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We have examined the kinetics of chick cell population aging in vitro using the percentage of labeled nuclei, the number of colonies formed from a low density inoculum and the number of cells/colony to monitor culture age. The results from these studies showed a gradual age-associated decline in each of the parameters which was first detected early in the culture lifespan and well in advance of changes in total cell number at confluency. Our results also indicated that each of the above parameters, in addition to the calendar time cells had been in culture, could be used to estimate the percentage of lifespan completed by the culture. A comparison of the methods used to estimate the remaining culture lifespan indicated that the percentage of labeled nuclei was the most accurate in describing cell age.  相似文献   

Cell population growth in chick blastoderms cultured in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Primitive streak stage chick blastoderms were cultured in vitro up to 30 hr by New's technique. Chick blastoderms reaching stages 4 to 12 in vitro cultures and in ovo were harvested and homogenized to release cell nuclei. Fluorescent ethidium bromide-stained nuclei in homogenates were counted in Neubauer's chamber and the size of total blastoderm cell population was determined. Linear regression analysis revealed that both in ovo and in vitro chick blastoderm cell population grows in a biphasic manner with comparable cell population doubling times and the morphogenesis is not affected in vitro during the culture period.  相似文献   

Changes in the mRNA population of chick myoblasts during myogenesis in vitro   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
B M Paterson  J O Bishop 《Cell》1977,12(3):751-765
We have analyzed the sequence complexity, frequency distribution and coding capacity of the mRNA populations of primary chick embryo muscle cultures at different stages of myogenesis. Prefusion cultures, fused myofibrillar cultures and cultures blocked for both fusion and myogenesis all contain about 17,000 different mRNA sequences, arranged in three of four abundance classes. The myofibril (96 hr) cultures, however, contain about 2500 sequences in higher concentration and six sequences in exceptionally high concentration, each present in about 15,000 copies per nucleus. These sequences are shown to be 10 times less common in premyogenic (26 hr) cultures and 40 times less common in cultures that have been blocked by BUdR against both fusion and myogenesis. The concentration of these sequences in cultures developing toward myofibril formation correlates well with the capacity of the mRNA to stimulate the cell-free synthesis of muscle-specific proteins. A more direct approach to the identity of the abundant class of myofibril mRNA indicates that it contains the templates for the synthesis of seven polypeptides that are synthesized in particularly large amounts in myogenic cultures, including myosin, actin and tropomyosin. Between 20 and 30% of the abundant mRNA is transcribed from moderately repetitive DNA sequences. The remainder of the abundant, and all of the less-abundant, mRNA is transcribed from single-copy DNA.  相似文献   

Disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (disc PAGE) analyses of chick-mouse somatic cell hybrids [LM(TK)/CRB]isolated from fusion mixtures of chick erythrocytes and thymidine (TdR) kinase-deficient mouse [LM(TK)]cells have demonstrated that the somatic cell hybrids contain only chick cytosol TdR kinase F and mouse mitochondrial TdR kinase A activities. Karyotypes were analysed by the method which sequentially reveals Q- and C-bands. Four hybrid clones contained the full complement of mouse chromosomes and 1 to 3 chick micro-chromosomes. Counterselection of the LM(TK)/CRB hybrids in 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) medium resulted in the loss of chick cytosol TdR kinase F activity and at least one of the chick chromosomes, but mouse mitochondrial TdR kinase A activity was unaffected. Unlike the LM(TK)/CRB somatic cell hybrids, the BUdR-resistant clones could not grow in HATG (hypoxanthine-aminopte-rin-thymidine-glycine) medium. The results demonstrate that: (1) the chick cytosol TdR kinase F gene is on a member of the micro-chromosomes; and (2) selection in HATG- and BUdR-containing medium involves only cytosol TdR kinase F.  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were maintained in a non-proliferating state for up to 150 days in medium containing reduced concentrations of fetal bovine serum. Under these conditions the total time in culture was increased from 50 to 200 days while the total proliferative potential decreased only slightly. From these experiments we conclude that the ability of chick embryo fibroblasts to proliferate in vitro is much more dependent on the number of previous in vitro doublings than on the duration of the time in culture.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between resource availability, plant succession, and species' life history traits are often considered key to understanding variation among species and communities. Leaf lifespan is one trait important in this regard. We observed that leaf lifespan varies 30-fold among 23 species from natural and disturbed communities within a 1-km radius in the northern Amazon basin, near San Carlos de Rio Negro, Venezuela. Moreover, leaf lifespan was highly correlated with a number of important leaf structural and functional characterisues. Stomatal conductance to water vapor (g) and both mass and area-based net photosynthesis decreased with increasing leaf lifespan (r2=0.74, 0.91 and 0.75, respectively). Specific leaf area (SLA) also decreased with increasing leaf lifespan (r2=0.78), while leaf toughness increased (r2=0.62). Correlations between leaf lifespan and leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were moderate on a weight basis and not significant on an area basis. On an absolute basis, changes in SLA, net photosynthesis and leaf chemistry were large as leaf lifespan varied from 1.5 to 12 months, but such changes were small as leaf lifespan increased from 1 to 5 years. Mass-based net photosynthesis (A/mass) was highly correlated with SLA (r2=0.90) and mass-based leaf nitrogen (N/mass) (r2=0.85), but area-based net photosynthesis (A/area) was not well correlated with any index of leaf structure or chemistry including N/area. Overall, these results indicate that species allocate resources towards a high photosynthetic assimilation rate for a brief time, or provide resistant physical structure that results in a lower rate of carbon assimilation over a longer time, but not both.  相似文献   

The origin of the signal for keratinocyte differentiation is still unknown. Here, we show that Ca(2+)- and density-induced translocation of E-cadherin, but not P-cadherin, is accompanied by induction of differentiation-specific proteins in cultured keratinocytes. Antibodies that artificially cluster cell-surface E-cadherin in low extracellular Ca(2+) also induce differentiation-specific proteins, implicating E-cadherin as a determinant of keratinocyte differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

NGF Retards apoptosis in chick embryo bursal cell in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Recent studies have demonstrated that the action of nerve growth factor (NGF) is not restricted to neuronal cells but also affects cells of the immune system. In a previous work on the effect of NGF on the chick embryo bursa of Fabricius both in vivo and in vitro, we observed that NGF prolongs bursal cell survival in vitro. In the present study we report that the increase of viable cells in NGF-treated cultures is not due to a proliferative effect of NGF on bursal cells but to a reduction of cell mortality. The morphological analysis revealed that bursal cells in cultures die by apoptosis, which was also shown by the typical pattern of DNA fragmentation, a hallmark of this cell death process. It is concluded that NGF, with an action similar to that described in sympathetic neurons and PC12, could retard bursal cell death by influencing apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary Normal human embryonic cells were subcultured for over 100 population doublings without modification of the basic medium. The cells were evaluated for growth rate, confluent density, chromosome stability, growth in soft agar, ability to hydrolyze casein and tumorigenicity. The cells possessed the characteristics of normal cells. The batch of serum used to supplement the medium was found to be of primary importance in the long-term growth of this cell culture. Research sponsored by the National Cancer Institute under Contract No. NO1-CO-25423 with Litton Bionetics, Inc.  相似文献   

The chronological lifespan of eukaryotic organisms is extended by the mutational inactivation of conserved growth-signaling pathways that regulate progression into and through the cell cycle. Here we show that in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, these and other lifespan-extending conditions, including caloric restriction and osmotic stress, increase the efficiency with which nutrient-depleted cells establish or maintain a cell cycle arrest in G1. Proteins required for efficient G1 arrest and longevity when nutrients are limiting include the DNA replication stress response proteins Mec1 and Rad53. Ectopic expression of CLN3 encoding a G1 cyclin downregulated during nutrient depletion increases the frequency with which nutrient depleted cells arrest growth in S phase instead of G1. Ectopic expression of CLN3 also shortens chronological lifespan in concert with age-dependent increases in genome instability and apoptosis. These findings indicate that replication stress is an important determinant of chronological lifespan in budding yeast. Protection from replication stress by growth-inhibitory effects of caloric restriction, osmotic and other stresses may contribute to hormesis effects on lifespan. Replication stress also likely impacts the longevity of higher eukaryotes, including humans.  相似文献   

