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To make predictions about the possible effects of nanomaterials across environments and taxa, toxicity testing must incorporate not only a variety of organisms and endpoints, but also an understanding of the mechanisms that underlie nanoparticle toxicity. Here, we report the results of a laboratory experiment in which we examined how titanium dioxide nanoparticles impact the population dynamics and production of biomass across a range of freshwater algae. We exposed 10 of the most common species of North American freshwater pelagic algae (phytoplankton) to five increasing concentrations of n-TiO2 (ranging from controls to 300 mg n-TiO2 L−1). We then examined the effects of n-TiO2 on the population growth rates and biomass production of each algal species over a period of 25 days. On average, increasing concentrations of n-TiO2 had no significant effects on algal growth rates (p = 0.376), even though there was considerable species-specific variation in responses. In contrast, exposure to n-TiO2 tended to increase maximum biomass achieved by species in culture (p = 0.06). Results suggest that titanium dioxide nanoparticles could influence certain aspects of population growth of freshwater phytoplankton, though effects are unlikely at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

Gould, R. P. and Mansfield, T. A. 1988. Effects of sulphur dioxideand nitrogen dioxide on growth and translocation in winter wheat.—J. exp. Bot 39: 389–99 Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Avalon) was grown undersimulated autumn conditions for 4 weeks and exposed to a mixtureof SO2 and NO2. Biomass was measured after 2, 3 and 4 weeksand the flag leaves of sample plants were labelled with 14CO2.Biomass yields revealed an increase in shoot-to-root ratiosunder polluted conditions. The labelling experiments showedthat less assimilate was transported to the roots, whilst morewas allocated to the younger components of the plant. It appearedthat NO2 and SO2 also caused labelled photosynthate to be retainedin the labelled leaf. Reducing the photon flux exacerbated theeffects of SO2 and NO2 as indicated by changes in biomass andby the distribution of 14C. Key words: Wheat, SO2, NO2, growth, translocation  相似文献   

Suppression of Plant Growth by Nitrogen Dioxide   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Nicotiana glutinosa and pinto bean seedlings (Phaseolus vulgaris) were exposed for short periods (3 days or less) to high concentrations of NO2 (4.11-20.53 mg/m3 to compare the resulting leaf lesions with ozone damage produced at concentrations of 0.43 to 0.86 mg/m3. Although the same physiological age leaf tissue was damaged by both toxicants, damage caused by NO2 was unlike that caused by ozone.

Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Pearson improved tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) seedlings were continuously exposed for 10 to 22 days, to low concentrations of NO2 (less than 1.03 mg/m3). These exposures caused significant growth suppression, increase in green color (total chlorophyll content), and distortion of leaves.


Soil mineral weathering may serve as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Increased weathering of soil minerals induced by elevated CO2 concentration has been reported previously in temperate areas. However, this has not been well documented for the tropics and subtropics. We used model forest ecosystems in open-top chambers to study the effects of CO2 enrichment alone and together with nitrogen (N) addition on inorganic carbon (C) losses in the leachates. Three years of exposure to an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 700 ppm resulted in increased annual inorganic C export through leaching below the 70 cm soil profile. Compared to the control without any CO2 and N treatments, net biocarbonate C (HCO3 -C) loss increased by 42%, 74%, and 81% in the high CO2 concentration treatment in 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. Increased inorganic C export following the exposure to the elevated CO2 was related to both increased inorganic C concentrations in the leaching water and the greater amount of leaching water. Net annual inorganic C (HCO3 -C and carbonate C: CO3 2−-C) loss via the leaching water in the high CO2 concentration chambers reached 48.0, 49.5, and 114.0 kg ha−1 y−1 in 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively, compared with 33.8, 28.4, and 62.8 kg ha−1 y−1 in the control chambers in the corresponding years. The N addition showed a negative effect on the mineral weathering. The decreased inorganic C concentration in the leaching water and the decreased leaching water amount induced by the high N treatment were the results of the adverse effect. Our results suggest that tropical forest soil systems may be able to compensate for a small part of the atmospheric CO2 increase through the accelerated processing of CO2 into HCO3 -C during soil mineral weathering, which might be transported in part into ground water or oceans on geological timescales.  相似文献   

