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Some crustacean axons remain functional for months after injury. This unusual property may require stress proteins synthesized by those neurons or provided to them by glial cells. To begin to explore this hypothesis, we examined the conditions that stimulated stress protein synthesis by crayfish CNS tissue in vitro. Incubation for 1–15 h with arsenite or at temperatures about 15°C higher than the acclimation temperature of 20°C induced transient expression of several stress proteins. The heat stress response was blocked by Actinomycin D, suggesting that synthesis of new mRNA was required. In addition, the major crayfish 66 kD stress protein and its mRNA had sequence identities with the 70 kD stress proteins of mammals. Since the crayfish stress response has much in common with that of other organisms, the unique advantages of the crayfish nervous system can be used to study the impact of stress proteins on glial and neuronal function.  相似文献   

A protein similar to rat intestinal calcium-binding protein (CaBP) has been identified in both mouse placenta and mouse small intestine. The mouse protein had a molecular weight of approximately 10,000, exhibited cation-binding properties, and demonstrated immunologic identity with vitamin D-dependent rat CaBP. Under normal dietary conditions, the concentrations of CaBP in mouse placenta and intestine increased 6- and 3-fold, respectively, during the third trimester of pregnancy in parallel with the fetal demands for skeletal mineral. Studies of in vitro protein synthesis indicated that CaBP was synthesized by placental tissue. Slices of mouse or rat placental tissue (12-18-day gestation) were incubated with [3H]leucine and the biosynthesis of placental CaBP was quantified by an immunoprecipitation method using rabbit antiserum to rat intestinal CaBP. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of the radioactive immune complex revealed a single 3H-labeled peak corresponding to the molecular weight of rat and mouse CaBP (10,050). The amount of CaBP synthesized by mouse placental tissue was dependent upon gestational age of the placenta and reflected the in vivo changes in placental CaBP content observed during gestation. These data indicate that CaBP is synthesized by placenta and provide an in vitro model for studying the developmental control of placental CaBP synthesis.  相似文献   

In the absence of serum and amino acids, cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells released to the medium two thirds of the leucine produced by protein degradation. Because protein synthesis requires all the amino acids, the loss of leucine implies incomplete reincorporation of the other amino acids as well. Leupeptin (0.45 mg/ml) and chloroquine (up to 40 microM) inhibited protein breakdown by 21 and up to 41%, respectively, and resulted in proportional decreases in protein synthesis. Chloroquine abolished the stimulation of protein breakdown by amino acid deprivation. From the values of protein synthesis and leucine output with and without chloroquine, it is estimated that the stimulation of protein degradation not only permitted continuing protein synthesis but also increased amino acid output. In the presence of serum or amino acids protein breakdown was slower than in their absence and less sensitive to inhibition by chloroquine, but proportional effects on synthesis and degradation were still observed. It is suggested that protein degradation may be necessary for the maintenance of optimum intracellular concentrations of amino acids even in the presence of extracellular amino acids.  相似文献   

A model of leucine metabolism in the hind-limb muscles of the milk-fed lamb was developed which permitted simultaneous estimation of the rates of protein synthesis (Ks, days-1), degradation (Kd) and therefore gain (Kg) of muscle in vivo. The conclusions drawn from the model were: the rate of protein synthesis in muscle was related to uptake of leucine; the rate of degradation of protein was related to leucine output, as leucine, or its corresponding oxo acid, 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid, or CO2. These findings support findings drawn from a wide range of studies in vitro. There was no correlation between rate of protein synthesis and rate of protein degradation, which suggests that the method can allow independent estimates of each. Estimates of protein synthesis obtained from the model (of leucine metabolism in muscle) were compared with those obtained simultaneously by constant infusion of radioisotope and analysis of incorporation into tissue. There were no significant differences between the mean values obtained for synthesis (Ks), gain (Kg) and degradation (Kd) by either method (Ks 0.051 +/- 0.002, 0.046 +/- 0.007; Kg 0.016 +/- 0.002, 0.004 +/- 0.008; Kd 0.035 +/- 0.004, 0.041 +/- 0.008 day-1, respectively, for tissue analysis and the model). However, Ks obtained from the model was significantly and positively correlated with uptake of leucine from plasma, whereas Ks obtained from tissue analysis was not.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that requires the action of molecular chaperones for folding and hormone binding. C-terminal Hsp-interacting protein (Chip) is a cochaperone that interacts with Hsp70 and Hsp90 molecular chaperones via a tetratricopeptide domain and inhibits chaperone-dependent protein folding in vitro. Chip also stimulates protein degradation by acting as an E3 ubiquitin ligase via a modified ring finger domain called a U box. We analyzed whether Chip affected AR levels using a transient transfection strategy. Chip overexpression led to a large decrease in AR steady state levels and increased levels of AR ubiquitinylation. However, Chip effects were not fully reversed by proteasome inhibitors, suggesting that mechanisms alternative to or in addition to proteasome-mediated degradation were involved. This hypothesis was supported by the finding that Chip overexpression reduced the rate of AR degradation, consistent with an effect on AR folding, perhaps leading to aggregation. The possibility that Chip affected AR folding was further supported by the finding that the effects of exogenous Chip were reproduced by a mutant lacking the U box. These results are discussed in terms of the role played by molecular chaperones in AR biogenesis.  相似文献   

