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A new species of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae: Cuscuteae) from South America is described, illustrated, and studied under light and scanning electron microscopy. Cuscuta taimensis is similar to Cuscuta racemosa, but differs in having oblong to elliptic calyx lobes and a circumscissile capsule.  相似文献   

Li X  Kerrigan J  Chai W  Schnabel G 《Mycologia》2012,104(3):650-658
Blackberry fruits symptomatic for gray mold were collected from three commercial blackberry fields in northwestern South Carolina. Single-spore isolates were generated and two distinct phenotypes were discovered in each location; one sporulated on PDA and one did not. One isolate of each phenotype and location (six isolates total) were selected for in depth molecular and morphological characterization. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), heat-shock protein 60 (HSP60) and DNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunit II (RPB2) coding sequence alignment revealed Botrytis cinerea as the sporulating phenotype and a new yet undescribed species as the non-sporulating phenotype. The new Botrytis sp., described herein as Botrytis caroliniana, was most closely related genetically to B. fabiopsis and B. galanthina, the causal agents of gray mold disease of broad bean and snowdrop, respectively. It produces smaller conidia than either B. fabiopsis or B. galanthina, and sequence analysis of genes encoding necrosis and ethylene-inducing proteins (NEPs) also indicated that the Botrytis isolates represent a separate and distinct species. The new species is pathogenic on blackberry fruits and broad bean leaves, which distinguishes it further from B. galanthina. The new species formed white to pale gray colonies with short, tufted aerial mycelium and produced black sclerotia on PDA at 20 C. To our knowledge this is only the third Botrytis species discovered to cause disease on blackberry in the United States.  相似文献   

Long-term trends of subtidal macrobenthos in North Inlet,South Carolina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Analyses of seasonal and yearly trends in subtidal macrobenthic samples collected bi-weekly at a sandy site (1981–1984) and a muddy site (1981–1985) in North Inlet, South Carolina, show large fluctations in abundance and high variability between replicate samples. Sampling variability at the sandy site, thought to be influenced more by physical disturbance than by biotic interactions, was especially high and prevented the interpretation of seasonal trends in abundance. Increased replication at the muddy site in 1985 revealed abundance patterns of winter/spring maxima and summer minima. Despite short-term (seasonal) and high year-to-year variability, the fauna at both sites were characterized by long-term stability in abundance. That is, although abundances varied considerably between seasons or years only 9 of 22 taxa analyzed showed a directional change in abundance. These 9 taxa increased in abundance over the four (sandy site) or five (muddy site) years of examination while the other 13 taxa fluctuated about a mean value. The taxonomic composition of benthic fauna at both sites was also very stable through time, with the sandy site always numerically dominated, in order, by polychaetes, amphipods, and bivalves and the muddy site by polychaetes, oligochaetes, and bivalves.  相似文献   

Tidal influences on appendicularian densities were observedat North Inlet, South Carolina, by sampling along a transectwhich ran from a tidal creek to a station 5 km offshore. Oikopleuradioica was the dominant species in North Inlet, while Oikopleuralongicauda and Appendicularia sicula contributed marginallyto appendicularian numbers during midsummer and fall. A strongtide-dependent density pattern was clear for inshore waters.Low-tide densities of all three species showed a dramatic increasein an offshore direction. At high tide, densities were similarbetween all stations for O. dioica, while O. longicauda andA. sicula showed a less pronounced density gradient than atlow tide. Population densities within the inlet were greateron spring tides than neap tides and tidal influences were generallyconsistent between seasons. Appendicularians enter the estuaryin densities as high as 20 072 animals m–3, indicatingthat tidal currents may be an important mechanism for exchangeof appendicularian biomass between coastal and estuarine waters. 1Present address: Allan Hancock Foundation, University of SouthernCalifornia, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA.  相似文献   

E. O. Beal 《Brittonia》1971,23(3):266-268
Ranunculus subcordatus is described as new. The plant has been collected from two locations in North Carolina where its closeness to seaports and local aggressiveness, as well as its morphological relationship to South American taxa, indicates that it is not native.  相似文献   

李巧玲  曾辉 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2342-2351
凋落叶分解是控制森林湿地物质循环的重要生态过程,是全球C、N等元素循环的重要一部分。以美国南卡罗来纳州10种典型植物的凋落叶为研究对象,通过2a的分解实验测定分解阶段凋落叶的生物量残留率、分解速率常数k和C、N残留百分比,探讨初始凋落叶化学性质对分解速率常数k的影响。结果表明:(1)十种凋落叶生物量在两年内降解至初始的14.5%—66.2%,种间差异可达4倍以上;分解速率常数k在0.26—1.64a~(-1)之间,针叶分解速率阔叶分解速率;(2)分解速率常数k与初始凋落叶酸溶性组分(AS)极显著正相关(P0.001),与初始C含量、酸不溶组分(AIF)和AIF/N比均显著负相关(P0.05);(3)凋落叶C残留百分比持续下降至10.2%—66.1%,而N残留百分比因物种与分解阶段不同呈现不同变化规律。结果表明,森林湿地中凋落叶初始C组分差异是其分解速率的种间极大差异的主要原因,评估森林湿地的C、N循环应充分考虑种间差异。  相似文献   

