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Hubbell's neutral theory assumes that all species in a community have the same per capita fitness. Despite the overwhelming evidence against this assumption in most communities the neutral theory has often been, though not always, successful at predicting patterns of diversity in nature. I analyze a non-neutral model in order to suggest conditions under which observed species-abundance distributions (SADs) could be expected to resemble neutral distributions. The non-neutral model consists of two guilds of species such that (1) individuals between guilds do not interact, (2) dynamics within guilds follow Hubbell's model and (3) neutral parameters between guilds differ. This two-guild model generates SADs that appear neutral in some cases and clearly non-neutral in other cases. This result suggests that SADs may be more informative about niche structure than previously thought. The two-guild model could be tested in communities composed of fairly well-defined guilds or functional groups.  相似文献   

We introduce the first analytical model of asymmetric community dynamics to yield Hubbell's neutral theory in the limit of functional equivalence among all species. Our focus centers on an asymmetric extension of Hubbell's local community dynamics, while an analogous extension of Hubbell's metacommunity dynamics is deferred to an appendix. We find that mass-effects may facilitate coexistence in asymmetric local communities and generate unimodal species abundance distributions indistinguishable from those of symmetric communities. Multiple modes, however, only arise from asymmetric processes and provide a strong indication of non-neutral dynamics. Although the exact stationary distributions of fully asymmetric communities must be calculated numerically, we derive approximate sampling distributions for the general case and for nearly neutral communities where symmetry is broken by a single species distinct from all others in ecological fitness and dispersal ability. In the latter case, our approximate distributions are fully normalized, and novel asymptotic expansions of the required hypergeometric functions are provided to make evaluations tractable for large communities. Employing these results in a Bayesian analysis may provide a novel statistical test to assess the consistency of species abundance data with the neutral hypothesis.  相似文献   

What is the underlying mechanism behind the fat-tailed statistics observed for species abundance distributions? The two main hypotheses in the field are the adaptive (niche) theories, where species abundance reflects its fitness, and the neutral theory that assumes demographic stochasticity as the main factor determining community structure. Both explanations suggest quite similar species-abundance distributions, but very different histories: niche scenarios assume that a species population in the past was similar to the observed one, while neutral scenarios are characterized by strongly fluctuating populations. Since the genetic variations within a population depend on its abundance in the past, we present here a way to discriminate between the theories using the genetic diversity of noncoding DNA. A statistical test, based on the Fu-Li method, has been developed and enables such a differentiation. We have analyzed the results gathered from individual-based simulation of both types of histories and obtained clear distinction between the Fu-Li statistics of the neutral scenario and that of the niche scenario. Our results suggest that data for 10–50 species, with approximately 30 sequenced individuals for each species, may allow one to distinguish between these two theories.  相似文献   

The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity (UNTB), proposed as an alternative to niche theory, has been viewed as a theory that species coexist without niche differences, without fitness differences, or with equal probability of success. Support is claimed when models lacking species differences predict highly aggregated metrics, such as species abundance distributions (SADs) or species area distributions (SARs). Here, I summarize why UNTB generates confusion, and is not actually relevant to niche theory (i.e. an explanation for why and how many species coexist). Equal probability is not a theory, but lack of one; it does not include or exclude any process relevant to coexistence of competitors. Models lacking explicit species can make useful predictions, but this does not support neutral theory. I provide s suggestions that could help reduce confusion generated by the debate.  相似文献   

The neutral theory of biodiversity purports that patterns in the distribution and abundance of species do not depend on adaptive differences between species (i.e. niche differentiation) but solely on random fluctuations in population size (“ecological drift”), along with dispersal and speciation. In this framework, the ultimate driver of biodiversity is speciation. However, the original neutral theory made strongly simplifying assumptions about the mechanisms of speciation, which has led to some clearly unrealistic predictions. In response, several recent studies have combined neutral community models with more elaborate speciation models. These efforts have alleviated some of the problems of the earlier approaches, while confirming the general ability of neutral theory to predict empirical patterns of biodiversity. However, the models also show that the mode of speciation can have a strong impact on relative species abundances. Future work should compare these results to diversity patterns arising from non‐neutral modes of speciation, such as adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