Two successive forms of DNA ligases normally occur successively in the chicken and chick embryo thymus, a 8.2 S, before hatching and a 6.2 S, after hatching. The disappearance of the 8.2 S and the appearance of the 6.2 S together with its increased activity can be observed earlier under the effect of corticosteroids (dexamethasone (DMSO) and hydrocortisone). The biochemical, histological and cell sorting observations are consistent with the presence of the heavy enzyme in large (7.5 μm) thymocytes and the light enzyme in smaller (5 μm) T-antigen possessing cells. These results are discussed on the basis of the effect of steroids on thymocyte maturation and with regard to cell migration within the lymphoid system.  相似文献   

NAD is converted into a chromatin-bound polymer, poly(ADPribose), with the excision of nicotinamide. In intact cells, the incorporation of labeled adenine, through NAD, into poly(ADPribose) has been correlated with the commitment and/or initial phenotypic expression of chick limb mesenchymal cells. Using an assay for chemical quantities of poly(ADPribose), we report here measurements of poly(ADPribose) during limb development in situ and during limb mesenchymal cell commitment and expressional events in cell culture. Substantial changes in the levels of poly(ADPribose) are observed during early phases of limb cell development either in situ (embryonic stages 22 to 26) or in culture (Days 1 to 4); during this time, we observed a threefold decrease in poly(ADPribose) per unit DNA (21 to 7 nmoles/mg DNA), as compared to relatively minor changes of 10 to 20% during later expressional events especially related to muscle development. These observations establish a correlation between cellular poly(ADPribose) levels and the early phases of chick limb mesenchymal cell differentiation and development.  相似文献   

Host cell proteases responsible for activation of viral fusion glycoproteins are an important determinant for spread and tropism of various animal viruses. Exemplifying such proteases for the first time, we isolated an endoprotease from chick embryo, that activates para- and orthomyxovirus fusion glycoproteins by cleaving their precursor proteins at a specific, single arginine site. The protease is a calcium dependent serine protease consisting of two subunits, the 33 kd catalytic chain and the 23 kd chain possibly required for Ca2+ binding, and was found to be highly homologous, if not identical, to the blood clotting factor X(FX), a member of the prothrombin family. Its high efficiency and specificity in cleavage reactions was attributable to the properties characteristic of FX. Its role in vivo was strongly supported by cleavage inhibition in ovo highly selective for this virus group with a specific peptide inhibitor against FX.  相似文献   

The in vitro cell fusion of embryonic chick muscle without DNA synthesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A system has been developed for the in vitro development of chick skeletal muscle monolayers, in which a burst of synchronous fusion occurs, such that some 40% of the spindle-shaped cells fuse in a 10-hr period. Cells inhibited from synthesizing DNA by ara-C do fuse, but at a later time than the normal burst. If ara-C is added to cultures 6 hr or more before the normal fusion time, fusion is delayed, but no delay results when the drug is added after this time. A medium change will delay the fusion if done 4 hr or more before fusion, but gives no delay if done later. Cells grown in conditioned medium fuse some 10 hr earlier than controls, even in the presence of ara-C, as do cultures prepared at higher than normal cell densities. The data suggest that muscle cell fusion is independent of DNA synthesis in vitro, but depends upon a modification of the culture medium to a sufficient degree required for initiating the synthetic program for fusion.  相似文献   

