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The network of actin filaments is one of the crucial cytoskeletal structures contributing to the morphological framework of a cell and which participates in the dynamic regulation of cellular functions. In adherent cell types, cells adhere to the substratum during interphase and spread to assume their characteristic shape supported by the actin cytoskeleton. This actin cytoskeleton is reorganized during mitosis to form rounded cells with increased cortical rigidity. The actin cytoskeleton is re-established after mitosis, allowing cells to regain their extended shape and attachment to the substratum. The modulation of such drastic changes in cell shape in coordination with cell cycle progression suggests a tight regulatory interaction between cytoskeleton signalling, cell–cell/cell–matrix adhesions and mitotic events. Here, we review the contribution of the actin cytoskeleton to cell cycle progression with an emphasis on the effectors responsible for the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and integration of their activities with the cell cycle machinery.  相似文献   

Before successful fertilization can occur, oocytes must undergo meiotic maturation. In starfish, this can be achieved in vitro by applying 1-methyladenine (1-MA). The immediate response to 1-MA is the fast Ca2+ release in the cell cortex. Here, we show that this Ca2+ wave always initiates in the vegetal hemisphere and propagates through the cortex, which is the space immediately under the plasma membrane. We have observed that alteration of the cortical actin cytoskeleton by latrunculin-A and jasplakinolide can potently affect the Ca2+ waves triggered by 1-MA. This indicates that the cortical actin cytoskeleton modulates Ca2+ release during meiotic maturation. The Ca2+ wave was inhibited by the classical antagonists of the InsP3-linked Ca2+ signaling pathway, U73122 and heparin. To our surprise, however, these two inhibitors induced remarkable actin hyper-polymerization in the cell cortex, suggesting that their inhibitory effect on Ca2+ release may be attributed to the perturbation of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. In post-meiotic eggs, U73122 and jasplakinolide blocked the elevation of the vitelline layer by uncaged InsP3, despite the massive release of Ca2+, implying that exocytosis of the cortical granules requires not only a Ca2+ rise, but also regulation of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. Our results suggest that the cortical actin cytoskeleton of starfish oocytes plays critical roles both in generating Ca2+ signals and in regulating cortical granule exocytosis.  相似文献   

Mechanical forces can regulate various functions in living cells. The cytoskeleton is a crucial element for the transduction of forces in cell-internal signals and subsequent biological responses. Accordingly, many studies in cellular biomechanics have been focused on the role of the contractile acto-myosin system in such processes. A widely used method to observe the dynamic actin network in living cells is the transgenic expression of fluorescent proteins fused to actin. However, adverse effects of GFP-actin fusion proteins on cell spreading, migration and cell adhesion strength have been reported. These shortcomings were shown to be partly overcome by fusions of actin binding peptides to fluorescent proteins. Nevertheless, it is not understood whether direct labeling by actin fusion proteins or indirect labeling via these chimaeras alters biomechanical responses of cells and the cytoskeleton to forces. We investigated the dynamic reorganization of actin stress fibers in cells under cyclic mechanical loading by transiently expressing either egfp-Lifeact or eyfp-actin in rat embryonic fibroblasts and observing them by means of live cell microscopy. Our results demonstrate that mechanically-induced actin stress fiber reorganization exhibits very different kinetics in EYFP-actin cells and EGFP-Lifeact cells, the latter showing a remarkable agreement with the reorganization kinetics of non-transfected cells under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

