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The ANS congeners 1-anilinonaphthalene and 1-amino,8-sulfonato naphthalene were investigated as analogs of 1,8 anilinonaphthalene sulfonate. Like 1,8 ANS, they also bind to I-FABP, and the fully-bound spectra reveal interesting similarities and differences with respect to ANS binding. The nature of these differences suggests that certain hypotheses in the literature about ANS photophysics ought to be revised. The conceptual decomposition of energetic effects in the thermodynamics of ANS binding proposed earlier [1] [W. Kirk, E. Kurian, F. Prendergast, Characterization of the sources of protein–ligand affinity: 1-sulfonato-8-(1′)anilinonaphthalene binding to intestinal fatty acid binding protein. Biophys. J. (1996) 70 69–83.] is extended further in this report.  相似文献   

We investigate the circular dichroism of the I-FABP system with the ligands ANS (1,8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate) and AnN (anilinonaphthalene) as previously reported in our earlier publications in the series (referred to as I and II here) on ANS photophysics. We employ our semi-empirical calculated spectral functions (from II) to compute the actual CD spectra, without any additional assumptions or data except what we have previously presented with respect to binding geometry (in I). The common mechanisms fail to produce the observed spectra. However, we identify a novel mechanism of induced CD activity, which does succeed. This new mechanism also suggests how it is that near UV CD can often show extreme sensitivity to local 'order' effects.  相似文献   

The visible portion of spectrum covers the wavelength range from approximately 380nm to 780nm and the eye discriminates between different wavelengths in this range by the sensation of colour.  相似文献   

Although 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (ANS) is frequently used in protein folding studies, the structural and thermodynamic effects of its binding to proteins are not well understood. Using high-resolution two-dimensional NMR and human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) as a model protein, we obtained detailed information on ANS-protein interactions in the absence and presence of urea. The effects of ambient to elevated temperatures on the affinity and specificity of ANS binding were assessed from experiments performed at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Overall, the affinity of ANS was lower at 37 degrees C compared to 25 degrees C, but no significant change in the site specificity of binding was observed from the chemical shift perturbation data. The same site-specific binding was evident in the presence of 5.2 M urea, well within the unfolding transition region, and resulted in selective stabilization of the folded state. Based on the two-state denaturation mechanism, ANS-dependent changes in the protein stability were estimated from relative intensities of two amide resonances specific to the folded and unfolded states of IL-1ra. No evidence was found for any ANS-induced partially denatured or aggregated forms of IL-1ra throughout the experimental conditions, consistent with a cooperative and reversible denaturation process. The NMR results support earlier observations on the tendency of ANS to interact with solvent-exposed positively charged sites on proteins. Under denaturing conditions, ANS binding appears to be selective to structured states rather than unfolded conformations. Interestingly, the binding occurs within a previously identified aggregation-critical region in IL-1ra, thus providing an insight into ligand-dependent protein aggregation.  相似文献   

E Bismuto  E Gratton    D C Lamb 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(6):3510-3521
The dynamics of the binding reaction of ANS to native and partly folded (molten globule) tuna and horse apomyoglobins has been investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and frequency domain fluorometry. The reaction rate has been measured as a function of apomyoglobin and ANS concentrations, pH, and temperature. Examination of the autocorrelation functions shows that the reaction rate is fast enough to be observed in tuna apomyoglobin, whereas the reaction rate in horse apomyoglobin is on the same time scale as diffusion through the volume or longer. Specifically, for tuna apomyoglobin at pH 7 and room temperature the on rate is 2200 microM(-1) s(-1) and the off rate is 5900 s(-1), in comparison with k(on) = 640 microM(-1) s(-1) and k(off) = 560 s(-1) for horse myoglobin as measured previously. The independence of the reaction rate from the ANS concentration indicates that the reaction rate is dominated by the off rate. The temperature dependence of the on-rate shows that this rate is diffusion limited. The temperature dependence of the off rates analyzed by Arrhenius and Ferry models indicates that the off rate depends on the dynamics of the protein. The differences between horse and tuna apomyoglobins in the ANS binding rate can be explained in terms of the three-dimensional apoprotein structures obtained by energy minimization after heme removal starting from crystallographic coordinates. The comparison of the calculated apomyoglobin surfaces shows a 15% smaller cavity for tuna apomyoglobin. Furthermore, a negative charge (D44) is present in the heme cavity of tuna apomyoglobin that could decrease the strength of ANS binding. At pH 5 the fluorescence lifetime distribution of ANS-apomyoglobin is bimodal, suggesting the presence of an additional binding site in the protein. The binding rates determined by FCS under these conditions show that the protein is either in the open configuration or is more flexible, making it much easier to bind. At pH 3, the protein is in a partially denatured state with multiple potential binding sites for ANS molecule, and the interpretation of the autocorrelation function is not possible by simple models. This conclusion is consistent with the broad distribution of ANS fluorescence lifetimes observed in frequency domain measurements.  相似文献   

