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The formation of the alimentary canal, nervous system, and of other ectodermal derivatives in the embryo of the primitive moth, Neomicropteryx nipponensis Issiki, is described. The stomodaeum is formed from an invagination in the medioposterior portion of the protocephalon. The proctodaeum arises as an extension of the amnioproctodaeal cavity. The midgut epithelium orginates from anterior and posterior rudiments in blind ends of the stomodaeum and proctodaeum. The decondary dorsal organ is formed in developing midgut. The development of the brain is typical of insects. The ventral nerve cord originates in large part from neuroblasts arising in 3 gnathal, 3 thoracic, and 11 abdominal segments. Intrasegmental median cord cells probably differentiate into both ganglion cells and glial elements of the ventral nerve cord; intersegmental cells appear not to participate in the formation of the nervous system. The stomatogastric nervous system develops from three evaginations in the dorsal wall of the stomodaeum, and consists of the frontal, hypocerebral, and ventricular ganglia, the recurrent nerve, and corpora cardiaca. Five stemmata arise from the epidermis on each side of the head. Five pairs of ectodermal invaginations are formed in the cephalognathal region to produce the tentorium, mandibular apodemes, corpora allata, and silk glands. Prothoracic glands orginate in the prothorax. Mesothoracic spiracles shift anteriorly to the prothorax during development. Oenocytes arise in the first seven abdominal segments. Invaginated pleuropodia are formed in the first abdominal segment.  相似文献   

The exoskeletal morphology, muscular organization, and innervation patterns of the tymbals of seven sound-producing species of tiger moths (Arctiidae) were compared with the undifferentiated episterna of two silent species. At least three muscles are involved in sound production: the tymbal muscle, pv2, and the accessory muscles, pvl and/or pv6. All of the tymbal muscles are innervated by the IIIN2a branch of the metathoracic leg nerve, which contains two axons larger than the others. Backfills of the tymbal branch of the IIIN2a reveal a medial sensory neuropil and a population of five ipsilateral motor neurons whose somata are clustered into three groups along the anterior edge of the metathoracic ganglion. The dendritic arborizations of the motor neurons extend to the ganglionic midline but are separate from one part of the auditory neuropil observed in other noctuoids. The study concludes that the arctiid tymbal reveals only minor modifications (e.g., cuticle thinning) of the episterna of silent moths and represents a primitive form of the tymbal compared to those of the Cicadidae.  相似文献   

Embryonic development of Pycnogonida (sea spiders) is poorly understood in comparison to other euarthropod lineages with well-established model organisms. However, given that pycnogonids potentially represent the sister group to chelicerates or even to all other euarthropods, their development might yield important data for the reconstruction of arthropod evolution. Using scanning electron microscopy, fluorescent nucleic staining and immunohistochemistry, the general course of embryonic morphogenesis in Pseudopallene sp. (Callipallenidae), a pycnogonid with prolonged embryonic development, is described. A staging system comprising ten stages is presented, which can be used in future studies addressing specific developmental processes. The initially slit-like stomodeum anlage forms at the anterior end of an eight-shaped germ band and predates proboscis outgrowth. The latter process is characterized by the protrusion of three cell populations that are subsequently involved in pharynx formation. In later stages, the proboscis assumes distally a horseshoe-like shape. At no time, a structure corresponding to the euarthropod labrum is detectable. Based on the complete lack of palpal and ovigeral embryonic limbs and the early differentiation of walking leg segments 1 and 2, the existence of an embryonized protonymphon stage during callipallenid development is rejected. The evolution of pycnogonid hatching stages, especially within Callipallenidae and Nymphonidae, is re-evaluated in the light of recent phylogenetic analyses. Specifically, the re-emergence of the ancestral protonymphon larva (including re-development of palpal and ovigeral larval limbs) and a possible re-appearance of adult palps in the nymphonid lineage are discussed. This challenges the perception of pycnogonid head appendage evolution as being driven by reduction events alone.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of genital and postgenital segments of Galloisiana nipponensis (Notoptera : Grylloblattidae) have been described in detail. The coxite, stylus, epiproct and paraproct are already observed in the first nymphal instar, but the sexual characters are almost indistinguishable in the 1st to 4th nymphal instars, because the genital segments in these stages are not yet differentiated. In the 5th nymphal instar in the male, the paired primary phallic lobes start to appear at the hind margin of the 9th sternum. The rudiments of ventral valvulae in the female originate at the hind margin of the 8th sternum. In the 6th nymphal instar, the rudiments of inner valvulae begin to appear on the 9th sternum, in addition to the ventral valvula rudiments. The long dorsal valvulae are formed from the extension of nymphal coxite, while the nymphal styli are more reduced than those of younger instars.The ventral valvulae of the 8th abdominal segment are thought to be homologous with the inner valvulae of the 9th segment, judging from their site and mode of development. Further, the inner valvulae may also be homologous with the primary phallic lobes (phallomeres) of the male. The external genitalia in G. nipponensis originate from 2 structures: the dorsal valvulae (considered of appendicular origin), and the phallomeres; ventral and inner valvulae are regarded as mere integumentary outgrowths.  相似文献   

