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Immunoelectron microscopy was performed to study the biosynthesis of lysosomal beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) in normal and mutant human fibroblasts. Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies we show in normal cells precursor forms of beta-gal in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and in the Golgi apparatus throughout the stack of cisternae. In the lysosomes virtually all beta-gal exists as a high molecular weight multimer of mature enzyme. In the autosomal recessive disease GM1-gangliosidosis caused by a beta-gal deficiency and in galactosialidosis, associated with a combined deficiency of lysosomal neuraminidase and beta-gal, precursor forms of the latter enzyme are found in RER, Golgi and some labeling is present at the cell surface. The lysosomes remain unlabeled, indicative for the absence of enzyme molecules in this organelle. In galactosialidosis fibroblasts also no mature beta-gal is found in the lysosomes but in these cells the presence of the monomeric form can be increased by leupeptin (inhibition of proteolysis) whereas addition of a partly purified 32 kDa "protective protein" results in the restoration of high molecular weight beta-gal multimers in the lysosomes.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts with a genetic deficiency of a single lysosomal enzyme and fibroblasts from a patient with ‘I-cell’ disease with a multiple deficiency of lysosomal hydrolases were used as recipient cells in studies on recognition and uptake of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (hexosaminidase), β-glucuronidase and β-galactosidase. Normal human fibroblasts, and fibroblasts, hepatocytes and hepatoma cells from the rat were used as donor cells. The release of hexosaminidase was found to be similar among these different cell types, but the extracellular activities of β-glucuronidase and β-galactosidase were much higher in the rat cell cultures than in cultures of normal human fibroblasts. The enzymes released by rat fibroblasts were ingested by deficient human fibroblasts; enzyme from normal human fibroblasts was shown to be taken up by rat fibroblasts by means of electrophoresis. This indicates that reciprocal transfer of lysosomal hydrolases occurs between human and rat fibroblasts. Rat hepatocytes released hydrolases that were poorly taken up by human recipient fibroblasts and uptake of human fibroblast enzyme was not detected in the hepatocytes. Rat hepatoma cells, on the other hand, released lysosomal enzymes that were taken up by human deficient cells with a higher efficiency than those from fibroblasts. The uptake was subject to competitive inhibition by mannose 6-phosphate, the kinetics of which were comparable with those reported for ‘high-uptake’ forms of lysosomal enzymes [1–2]. Electrophoretic studies showed that rat hepatoma cells were not only capable of ingesting hexosaminidase from normal human fibroblasts, but also defectively processed enzyme [4–5] released by ‘I-cells’. These findings make rat hepatoma cells a useful model for the study of recognition and uptake of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Primary microcultures of human amnion epithelial cells were established, starting from sterile term placentae. Over a period of 1 week in culture, the epithelial cells release into the extracellular medium substantial amounts of some lysosomal hydrolases, such as sphingomyelinase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, alpha-fucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, alpha-mannosidase, and arylsulfatase. Judging from experiments conducted with the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, the enzymes released are not newly synthesized forms, but very likely derive from lysosomes. The constitutive secretion of lysosomal enzymes, coupled with lack of immunogenicity, makes amnion epithelial cells a convenient source of enzymes for implantation in attempts of enzyme replacement therapies.  相似文献   

The way in which the human epididymis modifies spermatozoa during their sojourn in this structure might be clarified by knowledge of the nature of its secretions. We have examined the presence of several lysosomal hydrolases in human epididymal tissue and fluids, and their synthesis and secretion by monolayer cultures. Tissues were obtained from men undergoing orchidectomy for prostatic carcinoma. The enzymes cathepsin D and acid -glucosidase were localised in the lysosomes of epithelial cells from the corpus epididymidis, by an immunocytochemical technique. Cathepsin D was also found in epithelial cells of the efferent ducts within lysosomes, apical vesicles and multivesicular bodies. No immunolocalisation of acid glucosidase in the efferent ducts or on the microvilli of the corpus was demonstrable. Cathepsin D, -hexosaminidase (N-acetylglucosaminidase) and -glucosidase were measurable in the luminal fluid from the human corpus epididymidis; -hexosaminidase was secreted into the culture medium by confluent monolayers of epididymal and efferent duct cells. Immunoprecipitation of cell extracts and culture medium of these cultures incubated with 35S-methionine revealed that the precursors of cathepsin D and -hexosaminidase were synthesized and secreted by such monolayers. Thus, active lytic enzymes are secreted by the human epididymis and could modify sperm membranes.  相似文献   

