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With the purpose of characterizing epidemiologic markers, 240 strains of S. agona isolated from differents sources (man, food and environment) and obtained from five Brazilian States (Minas Gerais, S?o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul) were analysed. The susceptibility to 15 antimicrobial agents and numeric codification of the resistance profiles allowed us to recognize 56 antibiotic resistance biotypes, while 40 strains were able to produce colicine, belonging to the types: Ia (55%); B (32.5%); Ib (10%) and untypable (2.5%). The application of these elements into intra-serotype differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Работа объясняет необычные результаты образования фага и колицина после воздействия УФ-лучами на культуру E. coli, как было описано в предшествовавшем сообщении (?marda, 1960). Для двух штаммов, продуцирующих один и тот же фаг и колицин (но в различном соотношении), было доказано, что УФ-лучи индуцируют одновременно образование фага и колицина. Наличие свободного фага в среде можно доказать уже через 2 часа после индукции, тогда как присутствие колицина—только через 4–6 час., т. е. в период, когда содержание фага в результате его адсорбции может уже опять понизиться вплоть до контрольных величин. Таким образом, колицин не выделяется в среду при лизисе клеток, продуцирующих фаг; его продукцию в этом случае можно себе представить скорее как секрецию.  相似文献   

It has been shown that after the transfer of R-plasmids from S. typhimurium strains of different origin to S typhimurium strains sensitive to antibiotics these latter strains, as a rule, cannot be typed according to the scheme of Felix and Kellow These strains retain sensitivity to phages from I. G. Chiarkadze's collection, but the spectrum of their phage sensitivity is narrower. In one case the recipient was noted to change its phagovar to that of the donor. S. typhimurium donor strains, differing in the degree of their influence on the virulence of recipients, do not differ in their capacity for changing their sensitivity to the phages from the international collection of Felix and Kellow and from I. G. Chirakadze's collection.  相似文献   

By the use of two adapted phage preparations of Typing phage II the S. weltevreden phage types 4 and 5 could be classified into two sub-types each and phage types 9 and 10 into three sub-types each. The 1094 strains of S. weltevreden could be classified into a total of sixteen phage types including the sub-types.The host range mutants of Typing phage II were distinct from the parent strain. After adaptation to two insensitive strains, one of the new preparations, IIA lost its affinity to some strains which were lysed by the parent phage strain but gained lytic affinity for a few others that were originally insensitive. The second preparation IIB showed an increase in lytic range as expected. Antigenically these preparations were shown to be related but not identical. The possible reasons for serological non-identity of host range mutants with the parent strain have been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant plasmids having PstI fragments of P22 DNA inserted in the vector pBR322 can be transduced efficiently by Salmonella phage P22, irrespective of the cloned phage sequences. When the rec function of the donor cells and the corresponding recombination system erf of the infecting phage are simultaneously inactivated, only plasmids containing the P22 pac site can be transduced. By this selective, generalized transduction an EcoRV DNA fragment of the P22 related phage L has been identified that carries a base sequence recognized by phage P22 as a packaging signal. Experiments in which only one of the two recombination systems was inactivated, showed that the bacterial rec system obviously promotes cointegrate formation between plasmid and phage DNA much more efficiently than the phage-coded erf system, allowing the specialized plasmid transduction observed by Orbach and Jackson (1982).  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage P22 transduced plasmids having P22 sequences inserted in the vector pBR322 with high frequency. Analysis of the structure of the transducing particle DNA and the transduced plasmids indicates that this plasmid transduction involves two homologous recombination events. In the donor cell, a single recombination between the phage and the homologous sequences on the plasmid inserted the plasmid into the phage chromosome, which was then packaged by headfuls into P22 particles. The transducing particle DNA contained duplications of the region of homology flanking the integrated plasmid vector sequences and lacked some phage genes. When these defective phage genomes containing the inserted plasmid infected a recipient cell, recombination between the duplicated regions regenerated the plasmid. A useful consequence of this sequence of events was that genetic markers in the region of homology were readily transferred from phage to plasmid. Plasmid transduction required homology between the phage and the plasmid, but did not depend on the presence of any specific P22 sequence in the plasmid. When the infecting P22 carried a DNA sequence homologous to the ampicillin resistance region of pBR322, the vector plasmid having no P22 insert could be transduced. P22-mediated transduction is a useful way to transfer chimeric plasmids, since most S. typhimurium strains are poorly transformed by plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

