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T.H. Ravenhill and his contributions to mountain sickness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A comprehensive DNA analysis computer program was described in the second special issue of Nucleic Acids Research on the applications of computers to research on nucleic acids by Stone and Potter (1). Criteria used in designing the program were user friendliness, ability to handle large DNA sequences, low storage requirement, migratability to other computers and comprehensive analysis capability. The program has been used extensively in an industrial-research environment. This paper talks about improvements to that program. These improvements include testing for methylation blockage of restriction enzyme recognition sites, homology analysis, RNA folding analysis, integration of a large DNA database (GenBank), a site specific mutagenesis analysis, a protein database and protein searching programs. The original design of the DNA analysis program using a command executive from which any analytical programs can be called, has proven to be extremely versatile in integrating both developed and outside programs to the file management system employed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 43 codes for the viral DNA polymerase. We report here the sequence of gene 43 and about 70 nucleotides of 5'- and 3'-flanking sequences, determined by both DNA and RNA sequencing. We have also purified T4 DNA polymerase from T4 infected Escherichia coli and from E. coli containing a gene 43 overexpression vector. A major portion of the deduced amino acid sequence has been verified by peptide mapping and sequencing of the purified DNA polymerase. All these results are consistent with T4 DNA polymerase having 898 amino acids with a calculated Mr = 103,572. Comparison of the primary structure of T4 DNA polymerase with the sequence of other procaryotic and eucaryotic DNA polymerases indicates that T4 DNA polymerase has regions of striking similarity with animal virus DNA polymerases and human DNA polymerase alpha. Surprisingly, T4 DNA polymerase shares only limited similarity with E. coli polymerase I and no detectable similarity with T7 DNA polymerase. Based on the location of specific mutations in T4 DNA polymerase and the conservation of particular sequences in T4 and eucaryotic DNA polymerases, we propose that the NH2-terminal half of T4 DNA polymerase forms a domain that carries out the 3'----5' exonuclease activity whereas the COOH-terminal half of the polypeptide contains the dNTP-binding site and is necessary for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Gal M  Katz T  Ovadia A  Yagil G 《Nucleic acids research》2003,31(13):3682-3685
A program to map the locations and frequencies of DNA tracts composed of only two bases ('Binary DNA') is described. The program, TRACTS (URL http://bioportal.weizmann.ac.il/tracts/tracts.html and/or http://bip.weizmann.ac.il/miwbin/servers/tracts) is of interest because long tracts composed of only two bases are highly over-represented in most genomes. In eukaryotes, oligopurine.oligopyrimidine tracts ('R.Y tracts') are found in the highest excess. In prokaryotes, W tracts predominate (A,T 'rich'). A pre-program, ANEX, parses database annotation files of GenBank and EMBL, to produce a convenient one-line list of every gene (exon, intron) in a genome. The main unit lists and analyzes tracts of the three possible binary pairs (R.Y, K.M and S;W). As an example, the results of R.Y tract mapping of mammalian gene p53 is described.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the chemistry behind induction of DNA damage and processing mechanisms is considered very important not only for the understanding of the biological significance but also for clinical applications. In this Special Issue, we have compiled a number of succinct reviews and original research articles, by top experts in their fields. The articles discuss and/or explore the current status of knowledge and new advances in the chemical and molecular pathways related to the induction of high oxidative stress, DNA damage and its repair in human cells and tissues. Experimental and theoretical insights are provided of how the DNA repair processes maybe modulated by gene mutations and other factors like temperature and radiation quality.  相似文献   

