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有髓鞘神经纤维冲动传导的计算机模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析电压箝位法大量实验结果的基础上,Hodgkin 和 Huxley 提出了乌贼大神经可兴奋膜的数学模型。此后,很多工作表明这个模型能够模拟无髓鞘神经的兴奋与传导。在这个模型的基础上,Fitzhugh 结合有髓鞘神经纤维的电缆特性,首先利用计算机描述了有髓鞘神经的跳跃传导现象。后来,Goldman 和 Albus 用 Frankenha-user 和 Huxley 提出的朗氏节膜方程,重新计算了有髓鞘神经纤维上的传导现象,表明传导速度与纤维直径成正比。关于温度、溶液中 Na 离子浓度、髓鞘厚度等对兴奋传  相似文献   

伪狂犬病毒对神经系统的传导具有跨突触传导、自我复制和宿主范围广等特性,自20世纪70年代起,便开始运用于神经解剖学研究领域。四十年的应用实践使伪狂犬病毒神经传导有了许多新的进展,无论是在病毒神经传导机理上,还是在传导应用中。伪狂犬病毒神经传导机理,着重于阐释病毒对初级神经细胞的侵染过程和对次级神经细胞的传导方向;传导应用则着重于探索新的神经传导毒株和对病毒传导技术进行革新。目前,伪狂犬病毒神经传导理论和应用尚有许多未知的领域需要研究,结合分子生物学技术的探索会使神经传导研究事半功倍。  相似文献   

心电场是由心肌的电活动产生的。心肌细胞的电特性及心肌细胞间的传导关系决定了体表电位的分布及心电图的变化。心肌电兴奋传导速度则是影响心肌间兴奋传导关系的重要参数之一。由于很难通过实验方法来人为改变电兴奋传导速度,因而临床上有关该参数对心律影响的定量知识相当缺乏。本文采用真实三雏躯干模型及心脏模型,对心肌电兴奋传导速度与心律变化的关系进行定量仿真研究。结果表明,兴奋传导速度决定了整个心电图的变化,而局部普通心肌的传导速度在相当范围内变化似乎对心电图影响不明显,但传导速度超过一定范围后可能产生突变。  相似文献   

心脏虽然接受神经支配,但切断神经的心脏或离体心脏在适宜条件下仍能搏动,这是因为心脏是具有自动节律性的器官。这种自动节律性是从何种结构起源的,产生的机制如何?节律性兴奋产生后是怎样在心肌中传播的?无数心肌细胞为什么能够作为一个整体实现同步收缩?要回答这些问题就要涉及到心脏起搏传导系统的结构与功能。  相似文献   

感觉、运动或自主神经系统的异常病理活动与疼痛和痉挛等多种神经机能障碍有关。千频交流电(kilohertz frequency alternating current,KHFAC)刺激是一种阻断异常病理活动在外周神经内传导的有效方法,它在缓解相关神经机能障碍方面具有临床应用潜力。KHFAC产生的神经传导阻断受千频信号波形和参数、阻断电极设置和位置以及神经纤维类型和直径等因素影响,具有快速性、可控性、可逆性、局部作用和副作用小的特点。但是,在产生完全传导阻断前,KHFAC首先在靶向神经上激活一簇高频初始放电,这种初始响应可能导致肌肉抽搐或疼痛感。同时,在撤去KHFAC后处于阻断状态的靶向神经需要经历一段时间才能恢复正常传导能力,这是该技术导致的后续效应。目前,关于KHFAC阻断神经传导的生物物理机制假说包括千频信号诱发K+通道激活和Na+通道失活。本文首先介绍了KHFAC技术的电生理实验研究方法和计算模型仿真方法,然后综述目前关于KHFAC作用下神经传导阻断的研究进展,重点论述初始响应特性及消除方法、传导阻断的后续效应、刺激波形和参数的影响、电极设置与位置的影响以及该技术潜在的临床应用,同时归纳KHFAC阻断神经传导的生物物理机制,最后对该技术未来的相关研究进行展望。  相似文献   

