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Heme-regulated eIF2alpha kinase (HRI) is an important enzyme that modulates protein synthesis during cellular emergency/stress conditions, such as heme deficiency in red cells. It is essential to identify the heme axial ligand(s) and/or binding sites to establish the heme regulation mechanism of HRI. Previous reports suggest that a His residue in the N-terminal region and a Cys residue in the C-terminal region trans to the His are axial ligands of the heme. Moreover, mutational analyses indicate that a residue located in the kinase insertion (KI) domain between Kinase I and Kinase II domains in the C-terminal region is an axial ligand. In the present study, we isolate the KI domain of mouse HRI and employ site-directed mutagenesis to identify the heme axial ligand. The optical absorption spectrum of the Fe(III) hemin-bound wild-type KI displays a broad Soret band at around 373nm, while that of the Fe(II) heme-bound protein contains a band at 422nm. Spectral titration studies conducted for both the Fe(III) hemin and Fe(II) heme complexes with KI support a 1:1 stoichiometry of heme iron to protein. Resonance Raman spectra of Fe(III) hemin-bound KI suggest that thiol is the axial ligand in a 5-coordinate high-spin heme complex as a major form. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of Fe(III) hemin-bound KI indicate that the axial ligands are OH(-) and Cys. Since Cys385 is the only cysteine in KI, the residue was mutated to Ser, and its spectral characteristics were analyzed. The Soret band position, heme spectral titration behavior and ESR parameters of the Cys385Ser mutant were markedly different from those of wild-type KI. Based on these spectroscopic findings, we conclude that Cys385 is an axial ligand of isolated KI.  相似文献   

Growth using Fe(III) as a terminal electron acceptor is a critical physiological process in Geobacter sulfurreducens. However, the mechanisms of electron transfer during Fe(III) reduction are only now being understood. It has been demonstrated that the pili in G. sulfurreducens function as microbial nanowires conducting electrons onto Fe(III) oxides. A number of c-type cytochromes have also been shown to play important roles in Fe(III) reduction. However, the regulatory networks controlling the expression of the genes involved in such processes are not well known. Here we report that the expression of pilA, which encodes the pilistructural protein, is directly regulated by a two-component regulatory system in which PilR functions as an RpoN-dependent enhancer binding protein. Surprisingly, a deletion of the pilR gene affected not only insoluble Fe(III) reduction, which requires pili, but also soluble Fe(III) reduction, which, in contrast, does not require pili. Gene expression profiling using whole-genome DNA microarray and quantitative RT-PCR analyses obtained with a PilR-deficient mutant revealed that the expression of pilA and other pilin-related genes are downregulated, while many c-type cytochromes involved in Fe(III) reduction were differentially regulated. This is the first instance of an enhancer binding protein implicated in regulating genes involved in Fe(III) respiratory functions.  相似文献   

It is now established that several amino acids of region III of the biphenyl dioxygenase (BPDO) alpha subunit are involved in substrate recognition and regiospecificity toward chlorobiphenyls. However, the sequence pattern of the amino acids of that segment of seven amino acids located in the C-terminal portion of the alpha subunit is rather limited in BPDOs of natural occurrence. In this work, we have randomly mutated simultaneously four residues (Thr(335)-Phe(336)-Ile(338)-Ile(341)) of region III of Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 BphA. The library was screened for variants able to oxygenate 2,2'-dichlorobiphenyl (2,2'-CB). Replacement of Phe(336) with Met or Ile with a concomitant change of Thr(335) to Ala created new variants that transformed 2,2'-CB into 3,4-dihydro-3,4-dihydroxy-2,2'-dichlorobiphenyl, which is a dead end metabolite that was not cleaved by BphC. Replacement of Thr(335)-Phe(336) with Ala(335)-Leu(336) did not cause this type of phenotypic change. Regiospecificity toward congeners other than 2,2'-CB that were oxygenated more efficiently by variant Ala(335)-Met(336) than by LB400 BPDO was similar for both enzymes. Thus structural changes that altered the regiospecificity toward 2,2'-CB did not affect the metabolite profile of other congeners, although it affected the rate of conversion of these congeners. It was especially noteworthy that both LB400 BPDO and the Ala(335)-Met(336) variant generated 2,3-dihydroxy-2',4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl as the sole metabolite from 2,4,2',4'-CB and 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3,2',3'-tetrachlorobiphenyl as the major metabolite from 2,3,2',3'-CB. This shows that 2,4,2',4'-CB is oxygenated principally onto vicinal ortho-meta carbons 2 and 3 and that 2,3,2',3'-CB is oxygenated onto meta-para carbons 4 and 5 by both enzymes. The data suggest that interactions between the chlorine substitutes on the phenyl ring and specific amino acid residues of the protein influence the orientation of the phenyl ring inside the catalytic pocket.  相似文献   