Species abundance distributions (SAD) are probably ecology’s most well-known empirical pattern, and over the last decades many models have been proposed to explain their shape. There is no consensus over which model is correct, because the degree to which different processes can be discerned from SAD patterns has not yet been rigorously quantified. We present a power calculation to quantify our ability to detect deviations from neutrality using species abundance data. We study non-neutral stochastic community models, and show that the presence of non-neutral processes is detectable if sample size is large enough and/or the amplitude of the effect is strong enough. Our framework can be used for any candidate community model that can be simulated on a computer, and determines both the sampling effort required to distinguish between alternative processes, and a range for the strength of non-neutral processes in communities whose patterns are statistically consistent with neutral theory. We find that even data sets of the scale of the 50 Ha forest plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, are unlikely to be large enough to detect deviations from neutrality caused by competitive interactions alone, though the presence of multiple non-neutral processes with contrasting effects on abundance distributions may be detectable.  相似文献   



Hubbell''s 2001 neutral theory unifies biodiversity and biogeography by modelling steady-state distributions of species richness and abundances across spatio-temporal scales. Accurate predictions have issued from its core premise that all species have identical vital rates. Yet no ecologist believes that species are identical in reality. Here I explain this paradox in terms of the ecological equivalence that species must achieve at their coexistence equilibrium, defined by zero net fitness for all regardless of intrinsic differences between them. I show that the distinction of realised from intrinsic vital rates is crucial to evaluating community resilience.

Principal Findings

An analysis of competitive interactions reveals how zero-sum patterns of abundance emerge for species with contrasting life-history traits as for identical species. I develop a stochastic model to simulate community assembly from a random drift of invasions sustaining the dynamics of recruitment following deaths and extinctions. Species are allocated identical intrinsic vital rates for neutral dynamics, or random intrinsic vital rates and competitive abilities for niche dynamics either on a continuous scale or between dominant-fugitive extremes. Resulting communities have steady-state distributions of the same type for more or less extremely differentiated species as for identical species. All produce negatively skewed log-normal distributions of species abundance, zero-sum relationships of total abundance to area, and Arrhenius relationships of species to area. Intrinsically identical species nevertheless support fewer total individuals, because their densities impact as strongly on each other as on themselves. Truly neutral communities have measurably lower abundance/area and higher species/abundance ratios.


Neutral scenarios can be parameterized as null hypotheses for testing competitive release, which is a sure signal of niche dynamics. Ignoring the true strength of interactions between and within species risks a substantial misrepresentation of community resilience to habitat loss.  相似文献   

Species abundance distributions (SADs) have played a historical role in the development of community ecology. They summarize information about the number and the relative abundance of the species encountered in a sample from a given community. For years ecologists have developed theory to characterize species abundance patterns, and the study of these patterns has received special attention in recent years. In particular, ecologists have developed statistical sampling theories to predict the SAD expected in a sample taken from a region. Here, we emphasize an important limitation of all current sampling theories: they ignore species identity. We present an alternative formulation of statistical sampling theory that incorporates species asymmetries in sampling and dynamics, and relate, in a general way, the community-level SAD to the distribution of population abundances of the species integrating the community. We illustrate the theory on a stochastic community model that can accommodate species asymmetry. Finally, we discuss the potentially important role of species asymmetries in shaping recently observed multi-humped SADs and in comparisons of the relative success of niche and neutral theories at predicting SADs.  相似文献   

