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Candida utilis was grown on a pineapple cannery effluent in a chemostat at dilution rates ranging between 0.05 and 0.65 h–1 to establish optimal conditions for biomass production and chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction. Sucrose, fructose and glucose were the main sugars in the effluent. Maximum value for cell yield coefficient and productivity were (0.686, gx/gs) and (2.96, gx/l/h) at a dilution rate of 0.425 and 0.475 h–1, respectively, while maximum COD reduction (98%) was attained at a dilution rate of 0.1 h–1. The maintenance coefficient attained a value of (0.093, gs/gx/h). An increase in dilution rate produced a higher protein content of the biomass.  相似文献   

The influence of glucose concentration in nutrient media on the specific growth rate and biomass yield in the course of continuous fermentation ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. An increase of glucose content in media decreased the specific growth rate and the biomass yield. Glucose concentration had significant effects on protein and phosphate contents of cells. However, an increased glucose concentration increased the fermentative power ofS. cerevisiae (SJA-method). An increase of the dilution rate decreased the cell concentration in the fermentor. Specific growth rate approached the values of the dilution rate. The best agreement has been obtained at a dilution rate of 0.20/h. This dilution rate proved to be most convenient for the investigated microorganism and cultivation conditions (media composition, pH, aeration intensity and temperature). Biomass yield proved to be decreased by an increase of the dilution rate.  相似文献   

The physiology of a commercial strain of bakers' yeast was studied in terms of the cell composition under different growth conditions and of its response to stress. The study comprised fed-batch experiments since this is the system used in bakers' yeast industry. The classical fed-batch fermentation procedure was modified in that the yeast cells were continuously grown to a steady-state at a dilution rate of 0.1/h in order to achieve more or less the same initial starting point in terms of cell composition. This steady-state culture was then switched to fed-batch concomitantly with exposure to stress. The highest amount of trehalose accumulation was achieved when nutrient depletion and heat stress were applied concomitantly. The highest amount of trehalose, 12%, was attained in cells stressed by both nitrogen depletion and heat stress. The protein content remained constant, although with some oscillations, at a value of 30% throughout this dual stress experiment.  相似文献   

The cryotolerance in frozen doughs and in water suspensions of bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) previously grown under various industrial conditions was evaluated on a laboratory scale. Fed-batch cultures were very superior to batch cultures, and strong aeration enhanced cryoresistance in both cases for freezing rates of 1 to 56 degrees C min. Loss of cell viability in frozen dough or water was related to the duration of the dissolved-oxygen deficit during fed-batch growth. Strongly aerobic fed-batch cultures grown at a reduced average specific rate (mu = 0.088 h compared with 0.117 h) also showed greater trehalose synthesis and improved frozen-dough stability. Insufficient aeration (dissolved-oxygen deficit) and lower growth temperature (20 degrees C instead of 30 degrees C) decreased both fed-batch-grown yeast cryoresistance and trehalose content. Although trehalose had a cryoprotective effect in S. cerevisiae, its effect was neutralized by even a momentary lack of excess dissolved oxygen in the fed-batch growth medium.  相似文献   

Microalgae have been used to remove nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from brewery wastewater (BWW). The microalga Scenedesmus obliquus was grown on BWW, using bubble column photobioreactors that operated under batch and continuous regimes. For the first time, the cell physiological status cell membrane integrity and enzymatic activity was monitored during the microalgae based BWW treatment, using flow cytometry. All the cultivations batch and continuous displayed a proportion of cells with intact membrane >?87%, although the continuous cultivations displayed a lower proportion of cells with enzymatic activity (20–40%) than the batch cultivations (97%). The dilution rate of 0.26 day?1 was the most favorable condition, since the microalgae cultivation attained the maximum biomass productivity (0.2 g ash-free dry weight day?1) and the total nitrogen and COD removal rates were the highest (97 and 74%, respectively), while the phosphorous removal rate was the third (23%).  相似文献   

