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《Molecular cell》2021,81(21):4369-4376.e3
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In the present review the structural role of noncoding DNA, mechanisms of differential staining of mitotic chromosomes, and structural organization of different levels of DNA compactization are discussed. A structural-functional model of the mitotic chromosome is proposed based on the principle of discreteness of structural levels of DNA compactization.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play central roles in differentiation, development, and physiologic tissue remodeling. Recently, we have demonstrated that a protein inhibitor of activated STAT, PIASy, suppresses TGF-beta signaling by interacting with Sma and MAD-related protein 3 (Smad3). In this study, we examined a PIASy-dependent inhibitory effect on BMP signaling. PIASy expression was induced by BMP-2 stimulation and suppressed BMP-2-dependent Smad activity in hepatoma cells. Furthermore, BMP-2-regulated Smads directly bound to PIASy. We also demonstrated that the RING domain of PIASy played an important role in PIASy-mediated suppression of Smad activity. We here provide evidence that the inhibitory action of PIASy on BMP-regulated Smad activity was due to direct physical interactions between Smads and PIASy through its RING domain.  相似文献   

Caveolin (Cav) proteins in the plasma membrane have numerous binding partners, but the determinants of these interactions are poorly understood. We show here that Cav-3 has a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) consensus motif (ΨKX(D/E, where Ψ is a hydrophobic residue)) near the scaffolding domain and that Cav-3 is SUMOylated in a manner that is enhanced by the SUMO E3 ligase PIASy (protein inhibitor of activated STAT-y). Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the consensus site lysine is the preferred SUMOylation site but that mutation of all lysines is required to abolish SUMOylation. Co-expression of a SUMOylation-deficient mutant of Cav-3 with β-adrenergic receptors (βARs) alters the expression level of β(2)ARs but not β(1)ARs following agonist stimulation, thus implicating Cav-3 SUMOylation in the mechanisms for β(2)AR but not β(1)AR desensitization. Expression of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (NOS3) was not altered by the SUMOylation-deficient mutant. Thus, SUMOylation is a covalent modification of caveolins that influence the regulation of certain signaling partners.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-related modifier-1 (SUMO-1) with broad cellular expression has been implicated in a range of cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. As shown recently, SUMO-1 is expressed and regulated by gonadotropins, in particular an ovulatory hCG stimulus in mouse granulosa cells in vivo. To test the hypothesis that modulation of granulosa cell apoptosis changes SUMO-1 expression during granulosa cell differentiation in the mouse ovary, we demonstrate that progesterone receptor (PR) proteins are absent in pre-ovulatory granulosa cell nuclei, whereas they are expressed in periovulatory granulosa cell nuclei in parallel with decreases in SUMO-1 expression, caspase-3 activation, and DNA fragmentation in vivo. Second, treatment with either PR antagonists or a cell permeable ceramide analog consistently increases SUMO-1 expression in parallel with an increase in apoptosis as well as a decrease in cell proliferation in periovulatory granulosa cells in vitro. However, we do not observe an increase in SUMO-1 expression in pre-ovulatory granulosa cells that have undergone the same treatment. Third, we have also demonstrated, in pre-ovulatory granulosa cells in vitro, neither induction of spontaneous apoptosis nor the protective effect of EGF against spontaneous apoptosis changes SUMO-1 protein expression. Fourth, we show that induction of apoptosis enhances SUMO-1 conjugation in periovulatory granulosa cells in vitro, pointing to the pivotal link between the SUMO-1 conjugation and cell death. Taken together, our observations suggest that SUMO-1 via sumoylation has an important role in the regulation of granulosa cell apoptosis during granulosa cell differentiation in the mouse ovary.  相似文献   

How eukaryotic genomes are packaged into compact cylindrical chromosomes in preparation for cell divisions has remained one of the major unsolved questions of cell biology. Novel approaches to study the topology of DNA helices inside the nuclei of intact cells, paired with computational modeling and precise biomechanical measurements of isolated chromosomes, have advanced our understanding of mitotic chromosome architecture. In this Review Essay, we discuss – in light of these recent insights – the role of chromatin architecture and the functions and possible mechanisms of SMC protein complexes and other molecular machines in the formation of mitotic chromosomes. Based on the information available, we propose a stepwise model of mitotic chromosome condensation that envisions the sequential generation of intra‐chromosomal linkages by condensin complexes in the context of cohesin‐mediated inter‐chromosomal linkages, assisted by topoisomerase II. The described scenario results in rod‐shaped metaphase chromosomes ready for their segregation to the cell poles.  相似文献   

