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增效磷(SV_1)对抗敌百虫家蝇有明显的增效作用,能够延缓家蝇对敌百虫抗性的发展.测定了敌百虫对一个敏感和两个抗性品系家蝇的表皮穿透作用,结果表明抗性品系家蝇对敌百虫的穿透速率比敏感品系低,说明表皮穿透作用的降低和体内解毒速率的增强在家蝇对敌百虫的抗性中起重要作用.SV_1与敌百虫混用后,穿透速率明显提高,敌百虫对家蝇表皮穿透速率的增强和体内代谢速度的降低是SV_1在抗性家蝇体内对敌百虫增效的机制之一.  相似文献   

The fusion cell in Asterocolax gardneri Setch, is a large, multinucleate, irregularly-shaped cell resulting from cytoplasmic fusions of haploid and diploid cells. Subsequent enlargement takes place by incorporating adjacent gonimoblast cells. The resultant cell consists of two parts—a central portion of isolated cytoplasm, surrounded by an electron dense cytoplasmic barrier, and the main component of the fusion cell cytoplasm surrounding the isolated cytoplasm. The fusion cell contains many nuclei, large quantities of floridean starch, endoplasmic reticulum, and vesicles, but few mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes. The endoplasmic reticulum forms vesicles that apparently secrete large quantities of extracellular mucilage which surrounds the entire carposporophyte. The isolated cytoplasm also is multinucleate but lacks starch and a plasma membrane. Few plastids, ribosomes and mitochondria are found in this cytoplasm. However, numerous endoplasmic reticulum cisternae occur near the cytoplasmic barrier and they appear to secrete material for the barrier. In mature carposporophytes, all organelles in the isolated cytoplasm have degenerated.  相似文献   

Abstract  SV1 was observed to have obvious synergism and could delay housefly ( Musca domestica vicina ) resistance development to Dipterex. The penetration rates of Dipterex through housefly cuticle were determined in a susceptible and two resistant strains. The results indicated that the penetration in the resistant housefly strains was obviously slower than in the susceptible one. The penetrating rate of SV1+ Dipterex (in mixture) was higher than that of Dipterex. The penetration reduction in resistant houseflies may be an important factor in bringing forth resistance. The increase of the penetrating rate of Dipterex and the decrease of its metabolic rate are regarded as the important mechanisms of SV1 synergism to Dipterex.  相似文献   

向日葵柱头,花柱和珠孔中钙分布的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
用焦锑酸盐沉淀法对向日葵(HelianthusannuusL.)授粉前后柱头、花柱和珠孔中的钙进行了超微细胞化学定位。同时还运用X射线能谱(EDX)和波谱(WDX)两种方法进行了X射线定性分析,证明了前法所得沉淀确系焦锑酸钙。观察表明,花粉萌发和花粉管生长所经的柱头接受面,花柱引导组织和珠孔引导组织中含钙较柱头、花柱和珠孔的其它部位明显地多。柱头乳突细胞的表面和花柱引导组织的胞间基质中、尤其胞间基质与细胞壁外层相接之处钙很密集。在珠孔外端引导组织中,以角质层为界,钙主要分布于其近珠柄侧。花粉管壁果胶质层中有相当多的钙。结合向日葵中已有的研究和其他文献,讨论了钙的分布与花粉管生长的关系  相似文献   

Siphonous plants represent an alternate scheme to the way most macroscopic plants are constructed. They are single, often large (1–2 m), sometimes morphologically complex, multinucleate (coenocytic) cells where the whole of the cytoplasm is a continuum. Caulerpa mexicana Sond. ex Kütz. is a siphonous tropical marine green alga characterized by four morphologically distinct regions and, as with other members of the genus, by the presence of a dense network of anastomosing cylindrical cell wall in growths called trabeculae. Based on the results of this study, we propose several roles for trabeculae: (i) They are structural components, which likely add some small amount of support in compression but add considerable strength in tension. (ii) As extensions of the cell wall and plasma membrane, they act as diffusion channels from the cell exterior to the interior cytoplasm. It is possible that trabeculae also play a role in determining cell shape through developmental positioning and placement patterns, thus facilitating the diverse shapes found in the morphologically distinct regions of Caulerpa sp.  相似文献   