生长素参与植物生长发育的各个阶段,如胚胎发生、发育,营养器官发生与形态建成,极性与轴向的建立,维管组织分化,生殖器官的发育等。虽然生长素在植物的各组织器官和细胞中发挥着重要的作用,植物内源生长素的生物合成却是在特异的组织——细胞快速分裂的幼嫩组织中完成的,然后通过韧皮部或受严格控制的细胞—细胞运输系统运送至植物各个部分。生长素的极性运输导致其积累在某些局部组织和细胞内,形成特定梯度分布。生长素对植物生长发育众多方面的调节正是依赖于这一特性。该文综述了近年来有关植物生长发育过程中生长素浓度梯度的形成和相应的生理功能,以及细胞骨架中的微丝参与调控生长素极性运输的研究工作。  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) switching between differentiated and dedifferentiated phenotypes is reversible and accompanied by morphological and functional alterations that require reconfiguration of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion networks. Studies attempting to explore changes in overall composition of the adhesion nexus during SMC phenotype transition are lacking. We have previously demonstrated that T-cadherin knockdown enforces SMC differentiation, whereas T-cadherin upregulation promotes SMC dedifferentiation. This study used human aortic SMCs ectopically modified with respect to T-cadherin expression to characterize phenotype-associated cell-matrix adhesion molecule expression, focal adhesions configuration and migration modes. Compared with dedifferentiated/migratory SMCs (expressing T-cadherin), the differentiated/contractile SMCs (T-cadherin-deficient) exhibited increased adhesion to several extracellular matrix substrata, decreased expression of several integrins, matrix metalloproteinases and collagens, and also distinct focal adhesion, adherens junction and intracellular tension network configurations. Differentiated and dedifferentiated phenotypes displayed distinct migrational velocity and directional persistence. The restricted migration efficiency of the differentiated phenotype was fully overcome by reducing actin polymerization with ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 whereas myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin was less effective. Migration efficiency of the dedifferentiated phenotype was diminished by promoting actin polymerization with lysophosphatidic acid. These findings held true in both 2D-monolayer and 3D-spheroid migration models. Thus, our data suggest that despite global differences in the cell adhesion nexus of the differentiated and dedifferentiated phenotypes, structural actin cytoskeleton characteristics per se play a crucial role in permissive regulation of cell-matrix adhesive interactions and cell migration behavior during T-cadherin-induced SMC phenotype transition.  相似文献   

Actin cytoskeleton of resting bovine platelets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Actin filaments in resting discoid bovine platelets were examined by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Rhodamine-phalloidin staining patterns showed a characteristic wheel-like structure which consisted of a central small circle connected by several radial spokes to a large peripheral circle. This wheel-like structure was composed of actin filaments forming a characteristic arrowhead structure with heavy meromyosin from muscle. Actin filaments were densely arrayed in parallel with a marginal microtubule band and radiated out from the center to the periphery. Platelets treated with colchicine lost their marginal microtubule band but retained their wheel-like structure and normal discoid form. Cytochalasin B disrupted the wheel-like structure but not the marginal microtubule band or the normal discoid form. After simultaneous treatment with both cytochalasin B and colchicine, platelets lost their discoid shape. These results suggest that actin filaments and microtubules both play important roles in the maintenance of the discoid shape of resting bovine platelets.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin dynamics at filament ends determines the organization and turnover of actin cytoskeletal structures. In striated muscle, it is believed that tight capping of the fast-growing (barbed) ends by CapZ and of the slow-growing (pointed) ends by tropomodulin (Tmod) stabilizes the uniform lengths of actin (thin) filaments in myofibrils. Here we demonstrate for the first time that both CapZ and Tmod are dynamic on the basis of the rapid incorporation of microinjected rhodamine-labelled actin (rho-actin) at both barbed and pointed ends and from the photobleaching of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labelled Tmod. Unexpectedly, the inhibition of actin dynamics at pointed ends by GFP-Tmod overexpression results in shorter thin filaments, whereas the inhibition of actin dynamics at barbed ends by cytochalasin D has no effect on length. These data demonstrate that the actin filaments in myofibrils are relatively dynamic despite the presence of capping proteins, and that regulated actin assembly at pointed ends determines the length of thin filaments.  相似文献   

Anergy is an important mechanism of maintaining peripheral immune tolerance. T cells rendered anergic are refractory to further stimulation and are characterized by defective proliferation and IL-2 production. We used a model of in vivo anergy induction in murine CD8+ T cells to analyze the initial signaling events in anergic T cells. Tolerant T cells displayed reduced phospholipase Cgamma activation and calcium mobilization, indicating a defect in calcium signaling. This correlated with a block in nuclear localization of NFAT1 in anergic cells. However, we found that stimulation of anergic, but not naive T cells induced nuclear translocation of NFAT2. This suggested that NFAT2 is activated preferentially by reduced calcium signaling, and we confirmed this hypothesis by stimulating naive T cells under conditions of calcium limitation or partial calcineurin inhibition. Thus, our work provides new insight into how T cell stimulation conditions might dictate specific NFAT isoform activation and implicates NFAT2 involvement in the expression of anergy-related genes.  相似文献   