T Uemura  K Morikawa    M Yanagida 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(9):2355-2361
We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a 5.3-kb long genomic DNA fragment of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that encodes DNA topoisomerase II. It contains a 4293 bp long single open reading frame. The predicted polypeptide has 1431 residues (mol. wt 162,000) and shows three characteristic domains; the large C-terminal region, which consists of alternating acidic-basic stretches and might be a chromatin-binding domain, the NH2 half domain homologous to the ATP-binding gyrB subunit of bacterial gyrase and the central-to-latter part which is homologous to the NH2 domain of the catalytic gyrA subunit, suggesting a possible evolutionary consequence of the gene fusion of the bacterial gyrase subunits into the eucaryotic DNA topoisomerase II gene. We have found that the cloned fission yeast TOP2 gene can complement the budding yeast top2 mutation, although the fission yeast TOP2 protein sequence is only 50% homologous to the recently determined sequence of budding yeast (J.C. Wang, personal communication). Conversely, the budding yeast TOP2 gene can complement the fission yeast top2 mutations, indicating that their DNA topoisomerase II genes are functionally exchangeable.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of the preferential depression of satellite DNA synthesis by dehydroheliotridine (DHH). DHH was found to induce repair synthesis to the same extent in both main and satellite band DNA in cultured sheep lymphocytes. This was also the case with acridine orange, nitrogen mustard (HN2) and ethyl methane-sulphonate (EMS). Using analytical equilibrium ultracentrifugation no difference was found between the extents of in vitro binding of DHH by main and satellite band DNA. From these results it was concluded that the depression of the synthesis of satellite DNA could not be explained by either its preferential binding of DHH or by less effective repair mechanisms. Radiolabelled DHH when added to synchronized cultures of ovine kidney cells was found to be preferentially bound to the satellite DNA (one DHH molecule to 6000 nucleotides) compared with the main band DNA (one to 10 000). When 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) was added to the cultures no DHH label was found in the heavy, semiconservatively replicated DNA band. From these findings it is suggested that attack may occur during mitosis where all of the satellite DNA may be undergoing synthesis at the same time, thus explaining the increased amount of DHH bound to the satellite.  相似文献   

Ivan I. Schmalhausen was one of the central figures in the Russian development of the "Modern Synthesis" in evolutionary biology. He is widely cited internationally even today. Schmalhausen developed the main principles of his theory facing the danger of death in the totalitarian Soviet Union. His great services to evolutionary and theoretical biology are indisputable. However, the received view of Schmalhausen's contributions to evolutionary biology makes an unbiased reading of his texts difficult. Here we show that taking all of his works into consideration (including those only available in Russian) paints a much more dynamic and exciting picture of what he tried to achieve. Schmalhausen pioneered the integration of a developmental perspective into evolutionary thinking. A main tool for achieving this was his approach to living objects as complex multi-level self-regulating systems. Schmalhausen put enormous effort into bringing this idea into fruition during the final stages of his career by combining evolutionary theory with cybernetics. His results and ideas remain thought-provoking, and his texts are of more than just historical interest.  相似文献   

A cultivated oat linkage map was developed using a recombinant inbred population of 136 F6:7 lines from the cross 'Ogle' x 'TAM O-301'. A total of 441 marker loci, including 355 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, 40 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 22 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), 7 sequence-tagged sites (STSs), 1 simple sequence repeat (SSR), 12 isozyme loci, and 4 discrete morphological traits, was mapped. Fifteen loci remained unlinked, and 426 loci produced 34 linkage groups (with 2-43 loci each) spanning 2049 cM of the oat genome (from 4.2 to 174.0 cM per group). Comparisons with other Avena maps revealed 35 genome regions syntenic between hexaploid maps and 16-34 regions conserved between diploid and hexaploid maps. Those portions of hexaploid oat maps that could be compared were completely conserved. Considerable conservation of diploid genome regions on the hexaploid map also was observed (89-95%); however, at the whole-chromosome level, colinearity was much lower. Comparisons among linkage groups, both within and among Avena mapping populations, revealed several putative homoeologous linkage group sets as well as some linkage groups composed of segments from different homoeologous groups. The relationships between many Avena linkage groups remain uncertain, however, due to incomplete coverage by comparative markers and to complications introduced by genomic duplications and rearrangements.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from two families exhibiting the K-variant phenotype of serum butyrylcholinesterase was amplified by PCR and sequenced to determine the molecular basis of this variant. The K-variant phenotype was found to be associated with a DNA transition from guanine to adenine at nucleotide 1615, which caused an amino acid change from alanine 539 to threonine (GCA----ACA; Ala539----Thr). There was a 30% reduction of serum butyrylcholinesterase activity associated with this mutation. Amplification and sequencing of DNA from a random sample of 47 unrelated people gave a frequency of .128 for the K-variant allele. Thus, 1 person in 63 should be homozygous for the K-variant, making the K-variant the most common butyrylcholinesterase variant. The K-variant mutation was also found to be present in 17 (89%) of 19 butyrylcholinesterase genes containing the point mutation which causes the atypical phenotype of butyrylcholinesterase (GAT----GGT; Asp70----Gly). The presence of the K-variant in the same molecule as the atypical variant does not contribute to the qualitative change in the atypical enzyme, but it most likely accounts for the approximately one-third reduction in Vmax of butyrylcholinesterase activity in atypical serum. Two additional point mutations located in noncoding regions of the gene were also observed to be in linkage disequilibrium with the K-variant mutation. As many as four different point mutations have been identified within a single butyrylcholinesterase gene. Inhibition tests of the enzyme in plasma are usually used to distinguish the K-variant from the usual enzyme when the former is present with the heterozygous atypical variant (AK phenotype vs. UA phenotype). Inhibition tests were performed on plasma enzyme from the four possible genotypic combinations of the heterozygous atypical mutation with or without the K-variant mutation on either allele; we found that the AK phenotype was caused by three genotypes (A/K, AK/K, and U/A) and that the UA phenotype was caused by two genotypes (U/A and U/AK).  相似文献   