群落生态学的中性理论   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
生物多样性的分布格局和维持机制一直是群落生态学研究的核心问题,其中的关键是物种的共存机制。长期以来,生态位分化的思想在这一研究领域占据着主导地位。然而这一理论在解释热带雨林很高的物种多样性时遇到了困难。而以Hubbell为代表提出的群落中性漂变理论则假定在同一营养级物种构成的群落中不同物种的不同个体在生态学上可看成是完全等同的;物种的多度随机游走,群落中的物种数取决于物种灭绝和物种迁入/新物种形成之间的动态平衡。在这一假定之下,该理论预言了两种统计分布。一种是集合群落在点突变形成新物种的模式下其各个物种相对多度服从对数级数分布,而受扩散限制的局域群落以及按照随机分裂为新物种模式形成的集合群落则服从零和多项式分布。与生态位理论相反,中性理论不以种间生态位差异作为研究群落结构的出发点,而是以物种间在个体水平上的对等性作为前提。该理论第一次从基本生态学过程(出生、死亡、迁移、物种分化)出发,给出了群落物种多度分布的机理性解释,同时其预测的物种多度分布格局在实际群落中也得到了广泛的印证。因此,中性理论自诞生以来便在生态学界引发了极大的反响,也包括一些反对的声音。该文重点综述了关于中性理论的假设、预测和物种形成模式等方面的最新研究进展,包括中性理论本身的发展、关于中性理论的假设和预测的合理性检验以及在集合群落尺度上物种分化模式的讨论;并指出未来发展方向可能是在生态位理论和中性理论之间架起一座桥梁,同时发展包含随机性的群落生态位模型,以及允许种间差异的近中性模型。  相似文献   

One of the central goals of community ecology is to understand the forces that maintain species diversity within communities. The traditional niche-assembly theory asserts that species live together in a community only when they differ from one another in resource uses. But this theory has some difficulties in explaining the diversity often observed in specie-rich communities such as tropical forests. As an alternative to the niche theory, Hubbell and other ecologists introduced a neutral model. Hubbell argues that the number of species in a community is controlled by species extinction and immigration or speciation of new species. Assuming that all individuals of all species in a trophically similar com-munity are ecologically equivalent, Hubbell's neutral theory predicts two important statistical distributions. One is the asymptotic log-series distribution for the metacommunities under point mutation speciation, and the other is the zero-sum multinomial distribution for both local communities under dispersal limitation and metacommunities under random fission speciation. Unlike the niche-assembly theory, the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a starting point for investigating species diversity. Based on the fundamental processes of birth, death, dispersal and spe-ciation, the neutral theory provided the first mechanistic explanation of species abundance distribution commonly observed in natural communities. Since the publication of the neutral theory, there has been much discussion about it, pro and con. In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the assumption, prediction and speciation mode of the neutral theory, including progress in the theory itself, tests about the assumption of the theory, prediction and speciation mode at the metacommunity level. We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory, and to add species differences to the neutral theory and more stochasticity to the niche theory.  相似文献   

A central issue in ecology is that of the factors determining the relative abundance of species within a natural community. The proper application of the principles of statistical physics to species abundance distributions (SADs) shows that simple ecological properties could account for the near universal features observed. These properties are (i) a limit on the number of individuals in an ecological guild and (ii) per capita birth and death rates. They underpin the neutral theory of Hubbell (2001), the master equation approach of  [Volkov et?al., 2003] and [Volkov et?al., 2005] and the idiosyncratic (extreme niche) theory of Pueyo et al. (2007); they result in an underlying log series SAD, regardless of neutral or niche dynamics. The success of statistical mechanics in this application implies that communities are in dynamic equilibrium and hence that niches must be flexible and that temporal fluctuations on all sorts of scales are likely to be important in community structure.  相似文献   

Neutral models are often used as null models, testing the relative importance of niche versus neutral processes in shaping diversity. Most versions, however, focus only on regional scale predictions and neglect local level contributions. Recently, a new formulation of spatial neutral theory was published showing an incompatibility between regional and local scale fits where especially the number of rare species was dramatically under‐predicted. Using a forward in time semi‐spatially explicit neutral model and a unique large‐scale Amazonian tree inventory data set, we show that neutral theory not only underestimates the number of rare species but also fails in predicting the excessive dominance of species on both regional and local levels. We show that although there are clear relationships between species composition, spatial and environmental distances, there is also a clear differentiation between species able to attain dominance with and without restriction to specific habitats. We conclude therefore that the apparent dominance of these species is real, and that their excessive abundance can be attributed to fitness differences in different ways, a clear violation of the ecological equivalence assumption of neutral theory.  相似文献   

