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利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了茜草科粗叶木属Lasianthus 16种2亚种、1变种及相关的5属5种的花粉形态。粗叶木属的花粉属于广孢型, 单粒。一般中等大小, 绝大多数为圆球形, 少数为近长球形或长球形。花粉形态特征, 特别是在萌发孔和外壁纹饰上表现出多样化。根据孔沟的数目或是否具有内孔, 可以将萌发孔分为(3-)4-(-5)孔沟和3孔。在所观察的这些种中, 萌发孔以3-4孔沟为主要类型, 比例为62.4%。外壁纹饰可分为细网状、粗网状和穴状。有部分种的花粉极面有穴状纹饰, 其余均为网状纹饰。网眼一般椭圆形、近圆形、三角形或者不规则形。少数外壁纹饰网脊上有颗粒状雕纹或模糊的颗粒, 网脊轮廓线呈波浪形, 一般凸出且平滑。大部分种的花粉具有沟膜, 沟膜上具有瘤状突起或小颗粒状, 沟边缘一般较平滑, 或粗糙, 有的种具有沟桥。  相似文献   

中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)花粉形态研究及其分类意义的探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
研究观察了中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)4属27种植物的花粉形态。中国柽柳科植物花粉为三沟类型,无三拟孔沟类型,形态及外壁雕纹属间差异明显。根据花粉资料,探讨了属间的进化关系和分类地位及本科植物花粉外壁的演化途径。  相似文献   

The acetolysed pollen of 33 species of the genus Justicia in Thailand is investigated using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of the genus is characterised as being isopolar, bilaterally or radially symmetrical, with mostly prolate or prolate spheroidal shape. Based on characters with high factor loading in the cluster analysis and principal components analysis, the studied species are divided into two major groups; one with 3-colporate with six pseudocolpi and the other with 2-porate or 2–3-colporate with aperture areas. The pollen morphology of each group is described and illustrated. Pollen characters are useful for taxonomic delimitation and relationships among Thai species.  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜对国产 1 4种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的花粉形态进行了观察 ,该属植物的花粉形态有长球形和球形 2种 ;外壁纹饰可分为 3大类型 :( 1 )皱波状纹饰 ;( 2 )小芽孢状纹饰 ;( 3)瘤棒状纹饰。它们的演化趋势是 :皱波状纹饰→芽孢状纹饰→瘤棒状纹饰  相似文献   

四川前胡属的花粉形态及系统学意义   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了前胡属 Peucedanum L.7种植物的花粉形态 .研究结果表明 :该属花粉为三棱长球形 ;三孔沟 ,边孔 ;外壁两层 ,层次分明 .根据花粉形态可归为 :矩形型和赤道收缩形型二个类型 ,其演化趋势为矩形型→赤道收缩形型 .研究结果支持了关于前胡属在伞形科中是一个较自然和较进化的类群的观点 .本文从孢粉学角度还初步分析了该属的属下系统 ,为该属的系统学研究提供基础资料  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30, mainly annual, species from 134 populations of the genus Veronica (Plantaginaceae, formerly Scrophulariaceae) from the Mediterranean Region, have been studied with light and scanning electron microscopy. Three pollen types are defined based on pollen size and exine surface sculpture. In some cases within the study group pollen size can be useful in species determination. Hypothetical relationships of pollen grain size and aperture number with ploidy level, style length and corolla diameter are discussed. The ornamentation of the exine in Veronica, although generally a conservative character within the genus, gives some additional support to the most recent infrageneric classification of Veronica.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of the tribe Pavetteae (Rubiaceae, subfamily Ixoroideae) are examined using LM and SEM. Grains are 3‐ or 4‐colporate and (semi‐) tectate (in one Versteegia species atectate). Sexine patterns vary between perforate, microreticulate, reticulate, rugulate and striato‐reticulate. Supratectal elements are sometimes present. The variation in pollen morphology in the Pavetteae allows to recognize seven pollen types, the distribution of which is useful to evaluate generic delimitations and relationships within the tribe. Pollen characters corroborate the close relationships between the genera Coleactina, Dictyandra and Leptactina and between Homollea, Homolliella and Paracephaelis. All the genera of the tribe proved to be stenopalynous (the species examined possess the same pollen type), except Pavetta, Rutidea, Versteegia and Tarenna which are eurypalynous. In the huge genus Pavetta the existing infrageneric classification is supported pollen morphologically. Pollen morphology further indicates that the genus Tarenna is badly delimited and strongly in need of a revision. The small genus Versteegia is in need of further taxonomic and palynological study to understand the pollen morphological variation encountered here. At a higher rank, pollen morphology also does not contradict the recent division of the Pavetteae in the Ixoreae (a stenopalynous tribe with presumably primitive pollen) and the Pavetteae sensu stricto (eurypalynous).  相似文献   

