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The interaction of surface proteins from A431 cells and cellular extracts with nucleic acids was investigated using affinity modification with 32P-labeled reactive oligonucleotide derivatives. Proteins with molecular weights of 68, 46, 38, and 28 kD as well as several low molecular weight proteins capable of binding to nucleic acids were found on the surface of intact cells. It was demonstrated that a protein with molecular weight of 68 kD is exposed at the cell surface, since the treatment of cells with trypsin results in the cleavage of this protein. Disruption of the integrity of the cell membrane (scrapping, treatment with trypsin, or permeabilization of the cell membrane with streptolysin O or saponin) disrupts the interaction of the reactive oligonucleotides with the cell surface proteins. Affinity modification of the cytosolic and membrane-cytosolic cell fractions with labeled oligonucleotides results in the modification of a large number of proteins, where proteins with molecular weights of 68, 46, 38, and 28 kD can be found as minor components. Surface oligonucleotide-binding proteins with molecular weight of ~68 kD were isolated by affinity chromatography after the modification of intact A431 cells with a reactive oligonucleotide derivative. The isolated surface oligonucleotide-binding proteins from A431 cells were sequenced, and one of the proteins was identified as keratin K1.  相似文献   

THE method used for the indirect serological mapping of cell membrane antigens consists in blocking an antigenic determinant A by the corresponding antibody and in checking whether the absorption of another non cross-reacting antibody directed against a determinant B has been hampered by this procedure.  相似文献   

Prior to fertilization in Campanularia flexuosa a capacitation-likeinteraction occurs between the spermatozoa and the epithelialcells that lead to and surround the eggs. Trypsin treatmentof egg packets (eggs surrounded by epithelial cells) preventsthe capacitation-like action and results in loss of fertilizability.Following treatment, the normal fuzzy surface coat of the epithelialcells is reduced from 200 A to 50 A. Even with increased amountsof sperm the fertilization rate of trypsin-treated eggs in theegg packets never reaches normal levels. This indicates lossof available epithelial cell surface interaction sites. Epithelialcell surface material is solubilized by incubation of egg packetsin calcium- and magnesium-free sea water. Treatment of trypsinizedegg packets with the solubilized material increases the fertilizationrate. The possibility that the necessary capacitation-like interactionis mediated by the cell surface is discussed.  相似文献   

We have applied a panel of monoclonal antibodies against antigens present on the surface of human mononuclear cells to the study of mononuclear cell surface antigens expressed by seven species of New World primates. Antibodies to the sheep erythrocyte receptor (OKT11a) to a thymocyte antigen (OKT10), to the I region of the major histocompatibility locus (OKIa), and to an antigen found on the surface of human monocytes (OKM1) cross-reacted with mononuclear cell surface antigens of most of the species studied. Antibodies to antigens which have been correlated with functional capabilities in the human system (OKT4, OKT5, OKT8, 3A1) were much less reactive with platyrrhine mononuclear cells. These reagents may be quite useful in studies of primate phylogeny and immunology.  相似文献   

应用蛋白质组学方法揭示植物与微生物的互作机制是当前植物病理学研究的热点之一。结合水稻感染水稻条纹病毒后的蛋白质组学分析经验,综述了蛋白质组学在水稻与微生物互作研究中的应用,包括水稻与真菌、细菌、病毒互作的蛋白组学和突变体蛋白质组学。在总结研究现状的基础上,提出了水稻与微生物互作的蛋白质组学研究中存在的问题,并对该领域的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus has a wide host range and infects mammalian cells of many different species. This suggests that the cell surface receptors for vaccinia virus are ubiquitously expressed and highly conserved. Alternatively, different receptors are used for vaccinia virus infection of different cell types. Here we report that vaccinia virus binds to heparan sulfate, a glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chain of cell surface proteoglycans, during virus infection. Soluble heparin specifically inhibits vaccinia virus binding to cells, whereas other GAGs such as condroitin sulfate or dermantan sulfate have no effect. Heparin also blocks infections by cowpox virus, rabbitpox virus, myxoma virus, and Shope fibroma virus, suggesting that cell surface heparan sulfate could be a general mediator of the entry of poxviruses. The biochemical nature of the heparin-blocking effect was investigated. Heparin analogs that have acetyl groups instead of sulfate groups also abolish the inhibitory effect, suggesting that the negative charges on GAGs are important for virus infection. Furthermore, BSC40 cells treated with sodium chlorate to produce undersulfated GAGs are more refractory to vaccinia virus infection. Taken together, the data support the notion that cell surface heparan sulfate is important for vaccinia virus infection. Using heparin-Sepharose beads, we showed that vaccinia virus virions bind to heparin in vitro. In addition, we demonstrated that the recombinant A27L gene product binds to the heparin beads in vitro. This recombinant protein was further shown to bind to cells, and such interaction could be specifically inhibited by soluble heparin. All the data together indicated that A27L protein could be an attachment protein that mediates vaccinia virus binding to cell surface heparan sulfate during viral infection.  相似文献   

