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Cunningham JJ  Nikolovski J  Linderman JJ  Mooney DJ 《BioTechniques》2002,32(4):876, 878, 880 passim
As the role of mechanical force in cellular signaling gained recognition, investigators designed a number of devices to deliver controlled regimens of mechanical force to cultured cells. One type of device uses thin silicone-rubber membranes to support monolayer cell adhesion and to transmit mechanical force in the form of biaxial strain. We have observed that cell attachment and spreading are impaired on these membranes compared to polystyrene, even when both are passively coated with identical amounts of extracellular matrix. The purpose of these studies was to quantify the efficiency and stability of passive matrix adsorption onto commercially available elastic culture substrates. A theoretically saturating density (1 microg/cm2) of fibronectin was added to each well, and the initial efficiency of adsorption to the walls and elastic membranes was found to be 31 +/- 2% of the protein added. Strikingly, when the protein adsorbed specifically to the membranes was quantified after seven days, only 10-26 ng/cm2 fibronectin were present, revealing that most of the adsorption is to the sides of the wells. These results indicate that the adsorption of matrix proteins to silicone-rubber substrates is relatively inefficient and that investigators who use these systems must be aware of this fact and design their experiments accordingly.  相似文献   

The effect of fibronectin protein (Fn) coating onto polysaccharide layers of hyaluronic acid (Hyal) and its sulfated derivative (HyalS) on fibroblast cell adhesion was analyzed. The Hyal or HyalS were coated and grafted on the glass substrate by a photolithographic method. The Fn coating was achieved by two different routes: the immobilization of Fn by covalent bond to the polysaccharide layers and the simple adsorption of Fn onto Hyal and HyalS surfaces. AFM, SEM, and ATR-FTIR techniques were used for the chemical and topographical characterization of the surfaces. According to AFM and SEM data, the surface topography was dependent on the method used to cover the polysaccharide layers with the protein. ATR-FTIR analysis supplied information about the rearrangement of Fn after the interaction (adsorption or binding) with the Hyal and the HyalS. The conformational changes of the Fn were minimal when it was simply adsorbed on HyalS surfaces and larger once bound, whereas on the Hyal layer the protein underwent a bigger conformational change once adsorbed and covalently grafted. Then, the biological characterization was carried out by analyzing the human diploid skin fibroblasts adhesion on these surfaces. The morphology of fibroblasts was evaluated by SEM, whereas the dynamics of fibroblasts movement were recorded by a time-lapse system. Cell variations in area, perimeter, and length were analyzed at 2, 4, and 6 h. It was found that the addition of Fn (covalently bound or merely adsorbed) was fundamental in the promotion of fibroblasts adhesion and spreading. The greatest adhesion occurred onto HyalS layers covered by the adsorbed Fn.  相似文献   

Migrating cells degrade pericellular matrices and basement membranes. For these purposes cells produce a number of proteolytic enzymes. Mast cells produce two major proteinases, chymase and tryptase, whose physiological functions are poorly known. In the present study we have analyzed the ability of purified human mast cell tryptase to digest pericellular matrices of human fibroblasts. Isolated matrices of human fibroblasts and fibroblast conditioned medium were treated with tryptase, and alterations in the radiolabeled polypeptides were observed in autoradiograms of sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels. It was found that an M(r) 72,000 protein was digested to an M(r) 62,000 form by human mast cell tryptase while the plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1, was not affected. Cleavage of the M(r) 72,000 protein could be partially inhibited by known inhibitors of tryptase but not by aprotinin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or EDTA. Fibroblastic cells secreted the M(r) 72,000 protein into their medium and it bound to gelatin as shown by analysis of the medium by affinity chromatography over gelatin-Sepharose. The soluble form of the M(r) 72,000 protein was also susceptible to cleavage by tryptase. Analysis using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels showed that both the intact M(r) 72,000 and the M(r) 62,000 degraded form of the protein possess gelatinolytic activity after activation by sodium dodecyl sulphate. Immunoblotting analysis of the matrices revealed the cleavage of an immunoreactive protein of M(r) 72,000 indicating that the protein is related to type IV collagenase. Further analysis of the pericellular matrices indicated that the protease sensitive extracellular matrix protein fibronectin was removed from the matrix by tryptase in a dose-dependent manner. Fibronectin was also susceptible to proteolytic degradation by tryptase. The data suggest a role for mast cell tryptase in the degradation of pericellular matrices.  相似文献   