Effect of Compressed Carbon Dioxide on Microbial Cell Viability   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In order to study the influence of compressed carbon dioxide, over a range of pressures (1.5 to 5.5 MPa) and exposure times (up to 7 h), on the survival of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Enterococcus faecalis, a new pressurizable reactor system was conceived. Microbial cells were inoculated onto a solid hydrophilic medium and treated at room temperature; their sensitivities to inactivation varied greatly. The CO2 treatment had an enhanced efficiency in cell destruction when the pressure and the duration of exposure were increased. The effects of these parameters on the loss of viability was also studied by response-surface methodology. This study showed that a linear correlation exists between microbial inactivation and CO2 pressure and exposure time, and in it models were proposed which were adequate to predict the experimental values. The end point acidity was measured for all the samples in order to understand the mechanism of microbial inactivation. The pHs of the treated samples did not vary, regardless of the experimental conditions. Other parameters, such as water content and pressure release time, were also investigated.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对不同种植方式冬小麦群体结构及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山西农业大学培育的多穗型冬小麦山农9801为供试材料,采用随机区组的方法,在施氮总量每公顷300 kg时,分别对常规条播(B1)和窄行稀条播(B2)实施不同氮肥基追比:CK(10∶0)、C1(7∶3)、C2(5∶5)、C3(3∶7),研究其对拔节期小麦群体形态、各生育期叶面积指数及总茎数、产量构成因素的影响。结果表明:窄行稀条播促进了冬小麦群体生长,提高了实际产量。不同氮肥运筹对两种播种方式小麦生长及产量的影响很大,拔节期追施氮肥后小麦各指标均在C1、C2较高,整体看C1最高,且对窄行条播的提高作用更为明显。B2种植基追比7∶3时,旗叶面积、株高、次生根数最多,黄叶数最少,且与其他处理达到显著差异,拔节期到孕穗期LAI最高,群体总茎数及单株成穗数最大,C1处理通过显著增加有效穗数、穗粒数及千粒重来增加实际产量。上述分析结果为晋中窄行条播冬小麦氮肥合理利用,优质高产提供了实验和理论依据。  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N) deposition, and climate change will alter ecosystem productivity and function in the coming decades, the combined effects of these environmental changes may be nonadditive, and their interactions may be altered by disturbances, such as fire. We examined the influence of a summer wildfire on the interactive effects of elevated CO2, N deposition, and increased precipitation in a full-factorial experiment conducted in a California annual grassland. In unburned plots, primary production was suppressed under elevated CO2. Burning alone did not significantly affect production, but it increased total production in combination with nitrate additions and removed the suppressive effect of elevated CO2. Increased production in response to nitrate in burned plots occurred as a result of the enhanced aboveground production of annual grasses and forbs, whereas the removal of the suppressive effect of elevated CO2 occurred as a result of increased aboveground forb production in burned, CO2-treated plots and decreased root production in burned plots under ambient CO2.The tissue nitrogen–phosphorus ratio, which was assessed for annual grass shoots, decreased with burning and increased with nitrate addition. Burning removed surface litter from plots, resulting in an increase in maximum daily soil temperatures and a decrease in soil moisture both early and late in the growing season. Measures of vegetation greenness, based on canopy spectral reflectance, showed that plants in burned plots grew rapidly early in the season but senesced early. Overall, these results indicate that fire can alter the effects of elevated CO2 and N addition on productivity in the short term, possibly by promoting increased phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

一种新型干细胞--侧群细胞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侧群细胞(side population cell)是利用Hoechst染料和流式细胞术进行造血千/祖细胞分离时发现的一群特殊细胞,广泛分布于多种成体组织、胚胎和某些肿瘤细胞系中;它既具有类似千细胞的自我更新和多向分化潜能,还具有独特的表型标记和生物学特征,代表了一种新的千细胞类型。对侧群细胞的研究,不仅有助于人们增加对千细胞增殖、分化及其发育调控机制的理解,同时还提供了一种从不同组织中分离纯化和利用多能干细胞的新策略,为组织工程和细胞治疗提供新的千细胞材料来源。现就侧群细胞的组织分布、生物学特征、表型标记、信号转导机制及其与肿瘤发生相关性等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对侧群细胞的进一步研究和应用作了展望。  相似文献   

In free-living Rhizobium japonicum cultures, the stimulatory effect of CO2 on nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) activity was mediated through ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity. Two mutant strains (CJ5 and CJ6) of R. japonicum defective in CO2 fixation were isolated by mitomycin C treatment. No ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity could be detected in strain CJ6, but a low level of enzyme activity was present in strain CJ5. Mutant strain CJ5 also exhibited pleiotropic effects on carbon metabolism. The mutant strains possessed reduced levels of hydrogen uptake, formate dehydrogenase, and phosphoribulokinase activities, which indicated a regulatory relationship between these enzymes. The CO2-dependent stimulation of nitrogenase activity was not observed in the mutant strains. Both mutant strains nodulated soybean plants and fixed nitrogen at rates comparable to that of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