肿瘤坏死因子信号传导的分子机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor,TNF)是一种具有多种生物学效应的细胞因子,其生物学效应包括促进细胞生长、分化、凋亡及炎症诱发等.TNF的生物学效应都是通过细胞表面的两种TNF受体引发的.TNF的信号传导通路主要包括细胞凋亡及转录因子NF-kB和JNK蛋白激酶的激活.这3条信号传导通路之间及各通路内部含有各种调节机制,使TNF的各种生物学功能协调发挥出来.从1994年到现在,对肿瘤坏死因子信号传导通路的分子机理研究取得了一系列突破性进展,在细胞信号传导研究领域中树立了成功的典范.  相似文献   

目的:探讨糖尿病痛性周围神经病的神经传导特点及神经传导速度在糖尿病痛性周围神经病中的诊断价值.方法:对18例痛性周围神经病患者进行病史采集及神经系统查体.采用肌电诱发电位仪,测定患者的正中神经、尺神经、胫神经、腓总神经及腓肠神经的运动感觉神经传导速度.结果:18例患者中男性13例,女性5例.年龄40-89岁.主要表现为双足烧灼样、针刺样、过电样疼痛.神经系统查体:针刺觉减弱7例,痛觉过敏3例,音叉震动觉减弱12例,跟腱反射减弱/消失15例.18例患者中有14例神经传导速度检查结果异常,腓肠神经感觉神经检查结果异常率高,83.3%,对诊断有帮助.结论:糖尿病痛性周围神经病变出现疼痛症状时已经存在大纤维受累,故神经传导速度异常阳性率高.神经传导速度不能早期发现糖尿病痛性周围神经病,探索一种简单易行的早期筛查方法意义重大.  相似文献   

两栖类胚胎表皮细胞的传导能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾弥白 《生命科学》1997,9(5):193-196,199
两栖类胚胎表皮细胞在胚胎发育的一定时期具有传导能力。叙述了胚胎表皮细胞传导的性质、胚胎表皮细胞间兴奋传导的结构基础以及胚胎早期兴奋传导的通路,并提出了有待进一步探索的问题。  相似文献   

α疱疹病毒经过长期的进化与宿主形成了良好的相互适应关系。其中部分α疱疹病毒具有典型的嗜神经特性,受到广泛的关注和深入的研究。嗜神经性α疱疹病毒能突破宿主屏障而感染神经元,并在其胞体内大量繁殖进而完成进一步的扩散或在胞体中建立潜伏感染。病毒无论是感染神经元还是在进一步扩散的过程中都会经历沿轴突或树突的传导过程,所以此过程是病毒生命周期中不可或缺的一部分,同时也是影响病毒入侵神经系统的关键因素。对嗜神经性α疱疹病毒在神经元内传导过程的研究不仅能深入地了解病毒,而且还能针对性地研发相应的疫苗或靶向性治疗药物,同时还可利用其神经嗜性将病毒作为解析神经环路的有力工具。文中主要对α疱疹病毒在轴突中的传导机制进行了综述,并提出病毒在轴突中传导的研究发展方向和应用价值,可为防控α疱疹病毒感染提供参考。  相似文献   

活性氧信号传导作用的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
活性氧的信号传导作用已经为大量研究结果所证实,氧化还原修饰靶分子是其信号传导的主要机制.活性氧的信号传导作用几乎与所有已知的信号传导途径相关,蛋白酪氨酸激酶、蛋白激酶C、分裂刺激因子激活的蛋白激酶、转录因子NF-κB、AP-1及Ca2+、环鸟酸苷等信号分子都参与活性氧的信号传导作用.但是,有关活性氧信号传导作用还有许多问题有待阐明.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(18):3499-3507
It has been demonstrated experimentally that slow and fast conduction waves with distinct conduction velocities can occur in the same nerve system depending on the strength or the form of the stimulus, which give rise to two modes of nerve functions. However, the mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In this study, we use computer simulations of the cable equation with modified Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics and analytical solutions of a simplified model to show that stimulus-dependent slow and fast waves recapitulating the experimental observations can occur in the cable, which are the two stable conduction states of a bistable conduction behavior. The bistable conduction is caused by a positive feedback loop of the wavefront upstroke speed, mediated by the sodium channel inactivation properties. Although the occurrence of bistable conduction only requires the presence of the sodium current, adding a calcium current to the model further promotes bistable conduction by potentiating the slow wave. We also show that the bistable conduction is robust, occurring for sodium and calcium activation thresholds well within the experimentally determined ones of the known sodium and calcium channel families. Since bistable conduction can occur in the cable equation of Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics with a single inward current, i.e., the sodium current, it can be a generic mechanism applicable to stimulus-dependent fast and slow conduction not only in the nerve systems but also in other electrically excitable systems, such as cardiac muscles.  相似文献   

