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A single flower, detached anthers with in situ pollen grains, and isolated seeds from Campanian strata (Upper Cretaceous) of Georgia, southeastern USA, document the presence of plants assignable toHamamelidaceae in the Upper Cretaceous. The fossil flower is actinomorphic, pentacyclic and pentamerous. Irregular sepals are preserved as lobes of the floral cup, and petals are narrow, with parallel margins. The androecium has two whorls of functional stamens. Anthers are tetrasporangiate, dehisce through two valves, and have strongly elongate connective protrusions which converge over the center of the flower. The organizational and architectural features of the fossil document its affinity within subtribeLoropetalinae (Hamamelideae, Hamamelidoideae). Cladistic phylogenetic analyses using parsimony were conducted to explore the relationships between the fossil flower and extant genera of the tribeHamamelideae. The strict consensus of the four most parsimonious trees showsHamamelideae andLoropetalinae as well-supported monophyletic taxa. The fossil flower is clearly included within theLoropetalinae, and is placed as sister taxon to the southeastern Asian genusMaingaya. The occurrence of fossils assignable toLoropetalinae during the Campanian documents the existence ofHamamelidaceae with a level of floral organization and character evolution equivalent to that of extant genera, early in the evolutionary history of the family.  相似文献   

A new species of Hyptis sect. Eriosphaeria (Lamiaceae) from Goiás (Brazil) is described, illustrated and compared with related species in sect. Eriosphaeria subsect. Passerinae. An evaluation of the species of the group and a key to identification is provided.  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite neotropicalLauraceae a highly evolved dichogamous system is present which represents a kind of temporal dioecy. This system involves the existence of two flower morphs which are characterized by reciprocal phases of receptivity of the stigmas and pollen release. In some genera (Persea, Cinnamomum), nectar is produced as a reward for the flower visitors, while in other genera (Aniba, Clinostemon, Licaria), nectar is absent and pollen seems to be the only reward. This implies that in this case the flowers in the female stage must be deceptive flowers. In dioecious species of the generaOcotea andNectandra, both the male and female flowers attract the visitors with nectar. The pollen-ovule ratio of theLauraceae is comparatively low. — The type of reproductive system that characterizes theLauraceae, comprising functional dioecy, small, inconspicuously coloured flowers, pollination by small bees, and large, one-seeded fruits dispersed by birds, is quite prominent among trees of various families in the tropical lowland forest. The relationship between the different modes of flowering within theLauraceae and the causes for the correlation of their reproductive traits are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of the yeast flora of 328 honey stomachs from 7 different pollinating bee species, and 342 flower nectar samples of 9 different flower species yielded 766 yeast isolates composed of 16 genera and 47 species. Most of the yeast species from both the sources belonged to the genusCandida, while the most frequently isolated yeasts wereDekkera intermedia from honey stomach andCandida blankii from flower nectar. Among the honey bees,Xylocopa sp., and among flowers,Citrus medica, yielded the highest number of yeast species. Nineteen species of yeasts belonging to 9 genera were common to both the sources.  相似文献   

The tribe Rhynchosporeae comprises the genera Rhynchospora and Pleurostachys and has never been studied using molecular techniques. The objective of this study was to use an analysis of trnL-F sequences to evaluate the hypothesized taxonomic divisions within the Rhynchosporeae including the monophyly of the genera and the soundness of the subgenera and sections. A total of 44 ingroup species were studied, 41 of Rhynchospora representing 22 of Kükenthal’s 28 sections, and three of Pleurostachys. Five outgroup species from other genera were also included. The cladistic analysis of 50 trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequences resulted in 16 trees and a strict consensus tree. The Rhynchosporeae form two well-supported primary clades with several well-supported smaller clades, many of which agree with previously hypothesized sections. Pleurostachys is embedded within the second primary clade.  相似文献   

