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Widefield fluorescence microscopy with extended resolution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Widefield fluorescence microscopy is seeing dramatic improvements in resolution, reaching today 100 nm in all three dimensions. This gain in resolution is achieved by dispensing with uniform Köhler illumination. Instead, non-uniform excitation light patterns with sinusoidal intensity variations in one, two, or three dimensions are applied combined with powerful image reconstruction techniques. Taking advantage of non-linear fluorophore response to the excitation field, the resolution can be further improved down to several 10 nm. In this review article, we describe the image formation in the microscope and computational reconstruction of the high-resolution dataset when exciting the specimen with a harmonic light pattern conveniently generated by interfering laser beams forming standing waves. We will also discuss extensions to total internal reflection microscopy, non-linear microscopy, and three-dimensional imaging.  相似文献   

Concepts for nanoscale resolution in fluorescence microscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatio-temporal visualization of cellular structures by fluorescence microscopy has become indispensable in biology. However, the resolution of conventional fluorescence microscopy is limited by diffraction to about 180 nm in the focal plane and to about 500 nm along the optic axis. Recently, concepts have emerged that overcome the diffraction resolution barrier fundamentally. Formed on the basis of reversible saturable optical transitions, these concepts might eventually allow us to investigate hitherto inaccessible details within live cells.  相似文献   

Science China Life Sciences - Resolution is undoubtedly the most important parameter in optical microscopy by providing an estimation on the maximum resolving power of a certain optical microscope....  相似文献   

Biological structures span many orders of magnitude in size, but far-field visible light microscopy suffers from limited resolution. A new method for fluorescence imaging has been developed that can obtain spatial distributions of large numbers of fluorescent molecules on length scales shorter than the classical diffraction limit. Fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM) analyzes thousands of single fluorophores per acquisition, localizing small numbers of them at a time, at low excitation intensity. To control the number of visible fluorophores in the field of view and ensure that optically active molecules are separated by much more than the width of the point spread function, photoactivatable fluorescent molecules are used, in this case the photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PA-GFP). For these photoactivatable molecules, the activation rate is controlled by the activation illumination intensity; nonfluorescent inactive molecules are activated by a high-frequency (405-nm) laser and are then fluorescent when excited at a lower frequency. The fluorescence is imaged by a CCD camera, and then the molecules are either reversibly inactivated or irreversibly photobleached to remove them from the field of view. The rate of photobleaching is controlled by the intensity of the laser used to excite the fluorescence, in this case an Ar+ ion laser. Because only a small number of molecules are visible at a given time, their positions can be determined precisely; with only approximately 100 detected photons per molecule, the localization precision can be as much as 10-fold better than the resolution, depending on background levels. Heterogeneities on length scales of the order of tens of nanometers are observed by FPALM of PA-GFP on glass. FPALM images are compared with images of the same molecules by widefield fluorescence. FPALM images of PA-GFP on a terraced sapphire crystal surface were compared with atomic force microscopy and show that the full width at half-maximum of features approximately 86 +/- 4 nm is significantly better than the expected diffraction-limited optical resolution. The number of fluorescent molecules and their brightness distribution have also been determined using FPALM. This new method suggests a means to address a significant number of biological questions that had previously been limited by microscope resolution.  相似文献   

Imaging volumes as thick as whole cells at three-dimensional (3D) super-resolution is required to reveal unknown features of cellular organization. We report a light microscope that generates images with translationally invariant 30 x 30 x 75 nm resolution over a depth of several micrometers. This method, named biplane (BP) FPALM, combines a double-plane detection scheme with fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM) enabling 3D sub-diffraction resolution without compromising speed or sensitivity.  相似文献   

In fluorescence microscopy, the fluorescence emission can be characterised not only by intensity and position, but also by lifetime, polarization and wavelength. Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can report on photophysical events that are difficult or impossible to observe by fluorescence intensity imaging, and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy imaging (TR-FAIM) can measure the rotational mobility of a fluorophore in its environment. We compare different FLIM methods: a chief advantage of wide-field time-gating and phase modulation methods is the speed of acquisition whereas for time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) based confocal scanning it is accuracy in the fluorescence decay. FLIM has been used to image interactions between proteins such as receptor oligomerisation and to reveal protein phosphorylation by detecting fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In addition, FLIM can also probe the local environment of fluorophores, reporting, for example, on the local pH, refractive index, ion or oxygen concentration without the need for ratiometric measurements.  相似文献   