C Narasimhan  C S Lai 《Biochemistry》1989,28(12):5041-5046
Changes in local environment of the free sulfhydryl groups in plasma fibronectin upon adsorption of the protein to polystyrene beads have been examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-label spectroscopy. The two free sulfhydryl groups per subunit of plasma fibronectin were modified chemically with an [15N, 2H]maleimide spin-label. For soluble fibronectin, both free sulfhydryl groups are shown to be in confined environments as evidenced from the labeled protein exhibiting a strongly immobilized ESR spectrum as described previously using [14N, 1H]maleimide spin-labels [Lai, C.-S., & Tooney, N. M. (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 228, 465-473]. When the labeled protein was adsorbed to the beads, half of the strongly immobilized component was found to convert into a weakly immobilized component, a result indicating that one of the two labeled sites becomes exposed and exhibit a fast tumbling motion. Experiments conducted using various spin-labeled fibronectin fragments suggest that the newly exposed labeled site is located between the DNA-binding and the cell-binding regions of the molecule. The data obtained indicate that, upon adsorption to polystyrene beads, plasma fibronectin undergoes a conformational change through which the buried free sulfhydryl group near the cell-binding region of the molecule is exposed. This observation may have important implications regarding the expression of cell adhesive properties of the fibronectin molecule.  相似文献   

Both polyvalent and hybridoma-produced antibodies to fibronectin (Fn) were used to ‘map’ the immunoaccessible subsets of cell surface fibronectin on virus-transformed murine fibroblast SVT2 and rat neuroblastoma B104 cells. As one approach to this end, attachment and spreading responses of cells were measured on tissue culture substrata coated with antibody or with plasma fibronectin to compare their adhesive responses. Both SVT2 and B104 cells adhere poorly to polyvalent anti-Fn-coated substrata over short time intervals, but within several hours changes occur which permit cells to attach and spread as well on anti-Fn as on Fn (post-adsorption of the anti-Fn with Fn also generates a maximal response). This adhesive response could be completely prevented by predigesting the cells with Flavobacterium heparanase, but not with chondroitinase ABC, indicating that the cell surface Fn responsible for antibody-mediated adhesion is associated with heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the cell surface. The compositions of the substratum-attached material (left bound after EGTA-mediated detachment of cells) from cells attaching to anti-Fn or Fn were analysed by SDS-PAGE and found to be identical within the same cell type for the two different substrata. Three hybridoma-produced antibodies, which recognize different determinants on Fn, generated different adhesive responses for SVT2 or B104 cells when adsorbed to the substratum. SVT2 cells adhered well to antibody no. 32-coated substrata but poorly to antibodies 92 or 136; on the other hand, B104 cells responded similarly to all three antibodies over short times of attachment but much better to no. 32 after a several hour incubation. These experiments indicate that (1) much of the cell surface fibronectin is complexed with heparan sulfate proteoglycan and is initially inaccessible to bind to polyvalent antibody on the substratum to promote adhesion; (2) the surface of neuroblastoma cells contains a fibronectin-like molecule which is important in their substratum adhesion; and (3) monoclonal antibodies are valuable tools in ‘mapping’ the orientation of cell surface molecules like fibronectin by measuring adhesive responses to antibody-coated substrata.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is known to cause biomaterial-associated infections of implants and devices once it has breached the skin and mucosal barriers. Adhesion is the initial step in the development of a biomaterial-associated infection, and strategies to prevent staphylococcal adhesion and thus biomaterial-associated infections require understanding of the adhesive bond. The aim of this study was to compare the adhesive bond stiffnesses of two S. aureus strains with and without fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) adhering to a fibronectin-coated quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor surface on the basis of a coupled- resonance model. Both fibronectin adsorption and staphylococcal adhesion were accompanied by negative frequency shifts, regardless of the absence or presence of FnBPs on the staphylococcal cell surfaces. This is the opposite of the positive frequency shifts often observed for other bacterial strains adhering to bare sensor surfaces. Most likely, adhering staphylococci sink into and deform the adsorbed protein layer, creating stiff binding with the sensor surface due to an increased bacterium-substratum contact area. S. aureus 8325-4 possesses FnBPs and yields less negative frequency shifts (Δf) that are further away from the zero-crossing frequency than S. aureus DU5883. This suggests that FnBPs on S. aureus 8325-4 create a stiffer bond to the fibronectin coating than has been observed for S. aureus DU5883. Due to a limited window of observation, as defined by the available resonance frequencies in QCM, we could not determine exact stiffness values.  相似文献   