The four genera investigated show solitary sulcate pollen grains. The structure and sculpture of the sporoderm is very similar inBocageopsis andUnonopsis, and supports the close relationship of both genera; their flower morphology also is very similar. In contrast, the sporoderm ofEphedranthus, and especially that ofMalmea, is different in some characters and suggests more remote relationships; this is also confirmed by differences in flower morphology. Within this group of genera a distinct exine progression can be recognized from non-columellate (Malmea) to granular (Unonopsis guatterioides), further to somewhat irregularly (Bocageopsis, someUnonopsis species), and finally to very regularly columellate (Ephedranthus). The sculpture of the tectum varies from a reticulum with large lumina (Malmea) to one with small performations (Ephedranthus). Within theAnnonaceae the genusMalmea is among the most primitive in respect to pollen structure. The sulcus of the four genera is very large and runs over 1/3 of the pollen grain. It is characterized by a reduction of the exine and a bulgy thickening of the intine.

Enzyme electrophoresis was employed to ascertain the number of loci encoding plastid phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) in species representing all sections of North American Coreopsis. Several species from each of the closely related genera Bidens, Coreocarpus, Cosmos, and Thelesperma were also examined. Species in nine of the 11 sections of North American Coreopsis have two isozymes for plastid PGI, and nearly all species examined in the four other genera also have two (one species has three) isozymes. Since most diploid vascular plants have one plastid PGI isozyme, a gene duplication probably occurred in an ancestor that is common to Coreopsis and the other four genera. That is, two isozymes represent the ancestral number for Coreopsis. The two sections (Electra and Anathysana) apparently lacking the duplication are closely related woody plants restricted largely to Mexico. One gene encoding plastid PGI ostensibly was silenced in a common ancestor of these two sections. This is concordant with other data suggesting a close relationship between the two sections, i.e., they appear to represent a monophyletic group. The electrophoretic data also indicate that 1) the enigmatic monotypic section Silphidium is more closely related to eastern North American sections and not derived from section Electra; and 2) section Anathysana is not ancestral to the three California sections Leptosyne, Pugiopappus, and Tuckermannia; rather, it represents a terminal element closely related to and possibly derived from section Electra.  相似文献   

Inferences of whole genome duplication (WGD) events accompany the annotation of every newly sequenced plant genome, but much remains unknown about the evolutionary processes and pathways relating to WGD (Soltis et al. 2010). What ecological, biogeographical and genetic factors cause WGD to occur in nature? How does WGD affect gene expression? How do genomes evolve after WGD? New species that have arisen recently through WGD are good places to seek answers to such questions. These could be relatively common in nature, but reliably demonstrating their recent origin requires documentary evidence, which can be very hard to come by. Thus far, records of species introductions and meticulous botanizing have demonstrated six new natural allopolyploids in just four genera: Tragopogon miscellus and T. mirus, Senecio cambrensis and S. eboracensis, Spartina anglica and Cardamine schultzii (Abbott & Rieseberg 2012; Ainouche et al. 2009; Soltis & Soltis 2009). It is risky to generalize about a universal feature of plant evolution from such a small sample; more examples are needed, in different genera. It is therefore of considerable interest that Mario Vallejo‐Marin of University of Stirling has this year named a new allopolyploid species of monkey flower, Mimulus peregrinus, and presented evidence that it is <140 years old (Vallejo‐Marin 2012). This discovery is particularly timely as the monkey flower genus is developing rapidly as a model system for ecological genetics (Wu et al. 2008), and in the current issue of Molecular Ecology, Jennifer Modliszewski and John Willis of Duke University present new data showing high genetic diversity in another recently discovered monkey flower allopolyploid, M. sookensis (Modliszewski & Willis 2012).  相似文献   

