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Pheromone trap types and within-field trap locations were compared for their effectiveness in monitoring the flight activity of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and its relationship to egg mass density and crop damage in sweet corn in central Maine from 1995 to 1996. The use of both 3:97 Z:E-11-tetradecenyl acetate and 97:3 Z:E-11 tetradecenyl acetate pheromone blends confirmed that European corn borer in central Maine is attracted to both pheromone lure types. European corn borer moths were captured predominantly with the E-lure type than with the Z-lure type in both years. The Scentry Heliothis trap was more effective than the Multi-Pher trap, but similar to the pheromone-baited water pan trap for monitoring European corn borer flights. With the Scentry Heliothis trap, the grassy border and 1st corn rows were the best locations for moth capture during the early flight period, but during the peak flight period, traps located in the middle of the field caught the most moths. Corn damage was recorded before moth captures in some sites and before egg mass counts in others, indicating poor efficacy of traps for early flights. Significant and positive correlations were found between moth captures in the midfield location and egg mass counts, and corn leaf damage, and between egg mass counts and corn leaf damage. However, low coefficients of variation suggest that pheromone trap captures were not good predictors of European corn borer leaf damage in sweet corn.  相似文献   

European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), has historically been a significant economically important insect pest of corn (Zea mays L.) in the United States and Canada. The development in the 1990s of genetically modified corn expressing genes derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that encodes insecticidal crystalline (Cry) proteins has proven to be effective in controlling this insect as well as other corn pests. The purpose of this study was to assess the movement and dispersal behavior of neonate European corn borer on Bt corn. We examined differences in neonate European corn borer dispersal behavior for the first 4 h after eclosion in the field among a stacked pyramid (Cry1F X Cry1Ab X Cry34/35Ab1) Bt corn, a Cry1F Bt corn, and a non-Bt sweet corn; and in the laboratory among a Bt corn hybrid containing Cry1F, a hybrid containing Cry1Ab, a pyramid combining these two hybrids (Cry1F X Cry1Ab), and a non-Bt near isoline corn. In field experiments, we found that dispersal was significantly higher on Bt corn compared with sweet corn. In laboratory experiments, dispersal was significantly higher on Cry1Ab Bt corn and Cry1F X Cry1Ab Bt corn than on non-Bt near isoline corn. Results indicated that neonate dispersal may be significantly greater in Bt cornfields compared with non-Bt cornfields. The findings on dispersal behavior in this study will be useful in evaluating the efficacy of a blended seed refuge system for managing European corn borer resistance in Bt corn.  相似文献   

