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Velva E. Rudd 《Brittonia》1981,33(3):435-440
Paramachaerium Ducke, a genus of neotropical trees, has been known hitherto from three species,P. schomburgkii (Guyana and Brazil),P. ormosioides (French Guiana and Brazil), andP. gruberi (Panamá). Two new species are herein described,P. krukovii (western Brazil) andP. schunkei (Peru).  相似文献   

This study puts together genetic data and an approximate bayesian computation (ABC) approach to infer the time at which the tree Geoffroea spinosa colonized the Galápagos Islands. The genetic diversity and differentiation between Peru and Galápagos population samples, estimated using three chloroplast spacers and six microsatellite loci, reveal significant differences between two mainland regions separated by the Andes mountains (Inter Andean vs. Pacific Coast) as well as a significant genetic differentiation of island populations. Microsatellites identify two distinct geographical clusters, the Galápagos and the mainland, and chloroplast markers show a private haplotype in the Galápagos. The nuclear distinctiveness of the Inter Andean populations suggests current restricted pollen flow, but chloroplast points to cross‐Andean dispersals via seeds, indicating that the Andes might not be an effective biogeographical barrier. The ABC analyses clearly point to the colonization of the Galápagos within the last 160 000 years and possibly as recently as 4750 years ago (475 generations). Founder events associated with colonization of the two islands where the species occurs are detected, with Española having been colonized after Floreana. We discuss two nonmutually exclusive possibilities for the colonization of the Galápagos, recent natural dispersal vs. human introduction.  相似文献   

Indole alkaloids, oxytrofalcatins A–F (16), together with five other known alkaloids (711), were isolated from the roots of Oxytropis falcata. Their structures were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic analyses, including using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. This is the first report of N-benzoylindoles from a natural source. Compounds 16 lacked significant cytotoxicity against SGC-7901 and HL-60 tumor cell lines.  相似文献   

A character analysis reveals a clearly intermediate position of the tetraploidV. persica (2n = 28) between the two diploid speciesV. polita andV. ceratocarpa (both 2n = 14) which are morphologically rather different and have been placed by several authors in different sections of the genus.V. ceratocarpa is native to subhumid deciduous forests of the Caucasus and of the Elburz mountains (N. Iran);V. polita has its centre of variation in the Elburz range where it grows in therophyte habitats. Three other closely related species,V. bungei, V. siaretensis, andV. francispetae, are endemic to the Elburz range which is the main centre of diversity and variability of theV. agrestis group. This comprises all the above mentioned species and also two more European weeds:V. agrestis andV. opaca. Veronica polita, was probably originally native to open places in deciduous mountain forests, before becoming a weed in neolithic times and migrating to Europe; nowadays it has an almost world-wide distribution. The allotetraploidV. persica combines the ecological characters of its parents, the slightly xerophyticV. polita and the more mesophyticV. ceratocarpa, thus being preadapted to become a highly successful weed with a large ecological range. It has spread rapidly almost all over the world since the early 19th century.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrKarl Heinz Rechinger on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics -  相似文献   

A review, outlining the origins and subsequent development of the triketone class of herbicidal 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors.  相似文献   

Ancestral Area Analysis of the Genus Caragara (Leguminosae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caragana has a temperate Asian distribution. Based on the phylogeny and 13 distributionalareas of this genus, its ancestral area was studied via the ancestral area analysis suggested by Bremer(1992), Ronquist (1994) and Hausdorf (1997). The results indicate that three areas, Far East-NortheastChina, Altai-Sayan and North China-Qinling Mountains (Mts) are likely the ancestral areas. Linking to theviewpoints of the Holarctic origin for north temperate flora, Far East-Northeast China seems more likely tobe the ancestral area. According to the three ancestral areas isolated geographically and the analysis inthe present study, as well as former biogeographical analysis of this genus, it is suggested that Caraganaspeciation is mainly in the mode of vicariance rather than dispersal, and dispersed is often in shortdistance.  相似文献   

Various bacterial isolates from enrichments with isopropylbenzene (cumene), toluene or phenol as carbon and energy sources were tested as to their potential to oxidize trichloroethene (TCE). In contrast to toluene and phenol, all isolates enriched on isopropylbenzene were able to oxidize TCE. Two isolates, strain JR1 and strain BD1, were identified as Pseudomonas spec. and as Rhodococcus erythropolis, respectively. TCE oxidation was accompanied by the liberation of stoichiometric amounts of chloride. Initial TCE oxidation rate increased proportional to the substrate concentration from 25 to 200 M TCE. Maximal initial TCE-degradation rates found here were 4 to 5 nmol · min-1 · mg protein-1. The TCE degradation rate decreased with time. The two isolates showed a temperature optimum for TCE degradation between 10 and 20 °C. In addition to TCE, R. erythropolis BD1 degraded only cis- and trans-dichloroethene whereas Pseudomonas spec. JR1 was able to oxidize also 1,1-dichloroethene, vinyl chloride, trichloroethane, and 1,2-dichloroethane.Abbrevations DMF dimethylformamide - TCE trichloroethene  相似文献   