Analysis of stem vasculature in representatives of subfamily Monsteroideae (Araceae) by cinematographic techniques based on serial sections shows three main patterns of organization. One group of five genera (Rhaphidophora, Epipremnum, Amydrium, Scindapsus, Monstera) is characterized by simple vascular bundles and axial bundles which are derived by basal aggregation of small bundles branching from existing axial bundles. Another group of two genera (Stenospermation, Rhodospatha) is characterized by compound vascular bundles which are made by rather irregular association of individual collateral bundles. These two groups correspond to the tribe Monstereae. The last group which corresponds to the tribe Spathiphylleae includes two genera (Spathiphyllum, Holochlamys) with amphivasal vascular bundles which are highly condensed and irregularly anastomosing. In part, this division is correlated with habit and habitat. Some members of the first group resemble genera within the subfamily Pothoideae quite closely and indicate that the two subfamilies are not clearly circumscribed. Compound bundles in Rhodospatha and Stenospermation do not have the precise organization previously reported for the Pandanaceae.  相似文献   

The vasculature and development of the flower of Victoria Schomb. are described. The vasculature is basically similar to that found in other genera of the Nymphaeaceae sensu stricto (e.g. Nymphaea L. and Nuphar Sm.). The early development of the flower is similar to that of a hypogynous flower, but meristematic activity shifts from the apex to the periphery in the form of an intercalary ring meristem. The innermost appendicular organs, including the gynoecium, arise by differentiation of tissues formed by this intercalary ring meristem. Evidence is assembled from the mature vasculature and developmental studies: (a) to refute Troll's interpretation that receptacular strips of tissue occur between the carpels and that the outer ovary wall is totally receptacular; (b) to propose that the occurrence of epeltate carpels in Victoria, as correctly described by Troll, has been phylogenetically ‘read’ in the wrong direction; (c) to propose that the flower of Victoria has evolved by (1) the adnation and connation of the proximal portions of the appendicular organs which now envelop the syncarpous gynoecium and (2) the concomitant condensation from a primitive ranalian floral apex.  相似文献   

About two-thirds of the more than 100 genera in the Araceae lack tepals and their absence is considered derived. Unlike most of these atepalate genera, Calla palustris has about twice as many stamens per flower. Using epi-illumination microscopy, we studied floral development in Calla to see if the supernumerary stamens form in positions corresponding to tepal positions in perigonate Araceae. If so, this would be an example of homeosis—in this case, the replacement of tepals with stamens—in the evolution of this genus. We found the positions of stamen primordia in many floral buds too irregular to conclude that they replace tepals positionally. However, in more regular floral buds the first formed stamens do form in what correspond to tepal sites in related genera. If the immediate ancestor to Calla had tepals, as is generally assumed, stamen positions in the more regular flowers, at least, support a homeotic interpretation. There is no evidence that the supernumerary stamens arise by dédoublement, but since morphogenesis in Calla is only partly comparable to other aroids, and the phylogeny in the family is not well understood, further studies are needed to resolve the interpretation of the flower in Calla. With regard to systematics and evolution, the absence of tepals in Calla may not be homologous with atepaly in other members of the family, as has been assumed for the past century.  相似文献   

Pollen nuclear number is determined in 139 species of 5 genera in the Euphorbieae, subtribe Euphorbiinae. The 111 new determinations are tabulated along with previous reports, and the results indicate that the distribution of binucleate (II) and trinucleate (III) pollen is strongly associated with the taxonomic groupings within the Euphorbieae. Although binucleate pollen is probably primitive within the tribe Euphorbieae, as suggested by the nuclear condition in Neoguillauminia, the situation in Euphorbia still requires further elucidation. Within Euphorbia, the morphologically most primitive species studied have III pollen despite the fact that II pollen is presumably the original condition for the subtribe Euphorbiinae. In Euphorbia, II pollen only is reported from nine sections and III pollen only from ten sections, while in four sections (Esula, Goniostema, Aphyllis, and Deuterocalli) both II and III pollen have been found. The New World species of Euphorbia nearly all have III pollen, whereas the vast majority of the African succulents have II pollen. The genera of New World origin, Chamaesyce and Pedilanthus, have III pollen, while the African genera Monadenium and Synadenium have II pollen. Independent derivations of III pollen from II pollen appear to have occurred in sections Goniostema, Aphyllis, and Deuterocalli (all of subg. Euphorbia). There is no evidence that reversals from III to II pollen have occurred.  相似文献   