We show that the chromatin in mitotic chromosomes can be drastically overcompacted or unfolded by temporary shifts in ion concentrations. By locally 'microspraying' reactants from micron-size pipettes, while simultaneously monitoring the size of and tension in single chromosomes, we are able to quantitatively study the dynamics of these reactions. The tension in a chromosome is monitored through observation and calibration of bending of the glass pipettes used to manipulate the chromosomes. For concentrations > 500 mM of NaCl and > 200 mM of MgCl2, we find that the initially applied tensions of approximately 500 pN relax to zero and that mitotic chromatin temporarily disperses in agreement with previous work (Maniotis et al. [1997] J. Cell. Biochem. 65:114-130). This unfolding occurs in about 1 s, and is reversible once the charge density is returned to physiological levels, if the exposure is not longer than approximately 1 min. Low concentrations of NaCl (< 30 mM) also induces a decrease in tension and increase in size. We observe this swelling to be isotropic in experiments on chromosomes under zero tension, a behavior inconsistent with the existence of a well-defined central chromosome 'scaffold'. By contrast 10 mM of divalent cations (MgCl2 and CaCl2) induces an extremely rapid and reversible increase in tension and a reduction in the size of mitotic chromosomes. Hexaminecobalt trichloride (trivalent cation) has the same effect as MgCl2 and CaCl2, except the magnitude of force increase and size change are much larger. Hexaminecobalt trichloride reduces mitotic chromosomes to 65% of their original volume, indicating that at least 1/3 of their apparent volume is aqueous solution. These results indicate that chromatin inside mitotic chromatids has a large amount of conformational freedom allowing dynamic unfolding and refolding and that charge interactions play a central role in maintaining mitotic chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Modification of cellular proteins by the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO is important in regulating various cellular events. Many different nuclear proteins are targeted by SUMO, and the functional consequences of this modification are diverse. For most proteins, however, the functional and structural consequences of modification by specific SUMO isomers are unclear. Conjugation of SUMO to thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG) induces the dissociation of TDG from its product DNA. Structure determination of the TDG central region conjugated to SUMO-1 previously suggested a mechanism in which the SUMOylation-induced conformational change in the C-terminal region of TDG releases TDG from tight binding to its product DNA. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of the central region of TDG conjugated to SUMO-3. The overall structure of SUMO-3-conjugated TDG is similar to the previously reported structure of TDG conjugated to SUMO-1, despite the relatively low level of amino acid sequence similarity between SUMO-3 and SUMO-1. The two structures revealed that the sequence of TDG that resembles the SUMO-binding motif (SBM) can form an intermolecular beta-sheet with either SUMO-1 or SUMO-3. Structural comparison with the canonical SBM shows that this SBM-like sequence of TDG retains all of the characteristic interactions of the SBM, indicating sequence diversity in the SBM.  相似文献   

The p53 protein has recently been reported to be capable of mediating apoptosis through a pathway that is not dependent on its transactivation function. We report here that the PIASy member of the protein inhibitor of activated STAT family inhibited p53's transactivation function without compromising its ability to induce apoptosis of the H1299 nonsmall cell lung carcinoma cell line. The p53 protein bound to PIASy in yeast two-hybrid assays and coprecipitated in complexes with p53 in immunoprecipitates from mammalian cells. PIASy inhibited the DNA-binding activity of p53 in nuclear extracts and blocked the ability of p53 to induce expression of two of its target genes, Bax and p21Waf1/Cip1, in H1299 cells. The block in p53-mediated induction of Bax and p21 was determined to be at the level of transactivation, since PIASy inhibited p53's ability to transactivate a p21/luciferase reporter construct. PIASy did not effect the incidence of apoptosis in H1299 cells upregulated for p53. PIASy appears to regulate p53-mediated functions and may direct p53 into a transactivation-independent mode of apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the abundance of SUMO-conjugated species during the cell cycle in Xenopus egg extracts. The predominant SUMO conjugation products associated with mitotic chromosomes arose from SUMO conjugation of topoisomerase II. Topoisomerase II was modified exclusively by SUMO-2/3 during mitosis under normal circumstances, although we observed conjugation of topoisomerase II to SUMO-1 in extracts with exogenous SUMO-1 protein. Inhibition of SUMO modification by a dominant-negative mutant of the SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 (dnUbc9) did not detectably alter topoisomerase II activity, but it did increase the amount of unmodified topoisomerase II retained on mitotic chromosomes after high salt washing. dnUbc9 did not disrupt the assembly of condensed mitotic chromosomes or block progression of extracts through mitosis, but it did block the dissociation of sister chromatids at the metaphase-anaphase transition. Together, our results suggest that SUMO conjugation is important for chromosome segregation in metazoan systems, and that mobilization of topoisomerase II from mitotic chromatin may be a key target of this modification.  相似文献   