Rates of protein synthesis were significantly lower in the cut soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles than in their uncut counterparts. Rates of protein degradation were significantly higher in cut soleus muscles, but not in cut extensor digitorum longus muscles as compared with their uncut controls. Concentrations of ATP and phosphocreatine were significantly lower in cut soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles after incubation in vitro in contrast with respective control uncut muscles. These data indicate that cutting of muscle fibres alters rates of protein synthesis and degradation, in addition to altering concentrations of high-energy phosphates. Since these findings stressed the importance of using intact muscles to study protein metabolism, additional studies were made on intact muscles in vitro. Stretched soleus muscles had higher concentrations of high-energy phosphates at the end of an incubation period than did unstretched muscles. However, the length of the soleus, extensor digitorum longus and diaphragm muscles during incubation did not affect rates of protein degradation.U  相似文献   

Recently we reported that the rate of protein breakdown decreases during development. Breakdown rates were calculated from the rates of protein synthesis and the changes in brain protein content with age. A different study, measuring breakdown by monitoring the loss of label from brain protein after an H14CO3- pulse, came to the opposite conclusion: that the rate of breakdown is low in immature brain and increases during development. We have now investigated some of the factors (the distribution of label in protein and the potential for recycling) that might introduce errors into these measurements. The specific radioactivities of both protein-bound and free amino acids were determined in the brains of young rats several days after an intraperitoneal pulse of H14CO3-. For a number of amino acids the specific radioactivity of the free amino acid is high compared with that of the protein-bound amino acid, and therefore recycling could result in an underestimate of the degradation rate. Because glutamic acid had a relatively low specific-radioactivity ratio, [1-14C]glutamic acid was used in a pulse-labelling experiment to measure degradation. The rate so obtained, 0.6% . h-1, is twice the rate found with H14CO3- labelling (based on total protein-bound radioactivity). Insofar as recycling is a possible complication, 0.6% . h-1 may be a minimum value. Although somewhat higher degradation rates are found after labelling with an intracranial pulse, which was considered as a possible route to limit recycling, there are difficulties in interpreting these data.  相似文献   

Rates of muscle protein synthesis and degradation measured in the perfused hindquarter were compared with those in incubated epitrochlearis muscles. With fed or starved mature rats, results without insulin treatment were identical. With insulin treatment, protein synthesis in perfused hindquarters was greater, though protein degradation was the same. Thus rates of muscle protein degradation estimated by these two methods in vitro correspond closely.  相似文献   

Seed extracts inhibiting protein synthesis in vitro.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Of 33 seed extracts examined, 12 inhibited protein synthesis in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. This activity seems to be due to a protein, since (i) it was recovered with the (NH4)2SO4 precipitate, (ii) it was retained by dialysis membranes, and (iii) in all cases but one was destroyed by boiling. Only the extracts from the seeds of Adenia digitata and, to a lower extent, of Euonymus europaeus inhibited protein synthesis in intact cells.  相似文献   