The levels of functional mRNA encoding glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH; EC were examined in hepatocytes from fasted and fasted/carbohydrate-refed rats and in hepatocytes inoculated into primary culture. Functional G6PDH mRNA was assessed in a cell-free protein synthesis system in vitro. We observed that hepatocytes from fasted/carbohydrate-refed rats had a 12-fold higher level of mRNA than did hepatocytes from fasted rats. The possibility that the adrenal glucocorticoids and insulin were responsible for the increase in G6PDH mRNA in refed rats was examined by studying the effect of insulin and the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, on the level of functional G6PDH mRNA in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes maintained in a chemically defined medium. Hepatocytes from fasted rats were inoculated into primary culture and maintained for 48 h either in the absence of hormones or in the presence of insulin alone, dexamethasone alone or both hormones together. We observed that dexamethasone alone caused a fourfold increase in G6PDH mRNA while insulin caused about a twofold increase. Both hormones together elicited an increase that was additive. A comparison of functional G6PDH mRNA levels with the effect of the hormones on G6PDH activity and relative rate of enzyme synthesis suggests that the glucocorticoid elevates the level of G6PDH mRNA within the cell without causing a concommitant increase in the rate of synthesis of the enzyme or the level of G6PDH activity. The results obtained with the primary cultures of hepatocytes indicate that insulin and the glucocorticoids are probably involved with the regulation of hepatic G6PDH mRNA. However, involvement of other hormones, such as thyroid hormone, seems likely since the induced levels of G6PDH mRNA in hepatocytes in culture was one-third of that observed in refed rats.  相似文献   

Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) deficiency has been described in many patients with primary lactic acidosis. However, there are very few cases in which a structural defect in the complex has been clearly demonstrated. Measurement of the activity of the PDH complex in cultured human cells has proved unreliable, and a combination of structural and functional studies are required to make a definitive diagnosis. For this reason, an immunochemical strategy has been developed to complement direct enzyme assay in the detection and further characterization of PDH deficiency. We illustrate the usefulness of this approach by describing defects in the alpha-subunit of the pyruvate decarboxylase component of the PDH complex in two patients with primary lactic acidosis. In one patient, there is no immunologically cross-reacting material corresponding to this subunit. In the second patient, there appears to be an intrinsic structural defect in the subunit which restricts dephosphorylation (and hence activation) of the inactive phosphorylated complex.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry is a very powerful and fairly straightforward method for determining the presence, subcellular localization, and relative abundance of an antigen of interest, most commonly a protein, in cultured cells. This protocol presents an easy-to-follow series of steps that will enable researchers to conserve primary and secondary antibodies while getting high quality, reproducible qualitative and quantitative data out of their staining. There are two aspects of this protocol that help to conserve the volume of antibody necessary for staining. For one, the cells are grown on small, circular coverslips that are placed in wells of a tissue culture plate. After fixation, the cells on coverslips can be removed from the wells of the plate. For antibody staining, the coverslip with cells is inverted onto a small drop of antibody solution on parafilm and is covered with a second piece of parafilm to prevent drying. Using this method, only approximately 25 microl of antibody solution is needed for each coverslip (or sample) to be stained. This protocol describes immunostaining of human neural stem/precursor cells (hNSPCs), but can be used for many other cell types.  相似文献   

1. Cytochalasin B (10mug/ml) enhances the release of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocyte lysosomal acid hydrolases induced by retinol (vitamin A alcohol). 2. This effect is seen at doses of the vitamin that cause selective release of acid hydrolases and those causing more general enzyme release indicated by the loss of lactate dehydrogenase. 3. Cytochalasin B (2-50mug/ml) has no effect on the release of sedimentable acid hydrolases of intact granules obtained from disrupted polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 4. Cytochalasin B (2-10mug/ml) causes a time- and dose-dependent release of mouse peritoneal macrophage acid hydrolases. 5. This effect is selective at all doses of cytochalasin B used, since no release of lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and leucine 2-naphthylamidase was detected. 6. Treatment with cytochalasin B at doses of up to 10mug/ml for as long as 72h did not significantly change the total activities of any of the enzymes measured. 7. The lack of toxicity of cytochalasin B was shown by dye-exclusion tests and its failure to release radioactive colloidal gold stored in secondary lysosomes.  相似文献   

Human placental hexosaminidase B and β-galactosidase are taken up very poorly by human fibroblasts in culture. However, if fibroblasts manifesting genetically determined deficiencies of these lysosomal hydrolases are first treated with concanavalin A, then enzyme uptake is markedly increased. Enzyme activity which becomes associated with concanavalin A-treated fibroblasts maintained at 4°C can be greatly removed by treatment with haptene sugar, while enzyme activity which becomes associated with cells maintained at 37°C is refractory to haptene treatment. These results are interpreted as an initial binding of enzyme to concanavalin A molecules located at the cell surface, followed by an active cellular process leading to internalization of the lectin-enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

