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Previous studies have identified a conserved AG dinucleotide at the 3′ splice site (3′SS) and a polypyrimidine (pPy) tract that are required for trans splicing of polycistronic pre-mRNAs in trypanosomatids. Furthermore, the pPy tract of the Trypanosoma brucei α-tubulin 3′SS region is required to specify accurate 3′-end formation of the upstream β-tubulin gene and trans splicing of the downstream α-tubulin gene. Here, we employed an in vivo cis competition assay to determine whether sequences other than those of the AG dinucleotide and the pPy tract were required for 3′SS identification. Our results indicate that a minimal α-tubulin 3′SS, from the putative branch site region to the AG dinucleotide, is not sufficient for recognition by the trans-splicing machinery and that polyadenylation is strictly dependent on downstream trans splicing. We show that efficient use of the α-tubulin 3′SS is dependent upon the presence of exon sequences. Furthermore, β-tubulin, but not actin exon sequences or unrelated plasmid sequences, can replace α-tubulin exon sequences for accurate trans-splice-site selection. Taken together, these results support a model in which the informational content required for efficient trans splicing of the α-tubulin pre-mRNA includes exon sequences which are involved in modulation of trans-splicing efficiency. Sequences that positively regulate trans splicing might be similar to cis-splicing enhancers described in other systems.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that a fine-tuned integrin cross talk can generate a high degree of specificity in cell adhesion, suggesting that spatially and temporally coordinated expression and activation of integrins are more important for regulated cell adhesive functions than the intrinsic specificity of individual receptors. However, little is known concerning the molecular mechanisms of integrin cross talk. With the use of beta(1)-null GD25 cells ectopically expressing the beta(1)A integrin subunit, we provide evidence for the existence of a cross talk between beta(1) and alpha(V) integrins that affects the ratio of alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) integrin cell surface levels. In particular, we demonstrate that a down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) and an up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) occur as a consequence of beta(1)A expression. Moreover, with the use of GD25 cells expressing the integrin isoforms beta(1)B and beta(1)D, as well as two beta(1) cytoplasmic domain deletion mutants lacking either the entire cytoplasmic domain (beta(1)TR) or only its "variable" region (beta(1)COM), we show that the effects of beta(1) over alpha(V) integrins take place irrespective of the type of beta(1) isoform, but require the presence of the "common" region of the beta(1) cytoplasmic domain. In an attempt to establish the regulatory mechanism(s) whereby beta(1) integrins exert their trans-acting functions, we have found that the down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) is due to a decreased beta(3) subunit mRNA stability, whereas the up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) is mainly due to translational or posttranslational events. These findings provide the first evidence for an integrin cross talk based on the regulation of mRNA stability.  相似文献   

The heat-stable antigen (HSA) is a costimulatory molecule for T-cell activation. Its expression is strictly regulated during lymphocyte development and differentiation. Recent studies using HSA-transgenic mice have demonstrated that this regulated expression is critical for normal development of T and B lymphocytes. However, the mechanisms that control the expression of HSA are largely unknown. HSA mRNA is comprised of a 0.23-kb open reading frame and a 1.5-kb 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). The function of the long 3′UTR has not been addressed. Here we investigate the role of the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA. We show that a 160-bp element, located in the region of nucleotides 1465 to 1625 in the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA, promotes RNA degradation and that this effect is neutralized by a 43-bp fragment approximately 1 kb upstream of the negative cis element. Both positive and negative cis elements in the HSA mRNA are distinct from other sequences that are known to modulate mRNA stability. These results provide direct evidence that the interplay between two novel cis elements in the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA determines cell surface HSA expression by modulating its RNA stability.  相似文献   