An experimental model system involving the modification of carbohydrate composition of the target cell surface with neoglycolipids was developed for studying the role of surface carbohydrates of target cells in the NK-cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The polymeric glycoconjugates of the Glyc–PAA–PEA and Glyc–PAA(Flu)–PEA types (where Glyc was an oligosaccharide residue, PAA poly(acrylamide) polymer, PEA the phosphatidylethanolamine residue, and Flu fluorescein residue) capable of incorporating into the cell membrane were synthesized. The optimum structures of neoglycoconjugates and the conditions for their incorporation into K562 and Raji cell lines, which differ in their sensitivity to the NK-cell-mediated lysis were selected. The mechanism of association of glycoconjugates with the plasma cell membrane and the kinetics of their elimination from the cell surface were investigated using the fluorescent-labeled Glyc–PAA(Flu)–PEA derivatives. The spatial accessibility of the carbohydrate ligands for the interaction with human NK cells was demonstrated. The target cells modified with the Lex trisaccharide were shown to be more sensitive to the cytotoxic effect of human NK cells than the intact cells.  相似文献   

The interaction of extracellular Na (Nao), K (Ko), and strophanthidin with the Na-K pump of the human red blood cell has been investigated. Inhibition by submaximal concentrations of strophanthidin rapidly reaches a level which does not increase further over a relatively long period of time. Under these circumstances, it is possible to apply a steady-state kinetic analysis to the interaction of Nao, Ko, and strophanthidin with the pump. In Na-free solutions, strophanthidin increases the apparent K1/2 of the pump for Ko, but does not change the form of the relation between the reciprocal of the active K influx (iMKP–1) and the reciprocal of [Ko] ([Ko]–1); the relation both in the presence and absence of strophanthidin is adequately described by a straight line. In solutions containing Na, strophanthidin changes the form of the curve describing the relation between iMKP–1 vs. [Ko]–1; the curve becomes more parabolic in solutions containing strophanthidin. The rate of ouabain binding to K-free cells has also been measured; in the absence of K, the rate of binding is unaffected by Nao. The data are considered in terms of a simple kinetic model. The findings can be explained if it is supposed that at low external K the form of the pump combined with one Nao is more likely to combine with strophanthidin than is the uncombined form of the pump. The uncombined form of the pump is more likely to combine with K even at very low Ko than with strophanthidin.  相似文献   

Little is known about the interaction of biosurfactants with bacterial cells. Recent work in the area of biodegradation suggests that there are two mechanisms by which biosurfactants enhance the biodegradation of slightly soluble organic compounds. First, biosurfactants can solubilize hydrophobic compounds within micelle structures, effectively increasing the apparent aqueous solubility of the organic compound and its availability for uptake by a cell. Second, biosurfactants can cause the cell surface to become more hydrophobic, thereby increasing the association of the cell with the slightly soluble substrate. Since the second mechanism requires very low levels of added biosurfactant, it is the more intriguing of the two mechanisms from the perspective of enhancing the biodegradation process. This is because, in practical terms, addition of low levels of biosurfactants will be more cost-effective for bioremediation. To successfully optimize the use of biosurfactants in the bioremediation process, their effect on cell surfaces must be understood. We report here that rhamnolipid biosurfactant causes the cell surface of Pseudomonas spp. to become hydrophobic through release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this study, two Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were grown on glucose and hexadecane to investigate the chemical and structural changes that occur in the presence of a rhamnolipid biosurfactant. Results showed that rhamnolipids caused an overall loss in cellular fatty acid content. Loss of fatty acids was due to release of LPS from the outer membrane, as demonstrated by 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis and further confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. The amount of LPS loss was found to be dependent on rhamnolipid concentration, but significant loss occurred even at concentrations less than the critical micelle concentration. We conclude that rhamnolipid-induced LPS release is the probable mechanism of enhanced cell surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   



MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs about 22 nt long that play key roles in almost all biological processes and diseases. The fluorescent labeling and lipofection are two common methods for changing the levels and locating the position of cellular miRNAs. Despite many studies about the mechanism of DNA/RNA lipofection, little is known about the characteristics, mechanisms and specificity of lipofection of fluorescent-labeled miRNAs.

Methods and Results

Therefore, miRNAs labeled with different fluorescent dyes were transfected into adherent and suspension cells using lipofection reagent. Then, the non-specific binding and its mechanism were investigated by flow cytometer and laser confocal microscopy. The results showed that miRNAs labeled with Cy5 (cyanine fluorescent dye) could firmly bind to the surface of adherent cells (Hela) and suspended cells (K562) even without lipofection reagent. The binding of miRNAs labeled with FAM (carboxyl fluorescein) to K562 cells was obvious, but it was not significant in Hela cells. After lipofectamine reagent was added, most of the fluorescently labeled miRNAs binding to the surface of Hela cells were transfected into intra-cell because of the high transfection efficiency, however, most of them were still binding to the surface of K562 cells. Moreover, the high-salt buffer which could destroy the electrostatic interactions did not affect the above-mentioned non-specific binding, but the organic solvent which could destroy the hydrophobic interactions eliminated it.