Aims Much recent theory has focused on the role of neutral processes in assembling communities, but the basic assumption that all species are demographically identical has found little empirical support. Here, we show that the framework of the current neutral theory can easily be generalized to incorporate species differences so long as fitness equivalence among individuals is maintained through trade-offs between birth and death.Methods Our theory development is based on a careful reformulation of the Moran model of metacommunity dynamics in terms of a non-linear one-step stochastic process, which is described by a master equation.Important findings We demonstrate how fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs can generate significant macroecological diversity patterns, leading to a very different interpretation of the relation between Fisher's α and Hubbell's fundamental biodiversity number. Our model shows that equal fitness (not equal demographics) significantly promotes species diversity through strong selective sieving of community membership against high-mortality species, resulting in a positive association between species abundance and per capita death rate. An important implication of demographic trade-off is that it can partly explain the excessively high speciation rates predicted by the neutral theory of the stronger symmetry. Fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs generalizes neutral theory by considering heterospecific demographic difference, thus representing a significant step toward integrating the neutral and niche paradigms of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The niche is a fundamental ecological concept that underpins many explanations of patterns of biodiversity. The complexity of niche processes in ecological systems, however, means that it is difficult to capture them accurately in theoretical models of community assembly. In this study, we build upon simple neutral biodiversity models by adding the important ingredient of overlapping niche structure. Our model is spatially implicit and contains a fixed number of equal-sized habitats. Each species in the metacommunity arises through a speciation event; at which time, it is randomly assigned a fundamental niche or set of environments/habitats in which it can persist. Within each habitat, species compete with other species that have different but overlapping fundamental niches. Species abundances then change through ecological drift; each, however, is constrained by its maximum niche breadth and by the presence of other species in its habitats. Using our model, we derive analytical expressions for steady-state species abundance distributions, steady-state distributions of niche breadth across individuals and across species, and dynamic distributions of niche breadth across species. With this framework, we identify the conditions that produce the log-series species abundance distribution familiar from neutral models. We then identify how overlapping niche structure can lead to other species abundance distributions and, in particular, ask whether these new distributions differ significantly from species abundance distributions predicted by non-overlapping niche models. Finally, we extend our analysis to consider additional distributions associated with realized niche breadths. Overall, our results show that models with overlapping niches can exhibit behavior similar to neutral models, with the caveat that species with narrow fundamental niche breadths will be very rare. If narrow-niche species are common, it must be because they are in a non-overlapping niche or have countervailing advantages over broad-niche species. This result highlights the role that niches can play in establishing demographic neutrality.  相似文献   

Diversity: between neutrality and structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salvador Pueyo 《Oikos》2006,112(2):392-405
Here I present an integrated framework for species abundance distributions (SADs) that goes beyond the neutral theory without relying on complex mechanistic models. I give some general mathematical results on the relationship between SADs and their underlying dynamics, and analyse an extensive set of marine phytoplankton data in order to test the neutral theory against this broader framework.
The main theoretical and empirical results are: (i) the logseries, which is the SAD produced by simple neutral models without migration, is quite robust in response to additional factors, including some forms of niche segregation; (ii) when there is a small but significant deviation from a logseries, the SAD will generally have the form of a power law, regardless of the specific mechanisms; (iii) when the deviation is moderate, the SAD will generally have the form of a lognormal, regardless of the specific mechanisms; (iv) although in a wide range of situations neutral and non-neutral dynamics cannot be distinguished from the SAD alone, some empirical SADs do have the fingerprint of non-neutrality: this is the case of marine dinoflagellates, in contrast to marine diatoms, which adjust to neutral theory predictions. The results for marine phytoplankton illustrate that both neutral and non-neutral mechanisms coexist in nature, and seem to have different weights in different groups of organisms.
In addition to the above findings, I discuss several related contributions and point out some important pitfalls in the literature.  相似文献   