Use of spectral analysis to test hypotheses on the origin of pinnipeds   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The evolutionary origin of the pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses) is still uncertain. Most authors support a hypothesis of a monophyletic origin of the pinnipeds from a caniform carnivore. A minority view suggests a diphyletic origin with true seals being related to the mustelids (otters and ferrets). The phylogenetic relationships of the walrus to other pinniped and carnivore families are also still particularly problematic. Here we examined the relative support for mono- and diphyletic hypotheses using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial small subunit (12S) rRNA and cytochrome b genes. We first analyzed a small group of taxa representing the three pinniped families (Phocidae, Otariidae, and Odobenidae) and caniform carnivore families thought to be related to them. We inferred phylogenetic reconstructions from DNA sequence data using standard parsimony and neighbor-joining algorithms for phylogenetic inference as well as a new method called spectral analysis (Hendy and Penny) in which phylogenetic information is displayed independently of any selected tree. We identified and compensated for potential sources of error known to lead to selection of incorrect phylogenetic trees. These include sampling error, unequal evolutionary rates on lineages, unequal nucleotide composition among lineages, unequal rates of change at different sites, and inappropriate tree selection criteria. To correct for these errors, we performed additional transformations of the observed substitution patterns in the sequence data, applied more stringent structural constraints to the analyses, and included several additional taxa to help resolve long, unbranched lineages in the tree. We find that there is strong support for a monophyletic origin of the pinnipeds from within the caniform carnivores, close to the bear/raccoon/panda radiation. Evidence for a diphyletic origin was very weak and can be partially attributed to unequal nucleotide compositions among the taxa analyzed. Subsequently, there is slightly more evidence for grouping the walrus with the eared seals versus the true seals. A more conservative interpretation, however, is that the walrus is an early, but not the first, independent divergence from the common pinniped ancestor.   相似文献   

The binding of a netropsin analogue to random sequence DNA, monitored by CD, is seen dependent on the concentration of neutral solutes. The binding free energy decreases linearly with solute osmolal concentration and the magnitude of the effect is insensitive to the chemical identity of the solute fur betaine, sorbitol, and triethylene glycol. These solutes appear to modulate binding through their effect on water activity and changes in the hydration of the drug and DNA in the complex reaction, not through a direct interaction with the reactants or the product. The dependence of binding constant on solute concentration can be interpreted as an additional binding of some 50–60 extra solute excluding water molecules by the complex. A water sensitivity of drug binding is further seen from the dependence of binding constants on the type of anion in solution. Anions in the Hofmeister series strongly affect bulk water free energies and entropies. The differences in netropsin analogue binding to DNA with Cl, F, and CIO are consistent with the effect observed with neutral solutes. The ability to measure changes in water binding associated with a specific DNA interaction is a first step toward correlating changes in hydration with the strength and specificity of binding. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this work we return to the problem of the determination of ligand-receptor binding stoichiometry and binding constants. In many cases the ligand is a fluorescent dye which has low fluorescence quantum yield in free state but forms highly fluorescent complex with target receptor. That is why many researchers use dye fluorescence for determination of its binding parameters with receptor, but they leave out of account that fluorescence intensity is proportional to the part of the light absorbed by the solution rather than to the concentration of bound dye. We showed how ligand-receptor binding parameters can be determined by spectrophotometry of the solutions prepared by equilibrium microdialysis. We determined the binding parameters of ANS - human serum albumin (HSA) and ANS - bovine serum albumin (BSA) interaction, absorption spectra, concentration and molar extinction coefficient, as well as fluorescence quantum yield of the bound dye. It was found that HSA and BSA have two binding modes with significantly different affinity to ANS. Correct determination of the binding parameters of ligand-receptor interaction is important for fundamental investigations and practical aspects of molecule medicine and pharmaceutics. The data obtained for albumins are important in connection with their role as drugs transporters.  相似文献   