The response of potato, Solanum tuberosum L., tuber yield to stem injury by European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), larvae was investigated in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States for 3 yr. This response was described for 'Superior', 'Atlantic', and 'Snowden' potato, which are early-season, midseason, and late-season maturing cultivars, respectively. To model the yield/injury relationship, a range of corn borer injury levels was established in the field by augmenting the natural infestation with varying densities of laboratory-reared larvae. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses (plateau and second-order polynomial models) were used to describe the relationship between yield of U.S. No. 1 grade tubers and the percentage of stems injured by corn borer larvae. The maturity of the cultivar did not affect the response of potato yield to stem injury. In nine of 14 experiments, potato tolerated high levels of corn borer injury (55-90% of stems injured) without yield loss, suggesting that control of corn borer may not be necessary. Yet, in one of five Superior tests, in two of four Atlantic tests and in two of five Snowden tests, corn borer injury significantly reduced yield. Of the five data sets in which corn borer injury reduced yield, the plateau model fit two data sets and the quadratic model fit one data set. In two of the three cases, these models accounted for nearly identical amounts of total variation in yield as that accounted for by the linear model. The linear model fit four of the five data sets, but the R2 values were low for three of the four tests (0.10, 0.18, and 0.31). The parameter or parameters that interact with corn borer injury to cause tuber yield reduction should be identified before economic injury levels and thresholds are developed.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to determine injury by and survival of late-instar European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), on genetically altered Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner corn, Zea mays L. Cry1Ab events 176, Bt11, MON810, and MON802; Cry1Ac event DBT418; and Cry9C event CBH351 were evaluated. Plants of each corn hybrid were manually infested with two third-, fourth-, or fifth-instar O. nubilalis. Larvae were held in proximity to the internode of the plant above the ear with a mesh sleeve. Larvae were put on the plants during corn developmental stages V8, V16, R1, R3, R4, R5, and R6. This study shows that not all B. thuringiensis hybrids provide the same protection against O. nubilalis injury. Hybrids with B. thuringiensis events Bt11, MON810, MON802, and CHB351 effectively protected the corn against tunneling by late-instar O. nubilalis. Event 176 was effective in controlling late-instar O. nubilalis during V12 and V16 corn developmental stages; however, significant tunneling occurred by fourth instars during R3 and R5. Event DBT418 was not effective in controlling late-instar O. nubilalis during corn vegetative or reproductive stages of development. Whether the B. thuringiensis hybrids satisfied high- and ultra-high-dose requirements is discussed.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, Cry9C susceptibility baselines were established for field-collected populations of European corn borer, Osrinia nubilalis (Hubner), and southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar. Bioassay of neonate European corn borer larvae of 16 colonies collected from the midwestern United States indicated LC50 values ranging from 13.2 to 65.1 ng of Cry9C protein per square centimeter. Neonate European corn borer LC50 values ranged from 46.5 to 214 ng/cm2. Neonate larvae of three colonies of southwestern corn borer collected from the southern and southwestern United States exhibited LC50 values from 16.9 to 39.9 ng of Cry9C protein per square centimeter. Southwestern corn borer neonate LC90 confidence limit values ranged from 40.3 to 157 ng of Cry9C protein per centimeter. The most sensitive southwestern corn borer colony was collected from the Mississippi delta exhibiting an LC50 value of 22.6 ng of Cry9C per cm2 and also displayed the widest LC0 confidence limits of 40.3-94.8 ng of Cry9C per cm2. Geographic baseline susceptibility data establishes the natural genetic variation and provides the foundation for future testing of insect populations exposed to increased use of Bacillus thuringiensis-based crops. Insect resistance management and stewardship of Cry9C will rely upon baseline data for the validation of discriminating dose assays for European corn borer and southwestern corn borer.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a major pest of maize, Zea mays L., in many temperate parts of the world. Genotype-by-environment interaction effects can make relative performance unpredictable and may hamper selection for resistance to European corn borer. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of environment on genotypic reaction to European corn borer resistance in maize. A set of 12 maize inbred lines was chosen to represent a range of European corn borer responses. Eleven testing environments ranged from Delaware, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, to Mississippi. For length of stalk tunneling, environmental and genotypic main effects (estimated by restricted maximum likelihood) were >20- and 10-fold larger than their interaction effect, respectively. Length of tunneling means for genotypes (across environments) ranged from 10.1 to 35.4 cm. Several putatively resistant genotypes grouped with the susceptible checks, B73 and Mol7. By breaking factors and the interaction into single degree of freedom components, we observed that GEMS-0001 had significant crossover interactions toward less susceptibility in both Mississippi and the Nebraska environments. Environments displaying several crossover interactions indicated that European corn borer screening at these sites would not necessarily apply to other locations, whether due to small differences in experimental conduct and/or environmental effects. The five most resistant genotypes were fairly consistent across environments. Because all environments except Illinois used larvae from the same insectary, and these environments differed in damage intensity and rankings, it is unlikely that insect biotype was a factor contributing to genotype-by-environment effects.  相似文献   

The Kansas Dipel-resistant and susceptible European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), were evaluated in the greenhouse on different Bt transgenic events expressed in corn hybrids. There were important differences in the resistance offered by the different Bt event corn hybrids. Hybrid comparison tests indicate that these Dipel-resistant first-instar European corn borer were not able to survive to adulthood on whorl-stage MON810, Bt11, or 176 Bt event corn plants. Third instars did not survive to adulthood on whorl-stage MON810 or Bt11 event corn plants but a small number of fifth instars were found on whorl-stage DBT418 plants infested with Dipel-resistant larvae. First and third instars of these Dipel-resistant European corn borers caused more leaf-feeding damage and more tunneling on whorl-stage Bt-corn plants than did the Dipel-susceptible European corn borers. However, in the single Bt corn hybrid test, there was no survival of the Dipel-resistant European corn borers on DK580BtX or MAX454 Bt plants 35 to 42 d after they had been infested with first instars. These results demonstrate that the current Kansas selection of Dipel-resistant European corn borer strain cannot establish reproducing populations in the tested Bt corn lines and hybrids.  相似文献   

