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Many birds have songs with variable structure and sequences. In earlier studies, we characterized some features from the song structures of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum). In the Thrashers, there were a large number of phrase types, dozens to hundreds and the songs that were sequences of these many phrases were not random, but show some structure referred to as syntax. For example, a syntactic rule might be that phrase type A can be followed by phrase type B, but not type C. We, along with others, have assumed that syntax is an important feature of songs. This paper describes an experimental attempt to determine that syntax is important to California Thrashers by recording the reaction of territorial thrashers to playbacks of other thrasher songs, some of which obeyed the syntax rules we had discovered while others violated those rules. We also obtained video recordings of their behaviour near the playback speakers. We observed differences in the reactions to the birds that heard these two types of playbacks. Resident males reacted to either playback type, but more strongly when the original order was preserved. We observed difference in their behavioural response to correct or altered syntax. This indicates that the syntax of their songs is perceived in territorial defence by the birds.  相似文献   

Summary Songs of Brown-Creepers(Certhia familiaris) in California were studied. Each individual usually sang one theme. Two geographic groups of songs were described which were designated the northern and southern dialects. These songs differed in the morphology of the introductory and terminal syllables. The northern dialect is currently known to extend from Point Reyes to the City of San Francisco, and includes birds from east San Francisco Bay. The southern dialect ranges from Carmel and Point Lobos to Morro Bay. Birds from the Hastings Reservation, 30 miles inland, sang the southern dialect. Creepers on Angel Island exhibited the typical island phenomenon of simpler structure but greater individual variability. We suggested that lack of social interaction due to dispersed habitat has contributed to these song changes. California Creeper songs are more variable with regard to note sequencing than those of their European congeners.
Gesangsunterschiede bei kalifornischen Waldbaumläufern zwischen Insel- und Festlandspopulationen
Zusammenfassung Der Gesang des Waldbaumläufers(Certhia familiaris) in Kalifornien wurde untersucht. Jedes Individuum verfügt gewönhlich nur über eine Strophe. Es werden zwei geographische Formen des Gesangs beschrieben, die als nördlicher und südlicher Dialekt bezeichnet werden. Sie unterscheiden sich im Aufbau der einleitenden und der Schlußelemente. Der nördliche Dialekt reicht nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand der Kenntnis von Point Reyes bis in die Innenstadt von San Francisco. Er wird auch von Tieren auf der Ostseite der Bucht von San Francisco gesungen. Der südliche Dialekt reicht von Carmel und Point Lobos bis nach Morro Bay. Tiere in der Hastings Reservation, etwa 30 Meilen landeinwärts, sangen ebenfalls den südlichen Dialekt. Die Baumläufer der Insel Angel Island zeigen den typischen Inseleffekt: Ihr Gesang ist durch einen einfacheren Aufbau, aber durch größere individuelle Variabilität gekennzeichnet. Diese Veränderung des Gesanges gegenüber den Festlandspopulationen ist wahrscheinlich auf die Tatsache zurückzuführen, daß zwischen den einzelnen Männchen der Inselpopulation, die weit auseinanderliegende Baumgruppen bewohnen, kein oder wenig akustischer Kontakt besteht. Ganz allgemein sind die kalifornischen Waldbaumläufer in ihrer Lautfolge variabler als ihre europäischen Artgenossen.

We describe songs of the California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum), a territorial, monogamous species whose complex songs are composed of extended sequences of phonetically diverse phrases. We take a network approach, so that network nodes represent specific phrases, and links or transitions between nodes describe a subgroup structure that reveals the syntax of phrases within the songs. We found that individual birds have large and largely distinct repertoires, with limited phrase sharing between neighbours and repertoire similarity decaying between individuals with distance apart, decaying also over time within individuals. During song sequences, only a limited number of phrases (ca. 15–20) were found to be actually “in play” at any given time; these phrases can be grouped into themes within which transitions are much more common than among them, a feature contributing to a small-world structure. It appears that such “small-world themes” arise abruptly, while old themes are abandoned more gradually during extended song sequences; most individual thrashers switch among 3–4 themes over the course of several successive songs, and some small-world themes appear to have specific roles in starting or ending thrasher songs.  相似文献   