An AGAMOUS/SHATTERPROOF homologue (Vvmads1) was isolated from grapevine by differential display between berry and leaf mRNA. The predicted protein sequence of the full-length clone shows a high degree of homology to PLENA (77% identity) and to SHP1 and SHP2 (75% and 74% identity respectively), and is grouped with AGAMOUS/PLENA homologues when the conserved MADS and K domains are compared. Vvmads1 is expressed only in the later stages of flower development and throughout berry development, although expression is reduced after ripening commenced. When Vvmads1 was over-expressed in tobacco, the resulting plants display altered morphologies in the outer two floral whorls. In the most extreme cases, the inner whorls were surrounded by a carpelloid structure created by the modified sepals. Within these sepals were petals which had been split into sections and which were attached at the base of the flower by structures with the appearance of filaments. The results of this study suggest that Vvmads1 has a regulatory role in flower development before fertilisation and a role in fruit development after fertilisation.  相似文献   

Many species of Macaranga (Euphorbiacae) are fast‐growing pioneer trees with an important role in early succession in south‐east Asian rainforests. Within the genus, diverse types of ant–plant associations exist and it has therefore been a model system for studying mutualistic interactions. Little information existed up to now, however, on its reproductive biology. Our comparative study in the genus Macaranga in Sundaland revealed specific flower characteristics and uncommon brood‐site pollination systems: enclosed inflorescence morphologies with narrow entrances strongly restrict the set of flower visitors in many species. Thysanoptera were the most abundant insects in 20 of the 26 investigated Macaranga species and, in three species, heteropteran adults and larvae were dominant. Both insect groups used the flower chambers as breeding sites and fed on nectar‐producing trichomes inside the bracteoles. Thrips as well as heteropterans are assumed to contribute to pollination. Different Macaranga sections were associated with different flower visitors, suggesting isolation by different pollinators. Thrips pollination and myrmecophyty often occurred in the same sections. The development of enclosed flowers might have facilitated tight ant–plant interactions and prevent ant–pollinator conflicts. However, the complex ecosystems in which the mutualistic systems evolved are rapidly changed with unknown consequences for these specific interactions. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 935–953.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum species are recalcitrant in tissue culture, and no explant from mature plants has been successfully mass propagated in vitro. This study was aimed at inducing shoots and regenerating plants from the flowering plants of a sequentially flowering Paphiopedilum Deperle and a single floral Paphiopedilum Armeni White. By using cross-sectioned flower buds (FBs), we found that in both species, only sections that contained the base tissue of FBs were able to produce shoots and plants. We have also found that sections of FBs between 1.5 and 3.0 cm from Paphiopedilum Deperle were able to produce shoots, but only sections of FBs >2.5 cm from Paphiopedilum Armeni White were regenerable. Our microscopic observations revealed that the small bract at the FB base harbored a new miniature FB, which further harbored a primitive FB with dome-shaped meristem-like tissues that presumably led to the plant induction. The reiteration of this pattern resulted in a scorpioid cyme inflorescence architecture in the multifloral Paphiopedilum species, and its failure to reiterate resulted in a single flower. The induction rates were 57–75%, and all plants survived in a greenhouse. This method is potentially applicable for the micropropagation and conservation of slipper orchids.  相似文献   

The stem vasculature of ten genera of Colocasioideae and three genera of Aroideae was analyzed by films of series of cross sections. The technique was unsuited for the numerous tuberous genera of Aroideae (and Pistia), which have shortened internodes. The Colocasioideae has long been recognized as one of the most natural large assemblages in the Araceae, a concept further supported by information from stem anatomy and vasculature. All species examined have amphivasal axial bundles that undergo frequent anastomosis and bifurcation of a seemingly irregular kind. Syngonium is the only viny genus and is exceptional in a number of anatomical features which are associated with its unusual morphology. One of the principle points of diversity in the Colocasioideae is the presence or absence of a permanent cortical vascular system. All four genera with a permanent cortical system (Caladiopsis, Caladium, Xanthosoma, and Syngonium) are neotropical. In the Aroideae (and Pistioideae) all of the tuberous genera have a highly condensed vascular system. Genera with elongated internodes (Stylochiton, Lagenandra, Cryptocoryne) also have a similar pattern, which makes taxonomic comparisons based on stem vasculature in the Aroideae of little value. Branch trace insertion is much less well developed in Colocasioideae and Aroideae than in most other subfamilies.  相似文献   