An investigation of 83 strains of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 30 showed that these bacteria were unusual in expressing either trace amounts of, or no, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Regardless of whether strains expressed LPS or not, or carried a 38 MDa mouse virulence' plasmid, these strains were avirulent for BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare some of the properties of 28 lactose-positive and 28 lactose-negative Salmonella agona strains isolated from faeces of infants hospitalized in the same hospital. Some of biochemical properties, sensitivity to 14 antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents and sensitivity to bacteriophages used for typing of this Salmonella genus were tested. Results of biochemical examinations revealed that lactose-fermenting strains retain the remaining of Salmonella of subspecies I. Two biochemical features are of particular importance: the ability to ferment lactose on all lactose containing media and a lack of the ability to produce H2S on Kligler medium. These two features differentiate lactose-fermenting strains of Salmonella from non-lactose fermenting ones. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern differed between lactose-positive and lactose-negative strains. Lactose-positive strains showed higher degree of resistance than lactose-negative strains. The differences in resistance were seen in the case of chloramphenicol, doxycycline, gentamicin and tetracycline. Both lactose-positive and lactose-negative strains were sensitive to colistin, neomycin, nitrofurantoin and nalidixic acid. They were resistant to ampicillin, cloxacillin, rifampicin, streptomycin, sulfatiazol and biseptol. Bacteriophage typing revealed that all lactose-negative strains isolated in this study from clinical samples belonged to the same phage pattern V. Lactose-positive strains belonged to two phage types VB and XI. Type VB prevailed.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of transfer was examined with ten R plasmids originating from clinical isolates of Salmonella. Six of the plasmids were thermosensitive upon transfer, five of which were originally harbored in S. typhimurium and the remaining one in S. derby. One of these plasmids, pNR502, which conferred resistance to kanamycin, streptomycin (Sm) and tetracycline (Tc) on its host was stably maintained both in Salmonella and Escherichia coli at either 30, 37, or 43 C. Another plasmid, pNR516, which was resistant to chloramphenicol, sulfathiazole, Sm and Tc, was slightly unstable only at 43 C. The remaining four plasmids, pNR503, pNR510, pNR512 and pNR514, conferred resistance to Sm and Tc. Of these plasmids, the former two were stably maintained at both 30 and 37 C, but were unstable at 43 C. The latter two were slightly unstable at the lower temperatures and considerably unstable at 43 C. Kinetics of the transfer of the plasmid pNR503 revealed that the efficiency of transfer of the plasmid between E. coli strains was affected not only by the temperature of the conjugation but also by the preincubation temperature of the donor culture before the conjugation.  相似文献   

Inactivation of spores of Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) on two different grades of cellulose filter paper (Whatman Grades 2 and 6), by ultraviolet light (u.v.), at an intensity of approximately 4·5 Wm−2 and at fluences of up to 2 × 103 Jm−2, and u.v. in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, is described in terms of multi-target and single hit–single target kinetic expressions. Wet spores were inactivated at rates ranging from 6·7 to 10·6 higher than that of dry spores on both grades of filter paper. In addition, spore inactivation was up to 5·6 times more rapid on Grade 2 filter paper. Synergistic inactivation was seen to occur when spores were irradiated in the presence of 1% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide with rates up to 5·3 times higher than with treatment solely by u.v. The results obtained are discussed in general terms with particular reference to surface characteristics which might provide shielding to micro-organisms from incident u.v. light.  相似文献   

Attempts to detect transferable citrate-utilizing (Cit) ability in enterobacterial strains were carried out by conjugation experiments. Of 318 strains of Salmonella typhimurium and 1 strain of Salmonella bredeney isolated from cattle in Japan from 1970 to 1979, 107 (33.5%) strains contained transferable Cit characters. Most of the strains transferred the Cit characters to recipient Escherichia coli more efficiently at 28 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, indicating that their transfer of the Cit character is thermosensitive. Transferred Cit characters were found in association with drug resistance markers such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline or with mercury resistance, but Cit plasmids conferring Cit ability alone were also obtained. Of 221 conjugative Cit plasmids tested for fertility inhibition (Fi), all but 2 were Fi- and exhibited thermosensitive transfer; 2 Cit plasmids showing the Fi+ character were also isolated from 2 S. typhimurium strains. No transferable Cit character was detected from strains of Proteus, Serratia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter spp. isolated from humans or cows in the present study. The utilization of tricarboxylic acids by strains with plasmid-borne Cit ability was examined, and two different patterns of utilization were found in the Cit+ E. coli transconjugants.  相似文献   