Structured illumination microscopy is a method that can increase the spatial resolution of wide-field fluorescence microscopy beyond its classical limit by using spatially structured illumination light. Here we describe how this method can be applied in three dimensions to double the axial as well as the lateral resolution, with true optical sectioning. A grating is used to generate three mutually coherent light beams, which interfere in the specimen to form an illumination pattern that varies both laterally and axially. The spatially structured excitation intensity causes normally unreachable high-resolution information to become encoded into the observed images through spatial frequency mixing. This new information is computationally extracted and used to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction with twice as high resolution, in all three dimensions, as is possible in a conventional wide-field microscope. The method has been demonstrated on both test objects and biological specimens, and has produced the first light microscopy images of the synaptonemal complex in which the lateral elements are clearly resolved.  相似文献   

Microscopy has become increasingly important for analysis of cells and cell function in recent years. This is due in large part to advances in light microscopy that facilitate quantitative studies and improve imaging of living cells. Analysis of fluorescence signals has often been a key feature in these advances. Such studies involve a number of techniques, including imaging of fluorescently labeled proteins in living cells, single-cell physiological experiments using fluorescent indicator probes, and immunofluorescence localization. The importance of fluorescence microscopy notwithstanding, there are instances in which electron microscopy provides unique information about cell structure and function. Correlative microscopy in which a fluorescence signal is reconciled with a signal from the electron microscope is an additional tool that can provide powerful information for cellular analysis. Here we review two different methodologies for correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy using ultrathin cryosections and the advantages attendant on this approach. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:803-808, 2001)  相似文献   

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) has become a powerful tool in life sciences. Particularly cryo‐CLEM, the combination of fluorescence cryo‐microscopy (cryo‐FM) permitting for non‐invasive specific multi‐colour labelling, with electron cryo‐microscopy (cryo‐EM) providing the undisturbed structural context at a resolution down to the Ångstrom range, has enabled a broad range of new biological applications. Imaging rare structures or events in crowded environments, such as inside a cell, requires specific fluorescence‐based information for guiding cryo‐EM data acquisition and/or to verify the identity of the structure of interest. Furthermore, cryo‐CLEM can provide information about the arrangement of specific proteins in the wider structural context of their native nano‐environment. However, a major obstacle of cryo‐CLEM currently hindering many biological applications is the large resolution gap between cryo‐FM (typically in the range of ~400 nm) and cryo‐EM (single nanometre to the Ångstrom range). Very recently, first proof of concept experiments demonstrated the feasibility of super‐resolution cryo‐FM imaging and the correlation with cryo‐EM. This opened the door towards super‐resolution cryo‐CLEM, and thus towards direct correlation of structural details from both imaging modalities.  相似文献   

Kinesin-1 is one of the motor proteins that drive intracellular transport in eukaryotes. This motor makes hundreds of 8-nm steps along a microtubule before releasing. Kinesin-1 can move at velocities of up to approximately 800 nm/s, which means that one turnover on average takes 10 ms. Important details, however, concerning the coordination between the two motor domains have not been determined due to limitations of the techniques used. In this study, we present an approach that allows the observation of fluorescence intensity changes on individual kinesins with a time resolution far better than the duration of a single step. In our approach, the laser focus of a confocal fluorescence microscope is pointed at a microtubule and the photons emitted by fluorescently labeled kinesin motors walking through the spot are detected with submicrosecond accuracy. We show that the autocorrelation of a fluorescence time trace of an individual kinesin motor contains information at time lags down to 0.1 ms. The quality and time resolution of the autocorrelation is primarily determined by the amount of signal photons used. By adding the autocorrelations of several tens of kinesins, fluorescence intensity changes can be observed at a timescale below 100 micros.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a technique used for quantifying the distance between two molecules conjugated to different fluorophores. By combining optical microscopy with FRET it is possible to obtain quantitative temporal and spatial information about the binding and interaction of proteins, lipids, enzymes, DNA, and RNA in vivo. In conjunction with the recent development of a variety of mutant green fluorescent proteins (mtGFPs), FRET microscopy provides the potential to measure the interaction of intracellular molecular species in intact living cells where the donor and acceptor fluorophores are actually part of the molecules themselves. However, steady-state FRET microscopy measurements can suffer from several sources of distortion, which need to be corrected. These include direct excitation of the acceptor at the donor excitation wavelengths and the dependence of FRET on the concentration of acceptor. We present a simple method for the analysis of FRET data obtained with standard filter sets in a fluorescence microscope. This method is corrected for cross talk (any detection of donor fluorescence with the acceptor emission filter and any detection of acceptor fluorescence with the donor emission filter), and for the dependence of FRET on the concentrations of the donor and acceptor. Measurements of the interaction of the proteins Bcl-2 and Beclin (a recently identified Bcl-2 interacting protein located on chromosome 17q21), are shown to document the accuracy of this approach for correction of donor and acceptor concentrations, and cross talk between the different filter units.  相似文献   

Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy has now become a relatively common tool among biophysicists and biologists. The intrinsic sectioning achievable by multiphoton excitation provides a simple means to excite a small volume inside cells and tissues. Multiphoton microscopes have a simplified optical path in the emission side due to the lack of an emission pinhole, which is necessary with normal confocal microscopes. This article illustrates examples in which this advantage in the simplified optics is exploited to achieve a new type of measurements. First, dual-emission wavelength measurements are used to identify regions of different phase domains in giant vesicles and to perform fluctuation experiments at specific locations in the membrane. Second, we show how dual-wavelength measurements are used in conjunction with scanning fluctuation analysis to measure the changes in the geometry of the domains and the incipient formation of gel domains when the temperature of the giant vesicles is gradually lowered.  相似文献   

The increasing experimental use of total internal reflection/fluorescence photobleaching recovery has motivated a theoretical study of the spatial intensity profiles generated by two interfering evanescent waves. The interference patterns generated by evanescent waves differ considerably from those generated by plane waves in a homogenous medium because evanescent waves are not transverse and because the evanescent propagation number depends on the incidence angle of the totally internally reflected light. The periodicity and contrast of the evanescent interference patterns under various conditions are calculated; these parameters depend on the intensities, polarizations, and incidence angles of the two incident beams, as well as the refractive indices of the two media that form the planar interface where total internal reflection occurs. The derived intensity profiles are used to develop expressions for the shapes of fluorescence photobleaching recovery curves when evanescent interference patterns are used for fluorescence excitation and bleaching. The calculations also suggest that colliding beam experiments may confirm theoretically predicted evanescent field polarizations.  相似文献   

The ability to study the structure and function of cell membranes and membrane components is fundamental to understanding cellular processes. This requires the use of methods capable of resolving structures with nanometer-scale resolution in intact or living cells. Although fluorescence microscopy has proven to be an extremely versatile tool in cell biology, its diffraction-limited resolution prevents the investigation of membrane compartmentalization at the nanometer scale. Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) is a relatively unexplored technique that combines both enhanced spatial resolution of probing microscopes and simultaneous measurement of topographic and optical signals. Because of the very small nearfield excitation volume, background fluorescence from the cytoplasm is effectively reduced, enabling the visualization of nano-scale domains on the cell membrane with single molecule detection sensitivity at physiologically relevant packing densities. In this article we discuss technological aspects concerning the implementation of NSOM for cell membrane studies and illustrate its unique advantages in terms of spatial resolution, background suppression, sensitivity, and surface specificity for the study of protein clustering at the cell membrane. Furthermore, we demonstrate reliable operation under physiological conditions, without compromising resolution or sensitivity, opening the road toward truly live cell imaging with unprecedented detail and accuracy.  相似文献   

Bridging fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Development of new fluorescent probes and fluorescence microscopes has led to new ways to study cell biology. With the emergence of specialized microscopy units at most universities and research centers, the use of these techniques is well within reach for a broad research community. A major breakthrough in fluorescence microscopy in biology is the ability to follow specific targets on or in living cells, revealing dynamic localization and/or function of target molecules. One of the inherent limitations of fluorescence microscopy is the resolution. Several efforts are undertaken to overcome this limit. The traditional and most well-known way to achieve higher resolution imaging is by electron microscopy. Moreover, electron microscopy reveals organelles, membranes, macromolecules, and thus aids in the understanding of cellular complexity and localization of molecules of interest in relation to other structures. With the new probe development, a solid bridge between fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy is being built, even leading to correlative imaging. This connection provides several benefits, both scientifically as well as practically. Here, I summarize recent developments in bridging microscopy.  相似文献   

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