Whole-cell suspensions of Cylindrocarpon didymum were observed to transform 2,2′-bimorphine to the compounds 10-α-S-monohydroxy-2,2′-bimorphine and 10,10′-α,α′-S,S′-dihydroxy-2,2′-bimorphine. Mass spectrometry and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed the identities of these new morphine alkaloids.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that γ tubulin ring complex (γTuRC) can nucleate microtubule assembly and may be important in centrosome formation. γTuRC contains approximately eight subunits, which we refer to as Xenopus gamma ring proteins (Xgrips), in addition to γ tubulin. We found that one γTuRC subunit, Xgrip109, is a highly conserved protein, with homologues present in yeast, rice, flies, zebrafish, mice, and humans. The yeast Xgrip109 homologue, Spc98, is a spindle–pole body component that interacts with γ tubulin. In vertebrates, Xgrip109 identifies two families of related proteins. Xgrip109 and Spc98 have more homology to one family than the other. We show that Xgrip109 is a centrosomal protein that directly interacts with γ tubulin. We have developed a complementation assay for centrosome formation using demembranated Xenopus sperm and Xenopus egg extract. Using this assay, we show that Xgrip109 is necessary for the reassembly of salt-disrupted γTuRC and for the recruitment of γ tubulin to the centrosome. Xgrip109, therefore, is essential for the formation of a functional centrosome.  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric AP-1 adaptor complex is involved in the assembly of clathrin-coated vesicles originating from the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The beta 1 subunit of AP-1 is known to contain a consensus clathrin binding sequence, LLNLD (the so-called clathrin box motif), in its hinge segment through which the beta chain interacts with the N-terminal domains of clathrin trimers. Here, we report that the hinge region of the gamma subunit of human and mouse AP-1 contains two copies of a new variant, LLDLL, of the clathrin box motif that also bind to the terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain. High-affinity binding of the gamma hinge to clathrin trimers requires both LLDLL sequences to be present and the spacing between them to be maintained. We also identify an independent clathrin-binding site within the appendage domain of the gamma subunit that interacts with a region of clathrin other than the N-terminal domain. Clathrin polymerization is promoted by glutathione S-transferase (GST)-gamma hinge, but not by GST-gamma appendage. However, the hinge and appendage domains of gamma function in a cooperative manner to recruit and polymerize clathrin, suggesting that clathrin lattice assembly at the TGN involves multivalent binding of clathrin by the gamma and beta1 subunits of AP-1.  相似文献   

Retroviruses containing inserts of exogenous sequences frequently eliminate the inserted sequences upon spread in susceptible cells. We have constructed replication-competent murine leukemia virus (MLV) vectors containing internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-transgene cassettes at the env-3' untranslated region boundary in order to examine the effects of insert sequence and size on the loss of inserts during viral replication. A virus containing an insertion of 1.6 kb replicated with greatly attenuated kinetics relative to wild-type virus and lost the inserted sequences in a single infection cycle. In contrast, MLVs containing inserts of 1.15 to 1.30 kb replicated with kinetics only slightly attenuated compared to wild-type MLV and exhibited much greater stability, maintaining their genomic integrity over multiple serial infection cycles. Eventually, multiple species of deletion mutants were detected simultaneously in later infection cycles; once detected, these variants rapidly dominated the population and thereafter appeared to be maintained at a relative equilibrium. Sequence analysis of these variants identified preferred sites of recombination in the parental viruses, including both short direct repeats and inverted repeats. One instance of insert deletion through recombination with an endogenous retrovirus was also observed. When specific sequences involved in these recombination events were eliminated, deletion variants still arose with the same kinetics upon virus passage and by apparently similar mechanisms, although at different locations in the vectors. Our results suggest that while lengthened, insert-containing genomes can be maintained over multiple replication cycles, preferential deletions resulting in loss of the inserted sequences confer a strong selective advantage.  相似文献   

During development, changes occur in both the sites of erythropoiesis and the globin genes expressed at each developmental stage. Previous work has shown that high-level expression of human β-like globin genes in transgenic mice requires the presence of the locus control region (LCR). Models of hemoglobin switching propose that the LCR and/or stage-specific elements interact with globin gene sequences to activate specific genes in erythroid cells. To test these models, we generated transgenic mice which contain the human Aγ-globin gene linked to a 576-bp fragment containing the human β-spectrin promoter. In these mice, the β-spectrin Aγ-globin (βsp/Aγ) transgene was expressed at high levels in erythroid cells throughout development. Transgenic mice containing a 40-kb cosmid construct with the micro-LCR, βsp/Aγ-, ψβ-, δ-, and β-globin genes showed no developmental switching and expressed both human γ- and β-globin mRNAs in erythroid cells throughout development. Mice containing control cosmids with the Aγ-globin gene promoter showed developmental switching and expressed Aγ-globin mRNA in yolk sac and fetal liver erythroid cells and β-globin mRNA in fetal liver and adult erythroid cells. Our results suggest that replacement of the γ-globin promoter with the β-spectrin promoter allows the expression of the β-globin gene. We conclude that the γ-globin promoter is necessary and sufficient to suppress the expression of the β-globin gene in yolk sac erythroid cells.  相似文献   