Planting dates of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) corn were adjusted to determine the utility in managing European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). Transgenic Bt (events 176 and Bt11) corn and non-Bt corn were planted at three different times to use the early- and late- planted corn as a potential trap crop for ovipositing European corn borer moths. Grain moisture and yields were recorded to determine the economic benefits of Bt corn planted on the different dates, based on European corn borer populations and corn damage data collected before harvest. Data were recorded from three locations in southwestern, central, and northeastern Iowa for three summers (1996-1998). Economic benefits are discussed in relation to EILs and yield results. Adjusting the planting dates of Bt and non-Bt corn provided variable economic differences among planting dates in northern Iowa; however, greater economic benefits were realized when Bt corn was planted late during the planting sequence in central and southwestern Iowa. These results suggest that planting corn should be conducted in a timely manner and, if delayed or required to plant late, planting Bt corn would likely provide greater economic benefits. Although yield and economic variability were high, using Bt corn in combination with planting date adjustments may be a viable option for managing European corn borer.  相似文献   

Oviposition by European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübn, was examined in relation to sweet corn development from 1994 to 1996, and related to harvest infestation levels. Stepwise multiple regression and linear regression showed that 79-87% of the variability of larvae per ear or proportion of ears infested at harvest was explained by the number of egg masses laid from about anthesis to brown silk stages. The analyses indicated three periods of oviposition with differing implications to harvest infestation level: (1) eggs laid from 784-337 degree-days (DD) before harvest (before green tassel) had very low correlation to harvest infestation; (2) eggs laid from 336-169 DD before harvest (green tassel to green silk) were highly correlated with harvest infestation; and (3) eggs laid during the last 168 DD of sweet corn development (green silk to harvest) had low to moderate correlation with harvest infestation. The 336-169 DD period corresponded to the anthesis to brown silk growth stages, which was approximately 14-21 d long, and would be the likely period for optimum chemical control. The results of this study are compared with existing recommendations from the midwestern and northeastern U.S., and potential explanations for the patterns observed are discussed.  相似文献   

Five treatments were used to exclude naturally occurring predators and parasitoids, based on body size and flight ability, to assess their effect on Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) populations on corn plaits. Two initial O. nubilalis egg densities (one egg mass and three egg masses per plant) were assigned to each treatment. Egg predation was higher in uncaged treatments than in caged treatments. Flying insect predators, primarily Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), reduced egg densities by 50%. Thirty-five to 84% of O. nubilalis larvae were infected with Nosema pyrausta (Paillot) (Microspora: Nosematidae). The incidence of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes), ranged from 0 to 21%, whereas larval parasitism, mainly by Macrocentrus cingulum Reinhard (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) ranged from 0 to 31%. In contrast to previous studies, this 3-yr field study documents that egg predation and larval infections of O. nubilalis were significant and consistent biotic mortality factors.  相似文献   

We modified an existing model for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), population dynamics and genetics to evaluate the effectiveness of oviposition deterrence in transgenic fields for resistance management. We simulated two types of deterrence: one type has females reducing their oviposition because of lost opportunities to lay eggs (eggs lost), and the other type has the deterred females moving to the refuge to lay eggs. Oviposition deterrence was clearly effective in extending the time to resistance to transgenic corn (R allele) in the European corn borer, particularly when 80% or more of the eggs were deterred from being oviposited on the transgenic plants. With 90% of eggs deterred, the time required to reach 50% R-allele frequency increases 3.7- to 5.5-fold compared with the no-deterrence scenario. The time to 50% R-allele frequency was similar for the two types of simulated deterrence, but the densities of the European corn borer were 100-fold higher when the deterred females oviposited in the refuge. The Y allele for insensitivity or resistance to deterrence never reached 50% within the 50-yr time line for these simulations except when the R allele was dominant and the Y allele was not recessive. The time to 50% Y-allele frequency was 33 and 26 yr when the Y allele was additive or dominant, respectively, when 50% of the eggs were deterred, but the time decreased to 18 and 16 yr when 90% of the eggs were deterred. The effectiveness of oviposition deterrence on time to resistance to transgenic insecticidal plants was not changed much when we altered our assumptions about behavior in a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The high-dose refuge resistance management strategy is the main approach used to delay resistance in targeted pests to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins in transgenic crops. We used an F2 screen to test a critical assumption of the high-dose refuge strategy, which is that resistance allele (R) frequencies are initially rare (<10(-3)) in Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from the southern Corn Belt. We expanded the methodological scope of the F2 screen so that both males and females may be used to initiate a screen and determined how the results from both sexes may be combined. In total, 62 female and 131 male O. nubilalis lines from Kansas and 39 female and four male lines from Texas were screened. No major resistance alleles were found and estimated R frequency for the southern Corn Belt was updated to between 0 and 0.0044 with 95% credibility. The experiment-wise detection probability was 98.7%. These results suggest the frequency of resistance alleles is low enough that the high-dose refuge resistance management strategy may be effective for delaying resistance evolution in O. nubilalis to Bt corn in the southern Corn Belt.  相似文献   

