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This mini-review addresses advances in understanding the transmembrane topologies of two unrelated, single-subunit bicarbonate transporters from cyanobacteria, namely BicA and SbtA. BicA is a Na+-dependent bicarbonate transporter that belongs to the SulP/SLC26 family that is widespread in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Topology mapping of BicA via the phoA/lacZ fusion reporter method identified 12 transmembrane helices with an unresolved hydrophobic region just beyond helix 8. Re-interpreting this data in the light of a recent topology study on rat prestin leads to a consensus topology of 14 transmembrane domains with a 7+7 inverted repeat structure. SbtA is also a Na+-dependent bicarbonate transporter, but of considerably higher affinity (Km 2–5?μM versus >100?μM for BicA). Whilst SbtA is widespread in cyanobacteria and a few bacteria, it appears to be absent from eukaryotes. Topology mapping of SbtA via the phoA/lacZ fusion reporter method identified 10 transmembrane helices. The topology consists of a 5+5 inverted repeat, with the two repeats separated by a large intracellular loop. The unusual location of the N and C-termini outside the cell raises the possibility that SbtA forms a novel fold, not so far identified by structural and topological studies on transport proteins.  相似文献   

Synaptic transmission at chemical synapses requires the removal of neurotransmitter from extracellular spaces. At synapses in the central nervous system, this is accomplished by sodium-coupled transport proteins, integral membrane proteins that thermodynamically couple the uptake of neurotransmitter to the uptake of sodium and, in some cases, the uptake and export of additional ions. Recent X-ray crystallographic studies have revealed the architecture of the two major families of neurotransmitter transporters and, together with additional biochemical and biophysical studies, have provided insights into mechanisms of ion coupling, substrate uptake, and inhibition of transport.  相似文献   

The polymerization of laminin into a cell-associated network--a key step in basement membrane assembly--is mediated by the laminin amino-terminal (LN) domains at the tips of the three short arms of the laminin αβγ-heterotrimer. The crystal structure of a laminin α5LN-LE1-2 fragment shows that the LN domain is a β-jelly roll with several elaborate insertions that is attached like a flower head to the stalk-like laminin-type epidermal growth factor-like tandem. A surface loop that is strictly conserved in the LN domains of all α-short arms is required for stable ternary association with the β- and γ-short arms in the laminin network.  相似文献   

An enigma in the field of peptide transport is the structural basis for ligand promiscuity, as exemplified by PepT1, the mammalian plasma membrane peptide transporter. Here, we present crystal structures of di‐ and tripeptide‐bound complexes of a bacterial homologue of PepT1, which reveal at least two mechanisms for peptide recognition that operate within a single, centrally located binding site. The dipeptide was orientated laterally in the binding site, whereas the tripeptide revealed an alternative vertical binding mode. The co‐crystal structures combined with functional studies reveal that biochemically distinct peptide‐binding sites likely operate within the POT/PTR family of proton‐coupled symporters and suggest that transport promiscuity has arisen in part through the ability of the binding site to accommodate peptides in multiple orientations for transport.  相似文献   