The human pulmonary vasculature constricts in response to hypercapnia and hypoxia, with important consequences for homeostasis and adaptation. One function of these responses is to direct blood flow away from poorly-ventilated regions of the lung. In humans it is not known whether the stimuli of hypercapnia and hypoxia constrict the pulmonary blood vessels independently of each other or whether they act synergistically, such that the combination of hypercapnia and hypoxia is more effective than the sum of the responses to each stimulus on its own. We independently controlled the alveolar partial pressures of carbon dioxide (Paco 2) and oxygen (Pao 2) to examine their possible interaction on human pulmonary vasoconstriction. Nine volunteers each experienced sixteen possible combinations of four levels of Paco 2 (+6, +1, −4 and −9 mmHg, relative to baseline) with four levels of Pao 2 (175, 100, 75 and 50 mmHg). During each of these sixteen protocols Doppler echocardiography was used to evaluate cardiac output and systolic tricuspid pressure gradient, an index of pulmonary vasoconstriction. The degree of constriction varied linearly with both Paco 2 and the calculated haemoglobin oxygen desaturation (1-So 2). Mixed effects modelling delivered coefficients defining the interdependence of cardiac output, systolic tricuspid pressure gradient, ventilation, Paco 2 and So 2. No interaction was observed in the effects on pulmonary vasoconstriction of carbon dioxide and oxygen (p>0.64). Direct effects of the alveolar gases on systolic tricuspid pressure gradient greatly exceeded indirect effects arising from concurrent changes in cardiac output.  相似文献   

The cancer stem cell theory describes a small subset of cancer cells that have the ability to initiate and drive the growth of a tumor. The niche refers to the environmental factors and the surrounding cells within which the tumor develops. The exact relationship between cancer stem cells and the tumor niche is not known. However, using side population analysis by flow cytometry, it is possible to analyze the relationship between environmental stresses and putative cancer stem cells. The side population is a subpopulation of cells that efflux Hoechst 33342 and has been previously shown to be enriched for cancer stem cells. Using this technique, we characterized the response of side population cells to low confluency, serum starvation and hypoxia using three different human cancer cell lines. We found that these stresses, characteristic of the tumor niche enrich the side population of DLD1, SW480 and MCF7 cancer cell lines, thus possibly predisposing the tumor to a more malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

Access to sterilization is a critical need for global healthcare, as it is one of the prerequisites for safe surgical care. Lack of sterilization capability has driven up healthcare infection rates as well as limited access to healthcare, especially in low-resource environments. Sterilization technology has for the most part been static and none of the established sterilization methods has been so far successfully adapted for use in low-resource environments on a large scale. It is evident that healthcare facilities in low-resource settings require reliable, deployable, durable, affordable, easily operable sterilization equipment that can operate independently of scarce resources. Recently commercialized nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sterilization technology was analyzed and adapted into a form factor suitable for use in low-resource environments. Lab testing was conducted in microbiological testing facilities simulating low-resource environments and in accordance with the requirements of the international sterilization standard ANSI/AAMI/ISO 14937 to assess effectiveness of the device and process. The feasibility of a portable sterilizer based on nitrogen dioxide has been demonstrated, showing that sterilization of medical instruments can occur in a form factor suitable for use in low-resource environments. If developed and deployed, NO2 sterilization technology will have the twin benefits of reducing healthcare acquired infections and limiting a major constraint for access to surgical care on a global scale. Additional benefits are achieved in reducing costs and biohazard waste generated by current health care initiatives that rely primarily on disposable kits, increasing the effectiveness and outreach of these initiatives.  相似文献   

In the wheat cylinder bioassay technique as previously usedhere 5 sections have been enclosed in a 2 x 38 in, assay tubetogether with 0.5 ml. of the test solution. A method developedfor estimating the amount of carbon dioxide which accumulatesin these tubes through the respiration of the enclosed sectionshas shown that the level can rise to 20 per cent. after 24 hrs.at 25°C. In the presence of a 100 p.p.m. IAA(6x10-4M.) testsolution, growth of 5 enclosed sections is depressed from 8hrs. onwardas and they eventually shrink, releasing their accumulatedIAA back into the solution. The growth of sections under various gas mixtures of carbondioxide in air has also been followed and these experimentsshow that section length is reduced approximately lineraly withrespect to increasing carbon dioxide concentration up to 20per cent. in air, both in the presence and absence of a 100p.p.m. IAA solution. The slope of the fitted regression line,however, is much steeper when the test solution contains IAA—i.e.there is a large interaction. In the presence of IAA, growth-time data show that a reductionin the growth rate, as compared with that in normal air, canbe detected after only 4 hrs, at the highest carbon dioxideconcentration. In the absence of IAA, high concentrations ofcarbon dioxide accelerate growth during the first 8 hrs. ofthe assay but depress it later. The mechanism of action of this interaction is unknown but itis not shown at very high concentrations of IAA, e.g. 1,000p.p.m. (6x10-3M.).  相似文献   