Formins are eukaryotic proteins that potently influence actin polymerization dynamics. Recent evidence strongly suggests that these proteins move processively with the elongating barbed ends of actin filaments.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that inflammatory compounds that increase nitric oxide (NO) synthase expression have a biphasic effect on the level of the NO messenger cGMP in astrocytes. In this work, we demonstrate that NO-dependent cGMP formation is involved in the morphological change induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in cultured rat cerebellar astroglia. In agreement with this, dibutyryl-cGMP, a permeable cGMP analogue, and atrial natriuretic peptide, a ligand for particulate guanylyl cyclase, are both able to induce process elongation and branching in astrocytes resulting from a rapid, reversible and concentration-dependent redistribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and actin filaments without significant change in protein levels. These effects are also observed in astrocytes co-cultured with neurons. The cytoskeleton rearrangement induced by cGMP is prevented by the specific protein kinase G inhibitor Rp-8Br-PET-cGMPS and involves downstream inhibition of RhoA GTPase since is not observed in cells transfected with constitutively active RhoA. Furthermore, dibutyryl-cGMP prevents RhoA-membrane association, a step necessary for its interaction with effectors. Stimulation of the cGMP-protein kinase G pathway also leads to increased astrocyte migration in an in vitro scratch-wound assay resulting in accelerated wound closure, as seen in reactive gliosis following brain injury. These results indicate that cGMP-mediated pathways may regulate physio-pathologically relevant responses in astroglial cells.  相似文献   

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The bioactive sphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) elicits robust cytoskeletal rearrangement in a large variety of cell systems, mainly acting through a panel of specific cell surface receptors, named S1P receptors. Recent studies have begun to delineate the molecular mechanisms involved in the complex process responsible for cytoskeletal rearrangement following S1P ligation to its receptors. Notably, changes of cell shape and/or motility induced by S1P via cytoskeletal remodelling are functional to the biological action exerted by S1P which appears to be highly cell-specific. This review focuses on the current knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms of cytoskeleton dynamics elicited by S1P, with special emphasis on the relationship between cytoskeletal remodelling and the biological effects evoked by the sphingolipid in various cell types.  相似文献   

The bioactive sphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) elicits robust cytoskeletal rearrangement in a large variety of cell systems, mainly acting through a panel of specific cell surface receptors, named S1P receptors. Recent studies have begun to delineate the molecular mechanisms involved in the complex process responsible for cytoskeletal rearrangement following S1P ligation to its receptors. Notably, changes of cell shape and/or motility induced by S1P via cytoskeletal remodelling are functional to the biological action exerted by S1P which appears to be highly cell-specific. This review focuses on the current knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms of cytoskeleton dynamics elicited by S1P, with special emphasis on the relationship between cytoskeletal remodelling and the biological effects evoked by the sphingolipid in various cell types.  相似文献   

Zhong X  Liu J  Lu F  Wang Y  Zhao Y  Dong S  Leng X  Jia J  Ren H  Xu C  Zhang W 《Cell biology international》2012,36(10):937-943
Nuclear Ca2+ plays a pivotal role in the regulation of gene expression. IP3 (inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate) is an important regulator of nuclear Ca2+. We hypothesized that the CaR (calcium sensing receptor) stimulates nuclear Ca2+ release through IICR (IP3-induced calcium release) from perinuclear stores. Spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations and the spark frequency of nuclear Ca2+ were measured simultaneously in NRVMs (neonatal rat ventricular myocytes) using confocal imaging. CaR-induced nuclear Ca2+ release through IICR was abolished by inhibition of CaR and IP3Rs (IP3 receptors). However, no effect on the inhibition of RyRs (ryanodine receptors) was detected. The results suggest that CaR specifically modulates nuclear Ca2+ signalling through the IP3R pathway. Interestingly, nuclear Ca2+ was released from perinuclear stores by CaR activator-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through the Ca2+-dependent phosphatase CaN (calcineurin)/NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T-cells) pathway. We have also demonstrated that the activation of the CaR increased the NRVM protein content, enlarged cell size and stimulated CaN expression and NFAT nuclear translocation in NRVMs. Thus, CaR enhances the nuclear Ca2+ transient in NRVMs by increasing fractional Ca2+ release from perinuclear stores, which is involved in cardiac hypertrophy through the CaN/NFAT pathway.  相似文献   