Summary A test system was set up where the build-up of a biofilm on a defined surface could be studied in a carbon source limited chemostat.The attachment of P. putida ATCC 11172 to glass when growing on L-asparagine was studied at different dilution rates (specific growth rates) from 0.1 to 1.5 h–1 The number of attached colony forming units (cfu) increased with dilution rate from 1×106 cfu/cm2 at 0.1 h–1 to 4×107 cfu/cm2 at 1.0 h–1 and then the attachment decreased to about 6×106 cfu/cm2 at higher dilution rates (1.1–1.5 h–1). The number of attached cfu was measured after 24 h exposure. The value of the maximum specific growth rate in batch culture was 0.6 h–1.The total amount of attached cell-mass followed roughly the same pattern as the viable count.The viable count of the cells suspended in the growth medium showed its lowest value at the same dilution rate as resulted in maximum adhesion.It was shown that the effect of growth rate on the biofilm build-up of P. putida is significant, and ought to be borne in mind when continuous culture systems are set up and results evaluated.  相似文献   

The effect of 0.1-5 mM misonidazole and SR 2508 on hypoxic V79 cellular survival at acute (498 cGy/min) and low (890 and 933 cGy/h) irradiation dose rates was measured and compared. The experiments were designed to delineate the oxygen mimetic phenomenon and the preincubation effect of these chemicals at these dose rates. Linear regression analysis of the survival data in terms of the linear quadratic model yielded values of alpha and beta. In the absence of drug, the linear coefficient was independent of dose rate, whereas the quadratic term was greatly reduced at low dose rate. At all dose rates, the preincubation effect affected primarily the alpha term, with little influence on beta. In contrast, the oxygen mimetic phenomenon predominantly affected the beta term. Overall, the radiosensitizing ability of these drugs was higher at low dose rate than at acute dose rate.  相似文献   

Accumulation of trehalose has been implicated in the tolerance of yeast cells to several forms of stress, including heat-shock and high ethanol levels. However, yeast lacking trehalase, the enzyme that degrades trehalose, exhibit poor survival after exposure to stress conditions. This suggests that optimal cell viability also depends on the capacity to rapidly degrade the high levels of trehalose that build up under stress. Here, we initially examined the effects of trehalose on the activity of an important antioxidant enzyme, glutathione reductase (GR), from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At 25 degrees C, GR was inhibited by trehalose in a dose-dependent manner, with 70% inhibition at 1.5M trehalose. The inhibition was practically abolished at 40 degrees C, a temperature that induces a physiological response of trehalose accumulation in yeast. The inhibition of GR by trehalose was additive to the inhibition caused by ethanol, indicating that enzyme function is drastically affected upon ethanol-induced stress. Moreover, two other yeast enzymes, cytosolic pyrophosphatase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, showed temperature dependences on inhibition by trehalose that were similar to the temperature dependence of GR inhibition. These results are discussed in terms of the apparent paradox represented by the induction of enzymes involved in both synthesis and degradation of trehalose under stress, and suggest that the persistence of high levels of trehalose after recovery from stress could lead to the inactivation of important yeast enzymes.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was grown in glucose-limited medium in a steady-state continuous flow reactor. Changes in mean cell protein and RNA contents with growth rate are consistent with earlier observations under different conditions. Flow microfluorometry measurements of the frequency functions of DNA at different dilution rates show changes in coordination of DNA synthesis and cell separation. Shifting from batch growth to small dilution rates results in unusual cell aggregation which leads to multiple steady states at identical operating conditions.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been grown with different generation times by alterations in media richness and by altering the flow rate of the limiting nutrient, glucose in a chemostat. Within the generation time range 2.89-approx. 8.0 h the time from the initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division was independent of generation time and was approx. 2 h. Thus the cell cycle of yeast can be divided into an expandable phase from cell division to the initiation of DNA synthesis, the length of which is dependent on growth rate and a constant phase from the initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division which takes a constant time independent of generation time. In cells growing with generation times longer than 8.6 h this constant phase expands somewhat in time. These results are reminiscent of the observation that in the bacterium Escherichia coliB/R the time from initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division is constant except at very slow growth rates.  相似文献   