Cell division in the marine red algae Polysiphonia harveyi Bailey and P. denudata (Dillwyn) Kutzing was studied with the electron microscope. Cells comprising the compact spermatangial branches of male plants were used exclusively because of their small size, large numbers and the ease with which the division planes can be predetermined. Some features characterizing mitosis in Polysiphonia confirm earlier electron microscope observations in Membranoptera, the only other florideophycean algae in which mitosis has been studied in detail. Common to both genera are a closed, fenestrated spindle, perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum, a typical metaphase plate arrangement of chromosomes, conspicuous, layered kinetochores, chromosomal and non-chromosomal microtubules, and nucleus associated organelles (NAOs) known as polar rings (PRs) located singly in large ribosome-free zones of exclusion at division poles in late prophase. However, other features, unreported in Membranoptera, were observed consistently in Polysiphonia. These include the presence of PR pairs in interphase-early prophase cells, the attachment of PRs to the nuclear envelope during all mitotic stages, the migration of a single PR to establish the division axis, a prominent, nuclear envelope protrusion (NEP) at both division poles at late prophase, the prometaphase splitting of PRs into proximal and distal portions, and the reformation of post-mitotic nuclei by the separation of an elongated interzonal nuclear midpiece at telophase. During cytokinesis, cleavage furrows impinge upon a central vacuolar region located between the two nuclei and eventually pit connections are formed in a manner basically similar to that reported for other red algae. Diagrammatic sequences of proposed PR behavior during mitosis are presented which can account for events known to occur during cell division in Polysiphonia. Mitosis is compared with that reported in several other lower plants and it is suggested that features of cell division are useful criteria to aid in the assessment of phylogenetic relationships of red algae.  相似文献   

绞股蓝人参皂甙的组织化学定位及其含量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光镜技术、组织化学定位及植物化学方法,研究了人参皂甙在绞股蓝营养器官中的积累分布状态以及不同生长期、不同器官、不同性别之间的绞股蓝总皂甙含量的动态变化。结果表明,绞股蓝人参皂甙主要分布在营养器官的同化组织及韧皮部薄壁细胞中,厚角组织、表皮及周皮的栓内层也有少量分布,木质部和髓薄壁组织中无皂甙分布;叶中皂甙积累最多,茎次之,根最少。绞股蓝在营养生长期→花果期→枯萎期的生长发育过程中,其地上部分的皂甙含量呈现出低→高→低的变化趋势;叶的含量高于茎,雄株的含量高于雌株。从而认为在9-10月的花果期采收绞股蓝的地上部分而保留地下茎和根,有利于药材品质和产量的提高,又有利于药用资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

Receptacles of Fucus vesiculosus L. were examined using cryoscanning electron microscopy of rapidly frozen, hydrated tissue to avoid extraction and collapse of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and provide new structural information. The pore of the conceptacle was occluded by the tightly appressed tips of the paraphyses. These were embedded in copious ECM within the conceptacle. The ECM inside the conceptacle and in the medulla differed markedly in texture and with respect to the distribution of S and Cl, as revealed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. High levels of S were restricted to the conceptacle's ECM, whereas the ECM in the medulla was always S poor and Cl rich. Receptacles frozen naturally at low tide during the winter of 1998 showed extensive damage in the medulla, and this likely accounts for the cessation of reproduction during the winter on the Maine shore. The damaged receptacles recovered and resumed growth during the spring, and they released gametes by May. Abscission of the overwintered receptacles was observed in June to July, coincident with the formation of new receptacles at the tips of newly grown portions of the fronds.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas nivalis (Bau.) Wille is present in red snow as large spherical resting cells. Fine structural studies reveal an abundance of clear granules in the cytoplasm and occasional starch grains in the chloroplast. Individual cells display a thick cell wall with a smooth outer surface. Cells may be surrounded by a loose fibrous network in which encapsulated bacteria are seen. The bacteria have a characteristic Gram-negative cell wall and constrictive mode of division. The algal-bacterial association appears to be characteristic of red snow populations.  相似文献   

