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Knowledge of cleavage site specificity and activity are major prerequisites for understanding protease function. On the basis of a recently presented approach for proteomic identification of cleavage sites (PICS) in proteome-derived peptide libraries, we developed an isobaric labeling quantitative LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS approach (Q-PICS) for simultaneous determination of cleavage site specificity and robust relative quantification of proteolytic events. For GluC-protease, 737 cleavage sites were identified in a yeast proteome-derived peptide library; 94.0% showed the typical GluC specificity for peptide bonds at glutamyl and aspartyl residues. The six-plex tandem mass tagging strategy allowed for three simultaneous replicates in a single run, guaranteeing high confidence and robust statistics for quantitative measurements. Using the quantitative capacity of Q-PICS, we performed a comparison of cleavage site specificity of GluC in two different buffer systems. The results support earlier findings describing that apparent difference between the buffer systems are probably caused by the inhibitory effect of bicarbonate on the overall GluC activity and that the preference for Glu-X bonds compared to Asp-X bonds is independent of the buffer system used.  相似文献   

We report an isotope labeling shotgun proteome analysis strategy to validate the spectrum-to-sequence assignments generated by using sequence-database searching for the construction of a more reliable MS/MS spectral library. This strategy is demonstrated in the analysis of the E. coli K12 proteome. In the workflow, E. coli cells were cultured in normal and (15)N-enriched media. The differentially labeled proteins from the cell extracts were subjected to trypsin digestion and two-dimensional liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (2D-LC QTOF MS/MS) analysis. The MS/MS spectra of the two samples were individually searched using Mascot against the E. coli proteome database to generate lists of peptide sequence matches. The two data sets were compared by overlaying the spectra of unlabeled and labeled matches of the same peptide sequence for validation. Two cutoff filters, one based on the number of common fragment ions and another one on the similarity of intensity patterns among the common ions, were developed and applied to the overlaid spectral pairs to reject the low quality or incorrectly assigned spectra. By examining 257,907 and 245,156 spectra acquired from the unlabeled and (15)N-labeled samples, respectively, an experimentally validated MS/MS spectral library of tryptic peptides was constructed for E. coli K12 that consisted of 9,302 unique spectra with unique sequence and charge state, representing 7,763 unique peptide sequences. This E. coli spectral library could be readily expanded, and the overall strategy should be applicable to other organisms. Even with this relatively small library, it was shown that more peptides could be identified with higher confidence using the spectral search method than by sequence-database searching.  相似文献   