运用酶解振荡压片技术和常规石蜡切片技术分别研究了无籽八月桔的胚囊育性及无籽八月桔自交和异交(无籽八月桔×台湾椪柑,无籽八月桔×有籽八月桔)的胚胎发育.结果表明:无籽八月桔胚囊可育,成熟胚囊具一个卵细胞、两个助细胞、三个反足细胞以及一个大的含二个极核的中央细胞;其自交和异交的胚胎发育均正常,授粉后2周出现球形胚和少量心形...  相似文献   

External features of the embryonic development of Stylops ovinae (Strepsiptera) were examined. Eighteen distinct embryological stages are suggested. Many embryological traits are closely correlated to the parasitic life style of the first instar larvae or to vivipary. The high number of eggs, their small size, the characteristic egg membrane, and the lack of micropyles are derived groundplan features of Strepsiptera. The development with a semi-long germ embryo is shared with several other groups of Holometabola. The reduction of the labrum and antennae are autapomorphies of Strepsiptera. The cephalic ventral plate of the first instar larva of S. ovinae is formed by parts of the head capsule and the anlagen of the maxillae and labium. It is involved in the formation of the specific entognathous condition, and the entire character complex is autapomorphic for Stylopidae. The trochanter is recognizable in the anlagen of all three legs. Its fusion with the femur in the later stages is an autapomorphy of Stylopidia. The extreme spiralization and compression of the abdomen during blastokinesis is a derived feature, like the reduction of the anlagen of the anterior abdominal appendages. The caudal bristles on segment XI are possibly re-activated cerci. The same is likely in the case of segment XI.  相似文献   

The 1st thoracic spiracular atrium is closed by anterior and posterior muscle fibres extending between its dorsal and ventral wall. The 2nd thoracic spiracle has only a single (anterior) closing lip, movable by a muscle inserting on the wall below the spiracular aperture; this configuration may be a lepidopteran ground-plan autapomorphy. There are functional spiracles on abdominal segments I – VII, each with a closing “bow” and “lever”. There are intrinsic occlusor muscles in all abdominal spiracles and the 1st spiracle has an extrinsic (ventral) dilator. Dorsal dilator muscles or ligaments are absent. A dorsal and a ventral tracheal trunk extend from the 1st thoracic spiracle into the head; the latter supplies the mouthparts and the antenna; there is no connection between the dorsal and ventral cephalic trunk systems. There is a single series of lateral connectives between the spiracles of each side. There is a ventral tracheal commissure in both pterothoracic segments, but none in the prothorax. In each pterothoracic segment an anterior and a posterior tracheal arch give off branches to the wing and anastomose with each other on their downwards course into the leg. Wing tracheation is greatly reduced. The anterior and posterior tracheae of each wing are independent of each other. There is a dorsal commissure in abdominal segment VIII; ventral abdominal commissures are lacking in Micropterix, although present in other micropterigid genera. The terminalia are partly supplied from tracheae arising in segment VII. Air sacs occur in the tibiae only. Phylogenetic aspects of holometabolan tracheation patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A cell line derived from the larval-fat body tissues of the wax moth, Galleria mellonella Linne, was established in MGM-450 medium. The cells grew in suspension and were mainly spherical in shape. Population doubling time was between 1.4 and 1.7 d over a range of 15 to 35°C, and the maximum growth rate was at 25°C. The chromosome number ranged from 70–239, with a mode of 170. The cells were sensitive to 20-hydroxyecdysone, which stimulated their growth and induced morphological changes. The cell line was designated GaMe-LF1.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted with codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., to fit cumulative curves for the occurrence of injured fruits and male moth catches in sex pheromone-baited traps as a function of accumulated degree-days after the start of moth flight. Twelve data sets were collected from seven apple, Malus domestica Bordhausen, orchards in Washington State from 2003 to 2006. Cumulative data were grouped across years for orchards either treated with sex pheromone dispensers or untreated and fit to logistic equations for both the first and second generation. No significant differences were found for the cumulative curves of moth flight or egg hatch between pheromone-treated and untreated orchards; thus, these data were combined. These new logistic models for moth flight and egg hatch were compared with a widely used distributed-delay model originally developed in Michigan. The cumulative flight curves for the logistic and distributed-delay models were statistically different (slopes) for the first but not the second generation. Cumulative egg hatch in the logistic model was significantly different from the distributed-delay model (intercepts and slopes) for both generations. Most strikingly, the timing of 50% egg hatch during the first generation was delayed 100 DD in the logistic model. The potential impact of this change in the characterization of codling moth's phenology on the effectiveness of insecticide programs targeting eggs and newly eclosed larvae was examined. Possible explanations for this significant difference between the models are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Levels of the elements—N, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Fe—in caterpillars, pupae, cocoons and adults of Eastern tent moths show individual patterns for each element.
  • 2.2. As food, all stages exceed minimal mammalian and avian requirements for N, Mg, and K; however, for Na, Fe, and Ca, at least one stage is nutritionally inadequate for mammals and birds.