杜鹃花属植物花粉形态及其分类学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王玉国  李光照  漆小雪  欧祖兰   《广西植物》2006,26(2):113-119
利用扫描电子显微镜对5个亚属20种杜鹃花属植物的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究,其中大部分(16种)为首次报道。杜鹃花属花粉均为四合花粉,呈正四面体排列。四合体为圆角三角形,连接紧密。单粒花粉为球形或近球形,具三沟孔。在扫描电镜下,除了杜鹃亚属的百合杜鹃、羊踯躅亚属的羊踯躅以及马银花亚属的马银花组具有明显的纹饰特征之外,其它类群的形态特征相互重叠,不足以作为现有亚属的分类依据。花粉粒具不同的外壁纹饰,可为分类研究提供孢粉学方面的证据,但应慎重应用花粉形态对杜鹃花属植物特定种进行分类鉴定。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology in the genus Saxifraga and its taxonomic significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pollen morphology of 105 species of Saxifraga has been investigated. Four major types of sexine pattern are recognized, namely reticulate, granular, striate and very finely striate with superimposed granules or verrucae. The striate pattern is found to be the most common and is divided into eight subtypes. The types and subtypes are related to the sections recognized in the genus and are generally found to support the existing classifications. The pollen-types also clarify some of the longstanding problems but leave others unresolved, and some exceptional patterns occur within otherwise well-defined sections.  相似文献   

A palynological survey, including LM, SEM and TEM is presented for eight genera, nine species and 76 samples of the Monotropoideae which is composed of 10 genera and 13 species. On the basis of the aperture number and shape, the following six pollen types are recognized: 1) 3-colp(oroid) ate—Allotropa, 2) 2-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropsis andHemitomes, 3) 4-colpor(oid)ate—Pterospora, Sarcodes andPleuricospora, 4) 2- and 3-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropa hypopitys, 5) 3-colporate and-porate —Monotropa uniflora, 6) 3- to 4- porate—Monotropastrum humile. Relationships among taxa within the Monotropoideae are illustrated on the palynological characters including the aperture type, exine sculpture and structure. Both pollen grains with two and four apertures have evolved independently from pollen grains with three apertures, according to the infraspecific variation of aperture numbers and the usual occurrence of three-aperturate pollen grains in the Ericaceae. 3-colp(oroid)ate pollen ofAllotropa is the most primitive and occupies an isolated position in the subfamily, on the other hand 3- to 4-porate pollen ofMonotropastrum humile is most advanced in the subfamily, probably even in the Ericaceae. A reduced sexine inMonotropastrum humile appears to be a specialized pollen character. Infraspecific geographical difference in palynological characters is revealed in two species ofMonotropa for the first time.M. hypopitys is basically characterized by pollen grains with two apertures in the New World vs. three apertures in the Old World.M. uniflora is basically characterized by 3-porate pollen in the New World vs. 3-colporate in the Old World. In both species pollen grains with more primitive characters usually occur in the Old World.  相似文献   

螺序草属(茜草科)的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次对螺序草属(Spiradiclis B1.)的11种和1变型共16份植物的花粉样品在光镜和电镜下进行了观察。结果表明,本属植物花粉为单粒,小型和中型花粉,近球形至椭球形,辐射对称,常具3孔沟,偶为4孔沟,外壁表面纹饰为孔状。花粉外壁由不连续的具穿孔的覆盖层、柱状结构和基层组成,内外壁明显。此外,本属植物的花粉具有花粉2型和“芽状”结构的现象。螺序草属植物的花粉形态在属下分类上有一定的局限性,但是在个体的系统发育上却可以提供极有价值的信息,如具有花粉单型的种类比花粉二型的种类进化。  相似文献   

Pollen from 152 collections representing 16Pyrola species was examined with LM, SEM and TEM. The genusPyrola is stenopalynous in having tetrads and 3-colporoidate grains. However, a continuous and serial variation in the exine sculpture and the tetrad diameter (D) was revealed within the genus. Křísa's system ofPyrola (1971) was re-examined in the light of these palynological characters which may have a taxonomic significance, as well as the external morphology. P. minor (only member of the subgenusAmelia), which is characterized by having small (D=30–35 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture must best be placed near sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola. P. faurieana must be segregated from sectionChlorantha and together withP. media placed intermediate between the subgenusAmelia and sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola based on their larger (D=ca. 40 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture. Two series of sectionChlorantha excludingP. faurieana are differentiated in the exine sculpture. Therefore, they are regarded as the distinct taxonomic groups. SectionScotophylla is characterized by having psilate sculptured pollen tetrads, which indicates that its sectional rank is sufficiently asserted. The evolutionary trend in the exine sculpture from verrucate through rugulate to psilate is suggested withinPyrola.  相似文献   