Scanning electron micrographs show a smoothly fibrous structure of the cyst wall of the trematode Posthodiplostomum minimum, whereas the enclosed metacercaria posses a porous and papillate surface with occasional spines. Numerous excretory concretions fill the body of the metacercaria. The concretions appear layered from a central core and show an abundance of calcium, and, in some cases, magnesium.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency affects the anatomy of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obtusiusculus Chad. and influences the distribution of other inorganic elements in the cell in addition to phosphorus. Scenedesmus was grown under standard conditions with or without phosphorus. Cells were then cultured with phosphorus under conditions favouring glycolysis, respiration, or photophosphorylation for 2 h or photosynthesis for up to 8 h. The dominating features of phosphorus starvation, were loss of phosphorus and coions from polyphosphate bodies, accumulation of starch, decrease in the volume density of ribosomes both in the chloroplast and cytoplasm, and an increase in wall thickness. Under conditions favoring photosynthesis the mass fraction for phosphorus is low after 1 h, exceptionally high by 2 h, and diminishes by 8 h. High amounts of phosphorus are also regained under conditions favoring glycolysis and photophosphorylation but not respiration. After 2 h under photosynthetic conditions the volume densities of the chloroplast, cytoplasmic ribosomes, the vacuole, and the mitochondrion increased over controls. By 8 h the relative volume of the single ramified mitochondrion had decreased slightly and recognizable segments of it were sequestered within the vacuome. The autophagic nature of the vacuole was further evidenced by the presence of ribosomes and whorls of lamellae within it. Serial sections showed that all polyphosphate granules and sequestered materials were located within a continuous vacuolar cisterna.  相似文献   

应用植物解剖学、组织化学定位和高效液相色谱法,研究了卵叶远志各营养器官的结构、远志皂苷积累分布状态及含量变化。结果表明.卵叶远志的根包括周皮和次生维管组织两部分.周皮发达,次生韧皮部较厚,韧皮薄壁细胞为其主要成分。次生木质部中导管和纤维发达,导管分布密度较大。茎包括表皮、皮层、维管柱三部分,在皮层与韧皮部之间具有一圈排列紧密的厚壁细胞.推测这圈厚壁细胞具有质外体屏障作用.可保护茎组织免受干旱的伤害。叶为异面叶。根茎的结构表现为旱生特点。组织化学显示远志皂苷在根中分布在次生韧皮部和栓内层:在茎中分布在表皮、皮层和次生韧皮部细胞中:在叶中则分布在叶肉组织和表皮中。根的次生韧皮部为皂苷积累储存的主要场所。高效液相测定结果显示营养器官中都有远志皂苷元的积累.根中的含量高.茎叶中含量较低.说明卵叶远志地上部分也有药用价值。根据不同发育时期根和茎叶中皂苷元的动态变化趋势.建议在5月份(花果期)进行卵叶远志的采收。  相似文献   

The distribution of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in the chloroplasts of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard was examined using cryotechnique and conventional fixation for immunogold electron microscopy. Both methods provided essentially identical results, although somewhat higher densities of gold particles indicating Rubisco molecules were recognized in the pyrenoids of cryofixed cells. The gold particles were highly concentrated in the pyrenoid matrix within the chloroplasts. Even when considering the vast difference in volume between the pyrenoid and the rest of the Chloroplast, more than 99% of the total Rubisco labeling in the chloroplast was calculated to be present in the pyrenoid matrix. High localization of Rubisco in the pyrenoid matrix was also recognized regardless of cell age, based on immunofluorescence microscopy of the same en bloc samples. These results are inconsistent with a recent immunocytochemical study employing cryotechnique in which more than 90% of the total Rubisco was recognized in the thylakoid region (thylakoid membranes and stroma) of C. reinhardtii cells. Rubisco highly localized in the pyrenoid matrix may take part in active photosynthetic CO2 fixation and/or the CO2 concentrating mechanism .  相似文献   

A high degree of activity of the nuclei in the developing carposporangia of the red alga Polysiphonia novae-angliae Taylor is described. Profiles of the nucleus are greatly convoluted, resulting in a much increased surface area. Regions where endoplasmic reticulum substitutes for the nuclear envelope are frequently observed. Various cytoplasmic reserves are associated with the nucleus during carposporangium maturation. Lipid bodies, fibrillar bodies, and striated vesicles (or cylindrical bodies) may occur within the nucleoplasm beneath areas of the nuclear envelope substituted by ER. Granules of Floridean starch are observed in proximity to the outer surface of these same areas as well as the nuclear membrane. The homologous nature of the nuclear envelope with the ER is stressed. The role of the nucleus as being actively involved in the synthesis of materials is suggested.  相似文献   

