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The ability of individuals to respond differentially to conspecifics depending on their genetic relatedness is a widespread phenomenon across the animal kingdom. Despite this, little is known about the selection processes that act on the phenotypic variation of traits used during recognition. Here we use a quantitative genetic approach to examine the patterns of genetic variation in cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, a pheromonal system used extensively in insect communication. Using gas chromatography, we found family specificity in the CHC profiles of male crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Across CHC peaks, our mean coefficient of additive genetic variation was 10.8%. Multivariate principal component analysis showed that most axes of variation were weighted by CHC peaks with significant additive genetic variation. Our results provide evidence that variation in CHC profiles can reflect genetic relatedness, supporting the widely held belief that this phenotypic trait is used as a mechanism for chemosensory kin recognition.  相似文献   

Male crickets Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou) produce a complex species‐specific calling song with phrases combining groups of single pulses (chirps) and groups of double‐pulses (trills) to attract females, which fly or walk towards singing males. In open‐loop trackball experiments, phonotactic steering responses to normal calling song phrases consisting of chirps and trills are strongest, suggesting that both components are necessary for maximal attractiveness. Sequences of just chirps or trills are less effective in eliciting phonotactic walking and steering. Split‐song paradigms are used to analyze the steering behaviour underlying orientation in more detail. The females' phonotactic steering reflects the alternating acoustic pattern of the split‐song paradigm. Analysis with high temporal resolution demonstrate, that even when the calling song is presented only from one side, the steering velocity and lateral deviation towards the song is modulated by steering events to single‐sound pulses. Therefore, pattern recognition, which integrates the structure of the song, appears not to be directly involved in the rapid steering response. This organization of phonotactic behaviour with a parallel processing of pattern recognition and steering is similar to other cricket species and may allow T. oceanicus females to steer transiently towards distorted song patterns as they occur in natural habitats.  相似文献   

The metathoracic extensor tibiae muscle of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus is innervated by two excitatory axons; one of which leaves the metathoracic ganglion through nerve 5, the other through nerve 3. Axons in nerve 5 frequently regenerate to reinnervate the extensor tibiae if the nerve is sectioned in a late nymphal stage; functional reinnervation is rare if the nerve is sectioned in young adults. The muscle may become reinnervated by several axons regenerating through nerve 5, and individual muscle fibres may receive inputs from two regenerated axons. Axons regrowing through nerve 5 to a partially-denervated extensor tibiae preferentially innervate fibres in the central portion of the muscle, which is the normal innervation field of nerve 5. If the muscle is totally denervated by transection of both nerve 5 and nerve 3b, reinnervation is less specific and fibres throughout the muscle may be reinnervated by axons in either nerve. Reinnervation by regenerating axons is progressive. The proportion of muscles which are functionally reinnervated by regenerated axons increases with survival time as does the proportion of fibres within a muscle with reinnervation. The amplitude of excitatory junctional potentials and of muscle contraction evoked by regenerated axons both increase with survival time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male crickets ( Teleogryllus oceanicus ) when dehydrated for 3 days lost 51% of their body water, and 65% of their haemolymph volume. Haemolymph osmolality rose from 391 to 572mOs/kg; [Na+] from 149 to 289 HIM; and [K+] from 13.0 to 26.3 mM. During dehydration 385 μig Na (expressed as NaCl) and 41 μug K (expressed as KCI) were removed from the haemolymph. Rehydration of the dehydrated insects failed to restore the Na+ and K+ concentrations to near their original levels. Approximately 62% of the missing Na+ was excreted, whilst five times the amount of K+ removed from the haemolymph was excreted. It is presumed that the excess represents K+ removed from intracellular fluid.  相似文献   

  • 1 On three Hawaiian Islands, the introduced Australasian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus Le Guillou (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) was found to be attacked by the phonotactic parasitoid tachinid fly, Ormia ochracea Bigot.
  • 2 Noncalling males occurred with callers in all locations, but silent males were more heavily parasitized than callers.
  • 3 Body size was unrelated to both calling status and the likelihood of harbouring parasitoid larvae.
  • 4 An experiment examining the likelihood of calling in the laboratory by males collected as silent or calling individuals showed no difference between the two classes of males, after accounting for parasitoid levels; males harbouring larvae were less likely to call.