The essential RNA helicase, Mtr4, performs a critical role in RNA processing and degradation as an activator of the nuclear exosome. The molecular basis for this vital function is not understood and detailed analysis is significantly limited by the lack of structural data. In this study, we present the crystal structure of Mtr4. The structure reveals a new arch‐like domain that is specific to Mtr4 and Ski2 (the cytosolic homologue of Mtr4). In vivo and in vitro analyses demonstrate that the Mtr4 arch domain is required for proper 5.8S rRNA processing, and suggest that the arch functions independently of canonical helicase activity. In addition, extensive conservation along the face of the putative RNA exit site highlights a potential interface with the exosome. These studies provide a molecular framework for understanding fundamental aspects of helicase function in exosome activation, and more broadly define the molecular architecture of Ski2‐like helicases.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes that transmit malaria are attracted to humans by the odor molecules that emanate from skin and sweat. Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are the first component of the olfactory apparatus to interact with odorant molecules, and so present potential targets for preventing transmission of malaria by disrupting the normal olfactory responses of the insect. AgamOBP20 is one of a limited subset of OBPs that it is preferentially expressed in female mosquitoes and its expression is regulated by blood feeding and by the day/night light cycles that correlate with blood‐feeding behavior. Analysis of AgamOBP20 in solution reveals that the apo‐protein exhibits significant conformational heterogeneity but the binding of odorant molecules results in a significant conformational change, which is accompanied by a reduction in the conformational flexibility present in the protein. Crystal structures of the free and bound states reveal a novel pathway for entrance and exit of odorant molecules into the central‐binding pocket, and that the conformational changes associated with ligand binding are a result of rigid body domain motions in α‐helices 1, 4, and 5, which act as lids to the binding pocket. These structures provide new insights into the specific residues involved in the conformational adaptation to different odorants and have important implications in the selection and development of reagents targeted at disrupting normal OBP function.  相似文献   

We determined the three-dimensional (3D) crystal structure of protein TM841, a protein product from a hypothetical open-reading frame in the genome of the hyperthermophile bacterium Thermotoga maritima, to 2.0 A resolution. The protein belongs to a large protein family, DegV or COG1307 of unknown function. The 35 kDa protein consists of two separate domains, with low-level structural resemblance to domains from other proteins with known 3D structures. These structural homologies, however, provided no clues for the function of TM841. But the electron density maps revealed clear density for a bound fatty-acid molecule in a pocket between the two protein domains. The structure indicates that TM841 has the molecular function of fatty-acid binding and may play a role in the cellular functions of fatty acid transport or metabolism.  相似文献   

Kumar S  Padhan N  Alam N  Gourinath S 《Proteins》2007,68(4):990-998
Calcium plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of amoebiasis, a major disease caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Several EF-hand containing calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) have been identified from E. histolytica. Even though these proteins have very high sequence similarity, they bind to different target proteins in a Ca2+ dependent manner, leading to different functional pathways (Yadava et al., Mol Biochem Parasito 1997;84:69-82; Chakrabarty et al., J Biol Chem 2004;279:12898-12908) The crystal structure of the Entamoeba histolytica calcium binding protein-1 (EhCaBP1) has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. The crystals were grown using MPD as precipitant and they belong to P6(3) space group with unit cell parameters of a = 95.25 A, b = 95.25 A, c = 64.99 A. Only two out of the four expected EF hand motifs could be modeled into the electron density map and the final model refined to R factor of 25.6% and Free_R of 28%. Unlike CaM, the first two EF hand motifs in EhCaBP1 are connected by a long helix and form a dumbbell shaped structure. Owing to domain swapping oligomerization three EhCaBP1 molecules interact in a head to tail manner to form a triangular trimer. This arrangement allows the EF-hand motif of one molecule to interact with that of an adjacent molecule to form a two EF-hand domain similar to that seen in the N-terminal domain of the NMR structure of CaBP1, calmodulin and troponin C. The oligomeric state of EhCaBP1 results in reduced flexibility between domains and may be responsible for the more limited set of targets recognized by EhCaBP1.  相似文献   

Natural products and natural product‐derived compounds have been widely used for pharmaceuticals for many years, and the search for new natural products that may have interesting activity is ongoing. Abyssomicins are natural product molecules that have antibiotic activity via inhibition of the folate synthesis pathway in microbiota. These compounds also appear to undergo a required [4 + 2] cycloaddition in their biosynthetic pathway. Here we report the structure of an flavin adenine dinucleotide‐dependent reductase, AbsH3, from the biosynthetic gene cluster of novel abyssomicins found in Streptomyces sp. LC‐6‐2.  相似文献   