A general solution of the formal nerve conduction problem is given. As illustrations of the general method, the capacitative single-factor and the non-capacitative Lapicque problems are solved. Comparisons between velocity formulae for capacitative and non-capacitative models indicate that previously determined non-capacitative velocities are considerably too high.  相似文献   

Conduction of an impulse in the nonmyelinated nerve fiber is treated quantitatively by considering it as a direct consequence of the coexistence of two structurally distinct regions, resting and active, in the fiber. The profile of the electrical potential change induced in the vicinity of the boundary between the two regions is analyzed by using the cable equations. Simple mathematical formulae relating the conduction velocity to the electrical parameters of the fiber are derived from the symmetry of the potential profile at the boundary. The factors that determine the conduction velocity in the myelinated nerve fiber are reexamined.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse electric resistivity at different ambient temperatures between 300 to 20K in the frog sciatic nerve and salmon sperm DNA. When the electrical contacts were leaned just into the sciatic nerve, an increase of the sciatic nerve resistivity was observed for 240 K < T < 300 K and a rise of electrical conductivity was apparent below 240 K. This dependence is generally associated with a semiconductor behaviour. Once the sciatic nerve temperature was driven below 250K, the resistivity abruptly decreased and then at temperatures lower than 234 K, it remained constant and close to one tenth of its ambient temperature value. By contrast, when the electrical contacts were leaned into Salmon sperm DNA, the resistivity remained constant between 300K to 20K, showing a high electrical stability at low temperature. Thus, we report the existence of a new form of electric conductivity in the sciatic nerve at low ambient temperature, which in turn has many electric similarities with inorganic or organic superconductors, whereas temperature failed to alter DNA electrical properties until 20K.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose that the physical behavior of the electric dipoles at the membraneinterface is mainly responsible for the observed phenomena in nerve excitation and conduction. The underlying molecular mechanisms are conceived to be dipole reorientation, relaxation and flip-flops. It is suggested that quantum transitions of electric dipoles and a few first principles provide a real physical basis for the neural behavior as manifested macroscopically. This dipole theory gains a strong support from the most recent discoveries of negative fixed surface charge on axon membranes, infrared emission from stimulated nerve and the birefringence change which coincided with the action potential in squid axon. It can also offer an explanation for the heat production and absorption in excited nerves. A brief discussion will be given to the memory mechanism in terms of the field-dipole interaction during the RNA synthesis in nerve cells. Visiting the Research Institute of Electronics, Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Formosa (Taiwan), September 1, 1968–June 1, 1969.  相似文献   

In the current communication, we characterized supraphysiologic elongations that elicited short-term nerve dysfunction. This was accomplished by assessing the electrophysiology of guinea pig tibial and peroneal nerves at predetermined elongation magnitudes. Results showed that a longitudinal supraphysiological stretch of lambda = 1.05 caused a 16% reduction in the mean compound action potential (CAP) amplitude. Upon relaxation to physiologic length, a full recovery in the CAP was observed. At lambda = 1.10, the CAP decreased by 50% with an 88% recovery after relaxation. For a supraphysiologic stretch of lambda = 1.20, severe conduction block with minimal acute recovery was observed. Latency also increased during periods of stretch and was proportional to the stretch magnitude. Additional studies showed some electrophysiological recovery during the sustained stretch phase. This attribute may be related to internal stress relaxation mechanisms. Since whole nerve elongations are averaged global deformations, we also used an incremental digital image correlation (DIC) technique to characterize the strain at the micro-tissue level. The DIC analysis revealed considerable heterogeneity in the planar strain field, with some regions exhibiting strains above the macroscale stretch. This non-uniformity in the strain map arises from structural inconsistencies of the nerve and we presume that zones of high local strain may translate into the observed conduction deficits.  相似文献   

Using an electrical model to represent certain features of a nerve fiber together with a one-factor theory of excitation, an expression is obtained for the velocity of propagation of a nerve impulse along a nerve fiber exhibiting saltatory transmission. The velocity shows a maximum with respect to internodal length. A critical internodal length, a critical radius, and a critical value for the resistance of the external medium are required in order to make transmission of the impulse possible.  相似文献   

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