Social behaviors can significantly affect population viability, and some behaviors might reduce extinction risk. We used population viability analysis to evaluate effects of past and proposed habitat loss on the White-breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus), a cooperatively breeding songbird with a global population size of <2000 individuals. We used an individual-based approach to build the first demographic population projection model for this endangered species, parameterizing the model with data from eight years of field study before and after habitat loss within the stronghold of the species’ distribution. The recent habitat loss resulted in an approximately 18% predicted decline in population size; this estimate was mirrored by a separate assessment using occupancy data. When mortality rates remained close to the pre-habitat loss estimate, quasi-extinction probability was low under extant habitat area, but increased with habitat loss expected after current plans for resort construction are completed. Post-habitat loss mortality rate estimates were too high for projected populations to persist. Vital rate sensitivity analyses indicated that population growth rate and population persistence were most sensitive to juvenile mortality. However, observed values for adult mortality were closest to the threshold value above which populations would crash. Adult mortality, already relatively low, may have the least capacity to change compared to other vital rates, whereas juvenile mortality may have the most capacity for improvement. Results suggest that improving mortality estimates and determining the cause(s) of juvenile mortality should be research priorities. Despite predictions that aspects of cooperative systems may result in variation in reproduction or juvenile mortality being the most sensitive vital rates, adult mortality was the most sensitive in half of the demographic models of other avian cooperative breeders. Interestingly, vital rate sensitivity differed by model type. However, studies that explicitly modeled the species’ cooperative breeding system found reproduction to be the most sensitive rate.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism may represent an extreme form of male monogamy. According to this view, males gain reproductive success by sacrificing themselves to females. We studied the occurrence and timing of sexual cannibalism in the brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus and compared male courtship and mating behavior with virgin and with previously mated females. We found that events of sexual cannibalism are frequent, that they occur during copulation and that males initiate cannibalism by placing the abdomen in front of the female’s mouth‐parts during copulation (somersault behavior). Both the somersaults and mating occurred more frequently with virgins than with previously mated females. Our results support the hypothesis that sexual cannibalism is a male strategy in this species. The somersault behavior was previously known only from the redback spider, Latrodectus hasselti. It is as yet unknown whether self‐sacrifice has evolved more than once in this genus.  相似文献   

Songs of wild male Anna hummingbirds (Calypte anna) consist of syllables grouped into phrases. Nearest neighbors tend to share similar syllable types, rhythms and syntax. Songs from different localities contain different syllable types, syntax and repetition indices. A male raised by hand in isolation produced a song consisting of highly variable syllable types of a wide frequency range. The song was simple in structure, and syllables were not grouped into phrases. Three males raised by hand as a group sang songs containing two stereotyped syllable types sung in alternating sequence and without phrase structure. These three males shared syllable types and syntax. The data from our study indicate that despite its relatively simple syrinx the Anna hummingbird learns syllable types, frequency, rhythm and syntax (as do oscines with their more complex syringes) during the song development process.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Isospora toxostomai n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) is described based on material from the curved-billed thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre (Swainson) in the Central...  相似文献   

采用常规骨髓细胞制片法对产于湖南省双牌县的寒露林蛙的核型及NORs位点进行了观察和分析.结果表明寒露林蛙与分布于我国南方的其他林蛙相同:2n=26,NF=52,为5+8核型模式.寒露林蛙核型为14M+10SM+2ST,无次溢痕,NORs位于第11对染色体长臂的中部.通过比较分析我国2n=26的6种林蛙的核型等细胞遗传学信息,本文结果支持形态分类和分子系统发生的研究结论,认为寒露林蛙是一有效种.  相似文献   