An acidic fraction of bakers' yeast mannan, WAM025, showed a significant protective effect against Candida albicans infection in mice, but a neutral fraction of the same bakers' yeast mannan, WNM, did not exhibit this effect. Moreover, pretreatment with WAM025 resulted in a marked reduction of proliferation of C. albicans cells in the organs of the infected mice. We investigated the stimulative effect of these mannan fractions on the function of mouse peritoneal phagocytes, and found that mice administered WAM025 showed a greater increase in the number of peritoneal exudate cells, macrophages and polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN), than the mice treated with WNM, especially in the proportion of PMN. Peritoneal phagocytes, PMN and macrophages obtained from WAM025-treated mice showed marked candidacidal activity. Of the phagocytes, PMN were responsible for the larger part of the candidacidal activity. The myeloperoxidase activities of PMN and macrophages in WAM025-treated PEC were greater than in untreated macrophages. The myeloperoxidase activity of WAM025-treated PMN was significantly greater than that of WAM025-treated macrophages. This activity paralleled the active oxygen-releasing activity of the phagocytes. On the other hand, the phagocytic activity of phagocytes from mice administered WNM or WAM025 for C. albicans cells was identical to that of untreated phagocytes. WAM025 seems to cause enhance elimination of the pathogen from mice, by increasing the number and candidacidal activity of phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

An increase of biotin concentration in nutrient media increased the content of protein, phosphorus, total ribonucleic acids, activity of pyruvate carboxylase and isocitrate lyase in cells and decreased the content of trehalose, glycogen and respiratory quotient of yeast cells in the course of continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Candida albicans yeast cells growing exponentially on glucose are extremely sensitive to severe heat shock treatments (52.5°C for 5 min). When these cultures were subjected to a mild temperature preincubation (42°C), they became thermotolerant and displayed higher resistance to further heat stress. The intracellular content of trehalose was very low in exponential cells, but underwent a marked increase upon non-lethal heat exposure. The accumulation of trehalose is likely due to heat-induced activation of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase complex, whereas the external trehalase remained practically unmodified. After a temperature reversion shift (from 42°C to 28°C), the pool of trehalose was rapidly mobilized without any concomitant change in trehalase activity. These results support an important role of trehalose in the mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in C. albicans and seem to exclude the external trehalase as a key enzyme in this process.  相似文献   

The role of ergosterol in yeast stress tolerance, together with heat shock proteins (hsps) and trehalose, was examined in a sterol auxotrophic mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ergosterol levels paralleled viability data, with cells containing higher levels of the sterol exhibiting greater tolerances to heat and ethanol. Although the mutant synthesised hsps and accumulated trehalose upon heat shock to the same levels as the wild-type cells, these parameters did not relate to stress tolerance. These results indicate that the role of ergosterol in stress tolerance is independent of hsps or trehalose.  相似文献   

Previously, the degree of mixing was not felt to be an important consideration in fermentor design. In this study on the continuous propagation of Baker's yeast, it was found that at low dilution rates, i.e., 0.02hr?1, the degree of mixing achieved does effect the cell yield. At low dilution rates, appreciable quantities of sugar can be utilized for endogenous respiration in comparison to that utilized for making cell mass. Poor distribution of the sugar aggravates the balance of sugar utilized for each process. Yields at these low dilution rates can be improved to a limited extent by using a multiple feed-distribution system and better mixing.  相似文献   

Apiotrichum curvatum ATCC 20509, an oleaginous yeast that can accumulate up to 60% of its cellular dry weight as intracellular lipid when grown with excess carbon, was grown in nitrogen-limited, balanced, and lactose-free medium with asparagine as nitrogen source and lactose as carbon source. Biomass and lipid accumulation were measured, cell composition was analyzed, and catalase activity was followed as marker enzyme for peroxisomes. The organism accumulated 54% of its dry weight as total cellular lipid when grown under nitrogen limitation and accumulated only 20-25% of its dry weight as lipid when grown in balanced medium. When starved for carbon, cells utilized endogenous lipid and carbohydrate as carbon and energy sources; the intracellular contents of lipid and carbohydrate decreased by 31 and 26%, respectively. Intracellular carbohydrates also seemed to be used as intermediates for lipid accumulation and lipid turnover. Catalase activity was strongly induced (over 10-fold increase in specific activity) when cells metabolized endogenous lipid. The lipid content of cells was inversely related to catalase activity and to intracellular protein or total nitrogen content. Lipid content showed no correlation with intracellular carbohydrate content.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of U. victoris cell lines obtained from the same bulb and cultured for a long time on different agar-solidified and liquid nutrient media differed significantly. The components of the nutrient media including phytohormones did not influence the ratio of cells with different ploidy levels in various lines while transfer of the calluses to the liquid media resulted in the increase of diploid metaphase frequencies.  相似文献   

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