An account on the reinvestigation of the old dye and medicinal plant Isatis tinctoria as an anti-inflammatory and current research on the active principles in woad is given. In a broad-based screening, a dichloromethane extract from the leaves displayed significant activities on several clinically relevant targets of inflammation. The cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory principle was identified with the aid of HPLC-based activity profiling as the alkaloid tryptanthrin. In cell based assays, tryptanthrin strongly inhibited eicosanoid synthesis catalyzed by cyclooxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase. A supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process was developed to replace the dichloromethane extract. Dichloromethane and carbon dioxide extracts showed in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in topical and oral application. With the aid of electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled skin microdialysis, tryptanthrin was found to penetrate the skin. The penetration from the extract was better than for the pure alkaloid. A screening of 67 woad samples of different geographic origin revealed up to 30-fold differences in tryptanthrin content in leaves. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary. Ventricaria ventricosa and its relatives have intrigued cell biologists and electrophysiologists for over a hundred years. Historically, electrophysiologists have regarded V. ventricosa as a large single plant cell with unusual characteristics including a small and positive vacuole-to-outside membrane potential difference. However, V. ventricosa has a coenocytic construction, with an alveolate cytoplasm interpenetrated by a complex vacuole containing sulphated polysaccharides. We present a theory relating the coenocytic structure to the unusual electrophysiology of V. ventricosa. The alveolate cytoplasm of V. ventricosa consists of a collective of uninucleate cytoplasmic domains interconnected by fine cytoplasmic strands containing microtubules. The cytoplasm is capable of disassociating into single cytoplasmic domains or aggregations of domains that can regenerate new coenocytes. The cytoplasmic domains are enclosed by outer (apical) and inner (basolateral) faces of a communal membrane with polarised K+-transporting functions, stabilised by microtubules and resembling a tissue such as a polarised epithelium. There is evidence for membrane trafficking through endocytosis and exocytosis and so plasmalemma and tonoplast do not have fixed identities. Intra- and extracellular polysaccharide mucilage has effects on electrophysiology through reducing the activity of water and through ion exchange. The vacuole-to-outside potential difference, at which the cell membrane conductance is maximal, reverses its sign from positive under hypertonic conditions to negative under hypotonic conditions. The marked mirror symmetry of the characteristics of current as a function of voltage and conductance as a function of voltage is interpreted as a feature of the communal membrane with polarised K+ transport. The complex inhomogeneous structure of the cytoplasm places in doubt previous measurements of cytoplasm-to-outside potential difference.Correspondence and reprints: UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, Department of Biophysics, School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.  相似文献   

Summary The vibrational sensitivity of awake pigeons was tested with the heart rate conditioning method. This method proved to be a very sensitive instrument for the behavioural measurement of the pigeon's sensitivity to mechanical stimuli.Sine wave vibrational stimuli between 50 and 2000 Hz were applied to the 1st, 7th and 16th primary feathers of the wing. The resulting threshold curves were U- or V-shaped with 3 characteristics: (i) The frequency of best response was either 800 or 900 Hz. (ii) Within the broad frequency range of vibrational sensitivity (50 to 2000 Hz) the sensitivity was extremely high at the best frequency: threshold amplitudes lay between 0.5 and 0.09 m. (iii) The threshold curves showed very sharp tuning at best frequency with bandwidths between 0.3 and 0.7 octaves (measured at best frequency 10fold above threshold). The functional meaning of the characteristic vibrational sensitivity of the wing for flight control is discussed; it is interpreted as an adaptation to special situations occurring during flight.Abbreviations CR conditioned response - CS conditioned stimulus - ECG electrocardiogram - HC(s) Herbst corpuscle(s) - UCS unconditioned stimulus All experiments were carried out at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Zoologie  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system (NS) of Bothriomolus balticus (Proseriata) was studied by the immunocytochemical (ICC) method with antisera to RFamide, SALMFamide and serotonin and with the histochemical GAIF method. The use of the ICC technique provided a much more precise morphological account of the nervous system than had previously been possible. The obtained data are discussed in connection with the comparative morphology of the nerve cords of the Plathelminthes. A similar position does not grant direct correspondence between nerve cords in the taxon Seriata. Marginal cords had probably an independent origin in the Monocelididae and Otoplanidae. The ventral (main) cords of B. balticus seem to correspond to the lateral (main) cords of the Monocelididae. It can be hypothesized that both: (1) a shift of the main cords accompanied by formation of new cords from the plexus and fusion of other cords and (2) a redistribution of nerve processes and perikarya between the cords, take part in the evolution of cords in the Plathelminthes. The first hypothesis seems to explain the difference in the position of main cords in proseriates, though, the second hypothesis might dominate, for example, in the Neorhabdocoela and the Neodermata. The correctness of the evolutionary analysis of the nerve cords in plathelminths can only be provided by neurons or neuron groups marking these structures.  相似文献   