Genetically modified, insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn, Zea mays L., hybrids are used throughout the Corn Belt for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), control. To slow development of Bt corn resistance, the Environmental Protection Agency requires growers to plant a refuge. Determining the appropriate distance between a refuge and Bt corn, and development of mitigation-remediation strategies such as mass releases of susceptible moths, requires an understanding of adult dispersal and mating behavior. However, much remains unknown about these behaviors. Because mating often occurs in grass near cornfields where adult O. nubilalis aggregate, we planted small-grain plots as aggregation sites in an attempt to retain mass-released adults. The objectives of this study were to examine influences of pheromone lure, plant density, and plant species on distributions of feral and newly emerged, laboratory-reared O. nubilalis among small-grain aggregation plots. Feral adults were collected in aggregation plots in relative abundance, indicating that small-grain plots were acceptable aggregation sites. In contrast, newly emerged adults that were released weekly as dye-marked pupae were rarely found in aggregation plots, with approximately 150-1,500-fold fewer adults captured than expected if all released adults had occupied the plots for > or = 1 d. The majority of newly emerged adults did not colonize the aggregation plots, suggesting that recently eclosed adults leave their natal field and do not colonize the first aggregation sites encountered. Plant species significantly influenced adult distributions among aggregation plots. Mass releases of laboratory-reared pupae in the field may not be a viable remediation tactic because almost all of the newly emerged adults dispersed beyond 300 m of the release point.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is one of the most important pests of corn, Zea mays L., because it consistently causes high loss of yield. A study was conducted in 2000-2002 at field sites in central and western Kentucky to investigate whether infestation by O. nubilalis differentially affects the production of high-oil corn compared with traditional field corn. Statistical differences in grain weight and percentage of oil content between the five infestation levels were significant at both locations and for all years. Average grain yield was reduced by 0.40% and average oil concentration by 0.011% for each 1% of damaged plants, and there was a strong correlation (0.76) between leaf damage ratings (i.e., Guthrie scale) and yield reduction. In general, corn planted at the early planting date tended to have a higher yield (grain weight) and oil content.  相似文献   

The performances of Bt-corn hybrids against univoltine ecotype European corn borer larvae were evaluated in South Dakota from 1997 to 1999. The corn hybrids were exposed to natural seasonal fluctuations of a univoltine ecotype European corn borer population. Larval injury parameters, grain yields, and gross incomes were quantified during the 3-yr study. In general, the Bt-corn hybrids had significantly higher yields than the untreated non-Bt isolines in 1997 and 1998 when corn borer pressures were high. However, most of the Bt-corn hybrids did not produce significant yield advantages in 1999 when the European corn borer pressure was low. Some of the Bt-corn hybrids even produced significantly lower yields than their untreated non-Bt counterparts in 1999. The performances of non-Bt isolines that were treated with permethrin granules at whorl stage were similar to Bt-corn hybrids in 1998 when the corn borer pressure was high and similar to the untreated non-Bt isolines in 1999 when the corn borer pressure was low. Injury-free corn produced by Bt-corn hybrids did not necessarily translate into higher yields in some hybrid groups. Grain moisture at harvest, which can result in moisture penalty or dockage, was significantly higher in most Bt-corn hybrids. Gross incomes of the Bt-corn hybrids were generally higher than the untreated non-Bt isolines when the corn borer infestation was high, but were either similar to or lower than the untreated non-Bt isolines when the corn borer infestation was low.  相似文献   

Two candidate diagnostic concentrations of the Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis corresponding to the LC99 and EC99 (effective concentration that causes 99% growth inhibition) for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), were determined based on previously obtained baseline data. Validation experiments using field-collected European corn borer populations from across North America showed that for Cry1Ab, a concentration corresponding to the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the LC99, produced mortality > 99% for all populations tested. However, for Cry1Ac, adjustments and further validation are probably necessary. Development of B. thuringiensis resistance monitoring programs that rely on diagnostic techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), causes economic damage to corn, Zea mays L., throughout the Corn Belt. Because this insect has become the primary target of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) transgenic corn, current efforts addressing the management of O. nubilalis resistance to Bt corn require information on adult European corn borer dispersal and factors affecting its dispersal. In 1998 we conducted mark-release-recapture, release-recapture, and caged-mating studies to directly measure and compare local dispersal patterns of O. nubilalis adults within and proximal to irrigated and non-irrigated cornfields. Releases of marked adults were made corresponding to the first and second flight of O. nubilalis in eastern Nebraska. Adult dispersal was significantly different between irrigated and non-irrigated cornfields. Released adults tended to remain in and near irrigated cornfields, but dispersed out of and away from non-irrigated cornfields. When released at the edge of the cornfield, neither male nor unmated female O. nubilalis displayed an initial tendency to move out of irrigated corn and into the mixed smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) and broadleaf-weed field edge. Mating efficiency in a late-season cornfield was not significantly different than in dense foxtail (Setaria spp.). Generally, we found that adult O. nubilalis dispersal may vary depending on variables such as action-site availability and agronomic practices and their interaction with O. nubilalis life history.  相似文献   