The trunk morphology of the larvae of the kauri pine (Agathis) seed infesting moth Agathiphaga is described using conventional, polarization, and scanning electron microscopy. The pine seed chamber formed by the larva is also described and commented on. The simple larval chaetotaxy includes more of the minute posture sensing setae, proprioceptors, than expected from the lepidopteran larval ground plan. The excess of proprioceptors is suggested to be necessary for sensory input concerning the larval posture within the seed chamber. The trunk musculature includes an autapomorphic radial ventral musculature made up of unique multisegmental muscles. The combined presence of additional proprioceptors and the unique ventral musculature is proposed to be related to the larval movement within the confined space of the seed chamber, especially to a proposed somersault movement that allows the larva to orientate itself within the chamber. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ecto-mesodermal interactions were investigated during the initiation of limb development in avian embryos. Experiments were performed on 2-day chick embryos. They consisted in implanting prospective leg mesoderm at different medio-lateral levels of the trunk and also into the extra-embryonic area. The implanted mesoderm was thus brought into contact with embryonic or extra-embryonic cicatricial or healing ectoderm, the ability of which to participate in the formation of an ectopic leg was tested. Whatever the level of embryonic ectoderm tested in hosts ranging from stage 14 to 27 pairs of somites (axial, paraxial, flank, ventrum), the experiments resulted in the formation of supernumerary limbs. Their frequency was level-dependent and decreased for each level, with increasing age of the host. The weakest competence was observed in the ectoderm of the prospective ventrum, the strongest in that of the prospective flank, axial and paraxial ectoderm showing an intermediary competence. Extra-embryonic ectoderm of blastoderms of the same age was unable to respond to the inducing action of the implanted prospective leg mesoderm. It was found to be incompetent, even at younger stages (5 to 13 pairs of somites).  相似文献   

【目的】探索雌性中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana胚胎组织发育过程。【方法】在正常蜂群中,用蜂王产卵控制器将蜂王限制在工蜂巢房的巢脾上产卵1 h,蜂王在工蜂巢房中产下的卵是受精的雌性卵,将有卵的巢脾割下放入恒温恒湿箱中培养。恒温恒湿箱中样本所在的位置温度严格控制在35±0.2℃,相对湿度75%±5%。把限王产卵1 h内获得的蜜蜂卵作为0 h胚胎,每隔4 h取样一次。采用石蜡切片技术,对二倍体雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程进行观察。【结果】根据胚胎发育过程中的形态特征,雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程划分为4个阶段:(1)卵裂期(0-12 h),活质体迁移到卵的表面,呈双层排列;(2)胚盘形成期(12-28 h),活质体排列为单层,并形成细胞膜;(3)胚层形成期(28-40 h),侧板覆盖中板,两者在腹中线愈合;(4)胚胎器官系统形成期(40-68 h)。【结论】本研究明确了雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程的形态变化,进行了阶段划分并明确了各发育阶段的形态特征及对应的发育时间。本项研究结果有助于开展与蜜蜂胚胎发育的相关蜜蜂生态学、发育生物学、营养学等课题深入研究。  相似文献   

Larviposition of Compsilura concinnata, a polyphagous tachinid parasitoid of Lepidoptera, is described. The conventional assessment, long‐established in the literature, places the site of larval deposition by C. concinnata as directly into the host's gut. New evidence, reported here, contradicts the earlier view. Dissection of 38 freshly parasitized gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae revealed as many maggots (n = 26) situated in the lumen of the midgut as were free in the hemocoel. Observations on maggot behavior and morphology in dissected hosts are briefly presented.  相似文献   