Distinct F-actin- and myosin-containing stress fibers were observed in situ in many endoderm cells of parietal yolk sacs from 11-day mouse embryos. In visceral endoderm (VE) such fibers were not seen, and F-actin was concentrated in the cell periphery. Correspondingly, in electron microscopy ventral cell membrane-associated bundles of microfilaments were revealed in the periphery of parietal endoderm (PE) cells but not in VE cells. Both PE and VE cells formed stress fibers in primary cultures. Undifferentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma cells formed only short actin spikes and fibrils irrespective of growth substratum. In PE-like derivatives of F9 cells, on the other hand, distribution of F-actin was markedly affected by the growth substratum: They formed distinct stress fibers when plated on fibronectin but did not when plated on gelatin. Similarly, in teratocarcinoma-derived PE cells (PYS-2) adhesion to fibronectin induced the formation of distinct bundles of F-actin and plaques of vinculin. The results suggest that the susceptibility of teratocarcinoma cell actin cytoskeleton to the influence of molecular composition of surrounding matrix is developmentally regulated. On the other hand, the reason for the presence of stress fibers in PE cells and for their absence in VE cells is unclear.  相似文献   

Actin cytoskeleton in intact and wounded coenocytic green algae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. W. La Claire II 《Planta》1989,177(1):47-57
Summary The subcellular distribution of actin was investigated in two related species of coenocytic green algae, with immunofluorescence microscopy. Either no, or fine punctate fluorescence was detected in intact cells of Ernodesmis verticillata (Kützing) Børgesen and Boergesenia forbesii (Harvey) Feldmann. A reticulate pattern of fluorescence appears throughout the cortical cytoplasm of Ernodesmis cells shortly after wounding; this silhouettes chloroplasts and small vacuoles. Slender, longitudinal bundles of actin become evident in contracting regions of the cell, superimposed over the reticulum. Thicker portions of the bundles were observed in well-contracted regions, and the highly-convoluted appearance of nearby cortical microtubules indicates contraction of the bundles in these thicker areas. Bundles are no longer evident after healing; only the reticulum remains. In Boergesenia, a wider-mesh reticulum of actin develops in the cortex of wounded cells, which widens further as contractions continue. Cells wounded in Ca2+-free medium do not contract, and although the actin reticulum is apparent, no actin bundles were ever observed in these cells. Exogenously applied cytochalasins have no effect on contractions of cut cells or extruded cytoplasm, and normal actin-bundle formation occurs in treated cells. In contrast, erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)]adenine (EHNA) completely inhibits longitudinal contractions in wounded cells, and few uniformly slender actin bundles develop in inhibited cells. These results indicate that wounding stimulates a Ca2+-dependent, hierarchical assembly of actin into bundles, whose assembly and functioning are inhibited by EHNA. Contraction of the bundles and concomitant wound healing are followed by cessation of motility and disassembly of the bundles. The spatial and temporal association of the bundles with regions of cytoplasmic contraction, indicates that the actin bundles are directly involved in wound-induced cytoplasmic motility in these algae.Abbreviations EHNA erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)]adenine - MT(s) microtubule(s)  相似文献   

Experimental adults and natural metacercariae of Brachylaima sp. (Digenea: Brachylaimidae) were processed for transmission and scanning electron microscopy, for tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate phalloidin fluorescence, conventional and confocal microscopy and for monoclonal anti-actin antibody immunoelectron microscopy, to describe the ultrastructural features of the tegument and to localize actin in several regions of the body. The general body tegument is spinous and contains membrane-bound disc-shaped biconcave vesicles in adults and metacercariae. Spines are flat and apically indented in the adult. A thick glycocalyx covers the body of the metacercaria. Direct fluorescence revealed filamentous actin in the spines and the subtegumental musculature of the adult. The subtegumental musculature comprises two systems consisting of an outer circular layer and an inner layer composed of cross-linked longitudinal and diagonal fibres. Immunoreactivity in adults and metacercariae revealed the presence of actin in the spines and subtegumental musculature but not in the tegumental matrix, interstitial fibrous material nor the parenchyma. Actin was detected in the dense collar and bulb matrix of the tegumental ciliated sensilla and, for the first time, in the apical cytoplasmatic projections of the digestive cell of the adult.  相似文献   

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