Human cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) is an essential enzyme for the removal of the toxic metabolite homocysteine. Heme and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) cofactors are necessary to catalyze the condensation of homocysteine and serine to generate cystathionine. While the role for the PLP cofactor is thought to be similar to that in other PLP-dependent enzymes that catalyze beta-replacement reactions, the exact role for the heme remains unclear. In this study, we have characterized the heme cofactor of CBS in both the ferric and ferrous states using resonance Raman spectroscopy. Positive identification of a cysteine ligand was achieved by global (34)S isotopic substitution which allowed us to assign the nu(Fe-S) for the six-coordinate low-spin ferric heme at 312 cm(-1). In addition, the CO adduct of ferrous CBS has vibrational frequencies characteristic of a histidine-heme-CO complex in a hydrophobic environment, and indicates that the Fe-S(Cys) bond is labile. We have also found that addition of HgCl(2) to the ferric heme causes conversion of the low-spin heme to a five-coordinate high-spin heme with loss of the cysteine ligand. The present spectroscopic studies do not support a reaction mechanism in which homocysteine binds directly to the heme via displacement of the Cys ligand in the binary enzyme complex, as had been previously proposed.  相似文献   

The metabolism of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria (DIRB) may provide a means of remediating contaminated subsurface soils. The factors controlling the rate and extent of bacterial F(III) mineral reduction are poorly understood. Recent research suggests that molecular-scale interactions between DIRB cells and Fe(III) mineral particles play an important role in this process. One of these interactions, cell adhesion to Fe(III) mineral particles, appears to be a complex process that is, at least in part, mediated by a variety of surface proteins. This study examined the hypothesis that the flagellum serves as an adhesin to different Fe(III) minerals that range in their surface area and degree of crystallinity. Deflagellated cells of the DIRB Shewanella algae BrY showed a reduced ability to adhere to hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) relative to flagellated cells. Flagellated cells were also more hydrophobic than deflagellated cells. This was significant because hydrophobic interactions have been previously shown to dominate S. algae cell adhesion to Fe(III) minerals. Pre-incubating HFO, goethite, or hematite with purified flagella inhibited the adhesion of S. algae BrY cells to these minerals. Transposon mutagenesis was used to generate a flagellum-deficient mutant designated S. algae strain NF. There was a significant difference in the rate and extent of S. algae NF adhesion to HFO, goethite, and hematite relative to that of S. algae BrY. Amiloride, a specific inhibitor of Na + -driven flagellar motors, inhibited S. algae BrY motility but did not affect the adhesion of S. algae BrY to HFO. S.algae NF reduced HFO at the same rate as S. algae BrY. Collectively, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the flagellum of S. algae functions as a specific Fe(III) mineral adhesin. However, these results suggest that flagellum-mediated adhesion is not requisite for Fe(III) mineral reduction.  相似文献   

The electron spin relaxation time of high spin Fe(III), taus, was determined from the frequency dependence (5-100 MHz) of the longitudinal proton relaxation rates of water in solutions of catalase, metmyoglobin and acid ferricytochrome c. In all three high-spin heme proteins the relaxation rates incrased below 25 MHz, while no frequency dependence was observed above that frequency. The results are interpreted by assuming that taus, which modulates the dipolar interaction between the unpaired electrons of the iron and the water protons, is frequently independent. Its value was determined to be (6 +/- 1) - 10(-11) s.  相似文献   

The mechanisms for Fe(III) oxide reduction in Geobacter species are of interest because Fe(III) oxides are the most abundant form of Fe(III) in many soils and sediments and Geobacter species are prevalent Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms in many of these environments. Protein abundance in G. sulfurreducens grown on poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide or on soluble Fe(III) citrate was compared with a global accurate mass and time tag proteomic approach in order to identify proteins that might be specifically associated with Fe(III) oxide reduction. A total of 2991 proteins were detected in G. sulfurreducens grown with acetate as the electron donor and either Fe(III) oxide or soluble Fe(III) citrate as the electron acceptor, resulting in 86% recovery of the genes predicted to encode proteins. Of the total expressed proteins 76% were less abundant in Fe(III) oxide cultures than in Fe(III) citrate cultures, which is consistent with the overall slower rate of metabolism during growth with an insoluble electron acceptor. A total of 269 proteins were more abundant in Fe(III) oxide-grown cells than in cells grown on Fe(III) citrate. Most of these proteins were in the energy metabolism category: primarily electron transport proteins, including 13 c-type cytochromes and PilA, the structural protein for electrically conductive pili. Several of the cytochromes that were more abundant in Fe(III) oxide-grown cells were previously shown with genetic approaches to be essential for optimal Fe(III) oxide reduction. Other proteins that were more abundant during growth on Fe(III) oxide included transport and binding proteins, proteins involved in regulation and signal transduction, cell envelope proteins, and enzymes for amino acid and protein biosynthesis, among others. There were also a substantial number of proteins of unknown function that were more abundant during growth on Fe(III) oxide. These results indicate that electron transport to Fe(III) oxide requires additional and/or different proteins than electron transfer to soluble, chelated Fe(III) and suggest proteins whose functions should be further investigated in order to better understand the mechanisms of electron transfer to Fe(III) oxide in G. sulfurreducens.  相似文献   