One field strain each of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner); southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar; and sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.); were collected from cornfields in northeastern Louisiana. Susceptibilities of the field strain and a corresponding laboratory strain of the three borer species to Cry1Ab protein in DK69-70 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn hybrid were determined by exposing neonates to intact leaf tissues from whorl stage plants or by feeding neonates or third instars on a meridic diet treated with different concentrations of Cry1lAb protein extracted from Bt corn leaves. Mortality and growth of larvae were evaluated after 2 and 4 d posttreatment in the bioassays by using intact leaf tissues or after 7 d in the bioassays by using diet incorporating Cry1Ab protein. D. saccharalis was the least susceptible species to Cry1Ab protein among the three species, followed by D. grandiosella, whereas O. nubilalis was most susceptible. The 2-d mortality of D. saccharalis neonates on intact Bt leaf tissues was lower than that of O. nubilalis and D. grandiosella. All neonates of O. nubilalis were killed on the diet treated with Cry1Ab protein at 0.5 and 1 mg/kg. The mortality of D. grandiosella was > 75% at 1 mg/kg, but it was < 6% for D. saccharalis at 1 mg/kg. The LC50 values of D. saccharalis were 3- and 11-fold higher than those of D. grandiosella and O. nubilalis, respectively. The LC90 values of D. saccharalis were 8- and 32-fold higher than those of D. grandiosella and O. nubilalis, respectively. Larval growth of the three species on Cry1Ab-treated diet was inhibited, but the inhibition was greater for O. nubilalis and D. grandiosella than for D. saccharalis. The lower susceptibility of D. saccharalis to Cry1Ab protein suggests that it is necessary to verify if a high-dose Bt corn for O. nubilalis and D. grandiosella is also a high dose for D. saccharalis.  相似文献   

Plant resistance is a useful component of integrated pest management for several insects that are economically damaging to maize, Zea mays L. In this study, 15 experimental lines of maize derived from a backcross breeding program were evaluated for resistance to corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie); fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith); southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar; and sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.). Experimental line 100-R-3 was resistant in the field to leaf feeding by fall armyworm and line 116-B-10 was resistant in the field to leaf feeding by fall armyworm and leaf and stalk feeding by southwestern corn borer. When corn earworm larvae were fed field harvested silks from experimental line 81-9-B in the laboratory, their pupal weights were significantly lower than the pupal weights of larvae that were fed silks from the resistant control, Zapalote Chico. Maysin levels lower than those commonly associated with corn earworm resistance were present in the resistant experimental line, 107-8-7, indicating a new basis confers resistance to corn earworm in this line. These resistant experimental lines will provide plant breeders with new sources of resistance to lepidopterous insects for the development of improved maize breeding populations.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin, a potent carcinogen, is produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus Link: Fr. Drought, high temperatures, and insect damage contribute to increased levels of aflatoxin contamination in corn, Zea mays L. Plant resistance is widely considered a desirable method of reducing aflatoxin contamination. Germplasm lines with aflatoxin resistance have been developed. This investigation was undertaken to determine whether crosses among these lines exhibited resistance to southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, and to assess the effects of southwestern corn borer feeding on aflatoxin accumulation. Differences in ear damage among southwestern corn borer infested hybrids were significant. Estimates of general combining ability effects indicated that the lines Mp80:04, Mp420, and Mp488 contributed to reduced ear damage, and SC213 and T165 contributed to greater damage when used in hybrids. Mean aflatoxin levels were 254 ng/g for hybrids infested with southwestern corn borer larvae and 164 ng/g for noninfested hybrids in 2000 when environmental conditions were conducive to aflatoxin production. In contrast, the overall mean aflatoxin level for southwestern corn borer infested hybrids was only 5 ng/g in 1999 when environmental conditions did not favor aflatoxin accumulation. Crosses that included lines selected for aflatoxin resistance as parents (Mp80:04 and Mp313E) exhibited lower levels of aflatoxin contamination both with and without southwestern corn borer infestation in 2000. Only the experimental line Mp80:04 contributed significantly to both reduced southwestern corn borer damage and reduced aflatoxin contamination.  相似文献   

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