Recently, renewed interest in the evolution of oligomeric proteins has seen new approaches explored and new hypotheses proposed. The model systems chosen are generally made up of pairs of homologous proteins, each composed of a monomer and a dimeric counterpart, but the question has been also approached by comparing statistically significant structural patterns in sets of monomeric and oligomeric proteins. Here the tools of genetics and chemistry potentially available to the evolution of oligomeric proteins are discussed, as well as the possible effects of environments on the early attempts to oligomerization. Traces of an ancestral monomeric status of oligomers may be detected in the significant presence of polar and charged residues at intersubunit interfaces, and by the recognition that, besides the hydrophobic effect, a 'hydrophilic' effect has also had a role in the construction of these interfaces. The traditional 'mutation' model is described and found to be based on a hierarchy of mutations, crowned by a 'primary' mutation, one that could prime oligomerization by irreversibly altering the structure of an ancestral monomer. The mechanism of oligomerization based on the exchange or 'swap' of structural elements between monomers is discussed. The possibility is also discussed that the main steps in the folding pathway of an oligomeric protein reiterate the main steps in its evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The crustaceanDaphnia magna responds to a flash of light with a ventral rotation of its compound eye; this behavior is termed eye flick. We determined the spectral sensitivity for the threshold of eye flick in response to light flashes having three different spatial characteristics: (1) full-field, extending 180° from dorsal to ventral in the animal's field of view; (2) dorsal, 30° wide and located in the dorsal region of the visual field; (3) ventral, same as dorsal but located ventrally. All three stimuli extended 30° to the right and to the left of the animal's midplane. We found that spectral sensitivity varies with the spatial characteristics of the stimulus. For full-field illumination, the relative sensitivity was maximal at 527 nm and between 365 nm and 400 nm, with a significant local minimum at 420 nm. For the dorsal stimulus, the relative sensitivity was greatest at 400 nm, but also showed local maxima at 440 nm and 517 nm. For the ventral stimulus, the relative sensitivity maxima occurred at the same wavelengths as those for the full-field stimulus. At wavelengths of 570 nm and longer, the responses to both dorsal and ventral stimuli showed lower relative sensitivity than the full-field stimulus. No circadian or other periodic changes in threshold spectral sensitivity were observed under our experimental conditions. Animals which had their nauplius eyes removed by means of laser microsurgery had the same spectral sensitivity to full-field illumination as normal animals. Our results are discussed in terms of our current knowledge of the spectral classes of photoreceptors found in theDaphnia compound eye.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivity of spontaneous phototactic behavior was tested in short wavelength deprived bees and in control bees kept outdoors. Tests were performed with a y-maze with one branch illuminated, the other dark. The relative sensitivities for the control group were: green to blue to UV = 10.272.14. Short wavelength deprived bees show a distinct decrease in their sensitivity to short wavelengths. The relation green to blue to UV here was 10.220.27. Forager bees from outdooors, short wavelength deprived for 10 days, showed a relation of green to blue to UV of 10.261.04. Electrophysiological investigation of the compound eye using electroretinogram recordings showed no difference between deprived and control animals.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which suggest that structural features are related to the existence of three high affinity calcium-binding sites in the fibrinogen molecule. The circular dichroism spectra analysis shows that the binding of calcium to this protein does not entail an overall conformational change. However several calcium-induced protective effects may be observed: 1. At pH 5.0 calcium-free fibrinogen is slightly acid-denatured. This denaturation is counteracted by the presence of calcium, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. 2. A temperature transition shift of 3 degrees C is measured in the presence of bound calcium during thermal denaturation, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. 3. Resistance to proteolysis by plasmin is observed when calcium is bound to fibrinogen. The velocity of the splitting of the earliest plasmin-succeptible bonds is reduced in the presence of calcium, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. It can be concluded from these results that the calcium binding centers are located in a more or less flexible zone of the molecule probably involving the C-terminal part of the Aalpha chain. And that the calcium divalent cation stabilizes a more compact structure of the fibrinogen molecule.  相似文献   

