting invertebrates was more extensive among attached than unattached males. Although overgrowth did not appear to impair a males ability to pair with a female as severely as eye decay, it is conceivable that amplexus may have occurred before epibiont coverage was sufficient to obscure vision. Male crabs that were experimentally blindfolded by painting their lateral eyes with black nail polish were less likely to reattach to a female than controls. Appendage injuries were more frequent among unattached males than among attached males; in particular, 6.4% of unattached males but 0.0% of attached males had damaged claspers (the modified first legs required for amplexus). Unattached males in the population were older, as judged by the degree of carapace wear, than attached males. Severe visual impairment and/or clasper damage may explain the reduced pairing success of older male horseshoe crabs, and underlie their choice of the alternative satellite male mating tactics.  相似文献   

Electrical responses (ERG) to light flashes of various wavelengths and energies were obtained from the dorsal median ocellus and lateral compound eye of Limulus under dark and chromatic light adaptation. Spectral mechanisms were studied by analyzing (a) response waveforms, e.g. response area, rise, and fall times as functions of amplitude, (b) slopes of amplitude-energy functions, and (c) spectral sensitivity functions obtained by the criterion amplitude method. The data for a single spectral mechanism in the lateral eye are (a) response waveforms independent of wavelength, (b) same slope for response-energy functions at all wavelengths, (c) a spectral sensitivity function with a single maximum near 520 mµ, and (d) spectral sensitivity invariance in chromatic adaptation experiments. The data for two spectral mechanisms in the median ocellus are (a) two waveform characteristics depending on wavelength, (b) slopes of response-energy functions steeper for short than for long wavelengths, (c) two spectral sensitivity peaks (360 and 530–535 mµ) when dark-adapted, and (d) selective depression of either spectral sensitivity peak by appropriate chromatic adaptation. The ocellus is 200–320 times more sensitive to UV than to visible light. Both UV and green spectral sensitivity curves agree with Dartnall's nomogram. The hypothesis is favored that the ocellus contains two visual pigments each in a different type of receptor, rather than (a) various absorption bands of a single visual pigment, (b) single visual pigment and a chromatic mask, or (c) fluorescence. With long duration light stimuli a steady-state level followed the transient peak in the ERG from both types of eyes.  相似文献   

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