The structure of the cells forming the primitive streak was examined by SEM in a series of embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton's stages 2--5. Specimens were prepared by stripping the endoderm from fresh embryos in New Culture and by fracturing whole fixed embryos along and at right angles to the primitive streak. At all stages of examination the SEM appearance of cells within the privitive streak was quite different from that of ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal cells away from the streak. Streak cells were closely packed, lay with their long axes directed from ectoderm to endoderm and possessed many flat leaf-like processes. By contrast the ectoderm formed a columnar epithelium, the endoderm a flat epithelium and the mesoderm was a layer of loosely arrangedcells with long. thin processes. Within the streak SEM did not show any differences between cells that could identify them specifically as future endoderm or mesoderm cells. It was concluded that during gastrulation all the cells migrating through the primitive streak have the same appearance regardless of their eventual destination in the embryo. This structure may be attributable to the type of movement made by cells during invagination.  相似文献   

Pycnogonida (sea spiders) are bizarre marine arthropods that are nowadays most frequently considered as being the sister group to all other chelicerates. The majority of pycnogonid species develops via a protonymphon larva with only three pairs of limbs affiliated with the future head region. Deviating from this, the hatching stage of some representatives shows already an advanced degree of trunk differentiation. Using scanning electron microscopy, fluorescent nucleic staining, and bright-field stereomicroscopy, postembryonic development of Pseudopallene sp. (Callipallenidae), a pycnogonid with an advanced hatching stage, is described. Based on external morphology, six postembryonic stages plus a sub-adult stage are distinguished. The hatching larva is lecithotrophic and bears the chelifores as only functional appendage pair and unarticulated limb buds of walking leg pairs 1 and 2. Palpal and ovigeral larval limbs are absent. Differentiation of walking leg pairs 3 and 4 is sequential. Apart from the first pair, each walking leg goes through a characteristic sequence of three externally distinct stages with two intermittent molts (limb bud-seven podomeres-nine podomeres). First external signs of oviger development are detectable in postembryonic stage 3 bearing three articulated walking leg pairs. Following three more molts, the oviger has attained adult podomere composition. The advanced hatching stages of different callipallenids are compared and the inclusive term "walking leg-bearing larva" is suggested, as opposed to the behavior-based name "attaching larva". Data on temporal and structural patterns of walking leg differentiation in other pycnogonids are reviewed and discussed. To facilitate comparisons of walking leg differentiation patterns across many species, we propose a concise notation in matrix fashion. Due to deviating structural patterns of oviger differentiation in another callipallenid species as well as within other pycnogonid taxa, evolutionary conservation of characteristic stages of oviger development is not apparent even in closely related species.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the flatworm Mesostoma lingua was studied using a combination of life observation and histological analysis of wholemount preparations and sections (viewed by both light and electron microscopy.) We introduce a series of stages defined by easily recognizable morphological criteria. These stages are also applicable to other platyhelminth taxa that are currently under investigation in our laboratory. During cleavage (stages 1 and 2), the embryo is located in the center of the egg, surrounded by a layer of yolk cells. After cleavage, the embryo forms a solid, disc-shaped cell cluster. During stage 3, the embryo migrates to the periphery of the egg and acquires bilateral symmetry. The side where it contacts the egg surface corresponds to the future ventral surface of the embryo. Stage 4 is the emergence of the first organ primordia, the brain and pharynx. Gastrulation, as usually defined by the appearance of germ layers, does not exist in Mesos-toma; instead, organ primordia emerge ”in situ” from a mesenchymal mass of cells. Organogenesis takes place during stages 5 and 6. Cells at the ventral surface form the epidermal epithelium; inner cells differentiate into neurons, somatic and pharyngeal muscle cells, as well as the pharyngeal and protonephridial (excretory) epithelium. A junctional complex, consisting initially of small septate junctions, followed later by a more apically located zonula adherens, is formed in all epithelial tissues at stage 6. Beginning towards the end of stage 6 and continuing throughout stages 7 and 8, cytodifferentiation of the different organ systems takes place. Stage 7 is characterized by the appearance of eye pigmentation, brain condensation and spindle-shaped myocytes. Stage 8 describes the fully dorsally closed and differentiated embryo. Muscular contraction moves the body in the egg shell. We discuss Mesostoma embryogenesis in comparison to other animal phyla. Particular attention is given to the apparent absence of gastrulation and the formation of the epithelial junctional complex. Received: 10 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

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