1. Differences among communities in taxonomic composition – beta diversity – are frequently expected to result from taxon‐specific responses to spatial variation in ecological conditions, through niche partitioning. Such process‐derived patterns are in sharp contrast to arguments from neutral theory, where taxa are ecologically equivalent and beta diversity results primarily from dispersal limitation. 2. Here, we compared beta diversity among assemblages of damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera), for which previous experiments have shown that niche differences maintain genera within a community, but patterns of relative abundance for species within each genus are shaped primarily by neutral dynamics. 3. Using null‐model and ordination‐based methods, we find that both genera and (in contrast to neutral theory) species assemblage composition vary across the landscape in a deterministic fashion, shaped by environmental and spatial factors. 4. While the observed patterns in species composition conflict with theory, we suggest that this a result of weak ecological filters acting to produce spatial variation in assemblages of ecologically similar species undergoing ecological drift within communities. Such patterns are especially likely in systems of relatively weak dispersers like damselflies.  相似文献   

Interaction networks are central elements of ecological systems and have very complex structures. Historically, much effort has focused on niche-mediated processes to explain these structures, while an emerging consensus posits that both niche and neutral mechanisms simultaneously shape many features of ecological communities. However, the study of interaction networks still lacks a comprehensive neutral theory. Here we present a neutral model of predator-prey interactions and analyze the structural characteristics of the simulated networks. We find that connectance values (complexity) and complexity-diversity relationships of neutral networks are close to those observed in empirical bipartite networks. High nestedness and low modularity values observed in neutral networks fall in the range of those from empirical antagonist bipartite networks. Our results suggest that, as an alternative to niche-mediated processes that induce incompatibility between species ("niche forbidden links"), neutral processes create "neutral forbidden links" due to uneven species abundance distributions and the low probability of interaction between rare species. Neutral trophic networks must be seen as the missing endpoint of a continuum from niche to purely stochastic approaches of community organization.  相似文献   

One of the central goals of community ecology is to understand the forces that maintain species diversity within communities. The traditional niche-assembly theory asserts that species live together in a community only when they differ from one another in resource uses. But this theory has some difficulties in explaining the diversity often observed in specie-rich communities such as tropical forests. As an alternative to the niche theory, Hubbell and other ecologists introduced a neutral model. Hubbell argues that the number of species in a community is controlled by species extinction and immigration or speciation of new species. Assuming that all individuals of all species in a trophically similar community are ecologically equivalent, Hubbell’s neutral theory predicts two important statistical distributions. One is the asymptotic log-series distribution for the metacommunities under point mutation speciation, and the other is the zero-sum multinomial distribution for both local communities under dispersal limitation and metacommunities under random fission speciation. Unlike the niche-assembly theory, the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a starting point for investigating species diversity. Based on the fundamental processes of birth, death, dispersal and speciation, the neutral theory provided the first mechanistic explanation of species abundance distribution commonly observed in natural communities. Since the publication of the neutral theory, there has been much discussion about it, pro and con. In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the assumption, prediction and speciation mode of the neutral theory, including progress in the theory itself, tests about the assumption of the theory, prediction and speciation mode at the metacommunity level. We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory, and to add species differences to the neutral theory and more stochasticity to the niche theory. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(5): 868–877 [译自:植物生态学报]  相似文献   

亚高寒草甸植物群落的中性理论验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Neutral theory in ecology is aimed at describing communities where species coexist due to similarities rather than the classically posited niche differences. It assumes that all individuals, regardless of species identity, are demographically equivalent. However, Hubbell suggested that neutral theory may describe even niche communities because tradeoffs equalize fitness across species which differ in their traits. In fact, tradeoffs can involve stabilization as well as fitness equalization, and stabilization involves different dynamics and can lead to different community patterns than neutral theory. Yet the important question remains if neutral theory provides a robust picture of all fitness-equalized communities, of which communities with demographic equivalence are one special case. Here, I examine Hubbell’s suggestion for a purely fitness-equalizing interspecific birth–death tradeoff, expanding neutral theory to a theory describing this broader class of fitness-equalized communities. In particular, I use a flexible framework allowing examination of the influence of speciation dynamics. I find that the scaling of speciation rates with birth and death rates, which is poorly known, has large impacts on community structure. In most cases, the departure from the predictions of current neutral models is substantial. This work suggests that demographic and speciation complexities present a challenge to the future development and use of neutral theory in ecology as null model. The framework presented here will provide a starting point for meeting that challenge, and may also be useful in the development of stochastic niche models with speciation dynamics.  相似文献   

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