The brown alga Macrocystis pyrifera (giant kelp) was studied by a combination of fluorescence spectroscopy at 77 kelvin, room temperature modulated fluorimetry, and photoacoustic techniques to determine how light energy is partitioned between photosystems I and II in states 1 and 2. Preillumination with farred light induced the high fluorescence state (state 1) as determined by fluorescence emission spectra measured at 77K and preillumination with green light produced a low fluorescence state (state 2). Upon transition from state 1 to state 2, there was an almost parallel decrease of all of the fluorescence bands at 693, 705, and 750 nanometers and not the expected decrease of fluorescence of photosystem II and increase of fluorescence in photosystem I. The momentary level of room temperature fluorescence (fluorescence in the steady state, Fs), as well as the fluorescence levels corresponding to all closed (Fm) or all open (Fo) reaction-center states were measured following the kinetics of the transition between states 1 and 2. Calculation of the distribution of light 2 (540 nanometers) between the two photosystems was done assuming both the `separate package' and `spill-over' models. Unlike green plants, red algae, and cyanobacteria, the changes here of the light distribution were rather small in Macrocystis so that there was approximately an even distribution of the photosystem II light at 540 nanometers to photosystem I and photosystem II in both states 1 and 2. Photoacoustic measurements confirmed the conclusions reached as a result of fluorescence measurements, i.e. an almost equal distribution of light-2 quanta to both photosystems in each state. This conclusion was reached by analyzing the enhancement phenomenon by light 2 of the energy storage measured in far red light. The effect of light 1 in decreasing the energy storage measured in light 2 is also consistent with this conclusion. The photoacoustic experiments showed that there was a significant energy storage in light 1 which could be explained by cyclic electron transport around photosystem I. From a quantitative analysis of the enhancement effect of background light 2 (maximum enhancement of 1.4-1.5) it was shown that around 70% of light 1 was distributed to this cyclic photosystem I transport.  相似文献   

Laboratory cultures of Ectocarpus siliculosus originating from New Zealand showed a defect in gametangium formation. Nuclear divisions in gametangium initials are not followed by cell wall formation. In the resulting multinucleate cells nuclear DNA increases dramatically, and nuclear membranes disintegrate. Eventually, the entire structure is filled with hexagonal particles of approximately 130 nm diameter. These were isolated and shown by EM to consist of a dense core surrounded by a 3-layered shell. They are released into the culture medium when the host cells burst. Ectocarpus gametes from healthy cultures could be infected by these particles. The resulting partheno-sporophytes developed pathological symptoms, suggesting that the particles are viruses. The expression of the defect is temperature dependent. At 10°C all gametangia are abnormal, while between 15 and 20 °C defective and normal gametangia and gametes are formed on the same plant. Partheno-sporophytes developing from such gametes carry the viral particles expressed in deformed unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles were obsemed in zoospores and less frequentlyin vegetative cells of the filaments of mature plants of thebrown alga Sorocarpus uvaeformls. The particles, measuring approximately170 nm in diameter, are isometric in profile and show threedistinct zones. An electron dense rim (coat), 10 nm in thickness,is separated from a dense core, 110 nm in diameter, by an electronlight space 20 nm in width. When closely packed the particlesare usually separated from each other by a regular halo-likespace. Besides the isometric particles long flexuous structuresof variable length and measuring 75 nm in width were also found.The infection could be induced experimentally in healthy cellsby using either medium prevenient from infected cultures orcrude extracts obtained from infected plants.  相似文献   

贵州发现寒露林蛙   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2016年5月,在贵州雷公山国家级自然保护区南刀村(26°21′N,108°20′E,海拔1 400 m)采集到2只林蛙标本,经鉴定为寒露林蛙(Rana hanluica),为贵州省两栖动物新纪录。  相似文献   

The Function(s) of Bird Song   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male bird song may attract and stimulate females and may repelmales, but the evidence that song is essential for accomplishingthese "main functions" is not abundant. Correlations betweenmale song traits (such as repertoire size or singing rate) andcomponents of fitness reveal that important information, perhapsabout overall male quality, is available for listeners. To determinewhether birds use that information, however, will require researchersto manipulate song traits independently of male quality. Havingthen determined more rigorously the "current utility" of song,we will more clearly be able to infer how selection has shapedparticular song traits. We envision progress in understandingthe function(s) of bird song if investigators 1) thoroughlydescribe natural events, 2) use lucidly stated, multiple workinghypotheses, 3) realize the potential differences in song functionamong divergent taxonomic units, 4) transcend correlationalstudies by doing ingenious manipulative experiments, and 5)reason carefully when developing scenarios of evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

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