Females in a wide range of taxa have been shown to base their choice of mates on pheromone signals. However, little research has focussed specifically on the form and intensity of selection that mate choice imposes on the pheromone signal. Using multivariate selection analysis, we characterise directly the form and intensity of sexual selection acting on cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds widely used in the selection of mates in insects. Using the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus as a model organism, we use three measures of male attractiveness to estimate fitness; mating success, the duration of courtship required to elicit copulation, and subsequent spermatophore attachment duration.  相似文献   

Behavioral preadaptations can provide an accommodating environmentin which novel morphological characters may be selected. A veryrecent morphological mutation, flatwing, has caused the lossof male song in field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) fromthe Hawaiian island of Kauai. Previous studies in this and relatedspecies have shown that females require male courtship songto mount males, but flatwing T. oceanicus males still achievematings. Females from Kauai may have a relaxed requirement formale courtship song, or flatwing males may compensate for theirinability to sing by altering other courtship behaviors. Wetested whether male courtship and female responses to male courtshipwere preadapted in a way that facilitated the spread of themale wing mutation or if parallel changes in male courtshipand female responses accompanied the mutation. We performedmating trials in 2 captive-bred populations to assess how matingbehavior varied depending on the presence or absence of courtshipsong playback. The first was an ancestral population from Kauaiestablished prior to the emergence of the flatwing mutation,and the second was derived from Kauai after the mutation becameprevalent. Mating behaviors did not differ qualitatively orquantitatively between the ancestral and current populations,and females from both accepted males for mating in the absenceof courtship song. Our results provide direct evidence thata mechanism allowing flatwing males to mate with females wasin place before the mutation actually arose on Kauai and demonstratehow preexisting behavior facilitated the rapid spread of a novelmorphological mutation.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were isolated from the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Seven polymorphic loci were found with an observed number of alleles ranging from eight to 17 and observed heterozygosities between 0.26 and 0.94. One locus was found to be X‐linked. These seven loci were also tested for amplification and polymorphism in the congeneric species Teleogryllus commodus. The loci will be used for paternity studies in these species.  相似文献   

Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) produce a complex call consisting of two elements, the long chirp (three to eight sound pulses) followed by a series of short chirps (each with two sound pulses). There is significant geographic variation in the temporal structure of calls, and the long chirp is selected against by acoustically orienting parasitoids in some populations. Here we examine geographic variation in female preference functions for the amount of long chirp. In general, females prefer calls with greater proportions of long chirp, although the strength and nature of selection varied across populations. Variation in preference functions did not match variation in call structure. There was a mismatch between the proportion of long chirp produced by males in a population and the proportion of long chirp preferred by females. The convergent preferences of predators and females are likely to maintain genetic variation in song traits in parasitized populations. The apparent mismatch between preference and trait is discussed in relation to theoretical models of preference evolution.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is thought to result from directional sexual selection acting on male signal traits, with female signal traits given little, if any, attention. Here, we examine male mating preferences in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using a multivariate selection analysis approach, we found that male preferences have the potential to exert selection on female cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds widely used as sexual signals in insects. In addition to finding both stabilizing and disruptive preference gradients, we also found weak negative directional preference for female cuticular hydrocarbons. We contrast our results with a recent study examining sexual selection via female choice on male T. oceanicus cuticular hydrocarbons and suggest that differences in the form and intensity of sexual selection between the genders may provide part of the net selection differential necessary for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Wing movements associated with stridulation by the male during cricket courtship generate air movements that have been proposed to serve as signals to the female. We assessed this putative signaling role by interfering with the presumed communications channel in two ways: (1) by removing the female's cerci, which are candidate sensory organs for signal reception, and (2) by trimming the male's forewings and thus manipulating the signal itself. We measured the effects of these treatments on the probability and latency with which females mounted courting males. We found that neither treatment affected female mounting behavior. This was true both for old, highly motivated females and for younger females, which are less highly motivated and possibly more selective. We conclude that air movements play little or no role as signals that release female mounting behavior during courtship. Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   

We compared calling songs of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus from 15 sites within six regions of two continental areas, Oceania and Australia. The cricket was introduced to Hawaii, where it is subject to an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly not found elsewhere in its range. In a principal components analysis (PCA) of song from all populations combined, the first five components had eigenvalues greater than one, and collectively accounted for over 80% of the total variation. Means for all song components varied significantly among sites, and different components varied at the three levels of analysis (continent, region and site). The principal way in which sites differed was along a gradient in increasing song length, pulse duration and intervals between song elements. Crickets from Oceania had a significantly greater variance in their song than Australian crickets, driven largely by the high variance in Hawaii. Geography explained a substantial amount of variation in song, despite the likelihood of serial bottlenecks having occurred as the species moved from island to island. Because female crickets appear not to focus on the short chirp as a component of mate choice, a lack of selection may allow this song component to vary more widely.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is presumed to reflect adaptive divergence in response to selection favouring different optimal character states in the two sexes. Here, we analyse patterns of sexual dimorphism in the cuticular hydrocarbons of the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus using gas chromatography. Ten of the 25 peaks found in our chromatographs, differed in their relative abundance between the sexes. The presence of sexual dimorphism in T. oceanicus is discussed in reference to a review of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of other insects. We found that this trait has been examined in 103 species across seven different orders. Seventy-six of these species (73%) displayed sex specificity of cuticular hydrocarbons, the presence/absence of which does not appear to be directly linked to phylogeny. The occurrence of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of some but not other species, and the extent of variation within genera, suggest that this divergence has been driven primarily by sexual selection.  相似文献   