本文以蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)根端分生组织细胞为材料,以抗SC35抗体为探针,在电镜下对SC35在高等植物细胞中的存在与否和分布特点进行了研究,发现经抗SC35抗体标记后,标明SC35位置的胶体金颗粒主要分布于核仁的致密纤维组分(DFC)、核质的染色质间颗粒(IGs)和染色质周边纤维处(PFs),而核仁的纤维中心(FC)、核仁液泡和集缩染色质团块中央部位的金颗粒很少。DFC, IGs和PFs处的金颗粒平均密度分别为65.89个/μm~2和36.28个/μm~2,远远高于集缩染色质团块中央部位以及FC和核仁液泡处的金颗粒平均密度(分别为5.90个/μm~2和6.26个/μm~2)。说明蚕豆细胞核仁的DFC,核质的IGs和PFs处富含剪接因子SC35。本文研究结果表明,SC35或SC35类蛋白在蚕豆细胞核质中的分布与其在哺乳动物细胞核质中的分布规律相似。同时本文首次报道了SC35或SC35类蛋白存在于核仁中。  相似文献   

Metal-replete cuticle was characterised by back-scattered electron imaging, secondary ion mass spectrometry, proton induced X-ray emission and SEM-X-ray microanalysis. Each technique was found to have singular advantages and limitations for localising and quantifying metal content. Manganese and zinc were found coincident at the mandibular cutting edge of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens; these two metals were found in different zones within jaws of the ragworm, Nereis virens; while only manganese was found in the jaws of the termite C. cumulans.  相似文献   

应用植物解剖学、组织化学定位和植物化学方法,研究了北柴胡各营养器官中柴胡皂苷和黄酮类化合物的积累分布状态及其含量变化。结果表明,柴胡皂苷在根中分布在中柱鞘和次生韧皮部中;在茎中主要分布在表皮、棱角处的厚角组织以及位于皮层和髓中的分泌道的上皮细胞中;在叶中,则分布在表皮细胞和整个叶肉组织中。而黄酮类化合物在茎中分布在表皮、棱角处的厚角组织、皮层、髓射线和髓鞘细胞中;在叶中,则主要分布在表皮和位于上下表皮内的厚角组织中。同时,北柴胡中柴胡总皂苷在根、茎、叶中的含量的变化规律为根>叶>茎;而总黄酮在根、茎、叶中的含量的变化规律为叶>茎>根;且在叶中含量相当高,从而为北柴胡的综合利用提供依据,对合理利用药材和保护北柴胡资源也有一定意义。  相似文献   

Electron-probe X-ray microanalysis of freeze dried sections of growing branch tips of Thysanocladia densa Sander shows high concentrations of bromine in the region of the medulla. Indirect evidence infers that the Br is associated with intercellular, granular deposits which accumulate within the mucilage of the medulla. The concentration of Br decreases in older regions of the thalli.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers which together are the first comprehensive ultrastructural report of meiosis in a red alga. Many details of the meiotic process in Dasya baillouviana (Gmelin) Montagne are the same as those reported previously for mitotic cells in ceramialian red algae, but several characteristics seem unique to meiotic cells. The nucleus and nucleolus of meiotic cells are larger than those of mitotic cells and large accumulations of smooth ER are often found at the division poles during meiosis 1. The function of the ER accumulations is unknown. Importantly, both interkinesis and a simultaneous division of two separate nuclei during meiosis II was demonstrated. These new observations fail to support earlier speculation on higher red algae for a “uninuclear” meiosis (both nuclear divisions within the same nuclear envelope). However, following meiosis II the four nuclei migrate centripetally and possibly fuse in the center of the tetrasporangium. This post-division nuclear maneuvering is not understood, but our interpretation accounts for the earlier and erroneous impression of “uninuclear” meiosis. Perhaps the most important aspect of meiosis observed in Dasya is its basic adherence to the pattern commonly seen in higher plants and animals. This conservatism of the meiotic process lends further skepticism to the belief that red algae are extremely “primitive” organisms, although they undoubtedly represent a very “ancient” group of eukaryotic plants.  相似文献   

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