There is a wide range of reported values for prostacyclin (PGI2) synthesis by cultured endothelial cells from human umbilical veins (HUVE). Part of this variation may be due to differences in isolation and culture conditions, but part may be due to previously unstudied variation in the number of population doublings (PDs) which the cells have undergone in vitro. Attention is now shifting to arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism by cells from adult human vessels and these cells may require increased PDs to obtain confluent cultures for testing. Therefore, we have examined the effect of number of cell population doublings as well as number of subcultivations on PGI2 synthesis using HUVE as a model system. Primary and first subcultivation cultures inoculated at high density, so that PDs at confluence were less than 4, synthesized 10 times as much PGI2 as the same isolates inoculated at low density with PDs greater than 4. Isolates inoculated and subcultivated so that the PDs at confluence after the fourth subcultivation were less than 6, showed 50% less PGI2 synthesis between the primary and first subcultivation and between the first and second subcultivations. Isolates with less than 4 PDs after the fourth subcultivation were carried further to determine the effect of extensive subcultivation. Four of six isolates showed a sudden increase in PGI2 synthesis which occurred between subcultivations 5 and 12 (PDs 4-6). These results demonstrate that AA metabolism is markedly affected by growth in culture and serial subcultivation.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the energy producing dynamic double-membraned organelles essential for cellular and organismal survival. A multitude of intra- and extra-cellular signals involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and cell fate determination converge on mitochondria to promote or prevent cell survival by modulating mitochondrial function and structure. Mitochondrial fitness is maintained by mitophagy, a pathway of selective degradation of dysfunctional organelles. Mitophagy impairment and altered clearance results in increased levels of dysfunctional and structurally aberrant mitochondria, changes in energy production, loss of responsiveness to intra- and extra-cellular signals and ultimately cell death. The decline of mitochondrial function and homeostasis with age is reported to be central to age-related pathologies. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms controlling mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy and cell death signalling and how their perturbation may contribute to ageing and age-related illness.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult somatic cells genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell‐like state. Notwithstanding their autologous origin and their potential to differentiate towards cells of all three germ layers, iPSC reprogramming is still affected by low efficiency. As dermal fibroblast is the most used human cell for reprogramming, we hypothesize that the variability in reprogramming is, at least partially, because of the skin fibroblasts used. Human dermal fibroblasts harvested from five different anatomical sites (neck, breast, arm, abdomen and thigh) were cultured and their morphology, proliferation, apoptotic rate, ability to migrate, expression of mesenchymal or epithelial markers, differentiation potential and production of growth factors were evaluated in vitro. Additionally, gene expression analysis was performed by real‐time PCR including genes typically expressed by mesenchymal cells. Finally, fibroblasts isolated from different anatomic sites were reprogrammed to iPSCs by integration‐free method. Intriguingly, while the morphology of fibroblasts derived from different anatomic sites differed only slightly, other features, known to affect cell reprogramming, varied greatly and in accordance with anatomic site of origin. Accordingly, difference also emerged in fibroblasts readiness to respond to reprogramming and ability to form colonies. Therefore, as fibroblasts derived from different anatomic sites preserve positional memory, it is of great importance to accurately evaluate and select dermal fibroblast population prior to induce reprogramming.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the interconnection between the processes of proliferation, dedifferentiation, and intrinsic redifferentiation (chondrogenic) capacities of human articular chondrocyte (HAC), and to identify markers linking HAC dedifferentiation status with their chondrogenic potential. Cumulative population doublings (PD) of HAC expanded in monolayer culture were determined, and a threshold range of 3.57–4.19 PD was identified as indicative of HAC loss of intrinsic chondrogenic capacity in pellets incubated without added chondrogenic factors. While several specific gene and surface markers defined early HAC dedifferentiation process, no clear correlation with the loss of intrinsic chondrogenic potential could be established. CD90 expression during HAC monolayer culture revealed two subpopulations, with sorted CD90‐negative cells showing lower proliferative capacity and higher chondrogenic potential compared to CD90‐positive cells. Although these data further validated PD as critical for in vitro chondrogenesis, due to the early shift in expression, CD90 could not be considered for predicting chondrogenic potential of HAC expanded for several weeks. In contrast, an excellent mathematically modeled correlation was established between PD and the decline of HAC expressing the intracellular marker S100, providing a direct link between the number of cell divisions and dedifferentiation/loss of intrinsic chondrogenic capacity. Based on the dynamics of S100‐positive HAC during expansion, we propose asymmetric cell division as a potential mechanism of HAC dedifferentiation, and S100 as a marker to assess chondrogenicity of HAC during expansion, of potential value for cell‐based cartilage repair treatments. J. Cell. Physiol. 222: 411–420, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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