Wound repair is characterized by the presence of a fibrin-rich matrix, but the effect of fibrin on re-epithelialization remains unclear. In this study, we determined the effects of different fibrin matrices on cultured human neonatal keratinocytes. Using purified fibrinogen and fibrin gels generated by the enzymatic action of thrombin, batroxobin (it leads to retention of fibrinopeptide B), or Agkistrodon contortrix thrombin-like enzyme (ACTE; it leads to retention of fibrinopeptide A), we determined the effect of each of these matrices on keratinocyte morphology, attachment, spreading, and replication as compared to tissue culture plastic. Morphologically, keratinocytes seeded on fibrin surfaces were more rounded and formed three-dimensional structures. Specific cell attachment, as measured at either 37°C or 4°C, was not altered on the different fibrin substrates (P > .05) but was increased on fibrinogen and factor XIII cross-linked fibrin (P < .01). However, keratinocytes seeded on fibrin, regardless of the presence or absence of fibrinopeptides A or B, showed a marked decrease (up to 71%) in cell numbers by days 5 (P = .0357) and 10 (P = .0114). Keratinocyte spreading was decreased by 78.8% (P = .0006), 80.3% (P = .0001), and 89.2% (P = .0001) on thrombin-, batroxobin-, and ACTE-generated fibrin, respectively, but not on fibrinogen-coated dishes. However, either the addition of fibronectin or cross-linking of fibrin with factor XIII allowed full keratinocyte spreading to occur (P = .0002 and P = .0013, respectively). We conclude that fibrin inhibits keratinocyte spreading in the absence of other matrix or plasma proteins or cross-linking by factor XIII. J. Cell. Physiol. 174:58–65, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a gram-positive bacterium that causes erysipelas in animals and erysipeloid in humans. We found two adhesive surface proteins of E. rhusiopathiae and determined the nucleotide sequences of the genes, which were colocalized and designated rspA and rspB. The two genes were present in all of the serovars of E. rhusiopathiae strains examined. The deduced RspA and RspB proteins contain the C-terminal anchoring motif, LPXTG, which is preceded by repeats of consensus amino acid sequences. The consensus sequences are composed of 78 to 92 amino acids and repeat 16 and 3 times in RspA and RspB, respectively. Adhesive surface proteins of other gram-positive bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes adhesin-like protein, Streptococcus pyogenes protein F2 and F2-like protein, Streptococcus dysgalactiae FnBB, and Staphylococcus aureus Cna, share the same consensus repeats. Furthermore, the N-terminal regions of RspA and RspB showed characteristics of the collagen-binding domain that was described for Cna. RspA and RspB were expressed in Escherichia coli as histidine-tagged fusion proteins and purified. The recombinant proteins showed a high degree of capacity to bind to polystyrene and inhibited the binding of E. rhusiopathiae onto the abiotic surface in a dose dependent manner. In a solid-phase binding assay, both of the recombinant proteins bound to fibronectin, type I and IV collagens, indicating broad spectrum of their binding ability. It was suggested that both RspA and RspB were exposed on the cell surface of E. rhusiopathiae, as were the bacterial cells agglutinated by the anti-RspA immunoglobulin G (IgG) and anti-RspB IgG. RspA and RspB were present both in surface-antigen extracts and the culture supernatants of E. rhusiopathiae Fujisawa-SmR (serovar 1a) and SE-9 (serovar 2). The recombinant RspA, but not RspB, elicited protection in mice against experimental challenge. These results suggest that RspA and RspB participate in initiation of biofilm formation through their binding abilities to abiotic and biotic surfaces.  相似文献   