Increasing the nitrate concentration in the nutrient media wasfound not to influence the carbon dioxide compensation point(). However, a higher value of was obtained in the presenceof ammonia nitrogen in the nutrient media. Increasing the nitrateconcentration in the media gave a higher activity of RuDP carboxylase,nitrate reductase, glycollate oxidase, and catalase. Similarlythe plants grown in ammonia nitrogen showed higher activitiesof RuDP carboxylase and catalase, and a considerably higherglycollate oxidase activity.  相似文献   

二氧化氯对脱氧核糖核苷三磷酸和质粒DNA的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以75 mmol/L的二氧化氯作用于脱氧核糖核苷三磷酸dCTP、dTTP、dGTP、dATP混合物(浓度均为100 μmol/L),液相色谱显示它们在260 nm波长处的峰面积分别下降了54.23%±2.08%、66.25%±3.32%、55.47%±0.23%、59.59%±3.27%.纯化质粒被二氧化氯作用后电泳条带来出现明显弥散和拖尾现象.45 mmol/L以上二氧化氯能彻底抑制质粒DNA的PCR模板活性,150 mmol/L的二氧化氯才能使纯化质粒的转化率降至对照组的0.20%±0.20%.实验证明二氧化氯对DNA具有损伤作用,这种损伤可能与嘧啶碱和嘌呤碱的共轭双键被破坏有关.  相似文献   

Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection Temperature Effects   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
S ummary . Washed suspensions of Escherichia coli were exposed to different concentrations of chlorine dioxide at various temperatures. Platings of the mixtures to evaluate the numbers of surviving cells were made after 5–300 sec of contact. Survival data were best fitted by a reaction model that is first order with respect to cell concentration and to exposure time. Bactericidal rates were found to increase markedly with both increased disinfectant concentrations and increased temperatures. Activation energies at each concentration of chlorine dioxide are reported.  相似文献   

Cancer development is a multiple-step process involving many cell types including cancer precursor cells, immune cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells. Each type of cells undergoes signaling and functional changes during carcinogenesis. The current challenge for many cancer researchers is to dissect these changes in each cell type during the multiple-step process in vivo. In the last few years, the authors have developed a set of procedures to isolate different cell populations during skin cancer development using K14creER/R26-SmoM2YFP mice. The procedure is divided into 6 parts: 1) generating appropriate mice for the study (K14creER+ and R26-SmoM2YFP+ mice in this protocol); 2) inducing SmoM2YFP expression in mouse skin; 3) preparing mouse skin biopsies; 4) isolating epidermis from skin; 5) preparing single cells from epidermis; 6) labeling single cell populations for flow cytometry analysis. Generation of sufficient number of mice with the right genotype is the limiting step in this protocol, which may take up to two months. The rest of steps take a few hours to a few days. Within this protocol, we also include a section for troubleshooting. Although we focus on skin cancer, this protocol may be modified to apply for other animal models of human diseases.  相似文献   

Cell cycle times are vital parameters in cancer research, and short cell cycle times are often related to poor survival of cancer patients. A method for experimental estimation of cell cycle times, or doubling times of cultured cancer cell populations, based on addition of paclitaxel (an inhibitor of cell division) has been proposed in literature. We use a mathematical model to investigate relationships between essential parameters of the cell division cycle following inhibition of cell division. The reduction in the number of cells engaged in DNA replication reaches a plateau as the concentration of paclitaxel is increased; this can be determined experimentally. From our model we have derived a plateau log reduction formula for proliferating cells and established that there are linear relationships between the plateau log reduction values and the reciprocal of doubling times (i.e. growth rates of the populations). We have therefore provided theoretical justification of an important experimental technique to determine cell doubling times. Furthermore, we have applied Monte Carlo experiments to justify the suggested linear relationships used to estimate doubling time from 5-day cell culture assays. We show that our results are applicable to cancer cell populations with cell loss present.  相似文献   

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