Using gold labelled neoglycoproteins containing either alpha-D-glucose, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine, alpha-D-mannose, 6-phospho-alpha-D-mannose, and alpha-L-fucose (BSA), we investigated their intranuclear binding sites in the TG human cell line. Although gold-labelled BSA did not give any noticeable labelling, the presence of 1% free BSA in the medium containing the gold labelled neoglycoproteins was revealed to be a key factor of the labelling. During interphase in the presence of free BSA most of the labelling was detected in the nucleoplasm. The border of the condensed chromatin, known to be the site of hnRNA synthesis as well as the interchromatin areas enriched in RNPs were labelled. Condensed chromatin also contained binding-sites. The nucleolus was seen to present low labelling in comparison with the labelling observed over the nucleoplasm. These nucleolar binding sites were located both in the dense fibrillar and granular components. No labelling could be detected over the fibrillar centers which are very conspicuous in this cell line. During mitosis sugar-binding sites were observed over the chromosomes. Data reported here show for the first time that lectin-like proteins and chromatin components are colocalized both during interphase and mitosis. In addition, within the nucleolus the presence of sugar-binding proteins was seen to be restricted to the dense fibrillar and granular components.  相似文献   

Nishiyama A  Dey A  Tamura T  Ko M  Ozato K 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e34719
Some anti-cancer drugs, including those that alter microtubule dynamics target mitotic cells and induce apoptosis in some cell types. However, such drugs elicit protective responses in other cell types allowing cells to escape from drug-induced mitotic inhibition. Cells with a faulty protective mechanism undergo defective mitosis, leading to genome instability. Brd4 is a double bromodomain protein that remains on chromosomes during mitosis. However, Brd4 is released from mitotic chromosomes when cells are exposed to anti-mitotic drugs including nocodazole. Neither the mechanisms, nor the biological significance of drug-induced Brd4 release has been fully understood. We found that deletion of the internal C-terminal region abolished nocodazole induced Brd4 release from mouse P19 cells. Furthermore, cells expressing truncated Brd4, unable to dissociate from chromosomes were blocked from mitotic progression and failed to complete cell division. We also found that pharmacological and peptide inhibitors of the c-jun-N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway, but not inhibitors of other MAP kinases, prevented release of Brd4 from chromosomes. The JNK inhibitor that blocked Brd4 release also blocked mitotic progression. Further supporting the role of JNK in Brd4 release, JNK2-/- embryonic fibroblasts were defective in Brd4 release and sustained greater inhibition of cell growth after nocodazole treatment. In sum, activation of JNK pathway triggers release of Brd4 from chromosomes upon nocodazole treatment, which mediates a protective response designed to minimize drug-induced mitotic stress.  相似文献   

Sumoylation is the covalent attachment of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to a target protein. Similar to other ubiquitin-like pathways, three enzyme types are involved that act in succession: an activating enzyme (E1), a conjugating enzyme (E2), and a ligase (E3). To date, unlike other ubiquitin-like mechanisms, sumoylation of the target RanGAP1 (TargetRanGAP1) does not absolutely require the E3 of the system, RanBP2 (E3RanBP2), since the presence of E2 (E2Ubc9) is enough to sumoylate TargetRanGAP1. However, in the presence of E3, sumoylation is more efficient. To understand the role of the target specificity of E3RanBP2 and E2Ubc9, we carried out molecular dynamics simulations for the structure of E2Ubc9-SUMO-TargetRanGAP1 with and without the E3RanBP2 ligase. Analysis of the dynamics of E2Ubc9-SUMO-TargetRanGAP1 in the absence and presence of E3RanBP2 revealed that two different allosteric sites regulate the ligase activity: (i) in the presence of E3RanBP2, the E2Ubc9's loop 2; (ii) in the absence of E3RanBP2, the Leu65-Arg70 region of SUMO. These results provide a first insight into the question of how E3RanBP2 can act as an intrinsic E3 for E2Ubc9 and why, in its absence, the activity of E2Ubc9-SUMO-TargetRanGAP1 could still be maintained, albeit at lower efficiency.  相似文献   

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