Cells interact with extracellular fibronectin (FN) via adhesive fibronectin receptors (FNRs) that are members of the very late antigens (VLAs) subgroup of the integrin family. In stationary fibroblasts, the FNR is highly organized and distributed identically to extracellular FN fibrils. However, in highly migratory neural crest cells and embryonic somatic fibroblasts, this organization is lost and the FNR appears diffuse. Similarly, oncogenic transformation typically leads to disorganization of the FN receptor and loss of matrix FN. Two models can account for these observations. First, the FN matrix may organize the FN receptor at extracellular matrix contacts on the cell surface. Motile cells not depositing FN matrices thus lack organized receptors. Alternatively, as the FNR is required for optimal FN matrix assembly, (McDonald, J. A., B. J. Quade, T. J. Broekelmann, R. LaChance, K. Forseman, K. Hasegawa, and S. Akiyama. 1987. J. Biol. Chem. 272:2957-2967; Roman, J. R. M. LaChance, T. J. Broekelmann, C. J. R. Kennedy, E. A. Wayner, W. G. Carter, J. A. McDonald. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108:2529-2543) and has putative cytoskeletal links, it could be organized from within the cell helping to position newly forming FN fibrils. To study this question, we developed peptide antibodies specifically recognizing the alpha 5 subunit of the FNR. Using these antibodies, we examined the organization of FN and of the FNR in normal, matrix assembly inhibited, and SV40-transformed human fibroblasts. On FN-coated substrates, the FNR is found in focal contacts rather than diffusely on the basal cell surface, suggesting FNR interaction with intracellular components. However, when FN fibrils are deposited, the FNR is co-distributed with these fibrils. Preventing FN matrix assembly prevents organization of the FNR. Moreover, when fibroblasts with well established FN matrices and co-distributed FNR are incubated briefly with monoclonal antibodies that block FNR binding to FN, the FNR is no longer co-distributed with the FN matrix. Thus, the FN receptor is organized in fibrils on the cell surface in response to extracellular FN. Because exogenous FN restores a FN matrix and receptor organization to SV40-transformed cells, the diffuse FN receptor phenotype appears to be related to loss of the FN matrix rather than to impaired FNR function. These results explain diffusely distributed FNRs in migratory neural crest and embryonic fibroblasts lacking well organized FN matrices and emphasize the existence of separate but related systems controlling FN deposition and recognition by receptor-armed cells.  相似文献   