One of the challenges associated with large-scale proteome analysis using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and automated database searching is to reduce the number of false positive identifications without sacrificing the number of true positives found. In this work, a systematic investigation of the effect of 2MEGA labeling (N-terminal dimethylation after lysine guanidination) on the proteome analysis of a membrane fraction of an Escherichia coli cell extract by 2-dimensional liquid chromatography MS/MS is presented. By a large-scale comparison of MS/MS spectra of native peptides with those from the 2MEGA-labeled peptides, the labeled peptides were found to undergo facile fragmentation with enhanced a1 or a1-related (a(1)-17 and a(1)-45) ions derived from all N-terminal amino acids in the MS/MS spectra; these ions are usually difficult to detect in the MS/MS spectra of nonderivatized peptides. The 2MEGA labeling alleviated the biased detection of arginine-terminated peptides that is often observed in MALDI and ESI MS experiments. 2MEGA labeling was found not only to increase the number of peptides and proteins identified but also to generate enhanced a1 or a1-related ions as a constraint to reduce the number of false positive identifications. In total, 640 proteins were identified from the E. coli membrane fraction, with each protein identified based on peptide mass and sequence match of one or more peptides using MASCOT database search algorithm from the MS/MS spectra generated by a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Among them, the subcellular locations of 336 proteins are presently known, including 258 membrane and membrane-associated proteins (76.8%). Among the classified proteins, there was a dramatic increase in the total number of integral membrane proteins identified in the 2MEGA-labeled sample (153 proteins) versus the unlabeled sample (77 proteins).  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry (MS) promises to be an invaluable tool for functional genomics, by supporting low-cost, high-throughput experiments. However, large-scale MS faces the potential problem of mass degeneracy---indistinguishable masses for multiple biopolymer fragments (e.g., from a limited proteolytic digest). This paper studies the tasks of planning and interpreting MS experiments that use selective isotopic labeling, thereby substantially reducing potential mass degeneracy. Our algorithms support an experimental--computational protocol called structure-activity relation by mass spectrometry (SAR by MS) for elucidating the function of protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes. SAR by MS enzymatically cleaves a crosslinked complex and analyzes the resulting mass spectrum for mass peaks of hypothesized fragments. Depending on binding mode, some cleavage sites will be shielded; the absence of anticipated peaks implicates corresponding fragments as either part of the interaction region or inaccessible due to conformational change upon binding. Thus, different mass spectra provide evidence for different structure--activity relations. We address combinatorial and algorithmic questions in the areas of data analysis (constraining binding mode based on mass signature) and experiment planning (determining an isotopic labeling strategy to reduce mass degeneracy and aid data analysis). We explore the computational complexity of these problems, obtaining upper and lower bounds. We report experimental results from implementations of our algorithms.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography MALDI MS/MS for membrane proteome analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Membrane proteins play critical roles in many biological functions and are often the molecular targets for drug discovery. However, their analysis presents a special challenge largely due to their highly hydrophobic nature. We present a surfactant-aided shotgun proteomics approach for membrane proteome analysis. In this approach, membrane proteins were solubilized and digested in the presence of SDS followed by newly developed auto-offline liquid chromatography/matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (LC/MALDI) tandem MS analysis. Because of high tolerance of MALDI to SDS, one-dimensional (1D) LC separation can be combined with MALDI for direct analysis of protein digests containing SDS, without the need for extensive sample cleanup. In addition, the heated droplet interface used in LC/MALDI can work with high flow LC separations, allowing a relatively large amount of protein digest to be used for 1D LC/MALDI which facilitates the detection of low abundance proteins. The proteome identification results obtained by LC/MALDI are compared to the gel electrophoresis/MS method as well as the shotgun proteomics method using 2D LC/electrospray ionization MS. It is demonstrated that, while LC/MALDI provides more extensive proteome coverage compared to the other two methods, these three methods are complementary to each other and a combination of these methods should provide a more comprehensive membrane proteome analysis.  相似文献   

A novel surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) approach for accurate quantification of mononucleotides of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is described. Reproducible SERS measurement was achieved by using isotopically labeled internal standard. By measuring the SERS spectra of mononucleotides and its isotope internal standard in combination with multivariate data analysis, the method was successfully applied to quantify mononucleotides. The independent validation of analyte concentrations gave a standard deviation of within 2%, which is comparable to HPLC result. Finally, a mixture of four mononucleotides of DNA was prepared to explore the possibility of quantifying the concentration of label-free, sequence-specific DNA strands by this approach. As compared to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), our method can be similarly precise but the SERS measurement is simple, rapid and potentially cheap.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are microdomains of the phospholipid bilayer, proposed to form semi-stable "islands" that act as a platform for several important cellular processes; major classes of raft-resident proteins include signalling proteins and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. Proteomic studies into lipid rafts have been mainly carried out in mammalian cell lines and single cell organisms. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the model organism with a well-defined developmental profile, is ideally suited for the study of this subcellular locale in a complex developmental context. A study of the lipid raft proteome of C. elegans is presented here. A total of 44 proteins were identified from the lipid raft fraction using geLC-MS/MS, of which 40 have been determined to be likely raft proteins after analysis of predicted functions. Prediction of GPI-anchoring of the proteins found 21 to be potentially modified in this way, two of which were experimentally confirmed to be GPI-anchored. This work is the first reported study of the lipid raft proteome in C. elegans. The results show that raft proteins, including numerous GPI-anchored proteins, may have a variety of potentially important roles within the nematode, and will hopefully lead to C. elegans becoming a useful model for the study of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