The mRNA for CspA, a major cold shock protein in Escherichia coli, contains an unusually long (159 bases) 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR), and its stability has been shown to play a major role in cold shock induction of CspA. The 5'-UTR of the cspA mRNA has a negative effect on its expression at 37 degrees C but has a positive effect upon cold shock. In this report, a series of cspA-lacZ fusions having a 26- to 32-base deletion in the 5'-UTR were constructed to examine the roles of specific regions within the 5'-UTR in cspA expression. It was found that none of the deletion mutations had significant effects on the stability of mRNA at both 37 and 15 degrees C. However, two mutations (Delta56-86 and Delta86-117) caused a substantial increase of beta-galactosidase activity at 37 degrees C, indicating that the deleted regions contain a negative cis element(s) for translation. A mutation (Delta2-27) deleting the highly conserved cold box sequence had little effect on cold shock induction of beta-galactosidase. Interestingly, three mutations (Delta28-55, Delta86-117, and Delta118-143) caused poor cold shock induction of beta-galactosidase. In particular, the Delta118-143 mutation reduced the translation efficiency of the cspA mRNA to less than 10% of that of the wild-type construct. The deleted region contains a 13-base sequence named upstream box (bases 123 to 135), which is highly conserved in cspA, cspB, cspG, and cspI, and is located 11 bases upstream of the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence. The upstream box might be another cis element involved in translation efficiency of the cspA mRNA in addition to the SD sequence and the downstream box sequence. The relationship between the mRNA secondary structure and translation efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of the α5β1 integrin and its ligand, fibronectin (FN), plays a crucial role in the adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix. An important intrinsic property of the α5β1/FN interaction is the dynamic response of the complex to a pulling force. We have carried out atomic force microscopy measurements of the interaction between α5β1 and a fibronectin fragment derived from the seventh through tenth type III repeats of FN (i.e., FN7-10) containing both the arg-gly-asp (RGD) sequence and the synergy site. Direct force measurements obtained from an experimental system consisting of an α5β1 expressing K562 cell attached to the atomic force microscopy cantilever and FN7-10 adsorbed on a substrate were used to determine the dynamic response of the α5β1/FN7-10 complex to a pulling force. The experiments were carried out over a three-orders-of-magnitude change in loading rate and under conditions that allowed for detection of individual α5β1/FN7-10 interactions. The dynamic rupture force of the α5β1/FN7-10 complex revealed two regimes of loading: a fast loading regime (>10,000 pN/s) and a slow loading regime (<10,000 pN/s) that characterize the inner and outer activation barriers of the complex, respectively. Activation by TS2/16 antibody increased both the frequency of adhesion and elevated the rupture force of the α5β1/wild type FN7-10 complex to higher values in the slow loading regime. In experiments carried out with a FN7-10 RGD deleted mutant, the force measurements revealed that both inner and outer activation barriers were suppressed by the mutation. Mutations to the synergy site of FN, however, suppressed only the outer barrier activation of the complex. For both the RGD and synergy deletions, the frequency of adhesion was less than that of the wild type FN7-10, but was increased by integrin activation. The rupture force of these mutants was only slightly less than that of the wild type, and was not increased by activation. These results suggest that integrin activation involved a cooperative interaction with both the RGD and synergy sites.  相似文献   

Free beta-tubulin not in heterodimers with alpha-tubulin can be toxic, disrupting microtubule assembly and function. We are interested in the mechanisms by which cells protect themselves from free beta-tubulin. This study focused specifically on the function of Rbl2p, which, like alpha-tubulin, can rescue cells from free beta-tubulin. In vitro studies of the mammalian homolog of Rbl2p, cofactor A, have suggested that Rbl2p/cofactor A may be involved in tubulin folding. Here we show that Rbl2p becomes essential in cells containing a modest excess of beta-tubulin relative to alpha-tubulin. However, this essential activity of Rbl2p/cofactorA does not depend upon the reactions described by the in vitro assay. Rescue of beta-tubulin toxicity requires a minimal but substoichiometric ratio of Rbl2p to beta-tubulin. The data suggest that Rbl2p binds transiently to free beta-tubulin, which then passes into an aggregated form that is not toxic.  相似文献   

Utilization of internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) structures in the 5′ noncoding region (5′NCR) of picornavirus RNAs for initiation of translation requires a number of host cell factors whose distribution may vary in different cells and whose requirement may vary for different picornaviruses. We have examined the requirement of the cellular protein poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2) for hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA translation. PCBP2 has recently been identified as a factor required for translation and replication of poliovirus (PV) RNA. PCBP2 was shown to be present in FRhK-4 cells, which are permissive for growth of HAV, as it is in HeLa cells, which support translation of HAV RNA but which have not been reported to host replication of the virus. Competition RNA mobility shift assays showed that the 5′NCR of HAV RNA competed for binding of PCBP2 with a probe representing stem-loop IV of the PV 5′NCR. The binding site on HAV RNA was mapped to nucleotides 1 to 157, which includes a pyrimidine-rich sequence. HeLa cell extracts that had been depleted of PCBP2 by passage over a PV stem-loop IV RNA affinity column supported only low levels of HAV RNA translation. Translation activity was restored upon addition of recombinant PCBP2 to the depleted extract. Removal of the 5′-terminal 138 nucleotides of the HAV RNA, or removal of the entire IRES, eliminated the dependence of HAV RNA translation on PCBP2.  相似文献   