 High-quality nonlocal density functional calculations have been carried out on the deformability of Fe(II)CO and Fe(III)CN units in model compounds of heme proteins. The results confirm our previous finding with a local functional that the Fe(II)CO unit is significantly deformable with respect to tilting and bending. This deformability stems in large part from a large, negative interaction constant between the FeC tilt and FeCO bend coordinates. The Fe(III)CN unit is also significantly deformable, but in this case the deformability results from a very small Fe(III)CN bend force constant and the ability of the cyano nitrogen to act as a hydrogen bond acceptor. The prediction that the energetic penalty associated with deforming the Fe(II)CO unit is relatively modest indicates that such deformations are unlikely to be the dominant contributor to myoglobin's discrimation against CO in favor of O2. Received, accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

Shewanella alga BrY adhesion to hydrous ferric oxide, goethite, and hematite was examined. Adhesion to each oxide followed the Langmuir adsorption model. No correlation between adhesion and Fe(III) oxide surface area or crystallinity was observed. Zeta potential measurements suggested that electrostatic interactions do not influence S. alga BrY adhesion to these minerals. Cell adhesion does not appear to explain the recalcitrance of crystalline Fe(III) oxides to bacterial reduction. Received: 12 May 2000 / Accepted: 19 June 2000  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 hemoglobin is a cyanobacterial Group I truncated hemoglobin. In the absence of an exogenous ligand, its single heme group is coordinated by His46 (E10, distal) and His70 (F8, proximal). The protein can undergo a post-translational modification by which His117 (H16, in the C-terminal helix) reacts with the heme 2-vinyl group to form a Markownikoff adduct. The new C-N bond prevents heme loss, alters the dynamics of the protein, and influences ligand binding to the heme group. To explore the factors conditioning the formation of the cross-link, variants of the protein that contained an alanine or a leucine at position 46 (E10) were prepared. A double replacement (His46Leu and Tyr22 (B10) to Phe) was also performed to perturb the network of interactions stabilizing bound exogenous ligand. The single and double replacements affected the optical and NMR properties of the globin, each in a different fashion. Heme-protein cross-linking, as promoted by sodium dithionite, was retarded by the replacement of His46, but reactivity was recovered when imidazole or cyanide was used as exogenous ligand. In addition, a significant amount of a second product was systematically obtained when dithionite treatment was performed on the cyanide-bound proteins. This species was identified by NMR spectroscopy to be an adduct to the 4-vinyl group. It was concluded that the specificity and rate of the cross-linking reaction depended critically on the nature of the sixth ligand to the heme iron.  相似文献   

The electron transfer protein rubredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum contains an Fe(S-Cys)(4) active site. Mutant proteins C9G, C9A, C42G and C42A, in which cysteine ligands are replaced by non-ligating Gly or Ala residues, have been expressed in Escherichia coli. The C42A protein expresses with a Fe(III)(2)S(2) cluster in place. In contrast, the other proteins are isolated in colourless forms, although a Fe(III)(2)S(2) cluster may be assembled in the C42G protein via incubation with Fe(III)and sulfide. The four mutant proteins were isolated as stable mononuclear Hg(II)forms which were converted to unstable mononuclear Fe(III)preparations that contain both holo and apo protein. The Fe(III)systems were characterized by metal analysis and mass spectrometry and by electronic, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. The dominant Fe(III) form in the C9A preparation is a Fe(S-Cys)(3)(OH) centre, similar to that observed previously in the C6S mutant protein. Related centres are present in the proteins NifU and IscU responsible for assembly and repair of iron-sulfur clusters in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In addition to Fe(S-Cys)(3)(OH) centres, the C9G, C42G and C42A preparations contain a second four-coordinate Fe(III)form in which a ligand appears to be supplied by the protein chain.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of anionic phenoxyacetate ligands and Nd(III) cations in a 3:1 ratio leads to a 2D {Nd2(PhOCH2COO)6(H2O)3 · H2O}n coordination polymer 1, which was structurally characterized. The metal centers are bridged by carboxylic groups to form infinite parallel chains separated (19.4 Å) by the π-π and C-H?π-stacked phenoxy groups of the ligands. The thermal dependence of the molar magnetic susceptibility for the isostructural gadolinium polymer 2 has been measured and analyzed according to the analytical expression of an infinite chain of classical spins derived by Fisher. The Gd?Gd interaction is ferromagnetic with a magnitude of 0.015(3) cm−1. Modelling of the field-dependent magnetization at 2 K corroborates this result.  相似文献   

I Morishima  Y Shiro  S Adachi  Y Yano  Y Orii 《Biochemistry》1989,28(19):7582-7586
The kinetics of carbon monoxide (CO) binding to myoglobin (Mb) modified at the distal histidine (His) by cyanogen bromide (BrCN) has been studied. The CO association and dissociation rates of BrCN-modified Mb were obtained as 1.8 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 and 0.13 s-1, respectively (20 degrees C and pH 7.0). Thermodynamic parameters were obtained as well. These values are notable, compared with those for other hemoproteins, the slowest association and the fastest dissociation rates among various hemoproteins examined so far. On the basis of the available structural data obtained from the absorption, 1H NMR, and IR spectral measurements, these unique kinetic and thermodynamic properties were reasonably explained in terms of the steric restriction at the modified distal side.  相似文献   

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