Shigella dysentriae and other Gram‐negative human pathogens are able to use iron from heme bound to hemoglobin for growing. We solved at 2.6 Å resolution the 3D structure of the TonB‐dependent heme/hemoglobin outer membrane receptor ShuA from S. dysenteriae. ShuA binds to hemoglobin and transports heme across the outer membrane. The structure consists of a C‐terminal domain that folds into a 22‐stranded transmembrane β‐barrel, which is filled by the N‐terminal plug domain. One distal histidine ligand of heme is located at the apex of the plug, exposed to the solvent. His86 is situated 9.86 Å apart from His420, the second histidine involved in the heme binding. His420 is in the extracellular loop L7. The heme coordination by His86 and His420 involves conformational changes. The comparisons with the hemophore receptor HasR of Serratia marcescens bound to HasA‐Heme suggest an extracellular induced fit mechanism for the heme binding. The loop L7 contains hydrophobic residues which could interact with the hydrophobic porphyring ring of heme. The energy required for the transport by ShuA is derived from the proton motive force after interactions between the periplasmic N‐terminal TonB‐box of ShuA and the inner membrane protein, TonB. In ShuA, the TonB‐box is buried and cannot interact with TonB. The structural comparisons with HasR suggest its conformational change upon the heme binding for interacting with TonB. The signaling of the heme binding could involve a hydrogen bond network going from His86 to the TonB‐box. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of 3-aryl-3-arylmethoxy-azetidines were synthesized and evaluated for binding affinities at dopamine and serotonin transporters. The 3-aryl-3-arylmethoxyazetidines were generally SERT selective with the dichloro substituted congener 7c (Ki = 1.0 nM) and the tetrachloro substituted derivative 7i (Ki = 1.3 nM) possessing low nanomolar affinity for the SERT. The 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl-3-phenylmethoxyazetidine (7g) exhibited moderate affinity at both DAT and SERT transporters and suggests that substitution of the aryl rings can be used to tune the mononamine transporter affinity.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein gamma (gamma-SNAP) is a member of an eukaryotic protein family involved in intracellular membrane trafficking. The X-ray structure of Brachydanio rerio gamma-SNAP was determined to 2.6 A and revealed an all-helical protein comprised of an extended twisted-sheet of helical hairpins with a helical-bundle domain on its carboxy-terminal end. Structural and conformational differences between multiple observed gamma-SNAP molecules and Sec17, a SNAP family protein from yeast, are analyzed. Conformational variation in gamma-SNAP molecules is matched with great precision by the two lowest frequency normal modes of the structure. Comparison of the lowest-frequency modes from gamma-SNAP and Sec17 indicated that the structures share preferred directions of flexibility, corresponding to bending and twisting of the twisted sheet motif. We discuss possible consequences related to the flexibility of the SNAP proteins for the mechanism of the 20S complex disassembly during the SNAP receptors recycling.  相似文献   

The first subatomic resolution structure of a 36 kDa protein [aldose reductase (AR)] is presented. AR was cocrystallized at pH 5.0 with its cofactor NADP+ and inhibitor IDD 594, a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of diabetic complications. X-ray diffraction data were collected up to 0.62 A resolution and treated up to 0.66 A resolution. Anisotropic refinement followed by a blocked matrix inversion produced low standard deviations (<0.005 A). The model was very well ordered overall (CA atoms' mean B factor is 5.5 A2). The model and the electron-density maps revealed fine features, such as H-atoms, bond densities, and significant deviations from standard stereochemistry. Other features, such as networks of hydrogen bonds (H bonds), a large number of multiple conformations, and solvent structure were also better defined. Most of the atoms in the active site region were extremely well ordered (mean B approximately 3 A2), leading to the identification of the protonation states of the residues involved in catalysis. The electrostatic interactions of the inhibitor's charged carboxylate head with the catalytic residues and the charged coenzyme NADP+ explained the inhibitor's noncompetitive character. Furthermore, a short contact involving the IDD 594 bromine atom explained the selectivity profile of the inhibitor, important feature to avoid toxic effects. The presented structure and the details revealed are instrumental for better understanding of the inhibition mechanism of AR by IDD 594, and hence, for the rational drug design of future inhibitors. This work demonstrates the capabilities of subatomic resolution experiments and stimulates further developments of methods allowing the use of the full potential of these experiments.  相似文献   