Effect of exercise on synthesis and degradation of muscle protein.   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Several reports have shown that amino acid utilization via oxidation and gluconeogenesis is increased during exercise. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether these changes are accompanied by alterations in protein synthesis and degradation in the muscle of exercising rats. One group of rats was made in swim for 1h and then protein synthesis and protein degradation were measured in a perfused hemicorpus preparation. Protein synthesis was decreased and protein degradation was increased in exercised rats compared with sedentary control rats. Exercise also decreased amino acid incorporation by isolated polyribosomes from muscle. Measurement of several muscle proteinase activities demonstrated that exercise had no effect on alkaline proteinase or Ca2+-activated proteinase. However, the free (unbound) cathepsin D activity was elevated in muscle of exercised rats, whereas the total activity of catepsin D was unchanged. This increase in the proportion of free cathepsin D activity suggests that lysosomal enzymes may be involved in the increased protein degradation that was observed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of photoinhibition of Photosystem II and D1 protein degradation were studied by applying mathematical modelling to new and published data. The word photoinhibition refers here only to such inhibition of PS II activity that requires chloroplast protein synthesis for recovery. It is shown that acceptor-side photoinhibition in vitro as well as in vivo photoinhibition in higher plants and cyanobacteria in the presence of prokaryotic translation inhibitors follow first-order kinetics. Degradation of damaged D1 protein also fits in a first-order reaction equation with respect to the concentration of photoinhibited PS II centres. It is shown that photoprotective lowering of the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence can be distinguished from the lowering of this ratio associated with photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Ecdysterone added in vitro to wing tissue from diapausing Antheraea polyphemus pupae induced the synthesis of several epidermal cell proteins. This is one of few instances in which any steroid hormone in physiological concentrations has been able to induce specific protein synthesis in target tissue in vitro soon after hormone stimulation. Hormone-treated tissue was incubated with 3H-leucine while control tissue was incubated with 14C-leucine. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic distribution of labelled wing tissue proteins after ecdysterone stimulation in vitro for various periods of time was determined. The 3H14C ratio emphasized the areas of increased protein synthesis due to ecdysterone. These areas of increased protein synthesis were reproducible with several ecdysterone concentrations and with different incubation times. Induction of protein synthesis occurs at an earlier time period when the hormone dosage is higher, i.e. the lower the dosage, the longer it is necessary for exposure of tissue to hormone. α-Ecdysone, known to initiate the moulting process in vitro in some insect species, also induced protein synthesis. Cortisol, a mammalian steroid hormone, produced no hormone specific protein synthesis. Therefore, the results seen with ecdysterone and α-ecdysone are not the result of non-specific steroid stimulation. When no hormone was added to the incubation medium (control), only one area of the polyacrylamide gel demonstrated protein synthesis. Therefore, there are a few proteins being synthesized in vitro in wing tissue, removed from diapausing animals without hormone stimulation, which may be related to the ‘injury phenomenon’. Protein banding patterns were also determined and compared with the radioactivity profile. The study of such early biochemical and physiological responses of target tissue to hormones will aid in our understanding of a hormone's mechanism of action, since the earlier an event occurs, the more likely that it is the primary result of hormone stimulation.  相似文献   

1. Epididymal adipose tissue from the rat was maintained in culture for periods of up to 96h. 2. After an initial decrease in protein synthesis during the first 24h of culture, the adipose tissue recovered its capacity to synthesize and accumulate proteins of a relatively large size. 3. The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase decreased in a parallel manner, but increased again after 24h of incubation of the tissue in culture, to a value twice that noted in the tissue in vivo. This increase in enzyme activity was due to an increase in its rate of synthesis. 4. Both insulin and dexamethasone (9alpha-fluoro-16alpha-methyl-11beta,17,-21-trihydroxypregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione) inhibited phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase synthesis, but dexamethasone also decreased total protein synthesis. 5. The half-life of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in adipose tissue cultured in vitro was 5--7h and was not altered by insulin or dexamethasone. 6. It is concluded that both insulin and glucocroticoids lower the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in rat adipose tissue by decreasing its rate of synthesis.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mechanism of decreased protein synthesis in the liver of rats fed a protein-free diet, the average polypeptide chain assembly time (tc) was measured by the method of Mathews et al. (J. Biol. Chem. (1973) 248, 1329). For rats fed a normal diet, tc in liver in vivo was 1.28 min. A 10-day period of protein depletion led to a value of tc = 2.08 min, corresponding to a 38% depression in polypeptide elongation rate. Protein depletion caused an extensive breakdown of hepatic polysomes and refeeding of a complete mixture of amino acids resulted in rapid recovery of polysomal profile. But tc in the liver of the refed animals gave still depressed value of 1.95 min. The amount and size distribution of poly(A)-containing mRNA in the liver, as determined by [3H]poly(U) hybridization, were the same for normal and depleted groups. These results suggest that both initiation and elongation steps of protein synthesis are depressed in the liver of protein-depleted rats. Refeeding of amino acid mixture rapidly restores initiation but not elongation activity.  相似文献   

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