Soil‐dwelling amphibians and reptiles are relatively poorly studied and understood. Difficulties in sampling these taxa in their subterranean habitats might impede assessments of their conservation status. We explore this issue with a case study of the burrowing scolecophidian snake Typhlops uluguruensis, endemic to the Uluguru Mountains in the Eastern Arc of Tanzania. Despite recent standard faunistic surveys, there have been no reported sightings or collections of T. uluguruensis since the type series of four specimens was collected in 1926. Intensive replacement of forest by agriculture in the vicinity of the type locality had led to concern about the conservation status of this and other species. We report the rediscovery of T. uluguruensis in low intensity agriculture adjacent to human habitation, and close to the type locality. We compare the new material with the type series, and discuss the implications of this rediscovery for conservation assessments of small, soil‐dwelling lower vertebrates. We advise caution in determining conservation status when, as is usually the case, no special sampling of the soil has been carried out. Additionally, relatively neglected disturbed habitats should also be given more attention. Standard sampling methods for soil‐dwelling vertebrates need to be further developed and established.  相似文献   

The present paper discusses the classification, distribution, systematic relationship and origin of the genus Euchresta Benn. Euchresta is distributed roughly in East and Southeast Asia. The Chinese name “Shan-dou-gen”(山豆根) first appeared in “The Medicinal Herbs of Sichuan “(蜀本草) in the Song Dynasty. Afterwards there were accounts of this name in “A Materia Medica of kaibao”(开宝本草), and “The Illustrated Classic Herbal”(图经本草) by Su Sung (苏颂). In the MingDynasty, “Shan-dou-gen” was adopted in “ Materia Medica with Commentaries” (本草纲目) by Li Shih-chen (李时珍)1and it has recorded for quite a long time until now. However, because the root of Euchresta japonica Hook. f. ex Regel. is a Chinese medicine used for detoxification, and relieving pain and pharyngitis, many medicinal plants, whose roots have the same effect, are also called “Shan-dou-gen” . They are Arcisia (Myrsinaceae), Cyclea, Pericampylus, Stephania, Menispermum (Menispermaceae), Helicteres (Sterculiaceae) , Beesia (Ranunculaceae) , Sarcococca (Buxaceae) , Sophora, Atylosia (Leguminosae), etc. However, the name should be used only for Euchresta japonica according to the Chinese botanical literature. The genus was established by J. J. Bennett in 1838, based on Andira horsfieldii Lesch. (1810) ( =E. horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn.) from Java, It was classified in the subtribe Geoffroeeae of the tribe Dalbergieae by Bentham (1860) and Bentham et Hooker (1865). There were two species then, i. e. E. horsfieldii and E. japonica. In 1970-1978, H. Ohashi and his co-workers published a series of outstanding works on Euchresta, in which H. Ohashi established a new tribe-Euchresteae Ohashi, that contains only one genus-Euchresta, and suggested a clearly close relationship between the genus under study and the tribe Sophoreae, especially Sophora, and also considered that the ancient group of Euchresta was in between New Guinea and Australia and extended northwestwards to islands and the continent of Asia. He described 4 species and reduced two species, i. e. E. trifoliolata Merr. (1922) from Guangdong, China (=E. japonica) and E. strigillosa C. Y. Wu. Wen (1984) published E. longiracemosa S. Lee et H. Q. Wen ex H. Q. Wen from Guangxi, China, as new. Five species are included so far in this genus. This paper reports 4 species and 3 varieties: i. e. E. japonica, E. horsfieldii, E. horsfieldii var. laotica, E. formosana, E. tubulosa, E. tubulosa var. longiracemosa, and E. tubulosa var. brevituba, which are grouped into two sections (Fig. 3). i. e. Sect. Euchrestae and Sect. Tubulosae. Sect. I. Euchrestae without a long tube at the base of calyx, comprises 3 species, 1 variety and is distributed in southern Honshu of Japan, southern Yunnan of China, northern Indochina Peninsula, and Java of Indonesia. The section forms three discontinuous distribution patterns: 1) E. japonica is of Sino-Japanese discontinuous distribution; 2) E. horsfieldii is of Himalayas-Indochina-Java discontinuous distribution; 3) E. formosana is of Taiwan-Ryukyu-Philippines discontinuous distribution (Fig. 2). From what has been stated above, this section may be the primitive group, of which E. horsfieldii and E. formosana have evolved from E. japonica. Sect. II, Tubulosae, with a long tube at the base of calyx, comprises 