The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) utilizes many toxic effectors to gain advantage over interbacterial competition and eukaryotic host infection. Meanwhile, the cognate immunity proteins of these effectors are employed to protect themselves from the virulence. TseT and TsiT form an effector‐immunity (E‐I) protein pair secreted by T6SS of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. TseT is toxic for other bacteria, whereas TsiT can suppress the virulence of TseT. Here, we report the crystal structure of TsiT at 1.6 Å resolution. TsiT is a typical α + β class protein and belongs to a novel Imm52 protein family of the polymorphic toxin system. Apart from TsiT, only one structure of the Imm52 family proteins is present in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), but that structure is not characterized and shares low sequence identity with TsiT. We characterized the basic features of TsiT structure and identified conserved residues of the Imm52 family proteins according to homology comparison. Our work provided structural information of a new protein family and should aid future functional studies.  相似文献   

The application of powder diffraction methods to problems in structural biology is generally regarded as intractable because of the large number of unresolved, overlapping X‐ray reflections. Here, we use information about unit cell lattice parameters, space group transformations, and chemical composition as a priori information in a bootstrap process that resolves the ambiguities associated with overlapping reflections. The measured ratios of reflections that can be resolved experimentally are used to refine the position, the shape, and the orientation of low‐resolution molecular structures within the unit cell, in leading to the resolution of the overlapping reflections. The molecular model is then made progressively more sophisticated as additional diffraction information is included in the analysis. We apply our method to the recovery of the structure of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule (bR) to a resolution of 7 Å using experimental data obtained from two‐dimensional purple membrane crystals. The approach can be used to determine the structure factors directly or to provide reliable low‐resolution phase information that can be refined further by the conventional methods of protein crystallography.  相似文献   

The proteins Ctf19, Okp1, Mcm21 and Ame1 are the components of COMA, a subassembly of budding-yeast kinetochores. We have determined the crystal structure of a conserved COMA subcomplex--the Ctf19-Mcm21 heterodimer--from Kluyveromyces lactis. Both proteins contain 'double-RWD' domains, which together form a Y-shaped framework with flexible N-terminal extensions. The kinetochore proteins Csm1, Spc24 and Spc25 have related single RWD domains, and Ctf19 and Mcm21 associate with pseudo-twofold symmetry analogous to that in the Csm1 homodimer and the Spc24-Spc25 heterodimer. The double-RWD domain core of the Ctf19-Mcm21 heterodimer is sufficient for association with Okp1-Ame1; the less conserved N-terminal regions may interact with components of a more extensive 'CTF19 complex'. Our structure shows the RWD domain to be a recurring module of kinetochore architecture that may be present in other kinetochore substructures. Like many eukaryotic molecular machines, kinetochores may have evolved from simpler assemblies by multiplication of a few ancestral modules.  相似文献   

Deltarhodopsin, a new member of the microbial rhodopsin family, functions as a light‐driven proton pump. Here, we report the three‐dimensional structure of deltarhodopsin (dR3) from Haloterrigena thermotolerans at 2.7 Å resolution. A crystal belonging to space group R32 (a, b = 111.71 Å, c = 198.25 Å) was obtained by the membrane fusion method. In this crystal, dR3 forms a trimeric structure as observed for bacteriorhodopsin (bR). Structural comparison of dR with bR showed that the inner part (the proton release and uptake pathways) is highly conserved. Meanwhile, residues in the protein–protein contact region are largely altered so that the diameter of the trimeric structure at the cytoplasmic side is noticeably larger in dR3. Unlike bR, dR3 possesses a helical segment at the C‐terminal region that fills the space between the AB and EF loops. A significant difference is also seen in the FG loop, which is one residue longer in dR3. Another peculiar property of dR3 is a highly crowded distribution of positively charged residues on the cytoplasmic surface, which may be relevant to a specific interaction with some cytoplasmic component.Proteins 2013; © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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