These results implied that the fluorescent-labeled miRNAs could non-specifically bind to the cell surface by hydrophobic interaction. It would lead to significant errors in the estimation of transfection efficiency only according to the cellular fluorescence intensity. Therefore, other methods to evaluate the transfection efficiency and more appropriate fluorescent dyes should be used according to the cell types for the accuracy of results.  相似文献   

纳米粒子在生物医学上的应用越来越广泛,其进入细胞的机制与规律是设计与开发的基础.已有研究发现,表面修饰不同亲疏水性基团的金纳米粒子,在内吞机制被抑制时,进入细胞的能力明显不同.更特别的是,粒子表面亲水性基团与疏水性基团呈间隔条纹规则排列的纳米粒子,与其他修饰成分相同仅排列不同的纳米粒子进入细胞的规律区别显著.这一特殊现象无法用已有的纳米粒子进入细胞的机制解释.本文针对该研究结果,将纳米粒子与细胞的体系简化,定量分析了3种不同纳米粒子进入细胞前后的不同状态,计算获得了表面修饰不同亲疏水性基团的纳米粒子与细胞膜之间相互作用的Flory.Huggins自由能.结果发现,修饰规则间隔排列亲疏水基团的纳米粒子,其作用自由能在与细胞接触前后变化最大.研究结果不仅解释了实验发现,同时预示了纳米粒子进入细胞的新机制.  相似文献   

Dividing pairs or single cells of the large dinoflagellate, Pyrocystis fusiformis Murray, were isolated in capillary tubes and their morphology was observed over a number of days, either in a light-dark cycle or in constant darkness. Morphological stages were correlated with the first growth stage, G1, DNA synthesis, S, the second growth stage, G2, mitosis, M, and cytokinesis, C, segments of the cell division cycle. The S phase was identified by measuring the nuclear DNA content of cells of different morphologies by the fluorescence of 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dichloride.

Cells changed from one morphological stage to the next only during the night phase of the circadian cycle, both under light-dark conditions and in continuous darkness. Cells in all segments of the cell division cycle displayed a circadian rhythm in bioluminescence. These findings are incompatible with a mechanism for circadian oscillations that invokes cycling in Gq, an hypothesized side loop from G1. All morphological stages, not only division, appear to be phased by the circadian clock.


Protein Surface Dynamics: Interaction with Water and Small Solutes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous time resolved measurements had indicated that protons could propagate on the surface of a protein, or a membrane, by a special mechanism that enhances the shuttle of the proton towards a specific site [1]. It was proposed that a proper location of residues on the surface contributes to the proton shuttling function. In the present study, this notion was further investigated using molecular dynamics, with only the mobile charge replaced by Na+ and Cl ions. A molecular dynamics simulation of a small globular protein (the S6 of the bacterial ribosome) was carried out in the presence of explicit water molecules and four pairs of Na+ and Cl ions. A 10 ns simulation indicated that the ions and the protein's surface were in equilibrium, with rapid passage of the ions between the protein's surface and the bulk. Yet it was noted that, close to some domains, the ions extended their duration near the surface, suggesting that the local electrostatic potential prevented them from diffusing to the bulk. During the time frame in which the ions were detained next to the surface, they could rapidly shuttle between various attractor sites located under the electrostatic umbrella. Statistical analysis of molecular dynamics and electrostatic potential/entropy consideration indicated that the detainment state is an energetic compromise between attractive forces and entropy of dilution. The similarity between the motion of free ions next to a protein and the proton transfer on the protein's surface are discussed.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans produces extracellular vesicles containing a variety of cargo, including virulence factors. To become extracellular, these vesicles not only must be released from the plasma membrane but also must pass through the dense matrix of the cell wall. The greatest unknown in the area of fungal vesicles is the mechanism by which these vesicles are released to the extracellular space given the presence of the fungal cell wall. Here we used electron microscopy techniques to image the interactions of vesicles with the cell wall. Our goal was to define the ultrastructural morphology of the process to gain insights into the mechanisms involved. We describe single and multiple vesicle-leaving events, which we hypothesized were due to plasma membrane and multivesicular body vesicle origins, respectively. We further utilized melanized cells to “trap” vesicles and visualize those passing through the cell wall. Vesicle size differed depending on whether vesicles left the cytoplasm in single versus multiple release events. Furthermore, we analyzed different vesicle populations for vesicle dimensions and protein composition. Proteomic analysis tripled the number of proteins known to be associated with vesicles. Despite separation of vesicles into batches differing in size, we did not identify major differences in protein composition. In summary, our results indicate that vesicles are generated by more than one mechanism, that vesicles exit the cell by traversing the cell wall, and that vesicle populations exist as a continuum with regard to size and protein composition.  相似文献   

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