In a recent study, in vivo metabolic labeling using (15)N traced the rate of label incorporation among more than 1700 proteins simultaneously and enabled the determination of individual protein turnover rate constants over a dynamic range of three orders of magnitude (Price, J. C., Guan, S., Burlingame, A., Prusiner, S. B., and Ghaemmaghami, S. (2010) Analysis of proteome dynamics in the mouse brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 14508-14513). These studies of protein dynamics provide a deeper understanding of healthy development and well-being of complex organisms, as well as the possible causes and progression of disease. In addition to a fully labeled food source and appropriate mass spectrometry platform, an essential and enabling component of such large scale investigations is a robust data processing and analysis pipeline, which is capable of the reduction of large sets of liquid chromatography tandem MS raw data files into the desired protein turnover rate constants. The data processing pipeline described in this contribution is comprised of a suite of software modules required for the workflow that fulfills such requirements. This software platform includes established software tools such as a mass spectrometry database search engine together with several additional, novel data processing modules specifically developed for (15)N metabolic labeling. These fulfill the following functions: (1) cross-extraction of (15)N-containing ion intensities from raw data files at varying biosynthetic incorporation times, (2) computation of peptide (15)N isotopic incorporation distributions, and (3) aggregation of relative isotope abundance curves for multiple peptides into single protein curves. In addition, processing parameter optimization and noise reduction procedures were found to be necessary in the processing modules in order to reduce propagation of errors in the long chain of the processing steps of the entire workflow.  相似文献   

A main objective of proteomics research is to systematically identify and quantify proteins in a given proteome (cells, subcellular fractions, protein complexes, tissues or body fluids). Protein labeling with isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT) followed by tandem mass spectrometry allows sequence identification and accurate quantification of proteins in complex mixtures, and has been applied to the analysis of global protein expression changes, protein changes in subcellular fractions, components of protein complexes, protein secretion and body fluids. This protocol describes protein-sample labeling with ICAT reagents, chromatographic fractionation of the ICAT-labeled tryptic peptides, and protein identification and quantification using tandem mass spectrometry. The method is suitable for both large-scale analysis of complex samples including whole proteomes and small-scale analysis of subproteomes, and allows quantitative analysis of proteins, including those that are difficult to analyze by gel-based proteomics technology.  相似文献   

A strategy based on isotope labeling of peptides and liquid chromatography matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MALDI MS) has been employed to accurately quantify and confidently identify differentially expressed proteins between an E-cadherin-deficient human carcinoma cell line (SCC9) and its transfectants expressing E-cadherin (SCC9-E). Proteins extracted from each cell line were tryptically digested and the resultant peptides were labeled individually with either d(0)- or d(2)-formaldehyde. The labeled peptides were combined and the peptide mixture was separated and fractionated by a strong cation exchange (SCX) column. Peptides from each SCX fraction were further separated by a microbore reversed-phase (RP) LC column. The effluents were then directly spotted onto a MALDI target using a heated droplet LC-MALDI interface. After mixing with a MALDI matrix, individual sample spots were analyzed by MALDI quadrupole time-of-flight MS, using an initial MS scan to quantify the dimethyl labeled peptide pairs. MS/MS analysis was then carried out on the peptide pairs having relative peak intensity changes of greater than 2-fold. The MS/MS spectra were subjected to database searching for protein identification. The search results were further confirmed by comparing the MS/MS spectra of the peptide pairs. Using this strategy, we detected and compared relative peak intensity changes of 5480 peptide pairs. Among them, 320 peptide pairs showed changes of greater than 2-fold. MS/MS analysis of these changing pairs led to the identification of 49 differentially expressed proteins between the parental SCC9 cells and SCC9-E transfectants. These proteins were determined to be involved in different pathways regulating cytoskeletal organization, cell adhesion, epithelial polarity, and cell proliferation. The changes in protein expression were consistent with increased cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion and decreased proliferation in SCC9-E cells, in line with E-cadherin tumor suppressor activity. Finally, the accuracy of the MS quantification and subcellular localization for 6 differentially expressed proteins were validated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence assays.  相似文献   

Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a simple in vivo labeling strategy for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics. It relies on the metabolic incorporation of nonradioactive heavy isotopic forms of amino acids into cellular proteins, which can be readily distinguished in a mass spectrometer. As the samples are mixed before processing in the SILAC methodology, the sample handling errors are also minimized. Here we present protocols for using SILAC in the following types of experiments: (i) studying inducible protein complexes, (ii) identification of Tyr kinase substrates, (iii) differential membrane proteomics and (iv) studying temporal dynamics using SILAC 5-plexing. Although the overall time is largely dependent on the rate of cell growth and various sample processing steps employed, a typical SILAC experiment from start to finish, including data analysis, should take anywhere between 20 and 25 d.  相似文献   

A quantitative proteomics workflow was implemented that provides extended plasma protein coverage by extensive protein depletion in combination with the sensitivity and breadth of analysis of two-dimensional LC-MS/MS shotgun analysis. Abundant proteins were depleted by a two-stage process using IgY and Supermix depletion columns in series. Samples are then extensively fractionated by two-dimensional chromatography with fractions directly deposited onto MALDI plates. Decoupling sample fractionation from mass spectrometry facilitates a targeted MS/MS precursor selection strategy that maximizes measurement of a consistent set of peptides across experiments. Multiplexed stable isotope labeling provides quantification relative to a common reference sample and ensures an identical set of peptides measured in the set of samples (set of eight) combined in a single experiment. The more extensive protein depletion provided by the addition of the Supermix column did not compromise overall reproducibility of the measurements or the ability to reliably detect changes in protein levels between samples. The implementation of this workflow is presented for a case study aimed at generating molecular signatures for prediction of first heart attack.  相似文献   

LC/MS analysis of NAD biosynthesis using stable isotope pyridine precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A liquid chromatographic-electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry (LC/MS) method has been developed to measure the biosynthetic incorporation of specific precursors into NAD. The stable isotope-labeled precursors tryptophan, quinolinic acid, nicotinic acid, and nicotinamide were added to the media of human liver tumor cells (SK-HEP) grown in culture. The cells were harvested, the NAD was extracted, and the ratio of labeled to unlabeled NAD was measured using the newly developed LC/MS assay. The quantity of NAD formed from each precursor relative to an internal standard (fully labeled 13C, 15N-labeled NAD prepared from baker's yeast) was measured. The detection limit (signal-to-noise ratio 5:1) of the LC/MS method was 37 fmol (25 pg) of NAD and was linear from 20.0 ng to 25 pg. All reported NAD levels were normalized relative to cellular protein measurements. At 50 microM precursor concentrations, nicotinamide was the dominant precursor and NAD levels in the cell rose well above normal levels. Other precursors were minimally incorporated. The same methods were applied to NAD biosynthesized by macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes. However, the NAD concentration in macrophages was about 5% of that in SK-HEP cells and the incorporation of stable isotope-labeled substrates remained below measurable levels.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of the nuclear proteome is important for detailed understanding of multiple signaling events in eukaryotic cells. Toward this goal, we extensively characterized the nuclear proteome of human T leukemia cells by sequential extraction of nuclear proteins with different physicochemical properties using three buffer conditions. This large scale proteomic study also tested the feasibility and technical challenges associated with stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to uncover quantitative changes during apoptosis. Analyzing proteins from three nuclear fractions extracted from naive and apoptotic cells generated 780,530 MS/MS spectra that were used for database searching using the SEQUEST algorithm. This analysis resulted in the identification and quantification of 1,174 putative nuclear proteins. A number of known nuclear proteins involved in apoptosis as well as novel proteins not known to be part of the nuclear apoptotic machinery were identified and quantified. Consistent with SILAC-based quantifications, immunofluorescence staining of nucleus, mitochondria, and some associated proteins from both organelles revealed a dynamic recruitment of mitochondria into nuclear invaginations during apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have developed a proteomics technology featuring on-line three-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (3D LC-MS/MS). Using 3D LC-MS/MS, the yeast-soluble, urea-solubilized peripheral membrane and SDS-solubilized membrane protein samples collectively yielded 3019 unique yeast protein identifications with an average of 5.5 peptides per protein from the 6300-gene Saccharomyces Genome Database searched with SEQUEST. A single run of the urea-solubilized sample yielded 2255 unique protein identifications, suggesting high peak capacity and resolving power of 3D LC-MS/MS. After precipitation of SDS from the digested membrane protein sample, 3D LC-MS/MS allowed the analysis of membrane proteins. Among 1221 proteins containing two or more predicted transmembrane domains, 495 such proteins were identified. The improved yeast proteome data allowed the mapping of many metabolic pathways and functional categories. The 3D LC-MS/MS technology provides a suitable tool for global proteome discovery.  相似文献   