The genus Parabarium is clearly separated from the other genera of the subtribe Urceolinae by different characters. The inflorescences of their taxa are heterocladical pleiothyrses, trunk synflorescences, or pleiochasiums. Further morphological and anatomical investigations deals with flower buds, leaves, pollen grains, fruits, seed, and other parts of the plants. Basing on the character analysis resulting from this the genus Parabarium is divided into two subgenera with two sections and two subsections enclosing 16 species. Two of the latter are described as news, further two varieties are set up as new ones. Two species are transferred from the genus Ecdysanthera into the genus Parabarium. Further three Parabarium species are inserted, and some more taxonomical corrections are made. — The possible relations within the genus Parabarium are made. Based on these results P. micranthum and therefor the subsection Parabarium (subgenus Parabarium) have to be regarded as the more original ones in face of P. quintaretii and the subgenus Pleiochasium. The section Burmanicum of the subgenus Parabarium has an exceptional position within the genus  相似文献   

Characters of the inflorescence and flower distinguish 2 sections in Garrya. Female flowers of sect. Garrya bear 2 small epigynous appendages, usually considered a rudimentary perianth. In sect. Fadyenia, female flowers are nude, but occasionally 2 more or less foliaceous bracts are partially adnate to the ovary, sometimes simulating the appearance of appendages in sect. Garrya. Authors who have observed this infer that the adnate bracts are homologous to epigynous appendages in sect. Garrya and that the ovary, therefore, cannot be considered inferior. This inference, if valid, would weigh against a close relationship between Garrya and Cornaceae. Clearing and sectioning show, however, that the vascular pattern in flowers of sect. Garrya is similar to the pattern in many Cornaceae. Perianth bundles are united with ventral carpellaries for most of their length, whereas bundles of the adnate bracts in sect. Fadyenia are associated with dorsal carpellary strands; therefore, the 2 kinds of appendages are not homologous. In gynoecial characters Garrya most closely resembles Griselinia and, to a lesser extent, A ucuba. These 3 genera probably had a common origin within the Cornaceae.  相似文献   

Comparative organography (excepting carpels studied previously) and anatomy of the flower are reported for some American members of the genera of Lyciaeae:Lycium, Grabowskia, andPhrodus. Data obtained are mostly new since no comprehensive floral anatomical work has been carried out in the tribe. These results include the first report of extrafloral nectaries on the inner epidermis of the calyx inPhrodus andGrabowskia. Results are discussed and compared with previous reports for the family, older than the exclusively AmericanPhrodus andGrabowskia. Lycium shows great morphological diversity while the other two genera are less variable but have more specialized features. A key, based on floral characters, to the genera, of Lycieae and sections ofLycium is provided.  相似文献   

Floral ontogenetical data from all four genera of the Didiereaceae (s.str.) are presented for the first time. All Didiereaceae s.str. are dioecious, having unisexual flowers with organ rudiments of the opposite sex. Two median bracts followed by a tetramerous perianth (two alternating dimerous ``whorls'), a slightly complex androecium with 6–12 stamens in a single row (on a common ring primordium), four of which mostly alternating with the perianth members, and one basal ovule connecting three free septa at their very base are flower characters in Didiereaceae, supporting phylogenetic analyses based on nucleotide sequence data. Closest relatives are the (formerly) portulacaceous genera Portulacaria (5 stamens alternating with the perianth), Ceraria (5 stamens alternating with the perianth), and Calyptrotheca (many stamens), all with pentamerous perianths, from which the tetramerous perianth in Didiereaceae can be derived. Applequist and Wallace (2003) included these three genera in an expanded family Didiereaceae (with three subfamilies).  相似文献   

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