C Narasimhan  C S Lai  A Haas  J McCarthy 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):4970-4973
The accessibility in human plasma fibronectin of the two free sulfhydryl groups per chain to sulfhydryl reagents 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) and a maleimide derivative has been examined. For soluble fibronectin, the free sulfhydryl groups are not accessible to DTNB unless urea or guanidine hydrochloride is added [Smith et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 5831-5838]. Upon binding to polystyrene beads, 0.87 +/- 0.05 sulfhydryl group per chain becomes titratable to DTNB. Experiments using fibronectin fragments demonstrate that this newly exposed sulfhydryl group is located in a Type III homologous unit between the DNA-binding and the cell-binding domains. The results suggest that, upon adsorption to solid substrates, plasma fibronectin undergoes a conformational change, thereby exposing one buried sulfhydryl group. These findings have implications regarding the "surface activation" of adhesion activities of fibronectin.  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated human plasma fibronectin, 70-kDa collagen-binding, 60-kDa central, 60-kDa heparin-binding, 180-kDa heparin, collagen-binding fibronectin fragments and gelatin were used to study extracellular fibronectin matrix formation. Exogenous fibronectin, gelatin, 70-kDa collagen-binding and 180-kDa heparin, collagen-binding fragments were shown to be able to bind specifically to preexisting extracellular matrix of living fibroblasts. The results suggest that: (i) Fibronectin matrix formation may occur through a self-assembly process; (ii) the NH2-terminal part of fibronectin is responsible for fibronectin-fibronectin interaction during fibronectin fibril formation; (iii) plasma fibronectin may be the source for tissue fibronectin.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) assembly into a fibrillar extracellular matrix is a stepwise process requiring participation from multiple FN domains. Fibril formation is regulated in part by segments within the first seven type III repeats (III1-7). To define the specific function(s) of this region, recombinant FNs (recFNs) containing an overlapping set of deletions were tested for the ability to assemble into fibrils. Surprisingly, recFN lacking type III repeat III1 (FNDeltaIII1), which contains a cryptic FN binding site and has been suggested to be essential for fibril assembly, formed a matrix identical in all respects to a native FN matrix. Similarly, displacement of the cell binding domain in repeats III9-10 to a position close to the NH2-terminal assembly domain, as well as a large deletion spanning repeats III4-7, had no effect on assembly. In contrast, two deletions that included repeat III2, DeltaIII1-2 and DeltaIII2-5, caused significant reductions in fibril elongation, although binding of FN to the cell surface and initiation of assembly still proceeded. Using individual repeats in binding assays, we show that III2 but not III1 contains an FN binding site. Thus, these results pinpoint repeat III2 as an important module for FN-FN interactions during fibril growth.  相似文献   

Dermal cells isolated from the back skin of 7-day chick embryos were cultured on homogeneous two-dimensional substrates consisting of one or two extracellular matrix components (type I, III, or IV collagen, fibronectin and several glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): hyaluronate, chondroitin-4, chondroitin-6, dermatan and heparan sulfates). The effect of these substrates on the production of fibronectin, of types I, III and IV collagen by cells was compared with that of culture dish polystyrene. Using immunofluorescent labeling of cultured cells, it was observed that, on all substrates, in 1-day and 7-day cultures, 85 to 95% of cells contain type I collagen in the perinuclear cytoplasm; label was absent from cell processes. Type I collagen was also detected in extracellular fibers extending between neighboring cells. By contrast, on all substrates, only 5 to 20% of cells produced type III collagen. Otherwise distribution of type III collagen was similar to that of type I collagen. With anti-type IV collagen antibody no staining of either cell content or extracellular spaces was detected. Staining with anti-fibronectin antibody revealed two types of distribution patterns. On polystyrene and on all but type I collagen substrates, labeling revealed clusters of short thick strands and patches of fibronectin-rich material in extracellular spaces. On type I collagen substrate, however, immunostaining revealed a delicate network of regularly spaced parallel fibrils of fibronectin extending between and along cells. Using quantitative radioimmunoassay of the culture media, it was shown that, after 7 days of culture, cells secreted more type I than type III collagen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is a glycoprotein (disulfite-bonded dimer of 200 to 220 Kd submits) found in a soluble form in blood (concentration 250--500 microg/ml), it can be removed from it by cryoprecipitation and affinity chromatography on gelatin or heparin-agarose. It is also found in an insoluble fibrillar form as a component of connective tissue matrix like collagen, proteoglycans... FN fundamentally forms molecular complexes with collagen, fibrinogen or fibrin, heparin, activated factor XIII, bacteria, cellular membranes..., these various proteins binding with now well known functional "domains" on subunits. Thus FN mediates adhesion of cells to cells as well to biomaterials or tissue, cell migration and chemotactic activity, tissue stromal organization... The transformed cultured cells in presence of oncogen virus loose ability to secrete FN which contribute to their invasive tendency. FN also interacts with hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems, as component of the subendothelium (secreted, like Willbrand factor, by endothelial cells) and of platelet alpha-granules released by stimulated platelets. FN could then provoke platelet spreading on the subendothelium surface after collagen-platelet adhesion, triggered by Willebrand factor, has happened. FN is a part of the fibrinous clot. It participates in anchorage of the clot to subendothelium and mediates its colonisation by fibroblasts, first step to wound reparation. Lastly FN probably has an important role in organism defence. It acts as a non-immunological opsonin, promoting phagocytosis by RES macrophages of bacteria, cellular or fibrin fragments, immune complexes... present in blood. Plasmatic FN concentration is strongly decreased in several ill patients following major trauma, extensive burns, shock, sepsis, with or not evidence of DIVC, of respiratory distress... SABA and various other authors have obtained good results after injections of FN (as cryoprecipitates or concentrated fractions). It is yet necessary to confirm therapeutic role of FN.  相似文献   