Bird colour vision is mediated by single cones, while double cones and rods mediate luminance vision in bright and dim light, respectively. In daylight conditions, birds use colour vision to discriminate large objects such as fruit and plumage patches, and luminance vision to detect fine spatial detail and motion. However, decreasing light intensity favours achromatic mechanisms and eventually, in dim light, luminance vision outperforms colour vision in all visual tasks. We have used behavioural tests in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to investigate how single cones, double cones and rods contribute to spectral sensitivity for large (3.4°) static monochromatic stimuli at light intensities ranging from 0.08 to 63.5 cd/m2. We found no influences of rods at any intensity level. Single cones dominate the spectral sensitivity function at intensities above 1.1 cd/m2, as predicted by a receptor noise-limited colour discrimination model. Below 1.1 cd/m2, spectral sensitivity is lower than expected at all wavelengths except 575 nm, which corresponds to double cone function. We suggest that luminance vision mediated by double cones restores visual sensitivity when single cone sensitivity quickly decreases at light intensities close to the absolute threshold of colour vision.  相似文献   

Characterization of aggregation profiles of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is gaining importance because an increasing number of mAb-based therapeutics are entering clinical studies and gaining marketing approval. To develop a successful formulation, it is imperative to identify the critical biochemical properties of each potential mAb drug candidate. We investigated the conformational change and aggregation of a human IgG1 using external dye-binding experiments with fluorescence spectroscopy and compared the aggregation profiles obtained to the results of size-exclusion chromatography. We show that using an appropriate dye at selected mAb concentration, unfolding or aggregation can be studied. In addition, dye-binding experiments may be used as conventional assays to study therapeutic mAb stability.Key words: therapeutic monoclonal antibody, protein aggregation, conformational change, stability and shelf-life prediction, accelerated studiesMonoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as a novel class of protein drugs and are utilized for a variety of mostly incurable and debilitating diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.14 For treatment of chronic diseases, it is desirable for these drugs to be administered subcutaneously, in which case high protein concentrations (>100 mg/mL) are generally needed.5,6 Protein-based drugs containing mAbs must contain minimum amounts of aggregation and fragmentation and conserve their structural integrity during storage because degraded or aggregated protein may induce immunogenicity or reduce efficacy. Currently, size-exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography (SEC-HPLC) is the most commonly used method to characterize mAb aggregation profiles;7 however it is time consuming, expensive and requires expertise. SEC-HPLC cannot be used to obtain accurate biophysical profiles of mAbs at high concentrations because dilution during the experiment might lead to reversible aggregation. Furthermore, the potential interaction of aggregates with surfaces, e.g., needle, tubing, column, will lead to the loss of sample and thus an inaccurate analysis.8,9 Additional drawbacks of the technique are that different conformations such as partially unfolded monomers also cannot be distinguished by SEC-HPLC and large aggregates may be totally excluded during the injection into the column.External dye binding assays have been used to characterize protein stability and aggregation,1012 and studies involving biopharmaceuticals have been reported recently, e.g., for thermostability screening10 and detection of aggregation.1114 These methods are not limited by protein quantity and are more sensitive because they are fluorescence-based. We studied the accelerated unfolding of an IgG1 mAb with the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-8-naphthale-nesulfonate (ANS), and its accelerated aggregation with aggregate specific Thioflavin T (ThT). We have also conducted accelerated aggregation studies with SEC-HPLC7 and compared the findings to the ThT binding results. We hypothesize that key structures formed during mAb aggregation can be probed selectively by the appropriate dyes (Fig. 1) with specific mAb concentrations.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Key structures of the mAb probed by fluorescent dyes. N and U are native and unfolded monomers, respectively. “n” reactive monomers form aggregates.  相似文献   

Characterization of aggregation profiles of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is gaining importance because an increasing number of mAb-based therapeutics are entering clinical studies and gaining marketing approval. To develop a successful formulation, it is imperative to identify the critical biochemical properties of each potential mAb drug candidate. We investigated the conformational change and aggregation of a human IgG1 using external dye-binding experiments with fluorescence spectroscopy and compared the aggregation profiles obtained to the results of size-exclusion chromatography. We show that using an appropriate dye at selected mAb concentration, unfolding or aggregation can be studied. In addition, dye-binding experiments may be used as conventional assays to study therapeutic mAb stability.  相似文献   

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