Forty seven vibracores and fifteen radiocarbon dates have beenobtained to outline the Holocene history of the North Inlet saltmarsh basin. Marsh deposits date from about 3500 years BP and havetransgressed over a Late Pleistocene beach-ridge terrain that waspartly eroded by Late Holocene tidal channel meandering. Marsh mudalso has prograded southward over shallow subtidal estuarine Macomamuds which date from about 4500 years BP and which are stillaccumulating in adjacent Winyah Bay. The southward migration of themarsh environment probably is due to the southward migration ofboth North Inlet and the mouth of Winyah Bay. The stratigraphy ofthe North Inlet basin offers no evidence for Late Holocene sea-level oscillations.Application of this model of marsh history to the study long-term ecosystem succession driven by slowly rising sea level isdiscussed.  相似文献   

Adoncholaimus papillatus Kreis, 1932 and Viscosia erasmi sp.nov. are described from an intertidal area of the Sundays River Estuary, South Africa. Adoncholaimus papillatus females have an, up to present, unknown organization of the demanian system: the main duct is connected with the two spermathecae by means of a strongly curved ductus uterinus. There is only one osmosium situated at the anterior part of the main duct (anteriad of the vagina). The uvette and the ductus entericus are absent. The main duct extends to the swollen part of the tail where it opens in one or two terminal pores. Viscosia erasmi sp.nov. is mainly characterized by the bifid apical part of the buccal cavity, three distinct teeth with the right ventrosublateral one the largest and by the setiform head sensilla.  相似文献   

Hydropsychids were collected along the length of the Savannah River and its headwaters and tributaries. Species distribution was correlated with chemical and physical properties of water, altitude and stream size. Seven genera and 35 species were found among approximately 100,000 specimens collected. Fourteen species divided into three groups on the bases of altitude and stream size preferences. Turbidity, conductivity, temperature, carbonate, nitrate and nitrite increased along the river's course, whereas maximum velocity and dissolved oxygen decreased. For these factors the maximum value tolerated by a species was associated with the species distribution. The genera Hydropsyche and Cheumatopsyche were the most widely distributed. Several species of these two genera had quite large distributional ranges while others had quite restricted ranges.  相似文献   

An investigation of South African Senecio species afforded in addition to previously known compounds three new furanoeremophilanes, six compounds derived from cacalol and a dihydroeuparin derivative. Structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods and some chemical transformations. Chemotaxonomical aspects are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Fire-maintained, species-rich pine-wiregrass savannas in the Green Swamp, North Carolina were sampled over their natural range of environmental conditions and fire frequencies. Species composition, species richness, diversity (Exp H′, 1/C), and aboveground production were documented and fertilization experiments conducted to assess possible mechanisms for the maintenance of high species diversity in these communities. Although savanna composition varies continuously, DECORANA ordination and TWINSPAN classification of 21 sites facilitated recognition of 3 community types: dry, mesic, and wet savannas. These savannas are remarkably species-rich with up to 42 species/0.25 m2 and 84 species/625 m2. Maximum richness occurred on mesic, annually burned sites. Aboveground production, reported as peak standing crop, was only 293 g · m?2 on a frequently burned mesic savanna but was significantly higher (375 g · m?2) on an infrequently burned mesic site. Production values from fertilized high and low fire frequency sites were equivalent. Monthly harvest samples showed that savanna biomass composition by species groups did not vary seasonally, but within groups the relative importance of species showed clear phenological progressions. The variation in species richness with fire frequency is consistent with non-equilibrium theories of species diversity, while phenological variation in production among similar species and the changing species composition across the moisture gradient suggest the importance of equilibrium processes for maintenance of savanna diversity.  相似文献   

1. Competition is considered a key factor structuring many communities, and has been described as the 'hallmark' of ant ecology. Dominant species are thought to play a key role structuring local ant assemblages through competitive exclusion. 2. However, while there have been many studies demonstrating competitive exclusion and consequently reduced richness at baits, it is not clear whether such regulation of 'momentary' diversity at clumped food resources can scale up to the regulation of richness at the site or assemblage level. 3. In this study, ant assemblages were sampled in three different savanna habitats in South Africa using both baiting and pitfall trapping. 4. As has been found in previous studies, there was a unimodal relationship between dominant ants and species richness at baits, with high abundances of dominant ants regulating species richness through competitive exclusion. Analysis of pitfall samples revealed strong convergence in pattern, and results from null model co-occurrence analyses supported the findings. 5. The importance of competition in structuring local ant assemblages was, however, only apparent at one of the three savanna habitats suggesting that a full range of extreme environments is needed to produce the full unimodal relationship at the assemblage level. 6. Although the relative importance of competition varied with habitat type, the study demonstrated that in some habitats, dominant ants can control species richness at the assemblage level.  相似文献   

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