A copper-containing nitrite reductase gene (nirU) from Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179 was found in a 1.9-kb EcoRI-BamHI DNA fragment. The coding region contained information for a polypeptide of 379 amino acids. The encoded protein had 78% identity in amino acid sequence to the nitrite reductase purified from Achromobacter cycloclastes. The ligands for type 1 copper- and type 2 copper-binding sites found in A. cycloclastes were also found in Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179, suggesting that these binding sites are conserved. Upstream from the promoter, two putative fnr boxes were found, suggesting that an FNR-like protein may be involved in regulation of the nitrite reductase gene under anaerobic conditions. When the 1.9-kb clone was used to probe Southern blots for similar sequences in DNAs from different denitrifiers, hybridization bands were seen for 15 of 16 denitrifiers known to have nitrite reductase containing copper. Except for Pseudomonas stutzeri JM300, all denitrifiers tested that have nitrite reductases containing heme c,d1 showed no or weak hybridization to this probe. Thus, this structural gene may be useful as a probe to detect denitrifiers with copper-containing nitrite reductases.  相似文献   

Seven herpes simplex virus mutants which have been previously shown to be resistant to arabinosyladenine were examined for their sensitivities to four types of antiviral drugs. These drugs were a pyrophosphate analog, four nucleoside analogs altered in their sugar moieties, two nucleoside analogs altered in their base moieties, and one altered in both. The seven mutants exhibited five distinct phenotypes based on their sensitivities to the drugs relative to wild-type strain KOS. All mutants exhibited resistance to acyclovir and arabinosylthymine, as well as marginal resistance to iododeoxyuridine, whereas all but one exhibited resistance to phosphonoformic acid. The mutants exhibited either sensitivity or hypersensitivity to other drugs tested--2'-nor-deoxyguanosine, 5-methyl-2'-fluoroarauracil, 5-iodo-2'-fluoroarauracil, and bromovinyldeoxyuridine--some of which differed only slightly from drugs to which the mutants were resistant. These results suggest ways to detect and treat arabinosyladenine-resistant isolates in the clinic. Antiviral hypersensitivity was a common phenotype. Mutations conferring hypersensitivity to 2'-nor-deoxyguanosine in mutant PAAr5 and to bromovinyldeoxyridine in mutant tsD9 were mapped to nonoverlapping regions of 1.1 and 0.8 kilobase pairs, respectively, within the herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase locus. Thus, viral DNA polymerase mediates sensitivity to these two drugs. However, we could not confirm reports of mutations in the DNA polymerase locus conferring resistance to these two drugs. All of the mutants exhibited altered sensitivity to two or more types of drugs, suggesting that single mutations affect recognition of the base, sugar, and triphosphate moieties of nucleoside triphosphates by viral polymerase.  相似文献   

Research on personality as a useful construct to understand people's behavior in conflict situations was traced over more than fifty years, and an attempt was made to add neurobiological parameters to psycho-socio-cultural approaches. As a starting point, scientists in exile have been called to mind who had been expelled from Nazi Germany for their Jewish origins. Among them were Adorno and Frenkel-Brunswik whose extensive studies on the authoritarian personality structure were quoted. In their work, personality was defined as a more or less enduring organisation of forces within the individual helping to determine responses in various situations, which is responsible for consistency in behavior. As a next step, Cloninger's psychobiology of personality traits was presented. In his personality concept, four temperamental traits (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependency and persistence) and three character dimensions are included. Temperamental traits are heritable, developmentally stable, emotionally based, uninfluenced by social learning, and linked to specific brain biological features. The temperaments have a certain neuroendocrinological feature which can be determined. Character dimensions develop in a stagelike process from infancy to adulthood and are influenced by temperament, social learning, genetic factors, and random life events. Personality is still considered a useful theoretical approach to conflict management research and practice. A neurobiological point of view seems to be a useful supplementation in addition to traditional psycho-socio-cultural approaches. Measuring biological compounds can supply the conflict manager with an additional tool of knowledge enhancing the ability to understand and anticipate conflict behavior.  相似文献   

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