A protein factor named S-II that stimulates RNA polymerase II was previously purified from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells [1]. In this work using an antibody prepared against purified S-II, the localization of S-II in the cell was investigated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique. In 3T3 cells, specific immunofluorescence was detected only in the nucleoplasm where RNA polymerase II is located, and not in the nucleoli where RNA polymerase I is present. In Ehrlich ascites tumor cells fluorescence was detected mainly in the nucleoplasm, although some fluorescence was also detectable in the cytoplasm, possibly due to leak of S-II from the nuclei during preparation of the immunofluorescent samples. In metaphase cells fluorescent was not found on chromosomes but throughout the cytoplasm. These findings suggest that S-II is a nuclear protein and that it spreads into the cytoplasm without being attached to chromosomes in metaphase, but is reassembled into the nucleoplasm in the interphase. Specific immunofluorescence was also detected in the nuclei of HeLa cells and salivary glands cells of flesh-fly larvae, suggesting that the nucleoplasm of these heterologous cells contains proteins immunologically cross-reactive with the antibody against S-II.  相似文献   

The lysosomal localization of sphingolipid hydrolases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Human placental hexosaminidase B and beta-galactosidase are taken up very poorly by human fibroblasts in culture. However, if fibroblasts manifesting genetically determined deficiencies of these lysosomal hydrolases are first treated with concanavalin A, then enzyme uptake is markedly increased. Enzyme activity which becomes associated with concanavalin A-treated fibroblasts maintained at 4 degrees C can be greatly removed by treatment with haptene sugar, while enzyme activity which becomes associated with cells maintained at 37 degrees C is refractory to haptens treatment. These results are interpreted as an initial binding of enzyme to concanvalin A molecules located at the cell surface, followed by an active cellular process leading to internalization of the lectin-enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

The generation of enzymes located in lysosomes, in cytosol or in endoplasmatic reticulum/Golgi complex is studied in heterokaryons in which chick erythrocyte nuclei are reactivated. The lysosomal enzymes, alpha-glucosidase (alpha-glu) and beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), are synthesized in heterokaryons obtained after fusion of chick erythrocytes with human fibroblasts of patients with Pompe's disease (alpha-glu-deficient) and GM1-gangliosidosis (beta-gal-deficient), respectively. The enzymes appear to be of chick origin and their activities can be detected at first around 4 days after fusion, i.e., at a time when the nucleoli in the erythrocyte nuclei have been reactivated. Maximal activities are reached around 15 days after fusion. No generation of the lysosomal enzyme beta-hexosaminidase is detected in the heterokaryons up to 23 days after fusion of chick erythrocyte with either beta-hexosaminidase A- and B-deficient fibroblasts (Sandhoff's disease) or beta-hexosaminidase A-deficient fibroblasts (Tay-Sachs disease). Similarly no expression of the cytosol enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is fond up to 30 days after fusion, when chick erythrocytes are fused with fibroblasts from two different G6PD-deficient cell strains (residual activities of 4 and 20% respectively). Indirectly we examined N-acetyl-glucosamine-1-phosphate transferase activity, an enzyme located in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi region. This enzyme is needed for the phosphorylation of the lysosomal hydrolases and absence of its activity is the cause of the multiple lysosomal enzyme deficiencies in patients with I-cell disease. The retention of both, chick and human beta-galactosidase in the experiments in which I-cell fibroblasts were fused with chick erythrocytes indicates a reactivation of the gene coding for this phosphorylating enzyme. It also implies that this step in the processing of human lysosomal enzymes is not species-specific.  相似文献   

Sub-microgram quantities of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) have been found to substantially reduce the intracellular catalytic activities of three representative lysosomal enzymes (namely, acid phosphatase, hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase) in human monocyte-derived macrophages. This response was not associated with a concurrent increase in enzyme catalytic activity in the culture supernatant, and hence, could not be explained by mobilization of preformed material. By conducting experiments in the presence and absence of indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, the reduction in lysosomal enzyme catalytic activities was shown not to be dependent on the ability of LPS to induce prostaglandin E2 production. The response was not found to be the result of a more generalized LPS-dependent reduction in the ability of the cells to synthesize protein, since the presence of LPS in macrophage cultures did not appreciably affect the amount of [35S]methionine incorporated into total cellular proteins. A kinetic analysis of the effect of LPS on the down-regulation of enzyme catalytic activities indicated that this was an early response of the cells to LPS exposure. An investigation of the effects of blockade of enzyme catabolism (using the lysosomotropic weak-base, methylamine) indicated that the reduction of catalytic enzyme activities in response to LPS was probably due to a decreased rate of production of active product, rather than an enhanced rate of enzyme catabolism. This suggestion was confirmed by experiments in which the synthesis of pro-hexosaminidase (measured by biosynthetic labeling with [35S]methionine and specific immunoprecipitation of labeled pro-hexosaminidase) was found to be reduced by 42% after a 24-h exposure to LPS (although the synthesis of complement component C3 was stimulated by a factor of 4.5). It is suggested that the ability of LPS to regulate the functional expression of protein products contributes to changes in the overall functional status of these cells in response to this bacterial product.  相似文献   

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