The azo dye 4-(dimethylamino)-4'-azobenzene (DAB) thiosulfonate anion can serve as a sulfur-donor substrate for rhodanese (thiosulfate: cyanide sulfurtransferase, EC and for thiosulfate reductase (EC unassigned) with cyanide anion and GSH, respectively, as acceptor substrates. In either case, the dye product is DAB sulfinate, which differs substantially in light absorption at 500 nm. Moreover, DAB sulfinate can serve as a sulfur-acceptor substrate for rhodanese with either inorganic thiosulfate or a colorless thiosulfonate anion as donor, and this reaction provides a second chromogenic assay procedure.  相似文献   

Artificial substrates for prenyltransferase   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Four out of 16 new allylic pyrophosphates synthesized were found to be artificial substrates for liver prenyltransferase (EC These were the trans-and the cis-3-ethyl-3-methylallyl, the 3,3-diethylallyl and the (mixture of cis and trans) 3-methyl-3-n-propylallyl pyrophosphates. The products synthesized from these substrates and isopentenyl pyrophosphate were the appropriate homo- and bishomo-farnesyl pyrophosphates. Substitution of 3,3-dimethylallyl pyrophosphate at C-2 with a methyl group destroyed its reactivity with the enzyme. Neither the unsubstituted allyl pyrophosphate nor the cis- or trans-3-methylallyl pyrophosphate could be condensed with isopentenyl pyrophosphate. Thus the simplest allylic substrate for prenyltransferase is 3,3-dimethylallyl pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2511-2521
The ability of purified extracellular matrix components to promote the initial migration of amphibian neural crest (NC) cells was quantitatively investigated in vitro. NC cells migrated avidly on fibronectin (FN), displaying progressively more extensive dispersion at increasing amounts of material incorporated in the substrate. In contrast, dispersion on laminin substrates was optimal at low protein concentrations but strongly reduced at high concentrations. NC cells were unable to migrate on substrates containing a high molecular mass chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (ChSP). When proteolytic peptides, representing isolated functional domains of the FN molecule, were tested as potential migration substrates, the cell binding region of the molecule (105 kD) was found to be as active as the intact FN. A 31- kD heparin-binding fragment also stimulated NC cell migration, whereas NC cells dispersed to a markedly lower extent on the isolated collagen- binding domain (40 kD), or the latter domain linked to the NH2-terminal part of the FN molecule. Migration on the intact FN was partially inhibited by antibodies directed against the 105- and 31-kD fragments, respectively; dispersion was further decreased when the antibodies were used in combination. Addition of the ChSP to the culture medium dramatically perturbed NC cell migration on substrates of FN, as well as of 105- or 31-kD fragments. However, preincubation of isolated cells or substrates with ChSP followed by washing did not affect NC cell movement. The use of substrates consisting of different relative amounts of ChSP and the 105-kD peptide revealed that ChSP counteracted the motility-promoting activity of the 105-kD FN fragment in a concentration-dependent manner also when bound to the substrate. Our results indicate that NC cell migration on FN involves two separate domains of the molecule, and that ChSP can modulate the migratory behavior of NC cells moving along FN-rich pathways and may therefore influence directionally and subsequent localization of NC cells in the embryo.  相似文献   

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