Quantitation of plasma lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) might be used to document Gram-negative bacterial infection. In the present work, LPS-derived 3-hydroxymyristate was extracted from plasma samples with an organic solvent, separated by reversed phase HPLC, and quantitated by MS/MS. This mass assay was combined with the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) bioassay to monitor neutralization of LPS activity in biological samples. The described HPLC/MS/MS method is a reliable, practical, accurate, and sensitive tool to quantitate LPS. The combination of the LAL and HPLC/MS/MS analyses provided new evidence for the intrinsic capacity of plasma lipoproteins and phospholipid transfer protein to neutralize the activity of LPS. In a subset of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, with documented infection but with a negative plasma LAL test, significant amounts of LPS were measured by the HPLC/MS/MS method. Patients with the highest plasma LPS concentration were more severely ill. HPLC/MS/MS is a relevant method to quantitate endotoxin in a sample, to assess the efficacy of LPS neutralization, and to evaluate the proinflammatory potential of LPS in vivo.  相似文献   

Identification of novel diagnostic or therapeutic biomarkers from human blood plasma would benefit significantly from quantitative measurements of the proteome constituents over a range of physiological conditions. Herein we describe an initial demonstration of proteome-wide quantitative analysis of human plasma. The approach utilizes postdigestion trypsin-catalyzed 16O/18O peptide labeling, two-dimensional LC-FTICR mass spectrometry, and the accurate mass and time (AMT) tag strategy to identify and quantify peptides/proteins from complex samples. A peptide accurate mass and LC elution time AMT tag data base was initially generated using MS/MS following extensive multidimensional LC separations to provide the basis for subsequent peptide identifications. The AMT tag data base contains >8,000 putative identified peptides, providing 938 confident plasma protein identifications. The quantitative approach was applied without depletion of high abundance proteins for comparative analyses of plasma samples from an individual prior to and 9 h after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. Accurate quantification of changes in protein abundance was demonstrated by both 1:1 labeling of control plasma and the comparison between the plasma samples following LPS administration. A total of 429 distinct plasma proteins were quantified from the comparative analyses, and the protein abundances for 25 proteins, including several known inflammatory response mediators, were observed to change significantly following LPS administration.  相似文献   

While phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc (cytoplasmic and nuclear glycosylation) are linked to normal and pathological changes in cell states, these post-translational modifications have been difficult to analyze in proteomic studies. We describe advances in beta-elimination / Michael addition-based approaches which allow for mass spectrometry-based identification and comparative quantification of O-phosphate or O-GlcNAc-modified peptides, as well as cysteine-containing peptides for expression analysis. The method (BEMAD) involves differential isotopic labeling through Michael addition with normal dithiothreitol (DTT) (d0) or deuterated DTT (d6), and enrichment of these peptides by thiol chromatography. BEMAD was comparable to isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT; a commercially available differential isotopic quantification technique) in protein expression analysis, but also provided the identity and relative amounts of both O-phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification sites. Specificity of O-phosphate vs. O-GlcNAc mapping is achieved through coupling enzymatic dephosphorylation or O-GlcNAc hydrolysis with differential isotopic labeling. Blocking of cysteine labeling by prior oxidation of a cytosolic lysate from mouse brain allowed specific targeting of serine / threonine post-translational modifications as demonstrated through identification of 21 phosphorylation sites (5 previously reported) in a single mass spectrometry analysis. These results demonstate BEMAD is suitable for large-scale quantitative analysis of both protein expression and serine / threonine post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

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