The short distal segment of unstimulated Teleogryllus Malpighian tubules secreted hyperosmotic fluid containing primarily Mg (125mmoll(-1)), Cl (242mmoll(-1)) and Na (43mmoll(-1)). Remarkably, the volume secreted by the distal segment in unit time was independent of segment length, i.e. the volume was constant regardless of the length of the segment. Magnesium was secreted at a rate of 75.5pmolmin(-1)mm(-1); the highest rate recorded for any epithelium. Low concentrations of K (20mmoll(-1)) were present but almost no P or S. Ca (2.5mmoll(-1)) concentration was higher than in the main segment. The short distal segment secreted 100% of the Mg, 54% of the Cl and 23% of the Na secreted by the whole tubule. The main segment secreted fluid containing primarily K (199mmoll(-1)), Cl (149mmoll(-1)), Na (104mmoll(-1)) and P (48mmoll(-1)) with very low concentrations of Ca (1mmoll(-1)) and S. The main segment appeared to reabsorb a small fraction of the Mg secreted by the distal segment. The fluid secreted by the whole tubule was isosmotic and alkaline, approximately pH8.  相似文献   

High-frequency electrical stimulation (~20 Hz) of the lateral nerve in abdominal segments of the cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, caused an increase in tonus of the abdominal dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM). This effect persisted for 1–5 min following stimulation. Application of the pentapeptide proctolin (threshold 1–10 nM) mimicked the increase in muscle tonus produced by electrical stimulation. Individual twitches were unaffected or slightly reduced by proctolin. Low-frequency electrical stimulation (<7 Hz) of the lateral nerve counteracted a previously induced increase in muscle tonus, apparently by activation of an inhibitory motoneuron. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) mimicked the effect of low-frequency stimulation and reduced muscle tonus. Octopamine, in concentrations of ≤0.1 mM, was inactive on the abdominal DLM when stimulated at low frequencies (0.5–2 Hz). Application of proctolin to the metathoracic DLM caused an increase in twitch amplitude but had little effect on basal tonus. In conjunction with the previously described responses of the metathoracic DLM to octopamine, these results show that the serially homologous abdominal and metathoracic DLMs have dissimilar responses to the modulators proctolin and octopamine.  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on the role that sperm competitionmay play in the evolution of sperm morphology. Theoretical analysespredict increased sperm size, decreased sperm size, and no changein sperm size in response to sperm competition, depending onthe assumptions made concerning the life history and functionof sperm. However, although there is good evidence that spermmorphology varies widely within and between species, the adaptivesignificance of this variation has not been examined. Here wedocument significant intraspecific variation in sperm lengthin the field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Sperm length didnot influence the rate of migration of sperm from the spermatophoreto the female's spermatheca. We performed sperm competitiontrials in which we varied the numbers of sperm transferred byeach of two males that differed in the length of sperm theyproduced. Neither sperm length nor the number of sperm transferredinfluenced paternity. The same results were obtained using twodifferent methods for assigning paternity. The distributionof paternity across a female's mates was highly variable, withfrequently one, or more in the case of females mated to fourmales, principal sire. There were no mating order effects onpaternity. These data show that sperm do not mix randomly inthe female's spermatheca. We discuss several alternative explanationsfor the patterns of paternity observed.  相似文献   

Sexual signal evolution may present fitness consequences for the non‐signaling sex due to shared genes and altered social conditions, but this is rarely studied in natural populations. On the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, most male Teleogryllus oceanicus (Pacific field crickets) lack the ability to sing because of a novel wing mutation (flatwing) that arose and spread in <20 generations. Obligately silent flatwing males have been highly successful because they avoid detection by a deadly, acoustically‐orienting parasitoid fly. Little is known about how the flatwing mutation and resulting song‐less acoustic environment affects female fitness. We found that Kauai females carrying the flatwing allele invested less in reproductive tissues and experienced more instances of mating failure than normal‐wing‐carrying females, though total offspring production did not differ between female genotypes. Females from Oahu (HI, where the parasitoid and flatwing also occur) and Mangaia (an island in the Cook Islands which harbors neither the parasitoid nor flatwing) invested less in reproductive tissues when reared in a song‐less acoustic environment. Kauai females did not exhibit this plasticity, perhaps because they have experienced nearly song‐less conditions for the past ~15 years following the establishment of flatwing. We show that female T. oceanicus experience a mix of costly and beneficial effects of sexual signal loss, which should help maintain the wing polymorphism in the wild. Our results demonstrate that the non‐signaling sex can experience a nuanced set of phenotypic consequences resulting from signal evolution, which can further shape dynamics of sexual signal evolution.  相似文献   

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