The assembly in living cells of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins from their constituent α, β, and γ subunits is a complex process, compounded by the multiplicity of the genes that encode them, and the diversity of receptors and effectors with which they interact. Monoclonal anti-β antibodies (ARC5 and ARC9), raised against immunoaffinity purified βγ complexes, recognize β subunits when not associated with γ and can thus be used to monitor assembly of βγ complexes. Complex formation starts immediately after synthesis and is complete within 30 min. Assembly occurs predominantly in the cytosol, and association of βγ complexes with the plasma membrane fraction starts between 15–30 min of chase. Three pools of β subunits can be distinguished based on their association with γ subunits, their localization, and their detergent solubility. Association of β and α subunits with detergent-insoluble domains occurs within 1 min of chase, and increases to reach a plateau of near complete detergent resistance within 30 min of chase. Brefeldin A treatment does not interfere with delivery of βγ subunits to detergent-insoluble domains, suggesting that assembly of G protein subunits with their receptors occurs distally from the BFA-imposed block of intracellular membrane trafficking and may occur directly at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Three fibrillar collagen mRNAs, alpha1(I), alpha2(I), and alpha1(III), are coordinately upregulated in the activated hepatic stellate cell (hsc) in liver fibrosis. These three mRNAs contain sequences surrounding the start codon that can be folded into a stem-loop structure. We investigated the role of this stem-loop structure in expression of collagen alpha1(I) reporter mRNAs in hsc's and fibroblasts. The stem-loop dramatically decreases accumulation of mRNAs in quiescent hsc's and to a lesser extent in activated hsc's and fibroblasts. The stem-loop decreases mRNA stability in fibroblasts. In activated hsc's and fibroblasts, a protein complex binds to the stem-loop, and this binding requires the presence of a 7mG cap on the RNA. Placing the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of collagen alpha1(I) mRNA in a reporter mRNA containing this stem-loop further increases the steady-state level in activated hsc's. This 3' UTR binds alphaCP, a protein implicated in increasing stability of collagen alpha1(I) mRNA in activated hsc's (B. Stefanovic, C. Hellerbrand, M. Holcik, M. Briendl, S. A. Liebhaber, and D. A. Brenner, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:5201-5209, 1997). A set of protein complexes assembles on the 7mG capped stem-loop RNA, and a 120-kDa protein is specifically cross-linked to this structure. Thus, collagen alpha1(I) mRNA is regulated by a complex interaction between the 5' stem-loop and the 3' UTR, which may optimize collagen production in activated hsc's.  相似文献   

Chondroadherin (the 36-kD protein) is a leucine-rich, cartilage matrix protein known to mediate adhesion of isolated chondrocytes. In the present study we investigated cell surface proteins involved in the interaction of cells with chondroadherin in cell adhesion and by affinity purification. Adhesion of bovine articular chondrocytes to chondroadherin-coated dishes was dependent on Mg2+ or Mn2+ but not Ca2+. Adhesion was partially inhibited by an antibody recognizing β1 integrin subunit. Chondroadherin-binding proteins from chondrocyte lysates were affinity purified on chondroadherin-Sepharose. The β1 integrin antibody immunoprecipitated two proteins with molecular mass ~110 and 140 kD (nonreduced) from the EDTA-eluted material. These results indicate that a β1 integrin on chondrocytes interacts with chondroadherin. To identify the α integrin subunit(s) involved in interaction of cells with the protein, we affinity purified chondroadherin-binding membrane proteins from human fibroblasts. Immunoprecipitation of the EDTA-eluted material from the affinity column identified α2β1 as a chondroadherin-binding integrin. These results are in agreement with cell adhesion experiments where antibodies against the integrin subunit α2 partially inhibited adhesion of human fibroblast and human chondrocytes to chondroadherin. Since α2β1 also is a receptor for collagen type II, we tested the ability of different antibodies against the α2 subunit to inhibit adhesion of T47D cells to collagen type II and chondroadherin. The results suggested that adhesion to collagen type II and chondroadherin involves similar or nearby sites on the α2β1 integrin. Although α2β1 is a receptor for both collagen type II and chondroadherin, only adhesion of cells to collagen type II was found to mediate spreading.  相似文献   

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