1 species, 2 varieties and forms an island disjunction with its centre in Hubei, Hunan and Sichuan of China. The two sections are considered to have stemed from the same extinct primitive group and developed along different directions, with the distribution centre in Central and South China (Fig. 3) There are many opinions on the systematic position of Euchresta. Bentham and Hooker (1865) placed it in the tribe Dalbergieae. Baker ( 1878), Nakai (1940) and Hutchinson (1964) holded Bentham and Hooker’s opinion, while Nakai (1940) established a subtribe, Euchrestinae Nakai, and considered Euchresta related to Mullera Linn. F. and Andira A. L. Juss. According to the morphological, cytological and biochemical data, Ohashi (1970-1978) clearly suggested a close relationship between the tribe Euchresteae and the tribe Sophoreae, which are different from the genera in the tribe Geoffroeeae as well as the tribe Dalbergieae (s. l.). He also recognized the similarity between Euchresta and Sophora, especially S. bhutanica and its allied species. Polhill and Raven (1981) holded Ohashi’s opinion, but the relationship of the tribe Euchresteae was put between the tribe Crotararieae and the tribe Thermopsideae hermopsideae, far from the tribe Sophoreae. We agree with Ohashi, but we think that Euchresta is most closely related to the genus Maackia, especially judged from the chromosomal number and the chemical composition, which is in accordance with M. Tenuifolia (Hemsl.) Hand. -Mazz. ( Mizuno et al. 1990). Therefere, the relationship of Euchresta with its allied genera is suggested as in Fig. 4. Based on the habitat and distributional area of Euchresta, it is inferred that its ancestor was a member of the Tertiary-paleotropical mountain forest flora and then distributed in the whole forest region. It is considered that the genus originated in Cathaysia. The distributional area of Euchresta lies in the area west of “Wallace’s Line”, a famous biogeographic line. Many botanists and zoologists have discussed this line, but they have also proposed many modified biogeographic lines for this area (Brown and Gibson 1983) e. g. “Huxley’s line” (including modifications); “Sclater’s line”(1858); “Weber’s line” (1902); “Lydekker’s line”; Merrill’s line” (1923) etc., (Fig. 2), of which “Wallace’s Lin” and “Lydekker’s line” are accepted by many zoogeographers. However, Schuster (1972) expounded “Wallace’s line”based on more pieces of evidence from geology, zoography, and distribution of land plants (including Hepaticae, Conifers, and Angiospermae). Thus Schuster stated: (1) The narrow channel between the Australian bloc and Eurasian one was still an effective barrier for many groups of organisms as recently as 10-15 m. y. ago. (2)The amount of movement-or transgression-across this barrier varies from group to group. Organisms -presumably “modern” and “successful”-with strong powers of movement have transgressed to a larger extent than taxa belonging to old, “senescent”and (usually) stenotypic groups. Thus it can be said that Euchresta is an age-older group and distributed only in the area west of “Wallace’s Line”. It is also known from the information of paleogeography and paleobiogeography: up to about 50 m. y. ago Australia and New Guinea moved progressively northward from warm temparate into the tropics, crossing the Tropic of Capricorn at about the beginning of the Miocene (25 m. y.), and coming into more or less direct contact with the proto-Indonesian at the middle Miocene (-15m. y.) (Axelrod & Raven, 1982). At that time, Euchresta was only distributed in Asia (including Philippines and Java) and formed the present dispersal-patterns, but it has never reached New Guinea and Australia (i. e. southeast of“Wallace’s Line”, because New Guinea and Australia plates were still on the way northward. Therefore, we think that the original place of Euchresta could not lines between New Guinea and Australia, and thus the actual significance of “Wallace’s Line” is not only a demarcation line between Laurasia and Gondwanaland but also a demarcation line between the Laurasia Flora and the Gondwana Flora for Asia and Australia.  相似文献   

The sublethal toxic potency of malathion in inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity of brain, muscle, gill and liver tissues of the fish,Tilapia mossambica was studied at 12 h intervals. Maximum in hibition at 36 and 48 h, and complete revival of acetylcholinesterase activity after 72 h was noticed, suggestive of the loss of inhibition of the enzyme activity was probably by suitable (acetylcholine) accumulation.  相似文献   

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