The plasmid composition of 209 strains of Ps. aeruginosa was determined. The strains were isolated from patients, animals and environment in different geographical areas. The number of the plasmid-containing strains averaged 26.8 per cent. The molecular weights of the plasmids varied from less than 10 to more than 150 MD. 41 conjugative plasmids were transmitted to the recipients of Ps. aeruginosa RAO 303. 66 per cent of them had a restrictive effect on the development of phages used in genetic studies, epidemiological phage typing (Lindberg Collection), and medical practice. This resulted in the changing of the phage type of the host strain. Similar results were obtained in the studies with 10 standard R plasmids representing different incompatibility groups. No relation between the spectrum of the phage restriction, group specificity and the other properties of the plasmids was observed. About 50 per cent of the plasmids markedly lowered the sensitivity level of Ps. aeruginosa RAO 303 to the therapeutic pyocyanic phage. The systems of restriction and modification of DNA coded with plasmids were not detected. A possible changing of the phage type of Ps. aeruginosa strains under the effect of R plasmids should be considered in epidemiological assays and respective treatment measures.  相似文献   

A total of 34 listeria lysogens, which are either natural phage carriers or artificially lysogenized strains, were tested for production of prophage upon treatment with u.v. light and Mitomycin C (MC). Most strains were readily inducible, in particular the generated prophage carriers tested. The yield of free phage could be increased up to 1600-fold. With respect to the listeria lysogens investigated, MC was found to be a more powerful inducing agent than u.v. light. Thus, it should be further applied in screening for new phages.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate lipopolysaccharide (LPS) expression in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium definitive phage type 104 (Salmonella Typhimurium DT104) and related phage types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Isolates were examined for the expression of LPS by SDS-PAGE and silver staining and subtyped by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE). The 100 isolates expressed one of two LPS profiles designated A (72%) and B (28%). LPS profiling was able to discriminate between isolates of identical PFGE type. Among 10 groups of outbreak isolates examined, each group was of a single LPS profile: A, 8/10 and B, 2/10. All 10 outbreaks were identical by PFGE analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Isolates of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 and related phage types expressed one of two distinct LPS profiles. The two LPS profiles appear similar but shifted and in phase with one another, suggesting that the heterogeneity is due to changes in the LPS core region rather than among the repeating oligosaccharide units of the long-chain LPS. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE SUTDY: LPS profiling provides a useful adjunct to PFGE and other molecular methods for the subtyping of this group of bacteria in epidemiological investigations.  相似文献   

U Zuber  W Schumann 《Gene》1991,103(1):69-72
A method for the rapid restriction mapping of large plasmids has been developed. A 400-bp fragment of phage lambda DNA containing the cos region has been inserted into Tn5. After in vivo transposition of this Tn5cos element into the plasmid of choice, the plasmid is isolated and linearized at its cos site with phage lambda terminase (Ter). Such Ter linearization was about 70% efficient. After partial digestion of the linear molecules with the appropriate restriction enzyme, the products are selectively labelled at the right or left cohesive phage lambda DNA termini by hybridization with digoxygenin (DIG)-11-dUTP-labelled (using terminal transferase) oligodeoxyribonucleotides complementary to the single-stranded cos ends. After pulsed field gel electrophoresis, the labelled fragments are visualized in the dried gel using a DIG-detection kit. The restriction map can be directly determined from the 'ladder' of partial digestion products.  相似文献   

AIMS: To subtype Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 isolates by using recA genotyping. METHODS AND RESULTS: Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis using a primer ERIC2 of 76 isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 obtained in Northern Ireland in 1998 and in 1999 demonstrated the presence of five genotypes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, using a degenerate primer pair designed to amplify a segment (about 640 bp in length) of the recA gene from several members of the Enterobacteriaceae with restriction enzymes, HhaI and Sau3AI, showed that the resulting fragments could differentiate the isolates into three groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: recA gene amplification and HhaI and Sau3AI restriction digestion was demonstrated to increase the differentiating power between isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 by combining the patterns of the random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis procedure using a primer ERIC2. Significance and Impact of the Study: A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism assay for isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4, based on the amplification of the recA gene was attained and its comparison and its combination with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was provided.  相似文献   

Certain Salmonella serovars belonging to subspecies I carry a large, low-copy-number plasmid that contains virulence genes. Virulence plasmids are required to trigger systemic disease; their involvement in the enteric stage of the infection is unclear. Salmonella virulence plasmids are heterogeneous in size (50-90 kb), but all share a 7.8 kb region, spv, required for bacterial multiplication in the reticuloendothelial system. Other loci of the plasmid, such as the fimbrial operon pef, the conjugal transfer gene traT and the enigmatic rck and rsk loci, may play a role in other stages of the infection process. The virulence plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 is self-transmissible; virulence plasmids from other serovars, such as Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella choleraesuis, carry incomplete tra operons. The presence of virulence plasmids in host-adapted serovars suggests that virulence plasmid acquisition may have expanded the host range of Salmonella.  相似文献   

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