Cornukaempferia is a recently described genus of Zingiberaceae which only occurs in Thailand as a rare genus with limited geographical distribution. Only three species have been described so far, including a recently described new species, C. larsenii. These three species are morphologically very similar and additional data on other biological aspects are useful for the elucidation of their relationship. Pollen morphology of all three species of genus Cornukaempferia has been studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen grains are monad, spherical, inaperturate. The exine sculpture is echinate with psilate between the spines for C. aurantiflora and C. longipetiolata, or echinate with regulate between the spines for C. larsenii. This obser-vation helps support the taxonomic status of C. larsenii.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 26 species and 2 varieties in Nothofagus from Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea and South America. Pollen grains were all examined with light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and transmission electron microscope(TEM). A comparative analysis of pollen exine ultrastructure was made for some species. The results are summarised as follows: Pollen grains are oblate to peroblate, 5~8-short-colpate, rarely 4- or 9-colpate; colpi generally thickened at margins; pollen surface spinulose. The exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus differs considerably from that of the other genera in the Fagaceae. The pollen grains of the species examined here show great differences in shape, size, colpal number and characteristics of colpi at margins and could be divided into three distinct types, i.e. N. brassii type; N. menziesii type and N. fusca type.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜,对分布于南美洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、新喀里多尼亚岛和新几内亚岛的南水青冈属Nothofagus26种2变种,包括33份花粉材料,进行了观察测定及超微结构分析研究。通过对花粉的形状、大小、萌发孔特征的比较分析,得出以下结果:南水青冈属花粉粒为扁球形至超扁球形;萌发孔具5~8短沟,稀为4沟或9沟,沟缘普遍加厚;表面具不同形状、大小和疏密的刺状纹饰,花粉外壁超微结构与壳斗科(狭义)其它属迥然不同。研究结果表明,该类群的花粉在形状、大小、沟的数目和沟缘加厚等特征上亦具较大差异,据此可划分为3种类型,即N .brassii型,N.menziesii型和N.fusca型。  相似文献   

猕猴桃属花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
由于天然种间杂交,猕猴桃属Actinidia Lindl.的分类存在着组间界限不清、近缘种之间很难区分的问题。本文试图通过对该属不同组、系的植物花粉及种间杂交后代花粉的扫描电镜观察,探讨该属物种的系统学关系。在扫描电镜下观察了猕猴桃属植物21种、 6变种和4个不同种间杂交F1代植株的花粉,描述了它们的花粉形态,并根据花粉形态特征建立了相应的检索表。研究结果表明:(1)猕猴桃属的花粉形状主要以长球形至近球形为主,变异较小,而花粉粒大小和外壁纹饰的种间差异较大。(2)多数迁地保护物种的花粉粒以三孔沟为主,不同于以前报道的以三拟孔沟为主,原因可能是花粉样本采集地的环境不一样,以及野外的广泛杂交造成的。(3)种间杂交后代花粉空瘪,无授粉能力,是由于所采用亲本植株染色体的倍性不同,后代不能产生正常花粉所致。(4)人工选育雄株花粉外壁纹饰较野生雄株花粉的精细,这种花粉外壁纹饰变小的特征可能有利于雌雄异株植物的授粉受精。这一现象值得进一步探讨。(5)雄株花粉大小与其雌株果实大小之间有一定相关性,这一现象有助于杂交后代的早期筛选。  相似文献   

DÍEZ, M. J. & VALDÉS, B., 1991. Pollen morphology of the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and its taxonomic significance.
The pollen morphology of 33 species of Boraginaceae from the Iberian Peninsula belonging to the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae has been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results confirm the eurypalinous character of this family, in which a large number of species can be recognized by their pollen characters.
The pollen of these two tribes is basically heterocolpate, a type which is very uncommon in the angiosperms, with 6, 8 or 10 apertures, sometimes with ectoapertures anastomosed at the equator (ectocingulum), or diorate, minute or small in size, outline elliptic or rectangular-elliptic in equatorial view, with or without a constriction at the equator, exine 0.5-1.0 urn thick and the tectum psilate with granules around the colpi. The similarity in shape and apertural system found in several genera such as Asperugo, Gyrocarion and Omphalodes, and some species of Myosotis, does not permit the two tribes to be distinguished on pollen characters. The generic limits of Cynoglossum and the infrageneric classification of Myosotis are discussed.  相似文献   

含笑属(木兰科)植物花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张新华  夏念和 《广西植物》2008,28(3):311-316
利用扫描电子显微镜对含笑属12个分类群的花粉形态进行了观察和研究。花粉粒椭圆形,两侧对称,异极,具远极单萌发沟,中等大小;形成一较为自然的分类群。虽然花粉粒的大小和表面雕纹不同种间具有一定的差异,但不足以为现有的属下分类系统提供足够的证据。  相似文献   

泰国茜草科粗叶木属植物的分类学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
朱华 《植物分类学报》2001,39(2):116-150
在详细检查了K,BM,E,P,AAU,L,KEP,BKF,BK,SING,PSU等标本馆馆藏茜草科粗叶本属Lasianthus Jack.植物标本基础上,研究了泰国产粗叶木属植物的分类学,共归并7个种名,建立3个新种,3 个新变种,1个新等级,以及8个泰国分布新记录种及8个泰国分布新记录变种,确认泰国共有粗叶木属植物52种,1亚种,12变种;讨论了易于混淆的种的界线、它们可能的亲缘关系以及识别要点。  相似文献   

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